PAGE ELEVEN Herald and News Classified Ad Section THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON RATES Paid-in-Advance On day, per word Two-day run, nor word - Throe-day run, par word On week run, per word ... - . 2c . 4c - Be . 7c ..20c One month run, por word .......... Charge Adi Each Insertion, rtttr word JC (No charge made (or Ion than 25c) (All nmll order adi muil have call) with order). All adi ara Imartad In boll) edttlona of The Newa-Herald. ah olaaelflcatlone ara nam- bared and appar In numerical order. Th 1aarl-llna for elaaalflca- tlon la 12:00 a. m. Ada received .(ir ii:oa o'rlnrk will ba run In Hie "Too Lata to Classify" column. Tba Nawa-Harald will ba re aonnalble for Incorrect wording only one day. Clattified Index Apartmenla for Rant Automotive liualnoaa Opporlunltlci Kducalloual -. . Flnanclul For Bala or Trade Oaneral Nollcea Help Wanted, Female Help Wanted, Male Ilouaos for Kent Llveatock and Poultry I .oi i and round Miscellaneous for Rant .24 ..24 .41 .12 .44 ..33 . 4 .14 .14 ..24 ..44 . 1 .11 .34 ..4 3 Mlacellnnaoua tnr naie Mlacollanaoua Wanted Peraonala . 4 .30 Real Eaiate for Sale Real Estate Wanted Room and Board ..... .3 .10 .33 .10 .13 .40 II oo ma for Rent flnrvlcna Bltuatlona Wanted To Exchanie Transportation I nit and Found i nuT Male black and white Rnrincnr Hnnnlal. Reward Phone 1138-W. 9-80 LOST Gentloman'i yellow gold band ring with Initial!. Re turn Hall Hotel. Reward. 2-40 l.OKT ned wheel and tire. Re warrl. Laweira Food Store. 301 1C Main. 6-tf Go By Motor Coach Shorteat Route Loweat Faroe To Northern Polnta One Round War Trip Spoke kane $11.10 $20.05 Boise. Ida. 10.00 18 Portland 5.90 10.65 Settle 8.40 14.65 Buaaea Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Staqei, Inc Greyhound Dopot Phona 999 10-20mlt WHY BUFFER? Specializing chronic and acute die eases, tinmlarhe. constipation, rhou- mntlam. tnnallltla. atomaoh llvor troublo, enrnche, and eye trnuhle. and other body inco ordinations. Dr. David, chiro practor, 110 North Eighth Rtroet. Tolephone 2322. 10-1 JOIN THE Mutual Bennflt Club Large membership. Make new frlonda. Free partloulnrs. n. noi 951. Klamath Falla, 10- TRHAT YOUll WASHING MA CHINE AS YOU WOULD YOUR CAR Complote oil change and checking aorvlco. We pick up and deliver. Merit Washing Machine Borvlce. Phone 1088 0-30 INTERSTATK MOVINO Klnm nth Fnlla Trona. and Storage, 10-4 mtf, LONG DISTANCE Phono 1007 HAULING 10-4 nitt NINA'S I1KAUTY SALON SPE CIAI.S Pormiinonls, $1.76 and up. Finger wnvlng and aham poo, 60 cents. Nina Hobba, Mor- rill. 10 10 Service! FOn FIRST-CLASS CARPENTER WORK Dhono 28W3. Free eatl mates. 2132 Orchnrd. 10- FLOOR SANDING Old floor snmlod nnd roflnlshod. Phon 2201. 10-1 EXPKIIT HOSIERY Miss Dorg. Tho 5th and Main. REPAIR Town 8hnp, 9-3 ROOF STAINING, pnlntlng nn knlsnmlnlng. Phono 377J3. W II. Smith. 10-1 EXCAVATING, pnlnto digging. P, Morgan, Rt. 2, Box 924 10-1 PAPER1IANU1NG of all kind from tho luoxponslvo to Import od wnllpnnora by trained, long oxiioi'lnncod, r ol In!) 1 o mon. Also Intorlnr nml oxtorlnr pnlntlng, Wo ran ninuiKo lo finance "THERE'S A DIFFEnKNCK. E. Rolling Docorntlng Co., 11 ' So. 7th St. Phone 930. 10-12 OLD MATTRESSES mndo now, Rohnllt, 32.50. Now tickings $3.05. Ono dny sorvlco, Furnl turn upholstering. Comnloto lino of Inloat nintorlnla. Curl aim Mnttroaa and Upholstery Co. Phone 7 HI. 1201 Main. 10-6, Services BODENHAMER DAW FIMNO 2 it East Mam. pnone sso-w. All saws, toolt, lawnmowers, to. repaired. 10-14-mtt PAINTINO AND KA1.BOM1NING Reasonable prices, rnonw 937J4. R. H. Blmmons, P. O. Box 447. 10- PAINTING and papar hanging ex pertly dona. Jonn Mernieea. Phona 1693-J. 8-30 rLOOR SANDING and reflulablng. Clifford Golden, rnone iobws. 