v August 29, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HEKALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Herald and News Classified Ad Section RATES Paid-in-Advance Ona day, per word ..... - 2c Iwo-day run, nor word - 4c Ihroo-day run, pa word ...................... Sc On week run, par word 7c One month run, for word 20c Charge Adt ' Each Insertion, far word 3e No charge made (or loss than ?bc (All mull unlur nils must hovo cash wllh order I. All ads am Initnrtcjrl In butli editions of TIib Newa-llerald. All classifications lira num bered anil npp-nr In uuinorlciil order. Thn dead-lino for claaalflr (Inn li 13 00 . in. Aila rorolvod after 12:IIU o'clock will ba run In the "Too La lu Classify" coin mil. Tim Niiwa-ilnnild will bo re apouaible (or Incorrect wording only ona day. Classified Index Apartments (or Haul 21 Automotive '4 llualnoae Upporluulllue 48 K.dtiratlonal U Flnunclal 46 V For Hala or Trade 3 General Nnllcca - 4 Help Wauled, F l 14 llclp Wanted. Mulo -..Id llnuaea for limit -20 Livestock and Poultry 44 I.obi and Found I Miscellaneous lor Until 2S Miscellaneous for Sale 30 Miscellaneous Wanted 4 3 l'eriiunnla - Hull Kaiata for Bala - 80 Real . Estate Wanted ...8J Konin and Hoard 2 llooma for Haul 22 Bervlcos 10 Klliiutlona Wanted ...1S To Exchange Tjajisrnmhon- 2 Lost and Found I.OST Tennis riuktit mi Mnln Htroel Reward Ncos-Herald. 8-29 LUST On or near ataia line road ;;o:u truck tire and wheel. Suitable reward. O. K. Hchiiltx. Tnlelnkc. 31 4 General Noticat r Go By Motor Coach VIA 1IK.NI) Shortest Route Luwrat Korea To Northern 1'olnta One Hound Way Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Depot Phono 9!9 9-20-mtf INTERSTATE MOVING Klam ath Fall! Trana. and Storage. 9-4-mtf LONG DISTANCE HAULING Phono 1097. 9-4-mlf 6 Person a It jctui-'uT-ru'i-riji-rxA-r'ji fii-srT mmmm WHY BUFFER? Plica and other rectal dlaordtsre permanently re. moved by the luteal scientific inotliod without pain, without hospitalization, wllhoul sur gery. No loaa of time from work. Consultation free. Dr. O. II. Mather, chiropractic physician, rectal and colon epeclnllal. 731 Main 8t. 8-8 WHY SUFFER? Full spinal nn nlyala of your lllnoaa. Dr. David, D. C, 110 N. 8th, Hopka Bldg., phone 2322. 9-12 8 Transportation LEAVING FOK STOCKTON Fri day. Room for four. Call 2040-W before 7:30 a. m. 8-81 ' (JOINO TO LOS ANGELES Wed noHilny. Room for thrno. Phone 1H70. W. T. Iliiloy. H-30 10 Services CARPENTER, concrete work, painting. Free estimates, rhone 28W3. 9-10 SMALL JOB HAULING, fortl V llzor, lawn dirt, excnvatlona, dry block wood. Roy Schmock, 2438 Bhasts Way. Thone 1280. 0-26 DRESSMAKING, nltoriUioiis, ro inodoling. Ann London, 823 Main, over Swanaen'e Harbor Shop. B-25 PAINTING, KALSOMIN1NU. Har ry Brown, 1941 Vino. Phone 1092. 8-24 WRINGER ROLLS fur nil mnkoa of washing machines. Morlt Washing Machine Service, 700 So. 8th. Phone 1088. 8-31-mtf FLOOR 8ANDINQ and reflnlahlng. Clifford Qoldon. Phono 108VV3. 9-30nitf SEWING, export nltornlloiiB, Blip covora, dressmaking, contB ro. llnod. Mrs. Ilnmoy, 2111 Dnr row. Phono 2'151-J. 9-lltf SEWING, ALTERATIONS Rna snnnblo. La Vlnn ltnbln, 2023 Harrow. Phono 1081-W. 9-23 , CALL Art Benodlot, 2384-W. tlousoclcnnlng, windows. Jani tor service. 0-0 Services WANTED Excavating and lovol liiK. I'liiino 377J3. 9-4 FURNITURE and equipment stor age. Pooplea Warehouse. 8-20 IIOHENII AMER HAW FILING 210 ICitHl Main, phone 848-W. All anws, tools, lawnmowera, etc., repaired. 9-14-intf MOVING ? LOCAL-LONG DISTANCE. Call Peoples Warehouse. 