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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1938)
THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON September 16, 1033 page srx Normal Weather Aids Crops OREGON BARLEY SHOWS E CI DURING MONTH rOHTLAND. Rppt. II (AD More normal temperatures In Au gust came to the aid of Oregon crops aflr a hot, dry July which ratarded much development, the U. 8. department of agriculture said today In a survey of Oregon agriculture. The September 1 wheat esti mate won 20.367,000 bushels, a gain of J50.000 over August 1, which will give the state a har vest approximating that of 1937. ' Oata showed the smallest crop since 1922 at 6.440.000 bushels while an Indicated barley harvest of S. 500, 000 bushels was 915, 000 above the 10-jrear average. Corn fell off to 1,668,000 bushels In the September 1 esti mate, or 610,000 under last year, being harmed by dry weather, and the potato crop Is figured al 6.020,000 bushels, S 20,000 under 1937, the record year. Hop pro duction was forecast at lS.SJB, 000 pounds, a decline of a mil lion since August 1, hot weather damaging the harvest. Improved weather In August raised the apple estimate to 4.OSS.000 bushels, about 100.000 ahead of 1937, and a 10 per cent gain was forecast for peaches, while the pear crop, showing al most no change, continued to be of bumper alto. The prune crop showed Improvement, the harvest being estimated at 89.600 tons, or 36,000 above 1937, while nut production faced possible damage from the dryness, the filbert prospects being unusually spotted. Pastures were reported at 68 per cent of normal, the lowest since 1925, the drought year of 1934 excepted, although range conditions east of the Cascadea were better than average while extreme dryness damaged ranges west of the Cascades. Despite this, cattle were making excel lent gains, and lamb weights were above average. There was a usual decline in milk production, although re ports indicated a larger than normal number of dry cows and the number of hens of laying age was much below average. Eighth most important of the trees of the world, the lemon tree originated1 In India and has 1en cultivated for more than 3500 years. You can always tell when a European country's really got its back to the wall: the head of the government has to cut his weekend short. "The Ordinance of Humanity" C E. Rogers Speaker at 11 a. m. Saturday, Sept. 17, Seventh Day Advent ist Church, 833 N. 9th St Saturday, Sept 17, 3 p. m. Special! Edelbert Hall ated, speak to the young people. All are invited. L. M. SELTZER, Minister Carload Potato Shipments from Klamath Basin Pay of Month Season 1-3! Season 1937-3H Sept. to Season Sept. to Season Sept Pally Pate to Date Dally Pate to Data 1 i 2 IS 4 " 4 SI t 0 I 3S 5 I 7 ' 8 33 13 41 4 4 2 37 1 15 43 6 6 15 43 3 IS 46 6 ""lO 15 53 5 22 51 7 7 32 60 6 29 67 5 SJ 64 83 8 S7 65 9 17 71 99 " 10 47 75 To 20 91 110 T 56 81 " 11 It 103 152 12 66 94 12 It 119 13S 14 SO 103 IS 14 Til 153 19 99 127 14 16 149 168 123 151 15 23 152 171 20 143 171 16 23 166 194 17 li 177 203 IS fl 1S9 317 19 1 190 213 20 7 197 115 21 17 214 242 21 Ti 232 260 IS 15 247 275 24 16 263 Til 25 17 280 308 26 ! 6 286 313 17 I 293 321 2S 16 309 1JT J9 14 323 351 30 19 342 370 Month shipments by truck 49 391 419 Compiled from official records by the county agent's office, state Federal Inspector Roas -Aubrey and The News-Herald. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK. Sept. 16 (JP) Settling In a narrow orbit after an early sell-oft, the stock mar ket regained today an outwardly peaceful air while It waited tor the next decisive more to clarify the question of wsr In Europe. Transactions dropped to about 660,000 shares, only half yester day's trading pace. In the first hour, numerous shares yielded half or so ot yes terday's extensive gains, which were rung op in a revival ot hop for maintenance, ot peace on the Hitler-Chamberlain talk. Losses were reduced later, however, leav ing leading shares fractions to around 2 lower on the average. Closing quotations: Adams Express Air Reduction .. Alaska Juneau Allied Stores - American Can Am Eng Tile Am For Power . Am Power & Light - Am Rad Sta San ; Am Roll Mills Am Smelt 4V Ret i Am Tel Tel I Am Toh "B" Am Water Works . i Am Zinc LAS. ; Anaconda : Armour 111 Atchison Auburn Auto Rarnsdall .... Bait & Ohio THE WORLD'S MOST fascinating Waqayuui is now a part of the Sunday Oregonlan Favorite of nearly 7,000,000 families, this amazing magazine presents the best in True-life Romance, Science, History and -Fiction. Enjoy it every week. PLUS all the old favorite features QhdsX y&Vi fopLLj Joday! From Your Local Oregonian Agent Bendlx Avia .... Beth Steel . Boeing Alrp Borden - Borge-Waruer Budd Mfg Callahan Z L ... Calumet Hec Canadian Pacific Case (J I) Cat Tractor Celanese a ... Cert-Teed Chea ft Ohio Chrysler Col Gaa A El Com'l Solvents ......... Comm'nw'lth 4b Sou . Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil Cont'l Can .... Corn Products . Crown Zellerbach . Curtiss Wright Dupont de N Doug Aircraft El Pow a Lt Erie R R . General Electric General Foods . Gen Gas ft El "A" General Motors Gillette . 56J 91 j 91 - i a i4, a 1 137 Sill-- 6, M 191 551 211 15, 311 4 II 7 31 80 46 191 Si 26 67J 51 Si li 111 241 SI 39 67 10 i 41 130 421 SI 2i 39 331 I 43 71 Goodyear Tire ..... ,. Of Nor Ry pfd Hecker Prod Holland Furnace Hudson Motora Illlnola Central Inap Copper a... Int Harvester lnt Nick Can int Pap A P pfd lnt Tel ft Tel Johns Manvtlle Kennocott Lib O Ford Ugg Myers "B" Loew'a "A" l.orillnrd P Montgomery Ward .... Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit .... Nat l Cash Nat'l Dairy Prod Nat'l Dlst Nat'l Pow A Lt N Y Central North Amor Co Northern Paclflo Ohio Oil Otis Steel Tac Amer Fish Pac Gas A El Packard Motor Penney (J C) Penna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet Proctor A Gamble .... Pressed Steel Car .... Pub Svc N J Pullman Radio .... Rayonler Rayonler pfd Rem Rand Republic Steel Reynolds Tob "B" Richfield Oil Safeway Stores ........ Sears Roebuck . Shell Union ... Socony Vacuum Sou Cal Edison ....... Southern Pacific Standard' Brands Standard Gas A El .... Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind 8tand Oil ! J Stone A Webster . Studebaker Sunshine Mining . . Sup Oil Texas Corp Texas Gulf Sulphur ... Tidewater Asso Oil ... Timken Roll Bearing Trans-America Union Carbide Union Pacific United Aircraft United Airlines . United Corporation .. United Fruit United Gas Imp U S Indust Alcohol .. U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd U S Steel Vanadium Walworth Warner Pictures Western Union .......... Westlnghouse .. White Motor . Woolworth . 261 17 71 4.U 71 9 1.11 681 471 341 61 9.1 3!1 47 96 4$1 31 isi 44 81 231 23 12 an 61 IS! 171 91 91 9 61 251 4 78 171 241 36 62 61 271 271 1 Hi 181 121 1S 40i 61 Ul 68 1 131 13 201 141 61 2i IS 23 61 S 61 111 21 42 35 121 461 91 79 801 241 71 671 91 19 421 82 55 17 71 51 241 99 101 441 Chicago Livestock STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by the Associated Press 80 16 IS 60 Indust. Kails Hill's Stka. Friday 63. t 16.6 30.5 46.6 rrevlous day ........................... 69.0 17.4 .11.1 4 0.4 Month ago 71.4 19.6 M;t.O 4S.6 Year ago 84.5 30.6 38.3 69.2 1DS8 High 74.0 21.6 36.1 60.8 1938 Low 40,3 u.i 24,9 .1 :j . 7 1937 High 101.6 49.6 64.0 76.3 1937 Low 67,7 19.0 31.6 41.7 BOND AVERAGES Friday Previous day ... Month ago Year ago ... 1938 High .......... 19.11 Low 1937 High 1937 Low 193 2 Low 1928 High 20 10 10 It Rails Indust Ultra For. 54 9 97 6 92.3 61.2 66 0 97.9 92 1 61.6 69.2 99.6 9 3.1 62.9 86.5 102.0 95.7 70 7 70.5 100.3 94 3 67 46.2 9.1.0 S6.8 61.2 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 70.3 96.6 90.3 64.2 45. S 40. 