The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 03, 1938, Page 6, Image 6

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    September 3, 1938
Th6 Women of the Moose
hold IhBlr regular meeting
Tuesdav evening, August the
twenty-third. In the KC hell
with Junior Regent Kathleen
Hephurn presimng. h was in
elded to start the Homemakln
..I..K mm Oanlamhir ninth at th
home of Mary Kauble at Modoc
Chairman of the Social Serv
ice committee, Mnrgarct John
eon, reported that a marVer
had been placed on a deceased
co-worker's grave. Mooseheart
teas were held at the homes of
Blanche Dixon. Margaret John
son, Betty Wood and Marie
The next regular meeting
win ha hnld nn Seotember
thirteenth. Visiting members
re Invited to attend.
Poe Valley Party
Given During Week
ley Home Economics club and
community gave the newly
weds, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rob
erts, a party and shower on
Thursday evening, August
twenty-fifth at the community
hall In Poe Valley.
The bride was formerly Miss
Viola Webber, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Webber, and the
groom Is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Eddie Roberts.
Tbe young couple are both
members of the grange and the
bride Is an active member of
the club.
The evening began by play
ing games with music furnished
by A. D. Roberts and daughter,
Betty May Roberts.
After games were played for
some time and all the guests
bad arrived tbe bride and
groom opened packages and
found many beautiful and use
ful gifts.
Supper was then served and
tbe remainder of the evening
spent In dancing.
, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roberts
are making their home in Poe
Valley and are at home to their
Sewing Club Is
The Thursday Sewing club
of Mt. Laki met at the home of
Mrs. Frelda Enman on August
the twenty-fifth. On this occa
sion Mrs. Leona Quails was
complimented with a shower
. on her birthday anniversary.
Those who enjoyed the af
ternoon were Mrs. Lola Hill,
Mrs. Dorotby Jackson, Mrs.
Winneta Brannon, Mrs. Flor
ence Delap, Mrs. Gladys Chey
ene, Mrs. Leona Hayse, Mrs.
Leona Quails, Mrs. Jeannette
Jackson, Mrs. Mamie BrandeJ
sky, Mrs. Olive Marshall, Miss
Oretchen Semon, Miss Irene
Blankenshlp and the hostess,
Mrs. Enman.
The next meeting of the
group will be held at the home
of Mrs. Brandejsky at which
time Mrs. Dorotby Jackson and
Mrs. Jeannette Jackson will be
complimented with a birthday
Annual Picnic of
IOOF Held on Sunday
The annual picnic of Klam
ath lodge, IOOF, and Rebekah
Prosperity lodge. No. 104, was
held at the Crooked Creek fish
hatchery near Fort Klamath on
Sunday of this past week.
More than 200 gathered at
the grounds for the day and a
potluck luncheon was served
at tbe noon hour.
Games were played during
the 'afternoon and pictures of
Klamath scenery awarded as
prises to those who won the
different events.
Mrs. DeVee Stlnton was
. chairman for the Rebekah
lodge and J. J. Lewis di
rected games for the Odd
Plant Made To
Sponsor Party
The Ladies auxiliary to the
Brotherhood of Railroad Train
men met Thursday afternoon,
August twenty-fifth, at the
KC hall. Plans are being made
to sponsor a public pinochle
card party to be held Thurs
day evenfne. Kentamhpr tha
eighth, at the KC hall at eight
o'clock. All members are re
quested to sponsor One or more
Prizes will be given and re
freshments served. The com
mittee Includes chairman, Mrs.
Beatrice Wilkes, assisted by
Mrs. Viva Bonney and Mrs.
Myrtle Guthrie. The regular
business meeting will be held
Thursday afternoon, Septem
ber eighth, at two o'clock.
Weo Eight Club Ha
Party at Blind Horn
Members of the Wee Eight
club met on Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Er
hardt J. Blind of Altamont.
Pinochle was played with high
score given to Mrs. 0. O.
8chaeffer and low to Mrs. Nick
Nelson. Mrs. Schaeffer was also
complimented on the occasion
of her birthday and received a
gift from the club members.
