r PAGE TEN THE NEWS AND TITE HERALD. KLAMATTI FALLS. OREGON Kiijnwt 2(1, 10.13 William A. Van Busklrk, ser vice department manager for the Balslger Motor company, will go to Colorado Springs next month a guest or ins oro. juoior com pany to attend the annual Morlt nlnh nnifnllnn snnniiored br Ford. Announcement ol this was made In Portland Friday uy j. j. Hague, manager of the Portland FnrH hrnnch. when he revealed the names of the prize winners from the Portiana Drnucn terri tory In the annual national Merit liih pnniMt. Pnrticimints in the contest, which lasted June 16 to August 15, were parts merchan dising managers and service de- nartnient managers from rora dealerships. This tho fourth successlv year In which Van Uusklrk has won a trip to the annual meet ing of the Merit club. At Colo rado Springs he will receive I special Merit club button bearing four stars. T r. irT,urjia. narts merchan dising manager for the Ualsiger Motor company, was the winner of one of the cash prizes awarded in the contest. KLAMATH-LAKE C. E. PLANNING ; CONFERENCE HERE The Klamath-Lake Christian Endeavor union will have a one- day conference Saturday. Septem ber 3, to hear the messages of Walter Meyers, state Christian ' Endeavor field secretary, Howard Cole, state president, and Phil Barrett, state publications super lintendent. The first session will be In the Pnesbyterlan church at 2:30 .o'clock Saturday afternoon. The program will consist of a song SHE8 Vjooaric it ASY 0 BUY lv r I RES, BATTERIES AND MOTOROLA AUTO RADIOS J service led by (Jeanne Uoeller, special music, and short talks by the three visiting officers. A banquet In Merrill at 8:46 will ho the opening attraction of the evening sessions. Tickets will b on sale at all the Christian lindeavor devotional meetings at 7 o'clock Sunday, August 28. The boys' quartet of Merrill and a reading by Thelma Petit will be the entertainment during the ban quet. The closing session will be held In the auditorium. After the song service. Barbara Bentley of Tule- lake will sing. Howard Cole and Walter Meyers will be the speak ers of the evening. 1 SELECT Vf( WHAT YOU LL NEED! n jui anuvv u tuuki LICENSE IDENTIFICATION m . T I II I 111 Imake yourI j X'$ own rzs "The federal government has settled claims with 129 Oregon families under the old-age Insur ance provisions of the social se curity act for a total of 6,254.40 during 25 working aays of July." Daniel J. Coraan, manager of the Klamath Palls office of the social security board, has announced. "It is particularly Interesting to note," Coman stated, "that the claims certified In Oregon In July represented more than seven per cent of the total number cer tified in this state since the old age insurance program of the act became effective on January 1, 1937. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that the average amount to which the worker is en titled has Increased as his work credits Increase and also to the spread of better understanding of the system among those who are eligible." Coman said that the federal government has received 40,097, 446 applications tor account num bers 532, 2S9 of these being re ceived during the month of July. The July, 1933 account card total Is an increase of 8,236,378 appli cations over the 31,861,068 total as of July 31, 1937. More than half of the claims ; certified In July in the nation as a whole 8,893 were filed by heirs or representatives of the es tates of wage earners who have died; single cash payments to these claimants averaged 850.39. The remainder of the claims came from wage earners who had reached the age of 65, their pay ment averaging 855.36. The Klamath Falls office of , the board is located at 611 Medi cal Dental building. MRS. ALICE SHORT DIES WEDNESDAY AT YREKA HOSPITAL Mrs. Alice Short, 60, passed away in the Yreka General hos pital early Wednesday morning following a major operation Sat urday. Mrs. Short was born at Phoe nix, Ore., and spent the early part of her life there. Forty-four years ago she was married to Charles Short of Phoenix. Eleven years later they moved to the Pratber ranch near Macdoel, and they have made their home in or near Macdoel up to this time. Five children and five grand children Burvive besides the hus band. The children are Harry of Sprague River, Mrs. Jerry McCar tie of Bonanza, Burrls of Tule lake, Donald and Evelyn of Mac doel r.randrhildren am X'onie McCartie Schooler and Mary Mc- I Cartie Schooler of Bonanza, Mlkle i and Jimmie of Sprague River and j Billy of Tulelake. A sister, Flor- ence Dollarhide, lives In Ashland, a brother, Horace Dunlap In Klamath Falls, a sister in Tacoma and a brother In Arizona. Funeral services were held In Phoenix Friday afternoon. 