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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1938)
September 23, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN ) I v. DRESS SHOP HERE Ona of Ills HiniirtPMl droaa ami aonasanry shops In llio clly will oiinn lla doom anmotlma liolwcon Oolobor 10 nml 15, According lo Mr. and Mra. M. Mnynra, riirnmr npnrnlora of l.a I'nlnlo'a, who hnvn riiliirniiil In Kluiiinlh Falla til cnlnr biislnnsa iikiiIii. TI117 will lio aasoHiilml wllh Hon It I inn r, fminnrly of Diitrolt. HI m o IiiiivIiik Kliimulh Kit 1 1 h Mr. n net Mr. Mnynra Imvn houn In Hun Fniiii'Uni. Mra, Mnynra and lllinnr pliiu In Inavn Hnlurilny mnrnliiK fur Now York wlmrs tlioy will liny inlil-wliilur iniirclinndlan for Iholr now alorn, which will carry (ha name of Mnynra. Tho lornllnn lit 711) .M11I11 alrvnt, ftirinorly occiiiiImI hy .Monllnr'a h'lowcr ahop, haa Imnii Inasnil hy llm now firm, anil Mnynra alulml Frlilny t hut tin hoiiml 10 ho onnn curly In October sliiiwliiaj a amurt Hits of woiiipn'a f t nrk i. con In. lira, hum, lliixniln, lionlcry nml roatuiiin arcossurlna. Mnynra will 101 11 111 in Kliinuith Kalla Momluy or Timailny from Kan Francisco anil aiiiinrvlao tlia roinoilcllni of tho hnlhllnK, h staled. A formal opcnlnn hnlh afternoon anil ovcnlnn will fna tnro I ho new more, ami both Mr. and Mra, Myora woro pleaaed 10 announco thul nininliora of iholr old alaff, with whom they war ananclated at'nlnta'a, would LEGAL NOTICES NOT It 'K IN TUB CIRCUIT rolIHT Or TUB 8TATK F OIIKOON FOH KLAMATH COUNTY. IN TUB M ATTKH t)K TUB KflTATB OF MAHV K. Tl'TTI.K. UBCBA8BU. Notlca la hereby (Iran that I , have bean appointed adminis tratrix of the ealata of Mary E. Tuttle, dacoaaed. All peraona having rlalnia aitiilnal anld i-slate aro required lo nrnsnnl them with thn proper vouchera to me al the office of William (ianoiiK. 724 Main Htriwl, Klamath Falla, Ore ion, within six montha from Knptnmher . 1D.1K. which la tha data of tho flril publication of thla notice. llOIllllETTB GIFT. NOTICK OK IIOND HALE Sealed blda will bo received by Jean K. I'orter, Clerk of Klnmaih County Krhnnl District, Klamath County. Oregon, at tha Court house. Klamath Falla. Oreaon, un til the hour of I o'clock p. ni. on the llth day of October. 131, and Immediately thereafter open ed hy Iho llnard nf Dlrerlora of Klamiith County School Dlatrlct for the purchaan nf bonda Issued by aald achool dlatrlct In the ai f relate aum of II 50. 000. 00, bear ing Interest lit a rate not,to ex ceed 4 9c per annum. The bonda all n 1 1 he dated Nor ember 1, 1 538. and payable In the following manner: 1 20.000.00 payable November 1, 1943. 125.000.00 1, 1945. 140. 000. 00 t. 10411. t45.O0O.00 1, 1047. 120.000.00 1, 1941 Salvaging Plane Piloted by American After Jap Attack A' ,. .... Journcy'a end for 13 paaacnifrra of a Chinese pnasenscr plant shot down by Jnpancao war planes. The tranaport. piloted by an American, JIuKh Leslie Wood, formerly of KnnBaa City, who eacaped, wna forced Into tlio Pearl River ncux Hongkong. The plane, containing the bodies of the passengers, is seen hero loaded on a barge. Crescent School Opens With Substantial Student Gain CrtEHCKNT, Ore The Crea cent school opened with an en rollment of 89 In all gradna, an Incrnaan of 37 ovnr the first day rnglatratlon of last year. fitil denta aro coming from Chemtilt, Oeachulna I, umber camp, Ollchrlat Lumber company, and Croacont. Two tnmporury rooms have hnnn added to the. school build ing to tako care of this Increased enrollment. A four-year high achool Is now In operation for the flrnt tlmo in Crescent, with 28 registered In grades 0 to 12. Four toachors, Principal II. J. Hondrlckhnn and Miss flornldlnn be with them again, Including Mra. Martin llamsby, Mrs. l'unl Imlton and Mra. Kin