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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1938)
September 8, 1 038 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN 2 Lost and Found JVVJVVyllll" I,OHT Ijuly's hlnrk (llnilnlnnii Iiiik botwi'lill Wliltn I'lim A i I M . ml 711 Hlcltiiwlii HI., Tim m dny nlHlil. 'n 1 1 Metropolitan llnliil. H" win il. 9-1) liOHT I.stly's llulova wrlnl wiilrli, Hnliirilny. Kluitor plnaiin rolurn lulls mull, reward, tt -M LOST 7x21 tire and rim 10 dnys niio. Howard. Phono 50 9-H STUAYKI) TO MY PLACE: lilnck bnlil-fiicod nlcinr branded 20 on rlitht shoulder, crop off right enr, ovor-hlt on loft enr. A. J. Wllhorlll, Mlilliiiul. 9-12 4 General Noticoi Go By Motor Coach VIA lllliNU Shortest Route Lowest Kami To Northern Points on Hminil Trln Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 IIIIMM I.MVK 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Depot Phono 0U9 0-20-mtr I Wll.l. not ho responsible fur Any hill" rnnlriii'ii'il hy any one ttllier limn myself nf"'i-Hi-pinmli'-r 7. I. 9-13 MK M od OHCAIt I. ARSON. LADIES Now Is llin 1 1 ma to or ilir your (nil feiindntlon. Will rnll nt your homo, nny town In Klnninlh Co. Phono - 3 1 r. for appointment. 9-13 Tn'I'KUSTATK MOVINd Klimi nth l-'nlU Trnni. and Riornno 10 i mlf U INO IHSTANtT. IIAl'I.INO plmno 10117 1" '"" NINA'S BEAUTY HAL.ON SPE CIALS PornmnouH. fl.76 and up KliiK'-r wiivlim nnd slinin piin, 60 ronta. Nina llohlx. Mor rill lo-B WHY SUKFEIU I'll" and other roctiil disorders permanently ro miivoil hy tlia Intuit scientific method wltlioiit pain, wllhoul hnsnltnlltiitlon. without sur gery. No lo of time from work. Consultation free. Dr. O. II Mnther, chlroprnctlo physician, rectal and colon specialist. 731 Mnln 81. 0-8 WHY HIIPFEII? Full aplnnl an- alyila of your Illness. Dr. David, D. C. 110 N. ath. Hop mm phono 2323. 0-12 10 Services HAVE YOUIl OI. D MATTRESS matin llkn now and your over slutted furniture mada like now. We repair and roflnlan All work euarantood. Call Economy Matlrcii. Phono 1 206-W. 9-12 CAlU'ENTER. concrole work, pnlntlm. Free estimates. Phone 28W3. DIIKSSMAKINO, altoratlona, ro ino.lnlliii. Ann London, 123 Mnln, over Bwamon'a Bnrber SIlOD. -' SMALL JOII IIAULINU. forll llror, Inwn dirt, excavations. dlv block wood, rtny SclimerK. 2438 Shasta Way. Phono 1289. 0-25 OLD MATTKKSSES mndo now llobultt, 2.50. New llcklnRs i-i ns nun day servlrs. Fuml turn upholiilorliiK. Complete line of Intesl tniilorlnl. Carl ann Mattress anil Upholstery Co. Phono 701. 1206 Mnln. 10-6. PAINT1NO. KALSOMIN1NG. Har ry nrown, 1041 Vine, mono 1092. 9-24 FLOOR 8ANDINO and rcfliilshliiK Clifford Qolilon. Phone 108W3 g-80mtt EXCAVATION and team work of all klnda. J. P. Morgan, nt. 2, llox 024, Shasta Way- 9-13 WHINOEH ItOLLS for all of washing machlnea. Morll Wanhlnii Machine Servlco, 709 Bo. 8th. Phono 1086. 0-31-mtf EXPERT HOSIERY REPAIR by Mlaa Ilorit. Tho Town snop, 6th and Main. -30 CALL Art Honodlct. 2364-W llousocloiinlng, wlndowe. Jani tor eorvlco. 9-' REWIND. ALTERATIONS Ron sonnblo. La Vlnii Robin. 