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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1938)
PAGE SEVEN AuRiwt 22, 1938 Herald and News Classified Ad Section THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON RATES Paid-in-Advance One day, par word Two-day run, per word - Throe-day run, per word On weok run, per word .. - On monlh run, per word , , 2c . 4c . 5c . 7c ..20c Charge Adi Each Insertion, fer word 3c Mo charge mado for lost than 25c) (All mull onlor mil inunl have eniili with ordKrl. All (! are Innerled In bolli editions of Tho Nows-llnralil. All elaanlflcnlloiia am nimi borod and upp-nr In nuniurlciil onlar, The dnart-llne for elnMlllcn linn Is 12:00 . in. Ada received afiur 12:00 o'clock will bo run In the "Too Unto lo Classify" column. The Nowa-Hornld will ba re aponalbla (or Incorroct wording only ono day. Classified Index Apartmunta for Rent .. Automotive llualnnaa opportunities Educational Klnunclnl -- Tor Halo or Trade - (icnui'iil Notlci-n Ili'lp Wanted. Female . ll..lti IVtuitod. Mulu . .. 24 84 48 12 46 .. 3 4 14 16 Donnas for limit - 2 l.lvnalock and Poultry ... I.MBI and Fuuntl ......... 8 Miscellaneous (or llont 2S Mlsci-llanoous for fctilo ...3l Miscellaneous Wanted . ......! I'orsonnla Ileal Kslnte for Hale lloal Kstnto Wmilod Hoc i m and Hoard Ilnoma for lloiil K'Tvlci-a Slluntlons Wanted To Kiclianxo . Transportation 30 32 :o IS IS ...4U 8 Lost and Found HKWAIll) for Information trading to repossession of electric Itlrk anbackor Hawaiian guitar and apeakor. Derby a Mualc Store. 117 so 7lh. -S4 4 General Notices Go By Motor Coach VIA 1IKNI) Shortcut To Route - I.owel 1-area Northern Points One Hound Way Trip Spoka $11.10 $20.05 ne Boise, Ida. Portland Seattle 10.00 18.10 5.90 10.65 8.40 14.65 Hussr Leave 1:0 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Depot hone BOH 8-20-mtt STII.l. SPKC1AI.1ZINO on planoii damaged or iieKlccied hy out siders. Morgan. Phone ttiU. Kmplro Hotel. s-25 1NTKKSTATK MOVINtl Klanv nih Fall Trnne. nnd Storage 8-4-mtf I.llNtl DISTANCE Phone 1097. 1IAUUNU 9-4-mtf Pertonali WHY SL'FFKH? P'lea and other recta) disorders permanently re moved by tho latent aclentlfic method without pain, without hospitalization, without sur gery. No Inaa of time from work. Consultation free. Dr. O. II. Mather, chiropractic physlclnn. rectal and colon specialist. 731 Main SI. 9 S NOTICE: To whom It may con en,.,, huvo not oulhorlied nnyono to. contract debts or charge accounts In my name nud will not be responsible for any debts or ncconnls. or claim other than those nimlo by my aelf In person. H. D. HONDY. 8-23 SEE LUIHTFOOT HOSPITAL for new low nialernlty rules. 8-24 WHY SUFFER? Full splnnl an alysis of your Illness. Dr. David. D. a. 110 N. 8th, llopka Hldg., phone 2322. 912 8 Transportation YOUNU MAN wishes ride to Mich igan or polntB emit. Shnro ex ponsea. Knrl Tlllon, III. 2, Hox 490, Lnkevlew hlgliway. 8-22 10 Sorvices DRKSSM AICINO, HEMODEI.INO. school Bowing. Voty reasonable. Mrs. L. Ruble, 014 E. Main. Phono 1240-R. 8-23 SUMMER PRICES on fur work. Rnmodollng, clonnliig, glazing. Mrs. Oarver, Room 203, Stow-nrt-Dtow bldg., 731 Main. 8-22 HAHIC. ROOTS AND llEllllS An old Swinish remedy. Hood for nil nllmentB. 