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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1938)
THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Herald and News Classified Ad Section 'Auprust 11, 1988 n 26 Houiet for Rent in,..-.,-.-. .V..'. ' i UNPtUINlHIinsn ...l w o lioilrnnm hntiM, f aa.IiO.- rroslily kulio. mlnffd.. 1'ornhtiiR way. 8-11 FOR KK.NT CW llnon-roiim lioiino, flinilnllfd. Adillli. , 71 Jefferson Rt, ,. , ,. .8-18 rcnNiHHnn camin. ia miiM- . gun. Phono llTd-W. , 8-H COMPLETELY furnished 6 -room ' mod or n home, I4IS.00. nnfer. enrol. Phone 1338-J nfl"-r 6 p. m. . ., KOIl ItHNT - 2-rooin furnished houso.' Close In; Hultnhln for one or two. Iltf month, Phone 78. ' 8-H THHKK-HOOM furnished collugo. Adult. 1H94 Mnniunlla. 8-18 ATT1CNTION Woyorhnouser Camp I employes. Cut your driving (lma and expense. Bo the now I -room cabins at King Cole Borr lea Station. Inquire about the new low rent rales effective now. ... - 8-18 CLEAN FURNIHIIED modern cot tage. Bhnda, gas, garage, iin Dlohn. 8-11 FOR KENT I'arlly furnished tionjoSUnniMMf 28 Mitcellaneoui for Rent SMALL MODERN planoi for rent. Kimball and others. Apply rnt toward purchase later If de- trod. Boino good uicon piano bargain, lorma aa low as 8-LCO. Louts Mann, luuor, Derby's Mu lo Co., 117 Bo. 7th. -l KOIl RENT Saddle horsos on Portland Drive. Ray Hough. 8-17 30 Real Ettate for Sale 7 Acrei T acres good garden land with nice 4-room house and a 2-rooni ' home. Potato cellar, chicken home, lota of berries and ahado trees. Irrigated cheap wntnr. Will loll or trade for ranch close to town on good road. 227-Acre Ranch Twenty acres already Irrigat ed, and 70 more can be Irrigated with pump. Four-room bouse, with good well and other Im provement!. Located on . good road 18 mllea from town. The nrlce la 14800, which Includes nine aorae of potatoea, lloaaon able terms. R. P. OLIVER 111 I. 8th St. Phone 8(0 8-11 FOR SALE Acre Iracta In llomuland. Fine lardnn soil. Good .Irrigation Just off concrete highway. Price 1460.00. 848.00 down and 83.00 per month plus Interest. Five-bedroom home on Lin coln street. Hardwood floors, flroplace, hath, furnaco, good lot. ahrubs, lawn, paving all paid, Price 18460.00. flood tonus. WALTON & WRIGHT 419 Main 81. Phono 114 4 8-11 Country Homo It Is the season to observe productiveness of tho land. Let us ahow you excollent locations In suburban area, at prices rang lna from 8800 to 83.000, on terms. Time to get located be fore school opens. CHILCOTE & SMITH 116 N. Oth St. Tel. 88 8-11 FOrt HALE Auto court, enttnecs, cabins, trailer and camping space. Coast Highway U. S. 101 Bee Chllcote" and Smith. Owner will be fh Klamath Fnlla about August 20th. 8-17 67 ACRES, all ensy Irrlgntod from living stream. Iniprovomonts . cost 80000. Rocord hord 24 cows nvorngo 418 lbs. All stock, machinery, crops, Income 86000 8 mllea town. Equity $6000, Trndo for thriving business In Klnmnth, Modford of Grants Pass district. II. W. CUUUIN. HILLSBORO, 8-11 16-ACRH poultry farm. Good crop, 8 buildings. 84000. Routo 1. Box 941. 8-17 A REAL BUY--8trlctly modern '6-room home In. Hot Springs, one block from schnolr $8760, 8500 down. Ily ownpr. Phono 404-R. . 8-17 FURNISHED throo-room house. $860. Modern excopt bath. Half down or will tnke good sedan . In trade. Address P. O. Box No. 66. . . 8-17 FOR SALE 6-room house Rea sonable. Seo night olork Arcade . hotol. v. . , . 