Soptcmhor 17, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE Miss Foster Installed Daughters of Job Name Queen At Ceremony. At a hi'iiutlful public cero 1 1 1 ' . 1 1 Ht thu Miiminlc, li'inla Th i i niln y iivimliiK III" new (if fleers of Ihii IJuiikIiIi'I's lit Jul) were Installed, Willi M Inn I'hyl llii Fonlitr becoming honored qill'nll, Tlii) retiring honored iiuran, .Minn Unity Inn lie, pi ! ilicl nn InnlnllliiK niftier, unnlnlril lV Minn Iniiliallii Mllnn, chnp lln, Minn J u ii I'liliiinr. nni-iii-Inry; Minn lliulmrn l'lltniiin, m ii i nti nil; Minn Hnwii Kviirllt, mililii; Minn Jiiyi'n 1 ell mill Minn Ciitlimlun Mnyhnw, cunlii llniia, li ml Minn Kurlono Schu bert, musician. Offlcorn Installed with Mini Fnntnr woro Minn lliiaemiiry Sloan, aenlor prliiecnn; Minn .Mm kiii "1 llmiun. Junior prln cmn; Minn Fiiyn Htclunelfnr, nmilur runlnilliui; Minn KUillu lliiwnii, Junior cunluiltnii; Minn llntly Itcymurn, guide; Minn .Marlyce Krliinilnim, inurnhnll; Mini J ii n no II u Ii Ii, lucurilnr; Minn I'liyllln Collier, nnnlnliint recorder; Minn Holly Leo Mnr rlll, ni'conil inenneiignr; Mlna Hill h Hendricks, fifth mennen Km , Minn I'nlly Slump, hlnliir lull. Iiiirlnit ihn ceremony, Minn Ciilllur unit Minn Pully Fled ii ii k ii duet, in riiinpiiiili'il liy Mm linoriiu Mclulyru: Minn Elisabeth lliirtnii Inva violin niiinlinr with Minn Meulah Gore an accompanist, mill MlM Mary I. mi Johnnon entertained with a piano nolo. Till) punt honored iiui'i'li'a Ji.wiil wui prrnciiird to Mlna Dilillo liy Minn hvurlll who In nlno a punt honored queen. Tim Ini'oiiiliiK quoin wan prcnunicd Willi iiiuiiy lovely Kl'ln. Iianciiix for Hi" iin lii Im i m uf llm bethel mill Ihelr nncmts wiin clijoyuil tutor III llio ovu nliiii, anil roficnhnicnis wore nrni unili'r the direction o( Mm. F. K. Drake, aorlnl chnlr iii ii ii. Tho hall wan attractive with IlilKii hnnkela of ilulllliin lllld oilier lull flowurn frum the L. L Il.nililrkn gnrdenn. whlrh win- in riinei'il by Minn Until Hendricks unil Minn Janice Mil lib. lii'tiillulloii of m w nn nilict a of Hut Klamath bethel coun cil wna pontponofl until th niit motlnii to bo hi'ld on October Ihn sixth, aa suvornl iiiiiiiilioin of llio council were unable to be present. Mm. Anna Hell Arkernnn, K i rtii.t litiiirillnii ot DiiiiKliti'in of Job. will pity an official vinlt to Ihn lii'lhcl at llm inert. Ini on October Hi" twentieth. MOTHERS CLUB OF ACADEMY TO MEET SUNDAY Thn Mothorn club of Sacred Heart academy will meet for the first 1 1 mo thla fall on Hiindny afternoon at half punt on o'clock, September tho eight eenth. In thn academy audi liirluin II wan announced. All mothers of children who are nilcndliiR Nacrcd llnnrl academy are Invited to bo prcn enl in thin nieetlnit. Tea will bo nerved after tho bunlncna acnnlon. Officers of Ihn Mothera club thin year nro Mm. liordon ('of fey, prenldenl; .Mrn. Stephen Snbo. vlcn prcnlilcnt: Mrn. It. A. I. nl. onil", secretary mid Mrn. .1. K. McAiulrewn, Iri'nnuri'r. A GARDENIA FOR YOU Moroly malo a purchaso of one or more DUBARRY beauty preparations at Currin's for Drugs during DUBARRY WEEK, Sept. 17th to 24th inclusive and rocoivo an ordor on the Klamath Flower Shop, good until Octobor lOlh, for your gardenia, or, if you profor, four rosos for your home. The purposo of this event is to give you the op portunity of loarning about the DuBarry Boauty Anglo Troatmont, which is so simple that you may use it in your own homo with amazing results. Tholmn Davis, who recently attended the DuBarry Boauty School in Soattlo, will gladly explain il to you. While sho modoslly disclaims any standing as a "boauty export," yot many of our customers have boon groally benofilod by the helpful suggestions sho has boon ablo to hnaU as tho rosult of her training and oxperienco. Regardless of the Und of cosmotics you havo boon using, you may ask hor advice without obligation of any kind. Sho vill toll you