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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1938)
THE NEWS "AND THE HERALD KL'AMATII FALLS. OREGON September fi, inHS T IS T DRUGSTORE MESS HERE BUS Purchase of Mnglll'i drugstore by Tex Castleberry and A. J. t'aatloberry was announced Tues day by tlie new owners, who took over active management ot the concern September 8. Both the Castleberry brothers have been greatly Interested In business on the west coast, com ing here from Amarlllo, Tex., and first Investigated In Seattle and later In Medford before deciding to Invest In Klamath Falls. Operation of both the drug store and the fountain will be continued the Cnstlcberrys an nounced, and the name of Ma glll's will be changed to Castle berry Brothers drugstore. Horseback Trip to Lakeview Roundup Termed Big Success E The first organization meeting of home economics extension work was held Thursday, Sep tember 1, in the office of Mrs. Wlnnlfred Glllen, home demon stration agent, at the federal building. Mrs. Azalea Sager, state home demonstration leader from Oregon Stale college, was present to discuss the organiza tion of county home demonstra tion work and to locate possible demonstration centers in the county. The subject matter studied at these centers will be various phases of food and nutrition, tex tiles and clothing, home manage ment, child development and par ent education and recreation. Fifteen communities in the county were represented at this organization meeting by the fol lowing women: Mrs. Bert Scbultz, Altamont; Mrs. C. E. McClellau, Shasta View; Mrs. Charles A. Kevell, Langell valley; Mrs. Fred Fletcher, Klamath Falls; Mrs. A. E. Street, Malin; Mrs. F. E. Trot man, Merrill; Mrs. Fred Rueck, Bonanza; Mrs. Jesse Drew, Hilde brand; Mrs. Twyla Ferguson, Altamont; Mrs. Basil Brown, Olene; Mrs. Rex High, Foe val ley; Mrs. Fred Hagelstein, Al goma; Mrs. Robert S. Allen, Chiloquin; Mrs. H. L. Wiard, Shasta View; Mrs. R. L. Flem ing, Henley; Mrs. A. L. McLean, Fairhaven, and Mrs. H. B. Larg ent, Midland. Flans were made to start the work by organizing nine exten sion units in the county. These meetings will be held in the fol lowing communities with- the women listed acting as chairmen: Homedale, Mrs. H. L. Wiard; Poe valley, Mrs. Rex High; Langell valley, Mrs. Charles Revell; cnuoquin, Mrs. Robert Allen; Dairy, Mrs. Fred Rueck; Malin Merrill, Mrs. A. E. Street; Al coma. Mrs. Fred Ha?flgtein- Fairhaven, Mrs. A. H. McLean; Henley-Midlaud, Mrs. W. M. IVil liams and Mrs. H. B. Largent, co- cnairmen. Dates and places of the unit organization meetings will be an nounced later. Nine Klamath men are home after a 120-mile horseback Jaunt to the Lakeview roundup. They returned in automobiles, bring ing home their riding horses In trailers. The trip, made to help pub licize the Lakeview roundup, was a success In every way, accord ing to Marshall Cornell, chair man of the Buckaroo Days com mittee and' organizer ot the Jaunt. First night was spent at the Guy Barton ranch In Poe valley. Several Klamath Falls people drove to the ranch to have din ner with the horseback party. The next night camp was at the Casebcer ranch, and the third night was spent at West side ranch, 14 miles out of Lake view. Between those points the party made a roundabout Journey that took them about 15 or 20 miles farther than had been plan ned. An airplane greeted the party as It neared Lakeview. LarKO numbers ot people at tended the roundup nl Lakeview from Klnmath Falls, Cornelt said. Jerry Ambler, who won bronco riding honors at the rodeo here, won first money at Lakeview. Dell Smith of Chiloquin received third. Tho Klnmath men making the entiro horseback trip were Cor nell, Harry Miller, liooigo lllllla, Charlie Head, Hud F.ntherton. R. It. I'roobstel. Bill Serruys, Bob Burleigh and "I'on'' Krwln. Church News With this week, fall activities will begin at tho First Methodist church. ' The opening choir rehearsal ot the season will be held Wednes day evening beginning at 7:il0 o'clock. LIUlo Darby will again direct the music of tho church and Mrs. E. S. Veatch will bo at tho Piano. All members of iho choir are asked to be present on Wed nesday evening. Others wishing to Join the eht' "'-o asked lore port to .:.