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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1938)
y September 2, 1938 Retail TRADE STILL FALL OF 1937 KKW YOI1K, Hpl. 1 (API Ratall liny Iiik at lcndlnx centers of distribution this c..k n"i' fd I to 6 per rent alm- In nl weak but liK"cl 5 n 7 per rrni tindar last rear tor the country as a whole, Ilun l!iiiilln-i't ported loila)'. "With crop money ami lurcr induatrlal pnyrnlls bnglniittiK to filter Into retail i-)i n 11 1 1 I n. trmlc Tolunn moved iipwiinl In many ksjr centers." tin credit HKcncy aalrt. Wholesale liuylng. ! 'I' n In creased spot order, was "slllthl ly lower" thll work than last and ran 10 to ! ir cent tinder tha llkn week nf 10.17. "VeerlnK friini suinnicr mer chandise, consumer InK'roal ccn larad morn definitely In full r- nlinnii " lh iifnnrv nsst'l't- d. "In the foreground woro women's dresses, ni I I I I n r y . sportswear. hndlK and slims. "Heavier vnlunio In tloor rov. rlnia, furnlturn. china. Kluss and whlla aoods madn merchants mora optlmlatlc about August av raioa, which had been sharply depressed earlier this nionth by unfavorable shopping; weather." Of wholesale trends, theati'ticy aald: 'TUMn orders of olothlnn and nous furnlahlnica and rciular atock buying, of achool supplies contributed moat heavily to wholaaal volume during the waak. Daaplta tha prevailing dullnaaa In many lines which would normally ba at seasonal peaks, aentlment brightened aa rldanca of reduced retail hold ing multiplied "Replacement demand for floor envarlngs aproad mer a wide rani of fabrlca. with hrcidlncinn and orientals In tho lead. "Rlalni lumbar value helped to atlmulata calla for furniture, roluma cantering In tha medium price bracket. " Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK. Sept. 3 t.V A alow-apaed rally lifted selected atocka fraction to around to polnta In today a market. fttaela, motor, rubbers, mall ordera and specialties wore In the forefront of tha upward Jaunt. Eitrame gains In aomo cases were reduced by light profit taking near tha close, hut many Issues finished at or near tho hesi murks of tha day. With tha ticker litpa doing lit tla mora than crawl from tha . atari, transfers approximated only S00.000 ahares. Commodities wern mixed, corn futures weakening, llurlnrss new a was mildly stimulating. Railroad bonds displayed de cisive recovery tendencies but othar sections of tho market were Inclined to Irregularity. A fen tura of tha foreign list was n abarp run-up In two Czechoslovak government Issues. Closing quotations; Adams Express lit Air Reduction BOj Alaska Juneau 10) Al Cham A Dy 17S Allied Stores JOJ American Can 8S Am Eng Tile 6 Am Tor Power 31 Am Power & Light 41 Am Had fita Ban J.ij Am Roll Mllla 1 S i Am Fmelt & Ret 4S j Am Tel & Tel HII Am Tob "B" ... 