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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1938)
Anoint 27, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIVE Society FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN THURSDAY FOR MRS. REEVES A farewell pnrly waa given Tliuiadiiy nrinninoii, Annual ih n iwoiiiy ririh. hy Mia. I.. II. Itcevca fur Mix- I'lnnd Wiitaon, who In leaving anon fur Krattln, Washington. Luncheon wua Hiirvcil by Iho hnaloaa ilnrliiK lln afternoon. The renter luliln nl which the Kllimt nf honor mil wild cleverly ilci-nritlt'il ftir llni iii'ntHliin. At one nml wits it iiilnhituro rliy wlih liny llOilHI'H, lllWIIN, ll'HUH, anil lukea. Thla "town" waa lnhi'il "KIiiiiiuiIi Full"" A roail niiiiltt nl iuht tun down tho li'iiKih of thu tiililo nml en term! iinothcr "town" on tho other nml of I Ins Iiihln. Thla "cliy" ctiiTli'd Hit, iiuim? "Kenl lln " on It. On t h n mini fncliiK "Seattle" wan a liny autumn hlln hIUi a tint 111 . Alior liinrh bridge " pluy oil hy Hie isukkIs. .Mm. K I. Km hurl rnirkil off tha flint prim huiiom nml .Mm. J. A. II ii i ku received i lin consolation prize. ThiiHfl who nlli-nili'd the af full with Mm i:. H. l-illliitt. Mm. Unwind Tunm-v. Mm. K. W. Weuator, Jin. J. T llurni i.ii. Mm. C. I,. Iltili lila. Mm. I. F. Ilondrlclta, Mm. Ui'omo Hull. Mm. T. I'. Ulnaroe. Mm. A. V. Ki'hiiilii, Mm. (.'mix Allmi. Ji , Mm. II. I.. Kuiim, Mm. It. II. Ilrini, Mm. 8. 11. Kiirhnrt, .Mm. Wllllum Kroliiiinnyer, Mm. l,oul Mann.' Mrs. It. It. I'rooli inl, Mm. In in' ii Klllntt, Mm. (Illhori Mniy. Mm. K. M. Mmy. Mm. T ,M. M.Mirniil. Mm. C. It. Scutt, Mm J. A. Iliirkn, Mm. Until Tumor, Mm. lUlph T. lluwnril, .Ml Mnry Margaret Scott. Mm. Claud Wnlmiu. tho guest of honor, nnd the hoateaB, Mm. T. II- Ilocvea. MISS SEHORN HONOR GUEST ON BIRTHDAY The third birthday annlvcr eury of Mlm Shirley Ann Su born, daughter of Mr. and Mm. E. I, Solium, wbi olmcrvod dur InK Iho pnal week at tho ho inn of her unrln nml nutil. Mr. nml Mm. M. C. Tlniruinn of Aim- IIKIIII. Ouoala arrived during tho morning nnd nt half past olovon o'clock noro acnied nl n prettily appointed lunrheon Initio where n gaily decorated lilrthdny cake v-h tho renter of nttractlon. Thoao who ahnred In Shirley Anna birthday foaiivlllca were Mlm Knren l.oo Andoraon, Minn I. ola MrKlnnny, Mlaa Joanntne Newcotn. Mlaa Shirley Kllen lloherta, Mnatera .llinniy Mo Klnney, Runny llllnd. Marlyn Bhopard. Nell Itnberla, I.ynn Campbell, Junior Low, M. C. Thurmnn, Jr., and Tnlhert So horn. SPECIAL fft.oo on Waves 93.00 at. oo oil Wnrra $2.80 t'lnln Wnvea (2.00 MltH. PIM.Kt ItliAUTY SIIOI'I'i: 781 Main Phono lUlil-W "VI LfeJ 20 SECONDS IS ENOUGH FOR HAND BEAUTY I It'a True! Kliunlnicn Hand Cream nctunlly tnkea leaa time. Hvq aeconila, It'a on . . . 1M1 Nrcomli . . . It's liDMl! Women hnvo nlwaya noted a hnnd crenni thnl rnrrlea Iniportnnt akln-aoft-enliiK nila Into (he akin. NOW . . . Iterc'a Flamingo llnnil Crenni. Women tnnrvel nt Flam ingo's fnNter nrtlnn . . lta amazing cool freahneaa without nnv tell-tale film. The secret la TKtilN . . . (tin modern ifreiwelean lique fying hnao that alioiiena np pllentlnn time, flint nlila l''lniiilitgo In Retting lienull fylng clomenta Into the akin. Trent your hnnda to n crenni flno enoiiKli for fnclnl nan . n erenm nettmlly I'nr more economical thnn lliiilil. FlnmlnKO la lta nnme! THIN Tin Mritia Abmptnil Bill. (PitinUl U. 1. PlUnt Ol'lcf). Thll mllr Inn liat ll U bail at atpular atlctd rLAMINOO HAND CREAM, mitil FLAMINOO liiatrliti and pea itratlaf. PRICED 500 and" $1 Kor Hnlo E.vrlualvely hy CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS ."Tho Friendly Orug Hlore" Dili nml Main I'll. 80 WARRELLS ARE COMPLIMENTED WITH PARTY Tho twenty-fifth waddlnx annlvornary of llnverond and Mm. John W. Warrell waa oh anrved hy apeclnl enlerlaln nii'iil nl 1 li o iiimilliiK of tho