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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1938)
THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON August 10, 1938 PAGE SIX KLAMATH MEN ILL ASSIST IN T DURISTSTUDY Directors of the Klamath county chamber of commerce, at th;lr weekly meeting on Wednesday voted to send two representatives of the chamber to Medford on Fri day evening to attend a meeting or southern Oregon communities to study tourist accommodations and tourist attractions in this area with the thought of bringing about im provoments that will result In longer stay ot tourists and others coming to this region. The repre- sentatlves will be named by the community advertising committee ot the chamber. At the same time, the directors voted to cooperate with the Med ford chamber In stimulating a larger exchange of commodities between the Rogue river valley and the Klamath country especi ally fruits and vegetables from the Rogue river and potatoes, nay ana meats from Klamath. It was point ed out that the basic commodities of both areas are non-competitive, and that both communities will benefit by larger trade with each other. A request that the chamber sponsor a queen for the Klamath basin potato festival at Merrill was referred to the retail trade bu reau ot the chamber, the directors pointing out that the chamber Is a county-wlde organization and can not sponsor a queen tor one community. Showing of a FHA motion picture designed to stimu late interest in building was en dorsed by the directors. The pic ture will be shown at the city li brary on Monday evening, August 22. Admission will be tree. Appointment ot the following committees for the year 1938-39 was announced: Community advertising Mar shall Cornett, director In charge; Frank Holmes, Jr., chairman; Dr. J. M. Hilton, vice chairman; W. J. Dlnsmore, George F. Hall, R. Paul Roberts. Civic affairs committee R. C. Groesbeck, director; George W. Mclntyre, chairman; G. C. Blobm, vice chairman; E. A. Dunham, N. B. Drew, L. L. Hendricks, E. W. Mersereau, Dr. M. C. Cassell. Membership J. W. Kerns, di rector In charge; K. G. Klahn, chairman; Frank Hamblet, Fred Hellbronner, C. C. McMullen, Vera Moore. EAST Bedroom Cars oa tha aizeoadiHoad Empire Builder Enjoy all the privacy of a compartment at lower cost.' Upper and lower , berths, desk-dining table, ice water, lavatory, toilet, baggage space. Bedroom cars in service on Great Northern Rail way's Empire Builder to Chicago to Dec. 1. H. L WAYNE, General Agent Great Northern Station Klamath Falls SODIUM CHLORATE PLANT TO BE BUILT NEAR BONNEVILLE PORTLAND, Ore., Aug 10 (UP) Erection of a largo sodium chlor ate plant In Cascade Locks, first Oregon city to use power from Bonneville dam, was announced tonight by Bonneville Administra tor J. D. Ross. Ross told Mayor G. E. Manches ter ot Cascade Locks that he be lieves a contract for a large block of hydroelectrio power from the dam will be signed with a New Jersey firm In October. "I am Informed that the com pany is already making up their plant designs, Ross told the mayor. "The preparing ot con struction process methods should take them about 60 days, perhaps slightly longer." It is believed the new plant will cost about 11,250,000. It will manufacture sodium chlorate, used In the control ot noxious weeds. ROUTE GIVEN FOB DEER THIP NEXTSUNDAY CLARK TAKES CLOSE BATTLE AGAINST POPE Leave Klamath Falls i P. M. Sample Fares i One Way Rd.Trip . 3.65 95.85 Bend Portland Spokane Seattle . ;Prineville jCrescent , . 5.90 11.10 8.40 4.65 2.65 10.65 20.00 14.65 7.45 4.25 Low Fares to All Points Ask Our Agent (Continued from Page 1) no means antagonistic to the White House. In Idaho, however, the Issue was clearly drawn. Sen. James P. Pope, a 100 per cent Roose velt man, was opposed In the democratic primary by Ren. D. Worth Clark, who hammered home throughout his campaign be was not an administration yes man." The vote In 620 of S02 nre- cmcts gave Clark 3S.6S9; Pope, Farley Wanted Pope In addition to the straight out administration issue, other fac tors which entered Into the Pope voie were his stand on reciprocal trade treaties, for