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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1938)
AujruHt 12, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE Picnic Is Planned .Old Fflshionod Rally Is Slolod for August 21 By Demos. Thorn will hit bountiful bus IiiiIh tinpiirliriil nl I Jin dftiiKX' I'll I lo rnlly mill plrnln laiiiii'il fur Sunday, Annual tho twi'iily flint In Monro pnrk, mill Tun Kuliiin la pliiniii'il nil Ihn nlil fimliliiiicil iiiiiiiiiit i'f nrnualiiK Inliirnnt III rnllllllK piilltlrill mriiKulii la rnunwi'il. KirIi family will go lo 'he ptciilu wllh ii iifinuroiiHly purkod luinkot for there will bo a num ber nt nut or town visitors who will ha Ihi'lr k u " on Ihm tiny, inn li y who will Iriivid in 1 1 - In Ion i' thn iniilor ilmiinrnil rim cl I tl at nt tho Bin I ii liii'liiillnit Mr. Willi Muhoiii'y, Bunking t liit ofrlio of Unit kcI Hlutnn Biinn lor, Mr. H on iy Hi', Ihn offlio of govnriiiir of Oregon, Con ini'nniiiiiii WuIIit M. Pli'iTd mill Mr. Cliili'iiin 1 1 yd'1. Iiilmr rum mlitsliitiiir. Thn old fimlilnill-il pli'lllr, whl, Ii will minirk of frli'il rhli k mi iiihI ".'II fniniiMl rii k . will tin itiniiiiori'il hy Ihn Dninocriilla Oiiinil I'tiiiiiiillU'ii iniiltily to proinntu u eliinir filuiiilshlp uml unity hntwuon Ilia vurloun iliuno crutlc group and their frlomla III not only Khiiniith county but oilier counth'N ua well. The follnwIiiK rniiiinlltefa hnvo Iiuimi uppolniiiit: Kufroaliiiioiila, .Mr. U. C. Tul Dinn noil .Mra. Aiinca l.iil.oiula. J'ulilli'Hy, Mr. A. Iltinh and ami Mr. Curul IIiiiikimi. Kiiinrtiiliiiui'iit, Mr. I.yna Koycroft uml Mr. Curl Cook. Construction, Mr. J. 1. r'lo field. Ilnciiptlon, Mr. S. W. l'ercy anil Mm. Mao K. Short. Spurt uml giunis, Mr. Guy Merrill uml Mm. Mary l.'unu. I'liimirit, Mr. lion lluinllii and Mi. Hoy Tuber. Ducorntmii. Mra. .Ml Id rod Jlrluk. Mr. Jurk Homier la promising a KrruniMl pig coiit'-al mill Mr. fail Cook In planning an old flddlHin' contest. Cluuli'a Murk la milking ar ranguiiinuta to liavo hla soil bull leiini toady to accept any chul laiiKO for that duiu. Tho eoiniiiltlco hiia Issued an Invitation to thn public to at tend Hi" picnic which la planni'd for all duy Buudny, Auiiual the twenty flmt. Miss .lean (irnrn CriicRhcrk of Snn r'ntnrlaro la thn houno BUi-iil of hnr parnnta. Mr. and Mra. Hollo C. tlrocsbeck of 1 .1 li ro 1 n nt root. Mlna tirnrahork la atiidylnit nr Kiaiiford I. una lio.ipltal In Sun Kranrlaco. mmm rjtNs tJLa -t. . IS BRIDE Miss Violotlo A. Pearson who bocamo tho bride of Mr. Charles H. Uhlig in a prettily arranrjod coromony at tlio Uhlig homo lalo in July. Tho young couplo will make thoir homo in Klamath Falls at 323 East Main stroot. BRIDAL SHOWER GIVEN AUGUST 3 FOR MRS. QUINN Mra. Lurry Qulnn, tho formor Kllltll lllll'KOI'BOII, WIIB BHipi'lHOlt with a brlilnl ahowcr nt tho homo of her parents, Mr. nnd Mra. Arthur linrKornnu on Wed nesday, AiikubI third. KcfiPHhinonln woro aorvod by Ihn recent luiilo'a niothor, Mrs. Arthur UnrRorson. Many lovoly gifts woro ro. colvod hy Mra. Qulnn from (he gnosis. Thoao who woro present woro Aim. .Swan Krlcknon, Mrs. Pots lloillicig, Mrs. 0 w o n d o 1 y n WrlMhl, Mm. Curl Ltnttliorgh. Mi-b. Anilinw I' o ran on, Mra, Davn ItnlnolilHiiu, Mra. I), W. ItoiKoiBon, Mra. t.loyd CJltlnn, Mra. Illi'lin, Mm. Jl. A. li'nnno, Urn. A. II. Coniha, Mrs. Olo Sol Blroni, Mm. Walland, Mra. Ar' tliur IlniRRiaon, nnd Mlsnca (Hilda Alvslad, Uorda I'oraaon, IOIhIo KJnllborK, IrlH LlndborRli, Dorothy Htinilhoi'K, Dorothy llnrKnrnon, Joyco llnrgcrann, llnzid