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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1938)
September 20, 1988 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Herald and News Classified Ad Section 8 10 RATES Paid-in-Advance On day, per word ..... two-day run, per word 2c 4c Thiee-dny run, per word One weak run, per word One month run, per word .... ... Charge Adt - 7e ..20c Each Imortion, per word (No charge made (or leu than 2b (All mull ordnr niusl h wall with ordr). All de ere Inserted In both it It lone of The Nowe-llerald All clnealrlvatloiia ere Hum hered end app-ar Id numerical onlor. The daitd-llne (or elaeeltlca Hon Is 11:00 i m. Ada recelred tier 11:00 o'clock will bo run In the "Too Lai to CluesKy column. Th News-Hnrald will be re- sponsible (nr Incorrect wordln only one day. Classified Index A purl menu (or (lent Automotive Ilualuoria opportuiillloe .. Kducnllonal . Financial .. For Hale or Trade General Notice Help Wanted, Komale . Help Wanlod. Male ..- llouaea (or Hunt Livestock and Poultry lat anil Found . Mlncellanooua for Itotit ..2 Miscellaneous for Kale Mlacollaneoui Wanted .-.4 Personals Roal Kilate (or Rale Heal Estate Wanted Itnom and Hoard 1 (toonia (or Itaot Services ..... Situations Wanted To Exchange Transportation .... 2 Lott end Found LOST Pair child's glaases. I 1934-W. 'hone 9-2 LOST lloaton bull terrier, three montha old. mack with white on neck. Name Mackle. Rn ward. 421 Droad. 9 STRAYED llay aaddle mare. "J brand on led elide. Phon 2004, Merrill. 1-2 4 General Notlcet Go By Motor Coach VIA BEND honest Route Lowest Fare To Northern Polnta One Round Way Spokane $11.10 Boise, Ida. 10.00 Portland 5.90 Seattle 8.40 Russcs Leave 1:00 Trip $20.05 18 10.65 14.65 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages Inc. Greyhound Depot Phone 999 9-20-mtf WHY BUFFER? Specializing chronic and acule ilia oases lloadarho. constipation, rhou matlsm, Innallltli, a torn ash llrer trouble, earache, and eye trouble, and other body Ineo ordlnatlona. Dr. David, chlro praetor, 110 North Eighth Btreet. Telephone 1321. 10-11 NOTICE The partnerrhlp o( Tha nnaln Sim and Display Co. haa been dlaanlved. Slxnod Sept. 20 1938. Robt. 0. ClHtmnn, -22 REWARD to anyone seeing ae cldont to parked car between Tine and Main on Fifth, Batur day night between 7 and 11 o'clock. Write Box 86. Ncwa- Herald. B-21 TREAT VOUIl WAHIIINO MA CHINE AS YOU WOULD YOUR CAR Comploto oil chnngo and checking aorvlce. we pick up and deliver. Merit Washing Mnchlne Borvlce. Phone lout. 9-30 FARM ICRS ATTENTION For aaln or hlro All klnda ot re conditioned trnclore Fordson John Deore, McCormlck, CI' tree, eta, at bargain prices Write your requirement! or cnll Rogue Valley Trnclor A Implo ment Co., 16 Bo. Fir St., Mod (ord, Oregon. 9-22 INTERSTATE MOVINO Klam ath Falls Trana. end Btornge. 22 10-4 mtf, LONG DISTANCE HAULING Phone 1007 10-4 mtf. NINA'B BEAUTY SALON SPE CIALS Pormnnonta, $1.75 and up. Flngor wnvlng and shnm pon, to cente. Nlnn Hobbs, Mer rill. 10-6 Transportation LADY WANTS trnnaportntlon to Portland with counlo or woninn driver, Wednesday or Thura day, Inquire Klamath Bllllnnla. 11-20 Sorvicei FLOOR SANDING Old floors Banded nnd reflnlshed. rhone 2201. 10-12 EXCAVATING, potnto digging. J. P. Morgun, Kt. 2, Box 024. 10-18 ROOF STAINING, palming nnd knlaomlnlng. Phone 877J3. W. H. Smith. 10-11 Sorvicei PAPEIIIIANQINa of all klnda (rom the Inexpensive lo Import ed wallpapers by trained, long experienced, rollable men. Alao Interior and exterior painting We enn arrange to finance. "TIIKKK'R A DIFFER KNOB.' E. Moiling Decnrnllng Co., 116 So. 7lh Ht. Phone 939. 