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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1938)
August 27, 1938 Valley Parties Longoll District Resi dents Enjoy Many Af fairs. I.ANdKl.h VAM.1CY Tim Buclnl ! n It of I.IIIIKnll Valley ini'l mi Thursday nflnrimnn nt Ihci homo of MM. MotIm Brows lr In upper I.iiiik"II vnllny, Th nnw nffli'lir nlili'loil for 111 ruining yum lire Mrs. I lorn, prealdnnt, nml CIiiiiiIo Hhiirk, mcrniiiry, John Mm. l''ol tow Inir Ihu iiinulliiK Mra. Chimin HhiK'k wo Klvon 1 shnwnr lit which llmo sho re colvoil mnny Involy gifts pr smiled liy hor friends. Members nml k ii tnt h present worn Mn, John I'lUili'iins, Mr. F.vniott Miiloiin nml rhllilmi, Mr. I.loyil I'i'pplii nml children. Jilt l.ut lior It ti run . Mm. James Ma lonn, Mrs. Alfred Dunrnn. Mr. Mill Noliln, Mr. (.'Iinrle Hum lii. mil. Mm. Claude Klnirk. Mm. John Horn, Mm. J"'tf llwin, Mm. William I'll 1 1 1 1 in. Mm. limb Miirihmil, Mm. liny Phil lips. Mm. Ivnn Woliii, Ml llutnl Miirchnnl. Minn ln ilulyn llmiiiiionil, Miss llnssl lliiiiiinoinl. Miss Ki'lihcr mill Miss lllllltli-y. Delirious re f rnshmenla wore nerved at Hit clou of a plennnnl allernoon. I.ANCKM. VAI.I.KY Mn. Mnry Dearborn iMitorlnln'd wild dinner on August lenth In honor of Iho bin hilny of her ilnuiiliter, Mm. I.envllt. Those anointing wort Mr. ami Mm. Al Denrborn. Marilyn mid Charles IJenrbnrn, Mr. anil Mm. Wei Dearborn, Ciilhorlnt mi.l Illlly Dearborn. Mr. nml Mi. I.i'ii Lenvlll, Dorln. Mnry Ann mil Cnl l.onvllt, mid Mlk Denrborn. I.A.NOKI.I. VAIJ.KY -- M". 1 it i I Monroe Knii hostess wllh n jnliil blrlhilny dinner on AiikubI flfili lu celubnit Hit anniversary of I'liul mil Louis Minima. Uuesis wort Mm. L. W. .Monroo, Ml l'egy Moll roe, Ml Carolyn Monroe. Mr. I. W. Monroo. Jr., Mr. Art Monroo nml Hi" honored guests, I'mil nml l,ouln Mnro. I.ANOKI.I. VAI.I.KV Mm. Barbara llrnn K lovely bridge pnrly on Tuesday afmr iioon. Knjoylng tin nffnlr wort .Mesdiimes Mailt!" Monroe, lies- la Kruilur. Theresla Trior, Kibol Bulllvan. l.o I Murray, Orar Unveil, Mary Denrborn, Nlllo Dean, Lola L'hnndler, lli'iiy Popple, Cora l.onvlll ami Ihn Mlaaca Carolyn Monroo anil Iioroihy llovell. Mm. Mnry Doarborn won firm prlio; Mm. Theresla Trior, low and Mm. Cora Lenvlll won Iho traveling prim. Refreshments war serve.) al half pmit four o'clock, by Mm. Hoan. LANQEI.L, VALLEY Mm. Iron Harlloy onlorlalned lh lloiiansn-Langoll Valley Gar den club al hor homo on Frldny urii'rnoon. Momhers and guests present woro Mno Mollowny, LlHlo Solimoro, llussto Frailer, Clara Daniels, Martha Tool, Norma Uoiliiloll, Ada Sparre lom. Mnrlo Do Holt, Chrlatln llrown, Snnih Voss and Mnry Sinn k. Ti n win scrvod at tilt cliwo of nil Interesting mooting. I.ANCiEI.I. VALLEY Mm. Dotty Topplo ami Mm. Llla Murray wort hostesses al a benefit enrd parly for Si. llarn nbns church on Thursday nftor nooii. Mm. Mnbol Maxwell waa given flml prize and Mlsa Dor othy Hovell, traveling prlzo. Present from Donunza wert Mosilaiiioa Clnra Daniel. Norma llechilnlt, CIiiiiiIo llochdoll, Mabel Maxwell, Ada Sparro torn. Mnrlo Do Dolt, Martha Tool, lllrdlo uurko, Uontrlct Uovniil. Mno Holloway nnd Iht following from Lnngcll Vnlloy; Violet llnrrln. Mno anlo, Mnry Dearborn, Nolllo IJcnn, Dnr Imru 1 1 in ii. MiiiIro Monro, Thoronln Trior, (irnco Itovoll, Lola Chnmller ami Mint Dor othy Itovcll. Lunch was served at Iho cloiio of enrd". LANOKLL VALLEY Mm. I'mil Monroo cntortnlnod wllh a brldKO party on the afternoon of AuKiixl twenty-third. Guonn woro Mm. CIiiiiiIo Murray, Mrs. Hnrry Frnuler, Mra. L. W. Monroo, Mm. Doo Chandler, Mra. Henry Donrborn, Mra. Kohorl Denn, Mm. Joft Bonn, Mm. Chnrloa Itovoll, Mra. Bill Sullivan, Mra. Los Leavltt, Mrs. Floronoo llotklns, Mrs. Thoroala Trior. Miss Carolyn Monroo, nnd Mtns Dorothy llovoll. Miss Dorolliy Kovnll won the first prlio, Mrs. Ilobort Denn won low, Mrs. Doo Chandlor won tho trnvollng prli. Refresh ments woro aorvod Into In tht nftornoon. MISS SINCLAIR HOUSE GUEST OF DR. WRIGHTS A chntmlng guesl In Klnm nlh Fnllfl la MIhr Mary