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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1938)
September 20, 1038 fAUCi iffU iriti icivyp AINU inn ncjituu mjamajh r aua. unouvn ' i " ' vv ' Ladies Night Scheduled At Klamath Armory THE NEWS AND THE HERALD KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON E GALLERY SEEN Brltt-Bozinis Match 'Will Feature Three-Bout . Card Tonight. nmi bv the lure of bargain rates and the opportunity to be come acquainted with such color ful character! aa Alvln Britt Tiirr Tsakoff. Nick Bosins et al., Klamath Falls" sporis-lovinB fem ininity, with a regulation number of masculine fans along In the rolea of companions, is expected to tax the seating capacity of the armory auditorium, scene of Tues day night mat aisiuruuncea. For tonight Is "ladles- ntcnt, which beats Christmas In coming more than once a year but still doesn't arrive frequently enough to dim Ita special attractions. The principal of those attrac tion, on nrevious occasions. la that any girl of any age who wants to. can take in tne oemon stration for nothing Just so long as she can Induce a man or, In a pinch, another girl, to buy one ticket for the pair of them. Against an obbllgato of shrill screams and piercing shrieks, these developments are scheduled to take place tonight: airin Rrltt. the virtually punc ture-proof former Junior heavy weight wrestling cnanipion. meet Kick Bozlnts, onetime masked marvel, in the hour-limit, two-out-of-three fall main event. Alvln has a nasty habit of tak ing his opponent's left arm and cracking it over the top strand ot the ring ropes or over his knee or elsewhere, inducing great pain and usually hastening the finish. This practice has won Alvin considerable disfavor among the masculine fan element, and it is expected it will be Judged equal ly reprehensible by the gallery of girls, especially aince Boiinis. al though no Adonis,' Is a dashing sort of fellow and absolutely moral In his wrestling tactics. Alvln will be Judged a slight favorite to win. , Paul Mnrdock or Texae wu; face Tiger Taakoff, a horrible Bulgarian, In the six-round mid dle bout. This match la doe to licit unprecedented screams, be cause Tsakotf Just never does anything nice and Murdoek Is the kind of a guy the gala will, hate to see get hurt. They needn't worry too much, however. Murdoek can take care ot himself. He can also take eare of Tsakoft If he gets his "thunderbolt" hold. It looks like a tossup. Chubby Charley Carr of Fort Wayne, Ind., will match nic strength against the alacrity of Hugh Adams ot Montana In the six-round opener. This bout, a good Introduction for the feminine fans in that It will probably de velop an exhibition, of wrestling acience, will also represent a great nnvelling. ' Last time Adams showed here, Adams' mug was submerged in long, black whiskers. This time the whiskers are gone, and his opponenta find themselves at a loss for something to nang onto. . Like the Murdock-Tsakoff col lision, the Carr-Adams encounter promises to be close down to the last ditch. Baseball AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York 94 47 .67 Boston . . . 79 69 .672 Cleveland 80 61 .667 Detroit 74 67 .626 Washington 61 51 .600 Chicago 68 76 .436 St. Louis 60 86 .368 Philadelphia 61 91 .359 No games National league. PORTLAND, Sept. 20 UP) Coach Matty Mathews of Portland university said after a long scrimmage Monday he would put his hopes on an all-letterman team for the game with Pacific here next Saturday night. He Inferred the Pilots' starting backfield would be Zenner, Enx ler, Westcott and Deck or Mc-Nally. BIG Fill ATTENTION HUNTERS! