V. PAGE FOURTEEN THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON September IS, 1938 Herald and News Classified Ad Section RATES Paid-In-Advance 'On day, per word ilwo-day run, per word Three-day run, - 2e . 4c 5c - 7c ..20c per word One week run, per word One month run, per word Charge Ads Each insertion, far word 3c Jo charge made for less than 25c) (All mall order d$ must have cash with order). T All ads are Inserted In both editions of The News-Horald. All classifications are num bered and appar in numerical Crder. The dead-line for classifica tion Is 12:00 a. m. Ads received fter 12:00 o'clock will be run In the "Too Late to Classify" eolumn. The News-Herald will be re sponsible for Incorrect wording Only one day. Classified Index Apartments tor Rent ..24 ..34 -48 -12 -46 -38 4 -14 -16 -26 -44 Automotive Business rinoortonltles Educational ,,. 'Financial for Sale or Trade General Notices Help Wanted, Female Help Wanted, Male Houses lor Kent .Livestock and Poultry T n.f anil ITminrt 2 Miscellaneous for Rent -23 -36 -42 . Miscellaneous ror bate : Miscellaneous Wanted Personals Real Estate for Sale Real Estate Wanted Room and Board ... Rooms tor Rent 30 32 ...20 22 10 18 40 8 Services Situations Wanted To Exchange Transportation 2 Lost and Found .ii -iiyirn www "LOST White male fox terrier. Tan ears, short tail. License 2680. Phone 28J4. Reward. 9-15 FOUND Pair glasses, horn rims, gold ear pieces. Inquire News Herald. General Notices Go By Motor Coach a VIA Shortest Route Lowest Fares i To Northern Points One Round Way Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. jMt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Depot Phone 999 9-20-mtf WHY SUFFER? Specializing , chronic and acute dis eases. Headache, constipation, rheu- matlsm, tonsilitis, stomach liver trouble, earache, and eye - trouble, and other body Inco-jT- ordinations. Dr. David, chiro practor, 110 North Eighth . Street. Telephone 2322. 10-13 FARMERS ATTENTION For f sale or hire All kinds of re h conditioned tractors Fordson, g John Deere, McCormlck, Cle- trac, etc. at bargain prices. Write your requirements or call Rogue Valley Tractor & Imple J ment Co., 16 So. Fir St., Med- ford, Oregon. 9-22 INTERSTATE MOVING Klam- ath Falls Trans, and Storage. " 10-4 mtf. 'LONG DISTANCE HAULING Phone 1097 10-4 mtf. INA'S BEAUTY SALON SPE " CIALS Permanents, 81.75 and up. Finger waving and sham poo, 60 cents. Nina Hobbs, Mer ' rill. 10-5 Transportation WILL SHARE EXPENSES to Den " ver any time this week. Call 203 Michigan. 9-15 10 Services ROOF STAINING, painting and - kalsomlning. Phone 377J3. W. H. Smith. 10-11 PAINTING, KALSOMINING. Har- ry Brown, 1941 Vine. Phone 1992. 9-24 ! PAPERHANG1NG of all kinds j, from the inexpensive to import " ed wallpapers by trained, long ; experienced, reliable men. Also , Interior and exterior painting, n We can arrange to finance. "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE." u E. Boiling Decorating Co., 115 So. 7th St. Phone 936. 10-12 FLOOR SANDING Old floors sanded and refinlshed. Phone - 2291. 10-12 SEWING, expert alterations, slip covers, dressmaking, coats- re lined. Mrs. Harney, 2111 Dar row. Phone 2161-J. 10-11-nitt 8MALL JOB HAULING, fertl liter, lawn dirt, excavations, dry block wood. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Phone 1269. 9-25 FLOOR SANDING and reflnlshlng. Clifford Golden. Phono 1G8W3. 9-3Umtf Services PAINTING, paperhanglng, kalso mlning. Attractive fall prices. Interior work a specialty. W. A. Davis. Phone 2344. 9-20 BODENHAMER SAW FILING 219 East Mnin. Phone S46-W. All saws, tools, lawnmowovs, etc.. repaired. 10-14-mtf FOR FIRST-CLASS CARPENTER work phone 2SW3. Freo esti mates. 2132 Orchard. 