f - AGE SIX SERIAL STORY HAYWIRE HOUSE BY EDWIN RUTT Ttrm an k Klnk kla ?S. .ki. will probkbljr unr Wilton Am.a. CHAPTER V rpHE Harkness ultcases tumbled from Kinks' arms. For a mo ment he stared blankly at Sally. Then he shook his head. "Lady," he said, "you're all wet You're not going to marry some blemish named Wilton." "For your .Information," said Sally, coldly. "Wilton Ames Is not a blemish. He's in the bank here and doing very well, too." "Okay, okay. I didn't impugn his financial status. I merely said that you weren't going to marry him." "And just who are you to decide that?" "Me?" said Kinks. "Don't you know me? I'm the guy you are going to marry." She looked at him as If he were an escaped lunatic. "Stop babbling," she said, "And take those bags upstairs. Th Harkness es will want theli things." Kinks retrieved the fallen lug gage. "Look here," he said. "This car buncle Wilton Ames must be something to the gent at the bank. You know, the one who holds the mortgage on this place." "He's his son," said Sally. "So what?" "So if this Wilton thinks enough . .-mi 4 want in msTTY VOU. he ought to be able to get his ol man to extend ine ume 01 me in terest payment" SALLY shook her head doubt fully. "I don't think he could You don't know Spencer Ames He's as hard as nails. And I well I think he's got some sort of In terest in this place." When Kinks came back froir. taking the Harkness bags to theii rooms there was a concerned look on his face. "We're going to have to watch old Harkness," he said, "or we'D all be electrocuted. He's got s couple of suitcases full of electrical gadgets. And he's already begur to tamper with the wiring In hi! room." "Well, I don't know what we car do about It" said Sally. "Th customer is always right isn't he?' "Guess so," said Kinks. "Well come on, beautiful. You're driv ing me to the station." "OTATION? What on earth for?" " "I'm going to New York," Kinks announced. "Ill check out of the place I live, get some things and be back bright and early to morrow. I suppose we can both live under this root There seem to be plenty of chaperones." "You would do something like that, walled Sally. "You saddle me with two strangers and then leave me to cope with the situa tlon." Kinks did not quite make good his threat to get back to the Pres ton place bright and early the fol lowing day. True, he returned to Winstock on a morning train. But upon arriving he spent several . hours in the village. His ambition was some form of advertisement which would announce the exist ence of the Pennington-Parker Restatorium and he finally fer reted out a man of many accom plishments who listed sign-painting among them. And while Kinks was standing over this gentleman superintend ing the preparation of the sign, a two-man conference was going on In the First National Bank of Win stock, Connecticut Mr. Spencer Ames was a griz zled individual of 60-odd, with pale, cold eyes. He had a thick body, huge shoulders and a neck which bulged around his collar in a role of red flesh. But his obesity was mere camouflage for a mind as sharp as a whip. Spencer Ames - never missed a trick. FLAPPER FANNY -COT. 1HI IYNIA tCVKE.MC i "Dick married! Why, he can't keep the wolf from the door." "He says his girl can cook anything maybe she's got a 1 ' - - recipe for wolf." COPYRIOHT, 1t NIA SERVICI. INC. TTE was looking across his desk now, searching the counte nance of his son, Wilton. "What's all this that's going on at the Preston place?" he inquired. Wilton shrugged. He was a thick-set young man who, as yet, had not taken on his father's cor