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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1938)
THE NEWS AND THE HERALD KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE September IB, 1033 FAIR OPENS FRIDAY - Ill SISKIYOU COUNTY lrriliiy inui'iiluK lit II o'cliirlt Hliltlyon'n i: rin r hI county lull' will kH under wity, 'I'll" 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Ill" lllll'HO nidim, Hi" Mtln tinmen, tl" "X lllllltn, III" Clll'lllyil itllll Vllllll"' Villi! III'lH It M it tlltl lIlllll'llIK Itltvn nil been ('(unbilled by V. I.. Kletiver, ni'i'i'i'laiy-MiuiiiiKi'i' lit Ihn full-, kii iluil niutic ovenl will Im koIiik nil Ihn limn from III" II 1 1 11 nlo iho doom iiprn. Thn bent nf thn Hlnlllynll rnllll ty litleni In Ii"Iiik arranged mi ll. r Hi., il I nil Ion nf licit Hitmen, nml niri'Hliiiiiil tnli'iil In lining IhiiiikIiI to III" full' lit greul (x ji'mimm In iin'ntirn Ihn people (if Klnlilynn III" highest i'Iiihh nf cn tiirininiiii'iil fur tlmlr coiinly full, Dun of tlio fcnltirc nf llio i Inn ndn will lnt Hi" per foriuiinrn nf W. C. TucUnr'n purer, ".llitiiny." TIiIm home, ft le-.ttil iful lut y Itiiriicnn rtii'cr, which nniN tin eitllio rottrno without it driver In it it iiiiuniinl nltntrttnii. Mliny of thn poln pottle In be tued In kii in irt lit th" fnlr him been iiiln'il nml linlin'il III Kfoll willey. A ninitll group nf n lulorn will, hi il Urn lemon work oul hilliiliiy. Tlllcii nf Klnlilynil rollllly'n hent known iliuiin linniln will piny nl the flllr modern dunce lllllnlr will hn played hy At'llle l.cgg'n 1 2 pi t mrlii-ntru Sill llnliiy night mill hy IVih'i ni'ii nine piece 'llnrimmy hnml Kutidiiy evening, whlln thn Hiullli llrotltern or chnnirn will piny nlil llmo dnnco Iniinlr Friday evening. A grnnd firework illnplay liy tin Hln-ll Oil company linn lii''ii ni i iiiiKrit fni- Sunday. I.nrul biiltdn nml m Kimlr.itl Innn tn pnrfnnii will bo. tint Yrekn It IK It ni-ltnnl Iminl, thn .Mull III Sltnnln hitch nrhtiiil hand W LOCAL INSURANCE AGENT QUALIFIES FOR COMPANY CLUB NKW YOIIK. N. Y. (Hpci'lnl) -M aril it nf 313 Main nirocl, I ii ill it I It fit I Im . him iimll ri"d for uiimihnrnhlii In thn 11)38 Tn Ii ('lull nf Ihn N"' York Life liiniiriitMii I'niiiiniiiy, ncrnnlmg to mi ii 11 11 i ii 1 1 ' f 11 li L iniiilit lit thn I'linipitiiyn hnini) office In Now York City. 'Ihn lli:i8 Top dull In niuiln UP nf Ihn 200 li'inlliiK prnd ileum (lur 1 ii K III" pnnl club yenr among the morn I hitii 80110 N"W York Win I'Mpi'iMK'itlitllvi'n 1 1 1 ni ii k tt o u I the tliiltml Hlnl" nml Cuuiiila. Hwiiiinnn Joined I ho Now York l.lfn In 11130. Tin followlitK yenr hn iniiilit thn company's Hundred Tliiiiiniiiwl Uolliir club. In 1937 hn Iti'lnllKi'il t Hi" Two llllllilrnil Tlioiinmiil I n I lit r cliih. Thtin hn him iiuullfli'il regularly for oun nf llio company' group "f lender nlncn hn hi'ciiiiin lilnntlflod with thn N'W York I.I fo. APPLICATIONS OPEN k f OR WHEAT LOINS I E CULINARY UNION MEETS THURSDAY An linporliiiit meeting of thn rulliuiry nlllaitcn of Klittnnth KhIIh wiin rnllt'il for Thursday night tit Ihn Labor temple. OikiiiiIziiI I ifllcliiln urged full titli'llillllirn hemline of nuni nrnun itiiittmn of bttnlnnM to bn liiki'ii up. OBITUARY"" KAMI ii:i-ts O'SKII.I. hiinitii'l ll"lo O'Neill, n resident of thin city for the pnnl 14 yean, punned nwny at bin Into ronldnnce. 