10-13 PAINTING AND KALHOMINING Iteaaonable prlcea. Phone 937J4. It. K, Hlmmnna, P. 0 llnx 647. 10-9 PAINTING. KALHOMINING. Ilitr ry Drown, 1941 Vine. Phone 1902. 9-24 B.MALI. JOB HAULING, (ertl, lawn dirt, excavations, dry block wood. Roy Br h mock 243B Shasta Way. Phone 1209 9-26 8EW1NG. expert alteratlona, allp rovera, droaaniaklug, coala re- llned. Mra. Harney, 2111 Dor- row. Phone 2161-J. 10-11-mtf FLOOR 8ANDINQ and rednlahlng Clifford Golden, phone 168W8 1-S0mt( CHIMNF.YH and (urnacea cleaned Iteaaonable. Phone 270. 9-22 PAINTING, paperhanrlng, kalso mining. Attractive (all prlcea Interior work a apeclalty. W. A Pa-la. Phone 2344. 2-20 RODENHAMBR HAW FILING 212 East Main. Phone 846-W. All aawa, toola, lawnmowara etc. repaired. 10-14-ml( CURTAINS home laundered atretehed. Guaranteed work. Iteaaonable. Phone 1426-W. 10-14 FOR FIRST-CLASS CARPENTER work phone 2SW3. Free call matea. 2132 Orchard. 9-21 DRKHKMAKING, alteratlona, re modeling. Ann London. 623 Main, over Bwanaen'a Barber Shop. 2-26 OLD MATTRESSES made new. Rebuilt. 12.60. New llcklnga 13.96. One day aervlce. Furni ture upholaterlng. Complete line of lateat materlala. Carl aon Mattreaa and Upholatery Co. Phone 791. 1206 Main. 10-6 FURNITURE rednlahed. Ooeller'a Wallpaper It Paint Store. Phone 1176. 230 Main. 10-8 WRINGER ROLLS (or all mal.ea of waahlng machlnea. Merit Waahlng Machine Service, 709 So. 6tb. Phone 1036. 9-31-mtf EXPERT HOSIERY REPAIR by Mlaa Berg. The Town Shop, 6lh end Main. 9-80 SEWING, ALTERATIONS Roa- aonable. La Vina Robin, 2023 Darrow. Phone 19M-W. 9-23 WANTED Girl to care for child during day. Call 330 High al ter 6 p. m. 9-20 16 Holp Wanted, Male ww.eewe.w wvywM WANTED Experienced wood cutter. Call 367W1. 9-20 WANTED Sign painting In ex change (or rent o( (urnlahed cottage. Altnmont Auto Camp. 9-22 Situation! Wanted EXPERIENCED WOMAN wanta work cooking, nuralng, house keeping. Can take full charge. Nnwa-Ilernld, Box 637. 0-22 WANTED Employment. Clerk or lunch counter. Phone 640W2. 8-24 EXPERIENCED COOK wlahea work. Harveet hands, restau rant work. Go any place, 10211 Main. 9-20 MIDDLE-AGED, responsible mnn wlshoa work as night watch man, Chaa. Gascon, Baldwin Hotel. 9-26 CHILDREN'S HAIRCUTS. 25c adults. 36c; permanenta, $1.60 and up. Export oporatora. Sat lefnctlon guaranteed. Hollla Beauty and Barber Shop, 604 fl. 8th. phone 468. 9-23 20 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM- 2007 Mo- doc. 38 per weok. 9-26 ROOM AND BOARD Close In 829 High. 10-16-mt( BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klnm- ath. 4796-tt BOARD AND ROOM $1.00 dny Private showers. 723. Klamath, 9-30 BOARD AND ROOM 629 Jef- (erson. 9-20 Rooms for Rent FOR RENT Nlco, large room, 2 blocks (rom high school. 1405 Upham. Phono 2030-W. 9-24 ROOM sultnblo for two, board If doalrert, rhono 1667. 0-20 SLEEPING ROOM with garage. Reference. 716 Owens after 6. 9-24 SLEEPING ROOM, outalde en- trnnce, closo In. ton. 803 Wnahlng-9-30 ROOM In private family. Clenn, woll heatftd, monls 1( doslrod. 1004 Eldorado nftor 3 p. m. 9-26 ROOM FOR RENT 314 Wnah 3108tf tngton. CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th St. All otitsldo modern rooms. Free parking lot. 10-11-mtf URNACE HEATED ROOM 134 No, 3rd. 4660-tf LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 33.60 up. 131 N. 10th. 9-21 10 Roomi for Rent ROOMS 413 Alameda. 9-22 BLEF.PING ROOMH Board If de- aired. 450 Michigan. 