September 20, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ITVB ii CITY BRIEFS Torn1) Vltll Mr. mid Mm. rtognr Toiroy of Now York City, liu vlalllug In Kliiiniilli I'll I In fur invmiil wei'ks Willi Tonoy's iniitli- I', Mm. l(oii I'liiili. iiml Ii In Bin lor, Klliiiir i'"iiy. in tlwir lnnnci on Cuiigor uvunuu. Tunny, who It Ilia uilllior of h hull It hi wull it 111 n ii y short t ii I Hint havu tiijciinil In vui'loiu iiiiikuzIiios, ttpucliilly In Hi" (loli'iilvu flnlil, loll (or ll oatt HlKiut two years no. Iliilliiimtio Hnl Tim I.oilli-t Alii of Ilia Kliuiiiilll l.iilliiiriiii chinch will niionnor a ruiiiiniiKo tain Hut unlay, Urlubiir 1, At Hi" lllrvl building, 1021 Miiln ttiiml. Any ono h it v I n k garments tu iloiiuiu In ashed to cull .Mm, Hulijirt, Ulu Oregon iivkiiiiii, or l!17fi Houili Hlxlll ttiool or lit tlm lllrvl hullil lug Friday utlornooii. Mm. Hub Jtirt ulso unliuil tlint IIiomi hnvltiK riiiniiinKo to telephone MHO iiml giiruu'iilt will bo called for. Hnln Auiioiiiirril M ' in l' m u( tlm ltlvoinlilu I'TA will hold a rum niagu salu Hiiluitliiy afternoon, Uc tolHT 1, In rxiOTMii i iiulnt ttoro I l.'iu p. ill. Tlm locution Ii acroaa I ho tlruol (rum .Montgnm ory Wanl'i. Anyono having rum mogo (or tlio nnlo ! atkcd to not ' In tom li Willi Mn, Kenneth Kliilin, Mn. Unhurt Cllluit or Miii. How ard Ilitrnlilmil, according to Mrs. Klahn, chairman. Women o( MiMtki Itt'Riilnr meeting o( tlm Women of tlio Mooto will lia hold Ttloadiiy, Hop tonihor 27, nt 7:30 1 Ml. In tlio K0 hall, wllh Soiilor Ifegonl An nollo Hull presiding. After a short butlnett tcaalnn nil open Inl tlttlnn. In which nifiuhert of tho ' Loyal order or Mooto urn Invited, will bo held. Officers mid Iho son lor regent's escort havo been asked (o wear their now uniform!. TO MEN WHO PREFER We havo 4 linoi of W ailfl Uutitonding Clolhoi TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE Hurt Schaffnor and Marx Timoly E. V. Prico & Co. Hollywood Webb Kennett 7lh and Main positive ttrnilatlan of warm olr ll (lit lecrrt of i:vonoll's quicker, bet tfr lintlnf with leu fuel. EAST SIDE , 1 1 1 w $ '625 KUmaih Medina OKU Tlm regular meeting of Alohii I'luiptnr, No. Ill, OliH., will tin hold Tuesday ov iiIiik, Hi-plumber 27, at K o'clock In tlm MiihoiiIi: tniniiln. A ninnior I ii 1 soi'vlca In memory nf maniliais who luivo dli'il during tho punt yi'iir Inn been planned by Iho worthy miilron, Mm. Ilornlco Mead. All liK'lti iMMif mid vlnltliiK hieiiihois nro cordlnlly Invited to iilloiitl. Wnko (roup Thnro win to bo ii in no 1 1 n k of Wako group of Dump I'Tro k I rln ill 7 p. m. Mondny at lliu Camp Flic house. Mnmlinm of tho mn up wnro planning tlm program to ho both educational mid unjoyiililo, All old inoiiiliore mid Ihono wishing to Join oro urged In conic, according to l.ot tin Htownit, pretldonl of Wuko K I on p. Open (ilwo Khop Mr. mid Mm. Warren Kluihull of Kugono nro now residents of Klaiiinth Kalis, comlnit hero thin month with tholr twin ditiiiihtom, who nro hlKh school tudontii. Klmbiill hm opened an auto glass shop at 627 Walnut ilroot. Ho formorly wi managor of tho Eugone Mirror mid Ulass company. T-La . . . h - Mf nnrt Mrl. Chariot Jl. DuKour (Thora Mil ler), wuoso marrisgo was an ovoni of Auxutt, bava takon an apart inont at 421 North Fourth ttroot, whora I hoy aro making tholr homo. Mm. liuKour It employed In thu office of (In It! k Lakes llox company, and DuKour It an oloc trlclnn (or tho company. Hr...AtiU.rlra MiMl Pl'O-A m 0T- lia, republican woinon't orxmilia- tlon, wat lo moot .iioiiiiiii- m o p. in.. In Iho county courtroom at Iho courthouto. Mm. Thlrra Hny