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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1938)
'August 17, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN CITY BRIEFS runner Resilient Mr. nntl Mm. P. K. McKmirln (if River side, t lit lir., in n v lull In fur a week In I 111" M"'Him un Ihu bourn KiuiKtH of Mr. iiinl Mm. A. It. Campbell nt Hi" I'Imii drove illn lili't. Tim McKi'iiilcs are former residents of southern Oregon and cipnral oil rmii-li In Ilia l'lno Drove nrr-u before lea vlnic for Riverside lo miilto I lintr home. Tim Mi'Koiii'.li'ii mnl Ciiiiiilnlls pi it ii ii iniitiil' trip In Crnliir III Un mill Diamond Inkn before did visitors rnturn lo their home. Kmlfly tit Mwt The Ilium Missionary miili'ly of the MHho illnl church will ln'lil Hi"lr ii Inrly ninnlhly iii-oitii In Dm 1 1, 1 1 "m parlor Thursday, August mill in z : :i o p. in. aii niImmh mo urged I"' I'l'i'wnl Ii'" iiiimlliiK will lin Ih'IiI In "I inly the pill n hunk "Kxnlol'IIIK ,N'"W '''"'H" III Auxiliary Activities" mnl mak ing out iiiogiuin fir Dm vent's' work. Vlnllum ere cordially In vited to attend. Meeting I'lniinrd 1- Knv. Miil Ihiiw h'liiiii'la (if Walsall, ICiiii Iniiil, piiator of 'Ilia Temple In Hint I'lty. was to pink Wednes day night ni 7:30 o'clock at til Klrst 1'rniiliylnrlnn church. Tho pulillo was given t cordial in vltntliiii to henr Ilia fiiinoua Welsh minister who In spending several woi'kn In Kliinintli Kails aa thn liniinn guest nf .Mr. mill Mm. Ci. W. Whealley of Home-dnle. Iltukcla Hlionn Kxcrlletil workiiimiKlilp In tn he "ii In tho display nf morn limn CO Imllnn baskets shown at Klamath county chamber of common- by Duke ONal. Tha baakets ara from tribes iitlwr (linn I tin local In diana, It was staled. O'Neal how. til basketa from eiilnct trllii'a aa well aa modern tribes. O'Neill's faihar and grandfather collected baaketa and tha collection baa been In tha fnmlly for many year. Iietlrr 1'Yoni llngliilad Robert Cornell, a atnmp collector of llila city, recently received a packet of Arabian stamps and an Arablc Kngllah llctloiiary from the Crown 1'rlnro of Iran. Prince Faisal Cihatl, who Uvea al Iho royal pal ace In llughdnd. The letter ac companying the nampi and dic tionary waa written In iwo col umns.' the left aide typewritten In Arabic and tha right column In Kngllah. Receives Mall II o w 1 a n d Plumbe recently recolved mall from Sir Thomaa lnaklp, pres ident of Iho contrnl Y.MCA In Lon don, Kngland. Sir Jnmoa Row land I'lumtie, a grout iincla to Rowland, waa I he architect mill liulldpr of tho Y.MCA building, and the I'luuib fumlly hero recolved a large photograph of, the build ing and anmo poatcarda of tho In terior from lnaklp. Dr. I'm iik K. Carlson Here Dr. Krank E. Carlaou, aupeiin tendant of tho Dragon Congrega tional Conforenco arrived Wednes day In Klamnth Kalla for a brief visit. He waa lo be present at the 4:30 o'clock politick aupper al the Comuiiinlly Congregational eburch Weilnoaday night. A cordial Invltntlon waa extended to friends of tho church to hear him al tho aupper mooting. ltd urn lliime Mr. and Mm. Samuel I', Miller and two aona, Tom and David, returned Mon day night from Ocean Park, Wash., where they have apent tha paat Iwo woeka. Tho Mlllera re turned through Prlnevllle Mon day whoro they wore guoata al the Knill Drohor homo. Ilnvo mail. Peyton oil your dusty VI. linn Mra B! M n.,l.l. . iM daughter, Janice, returned homo niceniiy rrom a anort vlalt lo mm ITiiiirlseo and 1'nlo Alio. Virginia lliihh hiiH returned from l'rlne vlllii whore nil" has been n guest III Iho homo of Mr. and Mm. J. r. Daggett. Many muni from llnrlieley, Calif., la vlaltlng her