Andrown, nnd Ihn Riicat of honor, Jim. I.nrry Qtilnn. RECENT BRIDE COMPLIMENTED WITH SHOWER Mra. Mnrvln Smith waa honor ed nt a nilaimlluiinoiia brldnl ahownr Thumduy ovnnlng whitn Mra. J u no I'otoraon ontorluluod a group of frlonda it har homo on Allamont drlv. Mra. Bmllb wna Mlna Knlhorlne Htolneraon bnforu hnr innrrlugo aovornl wnnka iiko. Oiinala honoring Mra. Hiullli worn Mra. Ilullntl, Mra. Mary Johiiaou, Mra. Avllda llaknr, Mra. Tliolma uknon, Mra. Hnllnrli'o, Mra. Ella Daan, Mra. KIhIo Ciiiinlnghain, Mra. Hull, Mra. I in Inn Hdilimmoii, Mra, Vnrn Ilriiiuwull, Mra, Kdnn I'ol nraoii, Mlaaca Corn lino llnllntt, Ilulli Htulnuraon, I.ula Htolimr aoti. Hotly Dean, Marjorl llramwoll and th hoatoaa Mra. I'otoraon. Con tout xninoa wor played llh prlzna given to Mra. Kdna rulDmon, Mra. Iliikur and Mra. CuiinliiKlimn. The glfta were than opened. Coffee waa aervad hy Mra. June I'ntoraon aaalated by Mra. I.nulae Hlnlnnrann, PARTIES ARE GIVEN AT DAIRY BY RESIDENTS DAIRY Honoring the birth day unnl vormiry of Mra. Mlrhnnl Itunck, pioneer renldent of th la valley, a large group of rnla Uvea and frlenda were aaked lo ber home on Bunday, Covera at dinner were laid for Mr. and Mra. Holllduy nnd family, Mr. and Mra. Ilnrt Krnloy, Mr. and Mra. Krod Holl broniior and family, Mr. and Mra. (Innrgu lielmlnr and family all of Klamath Falla, Mr. and Mra. Thcmloro II (dm and aon Krwln of M a 1 1 ii . Otto Itolchu of Modoo l'olnt, Mr. and Mra. Fred Itueck and ion Huddy, Albert Ilurgdorf and aon Eldon, Mr. and Mra. Michael Ituerk, and Mr. and Mra. Richard Hoofler ami family. Following the dinner hour, carda and aoclal afternoon and evening were enjoyed by ill. DAIRY Mra. V. W. Schmoe of Dairy wna honored recently at a lovely shower whon Mra. Fiunklln Arant, Mra. Martin Btoehaler and Olive Mount! en tertained it the RtoerJer home In Dairy. The many glfli for Mra. Rrhmne were arranged In a bas ket decorated with tiny, dainty Inee ruffles nnd pink and blue atreaniera of ribbon. Tea waa served lo the follow ing frlenda, Mra. John Jonoa, Mra. Waldo Jonea, Mra. Albert McCumber, Mra. Arthur llora ley, Mra. Charles Lnwla, Mra. Itny Roberta, Mra. Jesa Lilly, Mra. Arthur Ilrewer. Mra. Her bert Arant. Mra. Martha .Mc Cumber. Mra. K. rebel Smith, Mra. Mlko Hueck, Mra. Richard IluDflnr, Mra. James Rodgera, Mra. K. I). Schmoe. Mra. Mor ton C i d w e 1 1, Mra. Marlon Ilarnea, Mrs. Jane White, Mra. Shorwood Itarnum. Mra. Bob Ilodrlck, Mra. Sue Chandler Jiianlla Ilorsley. Opal Maker, Alice and Naomi Mnphet, Nk dlno Schmoo, Beryl Smith, Botty Ann Brewer, Nora Lee Jonoa, and tho hontosaes. AUXILIARY HAS MEETING NIGHT ON THURSDAY The ladlea' auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trnln mnn met Thiiradny evening. Auguat eleventh, at the KC hall. Plans were made for picnic to be held Wednesday, Auguat aevr.iitoenth it Moore park. A pot luck luncheon will bo aorvod nt ono o'clock. All ro naked to meet nt the cor ner of Ninth and Pino atroati t twelve-thirty o'clock and those without transportation will be taken from there. Following the business mooting refreshments wore aorvod to sixteen members. A public card party will be aponsored by the auxiliary Thursday evonlng, September eighth at eight o'clock. Prizes will bo given nnd rofrcBlimenta aorvod. Tho commlttoo ln eludea: chairman, Mra. Rltn Fuller. Mtb. Myrtlo Guthrie and Mra. Viva Bonnoy. SHOWER GIVEN MRS. RECTOR ON THURSDAY, BLY Mra. Leola Rector wai the honor gueat-nt ahower given for hor by Mra. Ivnn Cnrtwrlght on Thiiradny, July tho twenty-eighth, tluoata