The next meeting of the
group will be held at the home
of Mrs. R. M. Copinger.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stelnselfer
and friends who will Join them
here from Portland plan to
spend the Labor Day weekend
at Reno, Nevada,
Hill, Mrs. D. Savage and Mrs.
O. Goddard honored Mrs. Dale
Bnxter with a shower at the
Commonwealth hall the after
noon of August eighteenth.
The hall was beautifully
decorated with bowls and vases
of late summer flowers, and
the motif used in many other
decorations was very much In
keeping with the occasion.
Mrs. Baxter was the recipient
of many beautiful and useful
gifts, and, after the opening of
the lovely presents, cards
proved the diversion of the
The door prize was given to
Mrs. Fred Grant and high hon
ors at bridge went to Mrs. J. C.
Following cards refresh
ments were served by the hos
tesses to the following: Mrs.
Cal Nelson. Mrs. A. Keboe, Mrs.
A. Jacobson. Mrs. E. Purrtin,
Mrs. William Meyers. Mrs.
J. C. Kauble, Mrs. William
Hartman, Mrs. Pelton and
daughter, Mrs. W. B. Bickers.
Mrs. H. Stahlc. Mrs. Fred
Grant, Mrs. Jerry RIcker. Mrs.
Orvin Nelson, Mrs. Stanley
Lloyd, Mrs. G. Oddy, Mrs. Wil
liam Helm, Mrs. Melvin Van
derhoff, Mrs. Arthur Davidson,
Mrs. Wilber McFarling. Mrs.
Balcom, the honor guest. Mrs.
Baxter, and the hostesses.
Lucky Pinochle
Club On Thursday
Mrs. Katherlne Crowson en
tertained the Lucky Thursday
Pinochle club September first
at her home on Darrow street.
Those attending were Mrs. Phil
Evans. Mrs. Helen Miner. Mrs.
Fannie Goddard, Mrs. Maggie
Upton. Mrs. Millie Sackett, Mrs.
Katherlne Billings, Miss Nona
Hall. Mrs. Clara Martin. Guests
were Mrs. Oscar Young, Mrs.
L. E. Henry and Louise Borton.
High score and the traveling
prize were given to Mrs. Helen
Miner and low to Mrs. Phil
Evans. Refreshments were
served by the hostess during
the afternoon. The club will
meet with Mrs. Maggie Upton
on Bailey Way, Thursday, Sep
tember fifteenth. A potluck
luncheon will be served at noon.
Sew and Rip Club
Hat Moor Park Meet
Tbe Sew and Rip Sewing
circle held Its annual meeting
on August twenty-sixth at
Moore park. A potluck dinner
was served at noon and Mrs.
Ona Bagley was hostess for
the day.
The next meeting of the
group will be held September
the ninth at the home of Mrs.
Ruth Campbell on Altamont
Drive. The circle presented a
set of pottery to Mrs. Marie
Sehorn on the occasion of her
Guests of the afternoon were
Mrs. Opal Bower of Westmore
land, Kansas, and Mrs. Gladys
Thursman, Mrs. Marie Sehorn,
Mrs. Esther Roberts, Mrs. Ruth
Campbell, Mrs. Nora Shepherd,
Mrs. Nettle Sparks, Mrs. Flora
Cardoza, Mrs. Ruth Sehorn,
Mrs. Edna Anderson and Mrs.
Mary Hanson.
Thimble Club
Members Entertained
The Thimble club of Neigh
bors of Woodcraft met Tuesday
afternoon, August twenty
third, at the home of Mrs. Ellen
Ely on Nevada street. Mrs. Ely
was hostess to three tables of
pinochle which was In session
following a short business
meeting. High score was
awarded to Mrs. Meredith
Ezell; second high to Mrs. Noy
McDanlels, and low to Mrs.
Helen Gulovson, a visitor here
from Oregon City.
The Thimble club will meet
Tuesday, September alxth, at
the home of Mrs. Ellen Ely on
Nevada street with Mrs. O. E.
Schupp as hostess.
