The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 17, 1938, Page 9, Image 9

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    September 17, 1938
I Hck (Jhl Clly polko wnin
Hhkoil 1 1) tiid In ihu Hi'iinli for m
' yniu-nW Vn lui I w lin l.'fl
)ir hutiMi Hi'iMmiilior I :t iiml (n
thullKhl to Intvit itonn to K la ni
aih til I In, Tim Kill. Muiiliu Miiy
. King. In 16 ymin olil Iml loci li tt
lunch nlilnr, arc-nntlMK In 1 1 1 I iar
' itiilH. Hint hurt rial It. nhui t nit
, lialr, wxIkIih I :iTi (hhiihIh iiimI h
I U'Vi i llll'tll'll tllll. Hllli WliH
wtmrliiK it I'ltili laiu iIu'mm wit h
Mhllo hIiouh utnl fiiiryliiK it wliltn
j u run whun hint mim-ii hy Imc
v I'Vmii KaiiMiH rliy John Mar
tin h iiM I'utiiriH'il to liln hoinn In
KunmiH t.'lty, Knit., utUw u mir-
jirUo vlnll nt iho hniiio nt Mr. find
Al I'M, 1 1 u K. MlK'i'inan on Oitkoii
vitniM. Many Intt'i vn Iiik I rlm
Nvi'io inadti iIuiIiik IiIm nlay hit
JmDii) piu'ty tnoloD'il lo Ciad'i' lulu
fliimUy, ucroiniMiiiltMl hy Mm. K. K.
I'luwull, Johnny Kuan and 1 1
Him in i ft n, Jr. Martin In Mm.
H lit riitii li 'n coUHln.
From lli'ow iinvIIc M r, ami
Ml H. ( lllll (hi HonliMMI of Hi ci w Mft
Vliln, OH., ao vlnliliit; (or a wtik
nt tliu li o mo of Mrn. Hohuuh'
imroniH, Mr. and Mm. J. ('. Marin.
ZAtii llmiio uvriiiKv M i it. Al M"
runibrr mid daiiKnlur, Hltuiron, of
I I Ihlch t iind, ui n aUo vlnll Iiik t'or
. ii wi'k al tin Marin Ihmihv Mjh.
' . Mt'ciimhcr In ulno tliu dmiKliU,' of
' Mr, and Mm. Mtirln.
I.A lii-nodc Visitors Mr. and
Mn Melcuf nuil anuill nun .
; Piilll li)llc, Mr. .Metritis liuitll
ri', Mrs. A. L. Anscll mill son.
Itnhurd. a ml Mm. Loin ) ' i n . -r.
II of l.u Uluiidu, Fildny
nighi Ki vln .Mr. mill .Mm. E. K.
Houston of Kill ninth Fulls .Mix
. Ilounloii In ulnu u iMuchliT of
.Mia. Allacll.
To Annul Miliouol Mr. iiml
j Mi. Uuciillu Frailer uml (laugh
Irr, Holly J nun, of 14Ui! Kiinl
.'; Main street, left Tliurmliiy morii-
I ii K for lon Anniili'H where (lii'
will vihii for several days with
. frleiula uml niutlvin. Belly Jnm
will apfiid ihu wlutrr uiii.-iulliig
cliool In Loa AiiKulua.
' Knun Vrmiirn Mr. mul Mr.
II M 1 1 ui at of ViMituin, lullf..
nin v tnlt In j at tlio huniu of Mr
ami ,Mn. Uui nllii I'luzlur. ltui'
Kual Main atruui. .Mra. KruzliT
la llural'a UaiiKlilvr. Mr. ami
Mra. Mural mo tukltii; cant of Mr.
ml Mra. Krntlor'a nloro iliirlnt!
tlu'lr viu-ntlou trip lo l.on
Ix'ftvra l-'or Soul h J. It.
rmilaoii loft Thuratlny uvonliifi
for hla liuiiio In t.oa AnK"lia
nfirr vlaltlnK for Iwo worlm al
Itin homo of hlrt fMili-tn-law anil
dnunhlor Mr. ami Mr.. I'liarh-a
M. ltoynolda, 21 1U W him uvcnuu.
j Itrlainia lo ICuui'im Kulhurlno
nf Mr. mul Mra. Oarur l'l-yum uml
family iliiiiim tliu nil wiok, linn
t : rolurnod lo Iiim- homo In Kuk'iio.