were Mra. Jeff Cnnsble, Mra. Pond, Mra. Harding, Mra. Fred Stone, Mrs. Oabtirn, Mra. C. Thomne, Mra. Qua Rosa, Mra. Kidd, Mrs. Rnlph Kllonhorgor, Mra. Rec tor, Miss Dorothy McOlnnli nnd tho hostess. Mra. Cnrtwrlght used plnka and awent peas about the rooms. Toa wna aorred at a Into hour In the aftornoon fol lowing tho oponlng of glfta by tho honor gucnt. BLY On Wednesday, Aug ust the third, the Women's club mot at the homo of Mra. Joe wnllls. Due to the busy senson nnd a number of mem bora bolng out of town the at tendance, wna limited to eight mnmbora. Present were Mm. (ieno Dotrlck, Mra. Jack Hnn nn, Mtb, Joff Cnnsble, Mra. James Dixon, Mrs. Dave Camp boll, Mra. (JolBbock nnd the hoBtesa. Tea wna eorved follow ing tho business mooting. HLY The mombors o( the Lndlos Aid of lily woro enter tained by Mrs. Isndore Robin on Wodnosdny afternoon, Aug ust tho tenlli, at the home ot Mra. tlolsbcck. Li.,;,-, i i: 2LJ21 AUGUST BRIDE Miss Irene Lemorie of Klamath Falls who will be come the bride of Mr. Anthony R. Manno in Lot Angoles on Friday, August the twelfth. The young couple plan to motor to Chicago after sponding a weok at Catalina Island. They will visit with Mr. Manno's parents in Chicago before returning to Klamath Falls to make their home. Kennell-Ellis picture Honor Members Charter Group Is C o m p I i merited At Rebekah Lodge. ' Thursday evening, August fourth, the members of Proa porily Rebaknh lodgn entertain od In honor of Its charter mem bora, four of whom: Mra. Francis uoyd, Mra. Lydla Hous ton, Mra. Laura Uorllnga and Mra. Alice Ooollor were pres ent. An Interesting program was rendered consisting of a piano solo by Mra. Myrtle Dunham, an address lo the charter mem bers by Mrs. Nellie Wnttenburg. Kach of the honored guests re aponded with romlnlsenccs of early Rebekah lodgo days, and i tribute to tho chnrter mem ber! was given by Mra. Ida Orlmei ind Mra. DeVee Stln ton. Corsages were presented to the honored guosta by the lodge. At the conclusion o f the meeting refreshments were aerved nnd the remainder ot the evening spent In an old fash ioned visit. Prosperity Rebekah lodge was Instituted January tenth, 1900. There were forty eight charter members and the meetlnga were held over the old Baldwin Hardware store, near tho present Baldwin hotel, the members coming from miles around In horso drawn vehicles to attend lodge, nnd sometimes remaining all night to dine and dance. In 1911 the present IOOF hall waa dedicated and Pros perity Rebekah lodge has held its meetlnga thero. From a humble beginning the lodge hna grown to a membership ot 230. MOOSEHEART TEA ON TUESDAY AUGUST SECOND A Moosohonrt tea was held on Tuesday aftornoon, August the second, at the home of Mrs. Maude Chrlstenscn, 344 Michigan avenue. Pinochle was played with high score hold by Mra. Flor ence Pike, socond high by Mrs. Marie Poterson. Following carda tea wna served from a prettily appointod tnhlo by tho hostess. Gueata were Mrs. Pike, Mra. Peterson, Mrs. Dorothy Anderson, Mrs. Mildred Wllk enson, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Bet-' ty Wood, Mm. Florence Shriv er. Mrs. Annotto Hall and Mrs. Blnnche Dixon. Another Moosehenrt tea was held at the home of Mrs. Dolly Machado In Shlpptngton on Friday, August tho fifth. Pi nochle was played with high scoro awarded Mrs. Peggy Long, second high to Mrs. Machado. Following cards tea waa served to Mra. Fannie Thompson, Mrs. Peggy Long, Mra, Mario Potorson, Mra. Flor ence Shrlver, Mrs. Mildred Wllkenaon, Mra. Annotto Hall, Mra. Blnnche Dixon and the hostess. Miss Eccles Is Honored at Party Mrs. D. Kc.clea entertained for hor daughter, Bertha, on the occasion ot her birthday on Saturday aftornoon ot last week. Games wore plnyed with a tea party served at the close ot tho aftornoon. Guests were Betty Juno nnd Ruth Sodor, Betty Joy Morgan, Lotty Lln nian, Mildred Williams, Bonnie Dell Wesloy, Pntrlcla McFnr Innd, Rnrbara Kvern and Har riet Dnnlolaon. 