September 2, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE CITY BRIEFS Kornmii Til "Wlmt Hut h dud Wriiuilit?" In I ho fill' II VI'llllIK hitimiiii nl tint Klrsl Christian iliinrli 'Ilia H 1 1 1 1 I it ' ly A rill u i' I'liiuli'H llulos, liillilnlur. The Mali's luivu in tiiiiinil fin in nifiiilh'a vui'iitlun trip through six nnithvY.'alorii in Ma. mill Ihn pastor will ii" Si'rllm sulll" lit Hi" llllrniatlliK (llnri'H mill H!I ll'llfi'1 llMI IIIK Ihlii 1 1' 1 1 1 . MiiiiiIhth mill fill-nils nt Hi ii I'hiiruli will wont lu hoar this itiassnitfl, Knv. Mains ilniilnrml. I'liin Trip Mr. ami Mm J J. Mali " Oil" am IruvliiK Kiiiiiluy Mini Mini; fur KaliM'll, .Mmit , wIiimii lliity will vlull fur III iliiyn with Mm. Coin's sltilnr, Mrs W. II. on inn ii . Mm. IJiilu u ml Mm. Ilnmiimi liavn mil himmi Mirli nthar In in"! ii c 1 1 it ii 40 yeara ii Mm. Coin hua llvml In Louisiana mill Ori'Kon nllil Mil lli'iiniiui hits inuilo hrr homo III Montana. 'In Cri'sri'iit (My Doris t.'olo miiim nnd .Molly HU'wurl plun lo loavn SBliinloy afliirnonii by tnn Inr (or a varnilnii trip wlilili will tnko I hem over Ihn wonki-iul to Crosi'iMU Oily mill Inlci Ilia ruil wnnils rouiilry uu thu ruant. It'iiirt liaa I'hll (Julicnlinr ry of lliu Will Hi l'liui nimrlinuiiU romrt"l In Hi" city police tho loss " f a woman's blm k tultcaao which ho lent Hoiitoinhor 1 be tween the aiuirtmonta anil tho hull flulil. Tho sultrasn waa empty, arcorillnif tu qtilnrnlnirry. Toola HKili'ii I'. E. Dirk tit tho Chet llnrton ranch at Morrill ro porloil tho thrift of two hoxns ot loola from hla plrkup whlrh ho aalil ho 1'ft inirknil In K In mm li Falls. Voluo of tho toola wni act at 175. In California Raleigh Taylor, for tho paat year and a half af filiated wlib tho Klmnnth Fill In city pollio il'iml l in "li t, la now inployuit by llio U. S. furoal ser vice) at IllK Hear luko near Hum llornardlno, Calif., II waa loarnad today. Taylor waa alao, at ono tliiio, afflllntrd with tho Oregon lalo traftlo department. To Vlall Hore Jerry Thnmaa, city accountant, la ipectlni a visit from bla mother. Mra. J. 1). C. Thomaa of I'ortland and hla two brothora. John and Cliff. Thomaa pinna to Inko hla guests to Crater lako and other polnta of lliterrm while here. On Molor Trip Mr. and Mra. Junk Uulua with tliolr inotliura urn spi'inllng anvornl weeks un a li 1 1 1 1 1 r hip IhroiiKh Ilia norlli wi'Ht, Mra. tiuti's' mtithur, Mra. I.ntta of Colorado HprlhKa, Colo., arrlvud horo two weeks ago, and dates' mothor, who iniik'a ln-r hiiinn In On kla ml. Calif., Jolmid Ihi'Mi ahorlly hi'fore leaving on their vnriilloii. (Isles la umploynd by til" Klamath Fslls imalnf riio, mil Mra. IJatus la omployed III tho I'. O. Landry Insuraiirii coin 1'u n y offices. FORECAST FOB WEATHER GOOD are kofiplng a watchful eye on Ihn mi fiily of hlkn rlilers. A numlinr of lilltiia hiive hemi linpoiindfid by officers wliru thi-y havn found tholr owiwrs rlilliix dollliln. l-'or tho flrnl offriiisri tho blcyclca aro Impounddd for a per iod of two daya, and for tho sec ond offenso blkoa aro t u k "ii away from thnlr ownora for four daya. Kour Dollies Wont to Slum," In ter presenting tho four (lolls used In lliu pmilomline to Mra. Tra valllii lo he glvon to ihlldritn at llHHKk'ik. 1. Ill In girls Hiking part wore Donna Clugston, Harharo llendrlcka, I.oon Wood and Jao nullno Ailrtl'mnn. Tho Mothers' chorua of T.1I1 lako aaiiK "I'm I so Ye the Kalth- or," (iounod, and two vocal ouni bore wore "ling by Mra. Francea II