8-29 TRANSFER AND BTORAOE Biirv Ico. Pooples Warebouao. 8-20 PAINTING and kalsomlnlng, rea sonable prices. Phone 987-J-4. R. K Hluimona, P. O. Ilox 847. 019 12 Educational JjjrJ-SlJlJ-S Jir"llllr I' LKARN MUHIO at I'elora Sludlo. IHkIi achnnl credits. 14 06 Es planade, Phone 1617-W, 0-14 M Holp Wanted, Female WANTED Reliable woman for housework. Go home nights. S 25.00 month. 1847 Sargent. 8 29 16 Help Wanted, Mala WANTED Man with team and machinery to mow hay. Phone 34. Itt. 2, Uox 166. 8 30 WANTED Man. neat, aoher. el derly preferred. Kmull wukcs. steady Job. Glvo full particu lars. Wrlto Herald-News, Hox No. 3 ; 7 R . 8 '1' 18 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED WOMAN with 7-yeur-old daughter wanta house keeping work. Mrs. Violet Lord. Ft. Klamath, Ore. 8-30 HOUSEKEEPING, practical nurs I ii K or rooking on a runch. Phono 852-J. 8-31 EXPERIENCED MAN wanta work any kind, any here. Doesn't amokn or drink. Paul Solvang. lull 1 Main, Room 7. 9-3 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenographer available Septem ber 1. Rox 3630. Nowa-llorald. 8-29 WISH HOl'SECLEANING Will accept good used 9x12 rug as pnv Mis. Nnramore. Phone 2 1 35-J. 8-29 20 Room and Board HOARD AND ROOM Modern bouse, half block from Falr vlow school. Mrs. A. H. Rogers. 1327 Sargent. 8-30 BOARD AND ROOM Close to Mills school. Phone 1667. 700 Mitchell. 9-2 ROOM AND HOARD 224 Michi gan. 9-1 HOARD AND ROOM 629 Jef ferson. 9-20 ROOM AND BOARD Close In. 829 High. 9-16-mtf ROOM AND BOARD 18 week. 611 So. 8th. 9-10 HOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 125-tf 22 Rooms for Rant GOOD ROOM Privileges. 248 Broad, 8-31 ROOM FOK GENTLEMAN In mo dern home. Phone 828. 0-1 LAKE HOTEL under new man agement. Ratea by day, aeek or month. Very reasonable. See Manager. 8-20 CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th St. All outsldo modern rooms. Froo pnrklng lot. 0-llmtf ROOM FOR RENT 814 Wash ington. 3108tf ROOMS, 82.75 week and up. 1411 Main. Mara hotel. 9-12 CLAREMONT, 228 N. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parking lot, 10-9 ROOMS 920 Lincoln. Inquire 621 No. 10th. 9-21 ROOM FOR RENT 134 N. 8rd. 8136-tt CLEAN, COMFORTABLE sleep ing rooms. 36c and 60c day. Now Deal RooniB, 1407 So. 6th. 0-2 APARTMENTS AND ROOMS for rent, Alpha Apts. Phone 800. 9-25-mtt BASEMENT ROOM with shower. Cull after 8 p. m., 622 No. 12th. 8-30 FURNISHED APARTMENT 883 South 11th. 8941-tf 24 . Apartments for Rent ONE-ROOM APARTMENT, kitch enette, shower. Corner Pine and Cedar. 3637-tf NEW FURNISHED APT. $14.00. Zlglor Apts., block south Peli can City schools. 8-29 VACANCY St. Francla Apts., 828 dak. 8-29 K. r. $6.00 week. Everything furntshod. Broad and Main. 9-1 FOR RENT Apnrtmmit. Aditlta only. No pots. 3371 E. Mnln. 8-31 VACANCY Villa Marquise. 8-30 Rl VERV1 E W A PTS. Attrnotivo, unfurnished 3-room apt. OH heat. 710 Llpplncott. 8-31 APARTMENT In residence on N. 0th. Private bnth, lawn, $30. Inquire 733 Main. Phone 30. 8-30 10 24 Apartments for Rent FURNISHED 2-room apt., $20 00. 1304 Wordnn. 8-20 VACANCY Two-room furnished apartment. ,126 (.'ommurclnl. 9-2 3-llOOM furnished npt. In duplex. Close in. Phono 164 t-W or 914 Lincoln. 8-20 FURNISHED APARTMENT. 933 High.. 3647-tf LARGE FURNISHED housekeep ing room. 813 Pine. 8-2 0 MODERN furnished spurt menls, $26 and up. Under new mnn agoinent. Weyerhaouaer dls trlct. phone 449J6. (ilencoiirt Apartments. 9-18 VACANCY Low summer rates. 