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OPEN ALL NIGHT ASSOCIATED SERVICE So. 6th and East Main WE HAVE PRESTONE DICK DALE SANFORD ROSE ACCESSORIES TIRES BATTERIES LUBRICATION HUNTERS! Stop at the Neon "76" at BIy 24 Hour Service Ammunition Tire Windshield Service Union Service Station Leo H, Moll BLY Firestone Tire. I Ladies' Man Alvln Britt. veteran heavyweight wrestler, who hold down a major role in to night's "ladies' night" grappling program at tbe Klamath armory. Britt tackles Nick Boiinis, one time Secret, In the main event of the bargain bill. Hostak Kayoes Young Stuhley in Third Round SEATTLE. Sept. 20 UP) At "Hostile" Hostak. new ruler of the middleweight division, was ready for a title defense today after scoring his seventeenth con secutive knockout last night. He disposed of Hayden '"Young" Stuhley, Kewanee, 111., battler, via the technical kayo route In one minute and five seconds of the third round In what was to hare been a 10-round non-title affair. Hostak weighed 1691 pounds, Stuhley 164. Stuhley was down four times, being saved by the bell at the count of eight in the first round and going down three times in the third. The first two third-round knockdowns were for nine taps, and the fight was stop ped after the final tumble. When the weary stuhley climb ed down through the ropes after being revived, a ringslder asked him: "Do you think Freddie Apos- toll could lick Hostak?" "Hell no," Stuhley answered shaking his head. "That guy Hos tak can lick anybody in tbe world." Eddie Marino, Hostak s man ager, planned to confer with Pro moter Nate Druxman In a few days over selection of an opponent tor a title bout. The two leading contenders, Young Corbett III and Apostoli, are booked for a middleweight battle in New York City under di rection of Promoter Mike Jacobs, who announced the winner would hare a shot at Hostak for the crown. Marino Bald It was news to him, and that it Hostak fought the Corbett-Apostoll winner, Seattle would have first crack at the bout because, he pointed out, the mid dleweight division draws better here than In the east. TACOMA, Sept. 20 UP) Oregon players finished well up among the leaders yesterday In the first annual northwest pro-salesman golf tournament at Fircrest, The erent was won by Freddie Wood, Vancourer, B. C, with a 69 Al Zimmerman, Portland, was tied for second in the profes sional bracket with a 71. Wen dell Wood, Eugene, had 77; Howard Bonar, Astoria, 78; Bob Noyes, Roseburg, 89. Junior will Hunter Returns Here With Deer Early Tuesday Byron I.tndland ot the Hogue apartments Tuesday claimed the distinction ot bagging the first deer of the Klamath county soa son. Hunting In company with Bert Williams and Lloyd Qutnn. Lind land brought down the animal, a forked horn, on Bryant mountain north ot Malln at 8:30 Tuesday morning. He was back In Klam ath Falls with the buck by 8:16, in time to go to work. I.tndland hadn't had time to weigh the deer before he went on the Job, but he estimated It would scale around 160 pounds. BOWLING AT KLAMATH RKCRKATIOX KLAMATH CITY LEAGUE Elk Hotel Gardner 123 199 167 489 Jones 131 151 13S 422 A. Moore 150 149 157 456 Jamison 121 181 166 468 Wyble ......199 181 159 539 Handicap 74 74 74 223 Totals "98 937 S61 2596 Southern Pacific Parrish 170 177 137 484 Bovd 116 152 147 415 Pernell - 172 144 116 432 Fante 161 167 144 462 Farrar 151 183 155 4S9 Handicap 105 105 105 315 Total 866 128 804 2597 Bend-Portland Truck Edsal 165 149 104 Robbins 133 124 162 Ellis 187 212 127 J. Milne 99 114 123 T. Milne 162 183 148 Handicap ........154 154 154 418 409 626 336 493 462 Totals 900 936 808 2644 Safeway Stores Bacon 144 173 157 474 McCarthy 122 129 124 375 Bratton 168 138 161 467 Tomlin 178 179 137 488 Dixon 170 137 164 471 Handicap 95 95 95 285 Totals .871 (51 838 2660 Sons of Italy Bellottl 124 136 131 192 Plnelll 154 131 127 414 L. Paatega 124 151 178 453 Ferrari 166 132 134 422 Drlscoll 181.149 158 488 Handicap . 68 ( 68 68 174 Totals .797 759 787 2343 glberrlan Leftwich 203 1(2 231 -698 Frediickson ..127 99 105 321 Sweaty 176 156 189 521 Hyde 149 148 210 607 Heeter 1(1 192 1(1 556 Handicap (3 (3 (3 189 Totals 901 (20 9(1 2692 AT BOWLERS' GARDEN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Klamath Lumber and Box Bell 145 158 171 474 435 459 420 488 279 Selani Nan! . 