r bach accompanied by Mra. Frank Hell. Hey. and Mra. Travnlllo woro proaented with a allvar otferln and number ot pieces ot llnou. ItdfreshiMcnls were aervnd to Hi Kiioata ly the Lndlea Aid of th Merrill church. OVER WEEKEND mwm blVtmiUNIi Iti'lurna Hern Vura I'varaon, art ti'iu-hur at Kramont ai'htiol. ii'turnvd lo Klamath Kalla the in ll l I u of tho week from tho Unl iniHlly ut Vu1iIm1om wltiru aha nt udled art diirlnii tho aumiiiur miintha. Mlaa I'umaou will make her homo with the Al"i llruar rllffi'a on I'lnn atrccl ihla winter. Here Monday ileulah Gore, who tvnehoa In the mualc dnpart iiiniil ot KliiiMiuli Union hliih nrhfiol, apuul 0110 day hero thla eik and plana to roturn Monday from i'ortlaiid to reaunio her li'UtiiluK diitlea. MIbh liore aluil IimI at Columbia unlvorelly In New York City during tho summer months, Write ISiem A poom which appeared laat month In lha "Toll ing tho Kdltor" column, dodlcatod lo tho Ulenn Durrou fainlly. waa written and recllad by Mra. Sverro Muimon. 11 waa willteu for the occasion ot a community gulhor Ing lo aid tho llarretta, who bad loai their home and effect" In a flro. Tho poem appoared without the name of tho author. Hack Krom Ixxlifo I,ynn Hoy crort has returned from Timber lino lodge, Ml. Hood, wbure he attended tho annual sales conven tion of the OroKon Mutual Life Insurance company. Hoycr.ifl (lualltlcd tor convention attend ance as t member of the Lendirs' club, To Hummer Homo Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Wallers plan to leave Saturday for their summer homo at l.ako 0' the Woods for the Labor day weekend. They will have as their guesta Margaret Ann and Tommy Walters, Oordon Hen eon nf Medford, Don Weat and Mr. and Mra. Robert Klllott. To likevleiv Mr. and Mra Otto iJinRslrt and Mrs. I). It Trnelisiel plan to leave Saturday for Uikevlew, whero they will at tend the llound-up. Mra. I'roeb stel will Join her husband, who was ono of thoso who rodo horse back to Lakevlew In the Klamath raravan. Kspcrtrd Here Mr. and Mra. Itahlen Hastings aro anticipating a months visit from Mrs. Has tings' parents, Mr. and Mra. 11 C. Sailor of Abaarokee, Mont. Tho Hastings and Sailors plan to spend aeveral daya at Depoo Hay sal mon fishing. I'len Postponed Plea of Louie Hoagland, charged with obtaining money undor false pretenses nnd larceny by bailee, has been post poned to September 12. It was formerly set for September 2. Return Hero Mr. and Mra. A. J. Williams and family have re turned to their homo at 1401 East Main street after visiting for sev eral days at the home of rela tives In Medford and Itnseburg. In Aslilnnil Olive May Clapp has been visiting In Portland with friends and relatives. Miss Gall Clapp Is visiting In Ashland with relatives. They nie the daughtera of Mr. nnd Mra. It. W. Clapp of 2210 Garden avenue. Krom Medford Dotty Henry, daughtor of Mr. and Mra. L. K. Henry of 2202 Gnrden avenue, haa roturnod homo from Medford, whero she spent a week visiting with frlonda. VbiltliiR Here Mrs. L. L. Adams ot ItoiWIiiK. Calif., la visit ing for several dnys nt tho home of her son-in-law nnd dnnghter, Mr. nnd Mia. nob McWIlllams ot Klamath. Falls. firoup lo Meet Klamath lodge No. 6!i7, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, will moot Thursday, September 8, nt 10 o'clock a. ill. In tho It. C. hnll. Una Operation mil Gregory, Klamath pioneer, la at the Hill sliln hospital for a major opor-ntlnn. Notnrlnl Commission Tho no lailal commlHSlon of V. R. Ilam