9-30mtt DREBHMAKING, alterations, re- moilallng. Ann London, gzs Main, over Bwanaen'e llarhnr shop. 10-37 SEWING, expert alterations, slip covers, dresemaklni, coats re llned. Mrs. Harney, 2111 Dar row. Phone 2161-J. 10-11-mtt CURTAINS home laundered, stretched. Guaranteed worn. Reasonabla. Phone 1426-W. 10-14 FURNITURE reflnlshed. Goaller's Wallpaper it Paint Store. Phone 1 176. 220 Main. lo-s WRINGER ROLLS for all males of washing machines. Merit Washing Machine Service, 709 Bo. 4th. Phone 1086. 0-31-mlf 14 Help Wonted, Female WANTED Woman for house work. Must have references. Call 17S7-J. 9-30 16 Help Wanted, Male WANTED New and used car salesman. Chlloquln garage, Chlloquln, Ore. 9-30 WANTED Experienced, reliable porter and shoe eblner. Phone 1631-W. 490'" MAN FOR CHORES Must be good milker, no other need ap ply. Call 3367. 13-tf 18 Situation Wonted WANTED Fall tree and shrub bery pruning. Albort Barrett. Ashland Rt. 10-28 COMPETENT woman needs work. Experienced. 2206 Martin. 9-30 BOY WANTS WORK- -Any kind. 9-29 1327 Lakeview. EXPERIENCED COOK wants steady work. Ranch or restau rant. Oo any place. 10211 Main. 9-29 20 Room and Board BOARD 16.00 week, board and room, 11.00 day. 316 Bo. 4th. 10-1 ROOM AND BOARD for ladles. 305 Lincoln. 10-4 ROOM AND BOARD 234 Michi gan. 9-39 ROOM AND BOARD Close In. 829 High. 10-15-mtf BOARD AND ROOM 11.00 day. Private ahowers. 723 Klamath. 9-30 BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 4796-tf 22 Rooms for Rent NICE ROOM, ateam heat. 213 Ce dar, corner Pine. 9-30 ROOM8 Hot and cold wator, ateam heat, fine bed. Court View Hotel. 9-30 ROOM In private home. Man pre (erred. 631 N. 10th. 10-3 PLEABANT comfortable rooms. 413 Alameda. 9-30 BLEEPING ROOM with garage Reference 716 Owens after 6, 9-30 SLEEPING ROOM, outside en trance, close In. 308 Washing ton. 9-30 ROOM FOR RENT 814 Wash ington. 8108tf FURNACE HEATED ROOM 134 No. 3rd. 4666-tf CLARBMONT. 828 N. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Freo parking lot. 11-11 24 Apartments for Rent NEW, MODERN 8-room unfur nished apartment. 403 Market 9-30 VACANCY Esplanade Courts 10-28 SMALL TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 818 Pine. 0-28 PARK APT., Esplanade. 2 room apartments, everything fur nished; also clean, comfortiiblo rooms nnd husckooping rooniB. Nice location, new mnnnKO- mont. 10-5 VACANCY- -Mnrlnn Ants., $30 10-1 CLOSE IN Three room furnished apartment. Wood, water, gn- rngn. 1017 High 10-1 FOR nENT Modern unfurnished house, 3 bodrooms, $40. Phono 20.1. . 10-6 FOR RENT Sleeping room Small nnnrtmcnt. 326 N. 6. 9-29 UNFURNISHED 4-ROOM npnrt- mont. Now, very desirable honted. WoHllnghouso range, cu. fl. Wostlnghouse refriger ator. Kenoffol Apts., 609 Eldo rado. Phona 744-J. 426-tf FURNISHED APTS. Fuel, wa ter nnd lights. $12 and up 812 Onlt. 8-29 VACANCY Two-room furnished atmrtmont. 325 Cummerclnl 9-29 10 24 Apartmont for Rent VACANCY Pondoaa Apts. 10-3 2-ROOM Main. furnished apta. ISOi 8-39 VACANCY 114.00 and up. 419 No. 101b. 10-14 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished snd deco rated, telephones, ales trie equipment, refrigeration, ele vator, garage. Day, week or month. The apartment hotel with conveniences and home comfort. 14-hour sorvlce. No pets. 10-14-mtf APARTMENTB FOR RENT Al pha Apts. Phone 800. 4738-tf 26 Houiei for Rent FOR RENT Two bedroom house oil burner. Call 1026-W. 9-30 4 ROOM unfurnished flat, adulta only. 42 Pine. 9-30 FOR RENT A-l amall furnished bouaa. Phone 99-W. 9-30 MODERN 4-ROOM furnished bouse, 810 Doty St. Inquire Box 894 Bhasta Way, Earl Cooper. 