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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1938)
September 13, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE Cash contributions as wnll as sponsorships continued tn iniiHiit nip! illy In III ii il ni m corps drive fur flmim'liiK Hi" trip (u I.os AiiKeh'i noil wouk. Curl Conk of lliu drum corps askod Hint lA'Klim members with lHKlii rnps lirlnii t li out to t ho l.i'Kl'Hi hull Wednusdny nlnht IK several ilnini corps members Inivo Inst their clips. The ill il in corps will imnulo Wednesday ii I k tl t on Modoo fluid. 1'hU ilniiioiiMltullnii will ho freo (it I'hiiinn. A lint ot cnnh donors follows: lioniiy Lunch Iilik Miller ItHlph McCtilloi'h Unruly Hnrvlco Co Iir. K. W. I'oiik 1 In ni In C. Illiuliliinr M y ii C. Admits llacnn Motor company I in. oo .. !.00 ,. 6.00 ,. 5.00 ,. 6.00 .. 6.00 ,. 6.00 .. 5.00 Klniniilh itsrrviillun- HiiwIIiik 10.00 Iliinil-I'iirlliinii Truck l.lno 6.00 I). VV. Johnson 5.00 Tup Nulcli 10.00 It. A. Kenyon 6.00 KiikIi. I'liiilluill 26.00 Klaniiilli I'ii 1 1 n (.'reiiinury.... iiu.uu A friend 26.00 T. II. Walters Insurance Cu. 20. U0 I'lintlmo I'uulhnll 5.00 Kllierl HIIIk 3 00 Klamath Ire mill Hlornita ... 20 Oil I'nluiiil Ili'iiily lu-WiMii 6.0U .Mlko lllippi'lll 1 00 I. oronx Company 20.00 Mnynr Clifton lllclimond.... 6.00 1) N. Clemens 5.00 Henry rtchortKun 6.oo II h'. (irlKnliy 6 oo KillltlHo Si'l'Vlt-n Htlltlull 2.60 Mm. frank Kvims S Kiirluy lintel 6.uu II. 1). Kller 6 00 Killinnt (irorury 10.00 Carl HihiihiTi 10. uo 1'i ytuii & Cd 10 oo M. V. ('(Iiiiiiiii 6 oo llliK k mill Whltu Servlio million M. & . Hiik Co Kiipi'iior I. nil ml ry ... II. K. Jones 11. K. 1 1 mi in-1- rni'kunl tiaiaitn OMcmlorf .Motor Co. Kverliody s llrtiff 6 oo . 6.00 26.00 2.60 j 6 no 5.ou : 5.00 I 20.00 ! I. iikcuhorn Inn 10. on : Johnny C'orti-i l.oo ' ir. II. S. Wtoim l.ou II. Iloiipi'r (Ttilelnlio) 1 oo I.. Itoyio ri'uli'luki'i l.ou Klllllliith Concrete ripo .. ... 6.00 Hinllli anil Sum 6.00 I Henry Hi'inon lo.uo' .MotUK'iniory Ward 26.00 I ( Inn Icy Schniil 1 U.llt) Hurry Monroo 6.00 A friend. 024 Mn III 2".ou i II. ltosknuip 5.00 Ciiirlns lirim ... 20.00 Wnlnrccu n Inns 10. oo WnigoiiPr't Itrutt 20.00 Tom Ktewarl 1.00 I'liink Knydcr 6.00 I'lilnca .Market 10 no l'uiilcy I'nckliii! Co. 10.00 TULELAKE BRIEFS TULKI.AKK Mm. KiikIiukI aikI .Mm. (. M. Hurl wcio IiokI i'fiNn TlHirndny lo mtmilmrs of tho Wliwiim etnb ill a hohhIoii hold In ttin club Iiouho wIumi plrtns wtro coiniiloK'd for thu annual teach er 11 reception RpoiiHored by the clul), held Krldiiy ovcnlnx. Two now members. Mrs. Wa deok mid Mm. John Ulxon, were velcomod nnd momhvrg dine tinned briefly tho miKKeMlon that onu hot dlnh bo Mi'ived Htudentn itt Wlneniii nchoit) duiiiu tli pronenl term. So nctlun wnn taken. Tho next mentliiK on .September 22 will ho ht'ld l tho liutnu of Mm. Ivul Wolfe. Tontdloctomle were numerous tn Ttilelako Ihla week Willi tleniH InrludltiK Muurlnn nnd Km ii hi peiiee, Curtis (jodey nnd Mm. Kurl A kit. Dr. J. It. llurr nlso trnilfd Clnrenio llrlHeinlino for n budly mmiKled thumb, cniiKhl In a plecu of iniK-hlnery on thu farm of I). II. MIiuiIh. Tho thumb was near ly nevored. .Mm. Kfchiird Mooro was hot ohh laul week to tho Kllillrera with thruo tabltii in play, hlli seoro K"liK to Mrs. Donald Smith, a now arrival In Tiilelitke, and coiiHOlatlon to Mrs. Jeromo Keo fer. Tho next meoiliiK will ho with Mm. Mildred Sell.. v. Mr. and Mm. u. ti. Hoyd, t'ald