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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1938)
September 3, 1938 Angeles Cling to SEALS BEATEN 5-3 MARGIN Senators Keep IVc Willi 3-0 Shutout Victory Over San Dico MiihW H m sniH lnil Jr i 'uiM t,vwuo Kciiili' v. I'orHnml 7. Hit it LHi'Ko u, Hiu'i fiiuiMi lo 3. Hollywood a. (Hililnmt 0. Hun Klftncliico 3. I .on- Annolm 5. Ity Tim ;)nm)i-IiiI'iI rr' (,'OitKl It'llKHO It'tlfh'tH, ItllO Ihfl flnnl iwo-wot'k Hirndh, i un h -ad unchaiiKvd In tninllNKn tiutur diy with Lob AiikoIvi mill top ping SncrnnnMito by iwo kukh'K. Tho RnlmtN, wllh Mill Walker In flno piichinn form. In-ut Suit Diego, 3 lu i), !'( Itlny in Ihm k tho t'adi rt' wlunliiK ' rcnk ul flVfl gHMH.'i. ftiil I.or Anitoloi clinii t" Kit two-Kiumi nMvAiilnKo liy iluffitilnft Kim Krunrlfint, U n 'A, ntwl, In rldrnliilly, hulking Sail Sum i.ll on' hit) for IiIh Int iiHrhltii; victory of I ho it'moii. Tho Hrnln' vutnrun iwlrler full ed to ImfMo tho Nlmrp-oyiMl AitK"'". wlio ttwuiiR on hi of rr I n kb for 1) lilln, hirludiny n homer hy Third Su. krr Klim Mity", Ti"l i JcittllllKN of (ho HmiIh ill no till il hdinur nnd account r fur Un u 1 of tho aovon hiti off Guy llimh. Honttlo'i turitlDK Hudft. couilini-i In m spurt which h;tn t.iriicdj ( hmii fin in tho hi-oihI division ; Intti third Hueo and only 4 J j K nine ii behind Hut A iKl pound ud Ken IJuukIim and illll Miller for 13 ti It it In ilofeutlnt; roitliind, 9 to 7. Hil Turpln, ullovw-d 11 hi (a, went tho roii In for Sent lie. Hob Joyce, O.iklunil riKM-lnind-nr, twlrli'd n fmir Ml iitiin ati the Oak, colled In 1 J off Wayne Oiborno, btH Hollywood ft lo 2. Font nt L"i ADRel"" raw Mun air Truck llnnnn nnd Left Kfdd- r Paul fnrpenier of me Aih:--!" bftnlnhod from the field by Umpiro Wally II nod in Hi- Hint luiiliii; whnn thry uroiiicd hln lr by pro-, totting ovr-vohenieiitly one of his drl nlonn. I Fight Results fly Tho Asoclntrd Prna IIO.VIN'd DALLAS. Tex Chenirr, HI, Nw Loiulnn, ('nun., nut- pointed IrNh Jnhnny ljin, 1 to, rhllndelphln (10). HOLLYWOOD, Cnllf Qllenlln (Tin be I Uroegn, 138, Mnnhnttnii, Km., ami Oeorslo llnnnford, 132, Los AnK'les, drew. (10). ATLANTIC CITY, N. .1 .lno Ploree, 163t, Plillndelphln. UmIi nlrally knm-ked nut Johnny HorhI, HO. Worcester, Muss. (6). COLL'MnUS. Gn H'-n llrnwn. Atlanta, knorked out Pi.tey Mlko. New York (1), mMdlowcdKlits. vii:sTi.ii BT. LOUIS Joo Snvoldl, 30S, Throe Rivers, Mich., ilnnod Chris Zaharlas, 212, Pueblo, Colo., 12:34. NEWARK, N. J n.Miltn Le one. 180, I Inly, threw Jm-klo James, 18S, Now York, i'i:2b. ROCK IN HORIZONTAL l,7Stono of flnltcry pic tured hero. 11 Cuckoo. 12 European had. H To classify. 16 God of war. 17 Sound of a bell. 10 Stream. 20 Sorrowful. 21 Pound. 22 Goodby. 24 Wild ox. Answer to Previous Tuzzle HlOiWjA OiDlTAL oik "usnxms," Tl aIri p BI 1M lE'Ei3lTEiwl ni aEJa tie BflRiCIS irBsai n i a i t I e EgAi d ES5iwi IT A ' O N ta. 5 N!CIEB1EH3!AIMA E A eHmTImmJtHu R A L Ejsl I iNlDlE IN t a howar D t?j tsassa IT AIL I D I Al MflL) A MIL Y 25 Waysldo hotel. FlogRlng 27 Shower, soundly 20 Monkey, 31 Chaos. 32 Musical character. 34 Postscript. 35 Seizes. 38 Varnish Ingredient. 40 To rely. 42 Pronoun. 43 Window ports, SOSpnln. 62 Lubricated. 53 To give medical care. SSAulo repair shop. 67 Compound ethers. 50 Many legends ol arc woven around 1 45 wrath. 40 Myself, It. 60 Purposes, 7T""5 a i tT"l v a io rr r"jp o is i? "- I? 10 TP1! 