2023 Dnrrow. Phono 1081-W. 9-23 8EW1NU. oxport nltorntlons, Blip covers, dreasmnklng, conta re lined. Mrs. Hnrnoy, 2111 Dnr row. Phono 2161-J. 9-lltf nODENHA.MER SAW FILINO V 219 EnBt Main, phono 846-W. All sawa, loola, lawiimowoi-B, etc., ropnlrod. 9-14-mtf TAINTING nnd knlsomlnlng, ren annnhlo prices. Phono 937-J-4. R. B. Simmons, P. O. Box 647. 9 -J 'J 12 Educational ANnTHRItl FLYING CLUI1 Is bo lug ornnnliod brluKlnu flying within tho touch of nil. Price voiy ronsonnblo, only 8 mom hnrshlps loft, so hurry. For pnrllculnrs phono 636 or cnll nt All-port. 0-12 GIRLS ATTENTION: Wo hnvo sovornl diwlruhlo homos whoro Rlrla may work for room nnd hoard wlillo nllontllnu tho Klnninlh Huslnoss Collouo. Any girl InloroHtod, contact tho Kliiinutli HuBlni'Hn CoIIoko Im inotlliitoly, 426 Pino Stroct, phono 1270. 0-8 LI1; A UN MUSIO at Potom Hludlo. HlKh school croillln. 1406 Ka pluniulu. Phono 1517-W. U-H Nowu nnd lluruld Waut-Adr got I'OBIlltS. M Hcilp Wantod, Fomale WANTED -Ml dil In iiK"il or eldor ly woiiian fur pint limit HkIiI houiiowork, no clillilron. Phono 831-K or call at 426 No. Till. WANTED Coupla for Jnnllor wink. Cnpnhlu, aubnr. Ulvo full dolnlla, iikii, nuiiihnr In family, I'lifnrancoi. llox 4471, Nows Hurald. 9-8 WANTED llouaokonpor In molh orlosa honio. llox 1084, Morrill, Ore. 0-8 WANTED Houiokeopor. Oo lioma nlxhts. Phone 2341. 9-9 WANTED Unmicumhered mld-dlo-nRod housokauper. Cnll 2867. 8-31 16 Help Wantod, Mala yiAorVvvyv'wvvvyvWVvvvv'Ar WANTED Young man who can lako dictation and run typo wrltor Hhn la ipilrk In tho bond and wants to loaru a buslnoas. Apply In own hiiiiil wrlthiK, kIv I n k uxporloncn and snlnry wunt ed. lio 4100, Nowa-Hurnld. 18 Silualioni Wanted .MIDDLE-AGED man wlshca any kind work. Chaa. Uaicon, Maid win llotnl. V-10. YOUNO MAN, 22. grocery clork, drlvor, Inboror or any work. Phiilio 2364-W. 9-8 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD In private honio. Pliona 2U9-.M. 9-0 HOARD AND ROOM 1100 day. 316 So. 4lll. 9-0 HOARD AND ROOM for achool iclrl, $7.00 wouk. Closo to Con gor and Knlrvlew. Phone 1766 or 718 Cook. 9-12 HOARD AND ROOM 104 Klam ath. 4796-lf HOARD AND ROOM $J. 00 day Private alio lowers. 723 Klnninlh 9-30 HOARD AND ROOM 629 Jof fomon. 9-20 ROOM AND HOARD Close In. 820 HlKh. 9-16-mtt ROOM AND BOARD 18 wook 611 So. 8th. 9-10 22 Roomi for Rent ROOM Hot and cold water, l on in hont; also garage. Court Vlow Hotel. 9-10 ROOM FOR RENT Uontlemnn only. 1018 Washington. 9-10 HOUSEKEEPING 'room complete ly furnished 13.60 neck. 410 Bo. 6th. 9-9 TWO nlco rooms, hoard If desired In Hot Spring!. Pliona 4T.9-M after 7:30 p. m, 9-13 NICELY furnished room, cooking privileges. 248 Broad. 9-8 FRONT BEDROOM Close In Woman proforred. 638 N. 11th 9-12 FOR RENT 2 comfortable rooms In modern, private homo, two blocks oft Mnln. 1038 Hleh 9-8 NICE FRONT ROOM for one or two. Closo In. 923 Grant. 9-8 CLAREMONT. 228 No. 4th St All outside, modern rooms. Free pnrklng Int. 9-llmtf ROOM FOR RENT 314 Wash ington. 3108tf ROOMS, 82.76 week and up. 1411 Mnln. Mnra hotel. 