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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1938)
THR NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON nil m THE ONLY WHITE WASHER UNDER $65 . . IT'S iA New 1939 Radio Worth $100 A NEW .Rciitcmhor 15, 1938 Tower Paper ( PKGS. 15c sis 40 whltt lln n f I n 1 1 h sheet wl t h envelopes. Blue Roaster IB' 2-inch MKt. Ull lllDtl taster, brewa in rick $1.19 Percolators New itrtanliaei dttln with .Ma nautt far ci- IH $2.19 Clothes Basket S II t will aw baiktt, nlahw ll tw x ,' tM 69c Cleansing Tissues 19c S a 1 1 re tte brand! 5 00 soft, absorb ent tissues to the box. Whisk Brooms 19c rWI JP Good ouallty sRsxC corn, sewn BrlSsi for strength KvlsS with looped XW?8 handle. Terry Cloths 3c ffiyyr&& cloths, pot i? jfiVJ holders, knit gjfcfYfy dish cloths Massage Towels 9c Thick, sb s o r bent white terry towels, col ored borders Window Shades 25c Sand, buff and green shades, 3x6 ft. size. With rollers. Sheet Blankets 49c MKffl Single style fe?St?4!r7y$l feeced plaid fcgjjj cotton. 70x80 Infants' Clothes 25c HX 'Jrii-ia ' whim r i Z5 " ' 1 nn.lrtt. I 7 iJfll powna and I lam II g.rtrudea, l ffl m ' I trimmed. Children's Undies 29c lifl i knit vestt and panties for cool Fall weather. Men's Work Sox 9c Medium weight cot ton socks. Gray, black and brown Twice the Wear And the Price Is Lower I Double Duty OVERALLS Triple Stitched! All Sanforized! Sizes 32 to 44! Sturdy 8-ounce blue blood denim . . i with plier pocket. We call 'em Double Duty because they'll give you twice the wearl MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 49c Full cut, triple stitched, reinforced at etraln points! Medium weight chambray or covert. 8lzea 1414-17. Comfort All Day Long In Dependable Men's Police Shoes 98 Black Calfskin! S) Leather Sole si Built In steel arch, two full leather soles! Sturdy black calfskin uppers in sizes 6 to 12. ft 9. 1 Streamlined! Twin Bar Elgin Bike 2(B! 95 nd up f3 DOWN, $5 Monthly Air-Cooled Brakes I Alemite Lubrication! Smart 1-Pc. Frame! Created for Anniversary . . . and leading the bike world I Streamlined m u d g u a r ds, grips . . . balloon tires, ad justable seat lull il Hexagon Shingles i549 -3r square Guaranteed Wear C a n't D r y, C u r I Finest roofing felt, asphalt sat u rated and surfaced with crushed slate in fade-resistant colors. Ask for Free Estimate 90 lb' Roll Roofing $269 Roll covers 100 sq. ft 2-inch wa- tertight lap. Canvas Glove 8C Men's sturdy rain forced canvaa work gloves, knit wrists. Shirks, Shorts 15c BACH M a n'a ath letlo cotton shirts, b r o adcloth shorts. Pillow Cases 9c P52 "Wlldflowtr" muslin csbss. 42x36 Inch site, neat heme. 10 Dish Towels 59c Flour bag squares, b I a a o hed white him med edges. Doxen Diapers 1.00 27x27 Inch soft flannel, etta with neatly hem med edges Baby Sleepers 59e . .v Vfe5V Pink, Blu. Yv 'Cv J nd whit. X cotton knit. ViTS Vv with fact, 1 V to 7. Baby Bathinette 3.98 Rubber tub that converta Into a dress ing table 36-Inch Muslin 5c YD. U n bleached muslin for dlth towels and curtains Pod, Cover Set 35c Hair pad and muslin cover fits all Ironing boards. Cotton Batts w 39c 3 lb. batt npent to 72x 90 Inch air.. Soft, fluffy. Mattress Pads 1.19 PvJr&Ztf&sZ z X 72 Inch 0if5 alia, cotton Alfll filled. t p. 3yjeiVv! bound edges. All Wool Batts 1.00 Clean, all new wool) Makes a 72x 90 Inch comforter. Linen Toweling 19c 18-Inch white toweling, col ored borders. Huck Towels 9c 15x30 Inch lie. Whit, bleached cot. ton, with a border. Knitting Yarn 29C 4 -pty alt wool yarn In 2 ox. skeins. Choice of colors Hand Towels StKl'-JSM Thick terry l'j&.jmK' loo pel A,. A eorted paetel $mA Bath Mat Sets jgNffl 49c Tufted, with 6?