19 51 1- j" J3T hVr5T 35" it y I r"'i6 TSao 'ii LT : Wr llZZZZEMl. '1- Rambles Six Miles Per Minufe WJm iw 3. m it ,- fmrnmrn r; Cupuiin OciirKo K. i KyMun OKln I ct nn official rrrord - but ncvcrtlicle.ji. he rtached n speed of 300 inhra per hour on Ulnh's Honnevlllo mill tints. Tha eleclrlc c;yc of tin- llinlriu d'.vhc rcrordrd 347 miles per hour on the first trip, but went out of order on the roliirn trip, when experts snld he hit Mu mllcB per hour. "I'll try again." Byston declared, lie's ah'jwn in his Thunderbolt." BED SOX READY rnfi wrrn qnmq U VULLU UUIIU Local Nine Determined to Carry Playoffs Into Third (lame I'l.WOI T KTlVIIIMiH (Sciiil'I'IniiU) W. L. IM. I M I IlilU 1 a looo .0 1 .000 0 1 .000 ItrililiilK Wrt-d born . .... Klaninlh Knlls Putmmulr IniMit nn inukliiH It two allien ialKlu over (he Kliimalli KuIIh lt.i Sox, Die liurd hltllnu Wetd Souk of Italy Inwidu Kluninth KnlU Sunday for tho no to mi icumo of tho lliiec Kainti KerleH to bo played nt t ho lorn I fairgrounds. L:tht we k the ii il Sox wvro htiinbb-d by biu John t.unduei I, K-l, In th ( iillfoi nla town, col luctliiK only nix bliiKlcti off tho towcMlnj; rlKhthunder and scoilnic In only tho first Inning. Tho Weed Soum are nnxloiin to cotn pletn th' m ini fhinln In two Raises tf at nil poniibb- nnd In (Ihh way oftrn a W'k of rrt rhould i'uo ltoddlnK Uiiiirtinulr feud Inot tho full throo KinneB. A win for tho Hetf Sox on their homo diamond Sunday would put l hem ilKht back lu tho pennant chajie. The localn turned out for Ihreo cvenhiKH of praclicu thla week luul am all ready to look over tho ulanis of tho bit; Italian hurler aK"ln. Local fans aro look'tijj to Clydo CarlMtrom, Klam ath chueker. t turn bin k tho In- union of (he Latin Iiovh nnd lire hoping that thy Sox nhiKRers will solve tho uccurato InirlliiK of Lnu i luce l for more than six Initio hits IlllR week. Tho ttmo tho Weed Sons played In Klamath, (heir team wan weakened by I ho lon of ERIN 13 To weep. 15 Many s come to Elar ncy Castle to sec it, IB Sen bird. 23 To accomplish 24 To be sick. 26 Hospiuil attendant. 28 To assent to. 30 Church parts. 33 Light vessel. 30 Exclnmotion. 37 Devil. H U . l E N!E!Er 3 38 Fat. 30 God of sky. VERTICAL 1 Violent wind. 41 Home of 2 Made of lead. Abraham. 3 Morindin dye. 43 To primp. 4 North 44 Vampire. America. 40 Wise men. 5 Ell. 48 .Seaweed. 6 Warbler. 40 Birds' home. 7 Measure. 51 Free theater 8 Bone. ticket. 9 Water wheels, 52 Native metnl. 10 Great lake. 54 Five and live. 1 this stone 56 Measure of mnkes one a area. blnrncyer. 58 Road. iHiEISI B?. P L E mE'ScIAISITI nAjMHT4!!E Marines to "1 X Vi s 4 F.V.1 r"y fVIM 1 w l--vK--Vt5;'ii Pretty Hetty Lou Johnson, lfl-ycnr-old sharpshooter from Park rifihl. 111., rci;s and sets report ndvicc from Marine Privnte Clyde Pitts ;it the National KimV and Pistol Matches nt Camp Perry, O. Petty Ixm, ji junior champion.ship entry, is just one of 4000 marks men who are blazinfi away at hundreds of targets which stretch for two miles nlonp. Lake Erii Jlocchl, flashy flint packer, who, ; wiih out with an Injured back Lniiduccj ;i1mi was uuahlu to biiii! duo to an Injured elbow. Iloth I boys nro back In the lineup now for tho flnnl pennant drive. and I il much Htendli-r and !;i ror.cer nine will represent the Wed S'tus thnu tho fans loohid over before. The Soiih pluyed hiiu;;-up basrlmll In ! Weed lafit week, completing a niimlior of doublo plays and crack- j lug out n number of extra baso lilts, Including a homer, a lrlplnn hour, nnd of them My Sin and and