'August 24, 1038 PAGE SEVEN CITY BRIEFS Klamath Visitors Mr. and Mra. John R. Clarke and daiiuh tar, ICslhei, or Wllmiir, Calif., visited Hunday and Monday lit the horn of Mr. and Mia. Chnrlea M, Reynolds, lllu Wlillo avenue. After leaving hero Monday the Clarka vlalted. Crater lak and war to visit friends at r'osnll. Ora., and Portland, returning to Lot Augoles ovor tho coast touts. Tbey war accompuntod from Klamatli Fall to Fossil by Jane and Barbara How, who spent tlio weekend here with friends. Picnic I'lniined The annunl plenlo of Klamath Iodic, No. 4 0u, Vaaa Order of Amnrlca, la to be hald at Lakn o' tha Woods at tha Willow SiirlnK" campground at tha eoutb end of the lukn Hunday, August 2H. Mombnra of Oregon Star Iodic of Kliuniiih Falli, Orator Lake India of Mad ford and all other members and tbalr frlnnda ara Invited to at tend, members of the committee announced. They also staled ihm aoffaa, sugar and croam would be provided. Awarded Flour At a "hard tlmea" dance (Ivan In the early print by the Bugles' auxiliary, Barah Gibson and Molla I'Toel I wart dressed In fowna made from Sparry company feed sacks, and thase costumes won tha price at tha dance. Picture were taken and lent to tha flperry company In Portland. On August 23 Mra. Minion ann air, rerscii rm-n ri- j ceivaa a sac or nour trom in" company. To Move Here Mr. and Mra Roy Reed and daughter. Groin, of nunstnulr. apcnl the weekend In Klamath Ku I la vlnlilug at the home of Mr. and Mm. A. J. ; Williams. 1401 K.nsl Mulu street.. Mr. and Mm. Ueed are moving to! Klamath Kalis this week and! will make their home on Mhrlton i atreet. Reed le employed aa n hraktman nn the e'ouihorn I'a clflo railroad. Friendship Club - The Friend ship club will meet Friday, Aug uat (. at tha Camp Fir houao on Conger avenue. A no-hostess potlurk iplcnlc lunch will he served at 1 p m , followed by a abort business meeting after which bridge will ba played. Members and frlenda ara Invited to attend by tha committee In charge, , Former Residents Mr. and! Mra. Fred Row and daughters, j Jana and Barbara, of Fossil, Ore., visited here with friends ovor tha weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Row are former residents of Klamulh I Falls and are now moving rum Fossil to Lndl. Calif., where they will make their home. To Attend Medina; nr. and Mrs. L. D. Uass left Wednesday for Tlmberllne lodge on Ml. Hood, where they will attend the Oregon state medical meet ing. They also planned to spend day or two In Heattle, return ing here Tueaday morning. Visit nirlimonds Mrs. A. Mcr rlmsn and aona, Karl and John, have returned to their borne In Eugene after spending Monday at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. Clifton Richmond, 630 Knst Main atreet. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller have returned to tbalr home In Dunsmulr after visiting Sunday at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. M. U Rratton, 2141 Whlta avenue. Visiting Here Mrs. Claudia Brett la hero from Los Angeles visiting for several weeks. She la a alater of C. F. O'Laughlln and It a school supervisor at Los Angeles. Moving to .Meclford Mr. and Mra. W. H. Cnaobecr of Oregon avenue ara moving to Medford thla week, whara tbey will make their homo In hopos of Improv ing Mra. Casebeor'e health, Pinochle Pnrij Tho Eagles auxiliary drum corps will sponsor a pinochle party Friday night at I o'clock In the Eagloa' hull. SPECIAL fff.00 Oil Waves $3.00 4.0l Oil Wavra $2.80 Plain Wavo $2.00 MRS. FINLET RF.AUTY 8HOPPI5 731 Main Phono l.llil-W For Sale Splendid Packard. Piano Only 4 ft. 8 In. high $125 l down, $5.7. a month. Frea delivery within reason able distance. Sea Louis n. Mnnn, Tuner, at Derby's Music Co. 117 Mn. 7th Nt. RECTAL DISEASES Mill) electric trrnlinenta, replacing; o I d mcthode. Non-confining, non-surgical nnd safer. RESULTS start with first treat, ment. Write for FltEB booklet. , DR. M. C. CASSEL Specialist Caasel nroa. Chiropractic Clinic B28 No. Till Phone 4 BO 41 Leave fur Home Mr. and Mra. Iliirrny