Social Club
Group Hat Meet
JL nleaSflnt tftAFnnnn vram
spent by members of the Re-
oeican social ciub at the borne
of Mrs. Myrtle McCullough on
Conger avenue. Aiienst twentv-
fourth. The table was attrac
tively set under a large Weep
ing Willow for A watermelon
feed. As there was no especial
business to be discussed, the
meeting was adjourned after a
social afternoon until Septem
ber. Mrs. Otto Mlkkelsen enter
tained for members of her
bridge club on Tuesday after
noon. Honors In cards went to
Mrs. H. A. Wenzel and Mrs.
J. G. Llnkenbacb. Among the
guests were Patricia Ann and
Lee Bey Wenzel.
Labor Day Celebration
Lake o' the Woods Resort
Only 84 Miles from Klamath Falls
Motor Boat Races, Rowboat Races, Canoe Tilting, Aqua-Plane
Races, Swimming Races, Special Boxing Events.
Fishing, Swimming, Hiking, Motor Boating
Modern Cabins, Trailer Camp, Store, Coffee Shop
For Reservations write Capt. H. F. Phelan, Mgr.
Klamath Falls, Ore.
ber meeting of the Jolly Neigh
bors will be held at the home
of Mrs. Myron Taylor on
Wednesday, September the sev
enth at two o'clock. All mem
bers and their friends are cor
dially Invited to attend. Those
assisting Mrs. Taylor with the
entertaining and refreshments
are Mrs. Millie Sackett, Mrs.
Gertrude Welse, Mis. Florence
Winter and Mrs. Alice Warner.
Friendly Sewing
Club Has Meeting
Members of the Friendly
Sewing club met at the home
of Mrs. Allen Longmire at her
home on Owens street for an
evening of sowing last week.
Following a short business
meeting tho members enjoyed
needlework and It was inter
esting to note how much prog
ress somo of the members,
who are crocheting bed spreads,
had made.
Dessort was served by the
hostess at a late hour to Mrs.
Jack Brandon, Mrs. John
Byers, Mis. Alan Cameron,
Mrs. Alan Croup. Mrs. Gilbert
Moty, Mrs. Ben Trippett, Mrs.
Ralph Wlese, Mrs. Carl Wil
liams and Mrs. Allen Long
mire. Thimble Club
Will Meet Tuesday
the Thimble club of Neigh
bors of Woodcraft will meet
Tuesday afternoon. September
thirteenth at two o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Ellen Ely on
Nevada street. Mrs. O. E.
Schupp will be hostess for the
afternoon. Pinochle will be
played following the business
The social club of the ladles'
auxiliary to the Veterans of
Foreign Wars was entertained
Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Clara Barnett,
Mrs. Loetta Schortgen assist
ing. Tbose present were Net
tie Adams, Theresa Allesch,
Clara Barnett, Mary Christy,
Nettie Galarneau, Nona Lee,
Gladys Lofdahl, Bertha Lund,
Pearl Marin, Noy McDanlels,
Ruby Roufs. and Loetta Schort
gen. While the club members
were busy with needlework, a
sprightly discussion of world
affairs was carried on. A very
Interesting article was read to
the ladles by Mrs. Schortgen.
Luncheon was served by the
In a quiet wedding ceremony
performed by Rev. John W.
Warrell at the Methodist par
sonage In Klamath Falls on
Monday, August twenty-ninth.
Miss Mary Lou Wooley, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Wooley of this city became tbe
bride of Mr. Richard Francis
Johnston of Portland. The cere
mony was performed in the
presence of Mrs. Arthur Wool
ey, mother of the bride and of
Mrs. John W. Warrell. The
young couple win make their
home in Portland where Mr.
Johnston Is working.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Motschcn
bacher and two children of
Roseburg visited In the city
with relatives last weekend, en
route home after a vacation
trip to San Francisco where
they visited Mrs. Motschen
bacher's motber, Mrs. E. L.
Elliott, and her sisters, Miss
Maxine Elliott and Mrs. Reed,
formerly Dorothy Elliott. They
were also guests of Mr. Mot
schenbacher s brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Motschenbacher.
Mrs. F. E. Drake and daugh
ter Betty Lou and Mary Jane,
left Friday for Portland where
they will visit for several days
with relatives.
Mrs. D. D. Havens and two
children have returned to their
home on Pacific Terrace after
spending tbe month of August
at the beach.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church .
St. Paul's Episcopal church.