which he was praised recently by Secretary Hull and his leadership in sponsoring new deal (arm policies In the senate. Short ot an open endorsement by the president Pope had sub stantial Washington backing. Not only did Hull write to him a few days before the primary but Postmaster General Farley spoke in nis oenair. Farley, in an address here July 14, said it was "highly im portant to Jdabo to ' elect a "democratic senator who .will support the president in any pro gram lie undertakes. Farley added "there is no senator in Washington who has been more loyal or sincere in support of the administration than has Senator Pope." CLUB MEETS The Daughters ot Norway sew ing circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Carl G. Johnson at 300 La guna street Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. A talk by Miss Jenkins was given members of the 20-30 club at their regular Wednesday lunch eon at the Willard. Miss Jenkins, who recently retul-ned from Eu rope, outlined conditions in Ger many at the time she was there. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our many friends, especially to the Veterans of For eign Wars, the members of the Legion and our many Bly friends, for the kindness and sympathy extended us at the death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. Grace Haskin, Mrs. Nellie Hamilton. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TREE and vine ripened fruits, Oregon grown sweet corn. Drive out and see us. Across, from Copco shops on Riverside! 8-12 VACANCY Unfurnished apart ment 2 rooms. Marion apart ments. 8-12 Sunday's sportsmen's jaunt will take the travelors Into the very heart of the mule deer feeding grounds ot Modoa coun ty, east of Clear Inko, according to President Paul Matthews ot the Sportsmen's association. The route, he said, will lie out the Lnkevtow highway to the Dog Inke road, thence south along the eastern boundnry ot the deer refuge Into Modoo comity. The party will have lunch at Crowdor flat, and will go on south and then west from there. coming bark to Klamath Falls from the Clear lake district. Matthews urged a large at tendance ot sportsmen, and said that Lake county men have been Invited to join the party. Regarding reported misunder standings botween Klamath and Lake sportsmen on the deer question. Matthews declared that "Lakeview men are well-informed, and I have never questioned their honest convictions on these matters. Sunday's trip gives us all a chance to get a first-hand picture ot the situation." I DAY By VICTOR KUHAXK NEW YORK, Aug. 10 (AP) The stock market shifted from one foot to the other today, un able to get started for a definite swing in either direction. A minor sell-off in the fore noon was followed by a slow rally which left prices uneven and little changed on the aver age. Although business news from home Industries largely pointed to continuation of the summer recovery movement, speculative markets found insufficient fuel in that source for another takeoff. With grains and cotton dem onstrating a little rallying power, stock traders were encouraged to try the buying side after the early dip. A few shares climbed to new tops for the year. Transactions were approximate ly 800,000 shares, about the same as in the preceding session. Today a closing quotations Adams Express Air Reduction Alaska Juneau . Allied Chemical & Dye Allied Stores . American Can ... American English Tile : American Foreign Power American Power & Light.... American Rad Sta San ........ American Rolling Mills - American Smelt & Rcf . 49 American Tel & Tel 1421 American Tob B 87 J American Water Works k. 10j American Zinc L & S 8 Anaconda Copper 358 Armour Illinois . 6 Atchison .. 37 Auburn Auto - 4 Barnedall 19 Baltimore & Ohio .... 81 Bendix Aviation 223 Bethlehem steel . 68 Boeing Alrp 273 Borden Borge Warner Budd Mfg 128 m 179 10 102s 61 61 153 20 Dnpont do N 128 Douglas Aircraft 50 Kastman Kodak 1773 Klectrio Power & Light Ill Erie R It 8 (lonernl Klectrio ... 42 General Foods 361 (lonernl (las & Electric A.... I ticnornl Motors 46 Olllctto llasor . 