'k nhoro ah will enicr hur Junior
yrar at Ihs t'nlvoralty of Orvgon.
Kntrr Hrlinol Jack Walla and
Junior llopklna drove to Kiikciio
thn (lift of Iho wei-k. wluio they
rmoroil Iho I nlvertiliy of Oregon.
Jloth are crniltintea of Ki lls und
VIII enler Iho unlvoralty aa froab
tuon. ' KI 111 III llie.pltal - (leoiuo Sl
1 1 r, Jatiltur or l ho Tcllnm City
aibool, la atlll cuullneil lo Ihu
Klamath Valley hoapltul, wheru
ho la rocolrlng treatmoiii for In
Jurlea rocolvcd when ho fell from
thn aecond atory window of the
ai hool building.
I lloiiio l'roin soulli Mra. A. J.
-Chlilcntor of 4 16 11 n o airocl haa
'jreiurneil homo from L'nlfux,
C'ullf., whoro alio wna culled hy
tlio ciltlcal lllneaa of u niece, who
..iKHcil anay during her may In Iho
Hlalera lo .Meet Wlnonia tem-
Jple, I'ythlnn Klatora. will moot In
S Iho IOOK hall with tho brolher
sj I'ylhlaiia, Tueaday, Septoinbor '10,
at 8 p. m. Alter Iho clone of
temple mcutluga, rofrcahmciita
J will bo aorvod. Vlnlllug alatora
faro cordially Invited.
I riub to Moel Tlio Wlnnnin
Scluh, I'ytlilan Hl.ilera. will meet
Jul tho homo of Mra. .1. Stuf
Siford, 1986 .Maiir.anllu utreot, Krl
day, Hoptouihor ill, at 8 p. m.
Ivialtlng alatora aro wolcomo.
I.eaim for Colleue Philip Al-
Ibert, eon of Mr. and Mm. A. K.
Albert of 12:1 (irunt street, hita
returned to ArniHtrong college In
Borkeloy, Calif., where ho la tuk-
t lug n courao In hlghor nccountlng.
Mnvo lulu Town Mr. mul Mra.
John W. Porter anil two children, and llnrrlott, who have made
tliolr homo on lialley way, hitvo
moved Into Klamath Ka Ih and
aro at home nt 327 North Ninth
droop lo Meet MombciR of
tho Junior Mulrona elub of the
Klrnl Mot hod lot cburcli aro pliin
nliig a hobo parly to bo held
j Monday night nt 7:110 o'clock at
tho homo of Mm. Alfnul Dim mill
j on tho nlrport road.
Itecntera University Hnlph 0.
Peyton, ami of Mr. mul Mra. Uscur
3 Poyton, haa roturned to tho Unl
voralty of Orogon. Poyton la a
niombor of Holla Tun Delta frntor-
h'lslilnir Ivxciii-nIoh Hill Suw-
! chuck und ami, Hilly, nnd K. K.
llouaton went flailing on Jenny
J crook Krldny ovonlng.
Iioavo for (.'onal Mr. nnd Mm.
P. W. Hnyles, 2124 l.nvey Httcel,
j left WodnoHiluy for n weeli a va
icutlon trip to tliu count,
itetiirna Home Don Keynolds
tins roturned to his liomn nt 2110
iVhltn nveniln urter visiting for
'ovnrnl day a al Crater lake.
To Vlnll Mm. Miuvln Miliar,
HI .'lit Wliltn iivcnim, Jnrt TImiih
day moi Ml iik for I, on AnKl'X,
wlinro nhit will vlnll will fil'Midn
lor mi vm nl dityn.
Moiiilinia of llm K In in it I i I'll I la
alalii r tin in pi "ii Aiiiurli'mi li'iilon
ilium iiml Inula irorpa woro In
film f.H I In Hntiinliiy mornliiK
wIiimi I hoy lioariliMl Iho anvon-riir
fliiiinl I tain wlilrh will iiiny
II i In l.oa Aim'loa, whom Ihoy
will i'ii I it romitolltloii al Iho na
tional Auiorlnin l,ommi convon
I Ion Ihla roiuliiK wooh.
Alonx with inn Ai mon, who
nut k.i ui thn ill inn roi ia, worn a
niiiuhor of l.oKliiiinalria, Iholr
wlvoa anil aovorul frlomlH. ItrliiK
Iiik tho Hal of roam vnlluna to 10.
It wna li'iimoil.