-t'MiWM''& "d covere to iW'XlUlnW'm meh. Many vkSL'sMrrfl&rX color., waih Lastex Anklets 15c C aorttd colon y i t wt. . . Buy It During This Sale for Only If; m m v n That's More For Your Moneyl Only $5 Down 3 Dial Tuning Bands I Lighted Indicatorl Tone, Volume Control! Big Dynamic Speaker! Tilted Panel Makes Tuning Easy 10 Tube Console with Push Button Tuning Brand new! Novor boforo been shown! Check the points nbove, than add these additional quality features! Markod tuning controls, 3-gnng rubbor rnounted ball bearing condenser . . one foreign supersprend band, Amoricnn broadcast, foreign short wave . . . names of foreign countries and stations. 'yfww ,.,.i.n. , tun ijmn.ii.ii ny'i,?--:-r r-y" r-v, ! ! ' r '!' J Another Anniversary Sensation! 6 Cubic Foot mm Pay Only $5 Down! 5 Year Guarantee Snowy Dulux Finish! 92 Ice Cubes . . . Fast! Tip-Proof Shelves! Porcelain Interior! Saves as high as 40 on your food bills! Pays for Itself In no time at all! 12.1 square feet of roomy shelf area. 3 Inches "Coldex" Insulation. 8 Cu. Ft. Coldspot $15950 Automatic defrost and 10-polnt cold con trol. 132 Ice cube capacity. Has Foodex, egg box, 2 water bottles and Coldex Insulation. Unbelievable? Not During the Anniversary Complete Cabinet Sink iff ' 2)95 $3 Down 5 Month (Plus Carryinj; Charge) Complete with trim to wall, Any Other Time, Any Other Place You'd Pay $501 Full sized 42-inch cast Iron sink coated with acid-resisting porcelain enamel. The smart, strong steel cabinet is finished in white Dulux with black knobs and door handles. Plenty of storage drawers and shelves. 133 SO. 8TH f3 r-r "v rT-v 5-Inch Screwdriver 19c 0 1 lev srillila ratchet, flna forged steel, wood handle). Rubber Force Cup 19c t 4 Inch X hrnritd h mil! for Irtrrlf'Q stop Glass Levels 77c Mi 1 accitr a t a glaiMi, two plane end one level. II Inches. Claw Hammers 77c 19 os. hesd. Drop forged eul with poiiihed bsll face. 10-Inch Bit Brace MERIT 2 77c nnahil brace that will take all svtuare ihanh bUi. Michigan Axe 1.49 Pi Men's a with lem nered ate e I head. hlcK ory handle. Medicine Cabinet 1.19 ft li! Il.fto vual 11 x 10 inch ntlrror with white ate e I cabinet. 2.49 Clotet Seat 1.95 White en. i m i I i dt e h r o m hlio. rub ber bumpera. Laundry Trays 8.95 Twin cement traye each with built-in wath board.). Rubber Door Mats 64c 1)v21 Inch link rubber mall, prac ttc.iiiy ever laiting. 1000 Hour Bulbs 2 Fon 1 15c ! )Yf (I bulbil 16, J, V ' ; iM '11 0, SO, 0 and rS JJ I n Batteries, Only 3c Leader brand! Fac t o r y fresh for your flashlight. Bedroom Fixture 79c 1 ') 1 J OOll flnlah m.tal calling flxturt. 6-Foot Cords 19c ASiVrV 0 e m p I ata a MSSfAim o r d )mfvkM9 rubbar Inau. Intecl. bkt Xjr lit. antfa. Bench Hampers $3.29 O h r o mlum etrlpeil En. nmeled fiber In choice of colors. Flame-Proof Pan 2.19 N w flame, proof oImi quart sauce pan, covered. Ken A M JIB$S Down 15 Month (Plus C(irrylii r:hnr(!) Bar Type Safety Wrinqer Release Rovoaiblo drainboardl Sofo ly toalod lilont mochanitm and long lif o oil-toalod mo tor, Big, hoavy duly tubl 95 zmsw Sears' Anniversary Sensation I De Luxe Kenmore 6495 America's Most Beautiful Washer Snnw uiiilit hitk(Ml-on riniriii'l fliiMi. Miilll-vmifi nicltntor, Imr W Dtmn 5 Monlh Mii'rliitiuirii. (Plua Carry Inx Chargo) Women Who Sew Can Save! Sears' Famous "Slumbersound" Dress Lengths Blankets J'2 to 5 Yard Pieces imported! All Wooll nD& Crashes! Dimities! Sheers! Voiles! Laces! Percales! Mako dresses, aprons, smocks, slacksl Make them at this marvelous Anniversary Saving! All 36-Inch widths. NEW FALL PRINTS Special During. Sears' Greatest Blanket Sale! O Embassy Crepes I Rich sparkling rayon crepe, I Washable! 