blnt was filed nt tho county rlerk's office Krldny. SPECIAL V.t.Oll OH Waves $3.00 IM.OO OH Waves $2.50 Plain Waves $2.00 MILS. I'IM.F.T IlKAUTV HIIOI'I'H 7111 Mnln Phono l.tUI-W J Get Ready Eor School Alterations Mending Our Specialty TIIK PELITORIUM lllfl Mnln Ph. VUlta Plant Judge Rossmuu. member of the Oregon supremo court, spoke before members of tho Rotary club Friday noon In the Wlllard hotel. Judge Ross man wss taken through the Wey. erhaeuser Timber company mill Friday morning by R. D. "Ilud" Filer and Mitchell Tlllotson. Labor Day Message A Labor day message entitled "Christ's In vitation to the Worker" will be given Sunday at the First Meth odist church. The servlco will bo hcgln at 10:61 a. m. Examiner Here Ward McRey nolds, stale examiner for drivers and chauffeurs, will be In Klam ath Falls Wednesday and Thurs day, Seplembor 7 and 8, lo con duct testa for licenses. He will be In the courthouse from I a. m. to 6 p. m. both days. Kin imii I h people prepared Frl day for the oceiilug of a long weekend, wit 1 1 irnKi"rts excellent for favorable varailfin weather. Normal tiiniperaturn and fair rltles wero uu the official weath er men 11. Miiiiinuln resorts, biinlies, flsh Iiik streams ami Ihh"m wero ex pected to ntlrmt mom of thoxo who go oul or-tnM for 1I111 wuek ond, To children, Ihn holiday Is of imperial aluiilfli'iiiH n, affordliiK them their litet frenilnm before the opeuliig of Mrliniil on Tuesday. FIshlMK foiiilliliiiia urn somu what spotted but for tint ungler who chooses carefully whero be goes, the weekend should bring lilenly of flailing link. Klamath county chamber of commerce fishing report showed favorable conditions at Udell lake, Davis lake, Kant lake. I'nullnu lake, Williamson river, Kpraguo river, Deadhorno and Dor lakes. Don Peoples, sucrelary of 1I10 llond chamber of commerce ami a fishing niithorlly fur central Oregon, thin week made this fore cast for lulo summer and early fall angling: "This forecast Is not based on "second sIkIii" or any sclentlllc Information, but merely on my 2S ycure experience In Mnhlug the waters of central Oregon. "Tho brook lakes will close on Soptemhor 20. and the evening fly fishing will steadily improve up to thut time. Trolling will llkowlso Improve but not to the same extent as fly fishing. Thu streams and rainbow lakea will remain opon until October 31, and starting shortly after Labor day wo will liaio some of the wildest rainbow fly fiMilng t )0 found anyplai'o lu tin. world. "After tho Crauo prairie water la cut off from the Deschutes river, wo will l,c hooking a sur prising number of both rainbows and brow ns that u 111 he too big to land mid those wo do land w-lll bo soiiieihing to brag about tor years to room. "Fly Nulling on the Metollus will alto be 111 lis lop during Sep tember mid October. When tho nights get too cool lor the llsli to coino lo the surface, u small poon with a fly ii,, 10 t win soi re sults and furnish some good sport. Try thu fly flxhlng during tho next two mouths and enjoy sumo real sport with lens competition than will be experienced during any other part of the season. Charged with violating ordln nnco No. 200, section 7, which, to tho uninitiated. Is scattering nails oil thu streets of the cily of Klamath Falls. Jack F.vaus, 1X20 Lexington street, appeared lu court Friday morning before Pollen Jiidgo Otto Laugiilet and was fined $10. Kvans was ad vised by Laugslet to slop hauling nails In hie truck until It was repaired. According to