Eighth and Jefferson. The Rev.
V. E. Newman, rector.
Holy Eucharist at 7:30 and at
10 o'clock a. m. No church school
this Sunday.
Church of Psychic Research
Church nf Psvehl Rm,,mI,
Rev. Delia Houser. format ntn.
of this church, now located In San
rrancisco, will conduct the ser
vices Sunday evening. Measures
to follow.
Return 1-Vn m Vnrrh VanAv
Gaylord returned home this week
from Tacoma, Wash., where she
spent tbe summer with relatives.
Miss Gaylord who makes her home
with ber aunt, Catherine Gaylord,
will be among the students en
rolling for the fall term at Klam
ath Union high school.
To Visit Daughter Mrs. Nellie
Hansbery left Friday evening for
Astoria where she will visit with
her daughter. Mrs Irm i.
art, and other relatives.
News of Klamath Churches
First Christian Church
First Christian church, Pino
street at Ninth. Arthur Charles
Bates, minister. Pastor's study
In church Ninth street entrance.
Phono 10SJ-JV.
Bible school moots at 8:45
a. m. C. 8. Robertson, superin
tendent. Classes for all ages. The
fall work is beginning. All should
begin attending regularly now.
Communion and worship 11
a. ill. Mrs. Mary llnydcn it t the
organ. Observance of the Lord's
supper. Sermon by the pastor.
Topic: "The Black Sheep." This
is the pastor's first message on
his return from his vacation.
Evening services: christian Kn
deavor at 7 p. m. Three socle
ties. Young people nre Invited
to attend.
Evening worship service at S
p. in. Song services under tho di
rection of the young people. Pas
tor's message will be on "What
Hath God Wrought?" He will
describe some of the very Inter
esting places visited ami somo of
the experiences he hail during Ills
recent trip through six north
western states.
You are most cordlallv invited
to worship with us at the hirst
Christian church this Stiiuluy
morning and evening.
First Baptist Church
First Baptist church. Eighth at
Washington. "Tho Church with
a Message." Rev. Cecil c. Brown.
pastor. Residence S04 North
Second street. Phone 21S5-W.
Bible school 9:45 a. m. George
O. Welch, superintendent. A
growing school with classes for
all age groups. Morning worship
11 a. m. Sermon by Kev. "Hob
Milam. Subject, "Compromise."
The BTU meets at 7 p. m. un
der the direction of Mrs. Ttielmu
Tunnel!. A union for every ngu
group with Interesting topics for
each, weekly discussion. The clos
ing message of the revival meet
ing will be delivered by the Itev.
It. E. Milam at S p. m. Subject
"The Golden Wedge."
Midweek service at 7:30 P. in.
Wednesday with Biblo study and
devotional service.
- The WMU meets Thursday at
2 P. m.
First Covenant Church
First Covenant church. S23
Walnut avenue. Gottfred J. An
derson, pastor.
10:30 a. m., Sunday school and
the Swedish service are held sim
ultaneously. "Realities" will be
the subject the pastor will ex
pound at the morning worship.
At the Sunday school session he
will speak on "An Inexhaustible
7:00 p. m., young people's
meeting. Wendell Currier will be
leader. The topic for the meeting
is In line with the significance of
the day and season. It Is "The
Church and the Laboring Man."
7:45 p. m., evening service.
The pastor will speak on the
subject. "The Unknown God."
Thursday, 7:45 p. m., prayer
meeting and choir researsal. This
will be the first assembly of thu
choir" after the summer's vaca
tion. Friday, 7:45 p. m., monthly
meeting of the Ladies' Aid. Elsie
Kjellberg and Mrs. If. T. Carlson
are tbe hostesses. Iris Lindbergh
is chairman of the program co
Community Conqreqational
At the 11 o'clock morning wor
ship service Sunday. James P.
senter, guest speaker, will use
as his theme, "And Him Cruel
fled. A quartet composed of
.Miss t s t h e r Anderson, Miss
Louise 'Mitchell, Neal Owens and
Mr. Senter will sing. Rev. E. V
Haynes, pastor, will conduct the
service of worship.
Sunday school will meet next
Sunday for the last time this
year under the platform teaching
method. The following Sunday
tbe regular class work will begin
with a full staff of teachers.
