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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1938)
I September 1, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN V coin FDRFOQTBALL GAME LISTED Appointment nf ruin mill h fur I ho Ori'K'iii Km 1 1 On'k'fii HUl" Knott rMttinll kiiiim'. Mali('(iilrl for Mmloc fluid oil I ho iilitlit of Of lo in r 21, wnn I tin prliH'Ipul oriir nf hiinliifflH ft I 111" itlniicr nti(lnK f lh' Junior rluiitilM-r nf ominn'n hi IIh li'M.l Muin In v ii Ik ti t . (Hit (Id enl htihltiMt lr imoimImtn ftlti) itllCMtH YVtMO 111 HlltMlfllllMM lit tho iniMiihiK, wlilrh wim iiiowhlnd nvnr hy Churl.' Mmk. 'Kimuy" (Jtmtiifiton, ( o ti o r n I rliulr itiiui for thn kuinn, inn-lo t tin folln wliiit a ppolnl irii-iK re Hoy T. 1'it'ino. iiilillf-l(y nml nr vim-i In Iiik. Jt'iiy Thinnim. riiiiincn and tlrln-lH, (Nil Uuiipy. pnllrliiK nml imli'Tlnu nnil nh (ili-nium, cn- CONNloilfl. 'renin ropnrlnil hilnfly mi tha pu M Icily until nod for t ho ginna atiit iinnounrtMl tho rnntnr nf hi rominlt tno. (ir'r lunw, Kmbrt KoNMiitn. Kmnrt,i ( link. Hill Del uHl tui'l llllt I''ikiihoii wore p Iiolnit'il hy I'rt'inn. l)na of lh hlKhliKl'lH f pro khiimi publicity will tuko lli furiii of ii huK Orv Hon Oit'Koii Hlutn rally. ncIkmI tilml fur tho iiIkIH heforo U KHiuo. Chun. Muck, OHC, unil True) lUiityun. Oricmi, woro numml (o hi'iul tho rally cmiiinlitoe. a pur mv. uinler (ho nhlo dlrerlioii of K'iiiii(h (J lurk, punt prciil ...'tit, Kill piiMt-ilit tho mlly. Kmli mrv Ico rlub iiiitl uncial uii'l fralerniil orifiiiiluiloii In tho city will h i-iniiti'tfl to ontT h unit In the imriulo. Wlixlow UpU hy down (own men). unlit will curry out the i;oIIiro thtMiiu (i ud help ( emtio IntMrcitt lik tho Kii'i", which prom lnii to h mi it n n u ul ovent If uc ccftflf ul thin your. Jnr i y 'J'hoiiian, rhtilrtiuin nf I ho flniiiH'o it ud ticket roiniiiuiei-. ail itoiinteil (hut ticketit for tin Kfitno wotilil Imi itvullublo lu the nenr fat ii re it ml ohiuliiuhlo from any in ( miter or at roriniu ceiitrAl point n (o bo AtwxitMK fd lu I or. .Mem he m of ' itontun" commit ' me Sam Miihhen, Kinly Jaroh, Mm tin Swantton ntid John Shaw. Knitf), pollritiK anl tiNhrlnK chairman, hiii nppointod Al Croup tin QHMBtunt rhulrinun In fhniRe nf unhern. (Xli.T nro lloh John iwn. IMrk I'ont, Kred Htnlth. Hob O Sullivan. 1'rto Lvimneliitcr, Joo J.cinoii, urih Klnemoro und rttow Art HalPlKcr. Additional men will bo ro()tilrod (o hnndlo tho ex ported larKo crowd, Itnnoy de clared, and thene hhmi will ho an iiotiitceil at a later (Into. rrlm-lpul upeakor of thn eve- n I lift waa Sit in Wur wick, author and mi leu councilor, who ad drunnoil hi nltentlvo ntidtnnro on tho "Homance of Bellinic." Wor wlrk declnred that ovory momher of overy hunliienH In a mil cum mi and pointed out very offoctlvoly that ttucccKN lu buitncii la had only by hard work, combined with coitrtotty and frlnmlllnos. Tho next roKulnr dinner ineot- 1 n k nn H-t for Monday ninht, Septemhor 19, with a apocial btml noH meeihiK at tho chamber of commerce for Soplomber 12. Do talled pi nun for tho football game, will bo announced at the buslnoaa mooting and Guntnfnwi roqnented all commute uiemben lo be there. Model Husband Slays His Rival ; J 1 i llcr misbHtuI wns "tho Wonl mnn" but slic loved nnotlior, Mrs. Mnrgarct Slkorn. 