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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1938)
THE NiSWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE iniilor. Kiir tluiii) yimra nl OHO I ii in no y wiin mi llm vurnll y fool hull Iiiiiiii tin iiiiiinl. In hi ninth lin him won nitinuroiin honors, Ijmt full ho innitn I ho nil-const Inum. Klir til I'M' WIIHIIIIS III! WHS IlllU'l'll mi llm Wiii'liliiKliiii Jhmlili'H ull iilipiiiii'iit. Al Ahi'iili"'!! IiIkIi miliiinl Ii" will II Ii'iiiiiiiiiiI'i nf (l"iii'K) Kliniiiiiilli', (lnimiKu full, who iiiiiiln Hi" nll AiniTlriiti fur llm IIIII7 H'mihiim. TIio new itii'iitni' wiik a niiitnliT nf III" I'hl Hlitmii K ii ii im fnili'i'nlly whlln In school, l(innoy nlKiind with Iho CIiIiiiiko lli'iirs to iilny pro football thin mil, but nmrrlngo changed his in I li (I. Ho dnclilnd to start III" TOiirlilUK rnroor o' Klnmiith. Iln from mil lino Inst miu I n . llliiloy mill H, H, history will ho (might. Iiy I It In nnwnat iiililliluii to Iho Klftinnlli cnui-hlnif stuff. The Willi!, fimthiill senium will Knt iiniU'i'wny Hf jiti'mlii'r 2H, whim Iho Cuts iiiilly forth to ilo hiiltlo wllh thn Tuli'lnhn Ilonkors. Whnthnr (ho Kitino vlll Im pluyoil horo or at tho soutlinnd town ro iii n I ii n to ho noon. Ilowoyor, iluo to thn turf on Iho lorul mill, It In lirohiililo Unit Iho conlont will ho HtiiKH'l nt Tnlulnko. Alliiran nml Iiiikiivl'-w nro nliio on tho wllilimt Hi'hi'iliilo, Homo nilviiiico dnpo on tho 1!)39 Kl lloili'o 1ms hi'i'ii rnlniimil hy thn mlvlHi'i. t'hr'Hior Hchiili'r, Work on tho your hook has boon going on nil summer. Tho lli'iiiio hiul hoen dtii.ltlcd upon, hut It will ho kopl a (loop, ilurk hoc rot until next May, edi tor Mary MnrKuret Hcott promises Hint tho llifini" will ho hotter than ever find that It will he followed throughout tho entlro book. Thin year Iho Kl limine will have a new office. The offlco for merly lined hy tho dean of boys has been turned over to tho Kl Itodeo slaff. Th" minimi will he plumed on ale about the middle of October, according to Schiller. Mary Margaret Scott will edit the '39 edition, assisted by Ruth Molaai ai business manager. Marlon Jleglnato, brother of Vic, Unlyerslty of Oregon varsity end, la out for Wildcat football. .Marion la following In the foot steps of hli brother, who waa an end In the day gone by at Klam ath. Marlon la eyeing a wing po sition on the Cats. Young neglnato la reputed to he a better basketball player than ho la a football player. John Hariting, 1938 Pelican football center and winner of the Mnhoney trophy, la practicing with the OSC rooks, Dill Wherland, gunrd from -the 1937 squad, la headed toward OSC to try hla luck with the rooka. Paul Crapo, Poto Orcein nnd Al Oroen have decided to hlti-h their wiiKon to I, Infield's football star, according to the grapevine. The schnol dlatrlct has acquired lota at tha corner of Del Moro and Dolores In the Hot Springs section for use aa a football prac tice grid. Dill Mnrtlnei has been working ' on tho Iota to get them roatly for uso. Water pipes are being put " In so Hint the field may be wa- . tored down. M Tho lota were obtained so that the teams would not damage the ' turf on Modoo with the heavy ., practices. High School News Notes nnd Comment lly .IKIIIIV o r.U,.;il N I JTKH K In u t ) i u ii 1 1 1 1 it i I nlinli'li of llin iinwi'iil rnnilly ni-iiHiitlnn. Hum Ii v Kimih Kiinmi'y: 'I'lni ni'w wHilnil iiii'iiinr Hnliim iii'i'Kiiii Ulul" I'lilh'wi nil It I h iilinii 75 More Hits I September 0, 1938 9 Great .Hits (ALL CONTEST PICTURES) You will have an opportunity to see each of these contest pictures in Klamath Falls within the next thirty days Wzauari&M fa. will Include these nine outstanding produc tions that are keeping pace with the GREATEST YEAR MOTION PICTURES HAVE EVER HAD MARTHA BOB BETTY TV. MO i 7 aVA TATA 1 t f& t V lgiBB TtilWBUl 3 I BTTRH AC '.-.. Bin ftaHrtV r (I (Mm AD0LPHE MENJ0U ' ANDREA LEEDS EDGAR BERGEN Charlie MCCARTHY '. . Vv-if : ; A UNIVERSAt PICTUM, ii SOWS Wit mm 1:11111 1 I f n-k.6 radio mjJJ) VmMmmatsmKmmmrimmnsammimmmimsmmmmmmmmmmm 57404 PRIZES YOU CAN'T SNEEZE AT 850,000.00 That's the first GRAND PRIZE as explained in the contest booklet which gives complete details, rules, a list of the contest pictures . . in fact, answers every question yoii will ask about this greatest prize event the screen has offeredl if you have not received your copy ASK FOR IT at the door of ANY of the FIVE Theatres in KLAMATH FALLS Nl'TC ALTHOUGH ALL THEA1RES WILL ISSUE CONTEST BOOKLETS, CONTEST PICTURES WILL BE OrFERED ONLY AT THOSE SHOWN BELOW. u a TrM rnn tuic m a Dtrrn trAr TTftivii ' him piiuuuui insurou Msmeaoi I'BMOtrj ON All NFWSPAPFR ADVERT SEMENTS. LOBBY SPLAYS. ETC. V"SBTi IT INDICATES PICTURES INCLUDED IN THIS GREAT CONTEST. CONTEST THEATRES IDrryARD O. Rooinson in 1 THS LAW Columbia Picture with eUeii L..L Wm. Frawlew Lynne OVERMAN Patterson Tim Holt GARY COOPER tttuL MERLE OBERON Released thru United Artists 1 SAMUEL GOLDWYN'S THE (OWBOY X AND THE LADY L 4 CsZirt TRHlY HDDIlEY a. m A. J 1