also about the lovoly now $5.00 DuBarry Stroamlinod Boauty Kit which will be awardod to somo DuBarry customor at the conclu sion of this event. You may bo the lucky one. COME IN ANYTIME BETWEEN SEPT. I7TH AND 24TH CURBItrS FOR DRUGS Nlh mill Main - "The I'llelully MOTHERSINGERS HAVE LUNCHEON ON WEDNESDAY Mm. John D. Hnlby, prnnldnnt of tho Miilhernlngiirn, nnlor Inlnnil Ihn Kroup nl luncheon Weiliiendny, nt bur h o in o oil Miiiiiniillii atri'ot, Anldn from thn primary pur ponn of aludyliiK iniinlo In gen eral mid n cupollii c lio nil wink In puiilculiir, Hi o n regular luiiehoonn buvo bacoiuo a IiIkIi point In llm Kroup't activities. While a fow of Ihn members worn uniiblo to attend on lunt Wvilnnnduy, tho chiii'mlngly lip puliiliiil luliln ni'iituil Mrn, J, I.. Olnon, Mrn. II. A, Cunlrnll, Mia. Itliymouil II, lloiiven, Mm. It. K. Tliompnon, Mrn. liny Morrill, Mr. J, A. Ilurkii, Mrn. II. H. Hliini) anil tho hostess, Mis. Bolby. ELKS TO OPEN FALL SOCIAL SEASON SOON Miiiuhora of Ihn Elks lodge, with their liidloa an Kticntn, lira IooIiIiik lorwiiril to llm Intoiui ul dancing pal ly which will of ficially open tho full nodal aennon In tho IoiIko. Tho date baa been net for Hnturduy, September tho twenty-fourth ami Mr. Hert Noklu by la clinlriuan of thn party. Annlntlnjc him on tho cummil litu la Mr. Charles Henvey, Mr. KiiKene Lumen, Dr. i). J. Keen and Mr. Fred lluiiKlund. "Huldy" lOvunn orchentrn will pluy for I li o ii f f ii I r which la tho flml dunce of llio your. Tho ilii nco In for Klkn an their ladlea only. NO-HOSTESS DINNER HELD BY AUXILIARY Meiubera of thn f.lonn club auxiliary met on .Monday evn nlnic, Keptuuiber tho twelfth, for a no-honienn dinner at Ilia Wlllard hotel. Kour now uieinbern afflllnled with the Kroup at thin lliini ln cIiiiIIiik Mrn. A. J. McDonald, Mrn. I.ynn Itoycrort, .Mrn. It. K. Hooker and Mrn. Kntlu KIkt. KoIIiiwIiik dinner both run -Inn l and iiiicllon brlilK'i w ero played with high ncoro In con trnri held by Mrn. Thoinna lliin aen and In auction by Mm. Ar nold .Stiidum. Tho next iiicellng of tho aux iliary will bo held on .Monday, October tho lenili, llio placo to bo announcofl later. Mr. Whylal It Honored Guoit llonorliiK Mm. C. Hoy Why lal, Mrn. II. W. Irwin cntcr lAlned at a dennerl brlilKe and ahowcr Tliurnday evenlni; nl her SI. Kiniicln park lioiuo, OiamiIhk a pllii of attractively writiped packneon by llio hon or (ileal waa tho foalura of th vonliiK. Hoi h brldce and plnochlo wero In piny, with award for bltli at bildKo xtnf; to Mra. W. II. Mrl'herrcn and aecond hlKh lo ihn nuent of honor. .Mm. W. V. WlnnliiKhnni ro celved hlKh for pinochle, mid Mrn. Wllllum llrotinon, necund hlKh. lluentn woro Mrn. C. Hoy Whytal. Mra. Wllllnm Ilroiiaon, .Mm. Al Ilnlloy. Mra. W. W. Win ii I ii k liu m . .Mm. loo Scroft Klnn, Mrn. Floyd llenrlol, .Mm. Karl Kiljue. Mm. Hobert C. Ilurlelith, Mra. W. II. Mcl'ber ren, Mra. (ilndya Slnvena. Mlna I, I I I I a n Mlckelnon and th bonlenn. MADAME! Lending addod charm and fragrance to your evoning en lomble (or that noxt formal occasion, you may have, WITHOUT CHARGE, a Iovb ly gardenia, with the compli ments of "Tho Friendly Drug Store". Diiih HI ore" I'lione HO sci'iW Toi MISS CONDREY BRIDE SUNDAY OF MR. ALTER Onn of Ihn tiiont attractive brlden of early September waa Minn I'liyllln tieraldlnn Condrey mid Mr. John Lee Alter which wan an event of .Sunday, Sep tember thn eleventh, In the Methortlnt chinch with Itev. John W. Warrell reading llm rlint ceremony In the presence of a Kroup of friend and rel allvcn. Mian Doroihy Kenternon waa, the brlde'n only attendant. Mr. Hobert l.llld nerved as bent man. Tho bride wnn charming In an afternoon frock of aqua blue Willi navy nccennorlen. Her cor HiiKe was raililoned of pink rone btidn and bouvardla. Minn KcHterHini wore a pale pink null with black nccensor len. Her cornnKe waa of Talis man ronchuds and forgct-me-notn. Immediately after