4V"M , 'I ".. "!- f' . MISS CHEYNE HOSTESS TO GROUP AT HOME The Thursday Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. Gladys Cheyne on July the twenty-eighth. The next meet ing of tho group waB held at the homo of Mrs. Florence De Lap at which time a birthday shower was given for Mrs. Lois Hill on Thursday, August tho eleventh. Guests at the Cbeyno home were Mrs. Lola Hill, Mrs. Doris Smith, Mrs. Dorothy Jackson, Mrs. Winneta Brannou, Mrs. Florence DeLap, Mra. Mamie Brandjeaky, Mra. Frelda En man, Mra. Jeannetto Jackson, Mrs. ullvo Marshall, Miss Amy Johnaon and the hostess. Members of the Thursday Sewing club and their hus bands met at Diamond lake on Sunday, July the thirty-first for an all-day plcuic and swimming party. Those who enjoyed the af fair wore Mr. and Mra. Cbarlea DeLap, Jr., Mr. and Mra. How ward Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cheyne, Mr. and Mrs. Gray Brannon, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Enmali, Mr. and Mm. Joe UrandJCBky, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Smith, Mrs. Hnvlina and Miss Ida May Kandra. CALENDAR Sunday, August 14 Annual parish picnic of Sa cred Heart church to be given at the Martin Greene ranch homo all day Sunday. Monday, August 15 Called meeting of Eulalona chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, at the home of Mrs. Robert Odell, regent. Wednesday, August 17 Garden party to be given from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock at Ganong home on Summers Lane by Gleaners circle of First Methodist church. All members and friends of the church invited. Friday, August 19 Garden study group of Women's Library club to meet at 10 a. m. in garden of Mrs. C. V. Rugh, bringing flower arrangement from late summer gardens. Past Oracles club to meet with Mrs. Jennie Arnold, 822 Pine street. Wednesday, August 24 Rebekah social club to meet at the home of Mrs. Myrtle McCullough on Conger avenue. Wednesday, September 7 Jolly Neighbors to meet at two o'clock. Monday, September 12 First meeting of the year of Eulalona chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. Saturday, October I Annual fall fashion show and tea .sponsored in' the Willard hotel by the American Asso ciation of University Women. 4- Meeting of Group Planned for Monday Neighbors of Woodcraft will moot Monday ovonlng, August fifteenth nt eight o'clock at the K. S. hall. Several candidates will bo initiated at this time. Mombors having birthdays In August will bo honored guests. Thoro will be a program after which refreshments will be served. The committee Includes chairman Ada Marie McDanlels, Loreno Mnrplo nnd Ann Roach. All members nro urged to attend. Course Outlined Writers' League Meets With Mrs. Livingston Thursday Night. Plans for a wlnter'a course In writing under the super vision of tho University ot Oregon extension department woro outlined and discussed at a meeting of tho Klamuth Lako chapter of the Writers' League Thursday evening at tho chamber of commerce, with Mrs. K. p. , Livingston, president of tho chapter, pre aldlng, A number of non-membora of tho league, aa well aa mem bers, have signified