1130 Mint Clnlro street. ThumUy morning, September 15. Tho do cinni'il wiin n imtlvn of stri'itlor. III., mid wn iiK'il " yenrn 4 inoiillin mid H dnyn h"'ii i-nllcd. Iln In survived by four son, Mor ion of Kllenshtirg. Wnnh., M. I).. H T nml J. C nil of thin rlty; ","! ihr nimbler. .Mr. It. W. Ilcehe I high school linnil. Bin! thn. . ,i,,klniiil l'ullf Mrn. J. K. It"n N.-ll limn corps of Ihn . ,,.,.., .....i . i- a. Wrluhl of A Iiuu l.otilon. I t Ii In city; n nlntnr. Mr. Hurry (.'olnrnd ntovlon of the Klnklyon nrfiwll f Hpokiinc Wuh.; two rottiiiy liiiluniih n will iilno b" hroihorn, II. II. Mofiovern of Hcul- liown. nPi Wnnh., mid Jinnee McOovnrn Sl t lri-ttn m'ln will perform be- of Spnlinni'; it nlnter-ln-lnw, Mrn. for.. Hie Kiundntmnl III nd'lltlon : Kitiiitn O'Neill of thin city; nlno 1o ihn i.tuili vlllo if In. ; nix Krundrlilldrcn mid two Krnnt- .Ion l.ewln. Hollywood nt unt Kriuidi hlldren. Tho reiniiliin ronl riynr. will perforin, nnnlnlnd by i In Wnrd'n Klamath Kunnral Homo, Ken Klraver, lornl pilot. j !)2b lllKh ntrent. where friends .. . I may rail Friday iiiornliiK. Boptnm- Yellow or whit., am thn .-olorn her 10. Notice of the funeral ar nf Hie flow. rn tlini leiniiln open : rmiKeineiiin will bo aniiounced In 'only at nliihi. la later Innitn of thin paper. Application! for wheat loann are now bnlnx taken at tho nxi'lcul! ur al connnrvatlon offlrc. I.omin it I i pur cunt niattirlitif May 31, IU3II, w will tin niado on ellnlhln wlmut. ! f Tho loan rato In Klamath county I In 48. conn a biinhol on No. 1 wheat. Loan rn ton will bo huned on wheat Ktailea ilulenulned lit r ' - 1 -oral Innpoctlon offlcen frnm nitiii plea taken lifter wheat linn been alored 30 dnyn. Wheat KrinlliiK No. 2, 3 or 4 Inettra dlncounla of 2, G mid 10 I't'iHH. Hlncn no wareltounci havo been approved In thin county, all wheat will bo farm nlorod In acceptable Kranarlon. Hovon cenla will bo paid producer to cover atoniKO contn In the event of dnfnult on , nntea. KIlKlblllly of applicanta In lim ited to producer! rtowIiik wheal In the capacity of owner, landlord 1 or tenant. Only 1938 whoat pro duced on farma on which the aoll deplntlllK bano hn not been ex ceeded hy morn than 6 per I '-ni ; la ohKlbln. Thin provision Intplien an oarly compllanco check-up. Ap plication for loan hould bo made now In order to npced up reiurnn, thn county agent aald. Ever Wonder Why You're Constipated? Do you ftvrr have day when you Jiiat have to draff yourself aloiiK. when you feW tlrrd, wmlc-bc-caUM of that constipation? Thn why not find out the real cause of your trouble? What have you had to eat aUlyf Just thlnft like meat, bread and potaUwn? If that's It, you may not have to look uny farther. It's likely your trouble Is you don't Ret enough "bulk." And ''bulk" doesn't mean a lot of food. It means a kind of food that Isn't consumed In the body, but leaves a soft "bulky" mass in the Intes tines and aids elimination. If "bulk" Is what you luck, your ticket Is a dish of crisp crunch y KelloftR'a A It-U ran for breakfast every day. It contains Uie "bulk" Sou need plus Nature's great In jstlnal tonic, vitamin B,. Eat It every day, drink plenty of water, and Join the "regulars"! Made by Kellogg In Battle Creek. 