Lnrntno Sinclair of Qnlveston, Texas, who nrrlvod lioro by motor Mon dny wllh hor brother, Mr. Al bert Sinclair who has beon In Onlvoslon for Iho a u m m e r months. Minn Sinclair Is tho limine guest of Dr. nnd Mrs. Ooorgo 1. Wrlfiht who, nccompnnled by their guest nnd Mr. Slnclnlr, spent tho weekend nt their summer homo nt Diamond Inko. 10 n route, to Klnmnth Fnlls tho Hlnclnli'H vlsllod at Carls liad, Now Mexico nnd Yosomlto nnllonnl park. Miss Sinclair will lonvo next wook for her homo In tho south. Mr. Sin clair Is n member of Klnmnth Union high school faculty. SHIRLEY ANNE This Ij Shirley Anne Sehorn, three year old dauqhfor of Mr. and Mn. E. L. Sehorn, who observed her third birthday anniversary with a party (his week. Kennoll-Ellis RECENT BRIDE HONOR GUEST WITH SHOWER Mm. Chnrlea II. DuKour (Thorn Miller) was honorod by a nuiubor of her friends Fri day tvonlng at a bridal show er given al the home of Mm. Amll Tail) on Ilia Lakovtew rout when Mrs. Tail), Mrs. Hetty Tenrson, Mra. MIDI Knckvll nud Mlsa tlluncho llunrd prealdod aa hostesses. A clever pink and greon ar rangement wna curried out In th decorations with a pro fusion of sweet peas, phlox and potunlns used nbout tho rooms, tilfta wvru placed on the tnblo beneath a pink and green para sol. Th first of th avoning's en tertainment was a "Itomnm In Song" gnmo that was won by Mm. L. Itobertnon. This wns followed by two clever rondlngs, on by Mlts Mnry McComb nnd Iho othor by Mrs. Frnnk Hull. Tho guosl of honor was then Informed Hint there had been a hugo shower and that lh others prosent wers eager to lee th results. Thoso Invllod besides th honored guest were Mosdamea Wnllaco Uorllngs, Fred (Joel lor, Harold Clark, Taulino Ter nell, C. S. Robertson, Cecilia Williams, Clifford McClcllau, E. W. Caasel. C. B. Csssel. O. J. llllynrd, Fnrroll O. II. Campbell, Eva Pralher, Lois Swlshor, M. L. Miller, Frank Hall, Myrtle Tucker, Loroy Ashcrnft, Jnck Murphy, Urnc Klntgen, L. Robertson. J. A. Leech. Sydney Evans. M. Tercy Evans. L. II. Iloothby. L. A. Rolph, Miss Mnry McComb, Miss Nola llnnrhett. MISS RADCLIFFE HOSTESS WITH PARTY FRIDAY Miss Helen Rndcllffo enter tained with an Informal after noon pnrty on Frldny at the homo of hor pnronta, Mr. nnd Mrs. It. Holier Radcllffo of Pacific Terrace In honor of Miss Marco no .Sherman, who leaves soon for (ilnsgow, Mon tana to ninko hor homo with her father nnd mother, Mr. and Mra. Clyde Shormnn. Tho gliosis were entertained on tho Inwn whoro they plnyed croquet, and Inter tea wns aorvod nt hnlf pnst four o'clock. Complimenting Miss Shor mnn wore Miss Mnry Jan Drnke, Miss Louise Howie, Miss Botty Yadon, Miss Gloria Teterstelnor, Mlsa Jonn Camp hell, Mlsa Dorothy Rrooks of Seattle and the hostess, Miss Radcllfte. Miss Rust Hostest At Dancing. Party Miss Luclllo Russ entortaln ed nt hor homo In St.. Francis Pnrk Snturdny evening In honor of Mr. Arthur Mullme, who has beon visiting . In Klnmnth Falls this summer from his home In Ornntte Fnlls, Wnshlngton. Dancing nnd games were enjoyed until a Into hour when a huffot supper wns served. Guests Included Minn Thelma Fnrr nnd, Miss Patricia Nbr dohl, who aro visiting her from California; Miss Flora Plnnoll, Miss Betty Uutlodge, Mr. Arthur Mullme, Mr. Lloyd Gllcrlst, Mr. Elmer Pnyne, Mr. Rnlph Rnynon . and Mr. Orle Frldloy, . A group of montbers of the Ladles Auxiliary of tho Canton Crater surprised . Mrs. A. L. Conn with a "galloping tea" at her home on Wnshlngton street Frldny afternoon, Aug ust nineteenth. Two tnblos of cards were In piny after which the hostess served lovoly refreshments to MCBdnmea Nina Bock, Kathor Ino House, Charlotte Agee, I.nura Uorllngs, Anna Bean, Harriett Kales, Martha linker and Maude Shuoy. YOUNGER SET ENDS SEASON ON SATURDAY EVE Memhors of Iho younger set closed tho summer season with a dancing parly Saturday eve ning. August th twenty seventh, at Reames Golf and Country club. Th nffnlr wna Informal nnd sports clothes wore worn. Patrona for the affair In cluded Mr. and Mrs. John