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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1938)
Aufrufit 12, llrjs THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON PAGE TWELVE Zi DUNTY SCHOOL rEACHER LIST MADE PUBLIC Numerous changes have heeu entntlvely announced by Fred re union, Klamath county school su perintendent, In the placing of teachers throughout the county ichool ayatom. Further changes may be made n the future, It was stressed, as :he noeds of the county demand following the opening ot school n Wednesday, September 7. There Is a teachers' meeting iluted for Tuesday. September 6, It was announced from Peterson's attics. Following Is the list of teach iri In Klamath county schools: Bonanza K. L. Coyner, Joe Mercer, Flor ence Trapp, W. Holloway, Joanna Chan, Matilda Jones, Myron Wheeler, Don Norlin, Lucille B. Davidson, Louise llomewood, Mar Jorie Abraham, Florence Clark, Beth Glick.. Cofflnberry Mill Ethel Fuckett. Olene Lola McDonald. Weyerhaeuser Camp Evea Adams. Fort Klamath Marshal Eyestone, Beatrice Eyestone. Keno C. C. Chase, Dea Jean Hardy, Leroy Beghtel, J. V. -LaClair, Vleva Llskey, Edna Bloom, Joyce Johnson, California Scott, O r a Burkea. my George Ellfot, Edna Piper, Erma Bleler, Ruth Obenchaln, Wilma Keftler, Eleanor Barth, Ethel Lien, Lorclla Alice Lytle. Hlldebrand Grace Pearce. Lamm's Camp. Ruth Porterfleld. l'airhaven R. B. Hough, Derald DeLancey, Winifred Darnell, Thelma Storey, June Rudd, Elsie Eschebeck, Louise Strowbridge. , Lower Poe Gladys McCauley. ' Shasta Bruce Hull, Connell Napier, Clara Thorn, Edwina Casebeer, Alice Tomlin.JThelma Lewis, Grace Lytle, Viola Hopper, Mildred Shipman. Malln A. E. Street, Clifton James, Lydia Storll, Agnes Smith, E. V. Johnson, Mildred Prather, Stella Fields, Henrietta Short, Mary Chambers, Ella Wood, Ruth Hale. Merrill E. E. Kilpatrick, Clarence Haan, Florence Woughter, Norma Storli, Geneva Glenn, Wilber Koblnette, Helen Brown, Delia Eagle, Ellen Konop, Estrld John son, Robert Cbristner, Lucille .West, Mabel Hanson. Crescent H. J. Hendrickson, Ray Oehl ricb, Winifred Oehlerich, Anna Dolozal. - Movtich , Margaret Westlin. Summers H. P. Blanton, Evelyn Qulnn, Arthur Millard, Veda Hanson, Marianna Kerr, Joan Neil, Mildred Ladiner. Henley C. B. Howe, Otis Johnson, -Madge Coopey, Marjorie Sumpt ser, Thelma Jones, Arthur Cole, JAlcta Kienzle, Robert Stedman, -Carolina Vaeretti Lois Rumer, Veneta Hunter, Alice Ruttencut ster. i Algorua i H. C. Sharpe, Ethel Umban- : ho war, Nan Beaty. Chiloquin E. E. Evans, Frank Thomas, Mary McLarnana, R. C. Tugman, Elizabeth Moomaw, P. C. McGov ern, Loy Barker, Helga Lott, Katharine Molitor, Jean Blake, Katncrlne Huime, Helen Fisher, .Elsie Burton, Ruth Gysbers, Katie Gilcrist, Ted Schopf, Mar garet Molitor. Principal. Bcatty John Hcyden, Margaret Hey dcn. , Sprague River Roland Parks, Lucille Hoag land, Marie Mlchels, Frances Mays. Modoc Point Ann Rife, Dorothea Buck. Kirk Anne Todd. Altamont Elementary Wyatt Padgett, Josephine Pen rod, Mable Humble, Maude Hel ton, Stella Bowne, Mary Whlte . line, Mabel Waldrlp, Vlasta Han son, Allene Hough. Altamont Junior High ,' 'A. C. Olson, Irene Read, Har old Ashley, Francis Savage, Em ma Carter, Mary App, Ethel Fen wlck, Berenice Griffin, Dorothy Baillie, Bertha Ezell, R. K. Han lion, Ralph Thomas. Crescent Lake Emma Fenner. Chcmult Olga Carlson. ; Forest Camp E. Flshback, L. Fishback. there he will visit with brothora In Williams, Oregon. Archie Cruise was a business I visitor In Klamath Falls Friday, j Mrs. James Waldeck was In Klamath Falls Tuesday of this week. , 1 Mr. and Mrs. Glen White and ! daughter Shirley, were guests at i the Gene Detrick home over Frl-1 day and Saturday ot last week, j They loft early Saturday for Walla Walla, Washington, their; home city. ' Mr. and Mrs. Eber Kilpatrick ; and daughter Betty wore In Bly ! Friday. They were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mis. Jeff! Cauable on Friday evening by a j few friends. The Kllpatrlcks have ! Just returned from Ashland to be 1 at their