AuKimt 20, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIVE CITY BRIEFS I'lilii'i'li'd lli-rn 1'mnlnii Nllilny, iiri'nlili'iit nf llin Nnrlli wi'bIoi n Klntt'N iiiliinlmi til I ho Clnirrli of J huh Chiliil nf I -ill 1 i- Hay HiiIiiIh. will lin lii Khiniiilli Kit I la K ii niluy Aiik'ikI 2S, ill which 1 1 iu hu will Imlil u iMinriM'Oiif'ii wllli iiipiiilinm nf llm rlniiTli mill vlnllnrn. 'I'll o IIHII'lllIK will Iki Ih'IiI In 1 In' iiuill lull ii in nf llin iiihlli 1 1 lnii ry ul 7::in ii. in. Nllil"y rci i'iiily liniii'il fi inn mi i'HMinlvii I rip IIiI'oiikIi Aliinlui, wliini hu (inluli llnliuri li i ii n y Hiimliiy H' liiiiiln nnil liraiii'lit'H, II wnn iiniiniinrcil. llin vlnll ln'tii nl I It In IIiiik will IiiIim ont lllllliy liiiMlltiKm of llin rlllircll nnil riii'iiila, mi'inlinm of llm i'oiii Hill ton nlntiMl. Hiuh.'iiI Krrvlip On Sunday cvnnliiK ii M"'lal nxrvlio will lio Imlil In llm I'll"! Mi'llinilliti rhill.'li wll'ill Kur. Matllmw Kran- iln or Wiilmill, KiikIiiikI. lll l' llm Micrliil Kpi'iilii'i', llin mill MiiIIIikw Kniiuiii, Jr., will li-ail llin hIiikIiik ml will "lux In Wolnli. Tim Klral ITonliytmliin nnil I tin A 1 1 ii in o ii t i'riiiiliyli'i'liiii iIiiiitIi will llllltu III llilfi aurvlco In hour Dr. Kin in Im In Imtli antiK mul ituiiiiuii. A cordial 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 ' Ion Ii nximiiloil 10 Ih ii Kim"! ul public by (lis union pimton. Hpcnkn ul (lllliiilllll III tlio nlmi'llro f thu pimliir, Ilov. M'U fnlil. Illt I ( v . .Ylultliiw Kllilirlri. Jr. of Walmill. Kiiglaml, will ho t ho apodal Hpoakor nl tliu t.'oni- iiiuiilly .Mollioillal church o Llillo ijii I n Kiiitilny inoinliii!. "An lliiv. Krniirla in mil only mi Inloroiitliiit npi'iik'T lull ii npl Hil I'-ml'T In aoiix. I IHn ni'ivlio nlioulil llltvo a lull!" niiual to Iliu puoplii of i lilloiiiiin mul vicinity.' llev. J. w. S iiri'll of I ho Mutlioillnt church linru mill it Krlilay. VlallltiU i lMki llnv. mul Mn. Italpli F. Dooaolior mid llinlr daughter. Dorln of Kxulnr. Calir aro spending Iho wool In tlio Hi'lillhorl oalilll nil llio wnnl nlilo nf l.nko o' llio Wooilii. llin llnv Mr, Uneachor In llio liilulninr of thn I'rnaliytnrlnii church of llio Cnllfornln city mul In nuppiyiiiir, llio locnl pulpit or Hint denomi nation duriiiK Iho nhaonce of Iho Hov. Tliooiloio Kinttli. Vlaiimn lnvo-Mr. mul Mm. Otto II. Solflert of MoIIiip. ill . r turned lo tholr homo In Iho mld dlowon after YliltliiK In Klamath Falla a a tho homo Riioata or Mr. and Mra. Kroil Flool of Alam.'iln atroi'i. Thin wan Iho firm vlnll tho Holffcrta have niiiilo In Dili city. Iti'liirn Here Mr. and Mra. Donald Taylor and dauihler. Nancy, returned Iho inlddlo of Ills work lo tholr homo In Ht. Fraud park, following a vacation which limy ipcni at Lake, o' tho Wooda. Taylor In employed In tlio officii of llio Oregon Mate highway de part in mil. I ; Kiinto Home -Mrs. E. M. Andersen loll Wednesday for roriland, whore alio will vlnll for a few dayn licforo roturnliiK homo lo Ureal Full". Mont. Mrn. An deraeh had lieon horo for tin pant month rlaltlng her on. Waller Andersen, and family. Itoporta Accident Loo Sparks c Morrill, CCC truck driver, re ported a minor accident which occurred AtiKimt 24 on Iho J canal bridge. Driver of llio other enr wan Dorno K. Woodward of Den ver. Colo., according lo a report filed with tho ahorlffn office. Fried chicken