a double besides a mess of singles. Should tho Hod Sox win Sun day, thu toss of it coin will decide whero tho final game, of the series will bo played next week. Natur ally both tenniH lire anxious to hnvo homo games to pleaMo loyal fans. Last year tho lied Sox went to tho finals In tho playot'r whllo tho Weed Sons woro ullmimttcd in tho semi-finals by tho Mi. Shastn nine. .Manager tinippl Is deter mined to smvlvu tile semi-finals this season lis ho believes his hoys hnvo a wondeiiul cliaucu to lako tho finals from either ltedding or Dunsinulr. Tlio Sons won the leaguo flag back In !Klti and are usually right up Hi tho running each season. On tho other hand. Klamath Falls went clear through to tho finals In 193 7, losing tho pomiunl by one game. Tho Hed Sox are doternilned to glvo tho opposition a real struggle lu tho trophy rnco and will bo In there battling ovory Inning. A big crowd Is ex pected for tho crucial game, to be called promptly nt 2:30 i. m. Annual Speedboat Regatta Launched On Detroit Water DIOTItOlT. Sept. s (!) A eouplo of dozen or nioro powcr- bonla of various sizes and engine power wero tuned up toilny ready for tha annual regatta that reaclios Its climax on Labor day In tho 35th raco for tho gold cup that symbolizes tho speedboat champ ionship of North America. Tho rogntln gols under way Oils atlornoon with a serios of races for hydroplanes of tho 225 and 725-cuhic Inch class. Most of Iho 725'b represent Louisville, Ky., nnd Ohio rltles, whllo tho 2-Ti's conio from various lnldwest- orn polnla. Sunday's program Is given over to cruiser races. lClght b p e o tl craft, sonto of 00 miles nn hour, hnvo boon nom inated for tho gold cup, which llerh Mendelson of Detroit will defend Mondny with a new Notre Dame. Leading tho competition will ho Count Then linssl nnd his Alngl, which finished Borntul to Mondnlsnn In both tho gold cup and Iho president's trophy raco on tho Potomac last year. Olhers namod fvr Iho foalttro THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. Slight But No Record the Rescue ra o Monday nro Horace F. Dodpe'H veteran Dolphin IX and liis newly built Kxcuso Me; K. A. Wilsons Mis Canada III of In Kersoll. Out.; James Warnle An di'rson'fi Wnrnln of Louisville Daniel Arena's Miss Golden (inte of Oakland, Calif., and Zalmon II. Simmons' My Sin of Green wich, C'onn. Several of the hoatB still have to qualify by demonstrating their ability to travel nt least 65 miles Kxcuse Me already have developed mechanical difficulties that may koep them out of tho starling heat Monday afternoon. Tho gold cup race will be run In three 30-mile heats over a threc-niilo oval course in the Do- trolt river off tho piers of tho De troit Yacht club. Baseball I-'rldny's Results PACIFIC COAST I.KAGl E n. ii. e. Sacramento 3 S 0 San Diego 0 7 0 Walker nnd Frnnks; Herbert and Detoro. P.. H. E. Seattle 9 13 2 Portland 7 11 2 Turpln and Sptndcl; Douglas, Miller and Dickey. R. H. E. San Francisco 3 10 3 Los Angeles 5 7 1 (lllison and Spring; Bush and Collins. R. H. E. Hollywood 2 4 1 Oakland ... 