home In Merrill. : Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stump and : daughters Helen and Mnrljo were j guesta at the home of Mrs. : Stump's parents Mr. and Mrs. : Chas. Williams on Wednesday, ' August 3. at Fort Klamath. Miss Bernlce Malian of Lake-vlou- mil pri at I he Joe Wallis home (on Friday. Miss Million, who is a teacher of tap dancing was or-; ganiztng a class of beginners at 1 Bly. Due to so many being away for the summer and the whoop-! Ing cough epidemic it was decid- ed to postpone the classes until ; next spring. Mr. aud Mrs. Bert Gootch and : daughters were away on a vaca-; tion which took them to Medford, Ashland and Bonanza. Mrs. Stone and children Melvln and Bonnie Jean have been vaca tioning at Summer lake, their pre vious home town. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Llndlmuth and daughter Margaret, accom panied by Miss Anna Marie Wolf have been the guesta of Mrs. Lindi inuth's sister, Mrs. William Titus ' in Bly from Yorks, Pa. They lef to continue on their trip Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Causbie and two small sons were weekend guests at the Kilpatrick home. , Marvin Stephens was visiting with his wife and small son as well as other relatives recently from Paisley. Bill Stephens and family left . Sunday for their home near Chlco. ; Calif., after spending several weeks In Bly. i Mrs. Wilma Keffler and daugh ter Jessie Lee are at home In Bly , from Eugeue where Mrs. Keffler i was a student at the University of Oregon summer session. ' Air. and Mrs. Alt Meyers have had as their guests Meyer's broth er and wife from Los Angeles. They were accompanied by friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. McGee have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Her rick and family. i Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallis and I children and Mr. and Mrs. John I Beiler were the Bly grangers who; attended the grange picnic at Boggs canyon in upper Langell ' valley Sunday, held by the Langell I Valley, Bonanza and Hlldebrand granges. I BLY BLY Alfred Elder Is the guest of his father, G. L. Elder, from Los Angeles. Before returning SPECIAL HS.OO Oil Waves ..... $3.00 M.00 OH Waves $2.80 Plain Waves $2.00 MRS. FINLEY BEAUTY HHOl'I'B Main Phone 1324-W BLY GRANGE HEARS SEASON'S PROGRAM i BLY L. Alva Lewis, Pomona maBter, and Mrs. Amos Slack,, state deputy, were visitors at the first August meeting of the Bly grange. Lewis stated that the j program for the coming season 1 in the subordinate granges was to ; arrange more interesting meetings : to prompt better attendance, and to solicit new members. Mrs. John Bieler was appointed as home economics chairman to j take the place of Mrs. Charles Dixon who has resigned. Tentative plans were made for the organiza tion of a home economics club. The next meeting of the grange will be held September 1. AGED DIVER ' WHEATON, 111. The kids said "Gee" when Grandma Candrian took a dive from the four-foot board at the city swimming pool. They didn't know Mrs. Adolph Candrian had learned to swim and dive when she was 67 years old. She's 79 now. It was children's day, but the manager approved Mrs. Candrian j using the pool, thinking she want-i ed to wade around. A delicious cola drink hnfflprl nnrlpr most exacting M sanitary conditions. Alwavs uniform. mi Si nniversary 6 0&mmmm but we h "Wigs for j Prices Effective In Klamath Falls, Merrill, Tulelake, , Dorrii, and Chiloquin Satur. day and Mon day, August 13 and 15 Sugar ulated $5.05 Flno Granulated 100 Lb Bag Syrup 49c Golden Marshmallow 5-lb. Tin Beans California Small Whites California Red Mexlcau Idalto Great Northern L23c 10-Ibs 45 Calumet Bak ing Powder 43c Hot Sauce Taste Tell Tomato, 8-oz. tins 3 10c Cheese Klamath Full Cream u 15c Macaroni '.Porter's Soft Wheat 3 15c 6 L 27c Brown Sugar Pure Golden C. 3 Lt.15c Post Toasties Regular Pkgs. 2 Snow White and Seven Dwarf Balloons free with each purchase. 19c J for 1 balloons free with each purchase. Large Pkgs. for 19c Waldorf Toilet Tissue Soft and absorbent rolls . 