10 days Irontmont for $1.00. L. II. Yentzor, 1405 7tll St.. Ln llrnnde, Oro. 8-22 WRINOER ROLLS for all mnltos nt washing machines. Morlt Wnahlnc Mitchlno Service, 7.09 Ku, Olh. Phono 1080. 8-31-mtf UNION IIAOOAOE nnd Express Co. 203 So. 7th. Ph. 474. 8-27 MY LOCATION snvcB yon money Hon for youiHelf. Homo fur- nlKhlngB, Innls. (ioo'a llnrgnin Store, 64 Main 438-W. 8-18,20,22 Sorvlcet FI.OOH BANDINO and roflnlnhlnK. Clifford Uoldua. JMione 16HW3. t-30mtf CAUI'KNTKIl WORK, content work. I'lione imllillliK. 2HWH. 8-25 KUHNITUKK B"d eiiulpmenl alor nun. i'uuploa Wnroliouae. 8-21 KKWINli, cixpirt altorallona, aup i:ovra, dressmaking, conta ro llund. Mr. Ilurnny, 2111 Oar row. Phono 2161-J. -lllf IIODHNIIAMKIl SAW FILING 218 Kaat Main, phone 848-W. All anwa, tools, lawnmowora, otc, repaired, 8-14-mlf CALL Art nnnedlcl, 3364-W. llouauclnnulMg, wlndowa. Jani tor aorvlce. 8-8 MOVING ? LOCAL-I.ONO DISTANCE. I'onpl" Wurohouso. Call 8-29 TIIAN8FKII AND 8TOIIA0HS aorv Ico. 1'ooplca Wurohouso. 8-28 I'AINTINO nnd kalamnlnliiK. rcn noiialilo prlcea. Phono 'J37-J-4. 11. K. Hlnimoiin. P. O. Box 647. U-l S 12 Educational AIR CON' PIT ION I NO EI.HCTKH: IlKFKIUKHATION Itullalilo men wllh fair edu cation who ore mechanically In rlluutl and would llko to butter thonisolve. Mut be willing to train siinro time to learn plan nlnir. eailmalliiK. instiilllng and servicing work. Wrlto giving aire lin-si-lll occunot Ion. etc. Otllll lea lnt.. 3677 caro New Herald. 8-22 I.KAHN MUSIC at Petora Studio. Illiib school credit. 1 406 M ,,l, Phono 1617-W. 1114 14 Help Wanted, Female ADDHKHS POSTCARDS we aup ply. Halo 2 Jo per card In ad vance. Send atamp for details. Kunlnud Co.. Colton, Calif. 8-21 tt'AM'Kt) Mlddlo-agod house keener. Ono child. Phone lor.WS. 8-26 WANTKI) I.ndlea with straight hair. Permnnonta 11.60. Ouar untued. 1 loll In Ucuuty Shoppe, 04 So. 6th. Phone 468. a 16 Holp Wanted. Mai MAN WITH CAR. ateady work. Wrlto P. O. Hox 261. Onkland. Calif. 8-23 SI AN To dlalrlbiito clrculora. hniiil-bllla and aamplea for uh In jour locality. Wo pay by tho thouxand. You do no aelllng. No KXPF.RIKNCK N K C F. S 8ARY. Mint bo honeal. roll ablo and neat appearing. TRANS AMERICAN A D V E R TISINli DISTRIHCTOHR. Box 748, Milwaukee, Wlaconaln. WANTED 4 boya, tomporary work. Apply Wlorn Union. 8-23 k WANTED Hoy helper on truck. No high iichool boy. 121 N. Tin. between 4:30 and 5:30. 8 21 WANTED Young man to work inoinlnga. Stnto ago. oxper lenco and roferencoa. Hox 34S3 NowB-Horald. 8-23 TURN SPARE TIME INTO CASH, lirow iniiHhrootna In collar or ahcd. Mall crop to ua. Wo pay hipping coata and 80c lb. Bit) PROFITS. Write WKSTERN MUSHROOM CO., Portland, Ore. 8-21 18 Situations Wanted CURL capable of taking full chargo housework. Phone 1248-J. 8-22 WANT children to caro for nt home. Fenced-in yard. Exper ienced. Mrs. II. romborton, 126 Division. 8-24 EXPERIENCED ranch wants work. 335 Martin. hnnd 8-23 EXPERIENCED office clerk wishes position. Mrs. B. V. llvntt. 021 Dolores.- 8-23 EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants work. Thona 1B77-J. . 8-25 NICE LAItlSE ROOM Mon only. 1018 Washington. 8-21 EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants w o r k. Cooking, housework, nuifllng. Ruth Hnloy, .Mnlln. ore. 8-22 20 Room and Board HOARD AND ferson. ROOM 629 Jef- 0 ROOM AND 829 High. HOARD Closo In. 9-15-mlf ROOM AND HOARD -611 So. 8th. . $8 woek. 0-10 ROOM AND HOARD Prlvnto showers. $1.00 day. 723 Klam ath. Phono 2273 8-27 UOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klnm nth. 126-tf 22 Rooms for Rent ROOM for Ronllninnn In modern homo. Phono 828. 