2a, at top, told ChiciiRo police after model husbnnd Rudolph, lower photo, pumped live bulleUi into Edwnrd Solomon, the oilier mnn. "Rudy nhviiy.i gnvc me his pnycheck, but Eddy guvo mo romHnce and love," explained Mrs. Sikora. RATTLER PAYS WITH LIFE FOR KILLING PET "Dutch," a fox torrlnr, hikI a rnt t IriHlln k n both Hint ilmith Tili'H iluy ndnrnniin In tint vliliilly of I lin Old Fort mini, whmi Ihn mp Ilia pulrt ilh hli llfo for klllliiK tlia dog. Mra. A. It. Thraah or tit Mnr knt alrdnt nnd hnr two I"K, "Dulrli" nnil "Quail," a wlrn-lmlr-ifl Itti-rlor. hml iniiilfi a trln out Uih Old Kort roiid lookltiK fur wild pi ii mat unil hud ilrlrxu Into nnnyoii uuur inn uiixirnnii uitiry. Hiiddnnlv. Mm. Thriinh'H Dlum pick Inn woa Inlnrruptod hy a cow (iilon rroin ttm fox Im-iinr mid ho dlacovorod that h had benn hlllnn dlrndly In the eyn hy a rulllcr. Iluo In I ho locution nf Ihn hlto, Mm. Thi'nnli dliln't know how In I nml II, no plui nil Ihn dog In tho cur and liirlcd hurrlodly for town. Hut wllhln 10 nilnutna thn tar rlnr thiil Hhn hml ownml for 10 ymua wait dind. Mra. ThniHli rnlumnd home, whoro aha got hnr rlfln and drovn back to tho canyon. Not alx foal from whnro tho dog had boon bit ln, lay thn auako, curled In I he ami. An aim approached It to Hlinol, Mra. TIiiiihIi aliitful that Ihn anako rcuri'd but did not Klvo ll wnrnliiK rnllln. 'I' ho ri'ptlln moaatirnd 47 Inchna long and, al though It had loal aoni of Ita rat ll'. thnrn wnrn allll flvn on Ha tail. AI,E.M, 1 (Hpoilul) Charlna Polls, Klnniulb Knlla In ventor, will show hla recunt crea tion, a combination aaw and edgnr, as on of the fnalurns of Ihn motion picture which will bo shown at tho atato Inventors' ahow at the Oregon sliilo fair, opening at Balnni on I.iihor duy for a aavnn-day run. Thn announcement wns ninde today hy J. T. Anderson, inn mi ner of the slate show nnd patent coordlnn'nr of Portland. potin Invention saws nnd edges logs In one operation. Thn oper ation Is accomplished by a ant nf adjiistablo horizontal suwa mount ed on a vortical shaft. These saws edge the hoard to proper width as thn h,nnd rig saws the cants from the log. Numerous other Inventions, ranging from household gudgets to huge lumber trailers, will be on display at tho show. Motion pictures of Inventions and work ing modeln will be seen, and many Inventors are expected to ho present to explain tho work ings of their creations. Storks. It Is reported, are rap idly vanishing from Denmark. Tho chances are they've been mi grating to Italy. T The program for Labor dny weekend celebration at lako o' the Woods was announced Thurs day by Captain H. F. Pholan, man ager of the resort. It follows: Haturdny, Sept. 3 Exhibition motor boat and aquaplane races; 9 p. m. l.rihor day dance. Bundny, Sept. 4 1 to 4 p. m.: Hydroplane races, service run about races, aquaplane races, ca non tilting, rowhoat races: 8 p. m.: Special boxing program, out door arena on edge of lake, six fast amatur bouts with plenty of action; 9 p. m.: Hlg Labor day dunca In lodgo hall. Monday, Sept. 6 1 to 3 p. m.l Flnnl heuts In -water regatta, hy droplane rnces, service runabout races, Inboard motor races, aqua plane rnces, rowhoat. races, canoo tilting, swimming races; 4 p. m.i Awarding of prizes at lodge. Tho new that a concrete fort ress was built In Washington re cently In n dny's time leaves us cold. Digging's quicker, and still not quirk enough. It wns a boring parade those California postmen had at their state convention walking all those miles with nothing to rend. The worka progress tdmlnlt tratlon has approved a I4S51 al lotment for construction ot tht Whitney bridge over Lost rival near Morrill. Klamath county, II la understood, will provide addW tlonal sums making the brldft cost between $8000 and $9000, This span la on a road that It to be Improved under the Haydaav Cartwrlght act. THE AVERAGE MOVIE-GOER SPEAKS T ATS HARD for a fellow like me who thinks apple pic is one of naturo's greatest gifts to man to believe that there arc folks who honestly don't like it at all. On the other hand, I can't abide liver and bacon though I know it's highly regarded by many. We all have our likes and our dislikes. We're all dif ferent thanks be! A dull world it would be if we weren't. That's why