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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1938)
THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FATTX TfflEGOIT PAGE TWELTB Kvorutt Fornoas, A. Tavorolne and Wlllliun Nowtou. Dale Baker and Mrs. J. fl. Mo Clellnnd spent Bumlny at (ho homo of their mother, Mrs, J. K. Hakor of Malln. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Masaot and son, Dan, and daughter, Joan, spent the weekend at I-alio o' the Wouils, Ruth Kurber of Midland It vl Itlng'Joun Mnssat, Albert Bchlesel Is visiting at the home of his biothor, I fl. Bchletol. Knjoy Til i -Mi', oml Mia. Clirla lliunxublo and Mr. and Mis. Car Arthur recently enjoyed a brlof motor trip lo Eugene and I. o rune, Ore. Whllo at I.orane, Arthur visited with hla paienls, who live In the valley city. ENROLL terials needed for the school year, It Is understood. Final details are being worked out by heads of the various achool departments, and teachera are contracted for the coming year. concerning place of mooting. Members of the 4-H Camp Cookery club of Falrhavon aerved tea to the women of the commun ity In their 4-H log cabin. The Falrhavon Summer Card club met for the last time Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mia. Margaret llollliliiy. ,1'hoao present were Mosdnmes Atlta Kennedy, Cook, McKale, Thur man, Gabert, I.a Forge, Elsie Wenael, Elisabeth Wansel, llrltt, Hastings, Margaret Holllday and Marian Holllday. The honors wont to Mrs. Hubert, Mrs. Thurman and Mrs. Kennedy. Mrs. Hustings and .Mrs. Margaret Holllday wore hostoMcs. J. II. Gallagher and son, Rich ard, have returned from a weok's fishing trip at Elk lake, Tito tnlonhone company has In L stalled phones, at the homes of West Klamath INI IN OCAL SCHOOLS W PUSS More than 8600 Klamath coun ty boys and girls will alart the national trek back to achool with in 12 days. They will Join mll liona of atudenta throughout the country aa they advance anothor year on the path of learning. Klamath Falls city schools. In cluding Sacred Heart academy, will open Tuesday, September 6. Th 1937-88 enrollment totaled 1418 atudenta and the number of teachers on the city achool fac ulty waa 84, It waa learned from J. Percy Wells, auperlntendent of elty schools. Quito a bit of repair work waa done on the schools of the city including Fremont, Falrvlew, Joseph Conger, Roosevelt, Mills, Pelican and Riverside. Workmen were busy cleaning floors and calsomlning walla. A complete flush coating waa given the Mills achool roof and the concrete court In the rear of the Fremont achool waa repaired for the atudenta. "We do not expect an Increase In enrollment thia year," Wella stated. "Throughout the coun try, especially In the larger cen ters, there la a trend toward the suburban districts, and the fami lies that have the largest num ber of children are moving to tracts and acreages outside the city limlta." Teachers of the Klamath coun ty school system, of which there are more than 165, will have a meeting Tuesday, September t, and atudenta will enter the 35 ele mentary schools and the nine high schools Wednesday morning, Sep tember 7. Enrollment in the ele mentary achools last year totaled 3974 and in the high schools 684, making a total of 4658. There will be a great Increase In Klamath county school enroll ment. It is anticipated, especially In the Crescent achool area where 71 grade school children and 35 high achool atudenta are expected to make their first enrollment in the school system. This Is due to the construction of the mill at Crescent by the Gilchrist Timber company. It was stated. Two large rooma were added to the Crescent achool thia summer In order to care for the Increase In enrollment this fall, and a new achool at Crescent is Included In the proposed 8272.727 achool con struction program for which a 8160,000 bond election will be held September 14, according to Fred Peterson, Klamath county achool auperlntendent. Klamath Union high school stu dents, of which there will prob ably be more than last year's en rollment of 1028, will gather Wednesday, September 7, for reg istration, and teachers, 40 in all. will have a meeting on the Tues day preceding the opening day of school. This ia the tentative pro gram, it is understood. There is an increase of five faculty mem bers, at Klamath high achool it waa reported. At Sacred Heart academy 250 atudenta era expected to enroll and a faculty of 15 teachers will open achool Tuesday, September 6. The teachers are again stress ing the art and music depart-, ments, and It la understood that the majority of academy students are enrolled in one of the two courses. City school children are pro ' Tided with text books, as are the county school children. They do buy, however, such supplies as tablets, pencils, composition books, crayons and a few work books. The county high school students are also provided with books, which are properties of the high schools. Students of Sacred Heart acad emy and also Klamath Union high achool purchase .their own text booka and supplies, and all ma WEST KLAMATH The mem bers of the UQG club aurprlsed Mrs. Marie Woolaoy with a tea Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Wool