wtdl, Idaho, wero to arrlvo .Mon day to spend nn Indefinite timo nt Iho homo of tlu.'ir tlaiiKiKer, Mm. ldoyd Hoi hy . Hoyd, who Iuih been erllleally III l-ree-titly. Is hop 1 ii K to beuefll his health by tho cliiiiiKo, h'OKUHT PKOTUrTIO.N POKTLANI), Sepl. 13 (AP) CongriWH probably will lecoivo a li ii'o ni ii 1 1 ti 1 1 ul I o ti that tho federal government hetir half Iho coat of fire proteelloii for prlvnlu fnr eslH, F. A. Sllcox, chief of the. IJ. S. forest' service, predicted yesterday, At present I he gov etnniPiil pays a tittarter the cost. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Check payable lo Belly mill Slacy George. Finder phono UT.U-.I. Rewind. 9-13 FOR HALM 200 acres Irrigated, good buildings, all fenced sheep light, eleclrlclly and telephone. 74 .acres in eulllvnlloii. Priced to sell, easy terms. Owner at Hotel Hall, 11-19 WANTKI) Lain model coupn. Would liny your eiiuliy. Full pai'tlciilitis In first loiter. H"X til 111, News-lleialil. D-15 FliRNISIIKI) Ihren-iooni duplex. 1540 iMarlln. Phono 74S-J. fiSII-lf WANTKI) Competent salesman. I 1115 lOsplnnadn. 0-1 3 4-ROOM furnished hoiisn wllh woodshed and Bnrngn. Iiuinlrn 501 Market. 8-15 White Man Tells When Iduk t'onljNui, ir the umpteenth Hint, rnpciitcd hln ntory of how ho In rifled in Irclnnrl nflrr hfiifllnfi for Cnlifornln, the Oloc Indlnn trlho di-cMerl to mnkfl It oHIrlnl nnd dubbed him "Chief WrwiH Wny" nt Tuba, Oltlii. In tho picture nbovc, CorrlR.nn'ii fntnous frill In framed In n ferithcred hend-dreng given him by Otoe Chief Fnink Urnwn, rli'ht. Thn trial of Sum (Nmihs rap rharis't-H wan iieuiing ilnti-ml of t lit l "l i tunny ni a k Tip nduy aflet noun and itip';iied likely to reach tin Juiy f 11 m n and iim wiimuii lalit TuemJay or emly Wttdnenday- Stuitt dli4-i t tewl Itnntiy wan nun pli'Ieil lain .Mninlay 't lf vr dfliro I II I ro.i need hy Mid ullile raiiifi finni two you iik k"Ih, 'J 01 10 yi-illH idd. who Wern I liter- rnKaifd by IhHirirt A 1 1 niu-y Har din t:. ItliH'kmer and ihimh-cxiimlui-d by M. O. WllldiiH. rotiu sl for t he tlefi iiHi-. They md ehai Ci's iiK.iliiHt ( 'omlm. Tali Ink' the hland in Ins own tie fen si. ConibH Tii'hdiiy cnteKur leully dehhil thai be eoininlt t -d nny liidei-eut aeiK nn leMttfh'd hy tho elilhlren. IInrlaluie that lim bi ul lier. A M i'oiiibn, had at tempted to "put inn away" f irM through liinauliy chaiK'-n and then through thn rilie rhlirtei. tin tentlfied hn ;iv bin hrulher Kivn money to onn of t ho Kir I" tn lhi rne. Juroirt In (he thmm are Mar nld T. Kriiney. .Inmes ('. r:d."all. KlIieM (', .leilile, Knuik II Me ('(irniai k, Alon.n HodKen, tiilbert V. Fleet. Melvm C Ni'Imoii, Job eph L. Kot hnt Innhant, J. i'.. Le mln'. Alfred 11, faniel, Man And nrsnn ami Itnhert It. KMinil. Klve or six of llm Jurorn appear to he under ;I0 yearn of ae. $5000 FIRE RAZES" CREAMERY, HOME AT WESTSIDE WKHT SMiK -- 1-lie destroyed Iho biilldJiiK hotiHlni; thn West Side creamery and t he homo ot I bo owner. Axel Koefoed, early Iho afternoon of Sept. 'J soon after It wan dlnrovered by Harry Crnwl. n neighbor working In a nearby field. Ixisn Is estimated nt $.'