ciiiiKlna, Virginia and Janice lltibli. Itiilllinage Hnlo Thn C"iii"KH tlunal Cniiimunlly circle will hold a rummage aalo Friday and Hatur duy, Auguat 111 mid 20. In Iho Poole theatre building, corner of KIkIiIIi and Klnmnlli alroolB. Any ono having any ruininiigo la nak ed to plenan phone Mra. Chnrlea M. Itnymilda at I3I8-J or Mm. j, A. Kschlo, 1372 -W. Illi'a Word haa been received from Mi'dford of tho denlli of Cominmiiliir Huller, of Crater Lake poat No. 1H3.'I, VnloriuiB of Foreign Wars. Comm. Muller died wbllo driving hie car. Fun eral aorvlcea will he held at tho Pearl Funeral homo Thursday at 11 a. m. Club to .Meet Members of the Thursday Pinochle olub will meet Thursday afternoon al 1:30 o'clock al the homo of Mra. II. K. Uackotl, 32k Waahlnglon street. All memhera of tho group uro urged to attend by iho hostess. Club lo .Meet Tho Social club of Pelican Post auxiliary No. 13113, V. F. W., will meet Thura duy afternoon with Mra.' Ilertha I. inid on Shaata Way, acrois from Hhaata achool. Return Home Mrs. Pate Strld and daughter, Ann Marie, return ed homo recently after visiting friends for aeveral daya In Ash land and (Iranta Pais. Montana Visitors - Mr. and Mm, Frank Fnrrell of 919 Eldor ado at reel hnvo bad n their gunnt during thn punt week Mr. and Mra. .1. (). Reason of Troy, Mont., "nil Mr. mid Mra. Frank Austin of hpnkiinn. The party motored to Crater lake on Saturday, lleliirn lliiiiin Colonel and Mm. Hwlmirt reliniind home this week from n Irlp llirough oaatorn Oregon and Idaho. They elated that Ihlngs looked hatter In Klam ath Falls than at any other place I hoy stopped. Visit Here -Mr. and Mm. H. Fl. HrldKfnrd of putterson, Calif., will he house gnosis of Mr. and Mrs, Horace HrldKfnrd of Klam nth Falls. Tho llrldgforda plan lo spend aeveral daya here -vlaltlng with their relatives. Accident llenm-trd I,oills Weslby of Illy and a driver of a second car were Involved In a enr wreck flvo mill's west of Bly on August H, according to a re port filed with the sheriff's office. Hen lug Circle The Sewing clr clo of the Covenant church will moot at the church Thursday at !:30 p. m. Hnateaaea will be Mra. H. T. Carlson and Mra. lllrgor Dulum. Potluik The Missionary so ciety of the Immanuel Baptlat cburcb will hold a potluck pic nic at Moor park Thuraday, August 18. Cars will leave tho church at 11 a. m, (.'lull Meets Who-ao-evcr Will club of the Flrat Daptlat church will moot at the home of Mm. Plorco on tha old Keno road at 2 p. m. on Thuraday. Broken Ankle Mm. B. F. Kel ler Is confined to her homo at 601 Plum street with a broken ankle. On Vacation Mm. Polly Dixon. who la employed In the tax col lector's office, la on vacation from her dutlea for a week. Mothers Hurry! :' Saturday, S'-" August 20 laaji rif lata. s Final Day T!" Si"i"" V ' -' .A More WiX "' ' . JX VH.iV No Cost or Obligation For Entaring Your Child In 9th Annua Kennell-Ellis Studio "Mo$t Attractive Child" Contest 22 Prizes to 22 Winnort Main St. at Eighth For Particulars Phona 2010 Tho Following Donors Sponsor Awards: H. W. Pool; Lost River Dairy; Buster Brown; Pine Street Mtt.; Beck's Bakery; Lucas Furniture; Montgomery Ward; Malin Mercan tile; Laird Drug, Merrill; News & Herald; Shaw Stationery; Roberts & Paalt; Penney's; Waggoner Drug; Pearce Beauty Shop; Mur phey's Seed Store; Poole's Bicycle Shop; Geo. Meh; Moa's. Modernize that structure TJ SPRUCE UP that bunding and male it more RENTABLE or SALE ABLE or attractive to your own customer. We make FHA Loans for modernizing business structures, as well as homes. Amounts up to $10,000. Interest at 5 discount. Repay In convenient monthly Installment over an extended