9-30 FOR RENT Four-room furnish ed house. Electric equipment. Reference required. Inquire 2300 Sbssta Way. t-29 PARTLY FURNISHED HOUBE for rant. 741 Commercial. 9-29 FURNISHED COTTAGES Week lv rates. Allamont Auto . amp 10-1 28 Miscellaneous for Rent FOR RENT Or Leate 3200 square feet of ground floor space. lj BLOCK OFF MAIN Inquire Elmer G. Magnuson 118 No. 7th. T, Th, S tf RENT PIANOS Small modern Apply toward purchase later If desired. Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's Music, 117 Bo. 7th. 10-1 30 Real Estate for Sole Buy a New Home It will be pleasure to show you two new homes In the new district east of the Mills school. These houses are well financed. Pay $2 HO down and move right In. All liens are paid. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 116 N. 9lh Phone 66 9-28 ATTRACTIVE new house. Hot Springs, one block from Roose velt school. FHA terms. Will show by appointment. Phona 672. 7S6tf SIX ROOM HOME, eiose to Main. Ilaacment, furnace, hardwood floors, sun porch and other fea tures. Sacrifice at $2900. $600 will handle. J. E. Hosklng, 617 Main. 10-1 HOT 8PRING8 6 large rooms, all hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, furnace, newly decorated, large lot, lawn, trees, sprinkler system, near grade and high schools, assessments ' paid. C. A. Doll, 834 Eldorado. 10-1 FOR SALE Equity In li acrea on Merrill road. Will trade for what have rout Phone 1684-R. 9-80 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Bhasta Way. $10 down, $6 monthly. Including Interest. Mrs. Ben P, Lewis, owner. Rt. 2, Box 896. Phone 85J2. 10-18 2i ACRES on Long Lake road with 3-room house and other buildings, Has water system. Also trailer house. All (or $900 cash. Chas. H. Ely, Long Lake road 10-1 NEW, modern five-room country home, also small 4-room house with five acres, Irrigated, one oow and calf, Chevrolet truck complete 6 rooms of furniture Including electric refrigerator and safa, one Indian house trailer. Must be sold this week to highest bidder. Charlea Mnl latt, Hlllalnger Addition, 2nd road west S. P. RR, Phoenix, Oregon. 10-8 TWO-BEDROOM HOME In Hot Springs. $4600. - Small down payment, balance like rent, Christ Huck, 1320 Pleasant 10-3 THREE-ROOM HOUSE on half acre of garden aoll. $600 Smnll down payment. Christ Huck, 1320 Pleasant. 10 6-ROOM house near school, down. 236 Martin, $200 10-5 34 Automotive FOR SALE '37 Dodge. Phono 99-W. Owner. 9-30 SALE Private owner '37 Chev rolet doluxo coupe. 634 N. 11th or Phone 971-W after 6 p. m 10-4 CREDIT ON PLYMOUTH Dis count (or cash, or trade (or enultv. 303 So. 6th, Apt. 6 10-8 WANTED $76 (or equity in 1934 Ford doluxe sedan. Trunk, radio, heater, A-l rubber, re conditioned motor. $276 left to pay. Call 649. 9-29 34 Automotive PRICED 30 Cart 1934 Chevrolet Coup Mas- tor, in fine condition IZY5 1936 Plymouth 4-Door Touring Sedan Radio and heater $495 1934 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan A real bargain.. $295 1933 Chevrolet Coupe Good condition. Sold at it $225 1936 Willys 4-Door Sedan Small late) car......... ...$265 1930 Ford Roadster Rumble seat. Only ..$115 Save money by buying today. A deposit will hold any of these cars for you. 1939 Plymouth models on display and the buy of the year. . Ostendorf Motor Co. Dodge and Plymouth Dealer 424 So. 6th 34 Automotive FOR BALE 1936 Dodge pickup. 20-Inch wheals, low mileage. Priced (or quick sale to settle estate. Shell Service Station, 2nd and Main. 9-30 FOR SALE 10-ton, 8-axle GMC. 8x18 solid side, 1986. Good shape. Some trade. Write Box 486, News-Herald. 9-30 1987 TERRAPLANE FOR BALE 2000 Biehn. 