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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1938)
September 8, 1933 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE CITY BRIEFS Now Agent Mr. and Mrs, II, n. . Coulnm mid family who recnnlly in (iv oil to Klnmnth Falla from Hnnltlo hnve Ink on mi aimrlinnnt t Iho Cnariido, Cnuliim la llio now Knnniiil iK"'H for tliu Western I'liriria nillronil com pit ny lioro, Imvlng boon promoted from liln position na Irnvollna; frnlKhl ' nml iinnaiiiiKor nitwit for tlin Wes . torn i'ncirio nl H"i'Hle. Coulnm . tnkna i ho office lull vacant hy ' I ho rollroiiioni of W..C. Wilkes. Wedding Told llernova Hunt, nloce of Mia. Dolla Hrhrooilor, and ' Homer A innui on ux, both of Khun ' nili Kalla, woro married In Itono Koilainlinr 4, It wna nnnounccil rurontly. Mr. mid Mrs. Ainnul miui are al home In llio Alpha npartninnta. Mra. Auiotironux wna formerly employod aa bookkeeper al Woyorbnoiiaor, and Ainoureniix la tun pluyoil na nlKhl anwyor Willi ' llio firm. Improving Mra. 8. P.. Ilodkay of Conger avnnuo. who hna boon a pii II mi I at Iho Klamath Valloy honpllal for tha pant aevnral wooka, la roporiod to bo rapidly rnrovurliiK from an attack of pnniiinonln, followl uK an appou dlcltla operation, mid It la ex pected Hint aha will lio alilo to I'ottim to her homo wtlbln a few days. leaving for Hmilli .Mra. It. 0. Iiale nml hor niece, Mia. Ilurvoy Mc.Murray (Mnrybolln llnitorlyl, plan to loava noil wook for l.oa Anioloa, whore (hoy will vlall olth Mra. MrMurray'a parenla, Mr. and Mra, H. I). HnKnrly nnd other relatives. Thoy will alao vIkII In 8nn Pranrlaru on routs amith. Mra. Weimar III Mra. Kiirl Weimar, who hna boon (illlo III at hor hnino at Weyerhnnuaer, la reported greatly linprovod. Mra. Weimar ta eniployod In tha ready-lo-woar doparlmont of Moa'a. Krnm Washington Mr. nnd Mra. Knrl E. Smith, Bit Jofforson atrnot, ontortnlnod Mr. and Mra. K. 8. Mooro of tha Ounrniiloo Htnto bnuk, (,'olvlllo, Waah., ovor l.nhiir day woiiknml. The guiiata worn Inkon to Crntnr luka, Dlmnond luko and Ilnnd Hlinilny. Tim purty roinnlnod In Ilnnd until Tueadny morning whon (ha Moorea rotiirn od to l.'iihillo and the Hmllha to Klamnth Knlla. Hloi Off Here Harry Ilndorf of Uurkoloy, Calif., wna tnkiin aud dnnly III liora Thuraday whlla an routa lo Vancouver, Wash., with W. P. IIodKklna of Hnywnrd. HodKklna anld (hoy expect to ro in n I ii Intro aovonil dnya. Thoy nre at Iho homo of Marry Thrasher, 739 Uphnin atrest. Vlalta In North Joanne O'Nolll, iliiiiKhlor of Mr. and Mra. J. C. O'Nnlll, roluriind to Kliimalh Knlla Wedneaday nlKht after visiting for a wook with hor grandparente, Mr. and Mra. N. J. Hollg of Hnlom. Mlaa O'Nolll will continue her atudlra al Kromont achool on Mon day. Kalrliavrn ITA Klral muolliig of the Kulrhavun I'TA will bo hold Krldny, Hoplombor II, nt 3 p. m. Hi the Kulrhaven gymnasium. Offi cer promised an Interesting pro iriim, lo be followid by refreah iiiuuia. All parents, and frlonda wuro urgod to attend. Return llrre Mr. and Mra. V. K. Drake and two daughtura, Hol ly Lou and Mary Jane, returned to Klnmnth Kalla llio early pnrt of llio wook from Hllvorton and l'ortland, whore tbvy apont a work a holldny. lU'turn llimie Mra. Uoorge VVrrli and bur daughter, Mra. Uur Iruda llntrholdor, have relumed to Klninulh Knlla from anuthurn California, whore thoy apont a fortnight. Mnko I'lniia Munibora of the Honiemaklng cominlltae of Wo men of tho Mooao, through the chairman, Opul lllnhn, roporlud a luncheon given at Moduo I'olnt, at which pluua were miiilu for milk ing aprona tor tho lltllo glrla ut Mooaolioarl, Klsh on Coast