0 64.6 42.2 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.6 wont loss than 1,0110.000 pounds aa compiii'iul to over 3,000,000 pounds n yritr ago. Friday clean-up trade; hulk crop of steers, yearlings and heifers common, medium and low good grades; fow beat steers In odd lots up to 312.25: bulk of supplies S7.75-1O.00; best heifers 19.50: most grsss fat ateera 16.75-7.60; several loads western heifers 87. 00-7. 50. Sheep 7000; none direct; Intel Thursday spring lambs mostly 26c lower; top westerns S3. 00; bulk 17. 75-7. 90; top natlvea 87.001 bulk 17.75 down; yearlings $6.25 to 86.50; today'a trade on spring lambs active, steady to strong; double choice Montanss SS.10, practically straight; bulk natives $7.75 down: best held around $8.00: yearlings scarce: sheep steady; native ewes 13.00-3.25. South S. F. Livestock good to choice venlers quoted around 19 00-10. 00. Sheep 1460. Lambs active; about steady; five doubles good to choice around 8 6 lb. Washing ton wooled spring lambs 37.85 straight; two short decks good to choice 7 6 lb. shorn Orcgons 37.25; other classes practically absent; odd yearlings $5.60; few weighty aged wethers $4.26; slaughter owes saleable around $3.25 down. ALSIKE CLOVER SO. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 16 (AP-UDA) Hogs 600, Including 335 direct. Steady; bulk 185-220 lb. butchers S9.85-.90. top $9.90; packing sows eligible mainly $7.15. Cattle 125. Including 65 direct. Market nominal; Indications mixed load Oregon rattle and load late arriving Idahoa to be held orer; grass and short fed steers quoted $6.75-7.73; good fed steers quot ed up to around $8.50; good fed heifers quoted up to $7.75; me dium to good beef cows saleable $5.00-75 or slightly above: low cutters and cutters eligible $3 25 4.25; bulla quoted mainly $6.00 down. Calves: None. Nominal; The U. S. bureau of agricul tural economics report Indicates that the alslko clover crop of the United Suites amounts to 29,500. 000 pounds this year aa com pared to 1 8.739.000 pounds In 1937 and the crop of 36.000.000 pounds In 1929. The Increased production In prospect Is the result of larger seed acreage ntul yields some what greater than last year. Average yield for the entire country la estimated at 2 3 bushels an acre, varying from 1.3 bushels in Ohio to 3 2 bushels In Wisconsin of the north centrnl states to 5.U bushels an acre In Oregon and Idaho. The averago yield In the Klam ath basin this year will be ap proximately 8 to 9 bushela an acre. Bushels are 60 pounds each. Importa up to Juno 30, 193S. CHICAGO. Sept. 16 (AP-USDA) Hogs 9000. including 2500 direct; slow, mostly weak to 10c lower than Thursday's average; bulk good and choice 170-190 lbs. I $8.70-8.96; most 300-250 lbs. $9.00-9.25; top $9.30. Cattle 1500; calves 600; killing! classes generally steady In alow School Day Cookies Filled Ice Box Cookies A large ice box cookie with a rich illing. 20 Do, Butterscotch Oatmeal Don't miss this one for your coolcie jar. The kiddies will enjoy them. Do, Notice Hunters The finest and most complete assortment of breads in the Klamath Basin. Specially patted for your trip and don't forget DOU BLE WRAPPED to insure freshness end keep ing qualities. Go PREPARED COLLEGE iSive a Thoughtful USEABLE Going-Away Gift ( Portable Typewriteri Underwood Royal Corona Remington $29.75 to $78.50 Fountain Pens 25 to $15.00 Zipper Carrying Cases $1.75 to $15.00 With and without disappearing handles Zipper Ring Books $2.50 to $10.00 Toilet Cases . 8ill Folds ORDERS FOR PINE SLIP SHARPLY POUTI.ANIl, Ore., Sept. 16 (.11 A dm'lliin ot 17 million feel In orders occurred In I lie past week In I ho western plno ImliiHiry on I Im basin of reports from 111 mills, the Western l'lno associa tion said todny. Orders totuled 48,1 1 6,000 feet com pin ed to 116.47 l.omi a week iiko. Shipments ("II "If I4.niiii. otiu rt In 67.11 ID. I and pro duction dropped ll.VO0.iniv feet to titl.4 S I.OOti. l'Vr the year, orders worn 3H0, 000,000 feci miller lu:i7, ship ments worn llliwil 1. 