9-30 36 Miscellaneous for Sale Furniture Specials New 9x12 Congoleum rugs, first grade . $3.96 New unfinished 6-plece breakfast set, drop-leaf table and 4 genuine hardwood chairs .... $6.60 Used bed daveno with new mat tress $16.00 Used roll top office desk and swivel chair $20.00 Used eoal or wood circulator .......... ................ $16.00 Upstairs Furniture Store 9th and Main, Entrance on 9th. MOVING T Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 10-4 mt(. SPARKS OIL STOVES Now burn low priced Diesel oil and are specially designed to meet the beating requirements of Western homes. All Sparks have cheerful visible (lame and heat the living xone with both radiating and circulating heat. Our engineering department will help you eelect the right size or your home. Phone 635. PEYTON ft CO. 10-26 USED PIPELESS FURNACE for wood or coal. $35.00. Tbia (urnace la in good condition but la being replaced by a mod ern H. C. Little OH Burning Floor Furnace because of the additional comfort and con venience. Phone 635. PEYTON V CO. 4980 tf H. 0. LITTLE OU Burning Pipe- less Furnace can be used in a house without basement. This Is the most economical way to get (urnace heat in the small home, prices of Furnaces com pletely Installed with tank and burner as low as $179.50. For specifications and estimate Phone 636. PEYTON t CO. 10-23 REDUCED PRICES on pickling cucumbers. Crystals, Merrill- Lakeview Junction. 9-29 FOR SALE Mahogany runabout boat, $65, Including steering wheel and throttle. 825 Grant, Apt. 2. 9-29 AUTO GLASS o( all kinds. Popu lar prlcea. Kimball's Glass Shop, 627 walnut. Phone 2243. 10-25 FOR SALE OR TRADE Bakery enulnmeut. John McCulley, M" lln. 10-8 REAL NICE canning tomatoes, peaches, Bartlett peara, and . melons galore. Real cheap. Tree and vine ripened. Polka dot Fruit S'and on Riverside. 4948t( FOR BALE! Lawn dirt, (ertillzer, . cinders. Phone 877J3. 10-11 FOR SALE 15 hp Evlnrude mo tor and boat, Guy Johnston, Keno, Ore. 9-29 CAST IRON FURNACE, ptpoless. Full oversize 26-Inch firebox (or wood burning. Duplex grates. $130.50. Montgomery Ward As Co. 9-80 TO SELL 15 Trucks and Pickups 1936 Ford Touring Sedan Radio, heater, good paint and tires. Only $415 J935 Ford 4-Door Sedan See this one at $315 1934 Buiclc 57 Sedan Cats at Ford price . $395 1937 Dodge 4-Door Touring Sedan A fins car in fine shape . $745 1933 Dodge 4-Door Sod See this one at ..$255 Lot JMajnStkcrost From Armory 36 Miscellaneous for Sale BALED HAY, delivered. Morgan, Rt. 2, Box 924. R. J 10-18 g H. P. STEAM BOILER, passes state inspection, 100 lbs. pres sure, suitable for dairy farm Price $35.00. Diesel (uel oil burner suitable (or furnace, large stove or small boiler, price $25.00. Circulating heater, like new, $36.00. Call at Acme Cleaners, 221 East Main St. 4996-tf UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watches aa low at $4.60. Select your Xmaa gifts now. Use our lay-away plan. Ricky'a Jewelry, 622 Main. Licensed Pawnbrok ers. 10-26 USED OIL STOVES, wood heat ers and wood ranges, $7.00 up. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So. 6th Street. 10-10 UNREDEEMED Gibson Kalama zoo Tenor Banjo, $14.75. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan Office, 622 Main. 10-3 BODY FIR WOOD 1490-M. Phone 10-26 FERTILIZER Sheep or cow, lawn dirt, dry blox wood. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Phone 1269. 10-26 FOR SALE Old Hopf .violin in A-l condition. 302 Division. 10-3 FOR SALE 8 gentle saddle horses, also 40 tons alfalfa. Lenhart, Dairy, Ore. 9-30 FOR SALE 12-gauge shotgun'. 1103 California. 9-29 FOR SALE Almost new 30-30 carbine and 22 high-power Sav age. 229 E. Main. 9- GRAVENSTEIN cooking apples 702 Conger. 