9-12 CLAREMONT, 228 N. 4th St All otitaldo modorn rooms. Free parking lot. 10-9 ROOM 134 No. 3rd. 4499tf. ROOMS $20 Lincoln. Innulre 621 No. lOtn. 8-21 FOR RENT Rooms. Two blocks from Main. 1034 High. 9-9 APARTMENTS AND ROOMS for rent. Alpha Apts. Phono 800. 9-25-mtf ATTRACTIVE room ronsonnblo. 846 Eldorado. 4601 tf 24 Apartments for Rant FURNISHED apartment. Wood wnter. 924 Jefforson. 9-t MODERN DOUBLE COTTAGES. gnrngo, 86.00 week. Phono 89 or 1198-J. 9-14 ROOMY APT. near school. Rent reasonable Phono 1393-J. 9-S WANTED Two employed womon to share modern apartment In Hot Springs. 866 Eldorndo evenings. 9-1! LARGE nno room furnished apt. Private linth. 813 Pino. 9-9 SMALL npt., 813 Walnut. 9-13 VACANCY, couple only. Tho Idonl Court, formerly Simons. under new ninnngement, newly ronovntcd. 323 Conunorclnl. 9-13 FOR RENT 3-room npt. Wood, wnter mid Rns furnished. 121 So. 2nd. 9-8 APARTMENT Enrley Hotel. 9-8 VACANCY Low summer rntos 419 No. 10th. 9-16-mtf PINE BLOCKS Bono dry, $2.00 nt bin. J3.26 dollvorod. Phone 892-M. 9-24 VACANCY Hex Arms. 9-10 VACANCY Espitinnde Court Apts. I CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Nowly furnished nnd doco rnlod, tulonhonoa, electric oqtllp- moil!, refrigeration, olovnlor, gnrngo, Dny, wook or month. Tho npnrtmont hotel with con veniences nnd homo comfort 24-hour eorvlco. No pets, 9-14-mtf Houioi for Rant 6 room modern house, with slums and acre 136 4 room house, wood range.. .. 820 i rooms and nook, 4 bedrooms 140 8 rooms, V, acre $16 8 acres, nlco 4 room house.. ..$26 MILLARD & MILLARD 116 Bo. 7th Fb. 2041 9-9 FOR RENT 2-room furnished house. Couple only. 826 Lin coln. 9-8 NICELY FURNISHED 8-ROOM house, close In. Pliona 1641-W or 914 Lincoln, 9-8 8-ROOM unfurnished bouse at 1411 Pleasant, 116.00. Inquire E. A. Dunham, 436 Oak. 9-9 6-ROOM unfurnished house, elosa In, 136.00. Phone 1269-J. 9-9 C-ROOM unfurnished house. Mills addition, $26.00. Phone 1606-M. 9-8 3-ROOM MODERN IIOUBE for Ront or Bale. 1827 Oregon Ave. 9-10 3-ltOO.M funlnhnil house, double gnrngo, bath. Imiulro 2424 Bo. 6th. 9-9 FOR RENT Partly furnished home. 814 Llncolon. 608tf. SMALL furnished house, couple. 13 20 Oak. 9-8 FOR RENT 4-room, unfurn ished house. Homadale. Phone 1U6-W-6. 9-9 CABINS for men only, close In. 426 Willow. 9-9 ii-KOOM modern house. 2 bed rooms, furnished or unfurn ished. 2027 Oregon Ave. 4860 tf. FOR RENT OR SALE 7-room unfurnlshod house for business or residence. 228 No. 7th. Write Perio Wheeler Martin. Lake o' the Woods. 9-8 FOR RENT 6-room house, fur nished, closo In. Inquire 216 Eldorndo-. 9-8 FURNISHED CABIN Bath. Adults. 741 Walnut. 9-12 2-ROOM strictly modorn furnish ed cottnge with garage. 2126 Bluhn. 9-10 28 Miscellaneous for Rent RENT PIANOS Small modern. Apply toward purchnse later If desired. Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's Music, 117 So. 7th. 10-1 30 Roal Ettato for Sale Good New Home Very Low Price Let us show you a brand new four-room honso with two large bedrooms, plenty of hullt-lns, ga rage and woodshed, on big level lot. Price Is only $2600, with $250 down pnvment. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 116 N. 9th Phone 66 9-8 240-Acre Ranch 9 miles from Klamath Falls. ISO acres Irrigated.' Free water. $16,000, terms. Includes 86 acros of potatoes nqw In. R. P. OLIVER 111 So. 8th Phone 860 9-9 If you me Interested In a good new homo let us show you one of tho best buys In Klamath Falls 6 rooms, strictly modern throughout, good location. Priced below cost, but owner says to sell. Ills loss Is your gain. MILLARD & MILLARD 116 So. 7th Ph. 2041 9-10 3-ROOM modern house on East Mnln. $2260. Small payment down. Bnlnnce like rent. R. P. OLIVER 111 So. 8th Phone 860 9-9 70 ACRES unimproved Irrigated land In Malin district. Frank Koxltk estate. J. F. Adams, Jr. Merrill, Ore., Administrator. 9-11 5-ROO.M modern home on Sum mers lane. Priced to sell. Terms. R. P. OLIVER 111 So. 8th Phone 860 9-9 FOR SALE OR TRADE 160-acro ranch with buildings. Box 16, Dairy. 9-12 10 ACRES IRRIGATED, In Homednle. $2000. 20 per cent down, balance to ault. R. P. OLIVER 111 So. 3th Phone 860 9-9 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 80 acres. 40 acres alfalfa. Dr. Sarah Ethel Smith, 204 Wllllts Bids. 9-12 6-ROOM house near school. $200 down. 236 Mnrtin. 10-6 FOR SALE OR TRADE $1400 equity In 7i-ncro Bnrtlott penr orchard milo south Mcdford no buildings. Kalanco dun $900 pnynnln $t)0 yenr. Will sell equity or tindo for house In Klnmnth Fulls. Might consider good Into model cnr. Wrllo or cnll, 619 Mnyotte St., Medford. 9-8 EXCEPTIONAL BUY in flvo-room home. Hardwood floor living nnd dining room, furnace, base ment, bentitlful ynrd and view, Just ontHlilo city limit. Ptico $2srfl. lOnsy term s. Cnll 1828-W. R. W. Browning, 146 KnHt Mnln St. 9-10 FOUU-ROOM houao with aun porch, ronsonnblo. Soe Night Clork, Arcndo Hotel. 9-10 TWO-WHEEL trailer, cheap, 2317 26 So. 6th, Frnslor Courts. 9-37 Ostendorf Motor Co The 1939 Plymouth Friday, Sept 9 th A few 1938 model Dodge and Plymouth cars that must be sold at once. A liberal discount on 38 models. , ALSO No Finance Charge Sale On All Used Cart and Trucks PRICE TAG ON EVERY CAR AND TRUCK Why pay high interest to purchase a used car or truck when you can buy at our big REDUCED PRICE SALE and save I YEAR'S FINANCE CHARGE No Finance Charge Sale Save money by buying today on our Used Car and Truck Sale, September 9th to 17th Terms 12 to 18 Months Ostendorf Motor Co 424 So. Mh FORECLOSURE Don't Buy Any Car or garage equipment, also office fixtures, parts and accessories till you read tomorrow's announcement. 130 Cars EMERGENCY LIQUIDATION SALE By The Commercial Finance Co. 522 So. 6th 30 Real Estate for Sale TRACTS Limited time only 15.00 down. No principal pay ments tor three months. City water and Hunts, sandy loam soil. If you are renting you can not afford to pass up this op portunity to own your own home. E. GRAY REAL ESTATE 118 N. 7th Phone 797 9-18 TRACTS $360.00 up with house $600.00 up. City homes 6 and ( rooms priced rlRht. Terms. Christ Htick. 