pulence. But he had the same cold eyes, colored a light blue. His hair was straight and brownish, parted carefully in the middle. "Search me," he said. "I didn't know anything was," "Then you don't keep your ears open," said his father sharply. "It's all over the village that the Pennington girl has taken in boarders." Wilton sat up In his chair. "Boarders?" Spencer Ames lit a cigar. "Here are the facts," he said. "That nephew of Mrs. Preston's, who inherited a hall interest in her estate, finally showed up yes terday. He and the Pennington girl called on Kenworthy. Just what was said over there, I don't know. But by nightfall there were two other people at the Preston house and the Clipstack woman told Giles that they're going to board there. Who they are or where they came from, I haven't iny idea. But . . . well, what do rou make of it Wilton?" "Well." said Wilton, starting to lis feet, "I'm going down there ind find out about this." "Not so fast" said Spencer. "I've me or two things to say to you, Wilton." He put the tips of his lngers together and gazed at his ion. "As you know, we hold a mortgage on the Preston prop !rty." "So what?" said Wilton Inele fantly. "So," said Mr. Ames, "I am very such interested in knowing whether or not this young man, whose name is Parker I believe, is in a position to continue the in erest and amortization payments." "And if he is or isn't?" Mr. Ames set the cigar In an ish tray and spoke carefully. "If he is," he said, "I shall have o do a good deal more thinking ibout this matter than I've already lone. But if he isn't . . . well, I ihall be very much pleased, that's 01." "Listen," said Wilton, a little rritably, "I'm not getting this. BThat does the Preston place mean x you, anyway?" His father's keen eyes shown urith their cold light "Just this," he said. "A few weeks ago a representative of Farnsworth Hotels, Incorporated, of New York called on me. He was Interested in possible sites for country hotels or inns. Well, I took him over to Preston's. And ae thinks his firm will want to auy it, that's all." (To Be Continued) Headed by Rabbi Leo Baeck, above, of gerlin, Germany's re maining 300,000 to 350,000 Jews have formed a national federa tion to deal with the Reich's anti-Jewish government All of Germany's Jewish societies formed the united front organiz ation to facilitate emigration. By syivi. T..mc.u,.rT, Of' c' - - - OUT OUR WAY """"T" -) mmm INSTEAD OF THE) J Iff SUt 'wKTii .JE W WHITE SHE WORE J CMM f Permed )A ?X&mr THAT WIGHT rP-v Y I 1 ffl fb emtitles us It TW FATAL n& 3 ""'"p E. 4 tdambxclusug pram- W WmWA ROSEOF )0&fm - F l CHISB WITH THIS CAR" Ml TO.wiJ OCT MVU. rfl JMK. U NIVAL HMF : FUFP? A.) iW ED'JV!'I X m I'LL USE M1 IWFLUEMCE ' WPi VTii "Alfef U yA AMD C3ET A COURT A b4$&?JCfc&KrrtT W II -MJM 'WiMHhv 1 'Z INJUNCTION! PBOHIBITIMG ) ' ) L rM-v "V, l II M Tf si II k'.ll I vw -sail l l r V I A 'Mt-JJWW-JM IB aWI I III .i 111' v IV Jfc.'s. VTTV - 1 II Slk. I - V,M m " fisv . wrwr-m MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL HAVE HE Of CUB. SCENE IS ARIZONA THE PERSONNEL OFFICe OP ALLIED AIRLINES. IT IS EARLS' MORNING WHEJJ MVEA NORTH AMD SPECIAL A&EKJT JACK LANE Aeujve .... I . 