131 145 159 146 160 153 Kemp ..... Tutor Handicap .......138 169 113 153 140 156 93 (3 91 Totals 806 (66 (44 2516 Pelican Bay Lumber Company Peterson 166 187 170 513 Means 118 114 164 396 Horton 137 134 1(2 433 Shaffer 145 136 146 427 Lyon ., 214 134 147 495 Handicap 67 67 67 171 Totals 827 762 (46 2436 Kesterson Lumber Company Stadin 166 142 191 499 Perkins 94 126 111 331 Westln, 1 139 161 181 471 Bakken, A 138 157 176 470 Falk 171 128 164 453 Handicap 116 116 116 348 Totals 824 (20 930 2674 Big; Lakes Lumber Company Young, L. .-..119 159 162 430 Vogel 139 157 189 485 La Bond 145 117 110 372 Young, J 169 157 139 466 Reister 169 196 183 588 Handicap 114 114 114 842 Totals (46 900 8(7 2632 Lamm's .Mill Dickers 1(1 148 144 471 Hall 146 119 111 376 Cox .......... 123 120 166 403 Short 149 116 164 449 Baxter 153 167 164 474 Handicap ......1M 164 164 492 Totals 921 (44 902 2667 Weyerhaeuser . Burkland 179 160 188 622 Ferguson .....:..181 181 1(1 623 Potter 164 144 170 468 Kennerly ...J54 195 128 477 Welch 127 148 179 464 Handicap 96 96 96 288 Totals 891 924 917 2712 Spend one dime for Wings, my friend It's a better-tasting blend! Better? Yea actu ally 1 5 (5 quality Turkish and Do mestic tobaeeosi The secret : we don't go in for tricky wrap ' wasteful ballyhoo. I TROUBLEMAKER BEAVERS' ROLE 1938 OSC Team Tlans to Whittle Away at Con ference Giants. CORVAM.IS, Ore., Sept. 20 (,T) There's hardly a sign or a whis per of a Pacific Const conference football championship at Oregon State college, but the boys think seriously they will lire up to some ot the finest characteristics ot their namesake, the beaver. Coach Lon Stiner, who has a first class Hue but an untested backfield, has mixed a little na ture study with football drill. "Thsy call us Beavers," said I.on between his frequent mo ments of concern over a heavy schedule and a small squad, "and that's Just whsl we are going to be. we're going to whittle away at some of the coast's finest foot ball timber, and when we're through you'll find we've dammed the channel ot more than one championship team." No one doubts the effectiveness ot the program, for Oregon Slalo followed the same course success- fully last year. The Beavers tied Southern California, UCLA and Stanford and defeated Washing ton and Oregon. They lost by a point to Idaho, a touchdown to Washington Stale and by three touchdowns to the defcudlng champion, California. Sliuer, while not wasting time on memories before tbe Idaho game next Saturday, would like to have the 1937 backfield to run behind the 1938 line. Gone are Joe "The Ghost" Gray and little John Alexander, halfbacks, Elmer Kolberg, tough defensive full back, and sharp-witted Bill Dun can, quarterback. The replace ment backfield will be Morrto Kohler, 172 pounds, of Sutton, Neb., and Jim Kisselburgh. 19U, Ventura, Calif., Junior college transfer, at halfbacks, Keuny Dow, 190, ot Great Falls, Mont., fullback, and Jay Mercer, 190, two-year letterman, quarterback. The Beavers' pre-schedule prac tice moved along rapidly because the line, with an experienced husky in every hole, dispensed with preliminaries the first day and began sharpening its teeth to gnaw on the conference's "big trees." John Hackenbruck, last year's tackle, has been a trifle slowed by an infected toe, and Leon Sterling, another tackle, has had a bit of Influenza. They'll be suited up for Idaho. These slight ailments, however, gave Steluer his only line worry outside ot tbe lack of reserves. Ho needs Hackenbruck and Sterl ing because be lOBt Frank Mlhll and John Watts, 1937 tackles. He also misses Frank Ramsey, guard. With Hackenbruck and Sterl ing at tackles both weigh around 200 pounds the rest ot the forward wall will be taken care of by Jim Orr, 187, center; Don Coons, 175, and Joe Wend llck, 203, ends; liberie Scbultz, 212, Prescolt Hutchlns, 19U, guards. Four have played for