P. M. Konnody ulid mi, Hob, and Cluruiico Bchultx roltirnod tho early part of thn wank from thn count, Intro thoy aponl Labor dny wtmkoiid. Thn threu apunl aomu tliuo ditnp aeu flahlug Hour Criiacnul City u ml roporlud excellent luck. lrnrn for North .Mr. and Mia. Kred Klonlko and aou, lull Wed nuailny for Hon Hi liuud, WiihIi., where they will vlall with relii tlvoa and frlonda mid ulao attend tha wedding of Klontko's alatur. Thoy plan to nil urn bore the lat ter purl of Iho week. Drive North 11. E. I'eltz, uc compaulud by hla daughter, Mra. Itulpb Kggur and two chlldrun, hnvo rnturnud from l'orilund, whore thoy aponl tbu punt wook- ond vlalllng with .Mra. 1'oltz, who la In thill city rucolvlng modlcul Ireatinonl, VUlli In Norlli Mra, Waller Weal returned the early part of tho wook after vlalllng with frlonda nnd relntlvea In the north. Mra. Woat motored ovor Iho Hnntlnm paaa and atoppod In Mill City, whore ahe waa Die liiuchooii guoat of Mra. W. L. Qiilnn, foruiurly of thin city. Bho vlnltod for a brlof tlmo with Mra. N. II. Jonoa, now spending 'bo winter In Jnffuraon and Hiilitin, nnd also drove to Chiihtilla, WiihIi., where alio wus thn guest of her uiielo, 1. II. Koator, who haa been luliu III. Mra. Wont apont a wook wllh hor daughter, Mrn. (Jrnnt I li'KH of Onwctgo, nour rorilnnd, beforo returning hore. New Itealdciita Mr. and Mra. L. M. Caatloborry, who are now ronidenta In tho city, are making tholr homo al the Cuncudn apnrl mont hotel. Caatluhurry In ouu of tho now ownura of tho drugstore that waa formurly MuglU'a. l''rli'iidly Hewing Club Tho friendly aowlng club will moot ul Iho homo of Mra. (illbort Moty, 3112 North Kleventh street, Krldny al 8 p. in. Mra. Moty'a homo la In Itamona uparlmunt No. 8. Hunday al I.nko Mr. and Mra. Frank Oscursou and June Ankow motored Sunday to Cruior luko, where thoy enjoyed a picnic (lln uor and aaw 14 boura. In 1'ollro Court fioorgo F. Ciodiiid, 19, 314 WashliiKion alrnet, waa arrested by city police Hnptomhor 8 and chargod with vlolullon of (ho bualc rulu, for which hn pnld tl in police .louit, nnd riiunliig a atop sign nt Hlenn nnd Oregon avenue, for which of rouno ho paid s fine of 12. One drunk and four "vaga" alno ap penrod In court Thurndny morn ing, uncording to l'ollco Judgo Otto I. annulet. Vlxll log llore Claude Coiie hoom of I'anadena, formerly of Klainnlh Kalln, la vlalllng hore with hla puronta, Mr. and Mm. M. W. Connboom of Jefferaon Btroet. Conoboom and hla father, "Hill" Conuboom, who la employed al I he Oregon atnto hlghwuy do piirlineiit nhopa. left tho early pnrt of tho wook for tho L'mpqun rlvnr to flnh for novernl dnya. Vllt Oolil Ileal h Dr. and Mra. J. M. Hilton nnd (lire children, Hobble, J on n mid Hick, leluined Iho early pari of the week from Uold Haacli, where thoy npem a week. . . . Quick! use this specialized aid for nose and upper throat. ..where most colds atari. Helps prmCTif many colds. VlCKS Va-tro-uol FUR COATS Magnificent Values BLACK PONY PAW Swaggers Fitted stylei $89 KID CARACUL Black and brown. Different styles $98 SQUIRREL LOCKE Well made, good quality, Coco dyed $89 SQUIRREL BELLY Soft and rich $119 SQUIRREL BACKS First class Russian quality. Natural grey ..