'Anoint 27, 1038 PAGE TEN THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Lakeshore Drive Home Development Rapid Nearing Completion y New Material Used Brixner Residence 4 Latest in Growing Suburban District ' sit . ,v f S PARTY POLICY REPUBLICANS N HERE DRAW UP UPSTAIRS ll;,IG FAVOR Against a background of pine heavily-laden wild plum bushes and Oregon grape, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brixner have had built for their occupancy within a few weeks one of the most attractive homes to be constructed on Lake- hore drive. Of modified Spanish colonial deslcn. tbe 16000 home has been i nnder construction this summer by A. M. Curtlss, contractor, and will be occupied by the Brlxners early In September. Lakeshore drive Is rapidly be coming one of the choice sections for home owners who wish to combine the advantages of being noar their work In the city, hav ing the comfort of suburban life and to enjoy the privileges of a combined summer and winter home as well. As motorists drive along Lake shore drive, they are Interested In the many homes which have been built there during the past few years. One of tbe most outstanding is the Brixner residence, plans tor which were adapted to the Brix- ners' needs by Howard Perrin Klamath Falls architect. Included In tbe plans for the house is an exceptionally large living room, 14 by 26 feet, a small dining room located between liv ing room and kitchen, a well equipped and up-to-the-minute kitchen. A large, generously pro portioned bedroom with adjoining tile bath and a hallway, completes the floor plan. A full cement basement with room tor two cars as well as mod ern heating equipment, is also completed. To care for overnight guests, the Brixners included a cleverly concealed wall-bed In the living room which is placed In a closet behind panel doors. Throughout the home there are many outlets, especially generous . In the kitchen, where electrical equipment will be used through out. Gray, weather beaten shingles of asbestos give the desired ef fect against the natural back ground of greenery. Of special Interest to those who are watch ing the construction of homes throughout the city are the metal casement windows which are used throughout. T Evelyn Shulmlre, T, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Shul mlre of Altamont, suffered scalp wounds and bruises Saturday morning when she ran In front of a car on South Sixth street Just outBide the city limits. According to a report on the accident made to District At torney Hardin C. Blackmer by A. J. Allie, a witness, Mrs. Shul mlre started across South Sixth street with her five children. Evelyn broke away from the family group and ran directly Into the path of a car traveling alowly southward toward Alta mont. The little girl was knocked Into the air and tell to the pavement. Allie said be stopped another ear and asked the driver to take the injured child to the hospital. Mrs. Shulmlre and her other children followed In the car which struck little Evelyn and Which stopped Immediately after the accident. Its driver's name was not learned. Allie said the accident was un avoidable. " Evelyn was returned to her home after receiving treatment by Dr. L. L. Truax at Klamath Valley hospital. Announcement was made Sat urday by Frank H. Hocken, Western Pacific assistant freight traffic manager, of the promotion of H. R. Coulam of Seattle, I Wash., effective September 1, to j be general agent at Klamath Falls, Ore., succeeding W. C. ! Wilkes, who Is retiring at his own request after many years of faith-, ful service. Coulam Joined the Western Pacific in November, 1922, as a ; clerk in the Salt Lake City office ' of the company, eventually be-' coming commercial agent In j 1933. This position he held un til November, 1936, when he was made traveling freight and pas senger agent at Seattle. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS MURRAY Born at Hillside hospital August 27, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Murray, 436 Adams street, a boy; weight: 8 pounds 54 ounce. CQIMSTRUGTION BEGUN CPE GOD DWELLING Construction on a six-room home of Cape Cod colonial de sign was started the middle of the week for Mr. and Mrs. Carleton W. Hornibrook. The house will be built on Pacific Terrace on the property which lies between the Howard Perrin home and the J. Royal Shaw home. The Hornibrooks have planned a neatly designed house which will be two stories In construction with a living room of spacious proportions, a dining room, kitch en and bath on the first floor and three bedrooms and a bath on the second floor. A full cement basement with modern heating equipment Is also Included In the plans. The home, which will add greatly to the attractiveness of the residential street, .will be ready for occupancy early In the year, it was learned. Contractors, who have started work on the $8000 structure, are Lars J. Hed lund and Floren. Other permits Issued this week, starting August 19, by Henry Schortgen, building Inspector, In clude: Albert L. Bruley, reshingle house and repair foundation, 2232 Uantland avenue, $150. A. F. Joens, 346 Division street. addition to garage, J 100. Joe white, 2419 Darrow street, new residence, S2000. R. H. Dunbar, 1136 Pine street, move residence from rear of lot to front -of lot, $500. Levi N. Stevens, 1336 Worden street, garage repairs, 145. Eckerson Roof company, 1330 Worden street, composition roof, J154. Reshingle roof at 1S04 Acad emy street, $10. M. Conquergood, garage, 101 Uphara street, $45. O. M. Stearns, addition to porch on residence, 310 Lewis street, $175. SCHOOL ARRESTED O. E. Johnson and Roy Bar rett, who were in Klamath Falls for a week selling courses In Diesel engineering, were arrested in Roseburg and held on the charge of defrauding an Inn keeper. Both Johnson and Barrett are said to have left the Gem rooms owing A. E. Hill, proprietor, a week's rent. Dale Mattoon, dep uty sheriff, will leave for Rose burg Sunday to return here with Johnson and Barrett. Name Daughters Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gibson of Cali fornia avenue have named their twin daughters born Wednesday, August 24, at Hillside hospital. The little girls will be christened Elizabeth Adele and Frances Lucille. Returns Home Mrs. Carl Hobbs of Merrill returned to her home Saturday from Hillside hos pital with her young son, Edwin ilobert, born August 18. Avoid Torrid Summers Save on Winter Fuel Specializing A$ We Do In Small Homes, We Know the Answers to Your Building Problems. Home Lumber & Supply Co. South oixth St. am The moilifled Spanish colonial homo of Mr. nml Mrs. Villi Brixner on Lakeshore drive will be ready for occupancy early In September. The house Is one of built around the lake by Klamath "Carnahan" Cottage Built Around Closet Experienced designers of small homes often begin with some es sential feature of the house, such as a hallway or a heating unit or the kitchen, and design the home around it. This principle was followed in an unusual way with the "Carnahan',' home plan fea tured by Western Homes founda tion this week. With this ex ample, the architects focused on the problem of closet space. Lim ited by specifications for "50 or less square feet In a one-story home, they first figured the closet space that would bo required and then the most effective arrange ment. This basic problem can be ap preciated if the Illustration of the floor plan Is covered on either side of the closet line through the center. It may also be seen by this means how radical changes from the original plans might leave the owner with a very un satisfactory bouse because the utilization of every possible inch of space would be lost. Space saving for economy In construc tion without loss of efficiency and comfort In living Is the basis of the Carnahan design. Yet certain Interesting changes are possible without disturbing the design. Note the dining space n the rear of the kitchen. As in another cottage in this series. the La Pointe, this extension can be effectively glassed In to cre ate a little sun porch off the kitchen. Also, the utility room can easily be transformed into a basement entry and stairway if a basement is desired. In this case, the closet line may be ex tended on through the rear bed room. The chimney arrangement In this home also makes possible a cozy corner living-room fireplace near the center of the bouse. Those who build from this plan or from any other small-home plan sponsored by Western Homes foundation should be very care ful, however. In allowing extreme changes to be made from the original working drawings and specifications. Remember that these have been developed by leading national architectural and engineering authorities in coop eration with the technical experts of the federal housing adminis tration to meet the small-homes problem. Insulate Your Home With Celotex Phono 227 the many attractive homes being Residents. Staff photo. - line Feature - - - - '( ----- LIVING ROOM lio'sii'o" Built with good quality of con struction and materials, with ce dar shingles and sldcwalls, this Certlgrade cottage can be pur chased under the FHA plan for as little as $13.60 per month. Working plans and specifications may be obtained from Western Homes foundation, 364 Stuart building, Seattle, Wash. TWO PASSENGERS RESCUE CHILD LOST ABOARD BUS Jacquelyn Holmqulst of Mc Cloud, 8, was brought to the city police station by two women pas sengers on tho city bus when the little girl forgot which stop as hers and the names of friends she was to visit. Jacquelyn came to Klamath Falls with her parents, tho l'ete HolmqulHts, who put her on the bus for her destination, Holm quists continued their shopping. The girl became confused, and after she bad ridden to the end of the bus line and back, two passengers, Mrs. Charles Miller and Mrs. George O. Welch, took her to the police department, where she waited until her par ents claimed her. The front end of one species of tadpole can be grafted success fully to the hind part of an en tirely different species. Hart Oil Burners Modernize; Any Heat Plant Installed In your present heat ing plant without inconveni ence or delay, HART Oil Heat Immediately assumes the task of maintaining constant and healthful Temperature. Simply set the lever of the Thermo stat at what ever degree you desire . . , there Is nothing else to do. SILENT CLEAN ODORLESS COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC Monthly Payments ff Desired Estlmntes Given Free Heilbronner 8 Rea "Fuel That Batlsflcs I'lim Service" 82 1 Kprlng 1'lione 2.10-W "V I -.