Jage eight THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON S SI' if" ia Z tit. is' srtl t I SERIAL STORY , HAYWIRE HOUSE BY EDWIN RUTT VaiianiiTi Th Rpstntnrium fat krpumra m Imywlre mourf. ic ' anil bow MUa Fmlmorc, who r nut 10 nrurollo klrp . tOMHBlllC. V CHAPTER XIII 1 . flTLEPTOMANIAC?" cried !;jr, Sally, in dismay. "Woll, that'i th last straw. What on "si rth ire we going to do with i her?" ,i " Kinks pondered. " Sally's agitation might have 'J been increased had she known ! that, at the preclte moment when Mr. Bull Griffin was Informing '11 them of the lots of his revolver, J; sm unlovely individual was sneak- ing into the Preston grounds, hi $ wore a cloth cap pulled over hli eyes and his pitted face bristled with a three days' growth of rust colored stubble. Mr. Bed Scale was a henchman in the gang headed by the Little Cheese. And 4 he had driven the car which had f pursued Messrs. Griffin and Spal- i- dini into the Pennington-Parker ... Eestatorium. Because one Nick the Ferret, bis companion on that occasion, i". had been so impudent as to stop ? a bullet with his right shoulder, they had been obliged to retreat ''But after driving Nick the Ferret : back to the city, Mr. Scala had ft returned w uonnecucui uie iw t lowing night Mr. Scala had an excellent reason for wishing to ' ; track down Bull Griffin. ji x :ently, due to one or two t peccadillos that smacked of the J double-cross, Mr. Scala had in i curred the displeasure of the little f Cheese. Wherefore, it behooved u him to get back into the good f5- graces of his liege lord. And the Jjr best way to do this, Mr. Scala . J" knew, was to assist materially in : the rubbing out of Bull Griffin. J . From a minor and disloyal , member of the Griffin gang, Mr. Scala had learned that Bull had . Interests in Connecticut, especially -J a In New Haven. And since the 1 , minor member had informed him '" that Mr. Griffin had not returned '." to the Bronx on the day following f'.' the shooting near Winstock, Mr. J- Ecala concluded that Mr. Griffin atill lurked in the Nutmeg State. ' j Accordingly, for several days, he bad reconnoitered in the vicinity ;e of New Haven and in the sur- rounding country. And this after- S noon his efforts had been re--j,.. warded. Driving on the main 7j highway, with the cloth cap well down over his eyes, he had been amazed to perceive Messrs. Griffin and Spaldini ambling uncon cernedly along the road. Mr. Scala had stopped his car and watched from afar. To his sur prise they had turned off on that little side road which ran to the house where the gun battle had taken place. It was all he wanted to know. sauting furtively out of Mrs. Preston's garden, he slunk along the river to his car. Climbing hastily in, he headed for New Jfork. The reason that Mr. Scala did not shoot Mr. Griffin from the shrubbery and so divide the glory of his demise with no man is simple. Mr. Scala was not an honest-to-goodness gunman. He was an informer. By nightfall Mr. Scala was re posing in a dimly lit room over a limly lit ginmill in that witching lection of Greater New York known as Queens. Across from him, the center of a small group of lantern-jawed, indigo-chinned Characters, was the Little Cheese. 