the cere mony the young couple left on an extended neddliiK trip along tho count routo for tho north. On their return to Klamath Knlln Mr. and Mm. Alter will he al homo at 2U01 Garden atreet. Mrn. Alter In the daughter of Mr. and Mrn. A. K. Condrey, 109 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 o avenue and the groom In tho ton of tho late Mr. and Mrn. John Alter. liucHtn at thu wedding In cluded Itev. John W. Warrell. Mr. mid .Mrs. Hobert LI ml, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Alter. Mr. and Mm. Holiorl Alter mid son. Jack, Mr. and Mm. Thomas Melton, Mr. anil Mm. Herman Hremer, Mr. mid Mrn. Haul Shellen horKcr, Mr. Harold Smart, Mr. Norman limy, Mr. Lawrence I.lltlo, Mr. JmncH Condrey, Mr. Korrcnl Alter, Mr. Dick Heck en, Mr. Hoy Wickernham and Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Condrey. ASSOCIATION PLANS MEET ON TUESDAY Moinbera of tho local Camp Klro tinai'dinn's nnxnclntlon will meet nt Camp Klro house on Conner avenuo on Tuesday, September twentieth, nt half pnat seven o'clock. Following R short huniiictirt meeting Luine llnerlelii anil Paulino Harvey will glvo a report of their trip lo national training course in Vuklnin, Washington. Craft work and nougs or tlitncCB re quested by lenders will bo ex plained nnd demonstrated. Any guardian winning lo start her head band should bring nn orig inal symbolic design ready for graph paper, n bend loom, linen llircnil nnd flue needle. Hends can be purchased at the Cnmp Klro house. Thoso Interested In spiitlm' prints plenso bring Ink, tooth brush nnd leaves or grasses. Atiyonn interested In Cnmp Klro work is invited to attend tliia meeting nnd all gunrtllnns nro urged to he present. Mrs. II n r s Hnrth and young daughter, Marilyn Jean, of Mon Claire street nro leav ing Sal unlay for Snlem where they will spend a wook visit ing. They will he nccompauied by Mrs. Hui'lli'a mother, Mrs. Collins, who has beon visiting hero for several weeks from her home in Snlem. "LET GEORGE DO IT" SWISS WATCH REPAIR SPECIALIST A COMPLETE LINE OF JEWELRY GEO. 837 Main v. AT CHARLOTTE HEUP'S PARTY Caps were worn at a rakish angle last Saturday when a group of playmates called at the home of Charlotte Heup to help hor observe her sixth birthday. Charlotte is sitting at the ond of the table and at her right is Judith Ann Vandenberg, Sara Margaret Stewart, Myra Hennessy, Charlotte Ivory, Bobby Medford, Carol Ann Williams, Donald Mclntyre, Mary Lang slot, and Paddy Nidorf. Ilerald-N'ows picture. To Install Officers Auxiliary Heads to Be Placed in Office On Tuesday. The first regular meeting of tho American Legion auxiliary for Ihe fall and winter session will he held on Tuesdny eve ning. September the twentieth, nl eight o'clock In tho Ameri can Legion hnll. installation of now officers of the Klamath Kails auxiliary and Junior aux iliary, and the auxiliary or the Mnlln ponl. will follow the busi nenn meeting. The new officers of the Klam aih auxiliary are Mra. George Hrltt. prenldent; Mrs. K. A. l,a Forge, first vice president; Mrs. F.dward B. Ashursl, sec ond vice president; Mrs. S. F. Konuie, secretnry and treas urer; Mrs. Hetty Pearson, chap lain, and Mrs. A. Longmire, sergeanl-at-arms. Junior auxiliary offlcera are Mlsa Yvonne Petersteiner, presi dent; Mlns Frances Foster, first vice president; Miss Frances Lee McMullen, secretary and treasurer. The Malln auxiliary officers of the past year will hold the snme offices this year. Out going officers of the Klamath auxiliary aro Mrs. C. 11. Foster, president; Mra. George Brltt, first vico president; Mrs. F. A. LaForge, second vice president; Mrs. S. F. Konnie, secretary anud treasurer; Mrs. A. Long mire, chaplain; Mrs. Betty Pear sou, scrgeant-nt-arms; Mrs. Ef fie Paul, color bearer. Outgoing officers of the Jun ior auxiliary are Miss Leltl Stewart, president; Miss Yvon no Pcterstclnor, frost vice presi dent; Miss Frances