8-24 CLA REMONT, 228 No. 4th St. All outBldo niodorn rooms. Froo rmrldtiii lot. 0-llmtf ROOM FOR RENT 314 Wash ington. 3108tf iitiOMS. 82.76 weok nnd up. 1411 Main. Mara hotol. 0-12 CLAREMONT. 228 N. 4th 81. All oulaldo modorn rooms. Frco narliius lot. 10-8 22 Roomi (or Rant IIOOM and Hotel. f.iriiKO. Court Vlw 1-24 HOOMB 020 Lincoln. 521 No. 10th. Inriulre " -21 ROOM FOR RUNT 134 N. 3rd. 3136-tf BLKKPINU ROOMS Hy wek 3. If y day fiOe 226 Ho. Bth. 3-23 24 Apartmonti (or Rent VACANCY Villa Marrpili Apia. 1320 Oak. 8-28 LAHIJH HOUSniCKKPlNa ROOM 421 Onk. 8-24 JACOHS APARTMK.VTS Va- cunry. Corner Cedar and Pine. 3208-tf FURNIHIIKD South 11th. apartmont. 333 8-23 NICF.LY F1IRNISIIKD two-room apartment. Ileal, water, IlKhla funiliihed. $20 month. I'lione 1118. 8-23 APARTMKNT Adulta only. No 8-23 peta. 887i K. Main. VACANC V Two-room furnished apt. 325 Commercial. 8-24 FOR RUNT Three-room duplex with electric move. 1876 Lolloy. Call between 8 and 6 p- m. S S3 4 1 f MODKRN fiirnlnhed apart menu, 26 and up. Under new mau aKeuiniit. Woynrliaouaer dla Irlct. Phone 440J6. Olcncourt Apurtmenta. 0-18 CASCADK APARTMKNT IIOTF.L Newly fiirnlnhed nud deco rated, tolephonea. eloclrlc o'liilp mont. refrigeration, elevator, garugo. Day, week or mouth. Tho apartment hotol with con venleneea and homo comfort. 24-hour sarvlc. No peta. 9-14-mlf VACANCY 410 No. Low aummer ratca 10th. 0-15-mtt COMPACT. MODKllN furnlahed 2-rooiu atmrtmcnt. 830. Suit able teachere or couple. Call 1 7i . 8-22 VACANCY Hex Arma. 8-10 VACANCY Eaplanade Court Apia. 0-8 IIOtiSKKKKPlNO ROOM Every thing furnlahed. $3.60 pur woek 410 So. 8th. 8-22 APARTMENTS AND ROOMS for root. Aipna Apia, mono ono 8-2!i-mtf 26 Housot for Rent FOR RENT Largo country home, modern, clone In. Also for salo on ciiBy lorniB. Suitable for convak'Hcenl home, nuraory, or for nerving special dinners. See Frank Ira hlto, owner. nt the office of CHILCOTE & SMITH 116 N. 9th St. Tel. 66 8-22 FOR RENT 3 room Iioubo, $15; f il r ii 1 1 n ro for salo reasonable 800 Plum. 8-23 FURNISHED CABINS Mon only. Closo ln. 425 Willow. 8-24 FOR RENT 5-room unfurnished house. Inquire 335 Pacific Ter raco or 116 Hillside. THREE-ROOM furnished house, bath and garage. $20. 1231 Adams. 8-27 UNFURNISHED S betlroom house Automatic oil burner, tile bath, etc. References ex changed. Inquire 1435 Oregon 8-24 THREE-ROOM HOUSE 230 N Olh. $20. rhono 1795-R. 8 FURNISHED four-room house near high Bchool. 1304 W'or don. 8-23 FOR RENT 3-room partly fur nished houso, newly docornlod CIobo In. Phono 1393-J. 8-22 STRICTLY cottngo Blehn. MODERN furnished 2 rooms, gnrnge. 2125 8-25 U II N I SH ED COTTAC ES Week ly rate. Altnmont Auto Camp 8-22 THREE-ROOM HOUSE for sale or rent. Inquire Lien's Store, Stew art Addition. 