9-21 CURTAINS home laundered, stretched. Guaranteed work. Reasonable, rhone 1425-W. 10-14 DRESSMAKING, alterations, re modeling. Ann London, 623 Main, over Swansea's Barber Shop. 9-25 OLD MATTRESSES made new. Rebuilt. 82.50. New tickings, $3.95. One day service. Furni ture upholstering. Complete line of latest materials. Carl son Mattress and Upholstery Co. Phone 791. 1206 Main. 10 6. FURNITURE refinlshed. Goeller's Wallpaper & Paint Store. Phone 1175. 230 Main. 10-8 WRINGER ROLLS for all mal.es of washing machines. Merit Washing Machine Service, 709 So. 6th. Phone 10S6. 9-31-mtt EXPERT HOSIERY REPAIR by Miss Berg. The Town Shop, 5th and Main. 9-30 SEWING, ALTERATIONS Rea sonable. La Vina Robin, 2023 Darrow. Phone 1981-W. 9-23 PAINTING and kalsomlning, rea sonable prices. Phone 937-J-4. R. E. Simmons, P. O. Box 647. 9-19 12 Educational STUDIOS OF MODERN PIANO Private lessons or group In struction. Adults or students mav enroll at reduced rates be fore Oct. 1. 1218 Mon Claire St. Phone 2196-W 1012 Donald St. Phone 1003-W. -9tf 16 Help Wanted, Male WANT A JOB? Then learn a trade. Pay part tuition after getting fob. Special plan. On Diesel and body and fender trades. For Interview, see Mr. Tlbor, Hotel Elk, till 9:30 p. m. today. 9-15 18 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED COOK wishes work. Harvest hands, restau rant work. Go any place. 1021 J Main. 9-17 WANTED By young college man native Klamath, position with established firm, office or out side. A-l reference. Box 573, News-Herald. 9-15 MIDDLE-AGED MAN wishes any kind work. Chas. Gascon, Bald win Hotel. 9-19 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD for gentle men. Reasonable. Phone 479M. tt-4518 BOARD AND ROOM $8 week. 2007 Modoc. 9-15 BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 4796-tf ROOM AND BOARD 224 Michi gan. 9-17 ROOM AND BOARD $1 day. 2405 So. 6th. 9-17 ROOM AND BOARD Close In. 829 High. 9-15-mtf BOARD AND ROOM $1.00 day. Private showers. 723 Klamath. 9-30 BOARD AND ROOM 629 Jef ferson. 9-20 22 Rooms for Rent OUTSIDE ROOM Steam heat, hot, cold water,, garage. Court View Hotel. 9-17 ATTENDING NORMAL? Lovely room with fireplace and bath. 630 Boulevard, Ashland, Ore., or inquire 439 Pine, Klamath Falls. 9-17 CLAREMONT. 228 No. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parking lot. 10-11-mtf NICE ROOM In private home. Two blocks off Main. 1038 High St. 9-20 FURNACE HEATED ROOM 134 No. 3rd. 4556-tf NICE FRONT BEDROOM; also two single rooms. Close in. Garage. Phone 1613-J. 9-19 FOR RENT Two nice bedrooms. Close to high school. 1110 Mon Claire. 9-16 NICE ROOM with garage, refer ences. 716 Owens after 5 p. m. 9-16 ATTRACTIVE room reasonable. 845 Eldorado. 4501 tf. ROOM FOR RENT 314 Wash ington. 3108tf CLAREMONT, 228 N. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parking lot. 10-9 ROOMS 920 Lincoln. Inquire 621 No. 10th. 9-21 24 Apartments for Rent 2-ROOM furnlBhed apt., 933 High. 4642-tt VACANCY Adults. Ideal Court. 323 Commercial. 9-20 MODERN furnished apartments. Weyerhaeuser district. Phone 449.15. 9-26 VACANOYKoosovolt. Apt., Hot Springs. Phone 672. 4551-lf 10 24 Apartments for Rent CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, telephones, electric equipment, refrigeration, ele vator, garage. Day, week or month. The apartment hotel with conveniences and home comfort. 24-hour service. No pets. 10-14-mtt VACANCY 333 So. 11th. 9-20 3 ROOM completely furnished apt., $18.00 mouth. 609 No. 3rd. 9-17 VACANCY St. Francis apart ments, 628 Oak. Steam heat, Fiigldnires, electric ranges. 9-16 FOR RENT Apartment. Greer - Apartments. 710 Main. 9-16 VACANCY Low summer rates. 419 No. 10th, 9-15-mtf APARTMENTS FOR RENT Al pha Apts. Phone 800. 473S-tt 26 Houses for Rent FOR RENT Six-room-house with oil burner. Also for sale, range, studio couch, chair, dinette, breakfast set and rug. IS 19 Portland. 