804 Am Wttar Works Ii Am Zinc LAS 7, Anaconda 3 4 at Armour III F al Atoblson 3 Barntdall 17. Belt ft Ohio Bendlx Avla Beth Steal Boeing Alrp ,.i.. Borden .. Borge-Warnor Budd Mfg Callaban Z L Calumet Heo Canadian raclflo : (J I) Cat Tractor Celaneie Cart-Teed 221 ssi 16 a 5. M 7 8S 47 10 20 nhea ft Ohio Chrjiler 74 1 Cel Oas ft El 0. DON'T SLEEP WHEN GAS PRESSES HEART If you can't eat or aloep be gas bloats you tip try Ad larlk. On dose usually relieves etomach (aa pressing on heart. Adlerlka cleana nut BOTH upper and lower bowels. Currln' for Prtifi and Rtnr Drug Store. DANCE Sat., Sept. 3rd Oregon Hillbillies KEN AGS BEHIND Buying Com'l Solvents Conirn'nw'Hli & Hon Consul Aircraft Consol Kdlaon Consol Oil t'nnt'l Can Coin I'riiducta ('utiles WrlKht Iiuponl dn N Doug Aircraft Knsiinnn Kodnk Kl I'ow Ac l.t (ienernl Kloclrlo (ienornl Kooda (ien (tus A. Kl "A" .. lii'imral Motois tJlllettn (Ji'iodyeur Tiro (it Nor Ity Pttl Ilecker I'rod 1 1 r 1 1 it 1 1 , t Furnace Hudson Motors Illinois Central Insp Cupper I11I Harvester hit Nick Can lot Pnp k I Pfd Int Tel Tel Johns Manvllln Kcnnoniit I.lli O Ford I.IKK Myers "H" I.oew s I .on - Hoi I "A" I.OlillllKl l .Moiiigoiueiy Ward . Nanh-Kc'lv Nat l lllsrult Nat l Cash Nut I Dairy Prod Nat l lllhl . N11CI I'ow i l.t 101 It 1.1 2W 0 41 lids r.i mi 47, )7i. H'i 42 Ut I 4M U 2K1 2 J 'I 4SJ III Hi n 1 si 4 4 1 a at D0t 401 is 1U0 611 4i 20, 40, 10 2 7 1 a 21 i M is N Y Central Nulill Auier Co Northern Pacific ... Ohio Oil Otis Hteel I'as f;as A Kl .... ... Packard Motor Penney (J C) I'euna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pot Proctor (iambi . Pressed Hce Car . Pub Svc N J Pull man Itudlo Kayonler Ilayonler pfd Rem Rand IKi 111 10 10J 2. ''I MJ 1 '- 4 .1 6 i'Jl b M 2M an 74 111 let IS 1J 4:' ; . Is 72 If., I 4 . 211 . ISi 74 3 . .104 , 30 . 634 . 10 S . 114 34 . 45 . 3S . K'i . 4SI . K'J . s:ti . 201 . S74 . 2j M . 21 . 69 . 10 . 214 . 4T.4 SS 1 . 634 . If i Si 61 . 29 . 1034 . 134 . 454 Republic Steel Reynolds 'lob It Richfield OH Safewoy stores ... pears Roebuck ... Shell Cnlon Sorony 'acuum . Sou Cal Kdlson ... Southein Pacific . Standard Rrnnds Standard lias k F.I Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone & Webster Studebaker Sunshluo Mining Sup Oil Texas Corp Texas (iult Sulphur Tldewnter Osno Oil Tllllken Roll Rearing Trans-America Union Carbide Union oil calif Union Pacific United Aircraft United Airlines United Corporation United Krult United tins Imp ... U S Indust Alcohol 11 S Rubber C 8 Rubber pfd U S Steel Vanadium Walworth Warner Pictures Western Union Westlnghouso Whllo Motor Woohvorth .... Barbers ar aclontlflc, profes sional men, not gabby mediators of tha week'a choice gossip. Alden Warmeltn, president of the .Master Dnrhora association. Some horses are bred apeclally to produce hair for viollu bows In Russia. f ' ' rv-l.l.l5 B0 mA pr)d fig Shows Portland Produce PORTLAND, Sept. 2 fPj nut ter: prima A Kiade 284c lb. In parchment wrappers, 2S4c In car tons; II grade 274c In parchment wriippoia, 26 4c In enrtons. Ilutterfnt : Portland delivery buying price. A grade 204-27C lb.; country nations, A grade 26c lb.; II grade. 