8-21 28 Miscellaneous for Ront SMALL MODERN pianos for rent Kimball nnd others. Apply ren! toward purchase lntor If do sired. Some good used plnno bargains, terms as low as $4.50 Louis Mnnn, tuner, Derby's Mu ale Co.. 117 So. 7th. 9-2 30 Real Estate for Sale $100 Down Pay only $100 down, nnd th hnlnnco In easy terms tor this 4-room modern house, closo to Bchool. on Improved street. Tw bedrooms. Full price la only $1500. Exceptional Buy This S-room modern hotlBo, close ln on Summers Lauo, Is a exceptionally good buy nt only $ 1,000. Tho rooms nro large, with hardwood floor in tho liv ing room. Two bedrooms. Henil tlf ul lawn, trees, linrago. Tornis, R. P. OLIVER 111 S. Sth St. Phone 85 8-23 FOR SALE OR TRADE for mod em local homo, 1000-ncro cat tle ranch. Wrlto Box 33, Mac- tlocl. Cnllf. 8-23 FOR SALE Timber Innd In Sec. 7 nud 18 In Clnllnm county, Wash. Ellzaboth W. Hrnnn. R. R. No. 1, Bonanza, Ore. 8-22 30 Real Evtat for Sal vwvwvwvwwwwwv w Sacrifice of the Year OWNER MUST SELL BECAUSE OF ILLNESS 60-acr Irrigated ranch in the fertile Tula lake district, complete with modern 5-room house and other improvements. The owner MUST sell, and set the price at $8,000 so it would sell quickly. The prica includes the entire crop on the ranch: 27 acres of potatoes. 20 acres of new alfalfa seeded ith oats. The remainder In clover pas- lure. Some terms. R. P. OLIVER II S. 8th St. Phone 850 8-22 EE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $6 monthly, Including Interest. Mrs. Ben P Lewis, owner. Rt. 1, Boi 805. Phone 85-J-2. -19 ROOM modorn house. St. Fran cls Park, $2800. One-fourth down. Inquire (21 No. 11th. 0-16 FOR SALE One of the best llttln ranchee on the Applegate with froo water and good buildings. C, Frunzon, Applegate, Oro, 8-22 FOR BALK AT A BAROAIN Five-room home In Hillside ad dltlon. Hot water heat, full basement, garage, fireplace, hardwood floors throughout. Terma. Inquire 206 Commer cial aftor 6:30. 8-31 SALE OR LEASE Modern 5-bed- roum house, suburban. Terma Cascade Apis. 9-8 LARGE B-ROOM HOUSE Brand now, ln excellent-location. Ex ceptlonally well constructed Fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, full cement base ment with alr-condltlon fur nace and garage apace. Terms can be arranged. Apply to own er. 615 Upham. 8-25 TRACTS Limited time only $5.00 down. No principal pay menu for three months. City water and lights, sandy loam soil. If you are renting you can not afford to pass up this op- portunitr to own your own home. E. GRAY REAL ESTATE 118 N. 7lh Phono 797 9-18 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $6 monthly including Interest. Mrs. Hen P Lewis, owner. Rt. 2, Box 895 Phono 35J3. 9-18 32 Real Estate Wanted $ 1 000 Down Offered Wo have a client who will pay $1000 down on a good rooming house or duplex. Must be good buy. R. P. OLIVER 111 S. 8th St. Phone 850 8-23 WANTED To hear from ownc of farm or unimproved land for salo. W.M. HAWLEY, Baldwin Wis. 8-21 36 Miscellaneous for Sal GET YOUR boy or girl Into the High School band or orchestra now. Buy your Instruments on low terms. Reasonably priced from the store that gives a guar antee of quality that really means something. Buy from the store that Is equipped to give you service on maintain ing your Instruments. Buy from Derby's Muslo Co., 117 So. 7th. Phone 570. 9-20 FOR SALE 76 acres sandy land. Netted Gom potatoes will aver age 800 sacks to the acre, 80 No. Is. Located In the Klamath Basin. Box 3862, News-Herald. 8-24 FOR SALE 300 Savage rifle. good shape. 821 Owens, after 6 P. m. , 8-23 FOR SALE CHEAP Good milk cow, washing machine, 2-wheol trailer. Henry Church, Rt. 2, Box 828. 8-24 SWEET CORN FOR SALE F. Nnsor, 3rd St. Altnmont. Box 617A. 8-22 FOR SALE Chosterflold set, roaBonnble. 