19c Scotch Granu lated Soap For every washing purpose Lge. Pkg. 29c Super Suds Giant size pkg 22 Concentrated Lge. pkg. 23 Camay Toilet Soap For a beautiful velvety-textured skin? use Camay.1 bars 19c Corn Standard Pack Golden Bantam No. 303 tin. Dos. 95.... 3 -25' Wesson Oil 39c The pure vegetable oil for salads, far mayonnaise, for all cooking purposes. Jvjillc Mimum uu imt 3 for17 Jell Well 2 9C America's Popular Dessert. Your cholro of all flavors. Fruit Jars & Canning Supplies Vim Case Case I'ta. tits. tinla. Ball Glass Tops 75 89 $1.25 Ball Ideal Jars 87 99 , Ball Special Wide Mouth... 87 $1.05 Ball Eclipse Wide Mouth... 97 $1.13 $1.45 Kerr Economy Jars 85 $1.13 $1.35 Kerr Mason Jars Regular Mouth 75 89 $1.25 Kerr Mason Wide Mouth. ...87 $1.05 $1.35 Kerr Mason Cup, regular 2 dozen 45c Kerr Mason Clip, wide mouth loson 33 Economy Caps dozen 19 Kerr Iti'milnr I.lila dozen 0 Kerr Wide Mouth Mils dozen 15 Dnll Jnr Kuhbers, rcg. top seal. ...3 dozen 10 Brooms Brown Beauty Extra heavy and durable Each 98 ' ' Dust Foe 5 sew ! Each 79 Standard 4 Sew Brooms Each 25 No. 10 Foods. (Commonly called Gallons. The most economical way to buy food). Catiup, Newport - 39 Applet, Weitag 39 Blackberries, Hillsdale, tin 49 Cherries, Mt. View Red Sour Pitted 59 Gooseberries, Wilamet 79 Loganberries, Wilamet 79 Huckleberries, B & H 79 Peaches, Halves of Gold 47 Pears, Parkdale ...59 Pineapple, Hillsdale .' 65 Pineapple, Del Mont Crushed 65 Prunes, Klondike 35 Rhubarb, Wilamet - 39 Youngberries, Westeg - .,.85 Stringiest Beens, Three Sistert 49 Pork end Beam, Van Camp's 49 Beets, Three Sitter Sliced 39 Beott, Diamond A Whole 59 Corn, Del Mont Golden Bantam 59 Corn, Our Choice Golden Unam....S7 Homioy, Van Camp's ..39 Peat, Del Mont Early Garden 69 Peas, Mission - 69 Pumpkin, Libby's 39 Spinach, Full ot Gold 49 Tomatoes, Libby't 49 Tomatoes, Our Choic 39 Tomato Pur, Our Choic 29 Tomato Juice, Dl Rogue 35 Produce Prices Kffcctlve Saturday Only PEACHES 49c-59c-69c This week will practically deplete the California Elberla Peaches. If you havr i not already purchased your canning requirements, suggest you do this as Indications point to higher prices. Hale Peaches Extra large lugs X POTATOES 10-19c White nose Variety, grown by fllanley Johnson of Malln, Oregon. Red Potatoes 0 Lbs. 13 4.aaM.M0 Sunklst Valonclas, y "VO UrangeS Medium size Y)oz.dVl, Green Peppers .. Each lc Just the right size for stuffing f girMwt Snow white stalks, CSiery Extra Crisp 2 forlSC Dry Onions Walla Walla Spanish Variety. U. S. No. 1 Quality. S Lb 14 10 Lb 23 25 Lb 50 50 Lb. Bag ..98 I Meat 1' Effective Saturday Only BeeS Roasts 12c i Cut from Klamath Prim Beet. Chickens --19 Choice, young hens for stewing, fricassee, or for serving with dumplings. Fryers ........1.. Hi. 25c Medium size tender young birds, the Ideal size for weekend picnics. Bologna, Liver m q Sausage lib. Xf V Frankfurters. Luncheon Meats ...i.t, 29c Your choice of many varieties. Sliced Bacon ... i,b. 35c No rind, or waste. It's the cure that makes this bacon so flavory. Sausage ....... 2 m,,. 25c Country style, freshly prepared a Perfect team mate for hot cakes. Lamb Favorite cuts from genuine Klamath County Spring Lambs, ' Legs, Pound Chops, Pound Sho. Roasts, Pound 22C 22 c 15c Flour Kitchen Craft . 49-lb. bag $1.39 24s-Ib. bag 79 Harvest Blossom 49-lb. bag 1.29 24Vi-lb. bag 69 Anchor Flour 49-lb. bag 51.19 Lion Flour 49-lb. bag $1.09 Air Light Flour 49-lb. bag 98 Beer nrown Derby tho'equal of Imported Pilsner. 13 o.' tins or 11 ox. stelnles. 3 29c Case 52.29 Coiiee Airway 3 lbs, 39 Nob Hill 2-lbs 39 Edwards Dependable 2-lb tin '.. 45 Grapefruit Btokely's fancy pack, No. 300 tins 3r25C Sleepy Hollow Syrup Pure Cane and Mapls 2. 39c 5-lb. tin 89 10-lb. tin $1.29 Superb Granu lated Soap Large Package 19c Lifebuoy Soap The one soap for every housohold need. 3 Bar. 19C Corn Del Mais Nlblets, 12-01. tins. 2 for 25c Del Mnls Cream Style 803 Cans. 3 , 29c Cheese-It Crackers ncgttlar size Pkgs, 2 for 25c kellogg's All-Rye Flakes Buy one Oct one Free. for 13c