two years and three for one year Stiner, who has been head coach aince 1933, said "Our suc cess depends on how well the vet erans stand up without reserve assistance and how quickly our sophomores, particularly in the backfield, catch the swing of coast conference action." Oregon State's schedule: Sept. 24 University of Idaho at fjorvallis. Oct. 1 Southern California at Los Angeles. Oct. g University of Portland at Corvallls. Oct. 15 University of Wash ington at Seattle. Oct. 22 Washington State college at Portland. Oct. 29 University of Cali fornia at Berkeley. Nov. 12 Stanford at Corvallis, Nov. 26 University of Oregon at Portland. Dec. 10 UCLA at Los Angeles 8ALEM, Ore., Sept. 20 UP) A 204-pounder from Walla Walla has filled a position In the Wil lamette line that Coach "Spec" Keene predicted before the sea son opeued would be notably weak rignt guard. He Is Jim McKonney, sopho more, a reserve tackle last year, Hla superlative work recently In scrimmage and lntcrsquad games caused Keene to conclude the position will be ono of the strongest Instead ot tbo weak est. Spokane Again To Take Part Sl'OlvANK. Wash.. Sept. 19 -T The nations gridiron coin-lien were Invited today to quit "momilir low" and turn their gromis to gold by ulimltlliiK wails for tho i n lid prlie ol (1000 In the Spoknun athletic round tallies second minimi "couches moaning context." Revival of tho contest, which was won Inst year by a tonr- pulling null from Many Peters or St. lieneitli t a collcac, Atchi son, Knit., was uiimiumvd by the round tnhle lit 111 -euitc, three color brochures, mailed lo every college and hlitti school couch In tho nation, all sports editors, every service club nnd lo the editor of nil collcse pnpers. The brochure advises (he conches to "set out the onions, hnve the orchestra piny soiily 'Hearts unil Flowers;' pull the pup's lull; pinch the bnby. "Or. belter still, think of what a football team you nilsht have hail It . , ." Tho best letter on the If will be rewarded by a check for (1000 for athletic equipment for the writer's school. Last year tho brilliance of Tiny ThoruliiU's moan from Stnnford resulted In the round tahlu send ing a Kpecial second "prUo" to Thornhlll in the form of "Tiny'' Pete ChrlHilanaen, 325-puuud. 52-year-old farmer, whom they dub bed "Halfback Pete." The Joke "blew back" because Pelo ato so much it cost more to get him FOOTBALL BRIEFS By the Associated Press PULLMAN. Wash. Charles (Chub) Jones, a two-year reserve end, may be the anwer to Conch Orln (Babe) llolllngbery's prayer for a fullback. Holmes has been trying out for halfback on the Washington Slate college squad, but a shift to tho major backfield bole at fullback brought results .Monday which pleased tho veteran coach. Holmes Is a straight-forward driver aa a ball carrier, blocks effectively, can snare passes and la dependable on defense. MOSCOW, Idaho Coach Ted Bank snld Tuesday the University ot Idaho football toaui probably would be without tbe services of Jimmy Johnson, veteran halfback, in tbe Oregon State game Satur day. The senior from Glendale, Calif., Injured his back in scrimmage. A "blue" squad Is running Oregon State's plays of last year in this week's scrimmage sessions. CORVALLIS, Ore. With the Idaho game only four days distant Coach Lon Stiner of Oregon State still hadn't made a definite left halfback selection Tuesday, Hal Hlgglns, one-year letter man, was battling It out with Vic Koehler, Junior transfer. Bob Ol son, soph, and Kisselburgh, soph transfer, for the key post. Tho remainder of tho backfield seemed reasonably well established with Jay Mercer, veteran, al quarter back; Dow, soph, at fullback, anil M. Koehler, Junior transfer, at right end. ' SEATTLE, Wash. The Univer sity of Washington Huskies, 37 strong, packed their grid equip ment Tuesday and prepared to board a train for Minneapolis, where they will open their season next Saturday against the Uni versity of Minnesota. Coach