8-19 WILL RENT, LKASE, SMLL or trade for unencumbered town property 160-acre Irrjgntod rnnch, 8tocknd, milk cows, team, new buildings, fences. ,. 626 McKlnJey aftor 6 p. m..or W. T. Sonra, phono 380.. 8-1! .FOR, 8ALE Sorvloo slnllon with .. .living qunrtors, . flvo;ui:rcs, of - ground . undor water. .. First - Signal, station south pt Talent, on new highway. , , . 8-1! TRACTS Limited tlmoonly $3.60 . . down,. No prlnclplo puymeuts ,for thrco months. -City, jvuier and lights, sandy loam soil,- If you are routing you cannot nt- ford to pass up this opportunity ' to own your own home. :- K. GRAY REAL ESTATE 118 N, 7th Phono 7M 8-13 BALE OR LEASE M odor II B-bod-ronm house, auburbnn. Terms. Cascade Apia. 8-8 FOR SALE $250 oqulty In four room house. Uood local ion. Phone 1186-M, 8-16 NOW Is the Time! Highest Possible Trade Allowance on Your Present Car BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS PRICES SLASHED NO TRICKS HONEST VALUES Reasonable Down Payment! Ea$y Terms on Balance The BARGAIN SPOT Is Never Undersold SEE THEM 1936 Matter Chevrolet 1934 Master Chevrolet 1934 Chevrolet Coach 1934 Chevrolet Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Sedan 1932 Chevrolet Six-Wheel Coupa ,1931 Chevrolet Coupe . . 1936 Chevrolet Coupe ,1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1937 Packard Six 4-Dr. Trg. Sedan mi Uodqe Sedan 1932 Ponliac Sedan 11928 Ford Coupe 1935 Ford Coupe 1929 Ford Coupe 1933 Plymouth Coach 1936 Plymouth Delue 4-Dr. Trg. Sedan 1936 Dodge 4-Dr. Trg. Sedan 1937 Willys 4-Dr. Sedan, Radio and Heater 1929. Ford Sedan 1935 Studebaker Six 4 - 1937 Pontlac Six 4-Dr. 1936 Terraplane Six 1935 Plymouth Doluxe 1934 Ford Coupe 1936 Studobake'r Coupe 1937 Ponliac Six 4-Dr. Tf'ej. , Sedan, Radio 1937 Plymouth Sedan .il:v..-;i'.i.,.--'...... ': And Many More Like Bargains This is our regular stock of thoroughly reconditioned, guaranteed used cars. A FEW 1938 CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH COURTESY CARS AT A BIG SAVING THE BIG WHITE LOT SNYDER MOTOR CO. CHRYSLER 30 Real Estate for Sal FOR SALE Two lots of good soil, hado trees on each. $100 each. 1020 Hank St., Rt. 8. Box 817. 8-11 SKK LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $6 monthly. Including Interest. Mrs. Ben P. Lewis, owner. Rt. 2, Box 896. Phone S5J2. 8-18 34 Automotive 11 TON International, flatbed, A-l condition, six wheels, new rub- her, ovorload springs. Sacrifice, $285 full price. Phone 1283. 8-15 FOR SALK '29 Ford roadster $46. 1802 Manznnlta. 8-13 WILL BUY EQUITY in lnte modol ' enr or truck. 810 High. 8-17 WILL SACRIFICE equity In 1938 Chevrolet Master town sedan. 1630 Crescent. 8-15 FOR SALE! OR TRADES Equity In '35 Pontine coach. Phone 47. ' 8-7 36 Miscellaneous fdr Sal FOR SALE Jorsoy milch cow, Tnblo soparator. Howard Millor, Rt. 2. Box 492. 8-13 FOR SALE Leonard rofrlitor- ntnr, 6 eti, feet, Qood condition. , Cheap for rash. 248 Williams, near Old Fort road, 8-12 BRANS FOR SALE Irving J. . Dixon, Morrill Road, mile south . linger. 8-13 TREE. nnJ vine rtpenod fruits, Oregon grown aweot corn. Drive . out and soo us. Across from . Copco shops on Riverside. 8-12 $100 EQUITY in Norge refrlgor ... mor $.10.00, used 8 months; . also twin bedroom sot 'complete sawing machine. Will sell chenp. Leaving town. 1510 California. 