PACE TWO NAZI REFUSES TO FUTURE (Continued from Put One) IfB Minuter Joachim Vm Rlh bentrop. The entire British dele gation wee expected to return home after tontght'i fateful meet ing. In Parle, meantime, It waa re ported the Interruption had hern cauaed by Hltler'a demand Ger many be permitted Immediately to oocupy a tone In the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. France, alarm ed by the disquieting turn, or dered troona on all frontiers to atand by their positions for an emergency. It waa Indicated on high authority France might make an about-turn and fight If a Ger man army Invaded Cxechoslo- Takia. Protests Mount This development followed an , announcement at Geneva by Max im Lltvinoff, aoviet commissar of foreign affaire, that Russia might atlll help Czechoslovakia resist a 1 German Invasion. Radical aocialtst deputies quot ed French Premier Edouard Dala- dler, leader of their party, as de claring "If Germany enter Czechoslovakia France will face her engagements." France ia pledged to aid Czechoslovakia . against "unprovoked aggression A rising storm of protest against . the unprecedented price for Eu rope's peace and new clamor for other Czechoslovak minorities be sides tbe Sudeten Germans put a dark background behind the meet log at Godesberg. Bight Killed In Disorder At least eight were reported killed In the Sudetenland border disorders and many Injured. Recruiting offices for a "Polish free corps" were opened at War saw and across the border from Polish-Inhabited areas of Czecho slovakia. Havaa (French newa agency) reported from Moscow soviet Rus sia had warned Poland their mu tual non-aggression pact would bt considered nullified If Polish troops marched Into Czechoslo- . Takia. Vlrglnlo Gayda, frequently un official spokesman for Premier Mussolini of Italy, who has de manded self-determination for all Czechoslovakia's minorities. sorted Italy should Join the par leys aeeking solution ot the Czechoslovak Issue. CRESCENT CRESCENT Mr. and Mrs Wilson hare completed the build ing of the Mahawk Tavern and are open for buslneaa. Mr. and Mrs. Jenson, owner of the Cafe In the Crescent Hotel, went to Klamath Falls Thursday on a buying tour. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nelms are building a house and expect to complete it by Nov, 1. Mrs. Homer H. Oft has return ed from her visit at Mr. and Mrs. Hani Oft'a at Ontario. Oregon. Among the Bend visitors Sat- mroay were Mr. and Mr. Thomas Reed and son Blllle, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moonhead and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rumble and family ana Mr. ana Mrs. H. Gstlln. Miss Oeraldln Fatherlngham pent the past week-end visiting in Klamath Falls and Merrill. Mr. and Mra. Perry H. W a 1- bridge, of Eugene, were visitors at the H. J. Heudrickson house Thursday evening. Dan Warner is reported as be ing tbe first local resident to have Bagged a buck. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i. . . - - , , M -1 i 1 1 1 1 i, i I.I L STRAYED Red Pole mule milk cow, Tulelake vicinity. Brand ed aclssor on right. Steve Tak acs. Tulelake, Calif. 9-26 OPPORTUNITY Eight -room home for sale by owner. May trade for clear property or good late model sedan. See at 1246 Eldorado. Phone 959-J. 1-26 EXPERIENCED COOK wants steady work. Ranch or restau rant. Go any place. 1021 J Main. 9-29 FOR SALE 16 hp Evinrude mo tor and boat. Guy Johnston. Keno, Ore. 9-29 FOR SALE OR TRADE for stock almost new potato digger. Phone 28F11. 