2-2 NICK ItOOM In private horn Two blocks off Main. 103 High Ht. 9 ATTRACTIVE room 846 Eldorado. reaaonabl 4601 If, Cl.AREMONT. 228 N. 4th St All outalde modern room, Free parking lot. 10 ROOMS 920 621 No. 10th. Lincoln. Inqu 9-2 24 Apartment! for Rent UNFURNISHED three-room house with garage, $18. 2118 Or chard, Alao (Ive-room houae, unfurnished. Inquire U, Dunham, 486 Oak. 9-2 4-ROOM unfurnished bouse on Reclamation. Inquire 634 No 1th. 9-20 1-ROOM houae. eloae In. Inquire 1627 Oregon or 937 Klamat 9-21 4-ROOM modern (urnlshed house, basement, garage, In run Phone 419W2 between 9 a. i and 6:20 p. m. 9-2 MODERN unfurnished house bedrooms, 40.00. Phone 29 9-2 FURNISHED CABIN (or bachelor. 1218 Sultabl Crescent 2-2 2-I1EDROO.M. modern, room largo, completely redecorated nook, (urnace. garage In baao. ment. Unfurnished. 327.6 Caryl Webater, 111 No. 9th. 2-20 CLEAN, modern (urnlshed apart ment. 120. 426 Martin. 9 APARTMENT Two bath. Inquire 621 rooms an N. 10th. 9-2 2-ROOM APT. Everything (ur nlahed. 120.00. 433 No. 10th 9-2 SMALL, APARTMENT 741 Wei nut. 9-2 ONE-ROOM APARTMENT- 42 9-2 Oak. FOR RENT 4-room partly (ur nlahed apartment. Close In Call 1393-J. 9-2 VACANCY 116.00 and up. 41 No. 10th. 10-1 2 AND 3-ROOM APARTMENTS Esplanade Courta. 9-2 2-ROO.M (urnlahed apt., 933 High 454 2-tf VACANCY Adulte. Ideal Court 323 Commercial. 9-2 MODERN (urnlahed apartments Weyerhaeuser district. Phone 449J6. 2-21 VACANCY Roosevelt Apt., Hot Springs. Phone 672. 4561-tf CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly (urnlshed and deco rated, telephonee, electric equipment, refrigeration, ele vator, garage. Day, week month. Tho apartment hotel with ronvenlencea and home comfort. 24-hour aervlce. No pets. 10-14-mlf APARTMENTS FOR RENT Al- phn Apia. Phone 800. 4738-tt 26 House for Rent 3-ROOM (urnlahed cottage. Clean 1664 Mantanlta. 9-34 FURNISHED cottages by the week. Altnmont Auto Camp. 9-23 FOR RENT Modern furnished house, 836. 820 Doty, Inquire Box 894, Shasta Way. 9-20 FOR RENT Double modern cot tagea 16 weekly. Phone 1196-J 9-22 FOR RENT OR SALE 7-room unfurnished houae (or business or rosldonce. 228 No. 7th Porlo Wheoler Martin, Lake o the Woods. 9-20 FOR RENT Partly homo. 814 Llncolon. (urnlshod 4606t(. 28 Miscellaneous for Rant 160 ACRES, Irrigated with pump ing plant. Good for alfnlfa, po tatoes and grain. Sninll house. Attractive lease. T. J. Murray Dorrln, Calif. 2-20 RENT PIANOS Small modern. Apply toward purchase later 1( desired. Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's Music, 117 So. 7th. 10-1 30 Real Estate for Sal FOR SALE OR TRADE (or light enr or house trailer three room house on half acre In Plensnnt View, 2nd Btreet. F. I,. Cunningham. 9-24 FOR SALE Reasonable. 4-room house with aim porch and dou ble gnrage. See night clerk, Arcade Hotel. 9-24 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. 310 down, )S monthly. Including Interest. Mrs. Ben P. Lnwla, owner. Rt. 2, Box 896. Phono 8fiJ2, 10-18 FOR HALE Store or restaurant bulldlns. Well locnted, four rooms In rear. Priced right. Torms. 229 Enst Main. 9-22 FOR SALE Now, modern 4-room homo, gnrnge, woodshed, J'2600. $260 down, $30 monthly. W. L. Cotton, 2150 White. 8-20 FOR SALH 66-ncro (arm near state line, Drain 10. $8500. Emll Sedlacok, Tulolake, Calif. 2-21 22 I 30 Real Eitate for Sal Another Real Bargain You'll Ilka this two-bedroom house at 626 Mitchell Ht. It has fireplace, hardwood (loor In liv ing room, plenty ot bullt-lna, lawn, trees, garage and wood shed. Price Is $2860.00 with $300.00 down payment and $30.00 per month. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 9th Phone 6 9-20 FOR HALE In Prlnevllle, Ore., modern home, (urnace heat, ata-trays, double garage, elec tric lighted, nice lawn and trees. No Incumbrance. Owner leav ing. Will aell at a reuaonahlo price. Box 4963, Nows-Herald. 9-21 6-ItOOM houae near school, down. 236 Martin. $200 10-6 TWO-WHEEL trailer, cheap. 2317 Bo. etb, Frailer Courts. 9-27 FOR BALE 4-room modern house and acre good soli, gar age and woodshed, two wells, windmill pressure pump, big lawn, newly painted and paper ed throughout. Rt. 3, Box 354. Rabbit Flat. 9-26 ROO.MINO HOUSE A mint (or old people. J. Hoaklnga. 9-26 FOR SALE 164 acres excellent soil, electricity available, (Ine building alte, near achool, all (enced. Price $3000. $900 cash, balance seven years 6. Write or see owner, T. N. Alien by, Box 74, Keno. 9-21 NEW 3-BEDROOM suburban home, modern In every respect. Must be sold at once. This house was built to aell (or $4000; sacrifice price la $3150. Very easy terma to reaponslble party. Bee Caryl Webster, 111 North 9th. 9-20 MODERN 2-roora houae near Mills school. Well constructed and In good condition. Paved street and sidewalk. $1300 takes It. Make offer aa to terms. Inquire 311 E. Main. 9-20 6-ROO.M partly lurnisbed home. close In on 9th. $3000. Terms $300 down. $35 monthly. How- ard Barnhlaol Agency. Phone 1050. 9-22 FOR 8ALE 80 acres Improved close in. P. O. Box 106. 9-23 OFFERING FOR LIMITED TIME at $5000, (Ine new home lo located 718 Roseway drive. Full basement with garage apace, Montag air conditioned (urnace, thermostat controll ed, hardwood noors through out, (Inest (inlsh and (Ixturea to be had. Inquire 616 Upham. 2-20 ACRE near Altamont acbool, two blocks (rom South 6tb. $10 down, $10 month. Christ Huck. 1320 Pleasant. 9-21 34 Automotive 1936 TUDOR PLYMOUTH. Sale or small tradeln. $350. Shaw, Acme Cleaners. 9-21 FOR SALE $300 equity In 1937 Pontlao coupe. Low mileage. $200, or will trade (or older car, clear. Phone 1273-W" a( ter 5. 9-26 FOR SALE BY OWNER 1937 Deluxe Chevrolet sedan, $650 cash. Phone 1969-J. 9-22 WILL TRADE equity '84 Chev rolet town sedan (or 32 Chev rolet roadster or what have you? 183 No. 10th. 9-20 SMITHY'S REPAIR 8HOP. for merly located on South Sixth new location, Associated Gar age at Bly. General auto re pairing, gas, oil, accessories, rest rooms. H. L. Smith. 9-22 FOR SALE '29 Buick sedan by owner. Cheap for cash. 2019 Main. ' 9-20 36 Miscellaneous for Sal REAL NICE canning tomatoes. peaches, Bartlett pears, and melons galore. Real cheap. Tree and vine ripened. Polka dot Fruit Stand on Riverside. 4948tt PEKINGESE PUP FOR SALE 712 No. 3rd. 4597-tf TYPEWRITER, $25 cash. 421 Main. Phone 862J2. 45S1-K FOR SALE Washed sand for limited time $2.25 per yard also rock and cement, mixer available to customers. Phone 269 or 191J2. 9-21 FOR BALE Furnace. 1935 9-20 Mnnianita, FOR SALE Barred rock fryers. Phone 788-W-8. 9-23 BEVERAGE COOLER (or sale- Kern hotol, 9-23 WE HAVE soveral re-possessed sewing machines to sen (or bal ance ot contract. All carry new machine guarantees. Call Moe's. 9-23 TENT, cook atovea cheap. Alta- mont Auto Camp. 9-20 FOR SALE Balled alfalfa and oat hay, $10 per ton at rnnch or $12 delivered. J. A. Thomp son, Rt. 1, Box 892, Midland. 9-20 FOR SALE Lawn dirt, fertilizer, cinders. Phone 877J3, 10-11 FOR SALE Equity in Fnlrbnnks- Morss refrigerator. Call 757-J. 9-21 ILL DIRT J. P. Morgan, Rt. 2, 9-21 Box 924. BALED HAY, delivered. R. J. 10-18 Morgan, Rt, 2. Box 924. 