$198 Marten dyed . $189 MUSKRATS Silvertone dyed, mink dyed or natural backs $129 MINK PAWS $168 LAMB CARACULS $189 HUDSON SEAL Hollander dyed $198 JAP MINK $295 COCO DYED ERMINES Highest quality, distinctive styles ... $525 EVENING JACKETS , Sealine, Fox, Skunk, and others $24.50 to $265 These are only a few of the many fur coats which we are able to show you in our well equipped new fur department on the mezzanine floor. it .A. 1. t To Hchiml William Van Vac tor, aon of 1). E. Van Vactor, Klumath fulls city attorney, pliino to enter hla frnshinun year at the University of Oregon wllh tho opening of fall loriu. Van Vuvtor apont the summer at the II. it. Hurrlinun mmnier home on Williamson river. Kolurn Here Mra. D. E. Van Vnclor and aon, ' Hobby, accom panied by Mra. Van Vactor'B molher. Alia. 11. O. Allyn of Uol dendiile. WaHh.returnei to Klam alh Kulla over the weekend from tho north. Mra. Allyn will make hor homo here tills winter with hor duughter. Ilitliirna Mra. J e a a I e C. O'llrien, widow of Ted O'Hrien, who died suddenly on a fishing trip on Roaring river, near Salem, returned to hor home thla week. No rrndiee Tne Kaglca Junior drum corpa will not practice tills week. Theft llcportcd Thurlow Wou chope, 1009 I'aclflo Terrace, re ported to city police the theft of a Ford coupe September 8 from In front of a South Hlxth street cafe. The coupe waa located shortly after by state police In Dorrls. Take Apartment Hernlece Griffin and Caroline Vaerettl, both teachers In the Klamath county schools, have taken an apartment at tho Cascade, where they will make their borne. Move to f.'oaciule Among the new realdenta at the Cascade apartment hotel are Mr. and Mra. B. W. JJagloy. Mrs. Hngley la one of the teachera at the Bonanza achool. From Ohio Mr. and Mra. A. L. Munch of Fremont, O., are visitors In Klamath Falls at the home of Mr. and Mra. John J. Keller, 718 Jefferson atreet. Mra. Muncn and Keller are cousins. CHIPMUNK INVADES CITY HALL SANCTUM The facta aren't quite clear, hut nevertheless city police did cull It. O. Frederlkaen, humane officer, to come to the city hall nnd catch a little, striped chipmunk which waa making Itself at home among the veterinarian records of Dr. J. C. Hunt nnd the building per mits, closely gunrded by Henry Scbortgen. tichortgen and Donk Sergeant Lloyd Hmith wltnossed the catch early Thursday morning. The little chipmunk was taken to the city park where It waa released by Fredcriksen. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS HIGDON Horn at Klamath Valley hospital September 7, 1038, to Mr. and Mra. L. M. Hlgdon, route 2, box 421, a girl. Weight: 5 pounds 15 ounces. n l I -a f 1 iua i Lei lonsiipauoa Drag On 1 Do you often have daya when you wake up tlrod-whn you fool dull, unit, ''all bogged down"? lt'a time you did something about It. And something more than Just taking a physio I You should got at the cauu of tho troublol If you eat wlint most people do Just broad, moat, potatoes chances are thai Just this fact Is responsible: you don't got enough "bulk." And ''bulk" doesn't mean a lot of food. It means a kind of food that Isn't consumed In the body, but leaves a soft "bulky" mosa In the Intestines that helps a bowel movement. If thla la your trouble, what you need la crisp erunchy Kellogg's All-Bran for breakfast It con tains "bulk" plus Nature's great Intestinal tonlo, vitamin B Eat it every day, drink plenty of water, and aee If your old sparkle doesn't come bock I Made oy xteuogg lu uaiuo i;reea. y .1 cnilfle SAVE AT PENNEY'S ON YA1M and ART GOODS It's Knitting Time Once More ! Now is the time to begin your Fall Embroidering and Knitting. Visit our Knitting and Art Dept. See the grand selection at a remarkable sav ing to you! Pompadour Baby Yarns In nil popular Bnby color. Vlrjiin wool nnd rayon mix-lure. 23c l-oz. Ball Khetland Floss Yarns An all wool yarn In all lead ing colors. Makes charming, long wciiriug gnrnu'tits. Ball Nouvelle Yarn New creation of wool and rayon. Lustrous In appear ance. All leudini; colors. 