1320 Pleasant. 9-14 FOR SALE 4-room house part ly furnished, close in, $1000. 1143 Pine. 9-8. BEST value In city good loca tion. New S-room house, hard wood floors through-out, alr condttloned furnace. Full bnse ment, garage. Triced less than cost. Terms can be arranged. Inquire 616 Upham. 9-11. FOR SALE: Large stone house at. sacrifice on Lnkeshore Drive, mono 1646. 9-9. FOll SALE OR TRADE One room moveable CRbln. Call after t p. m. Phone 2033. 9-8 FOUR-ROOM furnished home in Hot Springs. Fire plnce, hard wood floors, etc. On corner lot. Price only $2560. $672 buys equity. Phone No. 1. 9-9. SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $5 monthly, Including Interost. Mrs. Ben P, Lowis, ownor. Rt. 2, Box 896. Phone 35J2, 9-18 34 Automotive j-L-.-Lnn.rmjnr-Lnn.n.r r .' - r. - i. - j - urL.n.n.ri. - . PRESENTS ON DISPLAY Dodge and Plymouth Distributor 12 Years' Fair Dealing in the Klamath September 9 30 Real Estate for Sale sWssWWssM,ssfsAsssAAMs SALE OR LEASE Modern 6-bed-room house, auburban. Terms. Cascade Apts. 9-8 6-ROOM modorn house. St. Fran cis Park, $2S00. One-fourth down. Inquire 621 No. 11th. 9-16 34 Automotive '84 FORD SEDAN, $226, or trade for equity late Chev. or Ply mouth. 1706 Main. 9-10 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN Six wire wheels, also Chrysler six cylin der sport roadster complete motor overhnul. Will trade both for small car. No. dealers. Phone 783-W-4. 9-8. SELL OR TRADE equity 36 Chev rolet Master 4-door sedan ra dio, heater. No. 4 Porshing Way. Block North of Home Lumber. 9-9. SELLING 1936 Plymouth Deluxe model, like new, to the highest bidder. On terms $375.00 re served. Bids closed Sept. 14. Mnke your bids in person or by mall. 329 So. 6th St., GUmore Station. 9-8 36 Miscellaneous for Sale FOR SALE World bicycle, 2 years old, A-l condition, all ac cessories. Phone 779. 7-9 FOR SALE Maroon Blgelow rug and pad, dinette set. Phone 996-W. 9-9 FOR SALE i VanDornn electric drill, complete with Jacobs chuck, 100 ft. cord. Good con dition. Phone 2017-M. 9-8 - j mm..mmm, Basin Lot Across Prom Armory Klamath Falls 36 Miscellaneous for Sale FANCY HALE AND ELBERTA PEACHES canning prunes, ex tra large cantaloupes, toma toes and cabbage. All fresh from the gardens. Polkadot 600 Riverside. 4S45-tf AMERICAN SDNFLAME oil heat ers now burn lower priced DIESEL OIL. See them demon strated at SOUTHERN ORE GON HARDWARE. -ll WARDS MODERN POTATO DIG GER Cuts potato harvesting costs to the bone. The most modern and Improved type dig ger and Ward's low price is only $185.25. Buy on easy monthly payment plan. Full specifications at WAR D'S FARM STORE, 220 Main St. 9-23 USED ELECTRIC IRONER, West inghouse. In first class condi tion. Only $39.60, on easy terms. East Side Electric, 625 Klnmnth Ave. 9-8 USED WASHERS that will give good service and do a clean washing job. Several, from which to choose. $17.50 to $36 on easy torms. East Side Elec trie, 626 Klamath Ave. 9-! FOR SALE 22 Savage Hornet, nearly new, $26.60. Chnrles Chesllk, Crescent, Ore. 9-12 FOR SALE! Green gage and Blue Damson plums ior canning, voc and $1.00 box. 622 Conger. Phone 2368. I FOR SAL E Fairbanks-Morse wnshers in good condition, $25 Call 1126 Grant St. 9-9 34 Automotive 1939 Plymouths Now on Display IT PAYS TO BUY YOUR NEW OR USED CAR FROM SNYDER'S 9th and Klamath 36 Miscellaneous for Sal FOR SALE Typewriter. 