9-17 4-ROOM unfurnished house on Reclamation. Inquire 63 4 No 8th. 9-15 CLOSE IN: Three large rooms and bath. Suitable for com bined home and semi-business or office. Newly remodeled. Phone 1795-R evenings. 9-15 TWO 4-ROOM unfurnished houses, modern. Two unfurnished apartments. Electric range and oil heat. Inquire 311 E. Main. 9-15 FOR RENT OR SALE 7-room unfurnished house tor business or residence. 228 No. 7th. Perle Wheeler Martin, Lake o the Woods. 9-20 FOR RENT Three-room furnish ed cottage. Call mornings. 103 Pine. 9-16 FOR RENT Six-room house, close In. Inquire 1527 Oregon or 937 Klamath. 9-15 FOUR - ROOM furnished house. 1427 Johnson. 9-15 4-ROOM furnished house with woodshed and garage. Inquire 601 Market. 9-15 FURNISHED three-room duplex. 1540 Martin. Phone 743-J. 580-tf SMALL, MODERN two-bedroom house. $25. 1505 Fulton St. Phone 1606-M. 9-15 FURNISHED CABIN Bath. Adults. 741 Walnut. 9-19 FOR RENT 3-bedroom modern unfurnished house. Phone 293. 9-16 STRICTLY MODERN furnished cottage, 2 rooms, garage. 2125 Biehn. 9-17 FOR RENT House. Apply Acme Cleaners and Dyers. 4531-tf FOR RENT Partly furnished house, 814 Lincolon. 4506tt. 28 Miscellaneous for Rent 160 ACRES, Irrigated with pump ing plant. Good for alfalfa, po tatoes and grain. Small house. Attractive lease. T. J. Murray, Dorris, Calif. 9-20 RENT PIANOS Small modern. Apply toward purchase later it desired. Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's Music, 117 So. 7th. 10-1 30 Real Estate for Sale EIGHT-UNIT apartment house. Also single dwelling. 3 rooms each. Centrally located, well furnished. Income, $280 month. Price $15,000. $9500 will han dle. Splendid investment. See J. E. Hosking, 617 Main. 9-15 NICELY FURNISHED 4 - room home, 1327 E. Main. Available September 18. Will sell com pletely furnished at $1900. Only $350 down, $25.00 month ly. Would consider lease op tion. THREE ROOMS and bath. Hot Springs district. Large corner lot on paving. Price only $1050. Terms $150 down, $20 monthly. HOWARD BARNHISEL AGENCY Phone 1050 112 So. 8th. 9-15 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $6 monthly, Including Interest. Mrs. Ben P. Lewis, owner. Rt. 2, Box 895. Phone 35J2. 9-18 2 ONE-ACRE TRACTS with small house on each. One $750, one $900. Small down payment. Excellent soil. Gray's Real Es tate, 118 N. 7th. Phone 797. 9-16 FOR SALE 200 acres Irrigated, good buildings, all fenced sheep tight, electricity and telephone. 74 acres In cultivation. Priced to sell, eaBy terms. Owner at Hotel Hall. 9-19 FOR SALE 2 or 5-acre Im proved chicken farm, close In. Phone 496W6 or write Rt. 1, Box 712. 9-17 FOR SALE Half acre near Klam ath Moulding, $100 cash. Own er. Al Hopson, 2nd Street, Alta mont. 9-16 4-ROOM furnished house. Corner lot In Hot Springs, An unusual ly good Investment. Price only $2660. $672 down. J. E. Hos king, 617 Main. 9-17 ACREAGE 5 acres good land Irrigated. Good location. Five room house. Only $2000. $00 down, J. K. Ilosklng, 617 Main. 9-17 30 Real Estate for Sale ' Eldorado Ave. Home Modem home with two bed rooms, basement, furnace. big Int. lnwn anil trees. i'Ioko to Roosevelt school. Price la $3750, with only $500 down payment nnd $40 per month. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 116 N. 9th Phone 6 9-15 FOR SALE Sacrifice Equipped stock ranch, free outsldo range and irrigation. Bostwlck Bros.. Plnehurst, Ore. 9-17 FOR SALE 600 acres pasture for sheep or caltle. Swan I'ok vist, Poe Valley. 9-15 5-ROOM house near school. $'.'00 down. 235 Martin. 10-5 TWO-WHEEL trailer, cheap. 2317 So. 6th, Frailer Courts. 9-27 5-ROOM modern house, St. Fran cis Park. $2S00. One-fourth down. Inquire 621 No. 11th. 9-16 SACRIFICE 3-ROOM modern house, St. Francis Park, or trade for Salem property. Box 692. News-Herald. 