729 No. 11th. 8-22 AMERICAN SUNFLAME oil heat ers now burn lowor prlcod DIESEL OIL. See them demon strated nt SOUTHERN ORE GON HARDWARE. 9-11 WARDS FARM STORE has a complete line of depend able air-cooled Gas Engines from I to 7 h.p. Produce rated horsepower at lower speeds, have reserve power for extra loads, last longer! Priced to save you plenty, and sold on Wards Monthly Payment Plan. 8-31 HAY HAY Clean new crop al falfa. A bale or a carload. 60c Cwt. W. R. Stallings or W. L Clink, Tulolake, Calif. 8-22 WARDS FARM STORE can snve you money on first quality Stock Tanks, Wind mills, Pump Jacks, Gas En gines nnd other stockmen's equipment. Come ln and see. Compnro prices and quality any where. Finest made Standard Binder Twine, only $5.85 per 60-lb. bale! 8-31 FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers. Merrlll-LakovlGW Junotlon. Crystals. 8-24 36 Mitcellanooui (or Sal BLOCK WOOD $2 25 cord nt Bhaw'a mill. HodKea Hroa. We deliver. Phone 3612, Tukdake. 0-8 BLOCKWOOD $2,25 cord at Shuw's mill. Hodges Brothers. Wo deliver. Phono 3612 Tule lake. 9-7 TRADE IN your old wood circu lator as a down payment on one of the fnmous AMERICAN BUN FLAME oil heaters at SOUTH ERN OREOON HARDWARE. 11 DRY PINE BLOX Direct from bin $3.25 delivered or $2.00 at bin. Call 802-M. 8-22 FARMERS SAVE STEPS Private telophone for your farm depart ment!. Call 22S1-W. FREE ESTIMATE. 9-8 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storago, 4tb and Klamath. Phono 1007. 9-4-mtf MOTOR BOAT 22-foot sedan cruiser. Universal marlno en gine, fully equipped, ready to go. Terms ran be arranged. Inquire Hogue's Service Sta tion. 76 Main. Phone 1469. 8-24 FOR SALE 19 ft. Inboard motor boat, 85 hp. V-8 motor; flat- bottom row boat. 16 ft.; Model A Ford pickup tires, like new. See Andrew Flury, evenings, Wolff Bakery, Chlloquin, Ore 9-1 FIX YOUR RADIO before fall Call 2281-W. 802 Market. 9 8 HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR for Bale. Take over finance com- pany payments only. Excellent machine. Motor Investment Co. Phone 882. 114 N. 7th 8-24 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watches, $4.50 up. Rlckj a Loan and Jewelry, 622 Main. 9-1 WOOD FOR FARMERS Blocks $2.50 cord, green slab $1.50 cord. Haul them now or pay more. Peyton & Co. 8-26 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE Peoples Ware house. 8-29 OIL STOVES SERVICED and cleaned with vacuum cleaner. Fall rate $2.00. Also new and used oil stoves. Oregon Equip ment Co.. 127 So. 6th, distribu tors for Diesel Burning Perfec lion Superfex Oil Healers. 9-14 TRANSFER AND STORAGE SFR VICE Peoples Warehouse 8-29 FOR SALE Fir body wood. Cheap fill dirt. Phone 1490-M. 38 For Sale or Trade FOR SALE OR TRADE Bukery equipment. Nathan Johnson, 391 Bridge St., Ashland, Ore. 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE 160 acres land ln No. Dnkota for equity In Klam ath Falls residence property. Inquire 2363 Radcllffe. 8-24 FARMAXL 20 to trade for dairy cows. Lane Bros., Summers Lane. Phone 67J2. 8-23 42 Miscellaneous Wanted HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture and stoves. O. K. Second-Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 891. 8-31-ml CASH PAID for used pianos. I thoroughly recondition and soli, adding only cost of work terms as low as $5.00 down, $4.50 monthly. Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's Music, 117 So. 7th. 9-2 WANTED Tools, guns, stoves, furniture. Goo's Bargain Store, 64 Main 438-W. 9-17 TOP PRICES paid for furniture, stores, tools, guns, small radios, men's first-class clothing. Bar gain Spot Swap Shop, 707 So. 6th. Phono 1423-W. 8-21 LEGAL NOTICES CAM, FOR IUDS Sealed proposals for furnishing labor and materials required for the full completion of a dam and rearing ponds at tho Klamath Trout Hatchery. Klamath Coun ty. Oregon, for the Oregon State Game Commission, will be opened bv tho Oregon State Board of Control, 109 State Capitol build ing, Salom, OroRon, it two p. m. September 7, 193S. Plnns and specifications may be obtnined f r o m tho Oregon Stnto Board of Control or from Ronld and Schneider, 1009 Spald ing building, Portland, Oregon, upon deposit of $10.00. Tho character nnd amount, of security to be furnished by each bidder with his bid Is stated lu the proposed contract documents. Tho Stnte Hoard of Control re serves tho right to reject any or all bids nnd to waive lnfonniill ttcs. ( DANIEL J. FRY, Secretary Oregon . Stnto Hoard of Control. (A.22-29 No. 132) NOTICE The Klamath County Court wishes It known that on Wed nesday, August 2 1, 1938, at 10:30 A. M., there will be a pub lic hearing with regard to tho location of . the Malin-Bonanza road. All parties interested in tho location ot this road should present their cases to the County Court nt that time. GEO. D. GRIZZLE, County Judge. (Altg.22 affs No. 133) 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Chicken feed horses. Used locally. Phone 1433-W. 9-17 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 1800 good ewes; hay ranch, has Taylor grazing and forest rights. If you need range, Investigate this. Wonld sell separately. Kate Daly, Lake view, Ore. 8-29 FOR SALE Milch goat. 1204 1-23 Adams. FOR SALE 170 head ewes and lambs, cheap. H. C. Casebeer, Rt. 2, box 661. 8-22 CHICKS HATCHINO every weok. Magulro Electric Hatchery, 2416 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. 8-31-mtf WANTED TO BUY Beef type calves. Phone 651W4 or call at my home. R. C. Prudhomme, 3rd house east of Idella's store on South Sixth. 2924-tf FOR LEASE 600 acres stubble and meadow pasture, good wa ter. Swan Bokvest, Poe Val ley. 8-25 46 Financial NEED MONEY? Let The "Friendly Finance Co. Furnish The Cash. AUTO LOANS FINANCING See COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Wm. Frohnmnyer, Mgr. License No. M-223 116 S. 7th St. Phone 471 8-31 LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or need car purchase.. Motor Investment Co, License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 882 9-9-mtf 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Grocery and tilling station business on main high way. Good income. $800 cash News-Herald, Box 3844. 8-22 FOR SALE Store business, liv ing quarters and stock, $400 News-Herald, Box 3127. 