410 No. 10th. 9-15-mtf VACANCY Esplanailo Cou rl Apts. 0-8 APT. FOR RENT Everything furnished, also lied linens. Fair field Apts., 210 Main. 3616-tf CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, lolophoncs, electric equip ment, refrigeration, elevator, garage. Day, week or month. The spartmont hotel with con veniences and home comfort. 24-hour service. No pets. 9-14-mtf -Rei Arms. 9-10 Houses for Rent THREE-ROOM furnished house. Huth, garage. 2424 So. G t Ii . 8-29 NEWLY DECORATED 3-ROO.M furnished house, close in. Adults. Inquire 1116 High. 4778-tf SMALL HOUSE Couple. 1320 Oak. 8-30 STILL A FEW MORE 2 and 3-room cabins st King Cole, from $10.00 month and up. Less than 2 miles from Weyer haeuser Camp 3. 9-3 3 ROOM modern unfurnished house. $20. 324 Grant. Phone 1614-J. 8-29 MODERN FURNISHED CABINS Now avaUablo at Altumont Auto ('limp. Weekly ruteB. Phone 6U4J2. 0-2 FOR RENT Large, new 5 -room house on Portland Drive. $35. E. Gray Real Estate. 118 No. 7lh. Phone 797. 8-29 FOR RENT Cory :i-room house, furnished. Adults. 718 Jeffer son. 8-29 MODERN five and seven-room home for rent Sept. 1. Inquire 910 Spring. 8-27 FURNISHED CABIN Bath. 741 Walnut. Adults. 8-29 28 Miscellaneous for Rent SMALL MODERN pianos for rent. Klmbull mid others. Apply rent toward purchase, later It de sired. Some good used piano bargains, terms as low as $4.60. Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's Mu sic Co.. 117 So. 7th 9-2 30 Real Estate for Salo Stopl Lookl Drive out Into the new section on the east stda nnd look at a brand new and strictly modem four-room houso at 24 37 Applo gato avenue. Houso can bo fin ished according to your own Ideas. Price is only $2500 00. with $250.00 down payment and $30.00 per month. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 116 N. 0th Phone 60 8-29 160 ACRES in Swan Lake with houso. fenced, windmill, tele phono. $6.00 an aero. $400 cash, $400 state loan. Box 3067. News-Herald. 8-31 FOR SALE Now 6-room house In Hot Springs. Fireplace plumbing upstairs and down, biilllins, hardwood floors, veno tlon blinds, basement and at tached garago, natural hot wa ter heat, air conditioned, front and back lawns, shrubs and rockery, wonderful vlow. $1000 down. Phono 059-R. 8-20 FOR SALE Irrigated Innd under government project. Jotforson Co. Single men 40 acros. Mar ried men 80 acres. $16 to $26 per acre. Write Information, E. H. Crowell, Bond, Ore. 8-31 FOR SALE Rooming houso on Mnln. Good Income. 112 No. 6th. 8-31 6-ROOM modern house, St. Fran cis Park, $2800. One-fourth down. Inquire 621 No. 11th. 9-16 FOR SALE lli-acre chicken and dairy ranch, 8 cowa, horse, chickens, all kinds of fruit and berries, four-room home, barn, chicken houso, fruit Iioubo, gar age. $3000 rull price. $t000 cash, balance $25 month. Rt. 3, Box 342. 8-20 TRACTS Limltod time only $6.00 down. No principal pay ments for three months. City wator and lights, sandy loam anil. If you aro renting yon can not afford to pass up this op portunity to own your own home. B. GRAY REAL ESTATE 118 N. 7th Phono 797 9-18 FIVE-ROOM modern house In Modtord. Taxes clear. Improve ments. $2600. Also house on paved street, $860. Box 840, Modford, Oregon. 8-29 30 Real Estate for Sal FOR SALE Cheap 4-room mo dern house. 1824 Portland Ave. 0-2 TRACTS with small homes, ft 0 0 up. Tracts without buildings, $360 up. Easy terms. Christ liuck, 1320 Pleasant. 8-30 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Five-room home in Hillside ad dition. Hot water beat, full basement, garage, fireplace, hardwood floors throughout. Terms. Inquire 206 Commer cial after 0:30. 