nnntlivlchea fWr. Vetr'a llniuliiirKi'r Shop, 010 Main. QUALITY MEAT MARKET Hpoclnllica In Hteer anil llaby lli't-f Quality Ahvnyn riunranteeil Freo Delivery lAiula Eaclilu, Proprietor RECTAL DISEASES Mild electric trcntlnenta, replnclng o I d niethmla. Non-conflnlng, non-aurgl cnl nnil anfer. RICH II LIS atnrt wllli lira I trenU incut. Write for KltlCU booklet, DR. M. C. CASSEL Bpeclnllnt Cnaac) llron. Chiropractic Clinic SIM No. 71 h Phono 420 WANTED 1000 Men and Women to Share in a Full Evening of Fun and Frolic PRE-CONVENTION Armory Dance Tomorrow Nite Conducted by Our Own Champion American Legion Drum Corps Itelurn Here Mr. and Mm. I, en H. McMiillen and iliiuglilor. Francos l.oe, relumed Iho early purl nf Iho week from Hlienati iloiih, In , where Ihey spoilt llm past Ihroo wimks. They attended u reunion of McMullen'a family at Iho old home In Hhnniiudonli In noiitliwonlont luwu. Tlio two iIiiiikIiIiii'h mul Hin a noun of Mr. nnil Mm. Hit in McMiillon, nltniiileil Iho reunion wllli I Iml i' puronla for tho flint Hum In 11 yearn, iiccord I n k to McMiillen. Ho reported crop conillllona, onpuclally tho corn, rcollont tliroiiKhoul Iho luldilluwent mid nald hiinlnena con dlllnna III general woro Improviid. lleliirnliiK went Iho McMiillena drove through noveral of tho iiu lloual parka, alopped briefly In Denver, llolno anil olhor wontorn polnln, llrlvo Norlli Mr. and Mm. I.ynn lloycrori loft Friday for roillunil on a liuiilnena trip. Willi") north they will Join with tlio l.eiidiira' club of Oregon Mutual I. ire liinurmira cnmpmiy and will travel with tho group to Tlnihor llim lodge, whero Iho convention of llin orgmilr.iillon will ho Imlil for tour daya. For tho nocond yoar In aucconnlon lloycrori hna nucceoiled In writing doulilo hln nnnlKiieil (iiola for club quullfl callonn, ho ntnliid Friday. Hhona Work Duko O'Neal wan huny Friday moriilng putting up a dlnplay of dnlla, bankola and other woven artlclen niado by tho Klamath Irlboa. Tho dlnplay la nhown In a window of Klamath county chamber of commerce:. Hpcrdn Truck I'aul Stanley Htorllng waa arreated by atuto po lice and charged with apeedlng a truck on highway No. 311. Ilo waa aimed lo appenr beloro Jua tlco of Iho I'uaco W. Ii. Hurncn Friday afternoon. Hpnrk l'luga Taken City po llco wero advlned by Dorrla off 1 cora thai prowlora colored a r vl co ntnllnn In Dorrla and muilo off wrth 30 apark pluga and 30 flnnhllghti nomollmo during Iho night of Augunl 26. Iavea for Hnlein Marilyn O'Neill, young daughter of Mr. and Mm. Jonepll ". O'Neill, left by train Wednenilay nlghl for tinleiii, whero nho will vlnll until achoo) ilarli at tho homo of her grandparenta, Mr. and Mra. 8ollg. Kinmliirr Hero Ward Mclley uolda, examiner tor operatora and chauffeuta. will bo In Klamath Falla Tuenday and Wcrtneaday of next week. Ida office will he lo cated In tho baaetnent of tho court houao.wlth houri from 1 p. in. to E p. m. Attend l-lrnlc Mr. and Mra. Wllllniu Keeaeo and throo loni motored to nutte crook Batiirday, where they npent the weekond with roliitlvea. They alno attend ed the Maaon-IChrniann picnic hijld at Anhlnnd a I.I t hia park. At Hummer Home Mrn. 13111 Mnrllfm. and dniiL'tilnr hftVn linen npendliig the pant eouplo of weoka hi ihn . allliltner rnliln nn llio L.II He Denchutei rlvor alter return lug from a fortnlght'a motor va cation trip Inlo Canada. Itelurna Krom Houth Lucille