9-17 NICELY DECORATED two-bedroom home near Fulrvlew school. Hardwood floors, full basement with laundry. Corner lot near paving. $2950. Terms $296 down, $30 month. How ard Barnhisel Agency. 9-17 FOR SALE 66-acre farm near state line. Drain 10. $8500. Emll Sedlacek, Tulelako, Calif. 9-21 ACRE near Altamont school, two blocks from South 6th. $10 down, $10 month. Christ lluek. 1320 Pleasant. 9-21 TWO PORTABLE CABINS, suit able for any small business. Phone 112-W. 9-17 $1300 $150 down, balance like rent. 3-room modern houso on pavement, near school. Inquire 311 E. Main after 6 p. m. 9-15 34 Automotive FOR SALE Used Terraplane se dan. Excellent condition. 2061 Eberlein. 9-17 TWO-ROOM apartment, $15. 2124 Reclamation. 9-16 FOR QUICK SALE Equity in 1937 Ford V-8. Phone 1129-J. 9-15 EQUITY FOR SALE In 1934 De luxe four-door sedan. Cheap, or trade for Ford Model A. S63 California Ave. 9-15 SELL OR TRADE equity In 1937 Chevrolet sport sedan. Lots ex tras. Phone 1734-W. 9-17 FOR SALE Equity In '37 Chev rolet Master Town Sedan. Ra dio and heater. Inquire Palm Cafe, Merrill, Ore., between 5 and 7 p. m. 9-16 FOR SALE '29 Bulck sedan by owner. Cheap for cash. 2019 Main. 9-20 36 Miscellaneous for Sale FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers, green tomatoes. Merrill-Lake-View Junction, Crystals. 9-19 FOR SALE Small boat suitable for duck hunting, $10. Gene Williams, New Method Clean ers. 9-18 USED WOOD RANGES Good as new. Priced right on easy terms. Hurry to East Side Elec trie, 625 Klamath Ave. 9-1: FOR SALE World bicycle, 2 years old, A-l condition, all ac cessories. Phone 779. 7-9 FOR SALE 20 ft. speed boat and trailer. Port Orford cedar hull. 35 m.p.h. 5 passengers. May be seen at Neptune Park, 2 miles north of Chlloquin Junc tion. Bargain for cash deal. Don Swaggart, Modoc Point, Ore. 9-15 ATTENTION MEN WITH NAR ROW FEET: Just received new fall shipment of W. L. DOUG LAS shoes in A and AA widths. RUDY'S MEN'S SHOP. 9-15 FOR SALE PEACHES Our late peaches are now ready. Last peaches of season, fine for can ning or table use. Bring con tainers. V. Bursell, 1 mile west of highway on Beall Lane. Phone 355-J-3, Medford. 9-17 VISIT THE POL-KA-DOT for your canning supplies, p e a c h e s Hale's Elberta, Bartlett pears, prunes, cucumbers, tomatoes. The Pol-Ka-Dot on Riverside. 4565-tt PINE BLOCKS Bone dry. $2.00 at bin, $3.26 delivered. Phone 892-M. 9-26 FOR SALE WaBhed sand for limited time $2.25 per yard; also rock and cement, mixer available to customers. Phone 969 or 191J2. 9-21 FOR SALE OR TRADE Double barrel shotgun, ham morions; buzz aw outfit for chickens. Also English call ducks. Har vey Cadwell Lane St. Francis Park. 9-17 FOR SALE Lawn dirt, fertilizer, cinders. Phone 377J3. 10-11 GET YOUR boy or girl into the High School band or orchestra now. Buy your Instruments on low terms. Reasonably priced from the store that gives a guar antee of quality that really means something. Buy. trom the store that Is equipped to give you service on maintain ing your Instruments. Buy from Derby's Music Co., 117 So. 7th. phone D70. 9-20 Automotive '34 Chevrolet I '2-Ton Truck Dual Whools In stock loo long, ready to go to work; A-l rubber. Must make room for new 1939 OQC trucks. Special fLViJ Locke Motor Co. 9-15 vV '34 Chevrolet Master Coupe Knee action, laken In on a new 19311 delivery. "As is" mechan ically. In ruiiahlo ffl J C condition. Special ItJ Locke Motor Co. 9-15 36 Miscellaneous for Sale DEER RIFLE 32 Winchester Special carbine. 821 Owens St. 9 16 FOR SALE Ono 2-horso 5 ft. riding disc harrow, buzz saw, light weight Vaughn drag saw with 3 blades, s In. walking plow. Across street from Hollo store, Lakeview highway. A. N. Beals. 