9-29 38 For Sole or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE 66 acres, 4-room house, dairy barn, large chicken house, hog houses (rult, 2 miles from Klamath Falls. Can subdivide. 917 Wal nut. 10-11 40 To Exchange TRADE 45-ACRE RANCH, T miles (rom Selma, (or acreage within 5 miles of town. Call 2336 Shasta Way, 4th cabin, between 6 and 8. 10-26 42 Miscellaneous Wanted HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture and stoves. O. K, Second Hand Store, 820 Klam ath. Phone 991. 9-30-mtf WANTED Old cedar chest. Fin. l8h not Important. Reasonable, Phone 2370-R after 5 P- m 365-tf WANTED 60 sacks rye. Barrett, Ashland Rt. Albert 10-2 WANTED Wood to saw. Inquire Gllmore Station, 6th and Oak 10-16 CASH FOR PIANOS. Derby's, 117 So. 7th. 10-1 CASH PAID (or white round screw top wine and brown beer bot tles near rear door Armory Ralph Bngnall. 10-22 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 17 good dairy cowi. T. B. tested nnd abortion test ed Joe Nulf, Cooullle, Ore. 10-6 vrrn sat.m Two-year old red Durham bull; also registered Hampshire buck. 1 mile north Merrill. Ernest buck. iu-i FOR RENT Irrigated aheep pas ture. Phone 57J2. t-29 44 Livestock and Poultry njfXjxnjrinjxiJJrurvyr-w ""1 "1 FOR SALE Registered Duroc Jersey boar, 41 months; (our registered sows, 2 years old; one registered Holsteln bull. 4a years old. B. F. Parks, Modoc Point. 8-9 CHICKS HATCHING every week. Magulre Electric Hatchery, 2416 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. I-S0-mtf 46 Finoneial NEED MONEY? Let The "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish The Cash. AUTO LOANS FINANCING See COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. , Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-223. 116 B. 7th St. Phone 471 t C-30 LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let as finance your new or need car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 10-9-mtf 48 Busines Opportunities FOR SALE Small equity In store building. 18x26. with modern living quarters. 229 East Main. 9-30 ROOMING HOUSE ranch. 3. Hosklng. Trade (or 10-1 LEGAL NOTICES notice OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION KLAMATH IRRIGATION DIS TRICT. Notice Is hereby given that on Tneariav. October 4. 1938. at 10 a. m., the board o( directors o( Klamath Irrigation District, act ing aa a board of equalization, will meet at the office of said district in the court house base ment in Klamath Falla, uregon, (or the purpose of reviewing and correcting said district's assess ment and apportionment or, laaea, aa provided by statute. HLRN TcnKlLb. Secretary o ( Klamath Irrigation Dlatrlct. SUMMONS Equity No. 6828 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOK THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. MARION E. LONG, also known as Buster E. Long, and GLADYS LONG, husband and wife, Plain tlffs, O. E. HOTCHKIS3 and JANE DOE HOTCHKISS. husband and wife; and also all unknown per sons, parties, (irms, or corpora tions claiming any right, title, es tate. Hen, or Interest in the real property described in the Com plaint herein: Defendants. TO: O. E. Hotchkiss and Jane Doe Hotchklss. husband and wile; and also all unknown persons, parties, (irms, or corporatlona claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or Interest in the real property described in the Com plaint herein; Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint mea against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 14th day of October, 1938, that being the last day of the time prescribed in toe Order (or Publication of this Sum mons, and if you (all so to appear (or want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court (or the re lief prayed (or In their Complaint on (tie