l.aillna Aid of Ihn Mnlhodlat Kplaropul church at lta inuoilni Thu radii v afternoon, AiiKiiat Iwnnly-fiftli, In tho church par lora. Mm. I,. K. I'll o I n wua In chaiKo of Ihn pi'OKiiiiii which eiiiiHlaied of a violin aiilo hy Mlaa Joyce l.eecli, m-coiiipnii-led hy Mm. K. it. Cofor; a piano nolo hy Mm. CoTer, a jtroup of vocal nuiiilinra. "Mla non," "When Irlali Kyea Aro Hmlllnn," and "When You Look In tho Heart of a lloaa," by Mra. tilonn Kont. I'reaentallun of a beautiful allver cri'iuunr, aunnr and tray wua inndo by Mra. (ianraa T. t.'aaper to tho Kueata of honor, lo which Itovurnnd Warrell ro apondnd. Mm. II. 8. Wood and Mm. L. N. Ilnlnea prealdnd at tha lea tahlu Inter In tho aflor uooii. Thoao who were on the hoatoaa commltteo wcro Mra. L, N. Ilnlnea, Mra. Andomon, Mm. C. II. Ilnrnatahlo, Mra. Unvld (ioehrliiK, Mm. (ioorita fionhilnic and Mra. 8. It. Merry. SORORITY HAS MEETING AT STANLEY HOME On Thuradny evening the itltual of Jowela waa obaervod by mombera of llnta Hliimn Phi aororlty at (ho home of Mm. ('. W. Ktanlny on Lincoln atreel. At Ihla time Mlaa Kathorlne llrowliaker, prealdenl of the club, announced thnl four mem bera hud roinpleted their plodxe period and were formally Inltl nled Into the group. The mem hera were uttractlvd In ihelr fnrinul aowna which (hoy wore at the ritual. Thoao who complotod their pledge porlod wero Mra. Jo aeph Lonion, Mlaa Lucille Me Antnrh, Mlaa Kilun Mao Thomaa and Mlaa Marljane Uaggott. A buffet aupper waa aerved following (ho coromony. HOUSEWARMING GIVEN IMHOFFS ON SATURDAY Mr. and Mra. E. If. Inihoff entertained a group of frlenda nt a lion no warming In their now homo at Oil Kldorado atroot Saturday evening, Au guat the twentieth. Their guoata were Mr. and Mm. 0. E. Vnughn, Mr. and Mm. John Itaffetto, Mr. nnd Mm. llcrmlo Fnator. Mr. nnd Mra. It. A. I.nne nf Now York City, Mr. and Mra. Wlllard Dryden, Mr. nnd Mra. C. W. Wolr. Mr. and Mra. H. C. Honncy, Mr. nnd Mra. Itnniey Rteln, Mr. nnd Mm. Joo Houcka, .Mr. nnd Mm. E. (!. Thomna, Dr. K, I). Johnaon, Mra. Minnie Klulh, Mr. Jamoa Rich, Mr. A. Dyrud, Dr. Karl Dyrud. A pot-lurk midnight aupper wna aorvod. Mnny bonullful glfta woro prcaontod to Mr. and Mra. Imhoff, Including a lovely Inro tnhlo cloth and glaaa top ond tablo. Tho rooma were beautifully decorated with red roae buda and aweet peaa. OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS Pen and Pencil Sets From $1.95 to $15 S C H 0 0 L S U P P Zipper Binders, $2 and up. Brief Cases Music Bags eaaaaaaaaaaaaiawaaaaaa Ring Binders, 10ft and up. Filler Paper, 5ft to 25ft Triangles, T Squares Inks, Pastes, School Dictionaries Notebooks Drawing Boards Typing Paper L I E S Mail Orders Shaw Stationery Co. 729 Main KLAMATH GIRL WEDS PORTLAND MAN AUGUST 14 The following account ot the wnddlng of Mlaa Ituth Camp bell, dnughler of Mr. and Mra, Krnnat I,. Cnuipbnll of tho Hunt npnrlinenta, Klumnlh Knlla la of Kieat Inlereal lo memliera of Hie youngnr am. The atory ap peared recently In tho Oregon Journal: The marrlnge rowa of Mlaa Ituth Cnmpliell and Mr. Walter A. Wllaon Jr., were inndo at a Hundny rile, An cunt 14, al tho homo of the hrldegroom'a "la ter, Mra. N. I,. Marlon. The Itnv. M. C. Montgomery of the Weat Mornlnnd Treabylorlnn church read I ho mnrrlugo aerv Ico before Ihn fireplace, which wna decorated with pink nnd while gladioli nnd rnndnlnhra. The hrlde la Hie daughter ot Mr. and Mra. Krueat I.. Camp boll of Klamntli Knlla. Hhe wore n coalunio of new tenl blue wool trlinmnd with wlnn colored lenthnr and glovea to match. Hhe worn a Juckot of gray kid caracul and her "doll" hat matched tho dreaa aa did her other ncceaaorlea. Tho orchid of her enraugo hnd a deep red center to repeat tho almllar color of tho dreaa trim ming. Mlaa Krneatlnu Camp bell waa her alalor'a only at tendant, Dr. Donald M. Hick, waa beat ninn for Mr. Wilaon. Jimmy Cllnn llghled the