September 22, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE ITI Information on lb Mnlne and Now York potuto crop him Imaii rooiilvoil hy llio Wyl-.iii'krniii oonuniny fruui Wulior M 1 1 lor, a uionilinr of III" I'oUlo A MHin la 1 Itjn of Aniorlcn, llio Now York Co olieintlvo HikmI I'iiIiiIii aaanclntlon ml llio Now York Hood Improve niiint nsaoclntlon. The teller follows! "I wrolo you eoinotlme alio, (hoi i were Holm to Muliiii,' ml that I would will you our flhdlno. "There li no question tint the Mnlno crop will bo at IomI 10,- 000 cms under litnl yunr una all on puHHlhlllly ot miulhol' flvo. I.uss I him Ion pur com ot Ilia vinos warn sllve on the third of Haul, llllnlit uslats In avary (laid thnt wo looked nt. Wo found Homo rot slreuily aturtad. Tlwre I no iiios- tlon Hint Ihuy will liuvo ijullo inure of It. miiuclully with iiioro rain bofore bur-veal. Tbuy have bad lore ml bad storms alnce wo led. "Ylalda of flelda that we iam plcil seemed to bo far luilow tho 'avninuo of other yours. Mock, will bo uoiiu too iiood luoklUK There la a gnmt chance of sIoiiikii rot dovvtupliiji line to presence ot lillKhl iori evorywliero. 'Tlioro la alao a big cut due for thu Ni'W York alnte crop, duo In aiiino puces to drought and In otliora wutor iur;ilua anil bllnhl. There la little alive In Now York tate today. "Maine doslere and farmers are unanliiioiia In aiming that Maine la cut at li'aat lu.ouu rarloiula under Ual yi'itr. In our opinion ttiuro la a strong possibility of their loalug Hint much mora If thoy have too much rain before TIKKlllir la completed. "Trunt llmt thla liiformallon may be of aomo uao to you. "Slncoroly youra. "WAI.TKU Mil. I.Kit.' Tbo Jolh New Yeur, called Roah lliialionn, will bo obeorvtid by people of that fullb throughout the world Hundiiy evening, Hopl !5. and Monday, Sept. 26.. The Day of Atonement, or Yon Kip pur. falla Turaday evening. Oil. 4. and all day Wednesday, Oct. ! On these two aiili'iuu duya, di' dlrnlnl to Jew lull aplritual re- wakening: and repentance, ar- vlcea are held In the synagogue, ml for the 10-day period Inter. venliiR, Jewa are coimunndod to devote theinaelvea to aerloua con Iderallon of llio a moat aoleuin oblliatlnna. "At thla time the Jowlah people I I over the world are deeply troubled bocauae of tho cruel per aecutlon visited upon them hy the ruthleaa diclntor's of Europe." ail announcement ataied. I in in I (ration reatrlrtlnna In moat conn trlea and the Cicrtnan rcsiiUllona forbidding the Jewa to take any of their caah aaaola with them make the alluallon Intolorahlo. "The present quota ot Iniml- (rente from Uoriiinii)' and Aus tria la approxluintely as, out) par. Bone a year, Thla quota haa been filled for 1D:i, and aomo ot the most 1 1 1 1 In n I and cullured clll- lena of Herman)-, who wero born Jewa, havo found their way to thla country. In ninny Instances they have opened businesses ot their own and nro KlvliiK omploy ment to Ainerlciin cllljen. Somo of our largo enstorn universities havo added lo tholr faculties a number of tho worlds Rrcnlest a acleuitals na a rcault of liermiin f political and racial doctrlnea which havo nonl to our shores audi men na Professor Albort Klnsloln, now of I'rlnenton. To Portland, baa conio Dr.Kellx Korn field, foimorly of tho Unlvoralty ot Vienna, and lenillnK flltura of Profeasnr Kornfleld la nil expert In foreign traile, and will lecturo i at t ho unlvorBllIca ot tho Pacific Connt." Tho Jewa of the atnto of Oro gnu am cooperating In tho task of oHlnbllHhliiK theao newcomera In various parts of tho country K. Kiignrmnn ot Klnmnlli Knlln, la n cnulrlhiitor to tho OrOKon .IowIhIi Welfiiro fund, and repic- aenla Ihn croup In Kluiiiiilh Fulls Hi Is In rlnan touch with Ilnhhl Henry J. Borkowlls of Portland who Is tho Pnclflc nortliwost exn- en live of tho Amnrlcnn Jewish Joint Distribution commlttco. High School News Notes and Comment By .11011 II Y OTAIiliAOHAN LAST spring aafoly limns wero pnluleil tor tho uao of tho Kliiniulli It lie li sludnnlH. During tho last pint ot llio year pupils Wero required lo usn theiio Innos III tho Internal of snroly. This full llio lanes havo not boon tisotl. Willi tbo coiiKesllon Free Gardenia With Each Purchase of DuBarry Beauty Preparations This Week Only CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS 9th and Main of I ruffle, and the construction work (oIiir on around the campus It would he wise policy If tho lanes were gain uaed. Unless extreme caution IB uaed, s trnfflo fatality might eaauy re. tilt at the dleinlasal. Use the anfoty lanoa for their purpoae. m m w John llardlne, Klamath 1D37 