Arthur, daughter of Mr. and Mra, Carl Arthur, han returned lo Klamath Falla after npcndlng (be pant thren nionlhn In Loa Angeloa vlnltlng relntlvoa and frlonda. Ilotiirna lo Hpokano Myrtle Dnnforlh la leaving Sunday to lako chargo of Iho achool of which nho la nrlnclnal at Sno kane. She ban been tho house giiosl hore of Mrs. J. Olnen. Halln to Honolulu Marjorle ltnnlnrff. dnimlller of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ednall, waa to sail for Honolulu Friday on tho Matsonla for a iwo-weok vacation trip. Vlnltlng Here Mrs. Francca Love of Portland and her niece, Mrs. Wllila Cualorfuse, are hero visiting with Mrs. Love's brother and slstor-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Mall of 1453 Wllford ave nue. Ijenva for Wanliliifrton Mr and Mrs. I,. I. Brooks and son Lano, aro loavlng for Washington Siiturday morning, whoro they will visit with relatives and friends In Belllngham, Wenatchee and Spokane. Hlnklvou Cnnillilato Samuel T, Flnley ot Yreka was In Klamath Falls early this week after a cam paign swing through tho Tulolako area. Flnley Is a candidate for suporlor judge ot Siskiyou county LOCAL CREAMERY Orriclala of lliiyinond Dairy rompmiy advlned city police Frl duy morning Unit prowlxra lind broken Inlo the creamery early Friday morning, gaining entry through Iho nky light glnnn. Tho nn Fa wan not nnlori'd, po llen wero told. Unlry lo llio building wiih nl in 1 1 ii r lo Hint lined hy prowlora on May i, J a ft 2 when tho place wan burglarized. Sprague River HPHAGIIK ItlVKH Mrs. W. J. Monro returned lo her homo In Kprague lllvor Knliirday aftor a wvek's vlnlt in Modford. Word bus been received of the III rib of a daughter lo Mr. and Mm. C. 8. (Hill) Tool on Augunl 14. The baby hna boon named Alomi Darlnno. (lone Morrllt left recently for Medford where ho expecta lo npend several weeks working In thu packing hounen. Mr. and Mm. Frank McCul lough returned lant week from a short trip to Corvallla. Mr. and Mrs. K, Chrlntcnnon and family moved back lo Hprngue lllvor hint Sunday. Chrlatonnen has returned hie duties at Iho Crnlor l.nko mill. Cloorgo Adams Is repainting tho pankny home thin week. Mm. Eiiwnrd J. Whalen of Klammh Agoncy, and Minn Vir ginia May Lovell of Medford were vlnllorn In the homo of Mr. and Mm. It. (J. Moore lam week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds returned Sunday from an extend ed trip through Yollowntono park and lo the homo of Mm. Itey noldn mother at Unit , Montana. On the return trip they mopped nl Cascade, Idaho, lo vlnlt two of Mrs. Reynolds' brotborn, and at 1'rlnovlllo, Oregon, lo spend a day with Reynolds' sinter. Whllo at 1'rliiovlllo they saw many of their old friends from Hprngue Itlver. Donald Stanton, who nc cnmpnnlod them, In nlaylng In i'rlnovlllo to vlnlt hln father. J. L. Haddock, who recently nunlalned norloua Injuries In fall ing from a truck, han resumed hln work at the Kwauna ramp. (.'