can it lea nnd Mlaa Dorothea Dill of The Dallea aung, accompanied by Mr. John H. Ullhouaon, who alao played tho wedding march. Aaalallng with the aorvlng at tho reception woro Meadamea Walter Hlnmiin, j.nula J. Kohl runa, Wayne Held, Harold L'bon le, and the Mlaaen Arlenn Wil llama and Kndora Oregga. The brldegroom'a cake waa pnaaod hy Delorea Hlnmnn nnd Donna Dee Ilnrton. On return from Ihelr wedding trip to Seattle, victoria and the beach, Mr. and Mra. Wllaon will be at homo, aflor Septem ber 1, at 1446 N. W. Qulmby atrcet. STEAK DINNER GIVEN SUNDAY AT CRATER LAKE A group from Klamath Fnlla, largely cnm(Aiaed from tho mntnlierahlp of tho Mothodlat Kplacopul church, motored to Crater luko on Sunday. Auguat twonty-flrat wbero a aleak dln nur, cooked over nn open camp flro, waa enjoyed. Tho duy waa aponi In hiking, Blghi-acclng, vlaltlng and taking plclurea. Tboao In tho purty wore Mr. and Mm. E. M. Chllcote. tholr dnughler, Ituth Mny, nnd aon, Mol, Mm. Helen Kugol, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Skinner and daughlor, Ethelmae, Mr. and Mra. L. K. I'hclpa and lone, Donald and Morlaud, Mr. and Mra. E. D. Rodman and Bona," Cbarlva and John, Mlaa Miriam Rmvth, Mr. and Mra. Edwin 1'fuetto of Lnwronco, Knnana: Mr. Halo O. Thompaon of Eu geno and Mr. Clarence John aon. Mn. Lewis It Hoitois to Group Tho Lady Englca club met at tho homo of Mra. Mary Lowle on the Lakevlow highway with twenty-ono membera and a gueat preaent. Politick lunch eon waa aerved nt one o'clock nnd blrthdnya of Mra. Urael Brnttoti, Mra. Efflo Allenby and , Mra. Stella Peraoll were ob aorved. Pinochle wna played with high hold by Mrs. Clnra Rimer, second high by Mra. Sarah Glb aon nnd gueat prlio to Mrs. I'orsell. Tho next meeting la planned for September the eighth at the homo of Mra. Mny McAnulty. Art Supplies Oil Paints Mechanical and Engineering Supplies Drawing Sets PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS rrTnjT?"! from 297 Torm Like Rent ALSO TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT Promptly Filled t Tel. 602 : News of Klamath Churches Altamont Community Preibytorien Church All anrvlcoa nf the Altamont Community Presbyterian church will be held In the Junior high achool, fl. W. Wheatley. minister In charge. The Welab evnngellat, Ilev. Matthew Krancla of Walsnll, Eng land, will bring Iho morning mea auge. Worship aorvlce at 1 1 a. in. During Ihla aervlro new mem bera will bo received Into the fel lowahlp of the church. tev. Eng vold Ivoraon of Modford will na slst In Ihla service, alao In the communion aorvlce which will fol low. Evening service, 7:45, will be held nt tho Methodist church. Thin will be a Joint aervlco of all downtown churchna not having rogular evening aorvlcna. Kov. Maltbow f'rancla will be Iho principle speaker. Tho ovan gellst's son, Matthew Krancla, Jr., will direct the song service. There will also be special musical num bers. Mlhle achool at 1:46 a. rn., with claaaea for all agea. A. C. Olaon, auperlntendont. Parents dealrlng to attend tho morning worship aorvlce will find It convenient to leave their children In tha Junior church under adult auperviaion. A cordial Invitation la extended to the public lo attend thoao acrvlrea. Pint Church of Chriit, Scientiit Flrat Church of Chrlat, Scien tial, corner Tomb and Washing ton streets. Sunday achool al 9:30. Morn ing aorvlce at 11 o'clock. Kubjcct: "Chrlat Jcaua." Testimonial meeting Wednes day evening at I o'clock. Thla church maintains roading rooma In tho First National Uank build ing, rooma 212-213. where the Ulble, writings by Mary Bakor Eddy, and authorised Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The read ing room la open dally from 7:30 In the morning until 9:30 o'clock In the evening. An attendant Is In charge from 12 lo 1 o'clock und from 2:30 until 4:30 except Sun days and holldaya. St, Paul's Episcopal