59c 2-oz. Ball Velvasheen Crepe Yarns An nil wool fine Miami yarn. All lending colors available. 29c l-oz. Ball lieat Jack Frost! Keep warm thla winter In a knitted suit the perfect fitting garment. Begin now on your ault with I'enlnutld yarns. Our Instructor, Mra. Irene Olson, will be delighted to start and yon on your garment at no extra chnrge. Electra Yarn Heavy all wool yarns, 3 shades of red, 8 yellow, 4 green, 4 blue, 2 grey, 4 brown, burnt orange, ' rust, tan, old rose, black and. white. Variegated Ombree Yarn 9 shades available In this heavy all wool multi-colored yarn. Woolray Yarn Wool and rayon. Available In orange, rust, red, green blue and aqua colors. Spanish Cashmere Yarns All wool, fine strand. In blue, rust, browns, reds, greens, greys 41 and black. Lainette Yarn Kayon and wool. In turquoise, white, rose, aqua, yellow, blue, green and brown. 4f Bkeln lfeC Frill Boucle Yarn Of all wool, for boucle knit suits, sweaters, etc. In white, pink, blues and browns. YARN" & ART GOODS DEPT., MAIN' FLOOR it Highland Tweed Yarns Xovclty ynrn, twisted o aa to form nubs giving a rough fin ish. 29c l-oz. Ball ART GOODS DEPARTMENT FEATURES! 43 42 x 36 In. Stamped Pillow Cases Finished hemstitch ed colored h e m s. Color-fast, stamped, ready to work. We feature a complete line of fancy work and stamped art goods In our Art Goods Department. A grand selection of all types for your Fall sewing. See these beautiful pieces today. Stamped Table Scarfs W bite linen or cotton crash. Clever patterns for embroidering. Assorted Stamped Goods 5-Pleco Stamped Luncheon Sets Ramona crash table cloth and 4 d napkins. All stamped and ready to embroider. Set.... 69C Hemstitched Center Pieces Peasant Aprons Children's Aprons Buffet Sets Rib Aprons MA IX FLOOR ACCESSORIES 42 x 86 In. Stamped PKXCO Pillow Cases S c a 1 1 o p ed edge, tifiinmnrl M.wU- in work value! iu, remit iu a feature Feature aiue pr Stamped Vanity Sets S-Piece, linen or Ramona crash. Dress up your bedroom. et KXIT-CRO-SHEEX CoO yds. Ball Stamped Linen Luncheon Sets Fringed edge. All of pure Irish linen. 6 pieces: Cloth and AA, 4 napkins to match. Set.... lOlp Hemstitched - Stamped Linen Table Cover S.l lilzc 50x70 in., full dinner size. ta llenutifiilly .stamped jl AA floral designs if A 9 7 Xnpkius to mnteh, each 29c Stumped Appliqucd Crib Blankets In blue nnd pink colors, heavy, part 13 wool. Infants patterns. H u 98C Stumped Pillow Cases SI.P 4'J;IU. Thread-drawn hems. Solid while or pastel Items. .1 l'r. fur CROCHET THREAD Mercer ized, SoO-450 yds. Ball COTTOX THREAD Bedspread. Ecru 800 yds. White. 000 yds. Spool EMUROIDKRV FI.OSS Cotton or rayon, Ul colors. Skein i& SEWIXG THREAD Mercerized, 172 Colors, 100 yds. Spool MACHINE THREAD White and ltlnek, 3110 yds. Spool SII.K THREAD I'vnimaid, AO yds. Kuril . ...... ........ BLACK & WHITE THREAD A 1. V. Coats, 100 yds. Spool "5fc Hemstitched - Stamped Linen Table Cover All pure linen. Size .".0x50 in. Each Napkins to match, each u lot 2-lMece Stamped Baby Layette Of heavy nainsook. Lace trimmed petticoat and dress. Each 49C Stamped Hook Rug Patterns Heavy burlnp stamped rug patterns. Ready for Insert inn f ?4 of yarns or rags. Each .... A Jf See tho Jiy Loom ! Clever fast. Use the Jiffy loom to make tho blocks for your Afulinn or hot pads. Numerous other A fit 7 9A in Stamped I H II Linen Guest Towels tJ 13 're Irish linen, hemmed borders, fl 11 Ready stampetl for Odd LOtS II El cmhroiilorv. Kn.h J74t II Km" knitwear! Kach Ij fcSSSkV ffli'IZI"T"!!Sa KXITT1XG WORSTEDS 4 0t tal'i.i a MM fl l l l.tllli ART HODDS Wide range of colors. Bull .... iVV MAIN 1-I.OuH Alt'!' iOOIS iate'