8I!I-B Wool Mt. lUlnler BLANKETS Lovely, aoft, warm Mmiki'lH. IKHHO In. with fancy K n in o dcnlKiitt deer, duck or plicannnt. Lake IMiiclil BLANKETS :m l-:i himiI. Hl.e (Id hy Ml) III. Hollil color with iiiulll cnlor(Ml iHir ilern. VI Inch BED CANVAS Of heavy duck. Ideal for (7inii hedn. M o. welKht.' DOWNHTAIIIM HTOIIK 79c iriQw 6 tludnon'a liny BLANKETS (lenulnn 4 inilitt, 1IIO per cent. wool. Welulit (I lha. Hlwi 720 In. $1375 IM) Wool Camp Blankets 11(1180 III. double. 0 lit. Ill wellit. A quality citmn blnnkct $2 !(() Wool camp uianxeis y 028a double nil wool hlanketa, dark color. Warm and comfortablo lor canipInK line. HOWNHT.AIItS STOItW $498 BULLS EYES ! Majentlc Athletic Supporters HtroiiR elanllc tveh. Will not chafe. 29c Mitl ii Floor Mrn' Frosh Pants Of litnvy, tlunible, ihirk mnlcrlnl. UYnr like iron! Tan colors. $1.89 Pr. The Deer Season Opens in 5 Days ! ARE YOU ALL READY? Will you be out with the first streaks of dawn-ready to bag your deer-or will you be home trying to get all of your paraphernalia together? Come to Penney's and let one of our men (they're all good hunters) help you complete your outfit. You'll save on HUNT ING CLOTHES at Penney's. VALUES IN HEAVIER SHIRTS ! Heavy All Wool SHIRT Warm nml comfortable. 1(K wool wlili fancy check In annorted color. $3.98 Main Floor A OREGON WOOLEN STORE r i You're Right! This Is Our New 3-Button Suit! It lia nmartlienn, vernatlllly and fine InllorlliK. It (a the null for the Minn lm wiinta a milt Unit can be worn to the office, to Informal partle and nport. snr Wide Select Ion nf Color In All I'npulnr I'nltcrn New Fall Neckties 55c F.aelt Iteiiiitlful pattern, wool lined, Itcnlllcnt count met Inn 2 for $1.00 Fall Hat Days Are Here Value to (ta.OS $279 Nice Assortment Genuine Fur Felts "Let Us Hat You" SWEAT SOX I'art wool. Short top of heavy knit connt ruction. White or colored. 25c P, Main Floor Shoe of the Week Hlnr llrnnil nil leather, with thick crepe nolen. Rent for itchonl $2.9$ School Shoes lliomie Style I'cbltle Iit'iilher $3.65 . fiuni'iint 1 All Leather Hlnr llrnnrt Shoe Wide Shoulders Narrow Hips '','lnNslflcs lheo new ercw neck Slipover. All wool $3.95 Nnvy, Mnroon, Hlne Boys Sport Shirts i Both Knit and Crash Styles F1net, serviceable and prac tlcnl school alilrt avnll-ahlcl Flneat Wearing Tweed Cords a to is $J95 Fi 7 v m y i ill il II Wool WORK SOX Look tops, warm anil cnlllfortable, Kelllforced heel and toe. Oxford or Unlit grey. 25c p. Main Floor Jersey Knit Cotton Gloves Warm for the rominK cold iiiornliiK. Hunt 1 n liesc lightweight glove. 15c P, Main Floor Super IMfi Mar Work Shirts Knnforl.ed, full cut ahlrt of heavy cliainbrny and covert cloth, lircy, blua or Ian. 79c Ea. Heavy Suspenders Kxtra wido, strong ela lc. Hut ton fasteners. Itlnck or grey. 49c P, Main Floor All Wool Union Suits I'lnest 100 wool gar ment. Heavyweight, long nleeves legs. $3.49 DIRECT HITS ! 100 Wool SOX Med I II til weight, hi top mix. In light or oxford grey colors. 49c, 'Pr. MAIN' FLOOR Heavy Hueclo Shirts In solid reds or red, blue, green and grey plaids and check. $149 Heavy Kuedo Cloth Shirts Heavy domet flannel In Mum, grpyn, or drab colors. 