The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 07, 1938, Page 8, Image 8

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Pictorial Review of Today's News
Crucified, Says Former Convicf
As $2,000,000 Fire Swept Vancouver Waterfront Winsome Winner
fjl R'frt- i rrri
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B1 svU4v. UZPTfcjMWtaiiSf-j 3A.3 srH-tt'-
A Japanese Soldier Comes Home
isw- v' ii iiiMiimni 'Wim ml l
Ik. ILI W- -
..- ......... j rNrf.'- FHt.
' 4 (fi', v- '
t . , l V ' i f
Reno. Net, police. Investigated the story of Eddie Collins (inset), former
convict, that ne teas nailed to a makeshift cross because he incurred the
Ire of two other men in his intention to "go straight." Collins was found
nailed with four spikes to the cross, propped against a garage on the out
skirts of Reno.
Picture of Perfection
Tfeie HtMfl, flfflKnn . i. . ...
of "the " Canadian Pac fir s .Zh nr 8 . sPcc,acuInr b,nz h swept Pier D. largest docks
frc ht shed IbcZl ? rt ?CraPny at Vancouv". B. C. Destroying the pier, a heavily-stocked
000 000 d,,, ,hl?t.2', ramP """"""S railway station with the docks, the lire did
tricl ; torterin ft Tit triinn ',?r t'mC, ,0 dC"s"'oy lh! cntirc waterfront and the wholesale dis
tuct bordenng it. The section of the pier shown in the photo was n complete ruin a few minutes 1
offer the picture was tnlcen.
Showing What an Automobile Can Do to a Train
niond Helen llernhnrd, 17-.venr-old
New York sehoel (jirl, turns
on her victory rmile after wln
nini! the ClIrN' Nntinnn! CJrass
Court singles title nt tho I'hll
ndelphia Cricket Club. Miss
Uernhnrd, who is regarded ns
one of tho nation's future, ten
nis greats, defeated Margaret
Jesse, 18, of Sacramento, Calif.,
0-3, 0-0.
Heads Umpires
at War Games
A furlough from his Job of killing enabled tills Xipanrv. loldler
to return to Toklo (or II10 first tune in imd joyfully gien
Ills child born Just after the father left fur the Asi.iIk m.iinl.uij
to light the Chinese
Aneroid Falls Next Standard Picture
t" ' " ' ' ' I' ,"' "'"WiWi;"!'".' !'': -W.WWfJ
4: & A
v. :is
This unusual wreck resulted when a train struck a car near Huntington, Ind. Although the driver
of the car jumped to safety, all six coaches of the train were derailed and the engineer and fireman
killed. None of the 150 passengers were seriously hurt. This picture shows a crowd of the curious
around the wrecked train soon after the accident
The U. S. Army may not be as
grim about the proceedings as
the European militarists, but
Just the same war games are
being held at Fort Knox, Ky.,
to simulate security measures
which would be taken should
the nation be invaded. Heading
the 75 high-ranking olliceis um
piring the "batlle" is ling. Gen.
Walter E. Prosser, above, of
Chicago, second army chief
of staff.
T l 'f
t ', -'' lrki i'-vV'i v
h V " !' 1 rT,rf.v.v ; " r.'; . . ft .;
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s - ft 3i
E. B. Aldrirli (left) nf Pcndlrlon. itate liiKhwny enmminionrr, rf
ccivci from K. T. Vivian, (right) Stanilaril Oil l'oin.iin'j ibitn.l
sales manager in Kailcrn Orrgon, first eopv In re.n Ii Orrjun nf llm
tialural color prim ol Aneroid Kails on the Wallowa Hivrr in WaMoua
County, Oregon's Km ilri laml. 'Iliii tmliirc. third in l!:"- Oirgon
scenic series now being distributed forlniidillv by Sl.niil..rd Oil
pany. will be available to the public on Monday, Aui-ii.t Prints
will be given away at Standard Stations and by Standard Oil dealers.