'THE Little Cheese looked like x something that appears to the disordered brain during a de lirium. He was no more than Bve-foot-three and the Creator migni nave had a rain-barrel in mind when He designed him. His shoulders were broad, but round ed. His chin looked like one of the Florida keys. His skin was swarthy and full of furrows. In the dictionary sense of the word FLAPPER FANNY COP. 1MI 1Y MIA tUVICC. MC 1 r- ' f-l Tou wouldn't hafta hunt your marbles if you'd put 'em away every time where they're s'posed to be, under the overshoes in the hall closet." eOPYHIOHT, llll NKA (tRVICI. INC. he was cockeyed. And to add to the general nightmare, he wore a oristly mustache of gleaming black which he habitually caressed with a forefinger the size of a clothes pin. "You say you seen dat mu Griffin?" he Inquired of Mr. Scala. Mr. Scala told all. At the end of his recital the Little Cheese uttered a "pah" of disgust "Whyn't you give him da woiks den an' dere?" he demanded. Mr. Scala, no mean self-excuser, went into a lengthy explanation as to why he had not given Bull Griffin the works "den an' derc." "Anoddcr t'ing," said the Little Cheese, when he had done. "Youse guys didn' ought tc of let him git away da oddet night." He spat irritably into a brass cus pidor. "Youse lugs is a bunch oi heels. Dey ain't none of youse c'n shoot fer nuts." There was unexpected opposi tion to this doctrine. It came from a small, dark-eyed man. "Says who?" quoth the small, dark-eyed man. This daring soul was none other than Nick the Ferret Nick the Ferret was pretty fed up. Not only had he failed to drill Mr. Griffin, but Mr. Griffin, or his man Friday, had successfully drilled him in the right shoulder. True, it had been but a surface wound. But it had stamped ignominy all over Nick the Ferret Wherefore Nick the Ferret was in no humor to discuss shooting. Particularly bad shooting. ICK THE-FERRET felt safe in offering his superior a bit of back-chat by virtue of the fact that the Little Cheese's position as head of the gang was none too secure at the moment Of late there had been dissension in the ranks; vague murmurs of rebel lion. None knew this better than Uie Little Cheese. And none bet ter knew the remedy. What he needed completely to reinstate himself with his cohorts was the opportunity accomplishing some spectacular deed with his own (and. And here it was, ready made and on the counter. Very suddenly the Little Cheese made up his mind. He took a breath ind addressed Nick the Ferret "I says so, dat's who, he marled. "An just to give youse baboons da lowdown on who's wot aroun' here, I'm gonna go up dere Friday night an' rub out dis Griffin lug meself. An' you" he thrust the clothespin-like finger it Red Scala "you're drivin" me in' showin' me da layout" A respectful silence greeted this announcement Nick the Ferret broke it. Oh, yeah?" he sneered. "Wot's da matter wit' goin" tonight? 'Can't," said the Little Cheese briefly. "Dey's a meetin' of da Greenpolnt Social an' Lit'rary Club." (To Be Continued) BONANZA BONANZA A large crowd at tended the meeting, of the Bonan za Garden club last Friday after noon when the club held Its flow er exhibit at the library build Ing. Many beautiful flowers were on display, as well as many interest-arrangements. The af ternoon was spent In discussing arrangement and flower culture. Punch and cookies were served at the close of the meeting. The next meeting place of the club will be at the home of Mrs. Mary Sparks, east of town, on the af ternoon of Friday, Sept. 2. The Bonanza Woman's club will bare its regular summer sil ver tea on Friday afternoon, August 26. The event will take place at the beautlfnl new Sewall home on the Harpold dam road west of Bonanza. The old-time "prison crop" has been abolished in British pris ons, and prisoners now are al lowed to have safety razors so that they can share when they wish. By Sylvia, T.U HO. 11 1 M. Or OUT OUR WAY ( WHENWE GO m f ITS BAD ENOUGH TO AAE UWDeR llMiy i I'M GOING TO ASK J BONES, BOTVl.ES AUD ) 'M Lt W? ABRST 3PUTr-T ? SPuTT ? tWJUIUn I TH' TEACHER IP RaGS-BUTI'mtiri o PUTTlklO TH ACK5 KACK? KOMF " KOFF ? Tlianmil horsehairs of going arouhdmv M claw otu sou L, K K Jrs KPJT T ?