.000. only 1 oho of whleh Ik coveted by Imuiranrn on creamery ma chinery. Koefoed h ear and truck, lb" woodshed and bunkhouse, nnd mont of thn hoiiHelmld K"'"l were savetl wliii the aid of n few neighbors and the older boys from the t'nioii cradn school acroHH the road. The holler had been heated In Iho mornltu for a r.'Kiitar liuin- lug. and il is believed I hat a spark from the machinery smold ered in tlio upper purl of the building for Home time before ypn-- r nr i r 'it n t i 'i i i 'm, NaLl, lM J ' GENERAL OFFICESi SAN FRANCISCO Indians Tall Tale llwi nmniinf nt Nttlfikn WIIH (Trent' if i. in ntirnri uM.'tiilon. Mm. I Kd Hundel. wltn of llm employe ntur tho Kovernment placed eight at the enamerv. wns 111 In bed . "H'ltrlels under military rulo in an in thn KoefiM'd borne at the time, ; I ' hull disorders which re hut was taken from tho huusu suited ln ul least eight deaths safely, flesplto tho rapid proeas after Adolf Hitler s Numbers of tho fire onco H was underway. "peech. Koefiii'd bought I hi' Sliver Luke iTi-;iini'iy lo yi-ura ago and moved .. VI. .U Ul.l.. Ilu i,:iihlni.rv hIiici. ,, n ......t,,,.,.,! ...,ii, ',, in - , li, g lb,- .hurii two y.ura ngo. ! 'levelopiiients brought About Coo pounds of butter,i "union In Kuropo lo a new high which wub to bo taken to Luke-! pitch. vl.-w In th" aMi'moon. was con-1 A nazl spokesman lu Berlin i.uiiii il In the flro along wllh called Czechoslovakia's action "an the i iiiliniieiil. I outright provocation," and nazia This Ik lliu third fire In re- generally look Ihe position the cent years In West Side. A lew uiurtlal law order communed I'ra yi urs ago thu liiiinery biirnid. gue'a "answer to Hitler." mid on April 4, 107. Hill Klein-j Ucfcini! MiniMi-rs I onfer lug's store w us destroyed by (Ire. Britain s ilefvusu ministers ! u-.... ....I1...I li .. prl,..l 1 ., I,,,.. TWO NEW DEALERS RiVALS IN RACE FOR WASHINGTON SENATORIAL NOMINATION SKATTI.K. Sepl. 15 (.r Two cundidiiies claiming loo per cent allegiance lo Iho new deal soiiRhl the democratic nomination for I'. s. senator as Washington state voters went to the polls today for Hull- blanket primary elec tion. Sen. llntner T. Hone, who spent lilt!" money nnd did not conduit nn extensive rumiinlgu, preferring to e Ills record "speak for It self," Is opiiorcd by Otto A. Case, former stale treasurer and old ago pension lender. Three candidates seek the re publican nomination, all on a plat form of null-new dcnl policies. They nre: lowing 11. Colvln. Frank Goodwin and Howard K, Foster. All of tlie slate's six demo cratic congressmen are bidding for renoiiilnntlon. Only one, Hep. Charles II. Leavy of the fifth district. s unopposed for tho nom ination. WARSAW, Sept. 13 V Presi dent Ignace Mosclckl today dis solved parliament to pave the way for new olectlons, which are to tako nlnro within three months. The president said that he look this step because of tho wide c'li:uu:i'a In public opinion since Iho lasl elections In 11135. PORTLAND. Sept. 13 (AP) War will ronio eventually to Kuroim Is ii t the current impasse la largely "bluff." Prince. Slan- Islaus t'litweitynslil. Warsaw, Po- laud, said ill an interview yesler- duy. The Prince and his wifo aro louring America by automobile. ULTIMATUM GIVES CZECHS SIX HOURS TO REMOVE BANS (Continued From Page One) of Kxor, Sudeten community with in 111 roo miles of the German frontier, whoro a huge swastika forhlildon In Czechoslovakia hud boon nilsod ahovo the town hull hy Hiidotons colelinitltiK Adolf llltlor'i Kpooch at Nurnhnrx. 