6 12 2 Osborne nnd Annunzlo; Joyce nnd Knlmondl. NEW YORK, Sept. 3 (P) Tho greatest polo stars of three con tinents will ride Into the annual national open chnmplonshlp at Moadowbrook's historic Interna tional field beginning tomorrow afternoon with tha opening game between tho Circentree and Jaguar fours. From Englnnd, Argentina and the United States players have gathered for the most Important event of tho domestic polo senson. Four teams Including old West bury, tho defending champion, will play Sunday and Monday. L MOTHPROOF Dry Cleaning Evory Garment Mothproofed at No Extra Cost STANDARD DYERS & CLEANERS 140D Esplanade, Phone 8110 I KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Lead TO EAGE PETE Aging Alvin Counting on Arm breaker to Thwart Belcastro Threat Alvin the Annbreaker, some times known as ex-Champion Ilrllt, moves Into the armory wrestling arena Tuesday night, and his immediate objective will be to humble, subdue, pulverize and otherwise quash one Pete Belcastro. Alvin the Armbrcakor has a large task cut out for him. His aforementioned opponent, fore boding spirit who has been cast ing gloom and despair amid the grappling ranks and arousing sen timents of alarm, If not outright terror, among the wrestling fol lowers for lo, these several woeks, Is not an easy personage to bumble, subdue, pulverize or otherwise quash. Indeed, Master Belcastro will represent Just about as unwhole some a dish as could be set be fore Armbreaking Alvin. Too many wrestlers, Including such lustrous and hardy fellows as Joe Smollnskl, Sockeye Jack McDon ald and Mlko Strellch, have gagged upon such fare during the very recent past lo make it qualify as the sort of diet a grappling prescriptionisl would recommend. But do not worry too much at least not prematurely about Brother Alvln's powers of diges tion. Ho lost to World Cham pion Dude Chick once on an other occasion he had the title holder hanging on the ropea at tho end of the hour's time limit but otherwise his armory rec ord Is unimpeachable. He has sent many a foe scuttling just when his own hopes seemed darkest, and usually with the armbreaker, that dread rope ma neuver which drops the opposi tion in cringing and helpless ngony lo tho floor. And do not fret lest Alvin has abandoned his prize tactics or that it has grown rusty and thus tailed him. Word has seeped In from Spokane that In a team match there not long ago Alvin and his brother, Floyd, combined against Dude Chick and his brother, Bobby, and that, before the evening was over, armbreak ers had both the brothers Chick groveling on tho tapestry. So, almost without question, Belcastro Is up against the stern est test of bis current local stand in Tuesday night's main event, and very possibly he is face to face with a definite interruption in his victory siring. On the other hand, Brltt has yet to be formally introduced to Pete's new "mystery hold, wicked surfboard punctuated by kicks in the small of the back. Tbat, too may make a difference, Tho rest of Tuesday night's bill will find Sockeye McDonald forming a one-man welcoming committee for Bulldog Ken Hollis on the latter ruffian's return from other wrestling fields; and Mike Strelich and Juan Sebas tian, both conquerors of Bobby Chick, meeting to decide which one best deserved to beat the former light heavyweight champ. Both the McDonald-Hollis and tho Strellch-Sebastlan battles are scheduled to be contested under the Australian round system. Strellch and Sebastian will mix 1 1 rat, tho other pair taking bill ing as semt-windup artists. Salem Girls Win Northwest Title SALEM, Sept. s (P) The Pade-Barrick Softball team of Salem claimed the northwest girls' championship last night after defentlng the Washington champion. The Owls, a Seattle Negro girls team, 8 to 6 and 20 to S In a doubleheader. Madeline Morgan slugged a home run with two on bases to break