9-17 FOR SALE 30-30 Winchester rifle. 2144 Wantlnnd. 9-17 STAINEU VIOLIN FOR SALE $20.00. S19 N. 2nd. 9-16 FOR SALE 30-30 carbine rlflo. Shoots good. Imiulrn Chorrle's Fountain, St. Francis Turk. 9-17 PRUNES Lots of em, lc a pound, you pick, lie picked. II. E. Ford, 2 miles west of Medford. Phono 731-R. 9-24 WARD'S ROYAL BLUE PIPE LINE MILKERS Two single unit milkers, $211.00 complete. Get milking machine supplies (used on all makes milkers) and dairy supplies for less at Ward's Farm Store. 9-27 RICHARDS ELECTRO FENCE Savo SO To on fencing. Fully guaranteed. Stato approved. Free demonstration, $17.60. E. J. Blend. Rt. 1 Box 313, Dth Ave., Altamont. 9-17 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4lh and Klamath. Phone 1097. 10-4 mtf. FOR SALE Two potato diggers In good shape, 26-inch blade, power take-off. Delta Farm's. Scappoose, Oregon. 9-22 FOR SALE 12-gaugo automatic Romlngton shotgun or will trade for 16-gaugc. Robert Ten nant, I.ong Bell Mill. 9-15 WARDS MODERN POTATO DIG GER Cuts potato harvesting costs to the hone. Tho most modern and Improved type dig ger and Ward's low price Is only $185.25. Buy on easy monthly payment plan Full specifications at WA-RD'S FARM STORE, 220 Main St. 9-23 FOR SALE Ono used Cutler 15 rubber brush potato washing machine with electric motor, potato slzer, and 20 ft. Mulr sorting table w-lth three double sackers on each sldo and ono movable Backer on end. Liberal torms. Delta Farms, Scappooso, Oregon. 9-16 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE 56 acres, 4-room house, dairy barn, largo chicken house, hog houses, fruit, 2 miles from Klamath Falls. Can subdivide. 917 Wal nut, loll 40 To Exchange WANTED TO TRADE Good used tractor for a late model car. 2 6 Cottage St., Medford, Ore. 9-17 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Late model coupe. Would buy your equity. Full particulars In first letter. Box 4919, News-Herald. 9-15 WANTED Bench band saw, mi ter box and saw, wood clamps. Phone 403. 9-15 CASH FOR PIANOS. Derby's, 117 So. 7th. 10-1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture and stoves. O. K. Second Hand Store,' 820 Klam ath. Phono 991. 9-30-mlf WANTED Chicken feed horses. Used locally. Phone 1433-W. 9-17 WANTED Tools, guns, stoves, furniture. Geo's Bargain Store, 54 Main 438-W. 9-17 44 Livoslock and Poultry FOR SALE Wenner pigs. Rt. 3, Box 446, Shady Pino. 9-16 FOR SALE OR TRADE for beef lypo weaned calves, 1 Guernsey bull, grade hull but good, 17 months old. Phone D61W4. 9-16 FOR SALE 16 teoder pigs, 3 sowb to. fnrrow. Chris Cowley ranch, Langoll Valley. 9-16 FOR HALE Fresh GuornBoy and Jersey cows. Klamath Riding Stable, So. 6th. 9-10 PURE BRED Hamp buckB. Don Powers, Merrill. 9-16 CHICKS HATCHING every week, MuRUlro Electric Hatchery, 2415 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. 9-30-mtt 34 44 Livestock and Poultr FOR SALE Jersey cow. T. Leu hurt, Dairy, Oregon, 9 15 TRADE Good brood mare for hogs or chickens. II. F. Yonly 2 miles north-of Tulnlultn on highway. 9-15 FOR SALE Three young year ling bulls, thorohruda. Phone IMOf, after 8 p. m. II-1 U 46 Financial NEED MONEY? Let The "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish The Cliah. AUTO LOANS FINANCING COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Win. I'rolininnyer, Mgr. License No. M-323. 116 S. 7th St. Phono 471 9-3U LOW RATES AUTO "LOANS REFINANCING Quirk, Dependable, Safe No C'o-Slgnors No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us flnnnco your new or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 883 10-9-mtf 48 Businosi Opportunities SMALL MERCHANDISE ROUTE BUSINESS $575 cash. Servic ing stores, no selling, tremen dous r'e profits, money secured, nge nn harrier. Wrlto Rhoailes. care Herald. 