rACE TWO THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 3 YOUR GIRL WILL BE PROUD TO GO You'll find the finest of nationally known brands of apparel here . . . styles from the fountains of fashion and proven qualityl ;! BACK TO SCHOOL IN EXCLUSIVELY .-. ' STYLED CLOTHES FROM MOE'S M - TV?- , uM..'Sft.'A 'ill-9) .... .'.. n ' TgjjttTH CENTURY FOX FUM STAR M-M lav A BRILLIANT ARRAY OF FABRICS FOR EVERY TYPE OF SCHOOL TOGGERY See Us First for Quality and Selectionl ST. ANDREWS TOGS A Shirley Temple DRESSES $1 98 They're Just in for school the loveliest array of styles you'll find In town! Two-pc. suspender styles, bolero and Jacket styles, and the ever-popular dirndl dress In a score ot pat terns to select from. Candy stripes, plaids and florals to choose from. 8 to 14 years. EXCLUSIVELY SHOWN AT MOE'S. Deanna Durbin Donna Lee Betty Baxley FROCKS 98 A lovely assortment of new Fall stvlen for tho .mni ..i-i i. ill lirr teens, sizes 12 to IS years. Gorgeous colors In floral and J nautical prints, splashy plaids in deep tones. See tbem H exclusively at Sloe's. ' Rs I I sen wmaereiia frocks Now Ready for Your Inspection Rayon Washable Plaids I "'' A' Jlr 1 'e'can mollis, excellent for the new school dress B llr & i ill m v ' ri ti j i u,uui-v. n vuniiieio assunuitMii 01 new ran oai- m jr3& .A i a.-DEHniA-s coach J 'Jen) Kor tho new school skirt, dirndl or dross, lleautiful new Fall color com binations In all shades. Re colorful and stylish in plaids this Fall. 39-in. New Mexican Print Acetate Rayons ftw florals, nautical designs and stripes In clever Mexican motifs. Excellent for the new school dress or blouse. A complete assortment of new Fall pat terns and color combinations to select from. 39-ln. New Fall Botany Wool Boucle and Hubbies $15 $350 The deluxu fabric for school coat or suit. A gors-wius array of now Fall colors In rust, green, navy, brown, wine and hlnck. A good assortment .if atrlpp palti-rns In the boucles and .plain colors In nubbles. All pre-shi unk, sponged and pressed, ready to make up. 61-ln. lite LHJP New ABC Wultones like wool, guaranteed to wash. Comes In fc isortment of colorful plaids. A. B.C. means ;st in wearability and pattern. f New Colorful Alpaca $119 The ever-popular fabric for Fall, for dress or shirtwaist. Colorfast and extra serviceable, this luxury rayon In the bright new colors for Fall, Is becoming sensationally popular for the school girl toggery. 39-ln. Start now on her new school frock. 100 All Wool Crepe $1 69 The now texture Crepo in Fall's most stunning colors. Make up her new school skirt or dross from this durable wrinkle resistant crepe. A com plete assortment of new Fall colors. 64-ln. - New ABC Alpalcra Prints A soft, firm drapy fabric In colorful new prints. Fast to sun ami nib. cannot lie equalled for school dress or skirt. 39-ln. wide. 59 New Rayon Suiting A beautiful crepey weave plain rayon that will make her a stunning suit for school. Heautlful new Fall colors of grape wine, teal blue. Danish blue. rust, plno needle green. A very durable and wearable fabric that will stand the wear and tear of school. 39-ln. 69 CSac lo cfcliool CP' '' ; cf fa A vi $225 T'l I I $298 " I If 1 p ft $1 00 Th m.rl.. 1.. . llul.0 , wona at tnis price! 80 square I , percales, ginghams and novelty piques in the snappiest ai.va biiu V"--lilBi OlZeS O lO 14. Sonja Heinie Sweaters $-J69lo$298 They're the smartest things ever In misses' sweaters. Bolero effect slip-ons In two-tone Swedish designs. Newest loop-knit patterns In panel front slip-ons. with cap to match. Boat neck styles in novelty knit weaves. All pure wool fabrics In Fall's brilliant new colors. Sizes 8 to 16 years. So important to have slips you can depend upon for active service the whole school yearl Barbizons wash easily, beautifully, and they need almost no mending because of their superior tailoring and unusual seam strength. We recommendt Shelby, (sketched above) a lovely pure silk Crepe Gartiere slip in blush, white, black, navy 2.25 Kenworrh, Satin Seraphim, silk and superior rayon, In blush or white , ,$.98 Parkfield, pure silk Satin Dosche', In blush, white, black, navy $2 98 All tn three lengths-regular and half iliet EXCLUSIVELY SHOWN AT MOE'S "Campus Chic" Sport Coats $1650 $1950 Warm new fleeces. Rich tweeds, Rubbed monotones, mixtures and boucles. They're the styles that the school girls love . . . Reefers, swaggers, bolted modols and the cleverest new styles in collars and sleevesl The newest in mixtures and solids . . . in fact they're the most exclusive collegiatt modes in town. Newest Fall shades In all sixes. EXCLUSIVELY SHOWN AT MOE'S Start Your School Sewing on a New White! 4V, , S" ,t 4, CGMtQ ALL ELECTRIC Sewing Machine $ro5 00 Trade-in Allowance Try this famous, dependable White. Experiment with the smooth, efficiency and versatile attach ments. Investigate the fine craftsmanship and artistry of design. Then compare it with any other machine you find at this amazing pricel You'll convince yourself faster than we can of the sensational saving and wise investment in this offer. $3 DOWN EASY TERMS Complete Lines of School Luggage Aeroplane type cases in ovornite or wardrobe stylos. All siies and shapes to select from. $1.00 Down on Any Style You May Select. cLvitt'lttii(j J Mew r. p 1 STREET WEAR Combination skirt and jacket In the finest wool ... all In bright chocks, plaids and tweeds. I? II maoi orur in ixciuttviiY ilOiT'" 'iJi I tONHMID PAIIIICI ttC 'i V It means the newest and 1 1 J F hxim tn Snort Wear . . . J r I j I i iGAT f xjt'W 19 ) all one price (1 - , I -fbr t STYLt SSI " SntS i0'10 ' $1650 V-Jl-: a i i i v i t H f ft ' H IO-20 17 I SOLD IXCLUSIVILY BY MOE'S Back To School Styles in CAMPUS and DATE FROCKS $495 , $y95 BRIGHT WOOL FROCKS in Hopiacling, sheer wool and rayon and wool. Dirndls, jaclot frocls and jumper types. Plaids, mixtures and solids. STUNNING DATE FROCKS, Spun rayon and Grande crope in sophisticated styles for informal woer. Dirndls, Princ ess stylos and ombroidored crepos. Tailored styles with tucked work. New Sunburst Skirts. Newest styles in panel pleats. Newest collar, sleeve and bolt Innovations. Colors of spice rust, teal bluo, wine, mouso, brown and black Sizos 12 to 20. EXCLUSIVELY SHOWN AT MOE'S ( I 1 . . with chat unmiataksbte stamp of fall fajhfon suthentlcityl Svelte modes thst ire (mmedietely recognlied 'Tarsmount Excluve." Daring designs . . . exquisitely finished with deft touches of calf, patent . . . goring, The Important type! . . . the (m portant fall colors ... all swalt your choosing todnyl and ut As Foaturod from Coast to Coast in Voguol