Church Located at Eighth and Jeffer son streets. Rev. V. E. Newman, rector. Sunday, Holy Eucharlnt, 7:30 a. m. Wedneaday, Eucharist at 9 a. m. DINNER PARTY GIVEN MONDAY AT ANDERSON'S Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Anderson were host and hostess at a pret tily appointed dinner party and evening of bridge Monday at their attractive home on the Morrill highway when they had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Lou la Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sprague and Dr. and Mrs. O. J. Johnson. The Andersons were pre sented with a lovely white card table as a gift for their new home from their friends. Hon ors for high at bridge were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Brad ford and second high went to Dr. and Mrs. Johnson. MISS MUSKOPF IS BRIDE OF B. F. FREESE Of Interest to their many friends Is the announcement ot the marriage of MIbb Margaret Louise MuBkopf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Muskopf of Pelican City, to Mr. Bernard F. Freoae of Klamath Falls. The ceremony was read by Rev. John W. Warrell of tho First Methodist church at eleven o'clock Saturday morn ing, August the twentieth. The bride was attractive In nn aqua blue suit with white accessories and a corsage of white gardenias was worn at the shoulder. Mr. and Mrs. Freoae are at home In the Glencourt apartments In West Klamath. KADC AA1 lCD I ivirw. vv-irci GIVEN PARTY AT JACOB'S Mrs. Winston Walker was complimented with a party and gift shower on Wednesday eve ning when Mrs. Rudolph Ja cobs and Mlaa Margaret Dyche were hostesses at an Informal affair at the Jacobs home on Del Moro street. Cards were played during the evening and at a late hour sup per was served. Guests Included Mrs. J. E. Swansen, Jr., Mra. Harvey Mc Murry, Mrs. James Murdoch, Mrs. Donald Colwell of Merrill, Mrs. Dale McCormnck, Miss Au drey Lavenik, Miss Mildred Crawford, Miss Gwendolyn Lo rent, Miss Virginia Houston and the hostesses, Mrs. Jacobs and Miss Dyche. EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS at the Apostolic Faith Church 228 N. 8th Street Special tinging, 17-piece or chestra and no collections. Services: Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Tuesday, Wed nesday and Friday nights at 8:00 o'clock Zion Lutheran Church Zlon Lutheran church, 1025 High streot, Ci. W. Hoffmann, pastor. Sunday morning worship begins at 11 o'clock. Tho pastor will speak on the topic: "The Gospel, Its Grace, power, Need and Cer tainty," Lutherans and all who have no other church home are cordially Invited to our services. Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. This Sunday the congregation at Modford Is observing lta an nual Mission day In the Modford armory with two services, 11 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Members and frlenda of our congregation are invited to attend those servlcea. The Sunday school teachers' In stitute will meet next Frldsy eve ning Instead ot Wednesday. The walther league will meet In- tho church Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock. First Methodist Church Corner North Tenth and High Ktreetn, John W. Warrell, paator. Residence 1005 High street. Phono 448-W. On Sunday church achool will assemble at 9:46 a. m., L. K. Phelps, superintendent. No per son ever outgrows tho need of the study of the Bible, come Sunday next. Morning worship at 10:66 a. m. with the pastor In charge. Mrs. E. B. Redman will have charge of the music for this Bervice. The sermon wll be on the subject, "The Victory of Faith." The Epworth league devotional mooting will be held at 7 p. m. Special service at 8 p. m. when Rev. Matthew Francis, of Wal sall, England, will be tbe speaker. Ills son Matthew Francis Jr. will lead the singing and father and son will sing in Welsh aa well as In English. This will be the closing service of a series of services which these workers have been holding in the community. Apostolic Faith A cordial welcome awalta you at tho Apostolic Faith church, 228 North Eighth street. Sunday services, Sunday school. 