dor wat to dltcutt tho two anil imnhllnx blllt on tbo Oroxon bal lot, and Mm. Unity liunrnoy wat lo tpoak on Iho two old axo pon tlou iiiouturct. Ilrt licrr Clifford Mann, It. Aliamonl Junior hlxh tcbool ttu dont, roturnad from tho l.ake vlow aroa Hunday nlxht with a forked horn inula door. It wat younx Mann't (Irtt door liiinllns oxporlonco. Hark From KuKcno Mm. W. I. Kotlomon of 716 llotoway drlvo lint roturimd from Kuxoni. whoro the taw Imr dauxhtor, Dorothy, oiirnllcd at a frothman at tbo 1,'nlvortlty o( Oroxon. QUALITY MEAT MARKET Hpcrlalltra In Ulcer and Baby Hoof guallly Alnayt Ouaranteotl Kreo Dollvory Loula Btrlilo, I'roprlotor h't omy lo keep comfortably werm tU winter long with in EVANOIL no mailer how cold it ten! For with Evanoll, America'! moit beautiful and modern heater, you get fan-lorcad heat at floor hvell Heal ordinar ily waited nt colling It pulled down through the Evanoll and recirculated from the daia of heater in a iteody flow of warmth that ehaiet chilly draft! from the floor, ellmintlei cold comori, Evanoll keepi heat in tho Living Zone, rufi fuel coil tnd reeirculatot Iho air in in avorngo ilia room every tlx lo leven minutes. Evanoll heatert are available in four hand tomo low-hoy moduli (tullnljlo for fireplace inatallfttlon) wllh capacities for netting a single room, office or sloro, an up to a four or fivo-room homo. Easy fingertip hett control, efficient economical burners. Stand ard models also available, requiring no fans or current. Ask for a demonstration. Priced at Low at $84.50 ELECTRIC Phona 308-J Hui unit from North Mra. K. 0, 1'ott hut roturnod to hor homo on l'liclflc Tnrriuo iiftnr aixind- Ing Iho putt wonk at Hontllo, whoro alio wat called by Iho dnnlh of hor futhor, W. C. Cola, lloforo rotiirnliix home the alto vltllnd for a abort lime In I'ort Innd. lieitva for Atlilmid Mr. and Mia. John Mai liny aro laavlnif for Athland Hiiniliiy to tpend the wlnlor with tbiilr ilauxhlor, Kllr.a bnth, who It a xraduute of tho Hucrod Hoart acodomy and la now nttondlnx tho Houthera Oroxon Normul tchool. KO Iendcr CohiIiik Frank Cain, fluid roproaonlatlva of tho Hoy I.lfo bureau of tho Knlghti of Coltimbut, will he In Klainulb Tulla Hoptomhor 27 for a moot ing In tho i'lirlth hull at 7:1b p. ill. To Rpeak Mac Hoka of I'on- dloton, protldont of tho Kurinoru union, will tponk on tho plckot Ing roxiilntloni bill, No. 316, and will explain contend of the bill In dnlnll ovor KOIN at 11:15 p. m. Tucaday It wot announced. Illlilnl Veil Vlallor Mm. D. Kliublo of Hrldal Veil hat boon Iho guetl of Mn. J. A. Hotter on Harrow ttroot for the putt weok. Mr. Klmblo formerly lived hero before moving lo the northern town iatt tprlng. Ilnrk From Vacation Cloo Champagne, who la employed In the local offlcoa of tho California Oregon Fowor company, haa re. turned from a two-wook vacation trip. Kenttlo Vltllora Mr. and Mm. 11. M. Hroxton of Keattlo are visit ing Hroxton't tltlor, Mrt. C. 0, Andrut of 2340 Garden avenue. Hroxton It a Hoattle butlnetaman. rluorlilo I'nrly The Kaglot auxiliary will sponsor a pinochle party Tuesday at 2 p. in., In tbo K hk lot ball. The public la Invited, offlcon tald. (let Wit Deer Dr. and Mra. O (1. (luoruaey each brought a big burk deer home from a hiiulinx trip to Honoca In enatern Oregon Hobo Party Tho 3-11 club will moot at Moore park Tuetday at 2 p. m. for a hobo party. Kach mem ber la to bring hor own lunch and beverage. Itetlgnt I'otlllan Pauline Thrapp, who bta had charge of the fountain at Maglll'a, now Caatloberry't drugttore, for some time, haa realgnod her position. FIRST CARLOAD OF NEW TYPE HEATER UNLOADED