8-11 WARDS FARM STORE libs a cnmplato lino of depend- able nlr-conlcd Oas Engines from I to 7 h.p. Produco rated horsepower at lower speeds, have roscrvo power for extra '.loads, Inst longorl Priced to auvo you plenty, nnd sold on .Wards Monthly Payment Plan. ,,8-31. Automotive DRIVE THEM 2-Dr. Trg. Sedan .. 4 - Dr. Sedan . ., Dr. Trg. Sedan, Radio, Heater Trg. Sedan, like new . .. 34 4-Dr. Trg. Sodan 4-Dr. Sedan . :z.J:... 9TH 36 Miscellaneous for Sal WARDS FARM STORE can save you money on first quality Slock Tanks, Wind mills, Pump Jacks, Oaa En gines and other stockmen's equipment. Come In and see. Compare prices and quality any where. Finest made Standard Binder Twine, only $6.26 per 60-lb. balol 8-31 BLOCK WOOD $2.25 cord at Shaw's mill. Hodges Bros. We dollvor. Phone 8612, Tulelake. 9-8 BLOCKWOOD $2.26 cord at Shaw's mill. Hodges Brothers. We dollver. Phone 3812 Tule lako. 9-7 FOR SALE 9x12 rug and pad, nearly new. $20.00. 2124 Vine. 8-11 FOR SALE Mower and rake, like now; also two hay wagons and potato digger, practically new. Phono 23F12. 8-16 DRY PINE BLOX Direct from bin $3.25 delivered or $2.00 at bin. Call 893-M. 8-22 SPRINGER SPANIELS Finest possible field breeding. Roady for fall training. Phono 1129-M. 8-16 HAY HAY Clean new crop nl : talfa. A balo or a carload. 60c Cwt. W. R. Stallinga or W. L. Clink, Tulelako, Calif. 8-22 15 H. P. EVINRUDE outboar.l motor and boat, Guy JoluiHlon, Kono. 8-16 HOME CANNERS ATTENTION . Canning ponches will soon be ready in the Rogue valley .' Wntch this paper for further notice nnd get your ponches at . Olelm Ranch, Wngner Creek Oroad, Talent, Ore. 8-11 FOR SALE Boat and outboard motor. Reasonable. Phone 2369. 8-12 USED ELECTItIO REFRIGER ATORS "Famous Names." Your cholco from $60 to $86. Montgomery Wnrd & Co. 8-12 FARMERS SAVE STEPS Prlvato tolephono for your fnrm depart . nionls. Call 2281-W. FREE ESTIMATE. . . 9-8 BUY THEM Our Full Price $465.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 395.00 195.00 165.00 425.00 35.00 645.00 125.00 135.00 45.00 295.00 65.00 195.00 495.00 495.00 395.00 37.50 465.00 695.00 395.00 365.00 195.00 395.00 695.00 595.00 Worth ..$545.00 385.00 365.00 375.00 465.00 245.00 195.00 525.00 85.00 895.00 195.00 265.00 85.00 395.00 85.00 265.00 565.00 595.00 495.00 85.00 585.00 785.00 525.00 465.00 285.00 495.00 825.00 665.00 ST. AT KLAMATH AVE. PLYMOUTH 36 Miscellaneous for Sal BIRD DOGS for sale. 230 Spring 8-16 FOR SALE 1938 Harley-Davld son motorcycle (74), reason able. 610 So. 6th. 8-11 FIX YOUR RADIO before Call 2281-W. 802 Market. fall 9-8 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watches, $4.60 up. Ricky a Loan and Jewelry, 822 Main. 9-1 WOOD FOR FARMERS Blocks $2.50 cord, green slab $1.60 cord. Haul them now or pay more. Peyton & Co. 8-26 FOR SALE Fir body wood. Cheap till dirt. Phone 1490-M. 9-2 CEDAR FENCE POSTS Fir body wood. Phone 857W4. 8-11 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 9-4-mtt SCOTTIES for pets, ahow or breed ing. Registered, $10 up. Royal Rogue Kennels, Medford, Ore. 8-11 FOR SALE Boat and motor. In quire Charlie Reed Saddlery. 3428-tf TRANSFER AND STORAGE SER VICE Peoples Warehouse. 8-29 COVERED WAGON trailer house. Guy Johnston, Keno. 8-16 FOR GRAIN HAULING call Peo ples Warehouse. 8-12 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE Peoples Ware house. 8-29 40 To Exchange FOR SALE New boat, Will trade tor rifle. 811 Plum. 8-13 WILL TRADE 1931 Model A Ford Sedan and $600 equity in 3-room modern home for late model car. Must be clear. In quire 260 Division, evenings. 