city police the nails wero scattered on the Old Fort road. Jesso It. Mai I hews of Olene was arrested September 1 by cily police charged w-lth failure lo procure an operator's licenMj and violation of tho basic rule. Mat thews, 22, was fined !. The fine was remitted on the no operator's charge as Matthews had been a resident of Oregon only ono month and had a Cali fornia license lu his possession, lie paid a fine or 95 011 the basic violation charge. Ho was ar rested on South Sixth street. Charles (',. Temple, 211, 2134 South Sixth street, forfeited 17.60 hall in police court Fri day morning on a reckless driv ing charge. Ho was arrested September 1 by city police. In addition two drunks and two "vaga" appeared In police court Friday morning. SOUTH-END CHURCH GROUPS HONOR DEPARTING PASTOR MKRItlLL Rc. and Mrs. F. C. Travalllo who leavo Met rill early next week for Washington, prior to sailing September 2S from New York City for Ilangko. .Slam, were greeted nt a farewell party glvon Wednesday evening In the Merrill church by a li"t nf friends from all parts of tho Klamath Basin. Rev. E. E. Rosenkllde. pastor of the Mnlln Presbyterian church offered the greeting and Rev. Hugh L. Hronson of the Tulelake Presbyterian community church wiib master of ceremonies. Four small girls of the .Mnlln church directed by Mrs. Rosenkllde pre aentod a missionary play "Why AFTER THE WRECK THEY CALL BALSIGER'S 1 1 '. .t. ,1 ;U ' J 7 . T , g - - . f Kt i iiMoi mmisosi rr I.I1111I up bumper to bumper, tho automobiles that have been repaired by the Ilalsigcr Motor company body and fender de partment would reach miles. Tbls crew of expertii, left lo right, are: liiienlon Hewey, glass man; filonn Innian, department fore man; Fay Montgomery, body de partment: Pete Bullls, body de partment; Larry Morgan, trim department; John Franks, body department: John Holm, body ! derartment : and Oordon Moje. joody department. I The Halslger company maln- tains 24 hour wrecker service, j with official AAA emergency 1 road service wrecker. After j wrecked cars are rebuilt they I are thoroughly tested on the Dear frame and axle aligner. This check-up tnsurea customer (satisfaction In knowing that the j rebuilt car Is In perfect align ment, regardleas of how badly Mt was wrecked. "Germ Free Shampoo' li a brand new feature of body re novating, car upholstery la con stantly subjected to germs of all kinds. It Is now recognized that car Interiors should be cleaned and disinfected periodically, es pecially for families with chil- idren. The Balslger body and I fender department Is now set up 1 to give "Germ Free Shampoo" of j automobile Interiors. I A visit to this new department will convlnco you that thoy art well equipped to clean all type ot upholstery at popular prices. Complete facilities for work on all makes of cars range from wreck rebuilding to straighten ing fender dents; high quality paint reflnlshing to snot paint- 'Ing; cutting and Installing shat terproof glass; tailor-made seat covers and upholstery repairing. Mr. Innian advises that estimate! will be freely given on any Job. Assorted "i X w, .1: aun uoggies Ob m b amm Get Your FRESH Hi Roys and girls who ride their bikes libout the streets of Kl::e'- ath Falls had better not ride "double" If they don't wnnl to be picked up by tho city pollco who c MOVIE FILMS at Walgreen's lUQiWlDtlilsHr'. R SJ igfls II L. 1 tffi1i.siii.iiiii.iii r.i fi rrrTiaisittg&i TlJay ' Shower and J Swim Caps vow m -re CHolc ala M