Foster, sec retary and trensurer. Hefreshments will be served at the close of the business ses sion. Bach auxiliary member Is requested to bring a pie, MRS. REYMERS WINS MORTENSON TROPHY FRIDAY Mrs. Mnhr Reymors won over Mrs. Jacques J. Steiger Friday morning, at Ilcames Golf and Country club, when they played off a tie for the Mortenson trophy. Mrs. R. R. Proebstel, who was In chnrge of summer play, announced that the winner for summer play was also Mrs. Mnhr Iteymers who was award ed the Charles Garcelon trophy. Qualifying for the annual cluimpionship started on Fri day morning with nine players on tho course. These players mny qualify anytime tip to Thursday, It' was announced by Mrs. C. C. Kolloy, captain. Tho low qualifying score was won by Mrs. Kclley on Friday and sho played a 91, It was learned. On Friday of Inst week hon ors nt bridge went to Mrs. V. O. Smith nnd Mrs. William drove, north nnd south and Mrs. Henry Moe anil Mrs. How aril Purrln, east and west. Women of Renmcs aro asked to bo nt tho clubhouse Friday afternoons lo piny bridge and It was announced that both pro gressive and tournament play will bo held. METZ Watchmaker and Jeweler i t J L MISS TUCKER MARRIES IN CHICAGO Of Interest to many here la tho marriage on September the first In Chicugo of Miss Mar garet Tucker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Tucker of Maker, Oregon, to Mr. Henry Coales. Tho bride is a grand daughter of Mrs. Carl Schu bert, Sr.. well known Klamath matron, and has visited here frequently where ahe has nu merous friends. The marriage was solemnized at Ml. Carmcl church, after which Mr. and Mrs. Coates left for a wedding trip into Michi gan. Mrs. Coates who is a talent ed musician, has been studying for tho past several years at the Chicago Musical college under Mr. Ganz, and Is now teaching at a private school In the Illinois city. Mr. Coates Is manager of a Chicago meat firm. OPEN HOUSE IS PLANNED FOR FRIENDS SUNDAY More than one hundred invi tations were received this week by friends of Mr. and Mrs. An thony R. Manno who have re cently returned from their wed ding trip which took them cast. Mrs. Manno will be remembered as the former Miss Irene La morie. A reception and open house will be held by tho Mannos from one o'clock until six o'clock Sunday afternoon, Sep tember the eighteenth, at their home in the Marlon apartments. Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. Mnnno will be Mr. and Mrs. Al Hogan nnd Miss Frances Ber ry. Mrs. Manno will cut a wedding cake nt a prettily ap pointed tea table. Tho wedding of Miss Lamorie and Mr. Mnnno was an event of August In Los Angeles. LARKWOOD if "Very Dear Career Woman: Do around chair leqs? Here is the stocking you've been seeking tor day-in-and-dav-out wear. Tempored Twist, an extra tensioned fabric in threa proportioned leg lengths. Reinforced at friction points. Season's smartest shades. ADRIENNE'S MEDICAL DENTAL BLDG. Brides Name September Fall Month is One j Chosen For Klamath r Weddings. Reptember continues to b tho month chonon by many Klamath Kalla brlden aa their wedding month, following ar neverul which occurred recent ly: I.KIHTIKOW-WIMIOX Mlna Dorothy Wllaon and Mr. Arthur l.cistlkow were mar ried on the evening of Septem ber the fifth at half pant eight o'clock at the home of itov. Arthur Charles Bates, 538 Lin coln atreet. Mlna Lorraine flkaggs and Mr. Y. Itollln Pettis were at tendants and other guests In cluded Mr. F. N. Lelstlkow, Mr. and Mrs. Dewing and Mrs. A. C. Bates. The ring ceremony waa read. The young coupl will make their home In town. THKXTOX-(X)I.T Mlns Dorothy Ivaline Colts became the bride of Mr. Phillip Arthur Thexton at a quiet cere mony read at the home of Mr. and Mra. Louis Boldischar, 1420 Lookout street on th evening of September the first at bait pant seven o'clock. Tb Itev. Arthur Charles Bales of the First Christian church read the ceremony. Attendants