-f i?-"". It' r. On Thur.suay ,no Ladies Aid circle meetings will be held as follows: Tho Cleaners circle will meet nt (ho home of Mrs. Kelly on the Homedale road at 2 p. m. Thousands ot motorists whiz zed over southern Oregon's high ways and lanes, but Klamath coun ty remained exceptionally free from serious automobile accidents, a check with city, county and state officers showed Tuesday. Mrs. U H. Bruce, about 40, resident of Oakland, Calif., is in Klamath Valley hospital recover ing from injuries received 107 miles north of Klamath Fulls when a car operated by her hus band, an Oakland mechanic, slip ped on an oily, wet stretch of highway Monday afternoon. The Bruce family was en route north on a vacation trip. Mrs. Bruce was brought here by her hus band, who was uninjured. At tending physicians found' a frac tured collarbone, broken ribs and bruises. G. W. Jenklnson, 2221 Darrow street, reported that three mem bers ot his family were injured in an accident on highway No. 6b near Long Prairie. A front wheel on the car struck a rock or a piece of wood, and the driver lost control. Those hurt were Bonnie Jean. Mary Alice and Normae E. Jen klnson, aged respectively 4, 7 and 37. Chllonuin T.nmtipr enmnanv wan high bidder Tuesday for the urookea creek unit of Klamath Indian reservation timber, It was announced by B. G. Courtwright, reservation superintendent. The bid. by A. E. Blockllnner of the Chiloquin company, was o.j a inousana. mere was In excess of 18,000,000 feet of tim ' ber on the unit. DRUM CORPS PLANS SERIES OF DANCES The opening dance of the fall, given by members of the Eagles auxiliary drum corps, will be held Saturday night, September 10, In the Eagles hall at Fifth and Main streets. Larson's and Danielson's Vikings will provide music. These dances will be held each Saturday night, and the public Is invited. Dancing will be from 9 until 12 o'clock. IncKCSAMOMEfturi-l FOP ALL OP US ' I Ml IIS IX ,' TV MOST DAMAGE TO PLATE OUSSISDONCBYIRKCSPCW. IBlIPeHSOflS-BUTYOU WILL SAVE A LOSS IP V0U FIRST SH MAMI0fOMPANY 'HC -COVfirHOUSC -IS ACROSS lAiN-iTRttr rio4-ou ornct PHONe-24S Another serious cigarette fire started Monday in the forks of j the Lakeview highway and the' Bonanza road. The fire burned X over 80 acres. Klamath Forest ! Protective officials said that had ! h fire-fighters arrived a few min- !( utes later, the fire would have 53 been away for what might have been a 12,000-acre spread. j Fire started In brush on the Klamath Indian reservation near j ; Kirk but was controlled before damage was done. There was a slight sprinkle of rain in scattered sections ot the forest over the weekend but not if enough to reduce the hazard ma terially. ,.. IF YOU FEEL SUNK Read this and cheer up Art you no blue that life I no longer worth Uvint? Do you cry easily? Do you feel low, mean, depressed just absolutely SUNK? Then here's good news for you in ease you need a good general system tonic Just take famous Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound. Let its wholesome herbs and roots help Nature build up more phytic, resist ance and tone up your system, so that it can more easily throw off the "blues" and giva more energy to enjoy life. MILLIONS of women have depended up on this Compound and have passed the word along to friends and neighbors, and to their children. Why not take Pinkham'a Compound and go "smiling thru "7 tfT Rich in yA Quality. K fe Unmatched fl m n avor Hi lm Delicious feAandPUre v . -MONTGOMERY WARD 2-Year Moth Guarantee All Wool lllaiikels Ml New I Solid color with novelty striped border. Very warm, soft, light. Looped wool binding. Im ported and domestic wool blend. 72"x84". 