9gc AH Wool Plaid Sport Shirt Large buffalo plaids in frrcens, reds, gTejs. Warm and comfortable! Main Floor $298 Red Hunting HATS Ouslior style. Rolls up to pocket friz?. Al so comes In blacks, greys and tans. Heavy Wool BOOT SOX Heavy, part wool, grey with colored top. Heavy ribbed knit. 'Pr. MAIN FLOOR DON'T FORGET THE LONGIES ! Union Suits fifC All ribbed cotton. Long t leg long or short sleeves. 83 Wool Union Suits A heavier garment. 54 wool. Iing leg and aleeve for added warmth on your hunt ing trip. IL98 Main Floor 10 Wool Union Suits Of heavy ribbed knit. Part wool, remainder cotton. In long legs long or short sleeves. 50 Wool Union Suits Ideal weight for cold weather. You'll like the ndded warmth only wool ran give I mat 9c pl $249 targe Slzo Bandana Hankies Kxtra size bandanas. In blue or red print and rjtterns. 10c MAIN FLOOR LjlHIMIlHH JIUMMT Foremost Waist Overalls Sanforized, full cut of heavy 10 oz. denim. $1.10 MAIN FLOOR You'll Need a Warm, Comtortable Jacket ! Water ReK'Hent Cruiser Jackets Heavy 10-oz. duck with plenty of front pockets and large Ct AO game pocket 9 82 oz. Melton Jacket O f a 1 1 wool Melton cloth. In blues, greens, ni a -roons. Zipper front. Sixes 86 - 40. All Wool riald Melton Jackets S3 oz. Mel tons with t'anry plaid designs. Zlp per front. Kizes 36 - 46. All Wool Bush Coats 82-oz. fleecy. F.xtra length. Ilelted button front with large pockets. Heavy Double Cruiser Coat Double 82 oz. Melton cloth. for added warmth. All wool. Waterproof. Sizes 80-.10 Main Floor $298 $398 'ool :oats I $498 $7.90 PANT VALUES ! Heavy Khaki Pants Sanforized shrunk, Waist sizes 20-44 In durable fabrics. $1.49 Boulder Cord Breeches Sanforized shrunk. Waist sizes 20-42 In. Length 23-27 in. In green, oxford. grey, tan. fair . i $2.98 Water Repellent Trousers 8 oz. Sterling, water repellent mater ial. Double legs and 9 tQ teat, l'alr $AltU Heavyweight Cords Wide range of patterns and colors. We have your size in tills AA durable, long wearing pant 9 A. 0 Horsehlde GLOVES In exceptional glove value. All-leather gloves for warmth or protec tion. Only 49c Pr. MAIN FLOOR PENNEY'S FOOTWEAR VALUES ! Capeskin GLOVES Fancy dress glove. Smart yet warm. In greys, tans, blacks. $1.98 Pr. 0MAIN FLOOR Don't Forget Your Feet! B Properly Shod For Your Huntina Trio the Onenina Day! . . - 4 a i i V III High-Top Boots Cord Sole 8 in. Lace-to-Toe Full raw cord solo and heel. An excellent wearer. Full lencth lace. 12 In. $498 High-Top Boots $750 Doll bio leather laile, leather up- nAwa , r I n I . mV ' nlltrhed. Full leather dou ble sole and leather uppers. Triple stitched. Men's Quality Field Boots 16 In. dry oiled uppers and soles. Reinforced arch, front strap. $50 $90 " Pr. Ji iriMaMitii SIi'ns Shirts and Shorts S h I r t 8 of ribbed knit. Shorts of broadcloth or ribbed cotton knit. 25c Ea. MAIN FLOOR Men' and Roys' Tennis Shoes Hard rubber sole. Extra heavy. Air cooled with odorless Insoles. A grand buy at S5 Raw Cord Sole SHOES 0 In. tops of soft glove leather. Full cord sole and heel. Welt construction. Men's Sweat Shirt Slipover style of heavy cotton. In whites and tight greys. 79c Ea. MAIN FLOOR 298 Pr. PKNNKY'S Shoe Grease can 25C SHOE DEPT. DOWNSTAIRS sTOkli Zipper Front Sweat Shirt With collar and half front zipper. In fight greys only at 98c MAIN FLOOR mi ) G (I) famuli 3 1?G c o P -J VttiliyaiiiiiimTiiai A3TlmP7mZ7. m I