36 Miscellaneous for Sal FARM IMPLEMENTS Exceptional Values in Reconditioned Tractors Plows Potato Diggers Hay Presses You Can Realize Substantial Savings. Terms to Suit Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. 1948 South Sixth St. Klamath Falls, Ore. 36 Miscellaneous JorSal t FOR SALE Household goods, In cluding wood range. 229 East Main. 9-26 PICKLINO CUCUMBERS Crys tals, Merrill-Lakevlew Junction. 9-26 FOR SALE Trailer. 6th and East Main. Corner 8o. 9-26 FOR SALE Baled straw, 40c bale. Geo. Mast, last bouse, 1st avenue, Homedale. 9-26 BARGAINS in used radios. Au thorized R.C.A.-Victor service. John Jewett. Derby's Music, 117 S. 7th. 9-24 FOR SALE Toy (ox puppies. 781 Oak, Apt. 2. 9-22 PINE LIMBS Order now hclore prices rise. 2214 Stukel. 9-24 REGISTERED POINTER PUPS (, jm best blood lines In Amer ica auch aa Champion John Proctor, Comanche Frank, Un daunted Great Rap and many others. Price $20. Easily worth $50. A great opportunity at a email price. Pelican Hotel. 9-22 PINE BLOCKS Bone dry. $2.00 at bin, $3.25 delivered. Phone 892-M. S-26 GET YOUR boy or girl Into the High School band or orchestra now. Buy your Instruments on low terms. Reasonably priced from the store that gives a guar antee of quality that really means something. Buy (rom the store that Is equipped to give you service on maintain ing your Instruments. Buy (rom Derby's Musio Co., 117 So. 7th. Phone 670. 9-20 PRUNES Lota of 'cm,- lc pound, you pick, lie picked B. E. Ford, 2 miles west of Medford. Phone 731-R. 9-24 WARD'S ROYAL BLUE PIPE LINE MILKERS Two single unit milkers, $211.00 complete. Get milking machine aupplies (used on all makes milkers) and dairy supplies (or less at Wards Farm Store. 9-27 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage. 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 10 mtf. FOR SALE Two In good shape. potato diggers 26-Inch blade, power take-off. Delta Farms Scappoose, Oregon. 9-22 WARDS MODERN POTATO DIG GER Cuts potato harvesting costs to the bone. The most modern and Improved type dig ger and Ward's low price is only $185.25. Buy on easy monthly payment plan. Full specifications at WAR D'S FARM STORE, 220 Main St. 9-23 38 For Sals or Trad FOR SALE OR TRADE 56 acres 4-room house, dairy barn, large chicken house, hog houses fruit, 2 miles from Klamath Falls. Can subdivide. 917 Wal nut. 10-11 40 To Exchange 160 ACRES In Josephine county to exchange for Klamath Falls property. Will assume small mortgage. Weaver & Cofer, 133 S. Ninth St. 9-22 WILL TRADE two-hedroom mo dern house (or suburban acre age. 712 No, 3rd or 2060-J. 9-24 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO RENT Small rooming house, close In. Phone 1537. 9-20 WANTED Wood to saw. Inquire Oilmore Station, 6th and Oak. 10-16 WANTED Used electric washer In good condition. Reasonable. Phone 1668-W after 6:30 p. m. 601-tt CASH FOR PIANOS. Derby', 117 So. 7th. 10-1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture and stovos. O. K. Second Hand Store, 820 Klam ath. Phone 991. 9-30-iutf 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE or on aharea: 500 bead ewes. Thomoa Hefner, Bo nanza. 2-22 SADDLE HORSE FOR SALE Call 3831, Tulelake. 9-21 CHICKS HATCHING every week. Maguire Electric Hatchery, 2416 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. 9-30-mt( 46 Financial NEED MONEY? Let The "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish Tb Cash. AUTO LOANS FINANCING See COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-223. 