3!'j lbs. -1 ;yrn Cold Nights Ahead! All-Wool Singles Clear solid colors, rnynn taffeta hound. First qunl lty. Soft, flcocy and very warm. Full ( lls. LKxtrn largo 72 x 84". Value! Save at Wards. All Wool Singles .49 & each for cold Springy, Extra varm nights ahead! live wool warm, luxuri ous! A 1 1 first finality Deep, solid colors: riivnn. tnffela hound. TO" x HO '. :l lbs. Keep Warm With Wards 25 Wool Pairs 49 pair Extra wool content elves extra warmth. Combined with China cotton. First quality. Rayon taffeta bound. Size 70" x 80". 1 K Sy' j Famous Fleecydowns jjj 7T Blankets I RSI 54?. I t: pj - . - MpjLffiriSjfffllc. i1 r t quality American m fT$SSfS cotton. Soft and fleecy ffl fffJKifm yet t rong and service- a lr''rfSfiP abIe. 7" x0". I'astclfl. M 0 Kleccydown .... Talr 1.08 g f-fotftifoitffa Sateen top and back Paisley Comforter 098 Expensive-looking mult!, colored p a i I e y print. Copied from an expensive model I Filled with first quality cotton. Cut size 72"x84". Ward values I Tha l.ond ii lliin.l oli'i'lo will moot nt Iho homo of Mr. l A. Konyon, 23R North Ti'iilh atreot, for an nfloinoon mooting, Tho million olivlo will moot nt tho homo of Mrs. It. V. Klllngson, Sl'O l'ni'lflo Torrni'o, for a 1 p. in. liiiK'hmm In which not only nii'iu liara of th cttolu but otliort nro Invited. Tho Olrla' ohorus of tha Rnnlor longuo will moot Tluiradny eve ning nt 7 o'clock with Mra. 10. II. Hotlinnn In I'hnign. All liniioi'liint moulliig of III)' official board will bo hold Thurs day "veiling hoglnnliig at 8 o'clock, All niniiilinri of Iho hoard worn ankoil by tha pnslnr to plan to ho proHonl al thin first regular mooting of tho aennon. Coin lioi'iii'ln lii'cniuti mlxud with tho oil iid iihuiI lo maka the phiHlor for lb" wnlls of Iho liv ing room In lint homo of W. F, Hllfor, near Mlddlolnwn, Mil. Coin licgnu spriiiitlug from III wnlls wllhln n few wnnks. .MONTGOMERY WARD rail1 i'! jlii1 I r "5 '11 mt TiUl I. ' yWw H-Y mm mts v- 3 ymi-'- x WHILE QUANTITIES LAST I I Save Over $171 Originally 66.95 LowPrked Circulator Down Paymonf $5.00 Monthly Carrying Chargo WW Hero's freedom from winter drudgery at a big Ward savins! Al Iho turn of a valve, clean, odorless bent circu lates throughout 3 6 mourn! No file lending, no pmplyliif ashes! Patented llreeMn III Low smokeless lltiriier saves fuel! Constant Level Vulvo prevetitH flooding! I'lulnhed In attractive, iluralilo Hlpplo Spray! Hurry! Quantities limi ted at this KXTIlAOItlilNAItY LOW I'ltlCKI 8 In. Itndlnnt (ill ll.-nter, l-'J iimins $29.88 Itlirus 1'iti-lf It- Spec. No. IOO Stmi Oil or Keroweiip H v 'i frit ' thVj . V- fhVrf,Tt4''V'H,t"i'' "V ,'A'i i(,lif 4" v t vj iv ij Al-'tvJ M, I Pay only $5 Month WWM4m '! Down Payment, f Carrying Chargo A Compare Any f B Jf 1 1 $80 Radhsl ft-3 I A. .IAZI. IIAIIIO OFFICII! All the newest '39 fcaturea priced for thrifty ahoppcrsl REMOTE CONTROL! You can tune your favorite sta tions without rising from your easy chair I AUTOMATIC TUNING just press a button I World range I AUTOMATIC TUNING! World Ituiige! '95 6 tubes I 2 bandsl Lighted Full vision Dial I Automatic volume control I Latest super-heterodynol Amazing Remote Control l.tTiilM-Af. 9495 America's Finest Radio priced sensationally low I Remote Control! Auto matic Tuning! 20" Pro jectotone Speaker I High Fidelity! Automatic Bass Booster! Automatic vol ume control I World range 1 S A MONTH, DOWN Paymfnt, Carrying Charat i.-'l mm. Amazing Remote Contrail ITiiIi-.4. 7295 Now tune your favorite stations from your easy chair with Remote Con trol I 10-button Automatic Tuning! World-rangol Full-Vision Dial! Full Rango Tono Control! J7 A MONTH, Daws Paymlnt, Carrying Charga prm")'"' -irrlw?wy VW""W"4f,',VZ'?ftf'?'Zlr'q Reg. 4495 A.C. Console jt 7 Tubosl Fingertip tuningl Two band world rangol Tuning oyol HfcsCsM Illuminated diall $34.95 7-Tube Mantle $24.88 TT Reg. 44.95 7-Tube A.C. Console Automatic tuning brings your choice of six stations with just a touch of a buttonl Beautiful cabinot dosignsl Prices Cut on Discontinued Model Radios! MONTGOMERY 1 . 221 WAR B Telephone 384 Main M, 221 Main Street Tolophone 384