'I'll n npiM-lul train loft Klam
alli Kalla al 7: Tin a. m. Willi Iho
Kiithtlalnrtttr Knoiltiyoa uml "kooiI
j liii ttn" rniKliiK from Iho Ihroata
j of aovoral liunilri-il rolallvi'a uml
I frlomla wtio woro ul thn South-
oru 1'uclflc alallon lo wlnli tho
lilruiii corpa (lod afiood.
! Tho aporlal Irani rurrlod throo
. aloopi-ra, ouo rocioutlou car. ono
illiirr. ono huffol cur and a
lo.iili II will hrltiK hack tho
l.oKloiiualrca mid iiioinliora of
their tiarty, oxportod lo arrlvo In
Klamath Kill la at 11 p. in. Hop
(nml)cr 13.
MomhiTa of tlio drtiiu corpa ro
llof coiuinltli'i wlahod to oxproaa
tliolr npiiroclatlou of tho aupport
f lilvon I do corpa hy tho itiou and
j wiiuii'ii and (Iritis of Iho city.
rotniutttco monihrra woro O. I.
. Matlhowa. (ioorKo M. Ilmth, Jin k
lli'tiuor. Clydo Thompson, Carl K.
. I'tiiiK mul I'arol MiuTlnnu.
Niiiiii'h of tlio final coiiirlhulora
woro Klvon na followa:
: I!, l'aul llohorta I f.
! Motor Itivoalniont coinpany.... fi
j HUtnal Oil company fi
: AIkouui l.umhor company .... 20
Klamath Iron Win ka Ii
jj. II. ;allaiihi-r 1
I'Mward II. Aahuial fi
chrla ltliiuua &
William l.oroni HI
Walcra lo -
llalin-a Shci't M i-l ii I Worka... 1
Kaitloa Auxiliary lo
l-'roiai-n ritimliliiK company.... 2
A friend 10
A Krlonil Due
I : i it n ciuh GO
Annua Nnwion 2.60
W K R T R I D K Lake county
aehooK Itoth elementary and high
tu'liool. openetl Septemlier tl with
Mrn. Anne Sprague, county school
i iipcrlutcmlfiit, John O. Hurchain
auperlnleiident of I, a k o v I o w
achoola, and Ciuy ('nmphell the
new principal at Polaloy, whoro an
enlarged lenrhlng alnff la carry
ing out a Junior high aehonl phtn.
'I'eaehlng ataffa In tlio varloua
achoola follow; Mra. Clara L.
Scoti. Cnino Creek; Ernoat Lund,
Mra. Esther Kenrnon, Union; Mra
Vivian Pitman, Ilealrlro Amund-
aon, John T. liliillier, high school
and llarhiirn Cliff, Dorln (load
l.ola Martin, grade school, Puln
ley; Waller J. -tiliermnn, Klllo M
I'lilin i oho, high school, and Wil
fred Long, Mra. tilondora Dixon
KHziibetb Louden, grndo achool
Silver l.nke; Mnry Ann Whllaott,
South Warner; Dorothy Ciross-
iiiiiii, I'IiihIi, t'larcnro it. I.lmlsey,
Adel; .Mra. Elva Ulley, llrooks
Scnulon, camp No. 2; Clare U
Mallleiio, Drooka-Scanlon, camp
No. 1; Kucll Elliott, Ana Hlvor:
Mrs. II ii 7. el Murphy, Mrs. Mnry
Carter. New Idaho: Mrs. llelon
Moi, IJuarlz Ml.; Evan Camp
bell, Mrs. Ora Cmupboll, Vornon
Lakovlow: Laura Barry, Oor
ttudo Vornon, Norma Lnyton, Mar
garet Neilan, North achool; Jon-
nln Carroll, Wllmn I.ncld, Mildred
Duke, Stella Jordan, South school;
II. T. Waildlll, Enid Larson, Ida
Strodu. Chester Squires, Agnos
Jonaon, Junia Johnson, Mary Ual
lughor, Central achool: Laura Wa
terman, Edith Winkler, Dana Vor-
ry, Katherlno Coppodgo, 11. S.
Harper, E, F. (ilonn, Leltoy Scott,
Karl Voaaen, E. Edith Poutnoy,
Miriam Ullhert, Clmrloon Purcoll,
high school.
A. J. Wont of Klnniuth Fnlls
entered a plea of not guilty to
thn chni'no of nolllng liquor to
Indiana In pollen court Saturday
morning nnd hail wan ant nt $25
by Pollen Judgo Otto Laiigslct.