I say that the most remarkable thing about motion pictures is that they hit such a high aver age of pleasure-giving. Take any individual picture and you'll find that most people who sec it will get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Not all, naturally. For example, I think a certain star Is tops while, to hear the way my next-door neighbor goes on about her, you'd think she wasn't good enough to be an "extra". Or my wife sees a picture during the afternoon and raves about it at dinner. Maybe son and I take it in that evening and come home feeling that Mother is losing her judgment. And there you are. It's the apple pie situa tion all over again. . But, taking them all together, I figure that the "movies" give more pleasure to more people at a lot less cost than most anything the mind of man was ever re sponsible for and have done the human race more , downright good than all the medicines concocted since creation. And I'll say this: The times when I've been disap pointed in a picture have been a lot fewer than the other times when I've gone to see one I wasn't especially ex cited about in advance and been mighty glad I did. Sure, I criticize the pictures. I pay my money and that's my right. As a matter of fact, I kind of figure that HIS MIND... qesfyaEawTyagisMsiniy"---'aw ips ia.i; luumijwn nmjuumviiiiniwawi m till lY, - ' r' f! htM- i i, ST r-X' tlAudtii.-r, i.i ni. mm sLlM C f J It's the criticism of average folks like me that's largely responsible for the pictures getting better and better all the time. Through the years the motion picture has given its public countless hours of entertainment, countless hours of escape from harsh reality. It has taken millions away from trouble and sorrow, lightening their burdens and brightening their lives . . . making the world a bet ter, happier place to live in. It has grown from "cowboys and Indians" to dramatizations of the works of the world's greatest authors . . . from temperamental flickers to technical perfection . . . from infancy to an intelligent maturity. To provide the finest array of productions ever released the Motion Picture Industry has mobilized all its skilL all its imagination, all its resources to provide the greatest array of productions ever released. Great stories splendidly produced . . . love-filled ro mance, stirring drama, gay adventure, hilarious com edy, tuneful musicals star-studded casts filled with your favorites and new faces, new talents, for which the world has been searched. One after another these great pictures are coming to your favorite theatre. Entertainment, relaxation, freedom from care are yours in overflowing measure, brought to you by the supreme efforts of the Motion Picture Industry to make this fall season one you will never forget. 250,000.00 5,404 CASH PRIZES LIST OF lit Prizt . . .$50,000 2nd Prize. . . 25,000 2 of $10,000 each, 20,000 5 of $5,000 each, 25,000 5 of $2,000 each, 10,000 PRIZESI 10 of $1,000 each, $10,000 40 of $500 each . 20,000 40 of $250 each . 10,000 300 of $100 each. 30,000 5,000 of $10 each, 50,000 5,404 TOTAL $250,000 FREE! FREE! AT YOUR FAVORITE THEATRE I Horry I Hurryl Beautiful 32-Pag Book For a Limited Tim Onlyl PRBK rour copv of this Movie Quli Contelt Bookltt SI roar ftroriie theatre i-onuins complete, information .bout th. 12)0,000 Movie Ouit C.h Prire I lontt.t PLUS .It llifi new. of foflhcomin. nil. nlrmr. nf rour favorite iters .contest entry blank. Juit ask for it ITS PREB and ron'rs on your way to one of the 9,404 cash prlies totalinl $230,000. Get roH copy maay ai your local meatret Watch for these new season's pictures at your favorite theatre: LITTLE MISS BROADWAY Shirley Temple, George Murphy MOTIIK.n CAREY'S CnlCKKNS Anne Shirley, Kuby Kcelcr, James Eltlsoa PROFESSOR rtKWARF. Harold