9-26 CklMrea eat Kelleee's Rice Krliales wlfkoar eeeilai - caste keck for second kelalaosl can. 4b... teaited rice kskbles acts. , elly snap, crackle est! pep n aaiiK r create I Vena GUARANTEE CI It-' ffVJ That'. Idlogg', V V Jgj M KRISPIESI" elks leve that teaited, testy avr. Always reedy te serve. Rice Krliples re seld ky ell f recert, served by rest, reefs. Mode ky Kellefi to Hi Creek. STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by the Associated Prcaa Friday Previous day . Month ago , Year ago ... 1931 High 193S Low .. 1937 High 1937 Low BOND AVERAGES Compiled by tb Friday Previous day . Month ago Tear ago .... 1938 High 1833 Low .. 1937 High 1937 Low . 1932 Low ... 1928 High . E PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 13 OP) The entire range of the western Dine Industry had a marked im provement In tbe week ending September 17, reports from 128 mills to the Western Pine associa tion showed today. Orders Jumped from 62,983.000 feet the previous week to 64, 863.000, shipments were up eight million feet to 69.603,000 and production Jumped from 71.720, 000 to 82,458,000, an almost nor mal week. For the year to date, however, figures In all sections were considerably under last year. STATE SUPREME COURT CLEARS WAY FOR VOTE ON ANTI-GAMBLING MEASURES SALEM, Sept. 13 UP) The state supreme court ruled unani mously today that two antl-gam-bllng referendums should be voted upon at the November general election. The court ruled against J. A. Moore, Brooks tavern operator, who contended that the two refer. endum were Illegally passed by the legislature because of technl calltles. The high court. In an opinion by Justice J. O. Bailey, ruled that these technicalities were not suf ficient to keep the bills off tbe ballot. .-.-.: Moor contended tbat one refer endum, a senate bill which would prohibit the possession and oper ation of slot machines, was illegal because the bill was not returned to the aenate for concurrence In house amendments. He argued that the other refer endum, a bouse bill which would prohibit the operation of slot ma chines and plnball and dart gam waa Illegally filed with the secre tary of state. Circuit Judge L. O. Lewelllng of Marlon county ruled against Moore on the grounds he did not have the legal capacity to bring the suit. The high court. In at firming Judge Lewelllng, did not pass on this phase, the court ex. plaining It preferred to rule on the merit of the case. LOS ANGELES SHRINKS AS LEGION ENDS CONVENTION LOS ANGELES, Sept. 23 (IP) The American Legion, Its business and pleasure disposed of, gar Los Angeles back to the Angelenos today and prepared to go home after viewing fleet maneuvers at Los Angeles harbor. The exodus got under way yes terday spurred partially by re ports of hurricane damage on the eastern seaboard but by this morning bulging hotels were back to normalcy, and citizens began riding the streetcars through downtown streets again a pleas ure largely denied them since Sat urday. REACHES FINALS FOREST HILLS, N. Y.. Sept. 23 UP) Alice Marble of Los Angeles reached the finals of the national women's tennis championships here today by defeating Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Fabyan of Jamaica Plains, Mass., 6-7, 7-6. 7-5, in a hard-fought match before 16,000 spectators. She will play Nancye Wynne of Australia tomorrow for the title. torn 1 .. Hiec U SM "-- 30 IS It It Induit. Ralls Hill's Btks. 67.7 16.6 30.7 45.4 S3. J 17.6 31.1 46. 74.3 !0.S 33.7 ' 49. ft 76. 