period. Also lonns for building new structures of moderate cost at from 3J to 5 discount Get full details at once. . . a a Godfrey 0. nlohm, Manager Oscar S. Shlve, Asst. Manager Frank Holmes, Jr., Asst. Manager Klaiuulh Falls Braiicb of the United States National Hank Head Offic, Portland, Ongon Minna remark oirosir iNnianca.coRroiTon Minor frsjili n. T. Fulkerson of the Ashland route and C. II. Hutharland of Seattle were drlvera of cars Involved In a crash at tha Weyerhaeuior Junction on August 16. Kulkeraon, (8, was allxhtly Injured as a result of the acci dent, according to a report with the sheriff's office. Tho Injuries were confined to tho dlnphragm, he stated In the report. To Crater I,ake Mr. and Mra. John McC'own motored to Crater lake on Tuesday and had aa their Kiieata Rally Peteraon, Kaye Ina Com and Millie fltolti. The party walked to (Inrflold peak from the lodiie and the young women, ap pearing at Cal-Ore tavern this week, were enthualaallc over the mountain beauty. It waa their flrat trip to Crater Lake park, according to Mra. McCown. In Police Court Twelve drunks and two "vaga" were brought before Police Judge Otto Lnngalet Wednesday morning and Inmates of the city Jail number ed 27 al noon. Prisoners are serv ing time for reckless driving, driving while drunk, vagrancy, disorderly conduct, just plain drunk and aeveral are being held for Investigation, Visiting Her Mra. I,ydla Wy more from Fillmore, Calif., Is vis iting Mra. Lana Noel at the Em pire hotel and la also a gueat at the E. M. Bubb borne. At Jloiky Point Mr. and Mra. Raymond Yarnea are spending a pnrt of their vacation at Rocky Point and next week plan to drive to Diamond lake to visit at that resort for a week. Return Home Mr. and Mra. Vern Wilson have returned from a lu-day.s motor trip which took them to Battleground, Wash., to Heaslde and other points along the Oregon coast. ' Wilson la the Klamath county Jailer and dur ing his absence Lawrence flerg mann of the city police force was on the Job. VITAL STATISTICS SMITH Born at Hillside hos pital on August 17, 1938, to Mr. and Mra. T. W. Smith, route 1, box 574, a boy. Weight: 8 pounds 7 ounces. DEAN Born at Hillside hos pital on August 17, 1038, to Mr. and Mra. W. R. Dean, 1204 Adama street, a girl. Weight: 8 pounds (i ounces. HCIIMOK Born at Klamath Valley hospital on Auguat 18, 1938, to Mr. and Mra. Virgil Bchmoe of Dairy, a girl. Weight: ( pounds 14 ounces. BTEY8KAI Born at Klamath Valley hoapital on. Auguat 16, 1938, to Mr. and Mra. Anton Hteyakal of Malin, a boy. Weight: 8 pounds 4 ounces. DEAN Born at Klamath Val ley hospital on August 17, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dean, 1226 Division street, a boy. Weight: 6 pounds. TRUSTY Born at Klamath Valley hospital on August 17, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Trusty of Dunsmulr, a boy. Weight: 7 pounds 13 ounces. A recent report states that 100 million dollars a year Is spent In the United States on music les sons. Think of the earmuffa that could have boughtl HEAVY JOLT GIVEN James William Brown, 1200 Adama street, arrested by state police on a charge of spotlighting deer at night, appeared before Justice of the Peace W, B. Barnes on Wedneaday morning and en tered a plea of guilty. Ha waa fined 1250 and given 30 daya In the county Jail. Brown and John Lewis Bol leau, route 1, box 639, were ar rested by state police on Auguat 10 on the Keno highway and three deer were found In the back of their car. A third oc cupant of tho machine ia aaid to have daahed from the car Into tho timber. The next day atato police ar reated Jamea Ellery Stone, 1630 East Main street, and charged him