8-11 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED 4-ton loose alfalfa, second cutting, delivered. Ed Ward, Rt. 2, Box 1009, Portland Drive. 8-12 34 Automotive One Dollar Down Used Car Sale 14 Cars Sold First Day of Our Special Sale-Why? Because: Our Cars are in good mechan ical condition and priced to sell If you have a car to trade in we will take it at the down payment regardless of make or model on any used car in stock and finance the balance in 12 to 18 months Come in and drive the car and be satisfied it is the car you want before you buy f$ 1 .00 is all you have to pay for 30 days. Only a few more days to take advantage of these terms 1 1935 Plymouth Tudor 1934 Plymouth Sedan 1936 Plvmouth Sedan 1936 Plymouth Doluxe Coupo 1937 Plymouth Pickup 1935 Ford Tudor 1934 Ford Tudor 1930 Ford Sedan 1929 Ford Coup 1929 Ford Sodan 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1931 Chevrolet Coach 1933 Chevrolet Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1932 Chevrolet Coach 1936 DeSoto Airflow Sedan 1935 DeSoto Touring Sedan 1930 DeSoto Sedan 1937 DeSoto Sedan 1935 Buiclc Sedan 1934 Graham Coupe 1936 Pontiac Sedan 1937 Willys Sedan 1933 Willys Sedan 1933 Willys Coupo 1936 Packard Sedan 1935 Hudson Coupo 1929 Chrysler Coach 1931 Hupmoblle Sedan 1931 Oldsmobile Sedan . 1931 Studebaker Coupe 1932 Nash Sedan 1929 Nash Sedan L. O. ARENS ; 744 Klamath Avenue Klamath Wait! FOR -AUCTION- A TRAINLOAD OF Cars D Trucks This Saturday Aug. 13th at Noon Balsiger Motor Co. PHONE 2100 FOR CATALOGUE LIST OF CARS TO BE SOLD 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Chicken feed horses. Used locally. Phone 1433-W. 8-17 CASH PAID for used pianos. I thoroughly recondition and sell, adding only cost, of work terms as low as $5.00 down, $4.50 monthly. Louis Mann, tuner, Derby's Music, 117 So. 7lh. 9-2 TOP PRICES paid for furniture, stoves, tools, guns, small radios, men's firet-clnss clothing. Bar gain Spot Swap Shop, 707 So. 6th. Thone 1423-W. 8-21 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture and stoves. O. K. Second-Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phono 991. 8-81-mtt 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Cow to freshen In October, $40; also heifer ealf. Phono 30E4. 8-12 FOR SALE OR TRADE Around 60 N. H. Red pullets. 1 months old, $1.25 each. ATl nt $1.00 each. Or will trade for beef type calves. R. C. Prud homme, 3rd house east Idelln's store, South 8th St. 8-16 FOR SALE 14 milk cows, 10 milking, T. It. - and abortion tested, $55.00 head, take all. l. Burns, Langcll Valloy. 8-15 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1X0 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1X0 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 DESOTO-PLYMOUTH Falls, Oregon Phons 729 Wait! THE PACKARD Garage Across From Willard Hotel 1937 Packard 6 Sedan 1937 Packard 6 Coup 1937 Pontiac 8 Sedan 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1936 Plymouth Coup 1936 Ford Coup These Cars Are All Guaranteed By Your Packard Dealer KEITH-GWALTNEY MOTOR CO. 44 Livestock and Poultry CHICKS HATCHING every week. Magulre Electrle Hatchery, 2416 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. 8-81-mtt 34 Safety You are always assured of a quality car, at an honest price, with honest ) finance charges. ;' WE DON'T have an auction! WE DO charge for financel WE DO require regular down payments! It is the ONLY WAY we can sell you a QUALITY CAR at an HONEST PRICE! 