their In tention of enrolling for the course which allows a choice of story writing, advanced short story, magazine writing or prose manuscript. The course Includes throe personal visits by Professor Thatcher of tho extension division, who will glvo personal assistance. It waa announced that Mrs. Lydia Hoho. a member of the local chapter, has been Invited to present a talk on the pro gram for tho Northwestern Writers' convention at Walla Walla, Washington, which will be held the last four days ot August. Additional plans for the writ ing course will be made at the September meeting of the group when anyone Interested LANGELL VALLEY WOMEN ENJOY PARTIES THERE . LANGELL VALLEY Mrs. Irene Hartley delightfully en tertained the members of the Garden club at ber homo on Friday afternoon. Those en joying the meeting were Mrs. Mao Hulloway, Mrs. Bessie Frazler, Mrs. Ltzzle Schmore, Mrs. Clara Daniels, Mrs. Martha Pool, Mrs. Noma Bech dolt, Mrs. Ada Sparrington, .Mrs. Marie DeUolt, Mrs. Christine Brown, Mrs. Sarah Vuss and Mrs. Mury Sparks. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Hartley follow ing a pleasant social afternoon. Mrs. Barbara Bean enter tained with a bridge party on the afternoon of August ninth. High score went lo Mrs. Mary Dearborn, low to Mrs. Thcresia Prior and Mrs. Cora Leavltt. Others enjoying the game were Mrs. Betty Pepplc, Mrs. Madge Monroe, Mrs. Ethel Sullivan, Mrs. Bessie Frazier, Mrs. Nel lie Dean, Mrs. Grace Iteveil, Mrs. Lola Murray. Miss Dor othy Iteveil and Miss Carolyn Monroe. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Beau at four-thirty o'clock. No Hostess Club Meets on Thursday Mrs. It. M. Elder entertain ed for members ot the No Hostess bridge club at her home on Thursday afternoon with a one o'clock dessert fol lowed by cards. High score of the afternoon went to Mrs. H. II. Meredith, second high to Mrs. L. A. Smith and low to a guest, Mrs. Herbert Hemingseu. The group will meet next Thursday with Mrs. Meredith. Others present were Mrs. Hnrvey Martin, Mrs. Monte Moore, Mrs. T. A. Bes Bonetto and Mrs. L. C. Carr. Hair Stylist L-Y-' -Photo by May King Studio . YUr e"f Prob,emS Fontaine has moved his home to Klamath Falls, and will be here permanently to serve discriminating women of the Klamath Basin who desire the best in hairdressing, waving and cutting. IT COSTS NO MORE Contour Finger Waving 75c Shampoo and Wave $1.25 Individual Hairshaping and Cutting 75c Custom Permanent Waves $5.00 up Christy Natural Wave Cut MURPHY'S BEAUTY SALON Evening Appointments 511 Main St. SOROPTIMIST CLUB ENJOYS VISIT IN NORTH One of the most enjoyable meetlnga of the Klamath Falls Horoptlmlat club waa held Thursday around the luncheon table at the Willard hotel when roporti were given by members who ittended the book shelf dedication it the new Tlmborllne lodge on Mount Hood. The report was divided Into three sections, one being given by each of the members wbo had been able to go on the trip, Mrs. Emma Hell Page, Mrs, Isabella Van Fleet and Mrs. Sophia Ken offcl. All members able to attend tho event were Invited to be the gueata of Mra. Fred May era at her home, "Eve's Eden," at Arrah Wanna, out of Portland. Arriving there, the Klamath Falls delegation found gathered a large group of Soroptlmlats from various points, even aa far aouth as Virginia. An outdoor picnic on the grounda of the estate was the first event. After the picnick ers had enjoyed the tennis courts, badminton courts, horseshoe grounds, swimming tank and other attractions scattered over the