up the first game, in which the Owls led most of the way. ASTORIA, Ore., Sept. S UP) A GaJ-pound salmon came to gaff yesterday, and Jerry Nlilch, As toria, took the lead In the annual salmon derby, held here In con nection with the Astoria regatta. Nlzich's catch surpassed the previous big fish of Axel Englund. Astoria, taken the opening day of the derby. It weighed 441 pounds. SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. S (P) Topnotch marksmen from the western states stepped to the fir ing line today as the three-day central zone Pacific International Trapshootlng association meet opened here. Marksmen will fire at 200 tar gets today in the PITA central tone singles championship. B ITT AHMED Chinese Herbs Herbs are compounded to meet the needs of the Individual. The use of herbs for nil human ailments are tested and handed through tho ages. They are being used dally. Come today Consultation free Prices reasonable. Y. S. Lee Herb Company 415 S. 9th Street, Klamath Falls Open Daily 9 a. in. to 6 p. m. in Pennant Hold Everything! I . n X ' . can, mi by ni stiver, ikc J-i s "I told you you'd gel it caught some day if you didn't slop sliding down the banister." Medal Tourney Under Way At Reames Course A 36 -hole medal score golf tournament for the club champ ionship Is now under way over the Reames fairways, with en trants given up until Sunday night, September 11, to complete play. Bill Hutchison, club pro, said the 26 holes might be played either all at once or In two sep arate rounds of 18 boles each. He stipulated, however, that each contestant notify him immediate ly before starting play. Other wise, he said, scores would not be accepted. The tournament Is a no-handl-cap affair. Sport Briefs By EDDIE BRIETZ 1VJEW YORK, Sept. 8 OP) 1 Well, readers, our chances of getting off to a one, two start in the Davis cup matches don't look so hot, what with the drawing coming out as It did , . , Those Dodgers skidded so badly In the west that one scribe with the team wired back he has plumb forgot how to spell "win" ... If they let Tony Canzonerl 'and Barney Ross fight again somebody ought to be arrested , . . Our nomination for the best major league man agerial job of the season goes to smart old Bill McKechnie out in Cincy. This weather we're hav ing up here turns one's thoughts to hot dogs and flying footballs . . . It won't be long now. If the Pirates crash into the world series the odds against them would be 14 to 5 in James J, Carroll's big St. Louis book . . . Apparently Joe DiMagglo haa his eye on one of those autos the breakfast food concern is giving away ... As soon as the fans started going to the polls for their favorite outfielder, Joe crashed in with three triples In one game. Minnesota's squad this year will be patterned after the old Thundering Herd model. Per Line Afternoons Except Sat. and Sun. Enter Your Team Now for League Play Bowlers' Gardens 6th and Klamath Jwes- STANDINGS .NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Pittsburgh 74 49 .602 Cincinnati 68 56 .548 Chicago 68 56 .546 New York 67 56 .545 Boston 61 60 .504 St. Louis 60 65 .480 Brooklyn 55 67 .451 Philadelphia 38 82 .317 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York 86 39 .688 Boston 70 51 .579 Cleveland j. 60 53 .666 Detroit 63 60 .512 Washington 62 63 .496 Chicago 52 67 .437 St. Louis 44 77 .364 Philadelphia 44 80 .355 COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Los Angeles 91 67 .576 Sacramento 