in a Hamilton. OLENE OI.KNE, Ore. Mra. Nellie Sweeney made a bualneaa trip to Klamath Falla Saturday. Mrs. Ray Overaon, eon Ray mond and brother Edgar Kelley were dinner gueata at the home of Mr. and Mra. C. M. Kelley Hunday. Wallace Itoed haa been busy the laat few daya burning Iho morning glory along the canal honks. Mr. and Mra. Howe Kenney motored to I'oe Valley one day laat week to call on Mra. Mors Anderson who haa been alck the last few montha. Eleanor Bruner left Thursday tor Corrallls to attend college. Many folka attended the dance held at Poe Valley laat Hnlurilny night. A good time waa had by all. Mr. and Mra. Curtla (iorbharl are the proud ownera of a new Chevrolet car. Several cara loaded with po tatoes havo been shipped out of Olnno tho last few days. Mrs. (ioldlu Croft mid son Hob woro vlsltnre III Olona Thursday nftornoon. Mra. Tom Young was a Klam- Eom Drynss,Couglit RASPY THROAT (HIB TO COtDI If your throafa tormented with Irrita tion, huskincsa, drynimi or coughs due to a cold, a Vlcka Cough Drop dissolved naturally In your mouth will give the troubled membranes a soothing, medi cated bath-for 12 to 15 mlnuteal Relief comes fast because Vlcka are really medicated . . . medicated with tho throat -soothing Ingredients of Vlcka Vapoltub-famous lor relieving cough and diacomlurta due to colds. payable November payable November payable payable November i 1 November ! I Illds must be accompnnled by a certified rherk for 6 of tho par value of anld Issue or such part nf j Isauo upon which bid la made. Hide may be made for all or part of tbe issue, and a aeparate bid la requested for the 14 5,000.00 due 1943 and 1945. The Hoard of Dlrectora reserroa the right to rejoct any and all blda. . Dated September 22, 1938. JEAN K. PORTER, Clerk, Klamath County School District. S. 23-30 No. 155 See The New in "Oregon Trail Furniture Made of Knotty Pine Manufactured In Bond, Oregon Open Stock DURABLE ATTRACTIVE . MEDIUM PRICED See Our Windows EXCLUSIVE WITH Lucas Furniture 195 East Main ath shopper Thursday afternoon. Thoro are moro than 2,800,000 telephones on farms In tho I'nltcd Stains. About 4 4 per cent of the total number of farms In the country havo them. SECURITY PROTECTION SAFE-KEEPING Ettry iU if ruf Mtfttr II MCIOT Inuutsi aisut any Im wkatirm $ tt S3. 000.00 at UN FIRST riDtfl. AL. 0m Miat (! m ucMiat. ImtU tU tatay. 4 Knthorlngham In tho upper grades and high school and Miss Anna Do I or.a 1 and Mr. It. Oehlnrlch In tho prlmnry and Intermediate grades. Mr. Ochlerlch is assist ing with music Instruction. Student body officers In the junior-senior school worn elected as follows: president, Dill Ter rell; ylco president, Myron (iroenough; secretary, June Brown; and treasurer, Evelyn Rlgdou. A number of event are bolng planned Including a recep tion and Initiation for Incoming freshmen. The taxpayers of Crescent voted 24-0 In favor of the county school district's 3150,000 bond Issue and aro looking forward to the now building to be erected hero to accommodate tha expected Increase In enrollment due largely to the. proposed development by the (illchrlst Lumber company. One person In every 4 0 of Lon don's population Is either Scottish or Irish. In some Swedish country homes tho tablecloths have names. They are named after long-dead wdme from whom the pattern originally were obtained. In Selkirk, N. Y.. a wren butll Us neat inside a porch lamp. Tha electrle light bulb gar the bird a -modern lighting and heating; system. QUALITY MEAT MARKET Specializes In Steer and Baby Deet Quality Always Guaranteed I'ree Deliver; Louie Eschle, Proprietor tCantai OlfUtaO First Federal Saving! and Loan Association of Klamath Falls 111 Ns. tk SL Hum 17 BtcMBff tt FffJtfBl ttflSfl tat Imm latimacs Cf. TTT. qSEE THIS MANUFACTURER'S DEMONSTRATION