Lloyd. Phyllis Welch TIIF. AMAZING IR. CI.ITTERIIOIJSE Edward C. Kobinaon, Claire Trevor TIIK CHASER Dennis O'Keefe, Ann Mcrriaa, Lewis Stooa BAREFOOT BOY Jackie Moran. Marda Mae Jonea ALGIERS Chaiie. Hoyer, Hedy LaMarr, Slsrk! Gurla BVI.I.DOG niUlMMONll IN AFRICA John Howard, Heather Angel, H. B. Warner GATEWAY Don Arneche, Arleen Whelan PM FROM Tim CITY Joe Penner, Kichard Lone. Lorraine Krueger LETTER OF INTRODUCTION Adolphc Menjou. Andrea Leeds, Edgar Berxen TIIK CROWD ROARS Robert Tnylor, Maureen 0Sutlivaa MR. CHUMP Johnny Davis, Lola Lane, Penny Singleton KEEP SMILING Jane Withers, Gloria Stuart PAINTED DESERT George O'Brien. Laralne Johnson RICH MAN POOR ;IRL Robert Young. Lew Ayres, Ruth Hussey -THR MISSING GUEST Paul Kelly, Constance Moors THE TEXANS Joan Bennett, Randolph Scott, May Robeoa RACKET BUSTERS Humphrey BogarL George Brent THE GLADIATOR Joe E. Brown, June Travis ALEXANDER'S RAGTIME BAND Tyrone Power, Alice Faye, Don Amecha BLOCK-nEADS Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy CIVE ME A SAILOR Martha Kaye, Bob Hope. Betty Grebta SMASHING THR RACKETS Chester Morris. Frances Mercer, Rltajohnson BREAKING THE ICE Bobby Breen, Charles Ruggtee DARK RAPTURE African Jungle Feature MARIE ANTOINETTE Norma Shearer, Tyrone I SPAWN OF THE NORTH George Raft, Henry Fonda, Dorothy Lamour SPEED TO BURN Michael Wholen. Lynn Bart BOY MEETS GIRL Jamee Cagney. Pat O'Brien, Marie Wilson UNDER THE BIG TOP Anne Nsgel, Marjorie Main, Grant Richards CAREFREE Fred Astaire. Ginger Rogers FOUR'S A CROWD Errol Flynn, Olivia de Ilnvtltand FRESHMAN YEAR Dixie Dunbar, William Lundlgaa I AM THE LAW EdwardG.Robinson.JohnBeal. Wendy Barrle MY LUCKY STAR Sonja Hcnie, Richard Greene SING YOU SINNERS Bing Crosby, Fred MacMurray, Ellen Drew THREE LOVES HAS NANCY Janet Gaynor, Robert Montgomery BOYS TOWN Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rconey IN OLD MEXICO William Boyd, Russell Hayden. George Hayes SAFETY IN NUMBERS The Jones Family, Jed I'routy. Shirley Deane THE AFFAIRS OF ANNABEL Jack Oakie. Lucille Ball THE COMET Wm. Gargan. Joy Hodges. Andy Devlne SECRETS OF AN ACTRESS Kay Francis, George Brent. Ian Hunter THE LADY OBJECTS Lanny Rosa. Gloria Stuart JUVENILE COURT Paul Kelly, Rita Ilayworth. Frankie Darro HOLD THAT CO-ED John Barrymore. Gconm Murphy RENEGADE RANGER George O'Brien, Kila Hayworth SONS OF THE LEGION Lynne Overman, Evelyn Keyee THE ROAD TO RENO Randolph Scott, Hope Hampton TOO HOT TO HANDLE Clark Gable, Myrna Loy, Walter Connolly VALLEY OF THE GIANTS Charles Biclriord, Claire Trevor, Jack Laha) DRUMS Sabu, Raymond Matsey, Valerie Kobaoa CAMPUS CONFESSIONS Hank Luiaelti, Betty Grabia FUGITIVES FOR A NIGnT Frank Albertson, Eleanor Lynn LISTEN DARLING Freddie Bartholomew, Judy Garland THE LAST EXPRESS Kent Taylor, Dorothea Kent. Barbara Renal TIME OUT FOR MURDER Gloria Stuart, Michael Whalen FOUR DAUGHTERS Claude Rains, Prisciila. Rosemary, Lola Lass) WANTED BY THE POLICE Frankie Darro CIRLS' SCHOOL Anne Shirley, Nan Grey KING OF ALCATRAZ Gail Patrick, Lloyd Nolan, J. Carrol NalatS MR. WONG, DETECTIVE Boria Karloff YOU CANT TAKE IT WITH YO Joan Arthur, Lionel Barrymore ROOM SERVICE The Marx Brothers, LncBJe Ball 8TABI.EMATES WaUace Beery, Mickey Rooney ' SUBMARINE PATROL RkhardGrccrie,NaricyKcUy,GeeaBaneraf YOUTH TAKES A FLING Andrea Lewis, Joel McCrca. Dorothas Karat Tilt sJturlislng it spoiutrtJ h ti UsJing Motion Ptchiro Exhibitors, Distributors tmd Producers of tho Unlit J States and Canada. Your opinions, criticisms or suggestions about motion pictures will it genuinely appreciated. Kindly address them to Motion Picture Industry Campaign, P. 0. Box 450, General Post Office, New York City. lOTmTOl Mill smesmmvasaaawjaaaamj ll tSI'asilllllWliaisaasasaaaawaaaaaaawsaaaaaaaws ii iisais-mim rmmiir---mmis'"