89 69 .563 Seattle 86 71 .548 San Diego S2 75 .523 San Francisco ........80 78 .506 Portland 73 85 .462 Hollywood 72 86 .456 Oakland 58 100 .367 MEN'LO PARK, Calif., Sept. 5 ;P Appointment of Walter Hel necke, former Stanford univer sity center, as head football coach of Menlo junior college was an nounced today by President Low ry S. Howard. He will be assist ed by Roy Hughes, former Uni versity of Oregon athlete. DEL MAR, Calif., Sept. 3 (.P) Bing Crosby's consistent High Strike ranked as favorite among eight three-year-olds for the J2000 added Long Beach handi cap at the Del Mar track today. Others entered in the mile race are Bonnie Sea, Roulnx Routine, Clarcarole, Sky Lanty, Tedium, Cayenne and Gypsy Minstrel. SEE THE MATCHES! Tuesday. Phone for Ticket Reservations Klamath Billiards . Phone 1127 The Smoke Phone 175 Waggoner's Drug Phone 9 The Waldorf Phone 342 PAGE NINE Race New Yorkers Rise Date From Return of Joe's Batting Eye FRIDAY'"- RESULTS American League Boston 4, New York 6. Washington 4, Philadelphia t. (Only games scheduled). National League Rt. Louis 11, Pittsburgh 10. (Only game scheduled). By The Associated PTOM It's safe to walk the streets again around Mulberry Bend and "Little Italy." Joe DIMagglo'i rolling. Down' in those sections of tha East Side they take their base ball seriously. And when DIMag wasn't going so well, fathers went around snarling at bamolnos, and mothers kept their pots empty of the ravioli. It you mentioned baseball well, you took tha near est exit. Then the fans who turn out in the big Bronx ballyard to see the Yankees play began to hand Joe their specialty the Bronx cheer in huge quantities. Then Joe wheeled out his heavy artillery and let the hits fall where they might.- And from the time he started to roll again dates the march of the Yanks out ot second place Into a 14-game lead in the American league and a spot where they've all but clinch' ed their third straight champion ship. In the 67 gamea that have con stituted the Yankee landslide to their commanding position, Guls eppe the people's choice In Little Italy has been hitting at a .350 clip, has scored 79 runs, driven in 86 and hit 44 extra base blows, 10 ot them homers. He clouted three-for-four Friday, Including homer No. 27 for the season, and drove in four runs in pacing the Yanks to a 6-4 win over the Bol ton Red Sox, which made big Red Ruffing the first 20-game winner ot the year in the big leagues. Joe's three hlta boosted his batting average to .333 for the season, and right now he's In a spot where he may finish with the American 1 e a g u e hitting championship. In the lone National league pennant engagement, the pace setting Pittsburgh Pirates spotted the St. Louis Cardinals 11 runa In three innings and then Just missed overtaking them a the Gas House Gangsters pulled out an 11-10 decision. This left the Bucs with a 61 game lead over the Chicago Cubs and Cincinnati Reds, deadlocked In second place. Al Simmons led the Senatora to a 4-2 victory over the Athletics. The pounding Pole, who this sea son has set a new all-time record for a Washington home-run hit ter, clouted his 20th ot the cam paign and chipped In a run-making double to back up young Ken Chase's seven-hit flinging. The new Soviet airship, the USSR-V-10, is now ready tor its final test flight. It carries a crew ot eight and has two 100 h. p. engines. 8:30 P. M. Thrills Spills Ba There at the Ringside Tuesday! Dl IG SPURS YANKS TO TOP