9 a.m.; morning service 10:30 a. m.. and an evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. The orchestra and chorus open the Sunday evening serrlce with a concert ot sacred music and song. Congregational singing, and In teresting personal testimonies are a part of each service. No collec tions are ever taken. Services each Tuesday, Wednes day and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. Come and enjoy the services with us. East Side Baptist Mission The Sunday school will meet at 9:45 a.m. at the East Side Bap tlat mission, located over the East Sldo pharmacy, under the super vision of Mrs. Ray Hunsaker, superintendent. This mission Is sponsored by the First Baptist church, and those In that com. munity who are not attending elsewhere are cordially Invited to come. The school Is graded and there are classes for all age groups. Latter Day Saints Church The Latter Day Saint church holds regular services at the pub- Ho library auditorium, Fifth street and Klamath avenue. Sunday jchool at 10:30 a. m. and evening services at 7:30 p. m. The Relief aoclety will meet the second Tues day ot each month during the summer months at 2 p. m tor tbelr regular business and work meeting. The Mutual Improve ment association meets each Tues day evening at 7:30 p. m. Klamath Temple Klamath Temple, 1007 Pine streot. Rev. Roy E. Southard, pastor, phone 2355-R. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. morning service. Sub ject "Rapture of Believers." 6:45 Overcomer's meeting. 7:45 evening service. Wednesday evening Bible study, 7:4 5. "Gospel Hour" Tuesday evening 8 p. m. KFJI. You'll Like Our APPETIZER Tomato Juice or Glass ot Wine SALAD Combination Choice ot Dressing Choice ot Roast Spring Chicken, Dressing Fried Spring Chicken, Southern Style Fillet Mignon, Rasher ot Bacon Special Sunday Steak, Mushroom Sauce Belgian Hare, a la Cacclatore Baked Virginia Ham, Raisin Sauce Corn on Cob French Fried Potatoes Hot Rolls DESSERTS Assorted Pies Sundaes Sherbet Tea Coffee Milk 75c Special Merchants' Lunch DAILY 35c Church of The Naiarene Corner Garden and .Martin streets. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Harry Russel, superintendent. Every member and friends are wanted with us. Mrs. Mussel haa visited Washington, I). C, and tho Virginias whilo east and will tell many things of real worth. Morning worahlp, 11 a. m. Sermon by the paator, Harry Ruaaol. NYP8 at :45 p. m. Vernon Splera, presldont. Evening ser vices, 8 p. m. We urge you to come. We are Indeed glad to have our paator with us again, and to enjoy his faithful ministry. Tuesday, August 30, Rev. R. Shirley, Mrs. Shirley and son, who have lust returned from sev eral years active aorvlce as mis sionaries In Africa, will be with us. This will he a most Interest ing meeting. They will speak and sing In the native tongue. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. mid week prayer. Immanuel Baptist Church Immanuel Baptist church, J. Clarence Orr, pastor. We are to continue our Evan gelistic meeting all this week in the big tent, each evening at 8 o'clock with the exception of Saturday, Rev. J. R. L, Haslam, of Belllngham, Washington, will speak at both services Sunday. The morning message will be, "The Victorious Church." This service will be broadcast. Special music haa been arranged. The young people will meet at 7 o'clock and Invite other young people not obligated elsewhere. Our church school will meet at 9:46 Sunday morning with classes tor the whole family. Tbe pastor teaches the adult Bible class, as we study the book of Hebrews. The public Is cordially invited to attend our aervlces, and will be welcome In