1 FINE AT t Si 7 s A I ffirel WE INSTALL JYOUR PURCHASE t7 MacDonald Tire Sales Co. Wholesale Retail Opposite Willnrd Hotel i ROOT BEER tjfM k ff h. m. w m m m ' A 1 1 A) V Effective in Klamath Falls, Merrill, Tulelake, Dorrii, and Chiloquin Saturday and Monday, August 27 and 29 nk your choice has wqn Del Monte Peas Rnrly Clardon. No. I Tins 2 For 25C Dozen $1.45 Mission Peas rJ'nL. no.. 98c FRESHLY GROUND TO YOUR EXACT ORDER THE VERY MOMENT YOU BUY IT. (With Coupon).... The pure vegetable shortening. Ilrlngi out tht trus, rich flavor of food. 29c PLAC Yes, AIRWAY Coffee buyers, your choice has won first place. It is the largest selling package coffee West of the Mississippi River and by many thousands of pounds. That's the best evidence that AIR WAY is the best buy in the coffee field todayl It is a great big coffee value and it pleases more people than any other. Try it. 3 ibs. 35(0) if; Snowdrift The pure vegetable shortening. Wesson Oil Milk Tomatoes 3 40c (With Coupon) Qt. Tin For nicer meals at less cost Maximum tall tint .. Taste Tell No. 21g Tin. Dozen 08 3 3 For For 17c 25c boltlc.l9C sf IC9UU Patsy Urg U-os. bnttlra bnl Pressed from fresh, ripe tomatoes rj1rti Pure cider 4o grain full strength for f J . TlliCgar your pickling gallon Xft Baking Powder Clobber fllrl. R'J-os. tin 19c Grapefruit Htokfiy's ....No. nno tins 3 rr 29c rCtt CIICS 0f cohl No. a 4 tins t for Jt 3 for 25c 2r.. 25c Pineapple Juice ' Corn Drl Monle tall o. Utl tins... Nob Hill 2 lbs. 39c Edwards Dependable 2 lb. tin 45c Salmon Del Monte lb. tins 19c Salmon Alaska Pink ....lb. tins 2 for 25c Del Monte m t Cft oval tins J for Your choice of all flavors U tins for AW Oaaak Hershey's or Bakers Dotrn, ft. 1.1: rnse of St, f'J.Hfl No. 3 Una fran Dol Monte Golden Bantam Fancy cream style Pork 8 Beans v" ...S. . 10c TL ilnfcn OHr, No. a Una for Three Sisters Cut filrlngless 25c Sardines 2 tor 25c Cocoanut Ib. PkBS. 25c String Beans Hershey Aero Bars 2 - 5C Regular (c bars. Clean-up price good while present stock lasts. full Ib. tins T)j.. ...... Tt..4-. Tteal rcdiiui OllllCl i Roast Marshmallows ,FrccseuoaCdaiT 10c 2 lb. Jar 2 5C 19c Superb Soap 1 the large package Soap Peets Granulated L(rc. Pkg. 29c Starch Argo corn or gloss, Ib pkg. 2 for 19c Black Walnut Cookies The bandy package f M. for quick lunches A Flour Kitchen Craft 49-lb. bag $1.39 241a -lb. bag 79 Harvest Blossom 49-lb. bag $1.29 24V2-lb. bag 69 Anchor 49-lb. bag $1.19 9-Ib. bag 37 Lion 49-lb. bag $1.09 9-lb. bag 35ti Air Light Flour 49-lb. bag 95 I'RCJDtCE I'ltfL'KS KFKKCTH'K SATtHDAY ONLY Danish Squash 3,rl0c Medium Sizes Bananas 3 lb.. 14c Golden Ripe Fruit Watermelons Lb lc Extra sweet meated melons Potatoes 50-Lb. Bag 39c Klamath Netted Gems, U. 8. No. 1 Pears Full Lug Boxes 39c Fancy rtogue River Bartlotts , Lemons 2 doz. 45c Large sizes, crammed with Juice Concord Grapes S-Lb. Basket 29c Peaches Yakima Klbortni Crate 59c Ashland Elhcrtns Crate 69c Those plump, firm Concords Prunes Crat.49c Tomatoes Fancy Rngue River Valley Tomatoes Crate 49 Orotrnn Italian Dinner Sets L2tpieca $1.98 32-pieces glass ware regu lar $2.98 value to go at $1.98 while supply lasts. White King Toilet Soap . . 3 bars 14c White King Gran. Soap . lge. pkg. 30c Mission Bell Soap 4bar. 19C Rinso For your finest silks and linens. Pkg. 22c MEAT PRICES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY ONLY By the piece Lb, It's the cure that makes this bacon so flavory 27c Lb 25c Bacon Hams Half or whole, , fine grained, fast, ba Beei Roasts Plan your din Chickens Lb.l9c Tendor, Juicy, fine grained, sugar cured. Fry the center slices for break fast, bake or broil the balance. Steer Beef Lb. 12?c Plan your dinner around this delicious roast Lamb The most easily prepared of all fresh monts Legs o' Lamb Lb. 221s Shoulden Lb. 15 Chopg Lb. 25 For fricassee or stewing Fryers Lb. 25c Plump, tender meated birds Veal Genuine Klnmnth County Spring Veal Roasts Shoulder cuts Lb. 15t) Steaks Shoulder cuts Lb. 19 Lipton's Tea Orange Pekoe 'a-Lb. Pkg. 41c 4