estate's eighteen acres of grass land, they were driven Into the "Itumpus house" on the edge of the swimming pool where, before a fire In the huge fire place, there was fortune tell ing and other Indoor entertain ment. The "Rumpus bouse," apart from the main houae, boused part of the guests tor the nlgbt. After an out-of-door breakfast with the menu fea turing honey from Hollywood, which Mrs. Meyers' head gar dener had especially ordered for the occasion and had named each hive after a Holly wood actress, the hostess and ber guests left for Tlmberllne lodge where a room was set aside (or the use of the Sorop tlmlats attending the dedica tion. The lodge was crowded tor the event when the book shell of the Portland Soroptimlst club was dedicated, the key to the Bhelves being presented by Miss Vivian Cooley who was Introduced by the Portland club's president, Mrs. Mazie Murphy. Tbe collection ot books for the shelf covered all subjects, and a number of the volumes In this valuable collection are now out ot print. One volume ot great value contains the autograph of President Roose velt. This book commemorates tbe Tlmberllne lodge and only forty copies were ever taken off tbe press. An orchestra composed ot WPA workers played during the entire dedication and the ceremony was closed by the singing of "Oregon," after which tea was served In the lodge. Those who visited the lodge expressed great admira tion tor the murals which were painted by WPA employes. Miss Ernestine Faulker ot the Hillside hospital was a special guest ' at Thursday's luncheon and was presented with a bouquet ot the beauti ful zinnias that provided at tractive centerpieces for the luncheon table. Members ot the Rebekah social club will meet on Wed nesday afternoon, August the twenty fourth, tor a water melon feast at the home of Mrs. Myrtle McCullough on Conger avenue. Joins Staff MURPHY'S BEAUTY SALON Announces The Addition To Its Personnel of FONTAINE Hollywood Hairdresser And Advisor To No Charge for Consultation Phone 1786 Klamath Invited Much Interest Shown Here in National Vets Convention Mrs. W. P. Meyera of Klam Falla has been asked to serve as one of the hostesses for the reception of the national presi dent ot the National Auxiliary of United Spanish War Veter ans, Mrs. Mary A. McOauley and Commander - In chief Kennedy when the national convention Is held In Portland September eleventh to the fifteenth. Mra. Meyers Is president ot Herbert Applegate encamp ment. No. 14, and has accepted the Invitation to be present at the reception which will be held on Sunday evening from ten o'clock until midnight, Septem ber the eleventh In the Mult nomah hotel. Oregon women are Interested In the All States dinner and much thought Is being given to the manner in which this table will be decorated by the Oregon delegation. There will be forty eight tables arranged on this occasion: Mrs. Meyera has also been asked to assist in arranging tbe floral flag In back of the altar (or the joint memorial service on Sunday evening, September the eleventh. In the Portland city auditorium. The flag will be so construct ed that each star can be electri cally lighted as tbe flowers are placed for each state. They hope to have a color arrange ment worked out In red, white and blue flowers and suggest that any tlowers of that color than can be sent from southern Oregon will be gratefully ac cepted. NEIGHBORS IN - HOMECOMING FESTIVITIES The Royal Neighbors of America held the thirteenth annual Homecoming Friday eve ning with an excellent attend ance. The