Frank KUlian la the superinten
Meeting Monday noon at the
First Presbyterian church. A
man's class dedicated to tho
study of God's word. All men
regardless of denomination or
creed, Invited to join us.
Dine Out This
Sea Food Cocktail
or Glass of Wine
Waldorf or Heart of Lettuce with Sliced Tomatoes
Choice of
Roast Young Turkey Dressing Cranberry Sauce
Roast Young Chicken Dressing Baked Apple
Fried Spring Chicken a la Maryland
Special Sunday Steak Mushroom Sauce
Broiled Tenderloin Steak Rasher Bacon
naked Virginia Ham
Creamed Cauliflower
Hot Rolls
Assorted Pies
Special Merchants' Lunch
Klamath Lutheran Church
Klnmnth Lutheran church. L.
K. Johnson, pastor, 2030 I.eltoy
street. Phono 1314 W.
Sunday school every Sunday at
!:30 a. m. at tho Klk hotel,
Worship hour 10:30 a. in.,
every Sunday at the- Klk hold.
Sunday School Teachers Train
ing class ami lllble study Wednes
day evening nt 7: 15.
Choir rehearsal Wednesday
evening at the Klk hotel from S
o'clock until 0:30 p. m.
Ladles' Aid meets September
30 nt tho home of Mrs. Palmer
Sol le. 913 Fulton street.
Beginning with thu first Mon
day In October tho church coun
cil will meet tho first Monday in
every month.
Good men are always preach
ing b' the example of their lives
and In this way they often ilo more
good than others who preach in
tho pulpit. Tlin optimist find
mo grin in grind. The ilieuiu for
September 4 Is "Indecision."
Klamath Lutheran church
earnestly Invites you to Its sorv
Ices, and lo all Its functions. If
you have no church home in tills
city wo sincerely wish to share
our church home with you. If
you are sick or In trouble, our
pastor will bo happy to be of serv
ice to you. "How lovely are Thy
dwellings O Lord God of hosts."
j First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian church,
North Sixth and Pine Streets.
Kev. Theodore smith, pastor,
will speak In the morning. There
will ho no evening service. C. It.
Stanflcld, director of music in
Klamath I'nlon High School, Is
In charge of tho cliolr. Mrs.
Mary Mow Is tho organist.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock,
"Tho Lost Chord," by Sullivan.
Offertory, "Andutiio ltvllgloso,"
Thome. Lewis Hart will sing.
The pastor will speak on "Work
ing for tho Perishable or tho
Eternal." Service closes with or
gan postlude, "Cortngo Nuptial,"
I While there will ho no regular
: evening service, the young peo
j pie will meet for their prayer and
fellowship service at 7 o'clock.
i no liinie school opens at 9:45
In the morning. General superin
tendent, George W. .Mclntvio, In
chnrge. The attendance has been
liniltinnlK.,1 nil ullmn.n.
: and you will bo welcomed, if you j
decide to mako this your school
and your church.
! A pre-prayer service Is held In
tho pastor's study nt 9.40 a. in.
Immanuol Baptist Church
Immanuel Baptist Church. J.
Clarenco Orr., pastor.
The special evangelistic meet
ings under the direction of Itev.
J. R. L. liaslam, of Ilelllnghain,
Wash., win conclude Sunday eve
ning. Wo have had a very fine
Tho morning services will lie
held In the church as usual, and
tho morning subject will he,
"Mako Christ Real." This serv
ice from 11 to 12 o'clock will be
broadcast. The evening service
at 8 o'clock will be In tho big
tent next to the church. Tho eve
ning subject will bo. "Your
Our Biblo school begins nt !:I5
a. m., with classes for tho vvholo
family, In a departmentalized
school. Every boy and girl will
be welcome.
Tho young people will meet at
7 o'clock. .Mr. liaslam will speak
to the young people at this time.
Our mid-week service on
Wednesday evening at 7:30 will
continue the study In the Book
of Romans. Bring your Bible
and study with us.
Keno Baptist Mission
Keno Baptist Mission, H. V.
McGee, leader.
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Church service 11a. m.
The subject for Sunday's
preaching service will bo "Popu
lar Amusements and the Chris
tian Life."