Houston) Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Hnyden, Mr. and Mm. Hnrlnn Uosworth, Mr. and Mrs. Avrlt and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Swanaon, mwfm nyiii 'jwj re ' J. i. K ', ' i. HAS BIRTHDAY Miss Judith Staphne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Slaphne of Livermoro, California, is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. W. T. Withrow, 2037 Garden street, this month. Judith is one year old. Her mother is the former Florence Withrow of Klamath Falls. Kennell-Ellis looking to your looks . . . Cosmetiques J j are here to keep yon looking enviably well-groomed yet refreshingly natural. Lipstick Rouge Powder i Emulsified Cleansing Cream 'Fhxor La Reine det Cremcs Nail preparations Currin's for Drugs The Friendly Drug Store 9th and Main Phona 80 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. Delphians To Meet Date of Fall Luncheon Meeting Announced By Mrs. Zumwalt. With vnrlous clubs meeting to arrange fall and winter programs, the announcornent of th first mooting of Delphian society Is of wide Interest to maids nnd matrons of Klamath Falls who hnvo studied the Delphian text books for the past few yenm. Mra. Don J. Zumwalt, local supervisor, announced Satur day morning that the thre chapter of Delphian, both eve ning and afternoon groups of Delia Gamma and Hlgma Theta, would meet Tuesday afternoon at half past twelve o'clock In the Elk hold for luncheon. Mrs. Thomas Hansen, newly elected president of Delphian, will preside at tho luncheon and conduct the meeting which will follow. Mrs. Zumwnlt has announced that the subject for the year Is a most fascinating one, 'Creative Thinker" and for the first meeting the toplo will be "William Wordsworth, Laureate of the Spirit." Mnklng arrangementa for the luncheon are Mrs. Law rence Bertram and Mrs. George mills. Mra. Bertram may be reached by calling phona 12V2-W and Mrs. Hlllls. phone 1198-W. Mm. Zumwalt hns asked all Delphian members to call and make reservations as early aa posslblo. It was also announced that Mrs. Lena Latham Goble, Pa cific coast organizer of Del phian, will visit in Klamath Falls early this fall,- the date to be announced later. Mrs. Goblo will hold a meeting with Delphians only for a full day. Members of Delta Gamma evening chapter will meet with Mm. Zumwalt on the night of Thursday, September the eighth. The Sigma Theta chapter members will meet on Thurs day afternoon,- September the fifteenth, with Mrs. Zumwalt. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Blohm and two sons. Phillip and Rich ard, have spent the past ten days on a delightful motor trip which has taken them through British Columbia. , f."';1."'" ".' KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MERLAND PHELPS, Master Merland Phelps was honored on the occa sion of his birthday when his mother, Mrs. Lawr ence K. Phelps, entertained with a lawn party at the family home for a group of the younger set. Kennell-Ellis JACK KNIGHT MARRIED IN EAST RECENTLY Friends have received an nouncementa In Klamath Falls of the wedding of Mr. Jack Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Knight, formerly of this city and now of Boston. Mass.. and Miss Marianne Elizabeth Booth of Brunswick, Maine. The wedding was solemnized In Brunswick on Friday, Au gust the fifth. Mr. Knight was graduated from Klamath Union high school and was active in ath letic affairs during li is school days. He is now with the West ern Union In the stale of Maine. BARN DANCE IS GIVEN AT SNYDER RANCH A gay affair of the week was to 1ic a barn frolic that was to be given by the Tbrco Links club at tho Charles Snyder home on the Morrill highway Saturday evening to which were Invited all members of the IOOF and Rebekah lodges, their wives and husbands. Both dancing and cards were to be Included In the entertain ment. There. was to be old-time music for the dsncing In the haymow, while the card tables, fish pond and grab bag game were to be downstairs. A no host supper was to be served at midnight. Mooseheart Tea Is Given