9-17 BUSINESS, Including fixtures, ex cept stone on highway at Weed. Pilgrims Rest. Weed. Calif. 9-18 LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS in the cintxrr COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATIU KLAMATH COUNTY, a munic ipal cnrporallon, Plaintiff, vs. MATT KONZAK and JANE DOE KONZAK. his wife: JOHN KON ZAK and JANE DOE KONZAK. his wife; FRED KONZAK, a sin gle man: ANNA MUSICHICK nnd JOHN DOE MUSICHICK, ner hus band: MARIE At'KEItM AN AND JOHN HOE At'KEKMAN. her husband: CHRIST KONZAK, a slnglo man: and the unknown heirs of the defendants or any of Ihcni; Defendants. To: Matt Konink anil Jano Doe Konzak, his wife; John Konznk and Jano Doe Konzak, his wife; Anna Muslehlck nnd John Doc Muslrhlek, her husband; Mario Ackerman nnd John Doe Acker man, her husband; and the un known heirs of the defendants or any of them. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you nnd each of you aro hereby required to ap pear and answer a complaint filed against you In the above entitled action on or before the 29th day of September, 1938, that being 'the last day of Iho time nlluwed under the order for publication of this summons. If you fall so to appear or answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you and each of you, ns prayed for In tho com plaint filed boreln for assessment of damages for appropriation nnd condemnation of these certain preml.es described afl follows: NE NW1 Sect. 10. Township 41. South Range 10 E.W.M., Klamath County, Oregon; and for tho appropriation of the snld real property unto the plain tiff, this summons Is served upon you and each of you by publica tion I hereof In tho Evening Her ald, a daily newspaper printed nnd published In Klamath Counly, Oregon, by order of tho llonor ablo Edward B. Ashurst, Judge of tho above entitled court, made nnd entered tho 30th day of Aug ust, 19.18; which snld order re quires that this summons bo pub lished onto a week for four suc cessive weeks and that the first publication thereof he on the 1st day of September, 1938; and tho last on Iho 29lh day of Septem ber, I'd IIS, that being tho last day for Iho defendants to appear or answer, as fixed by said order, L. ORTII SISEMORB, Deputy District Attorney 14 Court Hoiifle Klnmatn FnllB, Oregon. Sept. 1-8-15-22-29. No. 138. NOTICE OF .MEETING OK IHMKII OF EQUALIZATION KLAMATH IRRIGATION DIS TRICT. Notice Is hereby given that on 'riinarlnv Oclnlim. A 1fl3fl nt 10 a. m., tho bonrd of directors of Klamath Irrigation District, act ing as a board of equalization, will meet at the office of Bald district In tho court house baso mcnt In Klamath Falls, Oregon, for tho purpose of rovlewlng and correcting said district's aBBess- mnnl ntirl nnnnrllnnmnnl nf tnynn. as provided by statute. GLEN TEKRILL, Secretary o f Klamath Irrigation District. Sept. 1-8-15-22-29. No. 1.19 NOTICE OF MEETING OF HOARD OF EQUALIZATION HOUSEFLY IRRIGATION DISTRICT Nollcn In hereby given Hint on Tuesday, October lib, 1(138, at 10:00 A. M tho board of Ulrec- 'Red Shirts' Hail 'Cotton Ed' MBU'S'UIPIBW Emhrncrd rntluislnsllrnlly by Tom Smith of OraiiiiobtirK. S. C, Head of tho "Red Slilrlv," who supported his candidacy, "Cotton Ed" Smith rennuins impasslvo in tho fai-o of congratulations on his kcna torial victory. Ho wore the blazing red shirt of the organization at this natlicri-- '. 'Vi.,,ni,a headquarters. ADDITION TO MERCHANT MARINE grip 11 flViT 'fwn-fi'.,ttij,iii ii-tfii irfi' him Arriving majestically at her home port, tho S. S. Auoclatcd, proud new tanker of Tide Water Auociatcd Oil Company, rtdes b;ne.h tho San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge July 26, 1938. OI most modem design, this steam-turbine tanker, recently launched on the earn coast, enters the domestic and foreign service of the company in the P.