8-31 SALE OR LEASE Modern 6-hcd-room house, suburban. Terms. Cascade Apts. 9-8 BEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $5 monthly, Including Interest. .Mrs. Ben P. Lewis, owner. Rt. 2. Box 895. Phono 36J2. 918 TWO-WHEEL trailer, cheap. 2317 Ho. 0th, Frailer Courts. 9-27 FOR SALE Equity III Hotpolnt electric range, almost, new. 127 No RHi. 8-30 36 Miscellaneous for Sal SOPRANO ACCORDION for Bale, 120 base, good condition. Bar gain. Shepherd Music Co., 345 E. Main. 9-3 PEACHY TOWN Drive to the Pokudot on Riverside. Extra fancy Hale peaches. Also cheap cunning peaches. 8-29 PICKLING CUCUMBERS Mer-rlll-Lakevlew Junction. Crys tals. 9-2 MASTADON Strawberry Plants C r y s t a I's, Mcrrlll-Lakcview Junction. 8-31 WHITE HENS 14c lb. live weight. Crystal's Merrill Lakcvlew Junction. 8-31 FOR SALE Piano $40.00, $5.00 down, $5.00 per month. One $60.00 davcuo, like new, $40. $16.00 down, balance $6 00 month. Monday and Tuesday only. 327 No. 9lli. 8-29 FOR SALE Grey cinders. Phone 2170-W. 9-1 PEACHES. TOMATOES for can ning, (heap. R. D. Reynolds, Ashland. Ore., Bellvlew district. 8-29 UHLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM 7-ttibc, 14-inch speaker. $100 outfit for sale at only $39.50. Ricky's Loan and Jewelry, 622 Main. 8-29 MONEY TO LOAN on Guns, Watches, Suit". Radios, Tools. Old gold bought. Unredeemed Suits, Elgin, Waltham watchea $4.00. Largo stock New and Used guns. Maury's Pawnshop, 9th & Klamath FOR SALE Barllett pears, large lugs, not culls. 933 Owens. 8-31 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa, first and Bccond cutting, $10 ton. Must be moved at once. A Hoff man, Olenc. 9-2 GET YOUR boy or girl Into the High School band or orchestra now. Buy your Instruments on low terms. Reasonably priced from the store that gives a guar antee of quality that really means something. Buy from the Btoro that is equipped to glvo you servico on maintain ing your Instruments. Buy from Derby's Music Co., 117 So. 7th. Phone 570. 9-20 AMERICAN SUNFLAME oil heat ers now burn lower priced DIESEL OIL. See them demon strated at SOUTHERN ORE GON HARDWARE. 9-11 FOR SALE Top dirt, any kind fertilizer. Phone 377J3. 9-4 WARDS FARM STORE has a complete line of depend able air-cooled Gas Engines from I to 7 h.p. Produce rated horsepower at lower speeds,, have reserve power for extra loads, last longer! Priced to save you plenty, and sold on Wards Monthly Payment Plan. 8-31 FOR SALE Weaner pigs. Model A truck, first class condition, four cows to freshen last of Oc tober. J. H. Balr, 3 miles east of Morrill. S-2S FOR SALE Cednr fence posts, fir body wood. Phono 367W4. 9-1 PINE BLOCKS Bone dry; $2.00 at bin. $3.25 delivered. Phone 892-M. 9-24 WARDS FARM STORE can save you money on first' quality Stock Tanks, Wind mills, Pump Jacks, Gas En gines and other stockmen's equipment. Come In and see. Coinpnro prices and quality any where. Finest made Standard Binder Twine, only $5.25 per 60-lb. balel 8-31 FIX YOUR RADIO before fall. Call 22S1-W. 802 Market. 9-8 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watches, $4.60 up. Ricky's Loan and Jowelry, 622 Main. 9-1 FOR SALE Fresh cowa. Rt. 1, Box 992. 8-29 THE NEW UNDERWOOD STU DENT MODEL PORTABLE ar rived today. Priced at $42.60. Seo It at CLARINE'S CARD SHOP, portable, dealer. 4th and Pino. 8-29 FOR SALE OR TRADE Chryslor pickup; also two-whool trailer. Phone 16SW1. 8-29 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE Peoples Ware house. 