1)11 m 1 1 1 1 1 ti lllnl production slumped nearly 7 on million feet. 1IOKTON WOOIf nosTON. Sept 16 (AI'-l'SDAI Rrnttnrml sales of limited volume were helng closed on the finer western grown wools In the Mos lon market today. Twclve-niiuiihs Tenia wools IiioukIiI 04 to 66 cents, scoured hasls. Hlds nroutid 62 cents, scoured basis, for 12 month Texas wools worn helng rejected. 'tireusy night-mouth Texna wools moved it I 60 to 6 2 cents, scoured hasls. Short Frem-h comlilng leiiKths flue territory wools In orlKlnnl Iiiiks were being sold nl around 60 cents, scoured basis. $1.00 to $25.00 . . 50C to $10.00 Kiamath's Fittest Bakery Brief Cases Indispensible During School and for Years to Come Complete . Leather Goods Stock --SPECIAL- Up to the Minute WORLD GLOBES With Blari Oceans. Never Before Available at Such a Price! Complete Selection of Globes to $15.00 Special Student Reading Lamps Shaw Stationery Company fllir'AflO. Sept. 1 6 fP) - llltth. er prices ruled In Hi" ('IiIciikh whom ninrliot today, nlihoiutii lulu reactions from lop iiiiolulliin, implied hopes ot penca had not been abandoned, (Inn allmiiloa In price upturns came from big tattings of ('una. illau wheat for export to Kiirotm. Kullv l.lMitl.niin bushel. ei estimated to have hern soukIii horn Camilla and liideriiilia amounts from the. I'nlted Hliiies. At the close, Chicago wheal fn lure. ei In one cent hither compiiied with yesterday's fluMi, Sept. 6,',J. Hec. UTiS 6I.J. Cntii also i In one rem up, Sepi r,;. Hec. M Ml. and oats l'i loucr lo an eiiinl miIuiiiio. Storms have popnlnled remote In In ml h Willi animal life v ihiv. I it K birds out of llielr courses. IF YOU FEEL SUNK Read this and cheer up Aro ynti m l'lno) Inil llf U nn 1niier worih llvlnT o you rrjr wibII) T ! ytm (! nw 0tr4n. (Upraa.l-)ut ftt.etutlr 1I;NW 1'hvn lf gornl name tt yu in rse yu nonl i !"! frnarftt ( Ionic- Jtwi mkm fcmitui l.yitu fc. I'tnVluim' 'fcUH. Com C. hi ml. tt It wt)axtin ImrU ml ' olp Nadir liiill'l ui titoro ('tiyiVl ttsi. n nt tnfi ui your ' m. an that ll ran Ittitrai naally lllfow fit tha "l)U" nJ It HUTU -! tjy t' nfij.iy MM.t.lONrf" wrtrti hart 1tt-tr.i up. rn ttila imMul ami haw mI lh w-.rd lima- in lilvii'U aJ uolchWra, ul lo tUIr etiilTr-n. Why tvtt laaa I'lnkham Co la (hi uml attr) go ''kinlllng lhru"i a .aT Awm m . .. z , i ''. aa T rm 1 rf-... - -4l v iSSSTM rnEV you buy "E-crcutJy" "Preitonc" nnti-frecic, )-ou buy all winter protection for your car. "Prcstonc" anti-frccc is more than just anti frccc. Most any other kind of nti-frccie will guard against freezing . . . until it hoils away. But "Prcstonc" anti-frcczc pro tects your car against engine heat... the thief that steals vol atile anti-free e. Have fun this winter. Cut driving worries. Protect your family, as well as yourself, from frccic-up caused by boil-away. Smile with "Prcstonc" anti freeze ...Ul olben boil! Aait-frt ih ho,U wr on ,in tra.n you unpiMrtirU lot lh Mil tulii Lcm of rwJiatnr lolutlnn caul ffwiiBl. lopt cifcutaitoa. lhit Jn lutn raun ot-efhfitinx hith cotu moiof uti oul lioa rvtry ycf. 'zap-. ,u On out of lh "Worry Clm" lhit wirwtr. Oocc you put in "I'rmouc twu-lrccit. there t NO Moai oliulnoI YEAR AFTER YEAR . more and mor$ "Preitont anti-jrei$ has fxtn made and told, yet demand bat outrun production. This winter, ut expect there wilt be enough jor everyone, for early in the year tremendous new production jailities uent into jull-time operation. Still, to he iurc, get jvurt EARLY mi EVEREADY PREST0NE ANTI-FREEZE The wordi EwrtJf and ,Trtone" 1 trade-mirks of National Cartas Co., Inf. or ouiQaiKRiu tiimm 729 Main St. Phone 602