'tKOtlntlon Jlrokfn Off At Huilclon pnrty huu'l j u n r torn In I'ruKue Ifludoru declared to nlKht Unit all ncKOIIuUoiin with the Czochoiilovuk Kovernmenl for H'ltlleiniint of their hi! tor, hloody dlnpiile hud been broken off. "There hni heen no forinul no tice Unit (I IhcuhhIqiin have council, hut thero run ho no con vernntliinii In thlH utiiioKphere," Hnld Oncur l.'lliich, tho purty'a prupukunda chief. "Our committee doen not In tend to approach tho government ii Kill n. "It In linpumtiblo to talk reiinon nhly with people who urkuo with bulletH." Ity tho Ahsormied Tress Tho Sudeten German party handed tho Czechoslovak Koverti ment mi ultlmutuiu ton U tit do inaudiug martial law nnd extra ordinary police measures Imposed on Sudeten communities bo re- voked within six hours (by 4:30 I'Sl), Th demand came a few hours jeiiNion nl .New HlKli Tho Sudeteiis also announced iieKoiialions with the Trugue gov- ' 'Miiiienl hud b'fen bioki'ii off. encu with three "key" ministers1 and the chiela of staft of the army anil navy. A full cabinet meeting wus culled for tomorrow. lrlmB lltnlulnr V....,lla ,!.... b-rluln catled Britain's "elder stateMiian" to his residence to con slder the next movo in tho crisis, V ., , , ' V .. . Il was generally believed the cab - luet waa devoting us attention mainly to selling up Britain's war machinery. Leaders of the labor and liberal opposition groups were culled into conierence by the prime minister. Ilack nt Herclilesgnden German muts, looking beyond Hitler's speech, saw only one, In evitable end tho Germuu absorp tion of 3,500,000 Sudeten Ger mans of Czechoslovakia. The cliuucellur did nol lu specific words any Ihut armed force would be used lo assure the right of "self determination" lo the Sude teiis, but he announced the build ing uf great new fortifications ou the Krench frontier. Hitler returned from Nurnbcrg today lo his Buvarian retreat at Bcrchlcsgaden. Tho fascist press In Italy gave its endorsement to Hitler s de clarations, asserting that "as for Italy it Is superfluous to clarify her thought aguin, which is one of absolute and complete ad hesion lo the .German viewpoint." Tho Czechoslovak crisis over shadowed all questions before the of nations assembly hold ing its nineteenth session in Geu cvu. The league's round table may becomo a Bounding board for any replies Britain and France have to make lo Hitler's speech. A Russian spokesman declared Geneva was Iho logical place for a "reply to Nurnbcrg" and called tho nhzi tactics "a bluff to carry tho crisis along until Germany is really for action." - CAll R N I A L 60P TO DISCUSS Finance for the fall campaign will be a major topic at a meet ing of the county republlcnn centrnl coinmltteo culled for the circuit courtroom at 8 p. m. WcrineBilay. Chairman ft. If. Andemon, In calling the ineetlnir, aUKKeiited that precinct committeemen bring other pemons Intoroated to tho nicotinic. SIX KILLED, 13 INJURED AS BUS, TRUCK COLLIDE ON MASSACHUSETTS HIGHWAY OXKOrtD, .Maaa., Bopt. 13 (P) Hlx peraona were killed and 13 othera injured, several aerloualy, today when a New York-Denton (Greyhound ) bus and a truck truller collided a I in out head on on a rnin-Hwept highway. Tho Impact waa heard a ouar-ter-mlle away by a reatauranl proprietor who notified stale po lice and a doctor. The boa overturned and block ed tho highway. Fuel lanka of both vehicles burst, hut the gaao II nn did not catch fire. It took firemen two hours to extricate the dead and injured from the wreckage, pulling them through tho shattered windows. Four of the dead were identi fied as Albert Roscoe, 45, of Med ford; and Margaret Hogan, 65, David Cohen and Mary Sumner, all of Boston. Another dead woman, about 40, who wore a wedding ring, was un- identified at Worcester City bos - pltal, and