8-29 SHREWD BUYERS RECOGNIZE THE TREMENDOUS BARGAINS At Ostendorf Motor Co. USED CAR CLEARANCE DON'T DELAY COME TODAY OUR SPECIAL TODAY 1933 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN Fine finish, ood tires, motor good. Very economical car. Bargain A Deposit Will Hold Any Car on This Sal 1937 DODGE 4-DR. TOUR. SEDAN This car had seat eorers. Up holstering like new, 2 new tires, others good, motor could not be better, gunmetal original finish 1743 '34 PONTIAC 8 COUPE A powerful coupe and a nice handling car In nice condition. Bargain price (349 '34 WILLYS 4-DR. SEDAN This little car Is worth much more than wo ask for It. Look me over for only fiofl '35 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Owned by only one Klamath busi ness man, this car runs and looks like new. Bargain 9445 '34 I'4'IC'K 57 SEDAN As nice as any '34 Buick you will see. Tires, motor, paint, upholstering very good. Bargain $395 '29 DODGE DA 4-DR. SEDAN This is one of the best models Dodge made. Wire wheels, mohair uphol. A real bargain $150 '36 DODGE PICKUP 72" body. 6.00-16 good tires. Nice Job and In fine condition. More than a bargain $300 .16 DODGE 2-TON TRUCK Has not had much use. Has 34-7 duals. 5-s?ed transmission, overloads, lots of power $000 '36 DODGE l'i-TON TRUCK with Isaacson trailer. Alexander lift. Ready for logging. More power, and a bargain 9943 DUAL AXLE TRAILER Cook and Foster, with 34-7 tires. Has had little use. Discount of $200. Bargain day 91050 5 SINGLE AXLE TRAILERS All in good condition. And we want to sell a few $25 cars that are ready to 90. First com gets them. Several cars priced under $100 in stock. This is only a partial list many mora can and trucks that must bs sold at thes bargain prices. OSTENDORF MOTOR CO. DODGE and PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTOR 12 Years of Fair Dealing 424 So. 6th 36 Miscellaneous for Sal FOR SALE Washed sand for llmitod time $2.25 per yard; also rock and cement, mixer available to customers. Phone 969 or 191J2. 9-21 BLOCK WOOD $2.25 cord at Shaw'a mill. Hodgea Bros. We deliver. Phone 3612. Tulelake. 9-8 BLOCKWOOD $2.25 cord at Shaw'a mill. Hodges Brothers. We deliver. Phone 3612 Tule lake. 8-7 TRADE IN your old wood circu lator as a down payment on one of the famous AMERICAN SUN FLAME oil heatera at SOUTH ERN OREGON HARDWARE. 9-11 FARMERS SAVE STEPS Private telephone for your farm depart ments. Call 22S1-W. FREE ESTIMATE. 9-8 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 9-4-mtf FOR SALE 19 ft. Inboard motor boat. 85 hp. V-8 motor; flat bottom row boat, 16 ft.; Model A Ford pickup tires, like new. See Andrew Flury, evenings, Wolff Bakery, Chiloquln, Ore. 9-1 OIL STOVES SERVICED and cleaned with vacuum cleaner. Fail rate $2.00. Also new and used oil stoves. Oregon Equip ment Co., 127 So. 6th, distribu- ' tors for Diesel Burning Perfec tion Suporfex Oil Heatere. 9-14 FOR SALE OR TRADE Stude baker sedan; young Kentucky Whip Stallion. Trenis Len hart. Dairy, Ore. 8-30 FOR SALE Fine toned piano, only $40. 1 large dish cupboard $5. Three 9x12 rugs. 327 North Ninth. 8-30 No. 1 USED FEED SACKS, free from holes or loose seama, 4c f.o.b. Grants Pass, Oregon or 6c delivered Klamath Falls. Tardy'a seeds and Feeds, Grants Pass, Oregon. 8-30 TRANSFER AND STORAGE SFR VICE Peoples Warehouse. 8-29 FOR SALE Fir body wood. Cheap fill dirt. Phone 1490-M. 9-2 40 To Exchang TRADE FOR KLAMATH PROP ERTY My 360 year-around green pasture coast ranch. Yam hill Co. Price $4000. H. Pot ter, General Delivery, Klamath Falls. 8-29 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO BUY Beef, pork and veal. Inquire Emll's Mar kets. Phone 717. 