1088 Oldsmobile 4-Dr. With automatic transmission, 4 speeds. Her to a fine ear, current model. Just Ilk new at a die. eount of , ,,., , fff 1087 DeSoto Touring Sedan With overdrive, tires are 90 new. This ear If as clean as any new car , ,- ,,, ,....7W 1087 DeSoto 2-Dr. Tonr. Overdrive, excellent tires, heater and defroster, perfect condition yrji 1087 Oldsmobile a-Dr. Tour. Sedan Only 16,000 mllea. This is the best buy la Klam ath Falls. It looks like "w I l yrflaj - 1080 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Deluxe Sedan Royal Master tires, original paint Just Ilk new. A very fine car . ftwtl 1088 Ford 2-Dr. Tour. Sedan Reconditioned motor, clean upholstery, original paint Ha 1084 Plymouth 2-Dr. Sedan Reconditioned motor, new paint .$8SS 1085 Plymouth Coape 'New tires, original gnnmetal finish, excellent me chanical condition ft SAVE on first costl ft SAVE on operating costl , ' ft SAVE on finance costl SALESMEN: W. E. McLaughlin Austin Adam John McNeil Bill O'Brian Marshall Cornet Company OLDSMOBILE- 724-734 Klamath WHY PAY , INTEREST and FINANCE ! CHARGES? Starting Saturday, Aug. 13th and continuing through Saturday, Aug. 20th, on of Klamath Falls oldest and largest automobile distributors will offsr at SACRIFICE PRICES their large stock of SLIGHTLY USED, RE- , CONDITIONED and GUARANTEED automobiles with NO FINANCE CHARGE FOR ONE YEAR LOOK FOR OUR AD IN THIS PAPER FRIDAY ; EVENING AND SATURDAY MORNING. 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED TO BUY Beef type calves. Phone 6 61W4 or call at my home. R. C. Prudhomme, 3rd house east of Idella's store on South Sixth. 2924-tf PUREBRED DUROC BOAR, eight months old, $25.00. Francis Hannon, Tulelake. 8-11 FOR SALE 24 head milch cows from accredited herd. Qood fam ily cows. Ross H. Brown, Rt. 1, Box (89. 8-18 FOR SALE 660 ewes. Hefner, Bonanza. Thomas 8-11 SUPER LARGE EOOS and more of them. Brooks' Rocks, Hamp shire!, Reds and Leghorns at 19 and $10 per 100. Free liter ature. Brooks' Hatchery, Grants Pass. 8-23-mtf 4ft Financial NEED MONEY? Let The "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish The Cash. AUTO LOANS FINANCING Se COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Wm. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-223 118 S. 7th St. Phone 471 8-31 SBBnaaaagsBSSBaassa When do we eat? Jacob Mort imer, Beaver Falls, Pa., upon being pulled from a river, where the shock of contact with high tension wires bad thrown htm. Automotive) Tested Tour. 521 S. M 46 Financial LOW RATES or. AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Sat No Co-Signers No Red Tap NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or used ear purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 N. 7th Ph. 8t t-9-mtf Equitable Loam Equitabls still has plenty of money for good loans on modem homes and income property in Klamath Falls and suburbs. Ask us about th Equitabl Plan. , CHILCOTE & SMITH Sine 1909 116 N. 9th Phon eft wf-U 48 Business Opportunltie FOR SALE Equity In good soda fountain and accessories. Cheap. News-Herald, Box 8087. , 8-11 Banquet guests carry home wltk them part of the repast when din lng with th Japanese emperor. The practice, ordained by an old Japanese custom. Is followed vm when the emperor entertains his statesmen, ,