Many of the questions concern
ing Bome of the present day
amusements will be answered In
this service.
Thursday evening we will start
the course of study on "Practical
Christian Work." This will be a
course taking several weeks to
complete. Bring your note book
and pencil.
Puree Mongols
Raisin Sauce
Glazed Sweet Potatoes
Christian Endeavor
Young people's society (for
thosu between tho ages of 20 and
Topic: My Right In Work,
Leader: Davn Reynolds,
Pro-prayer mooting nt 0:45
p. in. C. 10. at 7 p. in.
It la both my prlvtlegn and my
duly to work. Am I lulling prop
er advantage of my right? Am I
discharging my duly In an ac
ceptable iiiaiiner?
Senior society (young people of
high school age.)
Topic: My Right to Work,
Louder: Olive Clapp.
Pro-prayer meeting nt 8:45;
C. K. nt 7 p. m.
1 hnvo no right lo fold my
hands and expect good things to
come to me, and l hnvo every
right to work for a living and
for tho furtherance of God's king
dom. Junior society (boys and gltis
bolow high school age.)
Topic: Ktxlng Our llosllnnlloii.
Advisor: Eleanor Evans.
In tho Jon me v of 1 1 Co wo must
decide which way we nre going.
First Church of Christ,
First Church of Christ. Scien
tist, corner Tenth and Washing,
ion streets.
Sunday school at 9:30. Morn
ing service at 11 o'clock.
Subject: ".Man."
Testimonial mooting Wednes
day evening nt 8 o'clock. This
church mnlntaltiB reading rooms
In tho First National Hank build
ing, rooms 313-313, where the
lliblo, writings by Mary Baker
Kddy, and anthorlird Christian
Science literature may no read,
borrowed or purchased. Tho read
ing room Is open dally from 7:30
In the morning until 9:30 o'clock
In the oveulug. An attendant Is
In charge from 12 to 1 o'clock iiid
from 2:30 until 4:30 oxcepl Sun
days and holidays.
Zion Lutheran Church
Zlou Lutheran church, 1025
High street, G. W. lloflmuiin,
The Sunday morning worship
hour begins at 11 o clock. All
are welcome at our services.
Sunday school, with classes for
all children, meets at 9:45 u in
The Sunday school teaetuTs'
I us t It ii I o will meet next Wedncs
dny evening at 8 o'clock.
The children's insl ruel Ion class
for confirmation will begin Its
sessions Saturday afternoon, Sep
tember 10. If ynu have children
or know of children for such a
class, pleaso notify iho pastor.
Klamath Temple
Klamath Temple. 1007
line f
street. Hoc Roy E. Southard
pastor. Phono 2355-11.
Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.
Sermon. 11 a. m. Rev. Hart
Ovorcotner's meeting
6:45 j
p. m.
Sermon. 7:45 p. m. Rev. Hart
Bible study on Wednesday
night, 7:45 p. m. Gospel hour
KKJl. Tuesday, S p. m.
waiting for water to heat by old-fashioned,
inadequate methods. An automatic, electric
hot water system installed in your home will
provide hot water at just the right tempera
ture 24 hours a day as constant as your cold
water supply. Economical, convenient, perfect
service. Why1 not phone for particulars nov
The California
Altamont Community
Prosbytorlan Church
Morning worship sol vice nt 11
o'clock at which lliuo I'aslnr 11.
W, Whealley will speak on thu
subject: "Men Whom Hod Struck
Head." A soul stirring message
from Iho Old Testament present
ed In Now Testament type, lllble
school meets si I 9:45 a. in. Classes
for nil ages. Mrs. Hoy Noiidol Is
Iho I one her nf the women's lliblo
class, liiator Whealley Is the
teacher of Iho men's fellowship
class, High school ago moot
with Mrs. Whealley, A. C. Olson,
Parents attending the worship
service may send their children
Inln junior church under adult
All services are hold In the
Junior high school, A cordial In
vitation In extended lo all living
In this community to attend llieso
First Methodist Church
First Methodist church, coiner
of North Tentli and High slrnols.