3539-tf WANTED Light Jersey or Guernsey milch cow. Must be good producer, fresh and test ed. Cull 2513 Morrill. 8-30 WANTED Tools, guns, stoves, furniture. Geo's Bargain Store, 64 Main 438-W. 9-17 WANTED Pool tablea. Wm. Hodges, Tulelake, Calif. 8-29 CASH PAID for used pianos. I thoroughly recondition and sell, adding only cost of .work terms as low aa $5.00 down, $4.50 monthly. Loula Mann, tuner, Derby's Music, 117 So. 7th. - WANTED Chicken feed horses. Used locally. Phon 1433-W. 9-1T $255 in ths Klamath Basin Phon 272 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO LEASE Nice i or 3 -bed room house close In. Some furniture. References. Phone 2223. 8-30 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture and stoves. O. K. Second-Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phons 991. 8-31-mtf PAY CASH FOR USED GOODS Peck'a Second-Hand Store, 27 Main St. FOR SALE 2 good milch cows, one 3-months heifer calf, two 4-montbs pigs. $135 cash, take all. N. J. Smith, Pine Ridge. Ore. 8-29 WANTED TO BUY Beef type calves. Phone 651 W4 or call at my home. R. C. Prndhomme, 3rd house east of Idella's atore on South Sixth. 2924-tf FOR SALE Purebred Hamp shire rams. Don Powers, Mer rill. Ore. 8-30 CHICKS HATCHING every week. Maguire Electric Hatchery, 2415 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. 8-31-mtf FOR SALE 10 purebred Corrie dale rams. Herbert Elmore, Applegate, Ore. 9-6 WANTED Fresh Guernsey or Brown Swiss cow. Phon 379-M. 8-30 FOR SALE 1800 good ewes; hay ranch, has Taylor grazing and forest rights. If you need range, investigate this. Would sell separately. Kate Daly, Lake view, Ore. 8-29 46 Financial NEED MONEY? . Let The "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish The Cash. AUTO LOANS FINANCING See COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-22S 118 S. 7th St. Phon 471 8-31 LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your sew or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 9-9-mtf 48 Business Opportunities GROCERIES, meats, Ice cream, lunch business. Living quar ters. Full price $360. News- Herald. Box 3971. 8-31 LEGAL NOTICES CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for furnishing labor and materials required tor the full completion of a dam and rearing ponds at the Klamath Trout Hatchery, Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, for the Oregon State Game Commission, will be opened by the Oregon State Board of LEGAL NOTICES Control, 109 Stat Capitol build ing, Salem, Oregon, at two p. m., September 7, 1938. , Plana and specifications may be obtained from the Oregon State Board of Control or from Roald and Schneider, 1009 Spald ing building, Portland, Oregon, upon deposit of $10.00. The character and amount of security to be furnished by each bidder with bis bid la stated In the proposed contract documents. The State Board of Control re serves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive Informali ties. . DANIEL J. FRY, Secretary Oregon State Board of Control. (A. 22-29 No. 132) Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK. Aug. 29 (AP) The stock market today suffered an attack of the war shivers, among other things, and leading issues broke one to more than five points In one ot the worst tumbles sine the beginning of the mid-year upswing. Belated buying support enabled some shares to close moderately up from the lows. The list dived to around Its bottom levels In the forenoon as advices from Europe stressed the