Carson and daughter huva niliirued to their home at IX'voily Hills, calif., after apendln- the weekend at the Btnlniiiets homo on Walnut atreet. Cnraon la a broth er of Mra. Htolnniota. Tho Caraona were present when Mra. Biolnmnir suffered a hndly fractured arm In n fall Hunday morning. Hha wna removed from Ilia hospltnl to her home Monday, and la reported to be progressing aatlafactorlly. Former Teacher Vlslla Mra. Murglo Lemon, who formerly taught In (he Klamnth couniy schools, la spending two week visiting In tliln city and at Cros cent lake with relative and fi'londH. Mra. I.emon Just mail h - led from the University of Ari zona, and after her vacation litre will reiurn to Arliona to tench. She la a sister of Kugcne and liob Kulton of thla city. Pot I nek Hupner The Amer ican Lou ln auxiliary will spon aor a politick auppnr Friday night, Auguat 2, at 6:80 p. m. All auxiliary memhera and l.sglonnalros ara urged to attend. There will be a aiuall charge tn rala fundn to aend the Kona of thn Legion drum corps tn thn convention, mombnra of tho com mittee announced. Midweek Hervlce The Welah avnngnllat, Rev. Matthew Krancla, and hla aon, Matthew Krancla. Jr., will speak at thn midweek aervlce nt the Flint Covenant church Thursday at 7:15 p. m. The aervlca will take the form of a union meeting of the Altu inonl Preabytorlan and Covenant rhurchea. Tho public la Invited. Hume From Oiiklaiiil Mr. a ml Mrs Homer Lal'liiul of the Lake view route have returned homo af ter vlsttlrig with relatives tn Oak land. Calif. .Mrs. Lnl'lunt lion been In the bay city for the past three weeks, and waa Joined there by her husband for a week's visit. On Vacation Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Skllllngton and aon, Lynn, left by motor Wednesday for Mt. Ver non, Wash , and for Yellowstone nailonal park, where i hoy will spend a month's holiday. The Bkllllngtons live at 221 North Tonth atreet. Return From Trip Dirk Reeder and Walter Lassett re turned Wednesday morning from a several dnys fishing trip which took them Into the Deschutes river country. They reportod an excellent catch. Tonlllc, i, )inv Clifford Hark toy of Modoc Point underwent a tonsil operation Tuesday at Dr. A. A. Soule'a emergency hospital rooms. He waa reported resting oaslly Wednesdny and planned to return homo Inter In tho day. (jmtip Meeting Members of the four group which make up tho Women's Council of tho First Christian church will meet at the homes of members Thursday afternoon for business sessions. Leave for North Mrs. R. C. Prudhomme and two daughters left Wednesday morning for Freewater. Ore., where they will spend a week visiting with Mrs. I'rudhnmmo'B sister. I. en vlni; Klamnth Mrs. Lucy Dunn nnd daughter. Betty, plan to leave Thursday for their former homo In Ashland, whero they will reside. tout spend your life 'Aw fVf from hoppintW wear NATURAUIERS Buster Shoe 633 milTi (tf$f ,0 CD1,ai's- fashioned I'lan rirnln Tho Klamath Fnlla KornptlmUl cluh will hold a luncheon at llio Wlllard hotel Thursday, when plana will be com pleted for n picnic to bo held at Union Creek foroat camp. A gunat of I he club will lie Mra. I'eiirl Joan Young, who assisted In organlilng the Klamnth Falla group. Mra, Laura Mrlriim, pre Ident, who line been spending Ilia summer at rinccrost, near Yosem lie park, with her alaler, haa re turned home and will preside at Thuraday'a meeting. 1'ulluiia Iteiurn Mr. and Mra. Kiigoue Fulton and daughter, Jnnlce, have returned to their homo on Mon Claire atreol from Boatlle, whnro .Mra, Fulton waa onrollod In a apeclal 10-day courae at tha National Association of Modern Music, which la the larg est achool In the weat lor modern plntio construction. Mra, Fulton haa boon teaching thla modern music course for the past year and la now resuming her classes for the full season. Ilenttle Picnic The Knthryn ncnttle Missionary society of Alta mont church will meet at Moor park for a picnic at 10:30 a.m., Friday, August 26. Reverend Francis will be the speaker for the afternoon. All memhera