West wim nrrestcd Erldny hy city
pollen. Ho was In Jull Sat unlay
in Hon of ball. Hearing was sot
for 3 o'clock September 21.
Don Marker, 17, roulo 1, box
!)!Kt, outorod n plea of not guilty
to n rhnrga of reckless driving
and pouted $25 bond. Ills lionr
InK was slated for 4 p, in. Hep
lemhor 20. Marker pnld n fine
of $ti when charged with falling
to procuro nn operator's llrcnao,
Ono "vug" nud ono drunk ap
peared In Langalet'a court on Sat
nrdiiy morning.
RAJ. KM, Oro., nnpi, 7Uiiom
ploymunt coiiipi'iianllrin palil hy
tho Ori'Kon roninilaalon out of thn
atatn iiiioinplnyiuont hcnoflt fund
la not auhjoct lo fcilornl Incomo
tax, avcnrdliiK to rulliiK hy Iho
commlaalonor of litlornal rovoniin.
ThiiH far, no rullux haa hoon
outorod hy thn atatn lax coninila
alnn na to whmhor Joli Inauraiico
honoflia urn liicomn for thn pur
poaoH of atntn luxoa, hut pnymont
of houofllH did not rommi'iico un
til January, 1IKIH, ao laxoa. If any
News of Klamath Churches
Klamath Lutheran
Klamath Lutheran church, L.
K. Johnson, paalor. Klunialh
Luthoran church la organized for
alondy. Iielplul Christian service
In tills cliy and community.
Sunday school every n;nd'')r a
0-3O a. in. at tho Elk Hotel. Tho
fluent legacy any paint" n uave
l a child l Christian educa
tion nnd n Christian life.
Divine aorvlioH of worship
in -3(1 al Iho Elk hotel. Th.-uie:
Whoro la Thy Brother.' "A l
per cent Christian will never muko
a 100 per rout American."
Congregational meeting Mon
day Sepl. Hi at 7:30 al iho Elk
hotel If not announced dllferenl
y at Iho Sunday service.
Ladlca Aid at Iho bomo of Mra.
Piilmor Kollo, 1)13 Fulton street,
at 2 o'clock, September 20.
Illblo nnd Sunday school lencli
era' training clans Wednesday eve
nlnga at 7:1a P- '"
Choir rehearsal Wednesday eve
nings from 8 until 9:30 p. in.
Church council meets l 'I1
Monday night In every month.
Conllrmutlon class will meet
Siilurday. September 21 nl 9:30
a. in., at Iho Elk hotel. All chil
dren who have reached Iho ngc
of 13. 14, or over aro welcome.
Thn pastor gladly offcra his
services and will esteem It a great
favor to be Informed of any ono
needing tlio auiiie. Ilo will deem
II a privllego lo visit Iho aged or
hul-lns or Iho sick. Ilo will also
gladly listen lo tho problems of
young people and give Informa
tion and giildaiico when ho can.
Do not henlluto lo cull Hie pantor
at uny lime If sick or In Double.
Tel.piiono 131i-W. Address, 203U
Lo Hoy street.
Fint Mothodiit
First .Methodist church, corner
of North Tenth and High atreeta.
John W. Warrcli. pastor, llcsl-
donco 1006 High atreet, phono
Sunday will bo Homecoming
day, when every member la ex
pected to bo In place and every
friend of the church la Invited to
be present for a great and happy
day. The church school win be
gin at 9:45 a. m., with Lawrence
K. Phelps, superintendent. New
teachers aro being secured ami
new clnsses organized so every
person may find a placo.
Morning worship at 10:66
o'clock with tho pastor In charge.
Mrs. E. S. Vcatch will bo at tho
piano. Mrs. Vcatch will piny
Worship of find In Nature,-' Bee
thoven, nnd "Nautilus. Llitio
Darby will direct tho choir In
singing tho nnthem, "Llko as tho
Heart Deslreth tho Water
Brooks," Novollo. Vocal nolo
"Just na I Am," Dnnka, by Miss
Darby. Thn themn of tho sermon
will bo "Satisfying a Great
Thlrat." A Junior church aorvlco
for tho glrlo and boya will bo held
In tho pnrlors of tho church at tho
same hour. Tho evening proRrnm
will begin nt t p. m.. with a united
Kpworth Lcnguo devotional moot
ing, with Bpoclal features and ex
perienced leadership. This will
bo followed by a social hour be
ginning at 7 p. m., when an Invi
tation la CRpeclnlly extended to
all now teachers and newcomers
to tho city. Tho ovonlng service
will begin nt 8 o'clock when Mrs
E. B. Redman will have charge
of tho music. Tho young people's
chorus will nlng "Softly and Ten
derly Jesus Is Cnlllng," ThomP'
Hon. Subjoct of sermon "An Open
Door." Plan to bo at church on
Homecoming dny.