herein, to wit: That you and each of you and all other unknown persons, par ties, (Irms, or corporations have no right, title, estate, lien, claim, or Interest in and to. the following described real property situated In the County of Klamath in the State ot Oregon, to wit: The Southwest One-quarter (SWt) of the Northeast One quarter (NEJ) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township thirty nine (39), South Range Nine (9), E. W. M., less Three (3) acres reserved for drainage projects and containing ap proximately thirty-seven (37) acres, more or less. And that you and each o( you and all other persons or parties unknown whomsoever, be (orever enjoined and debarred (rom as serting any right, title, estate, Hen, or interest whatsoever to said premises adverse to plain tiffs; for plaintiffs' costs and dis bursements incurred in this suit and (or such other and (urther re- lle( which to the court may seem just and equitable. This Summons is served upon you by the publication thereo( once each week (or four 14) suc cessive and consecutive weeks (five insertions) In the Evening Herald, a daily newspaper printed, published, nnd of general circula tion In Klamath County, Oregon by order o( the Honorable Edward B. Ashurst, Judge ot the above en titled Court, made ana entered on the 13th day o( September, 1938. Date of first publication of this Summons is the 16th day ot Sep tember, 1938, D. E. VAN VACTOR, Attorney (or Plaintiff, 219-221 Odd Fellows Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. H. 8. 16-22-29(; O. 6-13 No. 153 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION HORSEFLY IRRIGATION DISTRICT Notice Is hereby given that on Tuesday, October 4th, 1938, at 10:00 A. M-, the board of direc tors of Horsedy Irrigation Dis trict, acting as a board of equali zation, will meet at the office of aald district at Bonanza, Oregon, (or the purpose of reviewing and correcting said district's assess ment and apportionment of taxes, ae provided by statute. MRS. DOROTHY J. EYERS, Secretary of Horsedy Irrigation District. B. 1-8-16-22-29 No. 140 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. KLAMATH COUNTY, a munic ipal corporation, Plaintiff, vs. MATT KONZAK and JANE DOE KONZAK, his wife; JOHN KON ZAK and JANE DOE KONZAK, his wife; FRED KONZAK, a sin gle man; ANNA MUSICHICK and JOHN DOE MUSICHICK, ner hus band: MARIE ACKERMAN AND JOHN DOE ACKERMAN, her husband; CHRIST KONZAK, a single man; and the unknown heirs of the defendants or any of them; Defendants. To: Matt Konzak and Jane Doe Konzak, his wife; John Konzak and Jane Doe Konzak, his wife; Anna Muslchlck and John Doe Muslchick, her husband; Marie Ackerman and John Doe Acker- man, her husband; and the on- known heirs of the defendants or any of them. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, yon and each of yon are hereby required to ap pear and answer a complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or before the 29th day of September, 1938, that, being the last day of the time allowed under the order for publication ot this summons. If yon fall so to appear or answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you and each of yon, aa prayed for In the com plaint filed herein for assessment of damages tor appropriation and condemnation ot these certain premises described aa follows: NEi NW Sect. 10, Township 41, Sontb Ran go 10 E.W.M., Klamath County, Oregon; and for the appropriation of the said real property onto the plain tiff, this summons Is served npon you and each of yon by publica tion thereof In the Evening Her aid, a dally newspaper printed and published in Klamath County, Oregon, by order of the Honor