and friends aro cordlnlly Invited. Attend Meet Many Klamath Falls physlclana left Wednesday morning for Portland, where they wore to spend several doya attending tha Oregon Htate Med ical society moot at Tlmbcrllne lodge. Several of the doctors were accompanied north by their wives. Auxiliary Mneta The auxiliary to Canton Crater will meet In reg ular aesslon Wednesday evening, Auguat 24, at IOOF hall at p. m. Refreshment will he served fol lowing the meeting. All members are urged to attend. Mra. llamplun llcttor Mn. Thomas Hampton, who has been confined to her home on High street for some tlino with Illness, Is reported greatly Improved, and Is now' able to he up and around. Xnuie Son Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Arnold have named their In fant son, born Monday, August 22, Richard Schubert. Tha baby and mother ara at Klamath Val ley horpitnl. On Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whlsenant and their two children. LoIa and Wlster, are on a 10-day motor vacation, during which they plnn to visit various California points. Visits Briefly L. Marshall Bal lon of Portland, a representative of tho Glens Falla Insurance com pany, was among thn business vis itors In town Tuesday. Iliislnes Visit W. F. Ilopka and M. L. Plerco have returned to Kacrnmonto after a business visit of several days In this city, whore they have properly Interests. iik sriti-: you okt this KXTHA PROTECTION AT XO EXTRA COST f'Ot'NTRY Plf'Kri' AXD DFLIVKRY THF PELITORIUM J. E. Farley tin Main Joe Parley Phone IM Brown Store Mnin Klamath Railroaders Cashi ler Shown above Is Arthur Orccn Palmer, caehlor for tho Great Northern. Art has paused his 3eth birthday but feels like a U year old, ho says. Besides his wife ha likes steaks smothered In onions and swing bands. Ills duty as cashier Is to handle all money transactions for the GN i here. B) IRIS LINDBERGH A. O. Palmer, known as "Art" to tho whole Klamulh division of the Groat Northern, is cashier In the local freight office, and la also one of the most popular men on the division for a very spocial ( reason he's the one who hands i out the pay checks every two weeks. ; Art was born and educated In Spokane, Wash. After graduation ! from high achool be spent two I yeara at Linfleld college at Mc Mlnnvllle, Ore., Killing a higher education, in 1919 ho Joined tbo army for a short time. Then be tot a Job In tbo postofflce at Spo kane. Tiring of distributing mall nnd licking stamps, Art quit that Job and worked for tbo Shell Oil company for a while. In 1925 Arthur decided that he couldn't atand bis own cooking any longer, and a short time after that momentous decision ho walk-1 ed down the middlo aisle with .Miss Mary Anderson. , Tho next year Palmer entered ' service with tho Orcat Northern ! aa timekeeper on an extra gang ; at Lnmona, Wash. When the La mona Job was flnlnhed, Palmer! moved to nnothor Job as time-j keeper at Glacier park In Mon tana. Finally In 1928 he came to: tho Klamnth division at a time whon there wasn't even any Klam ath division horo. Ho waited pa tiently until the GN offices wore -.. " :4 V, if fh. ': ' m M GET STANDARD SERVICE AND STANDARD GASOLINE UNSURPASSED AT STANDARD STATIONS. INC. AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS AND STANDARD OIL DEALERS USE OUR NATIONAL CREDIT CARD built, working In Bend In the tneantlmo. Art la one of three oldest men on (he division In point of sorvlre hern, coming lo Bend on March 2, 1928, as timekeeper on the steel gang which waa re-laying tha old Hhevlln-lllxon line. He waa a pas senger on the first UN trsln run from Bend to Klamath Falla In May, 1926, and made a special trip from Bend to attend tha ON celebration here. In July, 1'j2, Palmer waa sent from the maintenance of way de partment to station service, and from then on ho was transferred right and 1'lt In the freu;bl office until hla last promotion to the position of cashier. ' Art likes this job best of all be cuusn It makes him so well liked. But it Isn't only bis Job that makes Art popular. Ills colleagues say that bo Is very good naturcd and accommodating and has many other llkeablo oualliles (too nu merous lo mention hero). Tho Palmers live on Mitchell atreet and have four children. Art's hobbles are radios and cars. Ho plajs the radio almost con stantly when ho Is home, and when he Isn't listening to music he's out driving his Auburn. B. 8. Morrltt, western traffic manager for Ureal Northern from Seattle, was In town Wednesday. R. A. McCandleaa, ON general manager, was expected In town Wednesday evening. 