wer Mlns Vera Jean Boldischar and Mr. Hobert Thomas Coaion. GRAIHER-WILSEY Miss Ruth Irene Wllsejr waa married In a beautiful cere mony Sunday morning, Septem ber the eleventh In the First Presbyterian church when -she became the bride of Mr. Freder ick A. Gralser of Klamath Falls In the presence of a group ot friends and relatives. Rev. A. Theodore Smith read the ring ceremony. The bride wore traditional white satin and carried a show er bouquet. Attendants were Mrs. Inez M. Brandenburg and Mr. Har old O. Brandenburg. Following a brief wedding trip Ihe young couple will return to Klamath Falls to make their home. Guests at the wedding In cluded Mrs. Nettle Galarneau, Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, Mrs. Esther Noel, Miss Nettie Tompkins, Miss Lucy Mae Tav enar, Miss May Steely, Miss Gertrude Lidberg. Miss Rubelle Lelghty and Messrs. Harry D. Bolvln, William McCauley, Don Haven Evans, Thomas A. Fante, Don Noel, Jim Noel, John Fer rell and A. W. Macken. HULSE-HASEX On Thursday evening, Sep tember the fifteenth, Miss Wini fred Barbara Hasen of Mc Cloud, California, became the bride of Mr. William Henry Hulse of Dunsmulr, California at the home of the officiating minister. Rev. A. Theodore Smith of the First Presbyterian church. The single ring cere mony was used. Witnesses were Mr. Douglas W. Pence and Mr. J. E. Knight. Mr. Hulse Is an employe of the Southern Pacific company and the couple will make their home at 415 Walnut avenue. McDAXIEL-MOXAHAN At the Methodist church parsonage on Wednesday, Sep tember the fourteenth. Miss Margaret G. Monaban ot Bel lingham, Washington became the bride of Mr. Ronald Mc Daniel of Klamath Falls. Rev. John W. Warrell read the cere mony In the presence of friends and relatives of both the bride and groom. Present were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McDaniel, Miss Ada Marie McDaniel and Mary Lee McDaniel, Mrs. Hom er Knight, mother ot the bride and Mr. Clarence Howie. 79c To $135 Sheerly Yours LARKWOOD" you twist your feet Stoop and stretch ior tiles? MRS. JOHNSTON IS CHAIRMAN ' OF MAGAZINE Word has been received hor of the appointment of Mrs. B. C. Johnston as magazine chair man for the Oregon Congress of Parents and Teachers. Mrs. Johnston's appointment Is a particularly happy one since she has been an active worker In one of Klamath county's most active parent teacher units, Falrhaven. Mrs. Johnston is also beginning her second year as program chair man for the Klamath County Council of PTA. The National Parent-Teacher Is the organ of the National Congress of Parents and Teach ers and contains practical and helpful suggostions concerning the rearing and education of children from pre-school ag through the high school years. The sound, dependable Informa tion given In the articles Is con tributed by experts, by peopl who know children. Mrs. Johnston's work will be mainly devoted to the promo tion of state recognition of thla magazine. ' ' COMMITTEES OF LIBRARY CLUB NAMED Those who wish to Join th Klamath Falls Woman's Li brary club are advised that they may pay their dues to any member of the member ship committee of which Mrs. John H. Houston Is chairman. Assisting Mrs. Houston on this committee are Mra. Ted Medford, Mrs. Kenneth G. Klahn, Mrs. J. Royal Shaw and Mrs. E. D. Lamb. It was announced that the District Number Six conven tion will be held in Klamath Falls In October with the Klamath Falls club as hostess. Mrs. it olio C. Groesbeck, chair man of the committee for the meeting, will announce the date and plans later. Mrs. Samuel P. Miller has been appointed magazine chair man tor the state federation of Women's clubs magazine, the Oregon Clubwoman. Hospitality committee for the meeting on Monday Included Mrs. George R. Lindley, who will serve as hospitality com mittee head for the year. Mrs. E. A. Thomas and