-J --r.i 3 &VA Current small homa architectu ral competitions show Increasing tondpnry by nrchltocla to give up the idea of locating home laundry rooms In the bnscmont and In stead to make a new arrnugoment of first-floor space by which a small and oompact homo lntinder ing room can be placed directly off the kitchen, profitably so that It also Is only a step or two from the outside service area. Not so ninny years ago honit laundorlng space always was In the basement. Custom was the only reason for this, bemuse the averago housewifo generally was prompt to admit that the bolow stalrs area by no means was per fect for tho weekly laundering process. Most basements, even whon dry and well finished, luck good light and ventilation. Nevertheless, architects and builders continued placing laundries in basomonts, largely through Indiffcrenco to ward the correct planning and placing of them. Habit was a strong factor In keeping the laun dering spaco below-stalrs, and in adequately planned and equipped. In the past few years there fin ally has been a distinct break with the old practices. One of the largest nationally circulated women's magazines (Tho Ladies' Home Journal) recently reported Its readers Just about equally di vided lu their preference for baso nient and first floor laundries. and 10.000 contestants In a hoino- piauning competition conducted by another (Woman's Homo Com panion) showed a preponderance of favor for tbe first-floor room. Those who favor the ground floor room, no matter how small and compact, located Just off tho Kitoneu, point out that keeping It close to the cooking center makes It far easier for one woman (o supervise both. .Moreover, she is much more conveniently located for answering the telephone and the doorbell. .Mothers find additional advan tage in tho fact that with the laundry room upBlalrs they can work much nearer their children and exercise a supervision over them that would be Impossible If mo uiunury wero In tho basement. A demonstration hume shown recently In Springfield, .Mass., was a conventional New England colonial type with the entrance In the center, living room at one sliiu and dining room at the other with the kitchen behind It. To the rear was a one-story wing, to serve both as a homo laundry and as a dining nook. 11 has proved to be extremely convenient. Laundry and kitchen use a common rear hallway leading to the outdoor service area. Audlng a small wing permitted use of much window area for the kitchen and the com bined laundry and dining nook. In two collages recently open ed in suburban lioston amull first floor areas adjoining the kitchen are dedicated to laundry use, with Hie basement for rumpus rooms, play space and garage. In another house the combina tion garage and laundry was placed so far from the kltchon and was so unfit for easy access that women visitors were frank to say they did not like It. Architects and builders agree It Isn't The Bird's- A New Roof Saves You Money Now Is the Time to Re-Roof Your Home For Winter Comfort and Economy We Recommend Johns-Manville Roofing and Certigrade Red Cedar Shingles Big Basin Lumber Co. Main and Spring . i W. 4, , -r.v . i v..:- . .....i v.- 'Main Hero nro two new homes built of volrollto hrlek. n puuileti huso tile mado lu Klamath falls from materials obtained at titans niouu tain, about 60 miles south of hero.. Soveral houses have been built of volcnllte brick In and around year. The upper house Is located In Altamont and the lower In HI. Francis park. Local Real Estate Market Above Northwest Average lly K. M. CIIII.COTK How are we doing? Well, some folks say that huslnoss Is rotten nnd others say that It Is good, but the facts seem to be Hint the real ostato market is only fair. Surely the mnrkol has been better here than III most other cities of the northwest. You might step into your car and drlvo slowly through the various city additions. You will sco now homes In the old part of town, lu Hut Springs and lit the enst side. Then drive on out Into tho sub urbs and noto the hundreds of homes that have been built during tho past year. Shacks, you say? Yes, many shacks and a lot of good homes. Hut pleaso remember that tho shacks will grow Into bel ter homes and will help a lot lu making our city a great trading center. Strikes In the WHlnmolto val ley and along the coast havo slowed the market a lot, and con ditions are not nearly so good there as in our own Klumulli basin. Klumatb folks are forliiu ato In that tho millworkers