Keno Baptist
II. V. MoOee, lender.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Worship Borvlco, 11 a. m.
We have a full staff of teach
ors to start tho new quarter and
a class for every member of the
family. Tho Sunday worship sub
ject will ho "Thinking With God
About Crentlon." Tho young
people aro rcquosted lo be out In
force Thuradny night. Election
of officers will be hold to launch
the new young peoplo's club,
Modoc Point
Baptist Mission
Sponsored hy the Immanuel
Baptist church, mooting In the
community hall. K. V. Zell,
Sunday school 10 n. in., with
Mrs. A. S. Zell, leader. Classes
Cor all ages.
Worship service at 11 a. m.
The concluding study of the
series on tho Holy Spirit. Topic,
"Tho Gifts of tho Holy Spirit."
Prnyer service nt 11:30 a, m.
Tho worship service 1b dis
missed nbottt 11:30 evory Sun
day so that nuy ono who must do
so may lonvo nt that time. Aftor-
wnrdn wo hnvo a short prayer ser
vice in which everybody Is Invited
to In ko part It Ihoy so itoslru, and
thnrnon, would not h cnlloctlbl
until March, 11)39, In any nvonl.
'Ihu I n t ci i ii I rovonuu huronii
r u 1 1 1 1 k Involvna bonoflla which may
approach 0, 000, 000 by tho anil of
the year, commlnalon official!
aalit. Dlatrlhutlnn already hna
rnni'hnd t4,UOO,000 a' mora
IIiiiii 2 r,, 000 cliilmiinta havii cx
haualod Iholr crodlta for Ihla your.
Aa conlmati'd with other forma
of aaalatanco, unoniployrjipnt coin
ponaatlon In baaorl upon onrnlnKfl
In linan year and la paid aa a mat
tor of rlithl Inatnud of a liiullor of
Thn maximum total amount of
hounflta payuhlo to liny ollglhlii
Individual iIiiiImk any bonoflt your
la tlinllod by tho law not to ox
coed ono-alxlti of hla total wukok
during hla buao year or 11! tlmoa
hla wnokly hennflt amount, whlch
ovor la Iho loaaer.
Klnir Kdward III of England
onco laaued a decre forbidding
thn wr-arliiK of ermine by anyone
not of royal birth.
if you have any request for prayer
wo gludly give you Iho opporlun
Hy to muko It known and will In
ciudo the snmo In our petitions to
Iho rather. If you have any
questions wo will do our best lo
answer them according lo tho
word of Cod.
"For whore two or three arc
gathered together In my nanio
thorn am I in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:20.
First Baptist
First Baptist church, Eighth at
Washington. B.ev. Cecil C.
Brown, pnstor. Residence, 804
North Second street, telephone
inhio school. 9:45 a. m. George
O. Welch, auperlnleiident. Classes
for all ngca. Good, competent
toueherB. Morning worship, 11
a. m. Sermon by Hev. Michael
BUIester, Los Angeles.
HTC. 7 p. m. Mrs. Cliff Tun-
nell, director. Unions for all ages
with lively, helpful topics for
each. Weekly dlncunnlon. Evening
worship at 8 p. in. Message by
Itev. Michael Billeater.
I jiil Side llnplst Mission
Tho Eaat Sido Baptist mission
meets every Rundny at 9:45 a. m.
In tho Duke building over thn East
Side pliormney. Tho Sunday
achool is sponsored hy tlio Flrat
Itaptlat church and directed by
Mra. Hay Hunsaker. Everybody
Progressive Psychic
Church of Iho Progressive
Paychlc and Divine Healing Cen
ter. Inc., Number Three, will hold
Its first meeting at 700 Mitchell
atreot at 8 p. m. Lecture will be
given by Rev. Kathleen Krlz. Cir
cle meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m.
All are welcome.