Mrs. R. P. Ellingson. GRIFFITH-POBSOX Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L.' Sco vell of Medford announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Audrey Dobson, to Mr. Harold Griffith ot Klamath Falls. The wedding service took place on Sunday, August the twenty-eighth, in Seattle, Washington, with the Rev. E. Erickson' of the First Christian church officiating. The couple Harry Jones of Portland, long time friends of the bride. Mrs. Griffith lived In Medford for a was attended by Mr. and Mrs. number of years before moving to Klamath Falls several years ago. She is a graduate of Medford high school. Mrs. W. L. Poole planned to leave this weekend tor San Francisco where she will visit for a short time with her mother. A family birthday din ner, honoring her mother, has been arranged during Mrs. Poole's visit. ADRIENNE'S School Oxford HEADQUARTERS FOURTEEN STYLES priced from $3.95 to $6.95 $395 LAUNCH A NEW CAMPUS VOGUE TUGBOATS will Invade th campus. And why not? These new, boyish blunt-nosed adventurers have a sweetheart in every port. You'll lov their clever Tyrolean ski last. You'll find them easy to wear and hard to wear out . . . thanks to their stout flexible leather soles with storm proofed welting. Choose your Tugboats now and ring full speed ahead for college fun. "It Pays to Be Fitted by Specialized Shoe Fitters" STEWART-SMITH SHOE DEPT. of ADRIENNE'S MEDICAL-DENTAL BLDG. OES Opens 1938 Year 4 Plans for Fall and Win ter Made at Tuesday Session. On Tuesday evening In th Masonic Temple, Aloha chapter number 1, Order ot th East em Star, held lta first regular meeting following the vacation period ot July and August. The attendance was unusual ly good, there being mor thaa a hundred and twenty-flv mem bers and visitor! present. Th full corps of eighteen regular offlcera were present to fill their places. Mra, Eva Smith, one of the two color bearera, special officers appointed by the worthy matron, waa unable to be preaent. Her place was filled by Mrs. Margaret Hamlin, A tall whit floor basket, filled with beautiful dahlias la all the gorgeous hues of Au tumn, adorned the dais on which the head officers of th chapter were seated, while profusion of gladioli, zinnias, and asters, arranged In baskets and floor rases, were used aa floral decorations throughout the chapter room. Immediately following a short business meeting, the worthy matron requested her officers to meet In the ladles' parlor to have a group picture taken. This picture will appoar next month In an Eastern Star mag azine, "Eastern Star of th West," which Is published In Portland for th states ot Ore gon, Idaho, Washington, Utah, Montana, Arizona, Nevada, Cal ifornia, Wyoming, and New Mexico. The rest of the evening wai devoted to contract bridge, Mrs. Leola Hellbronner being In charge. High score was won by Mrs. Myrtle Reymers, while second honors went to Mrs. Ruth Palmer. The worthy matron, Mrs. Bernice Meade, has planned a memorial service In honor of members who have died during the past year, as a feature of ' the next meeting ot the chapter which will be held on Tuesday, September twenty-seventh. DINNER IS GIVEN FOR KLAMATH GIRL A group of friends gathered at the Blue Bird for half past six o'clock supper on Monday evening In honor ot Miss Doris Rogers who leaves this week end for Lintleld college at Mc Minnville, Oregon where sh will study. Guests were office assistants a t Weyerhaeuser Timber company. Following dinner the group complimented Mrs. Homer Amoreaux, a recent bride, at her home in Alpha apartments , with ' a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Amoreaux is the tonne Miss Berneva Hunt. Covers at dinner were laid for Mrs. Amoreaux, Miss Rog ers, Mrs. James Crapo, Mrs. Harold Houk. Mrs. Rufus Qutl lln, Mrs. William Newton, Miss Lucile App, Miss Evelyn Loff, Mlsa Delphlne Olson, Miss Ro sella Hampton, Miss Marian Tel- ' ford. Miss Elinor High and Miss Carman Sargent.