a man was unidentified at a funeral parlor In nearby Charlton. FORESTER. ORDER AT MERRILL FILLS OFFICES FOR YEAR MKftRILL Holy Cross Court, ithollc Order of Foresters In ,.kn. n,j., rn.i. i . , ... , . . , session Thursday night elected of- t fleers for the ensuing year, placing i Leon Andrleu as chief ranger to I succeed Phil O'Conner who be- I ' lhfLeL"f!!: Toby O'Kecfe will serve as vice- chief ranger; James Lacey, treas- I urer: Regis Andricu, recording l ' " . , ion. . '''., '.,. ,.,.,' clal secretary. John Gulmon was elected trustee to serve a three year term with Frank Collins and Larry Neligan, incumbents. Har old J. Hendilckson. recently moved lo Crescent, will retain his membership In the Merrill court and will serve as speaker. Appointive offices were filled as follows: conductors, Jerry Ahern nnd George Andrleu; Reminds, Tim O'Kecfe and I'egls Andrleu. Father Casey, pastor of the Holy Cross church, Merrill, and the Sacred Heart church, Klamath Falls, will act as spiritual ad viser. . Installation 1b scheduled for October 13. CI,OSK KLKCTIOX ROSEBURG, Ore., Sept. 14 (JP) The closest election ever record- j ed in Roseburg was held Mon day, when taxpayers of the school district by a margin of one vote favored a proposal to Increase the budget $12,600 above the consti-j tutional limitation for the pur-1 pose of a swimming pool with ' PWA cooperation. The count was 219 yes. 218 no. ADMJTTKD TO BAR SALEM, Sept. 13 (JP) Forty two persons, including one wo man, were admitted to law prac tice today by the state supreme court. Fifty-seven others who took the bar examinations here two months ago failed. Those who passed included Dick B. Mil ler. Jr.. of Klamath Falls. Packed under 4 brands Grape Press, I SCO, Italian' Colony and Sun Vin Brands you can be sure of gelling Italian Swiss Colony quality every time. For at the bottom of every wine label appears the name of the manufac turer and of the bottler. Look for thi' name ITALIAN SWISS COLONY. It assures the perfection that comes from over 5o continuous years of wine making experience. ASK YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DEALER FOR THESE FINE CALIFORNIA WINES REPUBLICANS HOLD GROUND IN MAINE GENERAL ELECTION (Continued from Pags One) the candidate who wins a major ity of the county. (Jeorglo Wednesday Hlnce Maine's reputation as a political barometer has suffered somewhat in recent years, the Maryland primary drew a great share of national attention in yes terday's rotlng because of Mr. Roosevelt's direct efforts to re place conservatives with liberals In congress. Georgians watched the Mary land race for any bearing it might have on their own primary tomor row, ln which Sen. Walter K. George also is seeking renomlna tion over the president's opposi tion. An Atlanta audience, wblcb heard George pledge himself last night to combat "arrogant, Intol erable bureaucracy," whistled and yelled at an announcement Tyd ings was ahead. George is running against Law rence S. Camp, Mr. Roosevelt's choice, and former Gov, Eugene Talmadge. William G. McRae, backed by advocates of the Town send old-age pension program, withdrew from the field last night and gave his support to Camp. MYSTERIOUS PARTY FROM CHINA LANDS IN CLIPPER PLANE HONOLULU, T. H., Sept. 13 (UP) Four Chinese, believed government officials on an im portant mission, landed here Mon day on the Philippine Clipper un der conditions of extreme can- 1 lion aimed at guarding their iden- , titles. The