Aftamont Community
Presbyterian Church
This Is rally-day at the Alta
mont Community Presbyterian
church nnd Bible school, which
meets In tho junior high school.
Dally Vacation Bible achool
awnrds will be presented at the
closo of Bible school exercises.
A splendid stnff of consecrated
teachers aro avnllnhlo for all
classes, from beginners to adults.
There is also a special class for
high school students. A. C. Olson,
goneral superintendent.
At the morning worship service
Pastor Wheatley will bring a
special message to young people.
His subjoct will be: "Can Christ
Satisfy Youth Today?" Junior
church meets during the 11
o'clock hour. Parents attending
the morning worship service may
lonvo their children thore under
adult supervision. Pastor Wheat
ley will bo tho guest speaker at
tho Salvation Army hall at 8 p.m.
Ho will speak on the subject:
"Guilty, or Not Guilty." The pub
lic Is cordially Invited to attend
all services.
Church of
Psychic Research
Church of Psychic Research.
Rnv. Delia Houser. Last service
before returning to Snn Francisco.
All message service.
Acorn club to moet Wednesday
at 2 p. m. In the club rooms. Cards
and lunch.
Church of
The Naiarene
Church of the Nazarene, corner
of Garden and Martin.
Sunday achool, 9:46. Morning
worship, 11 a.m. The pastor will
bo the speaker at the morning
The hour of the Junior service
has been changed from 5:30 p. m.
to 6:20 p. m. and will be held In
tho church basement at the same
hour the Young People's service
Is hold upstairs. Mrs. Russell,
supervisor. Young People's meet
ing, 6:20. Vorne Speirs, presi
dent. Evangelistic service, 7:30 p.m.
(iale Putman, who is a student of
Northwest Nazarene collego, of
Nnmpa, Ida., will bring the mos
sago. Putman has spent the sumnior
In Klamath Falls at the home of
Rov. 11. L. Russell and plans to
lonvo Monday to take up his
studios at Nampn, September 20.
Community Congregational
Servlcen tomorrow at the Com
munity church, Garden and Mar
tin streets.
Phiii'cli aelinnl for nil niren nl
9:15 a. m. with Frunk Killlnn,
superintendent. Bnginners meet
In tho pnrsonngo with Mrs. E. V.
llnvoen nml nnrothv Bnvter
primary children meot In the com
munity nail witn Mrs, F. E.
Wilkes nnd Mrs. W. L. Larson,
The other departments meet In
tho church auditorium. Thore Is
un Interesting class In our church
school for you and your chltdran.
Morning sorvlco of worship at
11 o'clock with Itev. E. V. Haynes,
pnstor, preaching on the theme,
"lln Took It Upon Himself." At
Hie morning service the sacra
ment of Holy Communion will be
Comrados of the Way, a newly
organized group for young people,
meets with Mr. Haynes In the
church nt 6:30 p. in. Thla group
In for young people In tho sixth,
sovoiitb and eighth grades and
the first year of high achool.
Pilgrim Fellowship meets at
7:30 p.m. In tho conn unity ball.
Next Wednesday the regular
polluck supper Is to bo in the
form of a wolner roast around the
flreplaco al the church. The time
Is 6 p. in.
Zion Lutheran
Zion Lutheran church, 1025
High street, li. W. Hoffmann, pas
tor. The Sunday morning worship
begins at 11 o'clock. The pastor
will apeak on tho topic: "Walk In
tho Spirit!'' Lutherans and all
having no other church home aro
cordially Invited lo attend our
Tho Sunday school, with classes
for all children, meets al 9:45
a. in.
A special meeting of the con
gregation will be held after the
morning service. All voters are
urged to be present.
The Ladles' Aid will meet at
Iho home of Mrs. Otto Krueger,
Klamath Agency, next Thursday
afternoon at 2 p. m.
The Sunday achool teachers will
meet next Wednesday evening at
8 o'clock.
Salvation Army
Salvation Army. Adjt. Norman
llowycr, officer In charge.
Huliy day will bo observed by
the Salvation Army Sunday school
at 10 a. ni. Special music and
readings will be featured. The les
son, "The Rich Young Ruler," Is
found In Luke 18: 18-23. Assign
ments to classes will also be made.
Scholars not present September
11 are urged to be on hand early.
Holiness meeting commences at
11 a. m.
Young People's Legion meets
at 6:30 p. m. The topic. "Can 1
Be a Soul Winner," will be dis
cussed by Carmen Carkhuff, and
text is to be found In Matbews
18: 20.