1 4&r m i ifkr ,L iVl;"NNliTi-t -1 J uajJdtsuLrxisj LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE BY HAROLD GRAY (SESTEHDKf ACT! CHANCE WAS FvES. BUT IT WAsJV EVEN SO -1 7 BUT LEAPIrT""" ' DOG GONE ITl HOW mi rSSiwTATiB I JUST THIRTV VEARS I THAT I LIZARDS I IT CflUU? I OH. IT MAMV GUVS DVUH THINK n-JP rioTTS. I AGO LAST SPRING- J DOESN'T I HAE BEEN GUOGE B COULD HAVE WENT AROUND PLANNIN' OF HIS EARLY LIFE I AND IT HAPPENED f PROVE I ANDTWOT CUV B BEEN. BUT MURDERS IN ePWFIELoJjj, P. , 1 I (Ni SPRINGFIELD- A ANYTHING. I THEY EXECUTED V IT HARDLY IN TH' SPRING O' S. v,, .o u,ka ucV i I M OTHER- 1 FOR KILUK CftPN 1 SEEMS Ka? C HA HA 1 wasahW.n'a5 tht 1 Ifer Sr .couldntJt?B UKELY- j y tha PIANO BOX AND HE 1 DOESN'T W- f 1 (( .iocS. S HEARD TWO MEN PLAN I PROVE T' )) w : If f Ol K" I I COURSE-;. lMRPE- j FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BY BLOSSER rp-m- n f yw. Just bet Tbu 1 Aw.june----QucmMQ from your. i n i came all fl didwt evem fgf Hl,JUME!SEE, ( ARE I 1 CAN PICTURE 1 ffl DON'T. BE THAT LAST LETTER. ITS BUT , JUNE THE WAY UP MEUT10N COMIWS . I'M GLAD TO SEE ) YOU SITTIN HERE $h WAY ' I J AWFULLY QUIET UP HERE- WINKI6 WERE TO STAY IN MY LETTERS RL OUl S WAITING 'FDR. ME , AND . NO GIRLS JUST A SWT WITH THE To YOU, BECAUSE PINING AWAY V WSfifi7' NICE , RUSTIC, SIMPLE UFe J INTERESTED DAVIDSONS, AT X WANTED TO mmfmm Tlfei . . ' Wwi lvl in Me their lodge, surprise You.' WC 2 SHE'S JUST- 7 BECAUSE 1 BUT 1 DIDN'T KfrWrW ff V l! iJi 1 l A T 'W J" "" THOUGHT YOU THINK IT WOULD I y L.Mr WASH TUBBS " BY CRANE VvvaawUA LOOKS LOMELY, -DOESN'T SHE? NfVER.I ( DERM T. ID RATHER BE SHOT THAV' ' f X HAVEN'T TH' HEART, 71 ( 7 ti GOTTA X I SEE. V I HAR..TU6BS, HAVJB I SEEM HER. SO HAPPV 1 ' TELL VIRGINIA rt'S ALL A kMSTAKE . if DAUNTLESS. AM1 THERE'S ( TAKE PLACE K,s : . V . ,. , 1 AND EXCITED. S THAT SHE HAS NO DATE, AN' THAT i ONLY ONE tJAY OUT. flt&Se V TOMORROW. fTl ' H I O?1 '''wOW." SH TALKS COMFnMTlV I BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES I'LL TEACH NOU- THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, NURSE Me. LAME I'M GLAD TO SEE VOU THE'SKVWAV BANDITS " JUST FORCED ANOTHER,! P LAMES -DCWNJ IN 1- I V I CAVl'T AWOftO TO totw TWKlVi ?OOVOF MY&tLV1. HUBS iO OF SOCH THAKXVb VOACWV46 AVFORO KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON BY J. R. WILLIAMS EJ2 su, tm mw- .x i,ww.c?:i TAKE IT EASX ME, HUMPHRIES, WE'LL CATCH 'EM.' BUT, RIGHT MCW.I VWMJT VOU TO MEET MISS WORTH. SHE'S LOOKINI& YOO'O 1tL HORU rXOOTYOO 6tJ L WWOVAi LT'6 TAVtt A fcOAT ROt "-VOAW TO ? NO ONte WNVL - W . Ol I I ' 1 1 I 1 v . 1 r 1 VI I r OUR BOARDING HOUSE f YES, VES- BUT DON'T BOTHER ME WITH JOBS KlOw, MMJ.' OUE. PASS ENGERS HAVE BE EM BOBBED OF FIFTY THOUSAMD POL LARS THERE'LL BG THE PEVIL TO PAV , '' BY MARTIN ,OV WfiOt. NWT VOCV TO TtVL,t VitCViOK A'ftOOT AL- I'vJt votsi DOMt Vi VMOWVt eVPPKiC ONi . CAiTLt OATe ,VOOavVKi& ONi ROAD 6AM6 -ALN. THKV 0.T OF TWVi6 -iOfeT A,KV VVON.tW ViPW TO Vtc. AONty so 1 coolo 6"E" COLVE6E tOOCATVOM. I LIU 1 . HUT PENA DOWN! UWDAM DE FAIR. PBACTICES ACT, MlSTAH MAJAH,' LCOK,PE.y IS CUTTING DE CATG. FROM THREE BALLS (0 A PlME FO FIVE CENTS MAM, -PAT'3 eOlM' TO CUT OUR REBENUE RIGHT IM PE MIDDLE AW' AH'S HAVIKJ' A STOMICK PE PlET AH'S 1 14 1 L A - ' 2. OALLb 1 for 5m BY THATS WHV1THINIK VOU SHOULD GIVE MISS WORTH A BERTH AS STEWARDESS rjght awav YOOR. VAMW.V- HAVi'T ATHEQ. ? NLtiilillliilh'ii.iliilW1!" vwrw. irjn m rty, With MAJOR HOOPLE-" TO TWO EALU5 MISERV IM MAH OM IP THAT PJG LOAD OF FAT IM THE PLUG HAT WOULD "USE HI5 RED kin HDD A TACGET. THEY'D HAVE 'EM LIMED Uf WAIT I W' TO PITCH AT IT j 1, ik,. 1 1 TjHE OPPOSITIONJ t m urn u a pt orr. THOMPSON AND COLL f EMf BUT, MR. LAMB - 1 WE HAVE RIGID K OUIREMEMTS - BESIDES, IT TAKES WMK TO TEAIM A STEWAROESS! 1 VNAvitT Y VAtAVlV.NOW 9ATrtW IMM) TVS. AKOTHt TWVi6 v TrAT WVttS ST KINO T006H '.VKt LtrT OVic OONi' VAvJt TO VAY TrVE:V .fcOT, 60VN6 XO 1lL VfcfcL "t. 1 1 1 MA 7 LM .a- .. X-iHT ocmtic, inn, 1, vn. hhi, y, y. ai , urf