with spotlighting deer. Stone la at liberty on (GOO bail. Boi leau was released on his own rec ognizance and will appear August 27. SUNDAY SERVICE CLUB DAY AT CLUB Sunday, August 21, will be service club day at the Reamea Golf club. Each aervlce club will onter an elgbt-man golf team to play for the championship of the clubs. Any service club member may play on thla day free of green fees. BOIVIN AIDS PLANS FOR DEDICATION OF NEW CAPITOL Harry Bolvln, Klamath Falls at torney, plana to leave for Salem to attend a meeting whore he will assist In formulating plana for the formal dedication of the new capl tol building on October 1, 1938. The dedication will also fall on Governor Charles H. Martin's birthday and observance will also be made of that event, Bolvln, who served as speaker of the house at the last legla lature, and Frank Franclscovlch of Astoria, president of the sen ate, were among those Invited to attend the meeting on August 19. BPW GROUP TO BE GUESTS AT PICNIC Members of the Klamath Falls Business and Professional Wo men's club will be the guests of the Medford club at Rogue River lodge on Sunday, August 21, It waa announced Wednesday by members of the local group. The lodge la located 29 miles north of Medford on the Crater Lake highway and a chicken din ner will be served at 2 o'clock. Jacques Lenox of Medford, presl- SPECIAL $5.00 Oil Wave .. 84.00 Oil Wavea Plain Wavea ....... ..$3.00 ..$2.50 -.$2.00 MRS. Fl.VLEY BEAUTY. SHOPPE 781 Main Phone 1324-W dent ot that club, has arranged for dinner and entertainment. Klamath Falls committee mem bera who are making arrange ments to attend ara Mra. Claudia Lorem, chairman, aaalatod by Mra. Martha McCollum, Mrs. Dena Backes, Mrs, Ruth 0. Bathlany, president ot the group. For In formation on the trip to Medford membora are asked to call Mra. Lorenx at phone 169. I wouldn't ileal a purse unlesi there was money In It. Robert Oriffln ot Detroit, unsuccessfully fighting a charge ot purse-snatching. QUALITY MEAT MARKET Speclallxea In Steer and Baby Beet Quality Always Guaranteed Free Delivery Loula Eacble, ' Proprietor RECTAL DISEASES Mild electrio treatmenU, 'replacing o I d moth ode. Non-confining, non-enrgl-cal and safer. RESULTS a tart with f I r e t treat ment. Write for FREE booklet. DR. M. C. CASSEL Specialist Caaael Bros. Chiropractic Cllnlo 828 No. 7th Phone 420 KLAMATH'S FINEST BUILDING MATERIAL STORE A Practical Illustration of the Products We Sell JfSt frlRi! Ifl At! G ER' ' ifmm'nW.ik-T:i .,y. -.'..-".t m?' "'" si,-. W M us - HtT J III ii II l&JassSr ii Photo by May King Studio The New Building of F.R.Hauger, 515 Market St. Constructed exclusively of materials we handle, our new home is a splendid example of the modern adaptation of nationally known and advertised prod ucts . . . Visit this new building and see for yourself . . . Learn how. we, as direct factory representatives, can make you such attractive prices on these products. Factory Representa tives For Tylac Miracle Board Magi-Kote Laquer Board Insulux Glass Blocks Dutch Boy Paints McCloskey't Varnishes Shingoleum Reardon's Bondex Fenestra Steel Sash Pella Venetian Blinds Roll-a-Way Screens Overhead Doors Cabot's Stains Hermosa Tile BUILDING MATERIALS FOR LESS Headquarters for Stainless Steel Specialties Plaster, Lime, Cement Reinforcing, Hardware, Lumber and Every thing to Build With at Prices You Can Afford To Pay IF IT'S ADVERTISED WE SELL IT Our Janitor Supply Dept. Can Provide You With Brooms and Brushes of Every Description and Made to Order Industrial Soaps Cleaners Waxes Polishes Lamps Deodorants Rest Room Equipment Rags Dust Cloths F. U. HI AUG 515 Market St. Phone 1558