-c-lic, snd at once becomes a vital adjunct to the American Merchant Marino on tho Pacific Cout LEGAL NOTICES tors of Horsefly Irritation Dis trict, acting as it board of equali zation, will meet al the office of said district nt tlourtuza. Oregon, for the purpose of reviewing ami correcting said district's assess ment nml apportionment of taxes, as provide,! by statute. MRS. DOROTHY J. KYEIIS. Secretary of Horsefly Irrigation District. S. 1-8-16-22-29 No. 140 SUMMONS Ei.llty Nil. ftil'JH IN THE CIRCUIT COUnT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. MARION E. LONG, also known as Duster E. Long, and GLADYS LONG, husband nnd wife, Plain tiffs, vs. O. E. 1IOTCIIKISS nnd JANE DOE HOT! IIKISS. husband mid wlie; and also alt unknown per sons, parties, firms, or corpora tions c laiming any right, tltlo, es tate. Hen, or Interest In the real properly described In tho Com plaint herein; Defendants. TO: O, E. Ilolehklss and Jane Doo Holehklss, husband and wife; and also all unknown persons, parties, firms, or corporations claiming any right, title, estnlo. Hen, or Interest In tho real property described In the Com plaint herein; Derendanls. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You nnd each of you n ro hereby roqulrod to appear and answer tho complaint filed ngaiiiBt you In tho above entitled suit on or before tho 14tlt dny of October, 1938, that being tho Inst day of Iho time prescribed In the Order for Publication of this Sum mons, and It you fall so to nppear for want thereof, the plaintiffs will npply to tho Court for the re lief prayed for In their Complaint on f I In herein, to wit: That you nnd each of you nnd all other unknown persons, par ties, firms, or corporations have no right, title, estate, Hon, claim, or Interest In nnd to the following described real properly sllunted In Iho County of Klamath In the Hliitn of Oregon, to wit: Tho Snulhwnst Ono-quarlcr (SW1) of Iho Northeast Ono quartor (NEJ) of Heetlon Twon-ly-lwo (22), Township tlilrly nlno (39), Soul ll Range Nino (9), E. W. M., less Three (3) acres reserved for dralnngo Projects and containing ap proximately thirty-Buvcu (37) acres, more or loss. And that you and each of you and all other porBons or partloH unknown whomsoever, bo forovor on Jclned nnd debarred from as sorting uny right, tltlo, ostnto, Ron, or Interest whatsoever to Bald promlBOB ndvorso to plain llfr; Tor plnlnllrrs' costs anil dls bliiBemenls Incurred In thin anil, and for such oilier nnd further ro ller which to Iho court mny seem Just, nnd rqnlliihln. This Summons Is served upon . ' r- . As .'ames' Wife Sped to Bedside 3 Sir r 4 Speeding by plane and train from Boslon to tho Mnyo clinic nt Rochester, Minn., Mrs. James Mnoscvell, wife of the President's oldest son, is shown hero ns she arrived to bo wilh her husband when he underwent nn operation for gnstrlc ulcer. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Jnmes' mother, was already at his bedside nnd secret service nnents prepared for Iho arrival of iho President on the evo of tho operation. LEGAL NOTICES you by Iho publication t hoi col oiico each week ror four (4) suc cessive mid conaeeullvo weeks (flvo Insertions) In tho Evening Herald, n dally nowspaper prlnled, published, nnd of gonoral circula tion In K 1 ii m n I H Counly, Oregon by order of Mm lloiinrnblo Edward II. AshurHl, Judge of tho nbovo en titled Court, mailo and entered on tho l.'lth day of Seplomber, 1938. Dnlo of first publication nf this Siiiiimonn In the 15th day of Sep lomber, 19.18. D. E. VAN VACTOR, 219-221 Odd Fellows Building, Klanialh Fnlln, Oregon. H, H. lli-22-29; I), 6-13 No, 153 tl.'wAiu ii .' lit 1 J ii" v f Li J I ' Pi