John W. Warrell. pastor. Itosl-
deuco t00i High street. phono
Sunday next will bo observed
as Labor day lu tho services of
tho church. Tho church school
will begin at 9:45 a. in. offer
ing lo all an opportunity for
praise and lllble study.
Morning worship at 10:55 o'
clock with the pastor In charge.
Tho special music will Include
"Tho Lord's Prayer," Wolilfell by
Iho girls' chorus and vocal duel
"Whispering Hope."' Hawthorne,
by Dorothy and Mnxlno Lauren
son. Tho themo of tho sermon
will ho "Christ's Invitation to Iho
Worker." Miss Miriam Smith will
be at tho plnilo.
There will not be any evening
servico becauso of Labor day.
Church of the Naiarona
Church of Tho Nazareiie. cor
ner Martin street and Harden
avenue. It.'v. II. L. Russell,
pastor. 2132 Orchard avenue.
Sunday school, 9:45, classes
(or ail ages. Summer vacation Is
over and wo all start back to
school nod work, so why not
start to Sunday school. You will
find a friendly group nt tho
Naareno school.
Morning services. 11 o'clock,
with the pastor preaching.
Young People's service. 8:20
p. m. evangelistic services, 7:30
p. m.
Prayer meeilng Wednesday eve
ning. 7:30 o'clock.
Lattor Day Saints
Tho Latter Day Saint church
holds regular services nt tho pub
lic library auditorium. Fifth strool
nnd Klamath avunuo. Sunday
jchool at 10:30 a. m. and evening
jorviccs at 7:30 p. m. Tho Itrllof
society will meet tho second Tuoa.
day of each month during the
summer months at 3 p. in for
their regular business and work
moating. Tbe Mutual Improve
ment association meets each Tues
day evening at 7:30 p. m.
Oregon Power
7 f
Modoo Point Baptist Mission
Mndne Point Baptist Mission,
K. V. .oil, superintendent,
Sunday school nl 10 a. m., Mrs.
A. H, 'Ml, superintendent.
Worship service, 11 a, lu,
Prayer service 11:30 a, in.
Tho topic for I he morning ser
vice will bo Iho second In llie
seiles on Iho Holy llplrll, consid
ering lllm as ft lonelier, it you
do not liuiivv much about tla
spirit or do mil bellovo In 1 1 1 m,
coma lo Hie morning worship ser
vice and your ijiiestlons may he
answered by tho lllliln.
"Coiiio let us reason together,
mii It li tho Lord."
Apostolic Faith
A cordial Invitation Is eitoud
ed to tho public to come and
enjoy Iho services nt the Apos
tolic Faith church, 128 North
Kiglilh street.
Sunday services nl 10:80 a. m.
nnd an uvnugollsllo servico at
7:45 P. III. Sunday school Hun
day mnruliiK nt 9: U0 o'clock.
A sacred coiicorl of miislo by
Iho orchestra opens each Sunday
evening servico, Tho orchestra eu-
compaules t h o congregational
Services ench Tuesday, Wodnes.
day and Friday ovenlnis at I
o'clock. No collections,
Biblo Baptist Church
lllble Baptist church, corner of
Hotilh Sixth street and Millers
lane, III', C, II. tassel, minister.
initio school at 9:45 a. in.
Classes for all ages.
Morning worship at 10:45
u'clock. Tho subject of tbo ser
mon will bo "A Hludy In lbs
Hook of 1 lvtor." You will find
thcNo expositions both interesting
and helpful.
KAMI' sim; iiai-tint mission
Tho East Side lluptlsl Mission
moots evory Sunday morning at
9:45 o'clock lu tho Duke building
over the East Hide pharmacy for
regular lllble school ami clusi
work. Mrs. Hay lliiusuhci Is sup
eiinioiidliig Ibis work which Is
being sponsored by the Klrst Hup
list church. Classes fur all age
groups under tho direction of com
petent teachers. Everybody wel
come. .Men's I'nlon Pro)er Meeilng
Wo will moei at the First Mo-
Ihodlst church at 8:30 Sunday
morning, September 4.
Let us give more serious ntten.
(Ion lo our prayer life, men. W
n I It.
To Every
Creed and Purs
Funeral Home
Iran High HL
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ward,
I. . I - W 1