growing tension over the German-Czech controrersy, with troop movements on virtually all borders exemplifying the chances ot an explosion that might draw in Great Britain and other world powers. At the same time, brokers ad vanced the guess that deaplte the cloudier news from overseas, the market may have been waiting for some excuse to establish the "correction" which many thought waa overdue aa a reault of the lengthy upward ride which got under way last June. ' Business news, on the whole, continued to present favorable aspects there were a few ex ceptions but trading contingenta were a trifle discouraged, ap parently becauae of the futile efforts of the market to pene trate the year's average high after getting within touching distance of this mark a number ot times. In the morning- upset the ticker tape fell behind for a brief interval. Comeback attempts brought another alow-down. Transfer approximated 1,300,000 shares. Closing quotations: Adams Express ...... . 101 Air Reduction . 60- Alaska Juneau .... 10) Al Chem & Dye 176 Allied Stores . 10J American Can 95 Am Eng Tile' 4i Am For Power 3) Am Power & Light .... 5 Am Rad Sta San 14 1 Am Roll Mills : . 171 Am Smelt & Ret 26 J Am Tel & Tel 142 Am Tob "B" . 86) Am Water Worka 91 Am Zinc L & S .. 7 Anaconda . ...... 32) Armour 111 . . ............. 45 Atchison 35) Auburn Auto ........................ 4 Barnsdal! 17) Bait & Ohio 7) Bendix Avia 21 J Beth Steel . . 55 Boeing Airp - . 25 Borden - 16) Borge-Warner ... - 32 J Budd Mfg 5 Calif Packing 19 Callahan Z L li Calumet Hec . 71 Canadian Pacific 6 Case (J I) - 88 Cat Tractor 47 Celanese - 22) Cert-Teed 9 1 Ches & Ohio 29) Chrysler 70) Col Gas El 61 Com'l Solvents . ....... 10 Comm'nw'lth & Sou . 1) Consol Aircraft . ..... 14) Consol Edison 26 Consol Oil 81 Cont'I' Can . 41) Corn Products 68) Crown Zellerbach . . 12) Curtiss Wright 5 Dupont de N . .. 139 Doug Aircraft 45) Eastman Kodak . . 169 El Pow & Lt 10 Erie R R 21 General Electrio .................... 40 General Foods 34 Gen Gas ft El 'A .............. General Motors . . 45J Gillette - 9) Goodyear Tire .. 26 i Gt Nor Ry pfd 20) Hecker Prod . 7) Holland Furnace 451 Hudson Motors 8 Illinois Central ..... 11) Insp Copper ...... 14) Int Harvester . 661 Int Nick Can 47 Int Pap & P pfd . 381 Int Tel & Tel - 71 Johns Manvllle ..................... 93) Kennecott . .... 39) Lib O Ford 491 Llgg Myers "B" 100 Loew's 47) Long-Bell "A" 4) Lorlllard P - 139 Montgomery Ward ................ 45) Naah-Kelv . 91 Nat'l Biscuit - 241 Nat'l Cash . 251 Nat'l Dairy Prod ...... 13) Nat'l Dlst 24 Nat'l Pow A Lt 6 N Y Central 17) North Amer Co 19) Northern Pacific 11) Ohio Oil . 10) Otis Steel ... 10) Pac Amer Fish ...................... 7) Pac Gas & El .... ...... 26) Packard Motor .................... 6 Penney (J C) 83) Penna R R 19) Phelps Dodge ................ It) Phillips Pat u ll Proctor A Oambl It - Pressed Steel Car I Pub Svo N J II Pullman I0 Radio 7 Rayonler Ill Rayonler pfd Ill Rem Rand 141 Republic Steel 171 Reynolda Tob "B" .............. 41 Richfield Oil . 71 Safeway Stores II ' Seara Roebuck 70 Shell Union II Socony Vacuum ll Sou Cal Edison - 30 Southern Pacific ...r 171 Standard Brands 7) Stsndard Gas El ............... I Stand Oil Calif ........ 10 Stand Oil Ind ; 10) Stand Oil N J II Stone A Webster ................. I) Studebaker ........................... 7 Sunshine Mining - 11) Sup Oil I Texaa Corp 43) Texas Gulf 8ulpher .............. 16) Tidewater Asso Oil ............. Ill Tlmken Roll Bear ................ 