state supervisor, Lenore Broilie of Ashland, was a guest of the lodge as was Margie Pearson of Medford, district deputy. Seven charter members were present and .also the oldest Neighbor, Mrs. Ona Ferris. Eight Past Oracles were present as well. The lodge presented the Past Oracles and all charter members present with corsages. A program, followed and supper was served at a late hour. Announcing the Appointment ADRIENNE'S As Klamath Representatives SIMPLEX Children's Shoes lir Nationally Known if Nationally Advertised if Featured in America's Finest Stores You are responsible for the welfare of your children's feet . . . Safeguard them with SIMPLEX FLEX-EZE Orthopedic Simple! Fltx-Cie Orthtpedic Health Shoes are designed to allow tht foot to develop as nature in tended. The scientific Health Last over which Flex Eie are made I Dim their special health features) will protect your chil dren's feet FlM-Eze may White. Brown in ill sites and p8 A Complete Stock in All Widths Expertly Fitted By Men Who Know How to Fit Children's Shoes Stewart-Smith Shoe Dept. ADRIENNE'S Chet Smith Medical-Dental ALGOMA PARTY ENJOYED FRIDAY AT JIMMERSON'S ALGOMA On Friday after noon, July the twonty-nlnth, Mrs, C. L. Jlmmorson enter tained with in auractlvely ap pointed tea In honor ot her houae guest, Mrs. Eva Jlmmer- ' son of Beatrice, Nobraski. The rooms were prettily arranged with tall vases of summer flow ors and many Interesting ar rangements of blooms lu low bowls. A centerpiece ot sweet peas was used on the tea table where Mra. Harry Cobb presid ed. Mra. Oeorge Tockoy aerved punch. Guests were Mra. Free, man Schultz, Mrs. Ueorgo Hurt- man, Mrs. Ed Brown, Mrs. Harry Cobb, Mrs. Oeorge Tockey, Mrs, Michael Tyesen, Mrs. Archie O'Brlan, Mrs. A. E. Stonehouae, Mrs. Stanley Hull, Mrs. Max Shrlamon, Mrs. Marvin Felend, Mrs. Andy Hayes, Mrs. John Perry, Mrs. Andrew Gray, Mrs. Judy Swenaen, .Mrs. Robert KerU lng, Miss Dorothy Moulton, Mis Inger Frlman, Mrs. Allie Le Moir and the honor guest, Mrs. Eva Jlmmorson. DORRIS COUPLE HONORED WITH BRIDAL SHOWER DORMS Probably the larg est ittended and most enjoy able bride's ahower ever given In Dorrls was that ot Sunday afternoon at Orr's lake picnic. About sixty triends and rela tives of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Chrlatenson, recently married, gathered In Dorrls and mo tored to the popular lake shore. A bounteous and delicious chicken dinner with all the side dishes comprised the pic nic least, topped oft with lei cream. Tbe parents ot the bride, who are ranchers In the Okla homa district, gave the young couple a complete sat of beau tiful silver, and many were the other gifts showered upon the surprised and happy young couple. Swimming and boating were enjoyed on the lake by the young people. Dinner Party Given At Ellis Residence . Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ellis en tertained Informally on Tues day evening at dinner for a group of friends at their home on Lexington avenue. Covers at dinner were laid tor Mr. and Mra. Dale Eastman, Mrs. Sophie Glazner, Mr. Kermlt Sheets and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis. Following dinner ping-pong was played with honors going to Mr. Eastman. Health Shoes Simplex be had in and Black widths. Note the highly-tempered steel thank located at tht outside longitudinal arch, the point of most pressure from body weight. This allows flexibility for the Inside Longitudinal Arch assuring muscu lar development, while rigidity is main tained where support is needed. Bldg. Ed OI.en