116 S. 7th St. Phone 471 9-30 LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and. REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 88 10-9-mtf 48 Business Opportunities BUSINESS, Including fixtures, ex cept stove, on highway at weed. Pilgrima Reat. Weed. Calif. 9-26 STORE and lunch business, in cluding stock. $176. full price. Rt. 2. Box 45, Altamont. 9-22 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF KQUAI.IZATIOX OF KEXO IRRIGATION DIS TRICT. NOTICE Is hereby given that the board of directors of the Keno Irrigation District of Klamath county, Oregon, will, commencing Tuesday, October 4, 1938, at the office of said board, 1135 Lincoln Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, sit as a board of equalization for the purpose of reviewing nnd correct ing the assessment roll of said district for the year 1939. J. W. KERNS. Secretary Keno Irrigation trict. S 6-13-20-27 No. DlB 146 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK OF FILING FIXAb ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF NAPOLEON COL- LETTE (sometimes known as Poly Collette), Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have (lied my final account as Administrator of the Estate of Napoleon Collette, Deceased, and the above-entitled Court has fixed 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday, October 5, 1938, as the time, and the Circuit Court Room in the Court H o u se o( Klamath Falls, Oregon, si the place when and where any person may present objections or excep tions to said Final Account, at which time the above-entitled Court will finally pass upon and settlo said Account. GUS STEDRY, Administrator of the Es tate of Napoleon Col lette, Deceased. A 30; S 6-13-20-27 No. 137 NOTICE OF A SPECIAL BOND ELKCTION TO BE HELD IN AND FOB THE ENTERPRISE IRRIGATION DISTRICT OF KLAMATH COUNTY, ORE GON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special bond election will be held on Wednesday, the 23th dny ot September, A. D., 193", in and for the Enterprise Irriga tion District of Klamath County, Oregon, to determine whether ne- WHEAT DROPS AS WAR SCARE FADES CHICAGO, Hept. 20 (JPI Lower prices on wheat with but little ral lying power In evidence, distin guished grain trading today. Dealings hinged almost entirely on European peace prospects. No great anxxlety voer Ciechoslo vakla's reply to England and France was apparent. At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures were 1c to lc down com pered with Monday's (Inlsh. De cember 4sC to 64c; May 5c to 65ic; corn Ic to lie off, Sep tember 62sC to 62c; December 491c to 49c, and onts showing c to c setback. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Sept. 20 (AP) Kanre-rattllng in Europe sounded less menacing to Wall Street to day, and the stock market took courage to extend Its recovery most Drlskly. Gains of on to around fou points were posted throughout tne list in lively (orenoon buying spurts, particularly at the open ing. The (orward march halted after midday for a tlmebut was resumed again toward the finish Wall Street got Its buying steer before atarting dealing (rom broad awing upward In European markets, Including London, Pari and Amsterdam, and (rom a rise In foreign currencies In terms of the dollar. Evidence the Eur opean rush to get gold and dol lars In a flight of capital had dl minlshed also waa seen in a sharp fall In the London price of gold Transactions, Increased by active buying around the opening approximated 1.2UO.000 shares, Closing quotations: N Y STOCKS Adams Express , 10 1 Air Reduction . 