The evening salvation meeting
commences al 8 p. m. G. W.
Wheatley, pastor of the Altamont
Community church, will preach
an old fashioned gospel message.
A street service at Seventh and
Main street will precede the i
o'clock gathering.
The public is cordially Invited
to all services.
Christian Endeavor
Plans for the district Christian
Endeavor convention, November
18 to 20. aro being laid. More
details will be given later.
The Klamath-Lake union Is
ready with a live wire deputation
team to resume the work ol or
ganizing new societies in com
munities where there is no Chris
tian Endeavor. The team is also
eager to render any possible as
sistance to societies already or
ganized. First Christian church young
people's society: Pro-prayer meet
ing at 6:45 p. m., CE at 7 p. m.
Topic: Building a Christian
Economic Order.
Leader: Helen Brummltt.
Are our possessions a curse to
us, or a blessing? It all depends
upon us and the use we make of
the things we have.
Senior society. Pre-prayer meet
ing at 6:45 P. m., CE at 7 p. m.
Topic: "Building a Christian
Economic Order."
Leader: Everett Kllnkhammer.
"What doth It profit a man to
gain tho whole, world and lose his
own soul?"
Junior society. CE meeting at
7 p. m. Sunday night.
Topic: "Our Society on a Jour
ney Whom Shall We Take With
Advisor: Eleanor Evans.
Will our traveling companions
on the Great Journey make any
difference as to our destination?
Men's Union Prayer Meeting
Sunday morning, September 18,
at the First Presbyterian church
at 8:30 a. m. "They that wait
upon the Lord shall renew their
First Presbyterian
The First Presbyterian church.
North Sixth and Pine streets. Rev.
Theodore Smith, 436 North Sec
ond street, pastor. Phone 2241,
and at the church 4 29. C. R.
Staufleld, choir director, and Mary
Mow, organist.
Morning worship 11 a. m.,
opens with Tschaikowsky'i "Au
dante Cantablle" as the organ
prelude. The processional will be
"Holy, Holy, Holy," and the of
fertory Anding's "Adagio." The
morning anthem will be Ham
blen's "Beside the Still Waters."
The pastor will speak on "A
Mind to Work." The service
closes with the organ postlude,
"Military Postlude" by Schuler.
Evening service S p. m., opens
with organ prelude, "Idylle, Eve
ning Rest," by Morkol; offertory,
Dry Cleaning
Every Garment
Mothproofed at
No Extra Cost.
1400 Esplanade. Phone 8211
Mendelssohn's "Andante Rellgl
oso." The pantor will apeak on
Choosing a Life Vocation," The
service will close with the organ
postlude, "Choral Postlude," by
Christian Endeavor society
meets at 7 P. m. In Christian En
deavor room In the church base
ment. All young people are cor
dially Invited to attend.
Church school, 9:46 a. m.,
George W, Mclntyre, general su
perintendent. Promotion will take
At 9:40 a. m. a brief prayer
group meets In the pastor's study,
First Covenant
First Covenant church, I2S
Walnut avenue, Gottfred J. And
erson, pastor.
10:30 a. m Bible school and
Swedish service. The subject of
the sermon will be "Bethseda's
Testimony." At the Sunday school
sessions the pastor will talk on
"The Testimony of a Little Girl."
7 p. m. young people's meeting
led by Marilyn Lodborg. The top
ic for discussion Is "The Christian
and His Secular Interests."
7:46 p. m. evening service. The
message of the evening will be
centered around the theme "He
Cannot be Hid." The mixed choir
will render two numbers.
Thursday 7:46 p. m., prayer
meeting and choir rehearsal.
Friday 7:46 p. m. young peo
ple's social meeting at the parson
age. All young people are cordial
ly invited to attend.
First Christian
First Christian church, Pine
street at Ninth. Arthur Charles
Bales, minister. Pastor's study in
the church. Entrance by the
Ninth street door, phone 1033-W.
Residence, 638 Lincoln atreet.
Bible school meets at 9:45 a. m.
C. S. Robertson Is the superin
tendent. Classes for all ages. Pri
vate class rooms. Just now be
ginning the fall and winter's
work. This is the time to enroll.
New members of all ages are most
cordially welcomed.
Communion and worship 11
a. m. An hour of spiritual and
helpful worship for all who come.
Mrs. Mary Hayden la the organist.