HERE The (Irtt carload thlpment of the now Evanoll circulating heat ers to reach the Pacific coatt hat arrived In Klamath Kalla for dis tribution by the Knat Slcio Eloc- trlc, according lo Lew Bldelor, inlet manager. The Bvanoll, Oldolor tald, It an entirely new type of boater which fan-forces the heat to floor levol, and heat ordinarily waated at the coiling It pulled down through the Bvanoll and recircu lated from tho linao of the heater, Klamath folia It lucky to re ceive thlt thlpmont to early, Bld elor said. Othor cltlot on the Pa cific, coatt have learned that their ahlpmentt have been delayed bo- cauto tho fnctory cannot meet the unexpectedly Inrge demand fntt enough to take care of all the or der a (or thla new type of clrcu latlng heater. My wife continually prnited the new deal. Chariot A. Meyer of Plttthurgh, explaining why he auod for divorce. The Jewith population of the world has been estimated at more than 14,021,000. THE HABIT OF BETTER SERVICE By EAIUi WMTLOCK Whonever you find a man or a bualnota enjoying more than an average abare of public pa tronage and con- a . I. fldonce, you find oto which Is V1'' - rendering a bot- fiJ- Vil tor - than -aver- ago aervlce. You discover there a serious and consistent effort toward Improvement, an Insistence on ex cellence o t de tail, a n Impa tience with Imperfection and a Junllflnble prldo in fine work. This combination of traits might be called tho "Hnblt of Bottor Service" and whoovor postestoa it, be he lnborer or laundoror ' or lather, be he a maker of lacks or trucks or tar paulins, Is headod for growing success. Make no mistake about that! I like to feel that everyone connected with this establishment has and cultivates assiduously, this spirit this "Hnblt of Bettor Service." It Is your assurnnco that, In time of need, there will be omitted no net which might make your burden lighter. Next Monday Mr. Whltlock of the Enrl Whltlock Funeral Home will comment on Pioneering in S3 v v a m BURGH GIVEN Charles Wlllam was given a sentence of one your In prison by Circuit Juilgo Kdward H. Ashurst Monday morning. Wlllam at tempted to break Into the Pioneer drug atom at Chlloiiiln, cutting a hole In Iho roar door near the lock. Deputy District Attorney L. O. Hlsemoro tald that Investigating officers told him Wlllam may have been drinking but be wat not Intoxicated at the time of the offmito. Petor I.. Plsunko pleaded not guilty and asked tor an attorney when tukon Into court on a chargo of stealing II. 8. Wako flold'a Packard coupe. Judge Ashurst appointed i. II. Napier as bis attornoy. Ti Kenneth Ulrlch, 21, was In jured In an accident at the Keno- Wordon Junction Saturday night about 9 p. in., according to an accident report filed at the court houto by Walter P. Bell, 310 Iflgh street. Ho said Ulrlch was walking across tho road from a car at the7 tlmo. D. A. Bchaeffcr and Emmett Owena wore drivers of cars In an accident on the Homedale road. Harry I. Stewart and Barton Walta reported an accident on the Keno road. Arthur O. 81. Clair wat driver of a car In a mlahap on highway No. 68. AUTOPSY HELD 111 An autopsy was porformed on the body of Mrs. Barbara Thomp son, Mallrr, deer hunting accident victim, Jutt before hor burial, It waa learned Monday, Dr. Cieorge H. Adlcr, who con ducted the autopsy, tald 11 allow ed a rifle bullet "exploded" Mra. Tbompson't liver and severed her tplnal cord. John Stewart. Hatfield, has been charged with Involuntary manslaughter In an Alturaa court as a result ,ot the deer bunting deatn. Church News Activities In the Congrega tional Community church for the present week