by Mrs. Benner A Mooseheart tea for the Women of the Moose was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Ben ner. 1929 Worden. Monday August fifteenth. Those at tending were Fannie Thomp son. Blanche Dixon, Mildred Wilklnsen, Florence Shrlver, Betty Wood. Annette Hall and Kathleen Hepburn. Pinochle was played with Blanche Dixon winning high score and Billle Benner second high. Tea was served by the hostess. FLEXIBLE AS AN INDIAN MOCCASIN HAND LASTED AT THE BENCH NO OTHER SHOE Ii quite like "Sportster" Saddle-Moe. like a moccasin, your foot It completely encased In toft upper leather. Flexible? It Is as pliant at a young willow. Yel lit feather-light Du-Flex GumSar tole It twice) at thick ot an ordinary tole and will actually float. Exclusive fool-moulded last. . . Stewart - Smith Shoe Dept. of ADRIENNE'S ; Medical-Dental Bldg. MISS MILLER IS BRIDE OF C. H. DU FOUR Friends were recently sur prised to learn of the marring of Miss Thora Miller and Mr. Charles H. DuFour In Reno, Nevada on August the fifteenth. The young couple were ac companied to Reno on the weekend of their marriage by Mrs Betty Pearson and Mr. Jim Hunter, who attended them at their wedding. Mra. Pear son Is an aunt of Mra. Datour. The bride, daughter of Mr. C. W. Miller of the Lakeview route, is well known in this city where abe baa lived for many years. For the past aer eral years she has been em ployed in the office of the Big Lakes Lumber company. Mr. DuFour came to Klamath Falls last spring to make his home when he accepted a posi tion as assistant electrician at the Big Lakes company. VISITOR IS COMPLIMENTED ON FRIDAY In honor of Miss Lorna Jane Josephson of Montana, who has spent tbe past summer montbs In Klamath Falls as tbe house guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Joseph son, Miss Patricia Sexton en tertained at her home on Jef ferson street Friday evening with an Informal party. Bridge was played during the evening with high score held by Miss Josephson, and consolation to Miss Penrod. A buffet supper was served at a late hour. Those bidden to the affair were Miss Josephson. Miss Alma Penrod, Miss Barbara Lavenik, Miss Betty Merrill, Miss Phyllis Smith, Miss Vir ginia Laudwein, Miss Frances Ellen Krueger, Miss Jane Mer rill, Miss Matilda Zupan, Miss Loralne Carroll, Mlsa Jean Silliman and the hostess. Miss Sexton. CALENDAR Friday, September 2 First fall meeting of Eastern Star Social club to be held at Masonic hall at 2 p. m, Wednesday, September 7 Jolly Neighbors to meet at two o'clock. First meeting of the year for Wednesday club of St, Paul'i Episcopal church in the parish house. Thursday, September 8 Evening class of Delta Gam ma chapter of Delphian to meet with Mrs. Don J. Zum walt. Friday, September 9 Annual fall rummaqe sale of Wednesday club. Saturday, September 10 Annual fall rummage sale of Wednesday club. Rummage sale to be held by Eulalona chapter, DAR, in for mer location of American Na tional bank, corner of Sixth and Main streets, to raise funds for the placing of a marker at the old Fort Klamath. Monday, September 12 First meeting of the year of Eulalona chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. Tuesday, September 13 Luncheon meeting of Del phian society in the Elk hotel at half-past twelve o'clock. Mrs. Lawrence Bertram and Mrs. George Hillis in charge of arrangements. Thursday, September 15 Sigma Theta chapter of Del phian to meet with Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt. Anniversary of Rebekah lodge to be observed with pot luck supper at 6 o'clock in the IOOF hall. Monday, September 19 Invitation extended to South- ' ern Oregon Woodcraft circles to meet in Klamath Falls. Saturday, October I Annual fall fashion show and tea sponsored in the Willard hotel by the American Asso ciation of University Women. MISS BISHOP HOSTESS FOR BETTY DUNN Miss Mary Bishop enter tained at her home on North Eleventh street on Tuesday with a handkerchief shower In honor ot Miss Betty Jean Dunn who Is leaving soon to make her home in