We remember the Lord's death
in the communion service every
Lord's day.
The morning sermon by the
pastor will be, "Childlike or
Childish?" Based upon one of the
Lord's parables. Hear this ser
mon Sunday morning.
Evening services begin with the
pre-prayer service of the Christian
Endeavors. The time Is 6:45
P. m. This Is followed by the
You Must Weigh as Well as Count
"If we bought advertising only on the basis
of total circulation," an advertising executive
said, "one medium that gives the most circula
tion per dollar invested would carry virtually
all our advertising. However, when we use
this medium at all, it receives only a small
portion of our appropriation.
"On the other hand, we buy newspaper
advertising because it not only has complete
circulation, but also another important essen
tial intensity of reader-interest.
"Readers are drawn to newspapers by many
attractions. Read during periods of leisure the
advertising has a long exposure. Read during
periods of concentration there is a deep pene
tration of the message. Read at the conve
nience of the subscriber we have an excellent
chance to get attention.
"These all add to the intensity of reader
ship of our advertising so we weigh our cir
culation as well as count it and therefore buy
newspaper advertising because newspapers
have real advertising value." .
News and Herald
Dailey in over 8000 Klamath Homes
Prepared by West-Hollt'day Co.. Ine
regular meetings of the societies
at 7 o'clock.
The worship hour Is 8 o'clock.
A rousing song service led by
Everett Eagate, with the young
people's choir. The pastor will
give his sermon-lecture on "What
Hath God Wrought?" This will
deal with the experiences and In
teresting places visited during his
recent trip through the north
west. You will want to be at the
First Christian church this Sun
day evening.
Klamath Temple
Klamath Temple, 1007 Pine
street. Rov. Roy E. Southard,
pastor. Phone 2355-R.
9:45 a. m. Sunday school.
11a. m., morning worship. A
warm Invitation to attend this In
spirational service.
6:30 Overcomers meeting.
7:45 Evangelistic service. Spe
cial service of music.
Midweek services on Wednes
day and Friday nights.
"Gospel Hour" KFJI, Tuesday
night at 8 p. m.
Latter Day Saints
The Latter Day Saint church
holds regular services at the pub
lic library auditorium. Fifth street
and Klamath avenue. Sunday
jcbool at 10:30 a. m. and evening
services at 7:30 p. m. The Relief
society will meet the second Tues
day of each month during the
summer months al 2 p. m for
their regular business and work
meeting. The Mutual Improve
ment association meets each Tues
day evening at 7:30 p. m.
Apostolic Faith
A cordial welcome awaits you
at the Apostolic Faith church, 228
North Eighth street.
Sunday services: Morning wor
ship at 10:30 a. m. and an evan
gelistic service at 7:45 p. m.
The orchestra and mixed chorus
open the Sunday evening service
Chinese Herbs
Herbs are compounded to meet the needs of the Individual.
The use of herbs for all human ailments are tested and
handed Hirongh the agee. They are belns; used dally.
Come today Consultation free
Prices reasonable.
Y. S. Lee Herb Company
415 S. 9th Street, Klamath Falls
Open Daily 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.
with a concert ef laered mail
and song. The orchp!r. also ac
companies the congregational
singing. No collections.
Services each Tueaday, Wednes
day and Friday evenings at I
o'clock. The pubHo Is Invited,
St. Paul's
Episcopal Church
St. Paul's Episcopal church.
Eighth snd Jefferson, The Rov.
V. E. Newman, rector.
The Holy Eucharist on the first,
third and fifth Sundays at 11
o'clock . and at 8 o'clock every
Sunday, also at 10 o'clock each
Wednesday and on Saints days and
Holy days.
The Church school meets at
10:16 a. m. Morning prayer at
11 o'clock on the second and
fourth Sundays.
First Church of Christ,'
First Church of Christ, Scien
tist, corner Tenth snd Washing
ton streets.
Sunday school at 9:30. Morn
ing service at 11 o'clock;
Subject: "Matter."
Testimonial meeting Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock. This
church maintains reading rooms
In the First National Bank build
ing, rooms 212-218, where the
Bible, writings by Mary Baker
Eddy, and authorised Christian
Science literature may be read,
borrowed or purchased. The read
ing room is open dally from 7:80
In the morning until 9:30 o'clock
Jn the evening. An attendant is
In charge from 12 to 1 o'clock and
from 2:30 until 4:30 except Sun
days and holidays.
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