- 111 y l REALLY TURN OWM home ARMt D wn M UM7IL WE IM- i"'- THERE MUST BE SOMB MIS S -41 ' INTO SNAKES A POT STICK-WITH S VESTIGATE SOME ) '- '.( TAKE I AtA A LV ABWkJO. ) IIS. I WHEN THEY'RE HIS Collection OF J rt JrtrCl-r r CITIZEKJ jJLS JMt I KEPT IN WATER. )l Snakes, frogs, COAAPLAIMTS THAT S.fAZZ. - 'Sffli Ml I IIUV J V BEESAMDwJ. S- Zl SOU'VE BEEW SHOW- 7!C I ' i LJI I 1 , . y , , A IWG TH' eOYS A FEVJ y f-C H-) lr,A--1m I W, Mil I I I Aft A ' V FAST TRICKS. UNPEI2. ) TCICK5 EHf ! flWIIlili "''l l -bs k SSrW AVL VOUR. X EdACS, I'LL HOW DJ 17 ) illlFJlLi Z v I I SfS llPW AKJIP THEY WEREM'T I THEM OKIE ( COME. v s- ' V ton. n HTAWHviiTiNc. t. m. Hto. u. a.TT. W. 2.Vk '1 J MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE YOU WJOW-I ) ( WHO DOE". ij f HELLQ WHITEV- ) ( SO I A SWOULDU'T EVEkJ BE 1 I HE THINK HE Ej J I WA JUST TELL- HEARD talkikjg to you, miss , is ; , I IMG MISS kjorth--- I , ' LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE iKinco TU 1 MiJ I I 13 Rp IMPOSSIBLE TO CONVICT GUDCE Pf HAnrA' CAP N ALDEN KILLED I YET WE KNOW HE'S GUILTY AND YOU TRY TO (tLL Me THfcRca OUSTb- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS rT Y- Set WELL, THERE , y f THEY'RE p-,K,aS-1 a Well be YtC i I They eo, pee wee Y. goims J 6ee, W Back as Yx i ir looks like j to the jtAatlltake 8 SOON AS , f It'X WE'RE SONNA BE MAINLAND A LONS WE UNLOAD ly&cWVrV HERE AWHILE ' A TO REACH lTME,WONT As myY Jr-A:. mishep, it? and yfPT'Z jt e JXr ? LAND T'S WATtft. WASH TUBBS SAY, WHAT THE HECK ' I'VIE NU hLOWERS LATELY YET HERE'S A NOTE FROW IIEGINA THANKWS MiE FOR SOAE. na BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES HEY, fi C'HOM VJ' ts. II mi si:.cA a. ii i m i YOU DO NT YOU'D TAKE INTO YOUR 0NN HANDS, SHANGHAV? - THPTX MfcKE YOU AS BAD AS OR ALMOST - 5ENTV OVk .OONT V6 EKR.S.Y ' ( THIS S SOW.E OF VOUR AFFAIR,") BUT. . . BUT 1 V YOO -DAN& RUNT! J THOUGHT IT'D BY J. R. WILLIAMS MEAN OF TH' LfXVJ COURSE tiOT. ANN1P - TCHlTCHl GUDGE, fe ? BABY TWKiVi. ASOOTCVNA AW W Ty0. 0 MUCK ,IW AC?-VivY.MY fAMORNTfc rLAY OT TACK.'l'E. , J OUR BOARDING HOUSE CO SCO REALIZE WE'RE TXJE TO TAKE OFF- WITH WUMRt SEVEN IMMEDIATELY WE'LL PISCUSS MISS NORTH You climb That Tree, pee wee, AND STAY THERE AT least you'll BE OUT Or WATER I I M ' U BUT HE'S hm-M-M Aj GOT AWAY WITH MURDERER'S 9 IT 60 LONG " HOW I CONSCIENCE H DO YOU FIGGER J CAN DO 1 HE'LL GET HS KB STRANGE U NOW? M THINGS. m j. THEYSAY- Jft, ru wit. HOPE 1 ( THEY 1 I COME I BACK I f " . Jm s i mm wmm YOU SAID X OF COURSE SHE IS, STUPID.O CZI NOT OU YOUR LIFE! X WANTED 1 t.Ui:?!y:7 VTHE VNOBLC'S FULL A t -TTO BE NICE TO HER-BUT THAT SHE'S A N i SWELL GIRL'S. J BUT "X mM V0U START MAKIW6 SVJELL 6IRL! J V " ?V2" A BIP-ROARINQ ROMANCE y 60TOffSErFffimTHRO, ( ONCE.WEBBIE.J 1 " 6'BY! I f "VJONOEW VaMWMc BY SOeCV, FELLA -THE FLIGHT SUPECINTEW CEKJT EXCUSED ME FCOM THAT HOP THIS O - A Jf BSnf OTHtR fJ LONGER. THAN X 1 BAD ! SHIPPING 5 fi THOUGHT IT WOULD," 1 WATBR. , AND ONE- . CURRENTS BAD J ( OP TWE KIDS SAYS k a. w . ; . t . L'- With MAJOR HOOPLE THOMPSON AND COLL BY HAROLD GRAY BY BLOSSER 1 1. u. i!3-ir. BY CRANE BY MARTIN f AMD MOW, MISS I WORTH - HOW ABOUT J consoence! YES- HIS CONSOENCE ? I EXACTLY A GUY LIKE GUDGE I rT, p HASKT GOT ANY. J caccVw I IP YOU ASK ME- t 4$.,OUE OR IF HE HA, , II ArLS.co IT'S GOT GLEEPtrV IM ftBPUSB SICKNESS- " I nWt W-l ( Vi 6tt ,VM .ORS.Y V0OOLOV4T KOW.T KVb FE.t.Vi6& V 0. "WE V00R.O V YOO iO CAViT tV9 COWA.TM4 KV WTK OAWtW. OYt'.Vt' 0 6IMCTOE. 0 OEVEWWVHiO AMO Vi.UW6 TO f V&WC VCVB. TKt TK46C. M06T iVitiT TAKE VOR i i VoriM fjpv mia clviji, iWCTT. m. na. u. rT. ort. ,