"I think this exploitation of the scenic resourici of Orri:on is a line
Idea," said Mr. AMrich.
Can't Miss With This Gun and Doesn't
First Link in Central Vailey Project Completed
Par excellence In precision flying is this demonstration of perfec
tion by the Army Air Corps' 27th Pursuit Squadron from Selfridge
Field in Michigan. The big crowds at the National Air Races in
Cleveland thought these sky-jinks were pretty good, too.
1, 5 Pictured
ruler of
9 Neither.
10 Toward.
11 Snaky fish.
12 Wayside hotel.
13 Constellation.
15 Aurora.
17 To require.
19 Root vege
table. 21 France.
22 Otherwise.
23 Nay.
24 Gazelle.
Answer to Previous Puzzle
N 0 TlAlTlElS HDlElSlPlOlTlS
s auc eEe: fJ1ot3pA"N Ttc
uIrIgIe : sHcIaImU i rIeInie
E P. I C ATl ... pr.plETtviElNjT
i o Nil ioh i Akhie hi
a1lla yTI menus1
47 Night before.
49 Pronoun.
26 House canary. 51 pjtcher.
Z8 Possessed.
30 Born.
32 Siren.
35 Grain.
37 One that
39 Longs for.
41 Neuter pro
noun, 42 Annoys.
44 To rupture.
53 Pertaining to
an axis.
55 Opposed to
57 Silkworm.
58 Long outer
' garment.
59 Fuddled.
60 Capital city in
his kingdom.
45 Form of "be." 61 He is 80
:46 To perform. old.
14 Turkish
16 This still
plays tennis.
18 Duet.
20 Ocean.
24 Jewel.
25 To prevent.
26 Afternoon.
27 Roof point
29 Drone bee.
31 To devour.
33 Noah's boat.
34 Dark bread.
36 Data.
VERTICAL 38 Poisonous .
2 Interior. acid.
3 Not any. 40 To stick fast
4 Grain. 43 Six-sheeted
5 Goat antelope, book.
6 Compass point 44 Kingdom.
7 Ten (termina- 46 Pertaining to
tion). air.
8 Substance 48 Stringed in
from aloes. strument.
10 Rabbit. 50 Source of
12 His nation's ipecac.
birthday gift 52 Moist.
to him, an 53 Tree.
paralysis 54 Musical note.
Jund. 56 Ever.
His gun looks big enough to bring down an elephant, but Odis Walding, Los Angeles laundryman,
will use it to defend his all-gauge title against the nation's best shots in the national skect champion
. . ship tournament in Tulsa, Aug. 30-Scpt. 3. t
Bricks Fly as Firemen Enact Futile Rescue Drama
-111II0 section
fLV.r 5cn'' v!'?y Project in Cai'lfomla tVbeo'n.tructed Is "th. Initial tourti.
elght-mllo section.
Links Hitch-Hiker
Hold Everything!
t w i " r
17 10 V" ft I?. 10
1M S3
ll Pl AT WF" 44 M 45
.ifesl .LJ
; . p 47 46 4? 0
1 - 1 nr 1 1 HA 1 lhl
n a " ? , t , RA, lfVrn t'!
9 iii'm
This remarkable photo catches all the heroic drama of a frenzied rescue attempt by Fort Worth,
Tex., firemen and volunteers. Bricks fly as the men fight to reach two fellow flre-flghtcrs buried '
when a gasoline explosion blew out the walls of a three-story garage. Tho dead were Fire Captain
- Oscar McCain and Fireman J. E. Westmoreland.
Plnycrs In tho national public
links golf tournament used all
manner of transportation to get
to Cleveland's Highland Parle.
John Mitchell wags his thumb In
illustrating how ho hitch-hiked
Irom Hartford, Conn,
lfta w copst. if ii by nia smvict. inc.
"Yes, we're Iwins, hut my brother delivered pics for tlie w
bukcry all summer." '