the big tent next to the church. First Covenant Church First Covenant church, 823 Walnut avenue, Gottfred J. An derson, pastor. The Sunday school and Swedish morning service win be held si multaneously at 10:30 a. m. The pastor will speak on the subject: Far Distant, Near or In tbe King dom ot God." 7 p. m. young people's meeting. Tbe leader Is Fred Renloldson. The topic Is "Messages of the De sert." 7:45 p. m. evening service. "Seeking Jesus" will be the ub Ject ot the evening message. Special muBic will be furnished at all the services throughout the day. Thursday 7:45 p. m. Bible study and mid-week service. Apostolic Faith - A cordial welcome awaits you at the Apostolic Faith church, 228 North Eighth street. Two services will be held Sun day, a devotional service at 10:30 a. m. and an evangelistic Bervice at 7:45 p. m. Sunday school Sun day morning at t o'clock. A sacred concert of music and song by the orchestra and chorus opens the Sunday evening aerv. tee. The orchestra accompanies the congregational singing. Interesting personal testimonies are a part ot each service. No collections. Services each Tuesday, Wednes day and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. The public is invited. .. Keno Baptist Mission Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Church services, 11 a. m. Mrs. Mary E. Lepert will bring the message at the church serv ice. We expect to be meeting In the school house again soon when we will have the -use ot a piano once more. We have bad very good attendance for sum mer months and tbe Lord has blessed us In our work. We are planning on taking up a personal works course In our Thursday night Bible class. H. V. McGee, leader. KLAMATH I XIOX BIBLE CLASS Meeting Monday noon at the First Presbyterian church. A man's class dedicated to the study ot God's word. All men regardless: ot denomination or creed. Invited to Join us. Sunday Dinners! SOUP Chicken, Vienna Style 75( First Baptist Church First Baptist church, Eighth at Washington, "The Church With the Message." Rev. Cecil C. Brown, paator. Residence, 804 North 8 e c o n d street. Phone 2186-W. Dlhlo school, 9:45 a. m. Oeorge O. Welch, superintendent. Morn ing worship service 11 o'clock. Kov. "Bob" Milam, who is con ducting a series ot meetings at the church will preach on the subject, "Boundless Love." The training service depart ment will meet at 7 P. m. Three of the unions, the senior, high school and Blalock. will meet In a general aaaembly and Rev. Milam will have a special mes sage for all tbe young people at thla hour. At the evening worship serv ice at 8 o'clock the evangelist will take as his subject, "Lord, to Whom Shall We Go?" The revival meetings will con tinue throughout the week at 7:45 each evening. The public Is cordially Invited. First Presbyterian Church The First Presbyterian church, located on the corner ot North Sixth and Pine streets, holds Its morning worship at 11 o'clock, Mrs. Mary Mow, organist. Lewis Hart will Blng. The service opens with the organ prelude, "Pil grims' Chorus" from "Tannhaeua er" by Wagner. The offertory Is "Andante In G" by Batiste and the postlude, "Canzone" by Harris. Ralph F. Doescher of Exeter, Calif., will speak. Topic, 'The Radiance of the Cross." No evening service. Christian Endeavor society, 7 P- m. All young people are welcomed. Pre-prayer group meets In the pastor's study at 9:40 a. m. The Bible school meets at 9:46 a. m. with the superintendent, George W- Mdntyre, In charge. Union service In the evening at 7:45 at the Methodist church. 44 Community Congregational Church The Community Congregational church, Garden and Martin streets. Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock worship service, Rev. E. V. Haynes, pastor, will preach the ninth and last sermon In the Beries on, "People Whom Jesus Knew and Understood." The special theme ot tbe sermon la, "Mary. Sister of Martha, who was a Trifle Selfish." Special muslo at this service will include dueta by MIbb Louise Mitchell and James Senter. Sunday school, under the lead ership ot Frank KUlian, superin tendent, meets at 9:45 a. m. The vacation church school be gins Its second week, on Monday morning at 9 o'clock. It is not yet too late for your children to en roll In this school ot Christian character education. 4 4 First Christian Church First Christian church. Ninth and Pine streets. 9:45, Bible school, Mr. C. S. Robertson, superintendent. Every one welcome. 11:00, morning worship in song, prayer, communion and eer mon. Sermon topic, Bible Facts, Norman Fraley. 7:00, Christian Endeavor for all ages, Junior, High school and Senior societies. 8:00, evening evangelistic serv ice. Sermon: "The Glories of Christianity," Norman. Fraley. 4 4 4 Pine Grove Community Church Annual picnic to be held on Sunday, August 28, at the Pine Grove schoolhouse. Sunday school as usual at 9:45 a. m.,. followed by a preaching service by C. Harold Van Duker, pastor of the Rogue River Pres byterian church. Members and friends are asked to bring dishes and table service. Coffee will be provided. ML "A building boom Is inevitable," says Roy Wenzlicki real estate expert. "Prices and building will continue upward, reaching a pcik in the early forties." Order building materials before the advance. Keep construction costs at a minimum by building today. And you can pay for your new home just like paying rent. Ask about ' our Piiy from Income Plan now I . First Federal Savings and Loan Association OF KLAMATH FALLS 111 No. 9th Street Phone 87fl Members ol Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Modoc Point Baptist Mission Modoe Point Baptist Mlsaloa, E. V. Zoll, superintendent. Mrs. A. fl. Zoll, Sunday school superintendent. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Prayer service at 11:30 a. m. The topic Sunday morning will bo the flrat ot a aerlea ot talks on the Holy Ghost and this week we will cnnalder His personality. Be sure to bring your lunck baaketa aa membera and frlenda will leave the schoolhouse be tween 11:45 a. m. and 12 o'clock noon for the flah hatchery for the annual picnic. All members and friends Invited. 4 4 4 Klamath Lutheran Church Klamath Lutheran church, L. K. Johnson, paator, 2030 LeRoy street. Phone 1316-W. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. every Sunday at the Elk hotel. Your child Is earnestly Invited to at tend. Worship hour 10:30 a. m. everr Sunday at the Elk hotel. Theme Sunday "Is Godliness Profitable." Ladles Aid. August .10, I p. m., at the home of Mrs. Oscar Solle, 1511 Pleasant street. The ladies of the church and community are Invited and also their friends. Sunday school teachers training claas and Bible class will meet Wedneaday evening at the Elk hotel, 7:30 p. m. Few tendencies sr-" more un favorable to the development ot a strong character than self pity. It Is a besetting sin of weak men and women, arising from a form of selfishness, growing with as tonishing rapidity, undermining manllneas and womanliness, (anon). 4 4 4 Union Mission Church Regular services will be held at the Union Mlsalon church, 251 Commercial street on Sunday, August 28. Sunday school, 1! o'clock. Young People's ;;rvtce, 7 p. m. Special musle at the evening service. We will have with us Alice TImms and Ruby Whlghom of Chicago. Preaching by the pastor, Caroline TImms. All are welcome to attend. Revival serviceo will begin Wed nesday night. Revival Services 4 Kev."Bob" Milam First Baptist Church 8th at Washington Sunday, August 28th 11:00 a. m. "Boundless Love" 7:00 p. m. Special Young Peoples' Message, "Fol lowing Jesus" 8:00 p. m. "To Whom Shall We Go?" BEAT THE BUILDING BOOM Plan to Build This Year aT . i t ' w : . it 4f i! t "W (K , I n .,r Jv ll linrnaal ' JSW -AasaaasaM )