Jimmy Phclan planned to send his charges through a brief signal drill Tuesdny morning before starting their long ride. The traveling list was notable by the absence of Charley Rus sell, fleet-footed negro halfback, who has derided to remain out of school this fall. 90 PROOF-COP. 1938, mmci r.i.M . ranr. wnn v ic 1 f IF YOU ARB THIS 7YP YOUlL I LIKE THIS BOURBON THATS f iff 0ritn i wtmmmmmmmmmimimmmmma L. Bids Coaches in Moan Derby back than to send Mm, A second prlto this year Is" hoiim held In nboynncn until the quality of tho entries has been scanned, "NothluK's so in no li fun aa hit ting a high hat with u snowball," explained Joe Albl, round table president. "So. during these mouths of serious football what can be better than to pull down a few ot tho good old alibis and turn looso a few which are only meant to be taken as tun. "t'oncentiailng I ho alibi period Into one great effort leaves loin move time for development of football, too." To win the prlie lust year, which was only M0 then. Marly I'eters wrote a wall about a team of bruisers who were so affected by the atmosphere of St. Hcim diefa they all turned lo "the hlRhor life'' anil scorned crudo ueiiB of the battlefield for the "refining Influence of Plato. " . Tho pamphlet Itself, the round taliln antlcliialoH. will make quite a few lako notice. A picture of the "tloniaxa campus'' on the first page Inside looks strangely like an aerlnl view of 8nn Fran cisco's Treasure Island and a shot of the Idaho rampiis at Moscow s o e m a suspiciously similar to views published recently of the Kcd Square of Moscow In Russia. All letters containing "moans must be In ihe mall by mid iilKhl." a monih from today. October 20. llotturl. Dave Anderson and Loulo Smith rapidly whipping Into shape the University of California Hears Tuesday were listed al 2 to 1 fav orites over St. Mary s tlael. with whom they clash Katunlay. The Hears are considered favorites despite Coach Stub Allison's as sertion: "We are but 60 per cent effi cient." LOS ANGKLKS. Calif. Attend ance marks for an opening col lege gridiron game may be broken Saturday whon Southern Califor nia and Alabama clash In Memor ial coliseum. The advance sale has reached over 40,000, and Ihe Trojan ath letic heads expect 76.0UU in the big stsdlum. Last reports from Troy wero that Bob Peoples may start al fullback. The es-Oklnboma prep stnr gets the call, at this date, over Angelo Pocclanto. a veieruu and Jack Hants, a sophomore, both of whom are troubled by ail ing legs. Ambrose Srhlndlcr, the regular fullback, may be kept out entirely until his lame kneo shows ability to stand up under punishment. Meanwhile, the Crimson Tide Is rolling toward California, and is due here Friday, taking a work out that afternoon PALO ALTO, Calif. Discour aged by performances of his lads In practice, Coach Tiny Thornhlll has listed some heavy scrimmages for the Stanford varsity this week in preparation for the Santa Clara clash Saturday. He worked nls team against an olght-man lino Monday. The Drones have tossed that many men Into the line against tho Cards the past two seasons. Thornhlll said Hampton Pool, for mer West Pointer, was back In uniform Monday, fully recovered from a groin Injury received In practice. Three British explorers have sot out to visit a mountain In what they term "the lost worlds." Late news from Europe suggests that If they'd waited a while the moun tain mlcht have eomo to them. KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts Title Insurance Escrows ELBKRT S. VEATCII lit So. Fourth St. Phone 180 SCHEME! OlSIslBUIOW, INC, N. Y. C WEATHER AIDS Pittsburgh Club May Be Rained Into National Leatfuo Pennant. MONK.U'M KKNI'I.TH American League llnstoii-chicngo postponed, cold Now York 1, St. I.ouls 13. I'lillailelphia 3, Cleveland 4. Washington 12, Detroit 1. By The AswH-lainl Press Like Ihe famous III wind, the rillsliiirgli Pirates would hare you believe It's an III rnln that