14'' less; C grade Uc lb. less. Kggs, buying prices by wholo salera: apeclnla 27c rioz.; extras 26c dot.; stundards 24c dot.; extra medium 23c doi.; under gradea 17c doi. Cheese: Oreuon triplets 13Jc Oregon load 14 4c brokers will pay 4 cent below quotations. Country meals, soiling price to retallora: country-killed hogs, best butcher under 110 lbs., 11 12c b ; vealers I3-1.14C lb.; light anil thin 9-12C lb.; heavy 84 94c lb.; bulla 10c lb.; cannar cows 7c lb.; cutter cowa 7-8c. lb.; spring lambs 12-13c lb.; ewe, 3-6c. lb. Live poultry, buying prices: Leghorn broilers 1 4 to 1) Iha.. Id 17c lb.; 2 4 lbs. 1 Go lb.; colored springs 2 to 34 lbs., 1810c lb.; over 34 lbs. IDe lb.; Leghorn hens over 3 4 lbs., 14c lb ; under 3 4 lbs., 12c lb.; colored hens to 6 lbs., 1 8-1 Br. lb.; over 6 lbs. 19c lb.; No. 2 grade 6c less. Turkeys, selling price: dressed new crop hena 27-2Sc; turns 28-21'c lb. liuylng prices: new hens 2 5c, Ionia 20c lb.; old hena 20c. toms 1 7-1 Sc lb. Potatoes: Yakima Gems $1.15 11.3(1 100 lb. bag; local ll-l.'iS a 10U lb. bag; old. DeihuK's $1 4(1 cental. Onions: California Whlto Globe 1.C5; Oregon 2; Walla Walla 65c; Yak I run 75c per 60 lb. hag. Wool: Willamette valley nom inal medium 23c lb.; coarse and braids 23c; Iniub and full 20c lb.; castnrll Oregon 16 4-20Sc lb. Hay, selling price to retailers: alfalfa No. 1, tlC ton; oat-vetch $14 ton; clover $10-11.60 ton; 1 timothy eastern Oregon, unquot ed, do valley $16 ton, Portland. (-ItlCAOO. Kept. 2 urn Al thoiiKh the wheat market derived some strength today from expan sion of the government's export suliHldy purchasing program, trad ing took on a pro-holiday quiet with most dealers cautious, con fining the bulk of business to evening up of accounts. Prlce fluctuated within a rang" of 1) cents and finished fractionally lower than yester day. After tomorrow'a short ses sion the market will ho closed two days. Canadian export business showed some Improvement. Wheat closed 4c higher to 4'' lower compared with yesterday's finish. Sept. 624. Dec. 64-644: corn was 1 to 14c down. Stpt. 60I-60J. pec. 43-4!4. oata un changed to 4c off. After a little meditation on the Dies ttn-Amerlcnnlsm Inquiry a man can't help but auspect that Stalin Is simply talking to him self when he addresses "fellow Communists" In Russia. Acting In the movies often con sists of knowing hag of trlcka and pulling 'em out on by one aa I hey ara called for. John Rarrymore. Steel mllla offer about five' hundred products In 100,000 d if-! fnrent shapes, and finishes. a . n Thlt wWKBT J; And ...v(V . -uJ low P'e' to W Z UDt'. Wh et mo on w" , . y for tM Ago." Quart THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, Gains PINE BUSINESS PORTLAND, Or., Ropt. 2 iVh i nnportn from 1 I H mil In MowH Inut wnck'i nifw hulneii of 61, 43G.OOO bonni fr-m of timber wan 2 per cnit fns than fh pr'i'fiflinK wrok, the Wfsntorn 11 no an0'ia llfn on I ( lo'l.iy. Hhlpnieni a ihrrllnwl nbont h mil lion fuel to 72.4K3.000 fM-l whllo production rono two million foet to 81,227.000. (Jrrlr nnr, pro diinlfon wero rondlflfrahly Ipfh than the rorrenpoii'llru Wf,'k a year ko hut KhlpmcntH v. era about tho natno. To flulo or(JfT wfro rfpot led Hbout Ml'i.'Jbb.Q'M board fe-.