69i Alaska Juneau 9) Allied Chemical & Dye 178 Allied Stores 10 American Can 95 American English Tile 4 1 American Foreign Power 3 a American Power A Light 41 American Rad Sta San lag American Rolling Mills 17 LEGAL NOTICES gotlable, general obligation, se rial, coupon bonda in the- sum ot Twenty-eight Thousand ($28,000) Dollars shall be Issued by said District (or the purpose of pro viding the necessary lunds (in connection with a Federal Grant of Twenty-two Thousand, Nine Hundred Fifty ($22,950) Dol lars, (or the construction of an underground Irrigation system In portions of said District, com monly known as "Bryant Tracts No. 1, Bryant Tracts No. 2,' "Pleasant View Tracts," "Garden Tracts," "Empire Tracts," "New Deal Tracts," "Lewis' Tracts," "Pleasant Home Tracts No. 1," "Pleasant Home Tracts No. 2.' "St. Francis Park." "Gienger's Home Tracts," "Homeland Tructa No. 1." "Homeland Tracts No. 2," "Cloverdale Tracts." "Bailey Tracta No. 2. and for the pur chase and acquisition ot the nec essary materials and labor to properly construct a complete un derground Irrigation system, in cluding the necessary pipes, con duits, valves, boxes and outleta and other necessary materials and labor. The Board of Directors of said Enterprise Irrigation District has designated the following polling place (or said election, to-wlt: The farm home of James .Britton, located within the boundaries of the District in the Southwest Quarter ot Section 1, Township 39 South, Range 9 East, Wil lamette Meridian. The polls shall be opened at 8 o'clock In the morning of the day set for said election, and re main open until 5 o'clock In the afternoon of the same day when they must be closed. At such election the ballot shall contain the words: "BONDS YES" "BONDS ...NO" Said election must be held and the results thereof determined and declared in all respects as nearly aa practicable in conformi ty with the provisions of the general laws of Oregon govern ing the election of officers o( Ir rigation districts. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Directors ot the Enter prise Irrigation District of Klam ath County, Oregon, have here unto set their hands this 20th day of August, 1938. ENTERPRISE IRRIGATION DISTRICT. By Burrell Short, President-Di rector, By G. J. Hllyard, Director, By I. J. Dixon, Secretary-Direc tor. Attest: I. J. Dixon, Secretary. S.6-13-20-27 No. 131) (A. 23-30 NOTICE OF M RETING OK EQUALIZATION BOARD OF KLAMATH DRAINAGE DIS TRICT, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON Notice is hereby given that tha Board of Supervisors of the Klam ath Drainage District will on Sat urday, October 8th, 1938 meet at the office of the Board at No. 16 Loomls Bldg., as a Board of Equalization (or the purpose .of reviewing and correcting the as sessment roll of said District for the year 1938-1939. G. P. TAYLOR, Secretary. S. 13-20-27. No. 162 ill' ii $81 I IS ll II 101 T 3 15, 13 American Tel 4 Tal .... American Tob B .............. American Water Work American Zinc LAS Anaconda Copper .......... Armour Illinois Atchison .. w Barnsdall Baltimore A Ohio . Bendlx Aviation Bethlehem Bteel oueing Atrp Borden ........ Borge Warner HUdd Mfg ... California Packing i.auanan z L H Calumet Hecla .. Canadian PacHIo 14 7 30, t 28, 701 i 1 12. 