Will, m Cihh, Sntimlay nnd Monday 635 Main St. Right reserved to limit quantities Camera Fans Buy n ih ninu fmn I kink foull iMoitl. Retura UHUtadfilm for full refund. QUALITY MEAT MARKET Hpeclalliea In Steer and Baby Ileef Quality Alwaya Guaranteed Free PelUery Louis Rsrhle, Proprietor Venereal Dlseaae Charge 'An other complaint, thla time against a man, waa filed In Justice court Friday charging failure to submit to treatment of venereal dlseaso. Two womon wore named roccntly In similar complaints. Church School Church school at St. Paul a Episcopal church will be resumed Sunday, Septem ber 11, for all classes. It was an nounced by Rov, Victor E. New man this woek. Classes will be resumed at 10:16 a. m. To Reacheo Mr. and Mrs. Kon neth Clark and Helen Haydcn and Wlllard Ward plan to leavo Sat urday morning for Tillamook and the Oregon beaches for a holiday motor trip. liny Duplex Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur F. Petty (Hope Gordon) have purchased a duplex on the corner of Alumoda and Earl streots, and they have occupied the home. The Pollys plan to spend this week end at the Mrs. J. A. Gordon summer home at Lake 0' tho Woods. To Alturas Sam A. Mushen ot the Klamath Falls branch of tho First National bank Is planning to leave this weekend to spend Labor day holidays with his mother, Mrs. S. A. Mushen In Alturas, Summer Prices Must Go Last Call IllocJuvood, Double loads.... S5.50 lllockwood, l AA HIiirIo loads t4vU (irccn fir slabs, Doublo loads Green pine slabs, Double loads $5 $4 Prices will advance without notice In September. Order TODAY. Heilbronner U Rea "Fuel That Hntlsfles" Plus Bervlro Offiro and Yard Ml Hprlng Phono 2,'lfl-W SQUAWPAW KQLAWPAW Herb Powder Tht perfect ttfllc III. 1m. Reiulatfli us ellsilsattl tlilst Nl tun'i wir. Fm urn Sit ind bMhlit at Farbat Pura Dratf. Sa. 6t and KlamaUJ MOTHPROOF Dry Cleaning Every Garment Mothproofed at No Extra Cost. STANDARD DYERS & CLEANERS 1400 Esplanade. Phone HUH ' I I BfaTaT?YlTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaT?aTBa Why shiver these snappy mornings and evenings? 6?omfiott li ai neat ai yout telephone! Just 'phone our office. Our representative will call and give you full particulars on inexpensive appliances for GAS HEATING Circulating (console type) heaters. "Radiant" heaters. Floor and wall furnaces, with or without forced air circulation. Central heating plants too, of course. A modern lic.Uing appliance (there's a type and price for every need) can he installed immediately, with no fuss or muss. Automatic control it desired. it Order now aiut lihe mhwiliigf of new low be,tl- ing Mr. TERMS TO SUIT YOUR PURSE., Mod etnije, conomtje with. m irt a war m iaLiimai MRiES MILK OP 2 LIFEBUOY PRESCRIPTIONS will always be the most important part of our Shave Cream S business. Our registered pharmacists are chosen with the great- Sm est care from amona the leaders in their profession. They follow TUBE . your physician'a instructions with scientific exactness. They have jgUlllllllllllllllls 230 earned your complete confidence. Emm BmtMtuSkeueGiaiM ONLY LARGE SO SIZE TUBE resii CHEA CI7P sVAf-tx' 554 SIZE JAR JLGJUMXXAM g for y OIANT V size ) SHINOLA s S rr wrilta Sluxs 2 Get Set for School . Special Purchase tit SIZE , 17' Fountain I JS-f I 13. ROLL SCOT TOWELS 3-25c PmtI finisb bturU ib ilMrtael Blot-a with fold pUtod trtn ad anoolB wrttiaf point. KIWTS KeSKV0 T( LIMIT QUANITieS B shu-milk a Smoke Master '0,Whl,,ihX s Smoking Stand S