-t les than ID.'', 7. BOST(i WOOL HOKTO.N'. Sopi. 2 (AP-L'SDA) The wool markfti In Homon to dny was showinK a firm in k in lonry. BelllnK was nlow but the values of offering's at llio r'-com low prles was (ilrnlnlhiri(,' and whllo on orcunJonal lot of good Kronen toinhliiK I'-nsMi fine ter ritory wool In original baits could ho bought at 62 to CI cents, hcoured basis, the amount avail able was much smaller (ban a week or two ago. Prices on country packed mixed grade lots of threo-elgbthH and quarter blood fleeces which havo recently been offered from tho midwest at 28 to 30 cents, In tho grease, delivered east, wern Inclined mostly to the high side of this range. MAKES MEALS Mires ROOT BEER . . I00f. 7) nm , 1 . ii JO I 3 Sill m sNl- . WJ HP KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Chicago Livestock CHICACO, Ri:pt. 2 (AI'-llKIM) Hogs SHOO, Including .',000 di rect; two-way markets; weights 200 lbs. up and packing sows strong to 10 higher than Thurs day'a average; others steady to Id lower; top $9.10; hulk good and choice 200-2K0 h. H. so il. 10; 290-1120 lbs. $8 .60-75; goo- light packing sows $7.10 60; few to $7.64; medium weights and heavies $6.40-7.00. Cattle 1000, calves 600; fed steers and yearlings fully steady with week's advanco; strictly choice k I nils absent; best $11.60; few loads $10.00-11.00 with mo dlum to good kinds at $9.00 down to $8.00; best fed heifers $10.00; email killers buying grassy and short fed kinds at $9 00 down to $6.60; common light steers and comparable grado heifers down; lower for week; cows Blow, steady; little changn In bulls and vealers mainly $ 1 1.00 down, firm. tiheep IS, 000, Including 2300 Attend Church Saturday, Sept. 3, 11 a. m. "A Peculiar People," Who Are They? Saturday, Sept. 10, 11 a. m. "Walking in the Light," Should We "Balk?" Hear Other Interesting Subjects: (I) "Hli.v Pi-inch the Sahlmlli Truth?" (li) "How to He Sure of Reaching Henven." THK KKVKVTH l.V ADVEXTIST CHURCH H-M No. Ninth Street. "The Church With the Honest Truth." Lloyd M. Seltzer, Speaking. You read them cause you know them what they nil i mnevtxy 2 m.sxssssm T I M E ,- ... m a.ihiu ' '.. -V tlV-r; Wly'I XaOX aJ-i M 1. V S.H v" m 'j?. -"v. siv . " - direct; spring lambs opening slow; early sale about ateady; some bids aa much aa 26 lower; good to choice western spring lambs $8.00-60 to packers and shippers; best held higher, most natives . 00-26; no early action tin yearlings; undertone steady to easier on sheep; most, native slaughter ewes around $1.26; beat held $3.60 upward. South S. F. Livestock SO. SAN FRANCISCO. Bept. 2 fAP-UKDA) Hogs 300, Includ ing 140 direct; early sales steady, scattered lots good to choice 185 230 lbs. butchers $9.86; other weights and classes lacking early; good packing sow quoted around $7.10. Cattle 100. Including 35 direct; few sales low-grade cattle about steady; medium to low-good warmed-up ahort-fed steers quot ed mainly $7.25-8.00; good fed steers quoted to $8.50; few com on the Sabbath you tried them and now continue to use these products be they are better. Your appreciation for QUALITY has made are today "AMERICAS BEST SELLERS." They re featured here at VOIQQTc Tooth Paste 18c 'PalmoliveS? 23c 'Lifebuoy chrTS5c23c J,' 50c Lysol i.-.A3c 60c Sal Hepatica ... 