Scoop! Sensational Offerl Operates on AO or DO fit nnd I hy ll era rics. welcome personal One Hour Only Saturday, Sept. 24. from 4:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. S15 Hamilton Shaver 3 Hour Hale $099 By arrangement with the manufacturer of this $15.00 nationally known dry sharer we are positively limited to 50 only GET YOliRS IMMEDIATELY. On Sale ONLY CKR0MC-PLATI0 HEAD PLASK0N CASt UNCONDI TIONALLY GUARANTEED BY MANUFACTURER Women, too, will this Ideal aid to daintiness. You'll let the thrill of fv lift vitro, jrw um tht nr Hamilton Dry Rlam. Jtist Dtilt In HrlH tM hM 1 vitrr, bluks, wu, or IKusn. Will oy tor llwlf: DotMnc rlat to hir. Tt.i Hatimwn tlry Shatr will h. wM fix Itr regular $1.00 prtr after fhti ml. ISUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURER. IP YOU CANT ATTEND THIS SAL LEAVE MONEY BEFORE SALE AN0 SHAVER WILL BE HELD FOR YOU. Castleberrys1 Drug Formerly ' , MAGILL DRUG COMPANY, INC B2S Main Street MOE'S DO IT AGAIN! Surprise SALE of SEWING MACHINES We will give Free with each purchase of a White "75" Saturday and Monday $5 worth of yardage. You can have your dress and make it, too, on the best machine that WHITE ever made. It Bastes It Darns It Hemstitches Runs Forward or Backward SEE IT AT JDQCS 1HE WOMAN'S STOIjncV The Only Authorized "WHITE" Agency "Originator! But Never Imitators" New fly J IT J m Lower mm AW minim VALUE is UP.Price is Down...New Plymouth Gives You a Longer Wheelbas?? . . . New High-Torque Engine Performance . . . Perfected Remote Control Shifting...New Auto-Mesh Transmission...New Amola Steel Coil Springs ... New True-Steady Steering ... New "Safety Signal" Speedometer. Bigger, Brilliant New "Roadking" and "De Luxe" Models NOW ON DISPLAY ere are the most sensation- 1 new cars the low-price field has ever known. ..the beauti ful, new 1939 Plymouths! At new lower prices, they bring you magnificent new styling sweeping modern lines. ..extra room. ..luxurious new upholstery. And Plymouth has a new ridt that will astonish everybody 1 With new Amola Steel Coil Springs, the big new Plymouth gives you an amazingly smooth, soft ride on the roughest roads. You'll get a new thrill from Plymouth's sparkling, new High Torque engine performance. And yet the 1939 Plymouth is still more economical in every way. Easy to own. ..your present car will probably represent a large , proportion of Plymouth's low de livered price.. .balance in surpris ingly low monthly instalments. So beautiful you won't believe It's a low-priced car. style beadlampa glvegrently Increased road lighting. BC "SO BEAUTIFUL YOU WON'T BELIEVE D A ff ? ""V :T,0 fsJ l7$ -e' ym .'SALoV-PRicEncAKr lAft, f'My : 55.iaKS-' a " w i I5& THE NEW mi pli-MOUTH "ROADKING" Two-Door Touring Sedan! Experience tne new smooumess 01 iis paicaieu riuouus glne mountings, Its 100 X hydraulic, double-action brakes. See this great new car-drive it-at your nearby Plymouth dealer. EASY TO BUY CONVENIENT TERMS "DetroltdeIlveredprIces"lncIudefrontandreaf bumpers and bumper guards, spare wheel, tir and tube, foot control for headlight beam with indicator on Instrument panel, ash-tray front and rear, sun visor, safety glass and big trunk apacs) (19.3 cubic feet). Plymouth "Roadking" model! start at $645; "De Luxe" models slightly higher. Prices INCLUDE ALL FEDERAL TAXES. State, local taxes not included. Plymouth Division op Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Michigan. ' Perfected Remote Control Gear Shifting with Auto-Mesh Trans mission, standard on "De Luxe." THEFINESTsprlnglng design known, wonderful new ride... Amola Steel Coll Springs, miracle of metallurgy. TUNE IN MAJOR BOWES' AMATEUR HOUR, C. B. B. NETWORK, THURSDAYS, 9 TO 10 P. M., E. S. T. PE5M0UTH BUILDS GWMS CARS THE" ROADKING" THE "DELUXE" Iff