able Edward B. Ashnrst, Jndge of the above entitled court, made and entered the 80th day of Aug ust, 1938; which said order re quires that this summons be pub lished once a week for (our suc cessive weeks and that the first publication thereof, be on the 1st day ot September, 1938; and the last on the 29th day of Septem ber, 1938, that being the last day for the defendants to appear or answer, aa fixed by aald order. L. ORTH SISEMORE, Deputy District Attorney 14 Court House Klamath Falls, Oregon. Sept. 1-8-15-22-29. No. 138. News and get results. Harald Want-Ada Carload Potato Shipments from Klamath Basin Day of Month 8eaaon 1938-89 Season 1987-88 sbsb saBassrsBaaasa aBBaaBaoaBBsaaaaBBaaBaHHaaaaBB Sept. to Season Sept. to Season Sept DallT fate to Date Dally Date to Date 1 T T "iT" T 0 6 r if 8 S 8 4 II 41- 4 1 I 15 43 ' ' " ' 15 48 I 18 46 10 25 6 28 61 7 1 60 6 29 ST " t4 8a I IT 65 ' " 71 99 10 4T 75 "To " T 54 II -' II I"8 1" 11 66 14 ' U 1 H9 I88 14 80 101 IS 1 "I 3 19 99 HT n i 9 i'8 i4 m 151 " 83 172 91 20 141 1T1 18 " 1 18 30 II 166 194 "17 33 311 330 11 177 105 18 9 320 241 12 189- 817 " 12 333 353 1 190 111 " " 37 859 380 7 19T 116 " il 23 282 808 . IT 114 141 2l 806 82T 18 131 360 " 2! 21 334 355 15 I4T IT! il 38 372 898 16 263 111 2l 9 381 402 17 280 101 26 19 400 421 6 --- 286 111 27 21 421 442 8 298 111 28 " 31 452 47l 16 109 IIT "2! 14 121 161 80 ' 19 141 ITO Month "shipments by truck sBBBBsaaBi 411 Compiled from official records by the county agent's office. State Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey and Tho News-Herald. POTATO MARKET PORTLAND, Sept. II UB At though there has been alight change In prices, the potato maiw ket revealed considerable (Iras ness today. No. 1 grade tubers have sol4 for $16.60 a ton In the Klamath basin and No. 1 at $9. Beat grade) Yakima valley Ruaseta command ed $16 and second grade $19. The demand for No. 2a baa sue ceeded that of No. Is. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Sept. 29 (AP-USDA) Hogs: 14.000 including 4000 di rect; alow; ateady to 16o lowers decline mostly on weights under 210 lbs.; hulk good and choice 210-270 lbs. 8.90-9.16; 180-81 lb. $8.75-9.00; 180-190 lb. $8.60 80; 150-170 lb. $8.00-10; good light packing aowa f7.8P-l.ll; few $8.25; medium weight and heavies $7.30-76. Cattle: 4600; calves 1000, strictly good choice and prime) weighty steers strong; all year lings about steady; but medium to average good short fed and grassy steers with weight weak to 26o lower; extreme top $11.26;, grassy and short fed cattle, scal ing 900 lbs. n p w a r d, selling mainly at $7.25-9.60; moat such cattle 60c lower for week; all she-stock strong and fairly na tive; mostly 10-16o higher oa cows and bulls with vealers lie up. Sheep: 18,000, Including 1500 direct; late Wednesday spring lambs closed steady to strong; spots 10-160 higher; top natives 88.20; bulk 18.00 down; bulk westerns 18.00-10; top yearlings $6.75; today's trade on spring lambs active; 15-250 higher; bulk -westerns $8.00-85; natives $8.00 26; medium to oholce yearlings $5.75-6.76; sheep steady.- CHICAGO POTATOES CHIOAGO, Sept. 29 (AP-USDA) Potatoes 129 on track 471, total U. S. shipments 692; Bliss Tri umphs steady, other stock slightly weaker; sacked per ewt. Idaho Russet Burbanks U. S. No. 1. $1.40-1.60; Colorado Red Mo Cluree U. S. No. 1, showing decay $1.20; Wisconsin Cobblers U. S, No. 1, 88i-86; rurals U. S. No. 1, 80; North Dakota Cobblers 91 per cent U. 8. No. 1 and better 85-90; Bliss Triumphs U. 8. No. 1. $1.05; early Ohios 90 per cent No. 1, 90 cents. POTATO Pick-up Sacks LOANS For Harvesting Battaglia & Burger 209 Williams Building. Pbone 1405 Merrill Phone 2808