8-23 Stewart-Lenox Guests at the Louie Uhrlne homo over the weekend were John and Frank Uhrine, Mr. and Mrs. Siler from Algoma. W. W. Wilkins Is 111 at the Hillside hospital. Al Seymour is recovering from a tonsilectomy. Mrs. Virginia Miller entertain ed her bridge club last Thurs day evening. High score went to Mrs. Ray Condit and low to Mrs. H. Fredricks. A shower was given for Mrs. Ingaletta Alleuby Wednesday afternoon at the Keeler home. Many lovely and appreciated gifts were received. Delicious re freshments were served to Mes- dames Collier, Coffman, Brown, Wilkins, Kimsey, T. Allenby, C. Allenby and Miss Peggy Cook. Mrs. Keeler and Mrs. Robert Al lenby wero hostesses. Guests during the weekend at ma w. w. wilkins home were Miss Roberta Rugg of Klamath Falls, Norman Blehn of Beatty, Harold Peterson, Walter, Jr., and Richard Wilkins of Bly. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fredricks spent Saturday and Sunday with mends at Grants Pass. Bronze Tomcat Causes Furore Hero's tne c-ronze statue ot a tomcat which roused a furore of protest In St. Louis after di rectors of the art museum bought It tor $14,400. Critics conceded that the statue might be all right from an art stand point, since it was supposed to hove been made 2400 years ago In Egypt, but contended thnt museum authorities showed poor Judgment in buying it, espe cially when "relief needs are so desperate." Hold Everything! bte If- , ia. L .(..-, tewi6 caw, ,m iy Nt stawtiTaie; 'f'0? I He's been proposing lo the widow every Monday night : for the past Iwenly years! "I THIS CURIOUS WORLD POISON IW IS ACTIVE IN AS WELL. AS SUMMER. COP1L 1938 BV HtA SEfiVKC. INC. ANSWER: Botanists class the tomato, technically, as a berry, and, as such, it would 'be classed also as a fruit. The Bureau of Plant Industry says, however, that the tomato is a vegetable, and it is popularly and commercially classed as such. VETERAN STAGE ACTOR HORIZONTAL 1, 4 Pictured 80-year-old actor. 10 Sun god. 11 Ebb and flow of ocean. 12 Note in scale. 13 Pismire. 15 Dined. 16 Rested upon - a chair. 17 Modern. 19 Botches. 21 Weathercock. 22 Postscript, 23 Greek god of war. 25 Perfume. 27 Fruit pastry. 28 Cubic meter. 29 Of the thing. 30 Enormous. 32 Granted facts. 34 South America. 35 Network. 37 Food containers. 39 Self. .41 Stiff. Answer to Previous Puzzle VENIUsHaPH!R!OID I ITiq A LI I N,Cn3iclElRlk AE3 TTUqRIAUjlN K LW "jtIiIehwirI i ItjePa 5ipr Win5iE:PUwEITllAl5 OBfAlb Ol&B5IElRUEPl PipyE SnRpPElRlJCA sffllDiTiL i IgIeinicIeQaIt iicidDHl.r.i, ,cPd QiLiC pLBm eieit vrNUjfi noti (aidIoInii isi isTlIoIoImI 44 One plus one. 46 Ponderous volume. 48 To keep record of. 49 Broad smile. 50 52 weeks (pi.) 52 Ratite bird: 53 Burdens; 54 To ascend. 55 Battering machine. 56 Poker stoke. 57 Portions of acts. 58 He played the -n-If vi. Hr--3 !rrr fey 3 rr ili! "s-F so" si rm3TT " "54 55""" , w 1 1 M n56M 1 1 1 . Sy William Ferguson THE GREAT BARRIER. OFF TH E OOST OF AUSTRALIA, ... FORMED frcm the: bodies of CORALS... ENCLOSES A. WATER. AREA LARrSER THAN A!l OF SCOTLAND. TOMATO IS A FRUIT, BERRy. VEGETABLE. which is rv S To soak flax. 14 Wigwam. 16 Withered. 18 To manufac ture cloth. 20DeviL 21 He has played: a wide of roles. 24 He was starred for many 26 Rodents. 27 Point. 28 To remain. 31 Matching groups. 33 Pain. 35 Vernacular tt modern Greek 36 Fragrant smell. 38 Layers. 40 Walkers. 42 Maple shrubs. 43 Bit of bread. . 45 Broader. 47 Gaelic. VERTICAL 1 English coin. 2 Salt of tannic acid. 3 Street. 4 Impressed with a seal. 5 Air toys. 6 Part of Roman month. 49 Saucer-llks 7 Compass point bell. , 8 Rubber pencil 51 Measure. ( ends. 53 To loiter.