49c 50c Barbasol37c 25cJ&J?a".b.19e 'Ovaltine iant. 59c '65c Bisodol 49c 75c Carters; 19c 'Listerine (large).. 59c '60c Murine ... 'Aspirin 'Dextra Maltose, 85c 50c Dreskin 55c Lady S2S 39c 75c Takara .... t Calox KOTEX (30's) 48c Tooth Powder , 43c. i'l 50e Ipana 39c 60c Drene 49c r mon light grassora $5.60-1). 00; few cuttor to common heifers $4.50-6.50; medium to good beef cows anleahl $5.00-5.76; cutter grades $.1.50-4.25; few fleshy dairy cows $ 1.35-4.60; odd bulls $6.00 down, Calves: 10. Noml nalyl steady good to choice veal ers quoted $8.00-10.00; odd head medium light calvea $7.50. Sheep 825, Including 195 di rect, lambs weak to around 15e lower; three short decki medium to good 74 lh. Oregon shorn lambs Including few full wooled klnda $7.00 straight; double deck Oregon woolen Inmhi nn.nM 1 good to choice quoted $7.60 to possioiy is. no; few plain to me dium 71 lb. medium-pelt Califor nia $6.00; older classes lacking; fat ewes quoted $3.50 down. What Is Lubrication? When you bay a book of 5 lubrication for 83.50, what do you get? Each time your car la left for lubrication our mechanics take the following atepa: 1. Lubricate all pressure fittings. C Fill all oil cup and grease cups. 8. Oil throttle control linkage. 4. Oil brake clevis pins. H. Oil fan. 6. Lubricate door lock bolts) door hingo pins; door safety locks; door dovetail bumpers, hinge clip and hinge rods. 7, Check and bring up to level lubricants In transmission, rear axlo and steering gear. PLUS OUR CLINIC REPORT: 8. Check Lights, horn, steering, brakes, tires, windshield wipers, motor, clutch, transmission and differential, body, In terior, sheet metal appearance, squeaks and rattle. Book for 5 "Lube" $3.50 Marshall 724-734 Klamath Avenue impressive SAVINGS. 60e ALKA SELTZER 49c S0e MIDOL KLEENEX (500 Sheet) 28c 39c 50c Jergens or Hind's Lotion 39c 55e Ponds Creams 39c 60c Italian Balm 44c S1.00 Vitalis 89C CIGARETTES Old Gold, Camel, Chesterfield, LncklfJ, Raleigh 13t 2 for 250 Per Carton $1.19 Wings, Dominoes, Avnlon Carton 95 ei ORUG NINTH AND MAIN PAGE SEVEN CHIOAOO rOTATOES CHICAGO, Bent. I (AP-UHDA) Potatoes: 46; on track 140; to tal U. 8, shipments 287; Wiscon sin Cobbler and Trliiinrhs ateady, other atock dull, supplies liberal, demand alow; Backed per cwt. Idaho Russet Ilurbnnka U, a. No. 1. J1.76-S0: II. S. No. 8 practically free front cut and clipped enda $1.20; North Dakota Bliss Triumphs U. S. No. 1, 80o, If we assume that It I on' duty to promote publlo welfare and to avoid acta against publlo welfare, we can hardly avoid th conclusion that under certain cir cumstances It la one' duty to commit crime Dr. Knight Dun lap. University of California pay chologlst. Per Lubrication 70c Cornell Co. oc MUM. 49c $1.25 Saraka 98c 25c Feenamint 21c 'Absorbi ne $i,2s 890 'Mar-o-Oil Sr.oom-73c '60c Bromo 8eit.49c 50c Lavoris ..39c 'Lactogen 83c '50c Lyons IZl 33c '$1.25 Kreml...79c 'PepsodentAct,..39c 30c Men tholatum 27c '50c Molle SS'W 'Edwards ...cSSc '50c Pablum....43c 75c Fitch 59c 'Squibb oWL. 89c 'Vaseline ?ot4oc 37c '50c Ipana 39c Kolynos?.,t,,.h....39c 40c Castoria...31c CO. STS.