17.6 35.7 64.0 74 0 11.6 36.1 60.8 49.1 li.l 14.9 33.7 101.6 49.6 64.0 76. S 67.7 19.0 31.1 41.7 Associated I'rese 10 10 10 1t Ralls Induat TJtll's For. 64.0 97.9 91.8 62.0 64.7 97.7 91.6 62.5 69.8 99.3 93.6 63.3 84.4 100.8 94.3 70.0 70.6 100. S 94.3 67.0 46.1 93.0 85.8 61.1 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 70.3 95.5 90.3 64.1 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.1 101.1 9S.9 102.9 100.6 MATE DENIES SKIPPER MADE LOVE TO MURDER DEFENDANT'S COMPANION TOLEDO, Sept. 23 (JP The fourth person on the boat ride tbat preceded the fatal shooting of Richard Earle at Depoe bay July 18. went on the stand yesterday and denied a defense claim of love-making as a motive for the attack. Everett Munsen, mate and pilot aboard the pleasure boat Pauline B. testified tbat the dead man Richard Earle, did not make love to the defendant's woman com panion, Lucille Coenenberg, as the defense claimed. The defendant, Henry S. Nel son, Portland salesman, Indicted on a first-degree murder count, claimed that Earle, operator of the boat, molested the girl. Nel son Is accused ot shooting Earle after the cruise. He claimed he shot In self defense. When Munsen testified, Defense Attorney George Mowrey leaped up with a declaration that Mun-1 sen was contradicting a previous statement that he saw Earle make advances to the girl. Munsen did not alter his testimony, replying he did not remember making the statement Mowrey attributed to him. Stanley Allen, Portland, an eye witness to the shooting, said he waa 200 feet away when he heard the ahota. He turned and saw Nelson standing over Earle with a gun In his hand. He said Nel son then got Into the car with bis girl companion and drove away. SALEM, Sept. 23 UP) After 30 year the mysterious disappear ance of Charley Hellenbrand's monkey has been solved. It dis appeared from the restaurant Hel lenbrand, now dead, operated. Hellenbrand loved bis monk and offered a stiff reward. Yesterday workmen remodeling an old build ing where the restaurant was lo cated found between the floors a monkey skeleton. WL FA ijy.'m. -&scr . ,.tv k A f A Cerlo Cuis Boiling Time io Vz Minute For Jelly-One Minuie For Jam! THINK of itl With Certo, you boil your fruit juice Onlv ', minute tnr t.llv nn mmi4. .' ( v j - J J W..W IUU.UVV IH JCUlll AOUT Jam or jelly is cooling in glasses in less than 15 minute after your fruit is prepared I HAM AOA1N MORE Ot ASSES I When you use Certo, you average 11 glasses instead of 7 actually half again more jam or jelly! Because with that short Vi minute boil, no costly fruit juices boil off in steam I nwn FLAVOR, IOOI That short boil give you much better taatini jam and jelly, too. No flavor escapes in steam . . . o your jams and jelliea retain the delicious natural flavor of the fresh fruit itself I And of course you never have to worry about failure. When you use Certo, all fruits jell perfectly I twicHftmi roniM THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, ER With the weatherman promis ing cooler weather and a spot of I rain throughout the northwest area Saturday, the forest tiro I situation was thought to be less ! hazardous for the weekend. ; Fires in the Klamath country, i which Thursday threatened to en list scores ot deer hunters in the I brush and timbered sections, were thought to be well under control, according to the Kliunath Forest Protective association which keeps a close chock on, all blazes In this territory, i The Bryant mountain tire is thought to be well In hand at I ho Present time, and other fires bnvn been nipped, It waa learned. No new fires were reported. A strong southwest wind blew over Klamath Falls, whipping up dust but bringing prospects of rain. The sky was partly over cast. The baromotor waa drop ping Friday afternoon. HUNTING DEATHS IN OREGON AVERAGE TWO EVERY DAY (Continued from Page One) near Dayvllle after being lost for two days, and N. P. Peterson, who was found dead 30 miles from Roseburg In the Rock creek section. Wether Peterson was the vic tim of the accidental discharge of hla own gun or was felled by a stray