sey has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Joe Masset, for aeveral weeks. The women met at the Mnssct home and after several games refreshmenta were served. Four young girls dressed In for mals served. Those present were Mesdames Woolsev, Masset, Sohultx. Mar garet Holllday. Marian Holltday, O'Brien, Thurman. Wonn. Stew art, Warren, Schlesel, McClelland and Bonnie Heltman. Marie Mc Clelland, Jean Holllday and Joan Masset. Mrs. Woolsey left Friday for Fresno, Calif., and then to Bis marck, Mo. The PTA Card club will begin Its regular meetings September 1. Announcement will be made later : Showing at CAL-ORE TAVERN FRIDAY, AUG. 26 0 JAZZ REVUE CoImU.SuiIo.ILT U.LTdM Mm HORTENSE AIKEN p i oon h o w PLUS OUR REGULAR FLOOR SHOW O Millie Stotz Acrobatic Dancer O Kaye La Com Toe Numbers O Sally Peterson Snappy Steps O Sonny Collette "A Bit of Nonsense" Admission 75c Per . Person Cfll-ORE s TAVCRTI PfS HIGHWAY 97 SOUTH (Oooh with (ML w J ! I' I - r Your electric refrigerator does more then keep things cold. It does cold cooling, too. In it you can male de liciout froien end jellied taladi, end wonderful home made ice cream end water icei. You can regulate it for quick freezing or stow, to that it will fit in with your meal-getting sched ule nicely. Cold cool try it very in expentive, too. The refrigerator does, it et the tame time that it keeps ell periihable foods sefely cool, end you Inow it does that for only e few pennies s day. Find out how easily you can have one. Your Electric Refrigerator f k fitly wtomti, end utedi m attention. Jutt plug it in. 2 Mdlntalni a Itmptrthirt of SO Of btow id lh itoragt compart- ffrtfltl, Jt Matti dtfceleui frottn dtmrtt end wUdi in the frtvrng trey. 4 $uppf-i planty of pure. iptrHintj k) evbtt for cold bavaraqei. The California Oregon Power Company WSSsam, SM DDBS LOOK FOR QUALITY IN: Tublait Colon Neat Workmanship I Smart Styling j 1 Sturdy Percale '$ iJ ymmMm Tit- jMm Percale vsmm jivresses ::mum NEW I Siiesl to 141 Mothers! You'll want two or three of these dresses on sight! Variety of prints and plain col ors. Many dirndl, gored and peasant styles. New high waist lines. Well cut and well made! Girls' Better Dresses Ward low Pried fl Cottons: shantung broadcloth, poplin. Boleros, suspender tops, all-round pleats, Swedish types. Sites 1 to 16. F ill MT at Wards on these famous-for-wear School dDxioraus foauory- 51.98 1 . Ward "MlratU Valu (ilrln1 hlk or brimn leailirr ! forl with mian-on kiltie longurs. IWiya" arlimil mfonla. HUra Bts-O. (ilrls' from Hit-H. School Oxfords Fully lined brown wnooth lentlirr. Hle from H '4 lo Z 98c Special for Boys I 2.49 Value I Coriluroy V?J IT T198 New Herringbones . . . Cheeks . . . and Other New Patterns. Imagine I Rugged narrow wale corduroy in good looking patterns at thia low price! Full cut slack model, well tailored! Sizes 8 tq 17. Save NOW! Dress Pants younjAWi New patterns correctly styled plain or pleated models. Waist 29-36. sin,. mmmmmmaM Homesteaders WEAR Boys' Work Shirts 3c The same features found In men's shirts! Sturdy cotton covert or cham bray, full cut. Triple stitched main seams, non rip sleeve facings I Sanforized Shrunk M101"Ilaiul Overalls for Boys REAL strength built Inl Copper riveti at 12 vital atrain points! Full 8 oi. denim; . triple-stitched main seams; yoke back. Full cut sizei 8 to 18 yrs. SALE I Wards Famous Tennis Shoes Men's and Hoys' Skips Regularly 59c 44" Save 15c pair! Famous for their light hut sturdy, quality construction. Reinforced durk with long wearing corrugated rubber soles for wear. Hoys' Work Shoes Black! Double leather soles! Hoys' Shirts and Sliorfs Fast color shorts, full cut. Rib shirts. J0 I5r. Women's Pure Silk Hose First quality; lisle reinforced feet. Sale! Long Stockings Fine rib with reinforced feet. Roys' Quality Oxfords Black leather. Oak leather soles. Itingless Chiffon Hose Full fashioned sheers. Fall colors. Sale! Sturdy Hose Lastex cuffs. For boys and girls. Tricot Knit Hrlefs Run-resistant rayon satin stripe. Hoys' Cowhide Relts Plain, Garrison styles. Top grain! Hoys' Suspenders Clip-on styles. All-elastic straps. 249 Op'- Young Men's Socks Rayon and cotton mixtures Young Men's Shirts Preshrunk! Fast color patterns! Hoys' Fancy Pajamas Vat Dye fast colors! Coat; middy. 25; 30 25 1U 79 Hoys' Fast Color Shirts Cotton broadcloth, vat dye prints! Hoys' Hih Overalls Sanforized Shrunk husky denim. 4-16, Hoys' Work Pants Sanforized Hlirank dcnlml 8-18. CO" 69c 49c Kraals New Patterns . I y dp . All Fast Color . . . sad j-;: Hoys' Shirts V A flc 1 V Keduced from ye for 3 Days Only All styles and patterns de signed especially to suit boys' tastes! Strongly tailored to stand hard wearl Plenty of whites! BoyY Swonlers 198 Smart two-tone with rag- hni'k. Sale. Fall Patterni m School Anklels pair Unusually fine quality for such a low price! Strong ly reinforced to give good service! Heather mix tures; plain colors; Lai tea tops. t'A-W,. Rayon Taffeta Sale of le Slips H to id Rchnol spcclnl! Splnndld qunllty rayon tnffota; Incn-trlniniod yoke; atrnp shoulders. Tcaroso. (fills' Itnyon I'nnlli'B and mourners, 4 to T. 22e wmmmmmmmmsia M(D)OTB(DMIEIEY WMIID Telephone 384 221 Main Sf. 1