have shown the good Judgment to Ig nore the radicals and remain at work. For this reason goucral In large part thai a majority of women, Including many who do not do their laundering work bill have outsldo help conic in, prefer first floor spaco to the basement. In any caso, It Is Increasingly evi dent that women prefer tho plan ned home laundering room and thnt If they cannot havo this, they are becoming moro and moro in sistent on having up-to-dnto washers, Ironors, driers and the other equipment that spend up the old washday operation and takes drudgery from it. lioses Camera William Long. 1012 Donald street, reported to city police tho theft of ono Knst man vest pocket camera In a leather case from hla car. Only eye View Phon. 107 Klamath Falls during the past artlvltlca In the building trades havo been fair ami good feeling prevails among the wnrkors and tho owners of llm mills. Wntrhtuan, wlinl of the night? Well, tho democrats my there Is no night, anil tho repulillrans are looking longingly for the sunrise. All parties agroe that there will he a gradual upward trend In the real estnto market during the fall nnd early ulntor. What comes af ter? Well, your guess Is as good as nny. ono thing Is sure, that In the not too distant future, values will Inrreasn rapidly, and the wise ones will buy or build their homes before that time arrives. Purine the pant couple of weeks It wns my privilege to nttend the state convention of the Oregon Assoelnllon of Real Kit ate Hoards, held t North Rend, also to attend the stale meeting of tho Oregon Insurance agents at Port land nnd to observe real estnte rondltlons In tho count country nnd In and around Portland. The officers of the Kquliablo Savings & Loan association, represented In Klamath Falls by the firm of Chilcotn & Smith, assisted mater ially in securing Information as to values and sales. I llnliblt City police were nskod to locato a brown buck ' rabbit which belonged to Nelllo Nlcknfnss, 921 Owens street. Au-i gust 27. According to Nelllo tho rabbit was taken from ila pen at her home. I Suitcase Taken When Teresn Schenber of Carthage, Mo., ar rived In Kliimnth Falls she put down a sultcnso which sho told police wns stolen from her. The theft Is alleged to havo occurrod August 26. Tho bag contained skirts, blouses, dresses, eyo glasses and wenrlng apparel. Building Loan Facilities SI. FRANCS Are the Best and Easiest FHA and Other Loan Agencies Give St. Francis Park Homes The Highest Rating, Because, As Klamath Falls' Outstanding Restricted Suburban Sites, St. Francis Parle Property Will Increase In Value. Buy or Build a Country Homa With a City Environment In St. Francli Park. Let ui explain how you can build more economically than ever before. GEO. S. Real St. Francli Parle That the republican parly must lake a morn llliernl viewpoint of political problems and meet the modern piohloms wit It practical methods wns the opinion of a group of party leader who gath ered In the circuit court rooms In the courthouse at 8 o'clock Fri day night. Harold Merryman, president of tha Klamath County Itapuh llcan club, was empowered to ap point a nominating commutes lo report at the nol meeting. Mora than .10 precinct com mitteemen and workers gathered for the session with Harold (i. IT u 1 1 1 of Knloni, president of the Oregon llepubllcan club and af filiated with the Halem Ktatei nian. I'riillt pointed out that the Kepiililli'iiu club serves as a "parade or testing" ground tor the pollllral Interests of the parly In the state. He alio explained thai lb club Is organltod for the purpose of railing meetlno and stirring club committeemen Into promoting llm welfare nf the party. It. II. Anderson. Klamath coun ty rbalrinaii. and I.. O. Arens. active In republlrau affairs, also po Ice briefly on rounty problems. Mrs. Knima Del.np Is a member of the policy commltleo, one of 49 persons representing all conn, lie In the state who ara gather ing sentiment among the repub lican voters In a set of resolu tions, which will niprens tha opinions of party members. Theia resolutions nrn to be sent lo the statn convention which meets September 16 and 17 in Ralem and to Glenn Frank, chairman nf the (IOC national policy commit tee, In Chicago. ) "The renult of research In learning the sentiment of reptib , Itrnn voters throughout the stata ! will show us Just what tha voters of Oregon are thinking." Prultt staled after the session. "Party members rerngnlxn the basic prin ciples nf social security but feel that they must find a practical I way lo work It out. They also j feel the same way concerning I tho Wagner act and other acta j which have been Introduced re cently." rmltt planned to spend the weekend at Fort Klamath visit ing with his tnietn, Mordernl Itess, pioneer rancher of that district. Haren and rabbits ara animals of entirely different groups, and the namea are not Interchange able. Farmers Lumber Co. An Independent Yard We Specialize in Pine Building Loans Arranged 1436 Klamath Ave. Ph. 317 In RUSCO Ettat. Phone 2210 PARK t