bullet had not been de termined. Sitting In Open At the start ot the seaaon It was estimated 50,000 enthusiasts had shouldered guns and taken to the woods. This estimate was substantiated to some extent by a report from Medical Springs in Saturday I The Last Day of Du Barry Week FREE GARDENIAS AND ROSES With each purchase of Du Barry Beauty Preparations w will give you an order on the Klamath Flower Shop for a lovely Gardenia, for formal wear, or four Rout for your home. This order may be used any time before October 1 0th. You may alto be the. lucky winner of the $5.00 Du Barry Beauty Kit which ii offered es prize in an easy contest. Ask about it. Cumin's for Drugs "The Friendly Drug Store" GRAPES ARE CHEAP AND NOW'S YOUR MAKE LOTS OF JELLY AND JAM THE EASK TIME-SAVING WAY KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON eastern Oregon there wore so many spoilsmen In the field that a largo number feared to go Into the woods lest they be shut. Many ot the hunters were sit ting in open arena, hopeful a deer would oinomo from limber within gunshot range, rather than risk going Into the vlslou obacurcd furosts. Vorue Boyce, deer hunter from Grants Pass, was In the Klamath Valley hospital Thursday night lis Klamath's flrat casualty ot the current seaaon. Jioycn a arm was shattered by another humor's 1ml lot In the Sycan area. According to Royu, he was hunting along a draw In the Syc an country when Ue beard a bull et whistle by from across t b draw. He Jumped behind a tree anil loudly proclaimed his pre sence to the n I in rod who fired the shot. Walked Into Open When he thought ho was safe ho r merited from behind the tree and walked out on a flat where a second bullet struck him In the arm. This time his yells and those ot his hunting partner attra cted two other hunters from across the draw. One ot these, whoso full name was not learned, admitted that he had been shooting hut maintained ha had aimed at a deer and that Doyea must have been struck by a stray bullet. Royce was brought to Klamath Falls and treated by Dr. E. Dlet che and was later removed to the Klamath Valley hospital where he waa questioned by Deputy Dts-, trlct Attorney L. Orth Slsemore and Deputy Sheriff Dale Mattoon. No action waa taken. Slsemore said that Boyce gave the other hunter's name aa Wln kleman and said he also came from Grants Pass. GUNMEN HOLD UP WASHINGTON BANK CHEWELAH, Wash., Sept. 23 (UP) Two unmasked robbers held up tbe First National bank 9th and Main TODAY! CHANCE TO certo. FREE RECIFE ROOK took for the book of tested recipes under the label of every bottle of this pure fruit pectin. Carlo la a product of General Foods. here Into Thursday and fled with stioo in rash. Armed with revolvers, the two men outored the hank at a time when th no wore only lit persons In the building. Three employes Aslstnnlant Cashier C. A. L.a vlgiie, tioiikkooper l.ola Honor and J nines Itnntls complied with the uaiullts orders to scoop the money Into a sack which the men provided, Tho pair barked out tha front door of tha bank with guns drawn and ran to a waiting automobile. Aa they pulled away from the curbing, Lavlgnn and (ins lliat field, n Spokane buslneaa man who happened to ha passing the hank, atnrtiMl shooting at the speeding vehicle. BEATEN FARMlR UNABLE TO IDENTIFY ASSAILANTS Hii.i.snouo, sept, in yin noil Ulnusor, 12, OriMion farm worker, emerged from his rnmii yesterday but gnre officers 111 lie help in unraveling the mysterious and brutal attnt-k ot Wudm'iday. Clouser was found unconscious, cruelly pinioned with wire, one When Lunching Out Try THE SWAN Remember us for MISS SAYLOR'S WHITMAN SOCIETE BOX CANDY Just Received a Fresh Shipment 327 Main Special Price for ORANGES Hunk 1st (10 H ARTICHOKES 4 19c Holld Crisp LETTUCE .. 