four, who boarded the plane at Manila on a flight to the United States, climbed into a mo torboat about 50 feet off the reg ular clipper dock and aped to ward nearby Ford Island without any one on shore catching a glimpse of their faces. Major- M. W. Petligrew, U. A., attached to the intelligence bureau at Fort Shatter, and an other army officer were in the mo torboat, the name of which bad been painted out. The Chinese shielded their faces with their hands, brief cases and coats, while Honolulu and mili tary police and plain cloihesmen stood guard at the dock. From conversations with other clipper passengers, newspapermen believed one of the four may be T. V. Soong, Chinese financial leader. Petligrew said that when he Informed the Chinese leader that a Honolulu newspaper woman wished lo contact them, the spokesman declined, saying "that's bad. I met her ln Shanghai and she knows me." Charles Horn, a passenger, said that the four kept largely to themselves on their flight from Manila, although they chatted amiably with other passengers at times. cro e a. - iilB a IA. T1 V JwJff- t-l l" a dilates WOMAN KILLED AS CAR COLLIDES WITH TRUCK ON CRATER LAKE HIGHWAY MEDFORD, Sept. IS (IP) Edna Jones, 24, San Jose, Calif., was killed, and her companion. Miss Mary Burke, also of San Jose, sustained serious Injuries, when their auto crashed Into a logging truck driven by Felix Bryson, 19, Klamath Falls, late Monday afternoon on the Crater Lake highway near Prospect, Miss Jones was night super visor of the county hospital at San Jose. Miss Burke Is a nurse. Hospital authorities said to day Miss Burke would probably recover. She sustained a broken arm, facial cuts and a badly lac erated back. The accident occurred on a partially blind curve near Mill Creek falls, according to the ac count given hy Bryson to the state police. Bryson told the au thorities the death car came around the curve at a lively speed and the crash came before he could act. Deputy Coroner Her bert Brown surmised the death car was on the wrong side of the road. The deputy coroner said the body of Miss Jones was thrown clear, and death was Instantan eous. Her companion was so en tangled In the wreckage, It was necessary to use chisels to ex tricate her. DEWEY PLANS TO BRING HINES TO TRIAL AGAIN ' ON SAME INDICTMENT NEW YORK, Sept. 1J (IP) Dist. Atty. Thomas E. Dewey, obviously chagrined at the mis if Sunkist I If Orange 29c j S Concord fj Grapes . lng 69c I r 11 Cane J ; Sugar $1.39 fS Golden West J I CoKee 26c B Percolator or f I Drip Grind t PINE STREET MARKET trial climax of the state's four . week-old ease against Jamsi J. Hlnes, said today hs would bring the veteran Tammany district leader to trial again an the same Indictment, "Hlnes will be brought to Jus tice," he said. "I will more tor a new trial at the earliest possible date." The prosecutor said It would be "the same Identical Indict ment," but he hai"ot yet de termined a speclfia date lor the new trial. Legal experts In the district attorney's office asserted Dewey would also prove who wrote the "J. Hlnes" signature on the dis puted 1500 check the lone piece of documentary evidence Intro duced by the state In an effort to link Hlnes with the 120,000,-000-a-year Dutch Schulti policy racket. Private Car For Sale 1937 Willys Sedan Like New $400 Must be sold Wednes day, Sept. 14 Cell at 1104 Crescent street, after 5 p. m., or before 8:30 a. m. Or cell Art at 867-W. 4 fJiilf i 1 1 I S , tVO ! I M IE