421 Main or call 362J2. 9-10 CEDAR FENCE POSTS. 12c; also fir body wood. Phone 367W4. 9-14 FOR SALE Zenith ear radio. 419 No. 10th. 9-8 PINE BLOCKS Bone dry. $2.00 at bin, $3.26 delivered. Pbone 892-M. 9-26 FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity in Westinghouse electric range and trash burner with colls. 516 Owens. 9-8 FOR SALE Grey cinders. Phone 2170-W. 9-14 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 10-4 mtt. ATTENTION MEN WITH NAR ROW FEET: Just received new fall shipment of W. L. DOUG LAS shoes In A and AA widths. RUDY'S MEN'S SHOP. 9-15 WINCHESTER 80-06 rifle. 617 No. 4th. . 9-9. 3 PUMP Service Station and acre ground $1400 cash. Box 4482 News Herald. 9-13. HA RLE Y DAVIDSON motorcycle 74 or will trade model A. 603 Jefferson. 9-8. FOR SALE Set Encyclopaedia Brltannlcai. 1935 Manzanlta. 9-13 OIL-O-MATIC. Oil Burner Furn ace and storage tank complete. Used one year. Phone 179. 9-13 GOOD cooking apples for sale bring your boxes. Hooper Ranch, Miller Island Road. 9-9. PEACHES while they last 75c per 40-lb. bsg. 1 mile west of Phoenix on Houston road. "Carpenter'a". 9-18 FOR SALE Wood and coal cir culating heater. 234 Hillside. 9- MONEY TO LOAN on Guns, Watches, Suits, Radios, Tools. Old gold bought. Unredeemed Suits, Elgin, Waltham watches $4.00. Large stock New and Used guns. Maury's Pawnshop, 9th k Klamath GET YOUR boy or girl Into the High School band or orchestra now. Buy your Instruments on low terms. Reasonably priced from the store that gives a guar antee of quality that really means something. Buy from the store that Is equipped to give you service on maintain ing your Instruments. Buy from Derby's Music Co., 117 So. 7th. Phone 570. 9-ZO FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers, green tomatoes. Merrlll-Lake- vlew Junction. Crystals. RICHARDS ELECTRO FENCE Save 80 on fencing. Fully guaranteed. State approved. Free demonstration, $17.60. E. J. Blend, Rt. 1 Box 313, 5th Ave., Altamont. 8-17 FOR SALE Washed sand for limited time $2.25 per yard; also rock and cement, mixer available to customers. Phone 969 or 191J2. 9-21 BALED 2ND CUTTING ALFALFA R. J. Morgan, Rt. 2, Box 924, Shasta Way. 9-13 OIL STOVES SERVICED and cleaned with vacuum cleaner. Fall rate $2.00. Also new and used oil stoves. Oregon Equip ment Co., 127 So. 6th, distribu tors for Diesel Burning Perfec tion Superfex Oil Heaters. 9-14 FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse Washers in good condition, $26.00. Call 1126 Grant St. FARMERS SAVE STEPS Private telephone for your farm depart ments. Call 2281-W. FREE ESTIMATE. 9-8 BLOCKWOOD $2.26 cord at Shaw's mill. Hodges Brothers. We deliver. Phone 3612 Tule lake. 9-7 TRADE IN your old wood olrcu lator as a down payment on one of the fnmouB AMERICAN SUN FLAME oil heaters at SOUTH ERN OREGON HARDWARE. 