2 1,3 9c AVOCADOS lKor29c Fancy So. 1 Grade SWEET SPUDS 3 , b. 17c APPLE CIDER 0B, 39c Plus 15c Jug Deposit Kerr's Balled CIDER 19c CITRON PEEL Also Lemon, Orange RAISINS Cheese Kraft-American 2I,b. Family ws Klze I-oaf 5JC Kraft-Swiss 2I,b. Family QQ Size I-onf J7t Kraft-Pimiento 2I,b. Family g"0 Hire Loaf 7W Packed In the new Healteat Wrapper Krusteaz Tho perfect pie mint .. 29' Powdered or Browis Sugar Mcllo Drip 3 Syrup ... Chicken of the B Tuna Tidbits 2 Hylmar Large Ripe Olives ZV1 25c Oranulntcd Honp WHITE KING , . T 29c M.D TOILET TISSUE 3,toII,25c Cascade CRACKERS 2'no;19c Crystal White SOAP CHIPS S ;t, 33c SNOWDRIFT Shortening ....3 'cb;52c loop of which cinched his mouth shut amiliial a ennrao gag. Ho sulci ho wns attacked In tho fiirin nui i'Ii I no ahed hy two innii, noil her nf whom he knnw. llu a hi he bad no moiiny and could not eiplnln the attack. INGENIOUS PRISON BREAK PLOT NIPPED IN BUD AT FOLSOM roi.SO.M 8TATK I'll ISDN. Cnl. Sept. 2 (Ul'l An oarape plot of dlnhnlli-nl Ingenuity was rovpiilixl today aa Warden Clyde I. Hum mer ordered eight Kulmim iirlson llfO'tiirnieia confined In solitary confinement cells for an indefinite period. The plot, which was f mat rated through liifcirmiii Inn picked up hy guards, was the first serious troublo of tliu ''benevolent admin istration'' of tile state's liiustlteHt prison after a fatal rlol a year ago. I'luninier revealed that I lie prlsonera In lh pint olinnlliKly bad devised a acthKurs kulTe, two 13-inrh blades held together with rubber hands. In effect a miniature guillotine, Saturday and Monday. September 24 and 28 ..... 2 no. 35c Dos.) 4 Case $1.69 ,.h.29c 4 ',-bk,25c (rhitfto A flnnborn Dntrd COFFEE 2,,,,,. 45c DESSERT ,.M,Sc Campbell's CflTTP Ku'p'" CMrkon C WvUr Mushroom J Tana Sj-i Van i'ninp'a PORK 8 BEANS 2 2,r 19c SANKA &39C lluinz Urea. himI nutter PICKLES llliby'a Milk 25c Royal Club Hllccd 12c Nc.n.M 29c Pineapple Itoynl Club Beans Hlrlnglesa Royal Club Shrimp Dry Park September 25, 193IT .' lb weapon waa one of tha Inoxt Ingenious ever devised hy con vlcls, who are adept at making re. volvera of a few pieces of wimit and steel and knives nf almost any metal, Tor tha scissors knife they had used two lawn mower blades hammered straight and shin pencil to n rasor edge. The ruhher hand were hi aided. Into a culled spring offer). At. Inched wns a IrigKer arrangement which would bilng the knives, enrh sunk III a wooden bliirk, to gether with a fore thai would sever a victim's head. They planned to aer.e Cn plain of I he tluaril William Ityan, pine the knife around his bead at the nark, ami tliiouiih the throat of decapitating the rnplaln force their way to freedom. It ensta 115 for a three. mlnul eonveran! Ion helweell the !ilted States and any city In India which has telephone service. The sombrero g eta Us name) ord "aomhro, ' from tho Hpaulsh w moaning "shade. flenine West liiRhoiisn. Jr., first patented nlr brakes III I SHU. Health i Drlceleti. Why lolco choncei? Il l ealy to give your home greater health protection! Simply ule Cloros In Iniinrf.rlnj. ...... I I I Jj '"S 'ier .....wv.,,.w nllMW wu volor. foil cottons ond linens . , . ir y ' . wV...,v viBu.iKiiy ui name I, linoleum, wood surfaces ... for Cloros deodorliet, disinfects. II has many personal ond other uses. Directions on label. lii-jui'rit-i.MilJtiiia-ltnrU i Beef Pot Roast 19c Lb. Beef Short Ribs 10c Lb. Beef Fresh Ground 2 Lb. 29c HI Iced Bacon Pound 38 PiCtllCS (1 in H nvrnitt'' nMTrl5c 6 Tnl 33c gtV 2 No( 43c 2 Ncn. 27c 2cnna 31C Purex Bleacher Quart Bottle 12c Bon Ami Powdered 2 Can. 25C White King Torlet Soap 3 Bar. 14C i