151 8i 41J 66, HI 41 138 431 1711 40 $41 I 45 81 2I ifii Case J I Caterpillar Traotor .. Celanese Cert-Teed ... Chesapeake A Ohio Chrysler Motor Columbia Gas A Electrio Commercial Solvents Commonwealth A Southern Consolidated Aircraft Consolidated Edison consolidated Oil Continental Can Corn Producta .. Crown Zellerboch . Curtiss Wright Dupont de N Douglas Aircraft Eastman Kodak ... Electric Power A Light . General Electric , General Foods . General Ga A Electrio A j General Motors Gillette Razor -- Goodyear Tire . .. Great Northern Ry pfd ........ Hecker Products Holland Furnace . Hudson Motors Illinois Central Insp Copper .. International Harvester - International Nickel Can International PAP pfd International Tel A Tel Johns Manvllls .... Kennecott Con Copper Llbbey-O-Ford Liggett Myers B -. Loew s - i.i Long Bell A .. , Lorlllard P Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator National Biscuit -.. National Cash Register National Dairy Produce 71 47 81 104 14 69 481 16! 71 27 411 60, 261 49 31 191 46, 13 241 1H 231 61 16, 181 101 i i 16 4i 10 11 161 121 (1 71 371 281 61 131 191 141 171 411 7 18 701 151 131 211 151 71 31 191 28 631 81 71 111 21 43, 351 121 47 OS National Dist . National Power A Light New York Central . North American Co Northern Pacific- Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pacific Gas A Electric . Packard Motor Penney J c Penna R. R. . Phelps Dodge Phillips Petroleum Proctor A Gamble , Pressed Steel Car ...., Public Service New Jersey Pullman Co ..... Radio Corp - Rayonler . Rayonler pld Remington Rand - Republic Steel Reynolds Tob B : Richfield Oil ..... Safeway stores Sears Roebuck ....- Shell Union Socony Vacuum Southern Calif Edison . Southern Pacific ... Standard Brands ... - Standard Gas & Electric Standard Oil California Standard Oil Indiana ... Standard Oil New Jerey Stone & Webster ................ Studebaker Corp .............. - Sunshine Mining superior OH Texaa Corp . Texas Gulf Sulphur . , Tidewater Associated Oil . Timken Roll Bearing Trans-America ... Union Carbide . ... 821 20 851 251 81 21 59 21 201 431 341 66 18 81 Union Oil California Union Pacific ............ United Aircraft United Airlines ..., United Corporation United Fruit United Gas Imp ............... U S InlUBtrlal Alcohol U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd , U S Steel Vanarlum , Walworth ............... Warner Pictures ............. Western Union .... 261 Westinghouse Electrio . 1011 White Motor ... 12 Woolworth . 451 SO. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Sent. 20 (AP-USDA) Hogs 1050. In cluding 605 direct; fully steady; top and bulk 170-225 lb, butch ers $9.90; few lighter weight and around 240-270 lb. butchers sorted out $9.40, on load arriv ed late unsold; packing sows 25o higher $7.40-65. Cattle 150; holdover 116: steers and range she stock steady; short load medium 860 lb. short fed steers $7.76, sorted 3 head; tew common light grosser down to $5.50; short load medium 216 lb. range cows $5.36 sorted I head $4.76; low grade cows strong; low cutters and cutter $3.25-4.25; odd head dairy cowl $4.50; odd medium bull $6.60; Monday: steers fully steady, in stances about 26o higher; four loads medium to good 976-1000 lb. sbortfed steer $8.00. Calve 75, Including 60 direct; unchang ed; odd head choice vealer up to $10.00, few common to medium $6.50-8.25; few common light calves $8.60. Sheep 2350, Including 2050 direct, holdovers 100; , lamb active, fully steady; two dcMlta medium to low-good 80-81 lb. California medium-pelt lamb $7; short deck 67 lb. Oregon feeding lambs $8.00; good to choice (ull wooled lambs absent, quoted $7.50 to possibly $8.00; small lot common 98 lb, Daughter we $1.26. . American Smelt 4k Ref u 41 MI ""w