Ashland. Games were played during the afternoon and prizes award ed to the winner. Tea was served at four o'clock by the hostess. Assisting Miss Bishop dur ing the afternoon was her cousin, Miss Dorothy Derrah who recently arrived in Klam ath Falls from Wisconsin for a visit. Guests were Miss Setty Jean Dunn, Miss Rose Marie Boyd, Miss Inga Johnson, Miss Dor othy Belllngham, Miss Jean Kellls. Miss Phylis Emlgh, Miss Velma Hamm, Miss Dor othy Derrah and the hostess. Miss Mary Bishop. The first meeting of autumn tor the Eastern Star Social club has been announced for Friday afternoon, September the sec ond, at two o'clock at the Ma sonic hall. The club has not been meeting during the months of July and August. Hostesses tor the September meeting will be announced the fore part ot the week. dsAl to tLe d&l&t BY LARKWOOD Hosiery-shades for the new season have a rich and mellowed look, retaining sum mer's liveliness. Created by Larkwood for wear now and right through winter, in heady tones complementing the season s colorful shoes and costumes. Rosewood to wear with wine Toreador for Golden Havana shoes Gondolier accents black. 79c to $1.35 ADRIENNE'S Medical-Dental Bldg. PAGE THRES Meeting Planned District Conference of BPW Slated for Sun day August 28th The first district conference ot the Business and Profes sional Women's club wilt be held at Toledo, Oregon, on Sunday, August twenty-eighth and all members of th local club who can attond ars assur ed a good time by those la charge of the entertainment, Sessions will b held at tbe Lincoln hotel and members are planning to spend Saturday night at Newport. . The Klamath Fall) club l getting ready for participation In Interesting winter activities, under tbe leadership of the new president, Ruth Bathlany, who Is also city treasurer and an authority on municipal bonds of which she haa made an extensive study. The local group haa been enjoying the summer vacation, opening their meetings with tbe acceptance of the Invitation of the Medford club to a pic nic Sunday, August twenty first at the Rogue River lodge. Th annual picnics with th valley clubs are always out standing events In the social Ufa of the Klamath organiza tion and are eagerly antici pated. With the month of Septem ber, work begin In earnest and all business women who are eligible are urged to Join the club at this time and have full benefit ot the year's pro grams and activities. The 1938-39 Federation pro gram covers economio problems and their social Implications in a thorough manner by focus ing the attention of the mem bers on the subject ot "My Business and Yours," which will be an intimate atudy vital to the understanding of prob . lema which will be faced from day to day. The September meetings will center on "My Job and Yours." giving the factora responsible for tbe business and profes sional woman's present status; background and Interests; pro fessional training; experience; travel and contacts; health, age and personal qualifications. Later, "Upon What Does the Security of the Job Depend," will be discussed, together with economic conditions, market for goods or services; how to cre ate opportunities; efforts, re training. Ingenuity, hard work, business practices, developing new methods In production, distribution and financing. It will readily be seen that here are ideas for some very Interesting programs in Sep tember which the committee chairmen will find most help ful and inspiring. The National Federation seems determined this year to discover the secrets of success of its mem bers and has adopted the slogan, "A Better Business Woman for a Better Business World," evidently expecting each individual member to gain something from the composite picture of the business philos ophy of the nation's leading business and professional wo men. "If you wish to engage in study and action on current economic problems and oppor tunities in the business world, Join the club early In the year and get on the highway of wo men's progress," one member ot the club stated.