48) Trans-Amarlca ..................... 10) Union Carbide . .... 7) Union Oil Calif . . 20 Union Pacific .. . It United Aircraft . 261 United Airlines I United Corporation 21 United Fruit ......... 58) United Gas Imp ..' 10) - U 8 Indust Alcohol ............... 21 1 U 8 Rubber . 411 - U S Rubber pfd .. I4 U 8 Steel '. . I) Vanadium . II) Walworth ... ... I) Warner Pictures ' Western Union ............... 271' Westinghouse .....'Ill White Motor . . Hi Woolworth . ."44 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, Aug. 29 (AP-USDA). Hogs 14.000, Including 400O. di rect; market alow; steady to 10 higher than Friday's average;" top $9.00; bulk good and cholc 190-260 lbs. $8.76-96; 260-210 lbs. $8.50-76; 290-220 lbs. $8.10- 40; good light ' packing; sowi $6.86-7.25; few $7.40; medium weights and heavies $6.16-75. Cattle 16,000; calves 3000; general killing- quality ateera and yearlings rnn mainly medium to good; strictly good choice and prime kinds fully steady;- others very slow; unevenly steady to 25 lower; few loada weighty steer $13.00; best long yearllnga $12.00; mixed offerings $11161 cowa ateady to weak; bulla and vealers ateady; weighty sausage bulls $7.00 down; vealers $11.00 down. Sheep 15.000, Including 1000 direct; early sales southwestern lambs 25-35 lower; good to choice 78-84 lbs.- avaragea $1.26 50; best lambs held above 88.76: one. load feeding lambs averaged 63 ids. 17.85; ateady. South S. F. Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 29 (AP-USDA) Hogs 100, including 276 direct; no early sales, asking strong to higher or aoove $9.60 on good to- choice 170-225 lb. butchers; same Inter ests talking around steady but undertone strong. Cattle 600, Including 180 di rect; steers and medium to good she stock in light supply, few early sales steady; load good steers from local feed lot $8.26 averaged 912 lb. after a per cent shrink; package plain steers $6.50; heifers very scarce; short load good range cowa $5.50, med ium grades $5.00-25;' low grade cowa ateady to 25 higher; fat dairy type cowa $4.50-75; bulls steady, medium grades eligible up to $6.00. Calves 60; about steady; odd head good to choice vealers $9.00-60, truck lot med ium 220 lb. weights $7.60 straight. Sheep 2400, including 1000 di rect. Lambs active, strong to II higher; supply mainly shorn and medium-pelt kinds; package good Oregon wooled $7.75; good to low-choice shorn and medium pelt Callforntaa and Oregon a $7.25-35; common lambs sorted out $5.76; yearlings and wethers 25 higher, yearllnga up to $6.78; few aged wethers $4.60; package good medium-pelt slaughter ewe $3.00, choice quoted around $3.60. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Aug. 29 (AP-USDA) Wool waa quiet on the Boston market today. Quotations ware unchanged from last week. Good French combing length fin ter ritory wool in original bags were quoted mostly 62 to It cents scoured baais. Country packed mixed grade lots of H and Vi. blood bright fleeeea of fered from the. middle weat war available through Boston houses at 28 to 29 cents in the grass delivered east Cable reports re ceived by privet concern I Boston from Sydney at the open ing sale ot the new season la Australia Indicated prices slight ly below the close of last sea son. Prices quoted war general ly considered by Boston house to be above import parity. ' . tie art of poisoning, Locusts, Roman of the flrat century A. D., was hired by Agrlpplna t prepare a lethal poison for hf husband, the Emperor Claudius, and later opened a school foi poisoners. 1