. A. Nlrhola In driving a now maroon coupe. E. F. Merrill of tho O. K. Transfer Co.. at Klamath Falla waa In Sprague Itlver on bunl nena lant week. Mrs. Anna llrooks of Chinese Camp, Calif., Is now making her homo with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Zlbull o( this city. Mr. and Mrn. C. A. Fuller. Jr.. and family have recently moved Into the hou previously occu pied hy O. W .Ludwlck. Jack Thranher In going to Klamath Falls this week for treatments for sinus trouble W. C. Pankoy and daughters spent Tuesday In Klnmalh Falls. Mr. snd Mrs. K. 8. Illley and family spont Iho weekend In Mer rill. Dr. H. II. Howard nnd family of tialena, Illinois, spent a week In Sprague Illver vlnltlng Mrs. Howard's brother. Dnn Wann, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wllburn Craig and daughters Thyllls and Ber nlce and Wayne Olander of Red Oak, Iowa, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Craig's brother-in-law and aimer, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivan Kggers. They made a trip to tho coast for noveral days of this woek and expert to return to their homo within a fow dnys. Shirley and Norma Jean Book, dnughtera of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hook, entertained several of tholr smnll friends at a birthday party at tholr homo on August 8. Shir ley was flvo years old on Hint date and Norma Jean was six years the following day. A pink and white cake nnd lomonado was served lo tho gucsta following a couple or tionra of games and Play. The following wero pres ent: Patsy and Ralph Lovclnnd. Gary Holdrtch, Ruth Panky and Gerry, Juneve and Joan Brlsco. Minn Mildred Shlpmnn, teacher Mothers 9th Annual 4'i' . A V - '-wKA August VV yX Absolutely XVW 'A ' Vv.,Mi' -SPSS t"' For Entering Kennell-Ellis Studio "Most Attractive Child" Contest 22 Prizes to 22 Winneri Main St. at Eighth For Particulars Phone 2010 The Following Donors Sponsor Awards: H. W. Poole; Lost River Dairy; Buster Brown; Pine Street Mkt.; Beck's Bakery; Lucas Furniture; Montgomery Ward; Malin Mercan tile; Laird Drug, Morrill; News & Herald; Shaw Stationery; Roberts & Peak; Penney's; Waggoner Drug; Pearce Boauty Shop; Mur phey's Seed Store; Poole's Bicycle Shop; Geo. Metz; Moe's. Hold Everything! "" : 1 i LITTLE TT Tf ' ' Q) DAISY , . ,, . 3- lm o-it. conn. iMtav Nmcwvicr we. "Say, did 1 Icuvc a bag of cement instead of flour here this morning?" of the primary room In Sprague River for tho pant three years, waa expected lo arrive Sunday for a vlnlt with friends. Mlns Ship man hus spent the summer with a sister In Oregon City and friends In TacouiD, Wanb. She la lo teach in the Hhanta achool near Klam ath Falla this next year. Harvesting of clover on the Tom Calnies ranch went of Spraguo River Is now under way with two crews working nights and early mornings. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodges of Merrill, and Hodges' sinter. Mm. Fox, and daughter of Washington, D. C, woro vlnllorn In Sprague River recently. Hodges was among the firm residents of Sprague River, having owned a partnership In a pool room here. C. D. Ough and A. L. Brook went on tho .Spoiinmen'a tour of the deer reserve on Lake. Klam ath and Modoc counties Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammons were Merrill visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Hammons will again be rook at tho Merrill School cafeteria and was taking care of business In regards to the cafe. TULELAKE BRIEFS ( TUI.F.I.AKE Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Chapman, Portland, parents of Mm. J. R. Barr, aro guests of Mrs. Barr and Dr. Barr for a 1 week. The guests relumed early this week with their daughter who attended on August 21 a cel ebration In honor of their fifti eth wedding nnnlvomary at which seven of their ten children wero present. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman with ten children and 19 grand children, boasts of no deaths In the family In 50 yearn. Married In Missouri In 1SS8. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman came west years ago settling first In Mon- j tana where Chapman was U. S. i commissioner and clerk of the district court for ninny years. Klghtecn years ago they moved to Portland whero they reside outside the city on a farm. Tho' children include Jack of Alturas, Richard, Stockton; Boice, Chicngo; Gus, Oswego, Oregon; Cecil, Sherwood, Oregon; Solo nian, Oregon City; Grace Barr, Tulolako; Marie Hansen, Billings, SQUAWPAW Herb Powder Tht ptrfict ttnlc Ul itlit. ReiuUUi ins llnliutti ttilM Nl twt'i war. Frn us. ! an biaklit at Farbat Pura Dnnji, 3a. 6th and kiamatll SQUAWPAW Hurry! Enter Your Child NOV No Cost or Obligation Montana; Ann Martanzla. Sher wood; Eva McNabb. Sherwood. Mr. and Mm. Cecil King, resi dents of Ontario for the pant ten years, were guests Monday of Mr. and Mrn. Clyde Barks. King, as sociated with the Union Oil com pany In Ontario Is in Tulelake looking, for a vacation. Minn Eva Soldanl, Point Arena, now member of tho high school faculty, arrived In Tulelake this week to get Bottled before the opening: of school. She is al pres ent nt Clyde's hotel. Two births were annriiinced Hila week by Drs. Barr and Hay den, tho first a son. August 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shane, liv- j Inc In Tulelake. The little boy. , weighing 6 pounds, 41 ounces has; been named Terry Lee. Mr. and ! .Mrs. Sam Faulkner. living on i Drain 10, announce the birth of! an 8 pound 4J ounce daughter at! the family home August 21. Stew Lb. 10c Sugar Matches Blue Star 6cTl7c Book Matches 3 Boxes DOG FOOD PARD sr cans 25c OLb ENGLISH VJ Special Values in Our Vegetable Department A Beef Rib V Boiling Ty Beef L1 CCC Camp Notes BI.Y Jack L. Mengel, educa tional advisor In away on Icavo. Ilo left Saturday, Aug. 11, and wan lo return this week. Ilo wont In Rnn fcVtinclncO. Cleave Shillings who ha, been sorlously 111 with streg septema la much Improved Assistant Leader Owen I'. Cur olan was given a commendation for satlnfnctlon as a truck driver by Mayor J. It. Owens. Captain Rohner has been on leavo for three days. Ho haa vis ited al Medford. Roy Johnston, mess sergeant, who has been In tho CCC service since April 17, 1935, and with Camp lily for the pant four montha has been granted a leave and will be discharged as soon as the se lecting agent verifies the dis charge. Ho will accept a posi tion as restaurant manager in Eureka, Calif. TI0NESTA TIONESTA King Gray, woods superintendent, celebrated b 1 a birthday on Thursday wltb a party at his borne. Mm. John Shirley, Mrs. Pat Galhrlght and Mrs. Paul Wamp ler spent Friday In Klamath Falls on business. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wampler, daughter Katherine Louise and Pat Gathrlght spent the weekend in Fort Klamath. Jlmmie, Blllle and Bobby Wampler returned home with Ibem. Mr. and Mrs. Eido Burgess and family and Newton Bailey spent Sunday In Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hayes spent the weekend In Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. D. F .Anderson and children spent the weekend In Medford. Mrs. Anderson and children are spending the week in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Llndbcrg and family moved to San Jose SPECIAL Guaranteed Fermanenta No limit tn number of curls. $1.50 up. Midway Beauty Shop 3. 