38 Inch widths. Some With a 5-Year Mothproof Guarantee From Holland! From England! Luxuriously soft and warm shaggy nap blankets In gener ous 72x84-lnch size. Double Sheet Blankets 89c Part Wool Blankets, 70x80 in. 2.59 This Price Can't Last On Ax minsters CAMBAYS or CHATFIELDS 26 $3 Down IS MONTH (Plus Carrying Charge) What a Buy! 9x12 Foot Size! Previously Sold at 39.95! All wool face nnd carefully woven by the best mills to assure long life and lasting beauty. Textured and conventional patterns. Durable Felt Base FLOOR. COVERINGS Genuine Gold Sen I and Pabcol Nationally famous 4 AO discontinued patterns.....: 3 SQ. YDS. I.UU 1 33 SO. 8TH jliPIMnS rTTiTiira'L . I Yarn Dust Mops 59c Fluffy head larqe apread with ahike. out handle) eocket. 14-Gallon Tub 69c (& 'laSn 0 Ivanliad, oi 'yfr w a h tub with rigid I ball handla. Clothespins, dot. 2c Sturdy hard wood flat "Kant-Roll" type, won't let 00. Strainer Sets 98c 4 different elzee tn mesh a t r a I nere. Coma on wall rack. 25-Pound Scales $1.09 Ivory or green en amel finish for kitchens. Accurate. Cast Iron Skillet 98C "Baat.Mada" flneat c a a t I r o n I 10V, Inch d I amatar alz. Ironing Board 1.39 Croat braced wide apread rear lege, largo board Leokproof Tub 33c MnGSgJi 17 quart gal 1 a vanlxed wash I tub wi,h 1 TO-puart Pail 21c a a I vanlred and Ink proof, ball type handle Inside Dryers 79c SO feet of a p a o to hang clothee. Fotdi e o m-pactly. Dutch Ovens 1.19 ran J S quart ca iiyWi paclty ham. yMV tdr 'm mar finish ItSByy east I r o rw Sash Cording 59c 100 fiat tf No. 7 High. Taat cotton cord. Curtain Stretcher $1.79 Set a New Standard of Value ! Priced for Slim Budgets Fail Dresses It M t m , mm Peplums . . . Dirndls! B I o u s e d Fullness! Wool Plaids! Sheers! Styles for business, school and dress! Ev ery new. fashion note for Fall Is here . . every smart Fall color and fabric! Sizes 12 to 20, 38 to 44 and 46 to 52. Sears Dependable Fine Quality Full Fashioned Silk Hosiery 33c Think of It . . . all pure silk and full fashioned! Clear service weight stockings with cotton tops and feet that practically defy wear. Every new Fall shade and sizes 8'2 to lOa- PAIR OH Silk Cors YoUr j Handy Step Stool 69c neMk-"1 Unl Inlthed New Modern Style Value! Unfinished Garbage Cans 1.19 High Chair Kitchen Chair 269 A 44c 80 gallon alzel Oalvan. I zed, corru- fitted and oak proof Natural Color Finish Brand new design! Sturdily construct ed with wide spread legs. A Gift at the Price! Fluted lift and tuek paits. theped iplndln and 4 stretchers. Comes knockdown only. Cutlery Boxes 19c S L.cquar fin. IXAy lah wood jSsV box., with Sr j four com. p partmant,. Don't Overlook This Smashing "Buy" Mattress or Box Spring Net Often Such a Value Egg Beaters Now 39c SjitS. I Eaay action gjj ball baarlno whoola. Sur. grip handles. Each MattreSS ...30S Inner coll springs, prebullt border, beige damask covers. BOX Spring ... cone type colls for greater resiliency. Hardwood frame. ), A...2Stt.ii.i:-1.i Baby Auto Seat 89c Folding eteel heavy eloth rubber eloth aAit. Sturdy 1-Ton Screw Jack 99c Craii Coun- try, aturdy double acrew ball bearing lack. De Luxe Fog Lite 1.98 S Inch Shur llta lamp, o h r omfum with wire and bulb. White Bike Light 1.00 5 . S treamilned d a i g n I Chroma trim white en ameled tamp. Kick-Up Stand 69C L Ightwelght ohinnel eteel. Foldt back on blk mudguard Hunting Knives 1.49 Sharp ateef blade w I til leather han die, alumin um bo later Vest for Shells 89C Llghtwalghtl Comfortablal Pocket, t . oarry at aha I la. . Red Safin Hat 98c Rd sat In WW?&d2Z hunting hat, VggSESSai o o rnfortabl. 'Se and light. weight Men's Sweat Sox 21C PR. Soamlaaa foot and ribbd top In alzM 10 to 12. Shotgun Shells 86c 85 to . box! 12 a a u g M ll lard ahalla, light load. Roller Skates $1.59 Speedy ball b i r ln whtela, ti metable) tlztw Boys' Lunch Kits 1.00 Fitted with ii pint St.. Rita vacuum bottle, with cup top. Scatter Rugs 89c Brilliant Orl. ttfift&'rSjS? I ntal patum iK?' I cotton rugs, NjSy I Mx Inch. G