helps no one's pennant prospects. The entire National league pro K i a in of your doiihlebeailers was rained lit In ff ihe 193 pro gram Monday and Ihal, In Ita way, was somewhat mora Import ant than any of tbe tbreo games played In Ihe American league While Ihe league-leading Pir ates were deprived of a chance to Improve their record at the ex pense of the Phillies, they mark ed up two games (hut cau'l be lost nod two apiece that their rivals, the Chicago Cuba and t 'In - climall lleda. can't win. They now have 14 lo go, and Clilcugo and Cincinnati 13 apiece. On Ihe ball field. Monday's outstanding development was olio of Ihe most thorough lickings the Champluu Yankoea have taken all season. After clinching the pennant Sunday, with t I'm aid of the weather, Ihe Yanks dropped a 13-1 decision to the St. Louis Drowns. Lou flehrlg played only an Inning to preserve bis con secutive Rnuifl record, and the rest of the regulars might aa well bare left with him. They got only six hits oft Howard Mills while the Drowns nicked Wes Ferrell for four runs In the first two Innings, then cut loose with eight In the fifth. Cleveland's Indians, still try ing for second place, picked up a half game on the Idle Boston Red Sox when Ihey made four hits good for a 4-2 victory over tho Athletics. Jeff Henth's homer accounted for three runs. Wash ington walloped Detroit 12-2 be hind Pete Appleton's flve-hll flinging, and Hank (ireenhora's chances of healing Babe Moth's home run record were further weakened when he was held to a single. Chinese Herbs Herbs are coniiHiundril to meet the needs of the Individual. The use of herbs for all human ailment are tested and handed through the age. They are being nwl dally. Come today Consultation free Prices reasonable. Y. S. Lee Herb Company 415 S. 9th Street, Klamath Fall Open Daily 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. r Time Extended! You Can Slill Get Any One of the Following Machine FREE f.o b. Chicago, with the purchase of a new F-20 Farmall Tractor No. 8, 2-furrow 14 in. Little Genius Tractor Plow No. 221-G Cultivator with No. 1 Equipment No. 10-A 8-foot 32 16-inch Tractor Disk Harrow The Time Hat Been Extended on Thie Offer to October 15, 1938. Buy the tractor you need for potato harveat and get one of these fine, big machine FREE J. W. KERNS McCormick-Deering; . International Firestone Phone 1053 734 South Sncth Klamath Fall., Ore. Four Leaders Launch Coast Loop Playoffs SAN FRANCISCO, Bepl, 10 (P) Already $2600 rlrher by taking the Pacific Cnnal league pennant, Ihe Los Angeles Angels leveled ihelr sights on an additional 16000 today as Ihey tangled with lbs Sacramento Senators In Ihe Rbsuglineasy playoffs. While the Angela and third place Ketialots play al l,na An lelea Inulitlit In the fir t of three games there, the San Francisco Seals, who managed In gel Into Ihe plavoffs by virtue of a couple of percentage points, move Into Seal He. After three games In l.ns An geles the Senator movn Into Ihelr Inline park for Ihe rest of a seven game series. Seattle will wind til Its playoff series with the Heals In Nan Francisco. Thn winneis nf these two series meet for the J Mi on first idai-a playoff prize and the $2no fnr the 1 miner up. The other two learn will gel 1 1 2 .' 0 each for Ihelr trouble. FOREST HILLS. N Y.. Sept. 20 i.iv- For the fourth straliiht day, rain forced postponement of ihe three remaining semi-final matches In the national singles lentils championships at the West Hide Tennis club today. Weather permitting, (he matches will he played tomorrow and the finals Thuiaday. FIRST SHOULD COME YOUR HEALTH 1 10 plan to spend your vacation at RICHARDSON SPRINGS la the mounlalat sair Chlce, DtiHal County, Northtm CaMorala J You Will Find tr, Vitalise Atlitclieai Cvsry C.mfort and, wldiowl .sir. cell, the Famous Health-Building Mineral Waters If you have your health, keep It If you've lost il, regain it. These Sprinos can cfo wonders for you.