6th St., next to Lucca Cafe Phone 1074 W Gravenstein Apples Cauliflower Snowball Variety.. Celery Green or Bleached Yaklnia Hale Peaches Bnrtlett Pears Black Fresh Ground BeeS Beel Pot Roast Dill Pickles Cottage Cheese ioh 56c Pork & Beans TruPak Grapefruit Grape Juice Popped Wheat , Also Corn and Rice Pkgs. 5C Woodbury M,D. Toilet Tissue 3 Ron.25c Get one IN SIX IRIUIANT COLORS White King GsZ. Always Tacked RBSSV whore Llndherg has accepted work with a box factory In that city. The Allurns Rotary club ball team were to play Tlonenta on the Tlonenta diamond Sunday. Alturaa learn failed to show up, so Tlonenta won by a forfeiture. Mr. and Mrs. John Shirley and fnmlly spent Saturday In Klam alh Falls on bunlnnns. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hnloy spent Iho weekend In Klamath Falln. Miss Elolse Haley of Meridian, , ''jnho' 'J'""?'1 h"mo ," ,fj"n(l,,y. after a month's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Haley. Mrs. Harold lluhhn was a IiuhI nenn visitor in Klamath Falls on 'f hurnday. Friends here aro sorry to hear that Mrs. J. A. Nichols underwent another operation In Portland. Mrs. David White and James Wampler left on Monday morning for a week's visit in San Francis co, Oakland and San Jose. Miss Kaye ilubbs returned to Tlonenta on Sunday after a week's i visit with friends In Klamath I Falls. i Mrs. Dick Gray spent the week i end in Medford. Mrs. L. C. Keagle and family ! of La Grande, Oregon, are visit-! Ing her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Shirley. i Report Theft E. M. McCoy, j 2124 Eberlein street, reported to i city police the theft of tools, 1 Silly caroon, lin't It -but Ktlloa.g' Rice Krliplts Is a wholt of a good cereal! It has matchless crltpaeii that crackles In milk or cream I and a distinctive, dsliclsai flavor. These toasted rice babbles make a big hit with -yi "KEUOGG'S RICE KRISPIES Jr ,'",r S'"e trat't'es'' every one tram Junior to ftrondpol Year grocer sells Rice Krlipl.i, ready to serve. Wholesome, easy to digest. Made by Kellogg ! larile Creek. .5Lbs.Z5c .....Heads 13V Jumbo aV V ALSO e Ashland Elbert a Peaches Figs White Kadota Figs 2 Lbs. 29c Lb. 19c 5for10c ,.. 10c I Spf y shrienin? M Cans 19c Fargo Juice Zllc 49c Welch's Qt. Facial Soap.... 3 Bars 25C of these Lovely DISHES and 3 cakes of WHITE KING TOILET SOAP S 29c In Wooden Boxes I Nat M II motors and buckets of paint front his store room at his residence. Tho thoft, according to a report filed by McCoy, occurred Aug ust 25. BONANZA MAN HELD ON LIQUOR CHARGE TULELAKE Milton William Keller, Bonnnia, tnkon Inlo cun lodny Sunday night by Roy Dy sort, deputy sheriff, will be ta ken to Yreka to ho placed In the county Jail following sontonclnjr In Justice court by Justice of the Pence Clyde Barks on a charge of drunken driving. Lacking funds to pay his 50 fine Keller will remain tn the lockup for 25 days. UK SI'llK YOII (iKT TIMS K.VTB. PKOTECTION HMKXxniTTiU AT NO K.XTII.l COST COUNTRY PICKUP AND DDLIVKItY THE PELITORIUM I. K. Karley 1110 Main -Toe Karley Phone 18A Juice Oranges 2 , Doz. Wild Plums 4- 2SC 3Lc-9c CORN Golden Bantam Fancy No. 2 e- 23c Cans STANDARD No. 2 Cans I Coee i Golden West ( fZ :3n 73c P I Drip or 1 1 jf I . Percolator i rtp ; Grind 1 J