9-11 FOR SALE Weaner pigs. Phone 20F22. 9-8 SPLENDID USED PIANO, $96. $5 down, $4.60 month. Louis Mann, tuner at Derby's, 117 So. 7th. - FIX YOUR RADIO before fall. Call 2281-W. 802 Market. 9-8 Phone 1530 38 For Sal or Trad FOR BALE OR TRADE Equity In '87 V-8 coupe, low mileage. Rt. I Box 944. Shasta Way. 9- 40 To Exchange Exchange - - - - i ir-Mii'iiMm. AUTOMOBILES In good ranntnf shape for hay, grain or live stock. Altamont Auto Camp. 9-U 42 Miscellaneous Wr'ie) WANTED TO BUY A yearling or long yearling whiteface bull. Phone 651W4. 9-l WANTED Work for three big clover hullers. Phone 38-F-13. 9-11 WANTED Hay to bale plcknp or stationary. Phone 1226. Bert McMullan, Medford. 9-9. HAVE $600 for email bonse and tot in Altamont district. Box 4682, News-Herald. . 9-S CASH FOR PIANOS. Earby'a, 11T So. 7th. io-l HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture and stoves. O. K. Second Hand Store, 820 Klam ath. Phone 991. 9-30-mtf WANTED TO BUY Beef, pork and veal. Inquire Emll's Mar kets. Phone 717. 8589-tf WANTED Chicken feed horse. Used locally. Phone H33-W. -1T WANTED Tools, guns, stoves, furniture. Geo's Bargain Store, 64 Main 438-W. 9-17 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Rabbits, bred doe and with young. A. R. Comer, Keno, across from school. 9-t MILK COWS for aale or trad. Dewey Smith, Malln Hotel. ' 8-14 FOR SALE Gentle kid's saddle pony. Can be used as pack horse. Ray Hough. Portland Drive. t-S FOR SALE 12 head Jersey milk cows. One 2-year-old Jersey bull. Russell Ross, Rt. 6, Lake view, Ore. 9-9 FOR SALE 10 good dairy cows, no culls; 6 heifers and 6 heifer calvea. Reasonable. A. Hoff man, Olene. 9-S WANTED TO BUY Beef typ calves, weaners around S mo. old. Phone 651W4 or call at my home. R. C. Prudhomme, 3rd house east of Idella's store on South Sixth. 2924-tt CHICKS HATCHING every week. Maguire Electric Hatchery, 2415 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. 9-30-mtf FOR SALE Jersey milk cow. Terma cash. Box 810 Shasta Way. 9-1 J 46 Financial LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING' . Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tap NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let ua finance your new or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co. Llcenae M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 888 9-8-mU NEED MONEY? Let Tho "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish The Cash. AUTO LOANS , FINANCING See COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Wm. Frohnmnyer, Mgr. License No. M-223. 116 S. 7th St. Phone 471 9-30 SURE VAN'S STILL LOANING MONEY Union Central Life Insurance Company money at 6. Not loss than $2500 considered, In side city only. Monthly repay ment 1 of amount borrowed. 324 No. 11th. 9-14 MAN TO SERVICE route of new merchandise machines. $521 cash required, fully secured. No soiling or competition. 1000 profit, permanent. Write Box 4873, care News-Herald. 9-10 i -