BLUE JAY bunion or r: S COXN 7CS lii.odlr.iBt.Ttll. PKG. OF 4 PROBAK JR. Razor Blades c 2 for 9c itr. mhofany fin iahaCaltlin handles. Your for SI cih and SI in Cif and Drut Dopl.pur chwat ( w it h cortoin oxcoptioruf. mm 5 Ungusrrtine S E B f"rSunJSn, S s 43 e "R"c!is rjiiuiiiiiiiiiiis o-iy ALKA S 50lart79 HALF a HALF v VELVET er Prince Albert II. Tia 760 9 SELTZER CREMO 8 for 25' flQcpl 23 size LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE 2or26c MULSinro MODESS Sanitary Napkins BOX OF 12 liHAM?,l 2 bo-39 S3 B Carlain-Safa aanllarr napki IIIMIIMIIIIIIB B OIL OF E CITRONELLA S 5 '" 1QC SIZE , , J S ft 25 FITCH SHAMPOO With tOc CAMPANA Italian Balm BScvoIm Both for 47' CrUin-Sf. unit try napkin. " Consti pation, Petro-Sylllum j Sr3 f lon.frnditoprovid cIm intettinal muKln. No forced action, nan. fattening, pitas- QQsi nt lotalt . . , m m ANEFRIN For Hay Fever Soo4hat irritated marabranata make a breathing oanar. With ZOO dii' potable tieiuo handker A Or chiei PLAY THE PO-DO UULh BALL tho ball that can b dmen 300 yards. A Ions ball, a tough ball, a true ball tmptr tially called lha ba o bail value in tho United States. 23 COLDEN CROWN. 43c: 6 for 2.30 tar LIS 001 2.35 Men's Stylish Sport Belts Choice of "3QC flyht Braid or braid and leather; colors. Zipper Bag Priced Low SUEDE FINISH CAt MATERIAL , Utf Convitanl way lo carry aw,m tutl or foil dothln. F Buy Plenty of Picnic Supplies WIDE Clc CHOICE AT if Ptataa. cupa. Ilrawa. ale. 1 2S-ft. wax pa par only 19c. Molsture-Proof Tennis Racquets special 1 95 VALUES ai," "Aaln." lha choica ol player abla lo pay mor. I V Lively. Peppy Tennis Balls COLDEN 3 (or 95c CSOWSS Famoua for tifa, pap and thair Ions WMrins nap. 33' acuum Bottle That's Efficient FIST TfOC Thar, la sol mar. affi. eienl boll I raf ardlaaa of tinea. Bring Sports Events Up Close 98c WITH CARRY INS STRAP Binocular type flasstaV quick focusitif, remak bl sharp, clear. Sterno Stove Combination Mil fknhj . , ataO Open can of Sterno, light it and you rereedytocool PENWAY INKS S HISTEEN rsrHaytever S B ' oo QQc b B sat . . D S ll!llllllllllllll ASPIRIN S 98 LEATHER BRIEF CASt Si. so Valmt Soft, pliablo split cowkida. black or brown with lands pocket, ), 3 TABLETS Bottla sf A j. S a B EOT PPr If Co. 98 Zipper Brlof Cao Sism Zipper on two sides. "Ironies" material wears like iron. Smart envelope style. ' nsi a 1 2S it a r TtcDA TOOTH CRUSH REFILL utirA Gt'anr tube BOST Tooth Paste 5 32' SHORELAWN TABLETS . . kUTi 49e WEBSTER DICTIONARY and 98. Self pronounc inc. food paper and print. 827 pafes.rorhomc. school, office. -ntMrsii - ma lunch kit ygSLa: Mitat A- Lots of room for sandwiches and fruits plus a dure able vacuum1 botttefordnnki. KOOLOX si Shave Cream 9 S OaCc 3 SIZE . . afisO S 111111111111111111 NORWICH B Sun Tan Oil B 49 S-LB. BAC EPSOM SALTS 19e ICE CREAM Frosh Peach, Oranne, Pineapple or Vanilla. Si SQUIBB'S E B Dental Cream S Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii Full Qt. 370 E zinopads 33c E SB oe. S LUXE 25. PKG. RINSO GransWofeef SOAP 2-39 LISTERINE FOR DANDRUFF rs. CQc WITCH size B HAZEL M Besides being agoed general anli riitr m9 1 septic Lister, ne has proved its oaa "1 5S value in treat me loose dandruff. S PINT a m for a Limited Time Only full pint ORLIS MOUTH WAS with purchase of another ! the regular price SO. You get a for Sic- An efficient mouth waeh and gargle. THS1C IH X fa fM. HW aVaasSM ORltSl B Hiraaridtrssi oz 17C BOTTLE at. sT BOX OF 200 KLEENEX ZfaoMv TISSUES lor 25'