0. A- Andemon, general fuel aupervlsor for the Orcat North ern, Is visiting here on business from St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. R. I. Pickett, wife of the OUTFIT ROW -.uhju mall'mil I e."m ? 7 ? lift ,.l i'r'i: Yd' i J HOES are like people. Some are better k. than others. These have UNUSUAL value, They Stand Up for School Wear Drew's Manslore . Since 1018 -733 Main Street UN machlna Inspector, returned homo Tuesday from a visit In Seattle, IT The fipa, new restaurant and recreation establishment at the location of the old Palm Garden, opened for business Wednesday. The place haa been completely redecorated and remodeled. Tha operator la Cbarlea flchuss. Departments Included In tha establishment are a aoda foun tain, bar, recreation room and a restaurant run by Henry Hoback and Harry Wagner. Tha bar features beer and wlna. Wagner, one of the restaurant operators, formerly was with liershberger s. Tha restaurant will feature charcoal broiled steaks. A grand oneninK of the fina will bo held Saturday. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS HALL Born, at Hillside hos pital, August 23, 1!38, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hall of Quartj moun tain, a boy. Weight: 7 pounds 5 ounces. GADDIS Born, at Klamath Falls hospital August 23, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. William Gaddls of Dorrls, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 1 2 ounces. FOR SCHOOL l ' V !' .1: MUtil , , U GOOD FROM COAST mimmm l usa l sss is sowiia roeiasaiiw-7Maa ., ,mm CHILOQUIN. Aug. 24 Em ployes in the local stores have donned their loud buckaroo shirts and ID-gallon hats to advertise tha rodeo to ba hold hero Sat urday and Sunday of this week. Tha queen will be named at tha Spanish Castla Friday night at tha boxing matches. Ida Miller la now heading tha queen race with a total of 518. 000 votes with Florence Shadley running a close second with 503,000. Others In tho race are Ruby Huff 4B,000, Una Mae Buell 280,000, Dolores Courvlllo 112,000. . Adeline John 133.000 and Ilene Pearson 106.000. Tho winner will he presented with a" diamond ring and will head the parade at tho beginning of the rodeo. Mothers For Entering 9th Annual "' "A Enter & V 5 v . Wed.T: day, m V 4 . , V; , , - - -j? : "Va. August w" - i . . 4v - x mwia .yv Absolutely . a, , t x j n-r j j, , Lasf Day Js-- r tJZ Kennell-Ellis Studio "Most Attractive Child" Contest 22 Prizes to 22 Winners Main St. at Eighth - For Particulars Phone 2010 The Following Donors Sponsor Award! H. W. Poole; Lost River Dairy; Buster Brown; Pine Street Mtt.l Beck's Bakery; Lucas Furniture; Montgomery Ward; Malin Mercan tile; Laird Drug, Merrill; News & Herald; Shaw Stationery; Robert & Peak; Penney 's; Waggoner Drug; Pearce Beauty Shopt Mur phey's Seed Store; Poole's Bicycle Shop; Geo. Mett; Moe'i. Man In Nrtd: "Good workl Yon caught It In time!" Friend Indeed: "Clad you came In checking tires to make then! last longer is one of our specialties. Just a moment and I'll inspect jour buttery and check your oil, too just to be on the safe idal" CLEAN REST ROOMS AS ALWAYS I "For lour Convenience Everywhere1' Spotlessly clean rest roome completely equipped even the soap is specially selected to whisk away road grit and leave the hands soft and smooth. Hourly inspected and kept sanitary. A Standard "plus" sen ice your whole family will appreciate. . TO.COAST,. . Next Saturday Nlte Legion Dram Corps Pro-Convention Dance at the Armory Hurry! V Obligation