Include: Monday Cub Scouts meeting with Donald Black in the Com munity building at 7 p. m.; Girl Scouta In their cabin at 7 p. m. Tuesday Boy Scouta of Amer ica troop No. 4 under the leader ship of Jnmes Qulbell and Thomas Baxter at 7 p. m. In the Scout room. Wednesday 7 p. m.: Junior choir practice; 7:30 p. m., mid week aervlce of worship conduct ed by Her. E. V. Haynes, pastor. Thursday 8 p. m. The second of a series of pinochle partlea sponsored by the church In tbe Interest of recreation in a whole some environment. The public Is Invited to attend, Rev. Haynes said. AT NO ADDED FARE! From here, to Chicago, New York and many other eastern destina tion,, you can include California on the going or returning journey for not ont cent mora rail fart than you uould pay for tbt ori'f nary straight tast-and-back round' trip. You'll tee twice at much scenery, have twice as much fun, and double the variety and interest of your trip by going or returning via Southern Pacific, Examples of East-thru-California roundtrips: Coach Tourist Standard Chicago. $65.00 $ 74.00 $90.30 New York 97.40 106.40140.80 TourIst to Chicago, coach bsyond. For additional information colli Ticket Office Phone 2000 THE KLAMATH VETERAN Activities ol ths Spaniih-Amarican War Veterans, Tha Disabled American Veterani, The Veterans of Foreign Wan, The American Legion end Their Auxiliaries. AM KHICAN liKfJIO.V Kliuiinlli font No, M The Klamath Post was well represented at the national con vention, by a delegation of 100, who accompanied tha drum and bugle corps on their special train, which arrived in Los Angeles Hunday morning, September 18. The Klamathltes Immediately pro ceeded to take In aa much of the convention as possible, but they toon found out It wat Im possible to be In tlx places at one time. Tha drum corps drew fifth place to appear Monday morning In the preliminaries and came off the field with a tcore of 84.45, which waan't good enough to place In the finals. But the boys felt they bad done very well for their flrtt attempt at a national drum corps contest. Clyde Thompson, the command er, finally took time out while on this trip to make all bis ap pointments, They are as follows: Americanism, George Adler; audit, Merrltt, Dale and Mcln tyre; Boy Scouta, George Brttt; budget, McOhehey, Fowler, Mil ler, Morrison and Young; child welfare. Mrs. Howard; commun ity service, Judge Ashurst, Disaster, L. L. Pope; drum corps, Carl Schubert; employ ment, Harry Van; entertainment, Tom Young; firing squtd. Carl Cook; foreat and game conserva AN BE A7DHG THIS EASY WAV At the first warning sniffle or sneeze-put a few drops of Vlcks Va-tro-nol up each nostril Immediately. It helpa to prevent many colds from developing. What's More K RtDom Head Cats' sSstry Even when you axe feeling mis erable and your head la all ston- Ded ud from a. neglected cold va-tro-nol clears away clogging mucus, reduces swollen membranes, helps to keet sinuses from being blocked by the cold lets you breathe again I VlCKfi Va-tro-nol or H 7 Mr Vtrla AirHUmQ haa IM JL I Gees J tion, Walter Wlesendanger; flow ers, C. A. Morrison; gravea regis tration, Vernon Wilson; highway safety, Emmett Blsomore; hos pitalization, C. A. Morrison. Junior baseball. It. A. Thomp son; legislation, Henry Perkins; liaison, Hermle Foster; marksman ship, Ray Johnson;- membership, George Bartb; national defense, Fred Heilbronner; publicity, Tom Young; rehabilitation, C. A. Mor rison; refreshments, H. D. Parks; SOTAL,, Carl Cook, George Brttt and Fred LaForge; subversive activities, D, E. VanVactor, and visiting, C, A. Morrison. VFW AUXILIARY Pelican Post No. lilHS Veterans of Foreign Wars aux iliary. Pelican post No. '1383, will bold Its regular meeting in tha city library clubrooma Wednesday at 8 p. m. All mem hen were etpeclally requeated to be pretent becaute a vote la to be conducted on tbe propoaed change of tlmo and place of meeting. 