contor, will ho In the forward wall of tho I'aeirlo llnilgnis when thoy niiHit Pnrllunn 11 this wonkimd, nc cordliiK to u dispatch In tho Oro Kouliin of Hnpleinber 21. It was" understood here In Klamath that HardlnK waa with tho Oregon Hlulo Hooks, hut thla atoay aeetus In place him defl nltoly'at Pacific. e e Assembly aoatlnx srrnnxemoiitB woro mado at the first rexulnr as aombly of lbs yoar Wednesday afternoon. Much pupil Is aaslxned defi nite aent Just ae In classroom, Tills Is dona lo fncllltntn gnt I Iiik Into the auditorium. This aamn kind ot an arriniKOinont was used laal aprlnx Willi satlsfactloti. e Charles Tlllon haa takon over the coaehliiK of the freahmcn In place of Cbarlea Doll, who haa loft KU1I8 for a California school, e e A new twist lo aelllnc student body tickets aelllux them on the uooil old American luainllment plan la In prnctlco this year. If a atiidont haa only (U ceula Krl dity when tho anle la on, ho paya that four-bits down and Inter paya tho ruiiiulnluK HO cents In two 3o cent Inaiitlluii'uts. niaklnx a dlmo carrylnx chnrKs. Tl who huvit the dollar may pay caah on 'lie - '"I head, e e e The atiidunt body tickets are s xood huy from an economic atnnil point If nothing elao. For $1 you Knl H f.u to Id buck In enteriiiln meiit. Kven a Hcoichinau wouldn't overlook a hot like that. If every tittidcnl will view stu dent body tickets In the Unlit that they are Ittaui'd to save students money, I lie quota of 1000 will he reached with room lo spare. Marqulat. the inaKlclan. who la achoduied to appear at Klamath lilxli Hpeleiuber 26 and 27. Is an uuderatudy of tho fnrnous Hou dlul. All tho notes of Houilliil have been turned over lo Mar qulal, ' The Marqulat ahnw la consider ed tho boat act of Its kind on tho road. Cuuae for opllmlam. men. In the report that women's hats are to he taller. Heniember tho blxher the fower. S row Frlcftdl lo d'Op In IMotmoUy, fw ne BI,tj-Wlnhod I ahe Pel bt ...fef a Wine td Mtndl loar. isekat e friend mef enQntoL H ioKt vuf wKl t MCra'pfobUmt, and II ll Ud bf iwrM. Sv lioiir boiHt Ifom yef ewB rlo0fotof whnv frlcndl com le coll JmF. w Bimwiisaaae ce. retruaa, eaiaos IEN WILEM SfM STARTS TOMORROW 8:30 A. M. SEPT. 23, 1938 M ShBS wTvnuriiurj rrifnrinn rx-i N , Men's Dress SHIRTS NVw pnttrm . . Hrvrn hullon fmnt . Natlonnlly known brnnd (Ionl IVppcmll). $JG9 Each Three for $3.00 ('iinmntfHHl ntinink, anil fast color , , . TruhoniKcd rolliirn. 1 aV I .vAW Yes DRESS Pants $195 Neat patterns for Fall. Full cut and nicely tail ored. A real buyl HUNTERS' High Tops $588 16 inch, all leather. None better at this price. Crepe Soled Oxfords for the young man For school and sports wear All Leather Dress Oxfords With style, durability and comfort $395 We exclusively feature "STAR BRAND" shoes. Top Coats Vou will not mind the cold weather ahead with Hi mo sarm and stylish top coats. 'EC?10 Wear a better O'coat Hmart styling . . . rich fabrics ... Itcsonnhle price. 50 FOR FALL! "HEADLINER" Suits are up to date All styles AH sizes All fabrics All Nationally known and respected clothing. -Famous for style famous for wear "Hampshire" Stop and see these suits today. We are sure you will agree they are the greatest Suit values ever offered in Klamath Falls. FALL HATS ALL-AMERICAN styles for Fall. Style, Quality, Good Taste depict our hats for this season. "Let us hat you" . $295 Good Weight Random Unions Full cut, durable, Reg. $1.00 Value Sizes 36 to 50.... 69c "Jitter Bug" Bush Jackets Soft Camel tone sports coats. Hot off the style griddle. Green Brown Tan $4 Hunters! Red Felt Hats 98c Red Flannel Shirts Heavy quality. You need thrs protection .. $1 Genuine "Rough-Rider" Cords Heavy duty! Colorsdeep cream, elephant tan, light cream ...... $395 Boys' Suits "JACKIE JUMPER" AH wool. Coat and pants. (No vest). (b 95 This grand value in fine fitting boys' clothing is unequalled any where. Sizes 6 to 16. Official Basketball Shoes GENUINE U. S. KEDS Double canvas up pers, sponge arch supporters. Soles welded to uppers. Every pair guaranteed. Dollar Table Specials $3.95 all wool 4 AA Sweaters !XUU (36's only ztpper front) $2 Canvas A A Bush Coats 9XUU With collegiate cartoons and designs $1.65, Palooka shirts $1.00 $1.95 Sport Shirts Long sleeves $1.00 Women's Slacks and blouses. Val. to $3.95.. $1.00 Blankets 70x80 single sheet blankets. $1 values. Extra Special 49C Beautiful Indian patterns. 4 IO 66x80. $2 values now.. $ t . Sateen Bound (4 rows stitching) Scotch plaid blankets. Part wool, 70x80. Color and wear absolutely guaranteed S2" Harvest o! Values 8th & MAIN Harvest o 91' JeS 8th & MAIN K i'i 1l