40 ET 8 Pan! Blinyan Volluro No. 222 Paul Bunyan Voiture No. 222 will bold Ita first fall meeting at tbe Legion ball Tuetday, Septem ber 27. New offlcera for the coming year will be Installed and reporta will be given on the atate and na- Right te Work. Va-tro-nol la tpeciallzed medication for nose and upper throat, where most colds start. You eel this tingling, stimulating medication go right to work to help ward off a cold before it develops. Thlt Is tho world's most widely used medication of ita kind. Keep It bandy use It early It will help you scape much of the misery of colds. pamti tiptm oy Board of PhyUiant. A BURNING QUESTION The simple secret of the burning glass is concentration. It produces intense heat by con centrating the sun's rays within a small area. Concentrated in the pages of your daily newspaper is the news of the world, all the essential facts of far-Hung battle lines, the discoveries of science, the administration of government, the world of sport, business and entertainment. This concentration of information produces Intense reader interest, which begets results for advertisers. Few persons realize, until they have experienced isolation, how intense is the desire for news. Advertising, too, is news. The burning question in business today is how to spend wisely, without waste, for the things of solid value. In the field of adver tising the newspaper is an obvious answer. News and Herald Klamath Basin's Daily Papers Prepared by West-Holliday Co., In. tlonal conventlona. Chef da Oare James Fowler will also give a re port on the past year'a activities. The chef de Gare-Elect, Dr. J. 0. Hunt, will name hla committees and outline hla plana for the com ing year. Dutch lunch and refreshments will be served. LEGION CORPS APPEARS AT LIVESTOCK SHOW The Klamath American Legion drum corpa was scheduled to ap pear at tbe Klamath county Jun ior stock abow at the fairgrounds at ( p. m. Monday, September 28, In full dress uniforms. All drum corps members and wlvea were to be the guests of the Rotary club for the barbeque, to be served at the Exhibit build ing. The next regular meeting of the Legion will be held Tuesday, October 4, with an Interesting program, observing the anniver sary of the birth of Columbus with a speaker telling some of the more Important events In the life of Columbus. Refreshments will be served at the close of tbe meeting. At tbe last meeting, held Sep tember 20, Past Commander J. R. fRROtFK JH1RTS J COLLECT COMPLIMENTS with a shirt that's handsome and different Such shirt is Arrow's new Aidsley. Its smart, com fortable lower-neckband sets perfectly on your neck... its non-wilt collar looks fresh all day ... its Mitogti cut eliminates bulging it the bosom. Sanforized. Shrunk ... Come in for your Ardsley Shirts today. $2 and up Drew's Manstore Since 733 Main St. Fowler presided during the a tence of the commander, Clyde Thompton and conduottd pro gram In obaervance of Conatllu tlon week. A man doetn't buy a lot of flth- Ing tackle he doetn't Intend to use. Frank C. Manak, Jr., Caecb, civic leader In Cleveland, on nail rearmament. True freedom cannot be main tained by statute or constitution alone. Governor Lehman of New York. HOSIERY NEWS! 13th fait FREl JOIN Rollins Hosiery 1918 Phone 30 17 n rrrx II La (Q nfe's . Spinach.