10J (ioodyenr Tire 28 Great Northern Ry pfd. 22 Hockor Products 7 Holland Furnace - 46 Hudson Motors 91 Illinois Control 12 I nsp Copper - 16 International Harvester ...... 69 International Nickel Can .... 49 International P & P pfd ..... 4 2 Intornnttomil Tel & Tel ...... SI Johns MnnrlUo 96 Kennecott Con Copper 411 Llbbey-O-Ford -.. 45 Liggett Myers B 102 Loew's 49 3 Lorlllard P ..... 20 J Montgomery Ward .. ........ 473 Nash Kclvlnator - 10 National Biscuit 2:1 1 National Cash Register ...... 273 National Dairy Products .-j 16 National Dlst 26 National Power & Light ...... 6 New York Central .. 19 North American Co 21 Northern Pacific 121 Ohio Oil 103 Otis Steel .....v 10 Pncifio Gna & Klectrio 27 Pacific Tel & Tel 116 Packard Motor. - 6 Penney J C ..r... .......... 85 PennaRR - 21 1 Phelps Dodge .... .... 36 i Phillips Petroleum .... .... 41) Proctor & Gamble ............ 66 Pressed Steel Car - Public Service New Jersey 30 Pullman Co 321 71 14 21 16 183 433 81 20 Radio Corp Rayonler .............. Rayonler pfd . Remington Rand Republic Steel Reynolds Tob B .. Richfield Oil Safeway Stores . Sears Roobuck 73 Shell Union ... 17 Socony Vacuum ................. 15 Southern Calif Edison . 22 Southern Pacific 19 Standard Brands . - 8 Standard Gas & Electric ... 4 Standard Oil California ..... 33 Standard Oil Indiana 311 Standard Oil New Jersey ... 66 Stone & Webster .. . 10 Studebaker Corp . . 8 Sunshine Mining 12 Superior Oil ..' 33 Texas Corp - 4" Texas Gulf Sulphur 37 Tidewater Associated Oil ... 141 Timken Roll Bearing 50 Trnns-America - 103 Union Carbide 83 Union Oil California - 21 Union Pacific 911 United Aircraft 273 United Airlines 9 United Corporation 2 United Fruit 65 United Gas Imp 10 U S Industrial Alcohol 20 U S Rubber 451 U S Rubber pfd . 90 U S Steel 69 Vanadium 191 Walworth j 83 Warner Pictures - 61 Western Union ... 30 Westinghouse Electric - 102 White Motor 131 Woolworth 47 173 321 6 51 California Packing Callahan Z L 2 Calumet Hecla . - 81 Canadian Pacific ...... 63 Case J I ... 95 Caterpillar Tractor . 53 Celanese ............................. 241 Cert-Teed 9 Chesapeake & Ohio . 311 Chrysler Motor . 71 J Columbia Gas & El . . 7 Commercial Solvents . 11 Commonwealth & Southern 1 Consolidated Aircraft . ' 161 Consolidated Edison .. 27 Consolidated Oil 10 Continental Can j. 46 Corn Products 69 Crown Zellerbach 131 In New Location Moeller's Klamath Flower Shop Near Hotel Elk Adjoining Lake Hotel 1211 Main Street ; ' . Phone 100 OUR OWN NEW BUILDING f f WAY , W - tT-tl IvSF 1 SMT"i V1SV SW A)T v. cniiwrrrtlnrfF-n ! r s lJ i Month Covers the Entire Cost In- stalled in Your Present Heating Plant And here's why. There's just so much heat In a gallon of fuel oil and Kelvinator's new oil burner with the exclusive INTENSIFIRE gets all the heat from the oil you burn. It means MORE HEAT for LESS MONEY and that's what you want. LONG MERCY HOP OVER ARCTIC FINDS DOCTOR ALSO SICK Ily Father Paul Niliiille, 'The Flyliid Priest" CHESTERFIELD INLKT. North west Territory, (By radio to the United Press), Aug. 10 I arrlvod here In a rainstorm today to get medical help for a priest, Father Coolmrd, who Is seriously III nt Arctio Hay, and found tho only available doctor too sick to travel. I had Intended to fly Dr. Moil ing, from the hospital here, to Arctio Bay, 600 miles north ot the Arctio circle, but now I must change my plans, Whllo I am writ Inn this dis patch, my piano Is being refuolled und I will take oft to return to Arctio Bay, 600 miles away, and bring Father Cochard down here. It was a great blow, after travel ing 360 miles today through ruin mid sovera storms, to find Dr. Moiling too sick to travel. He urged me to bring Father Cochard here to the hospital. Bishop Clabaut, at Churchill, Manitoba, received a mesaago from Arcllo Bay saying: "Father Coch urd aluce nine dnys vory sick. Tem perature 106. Pnlns in left sido. Father refusing food. Please help." ' I took off immediately in my plane, In which I hure traveled to Isolated parishes throughout the Arctic. Brother Rcaudoln, my me chanic accompanied me. and he and an Eskimo now are tilling my plane with gasoline. Wo will fly to Arctic Bay by way of Repulse bay, lust below the cir cle, and over froten strait, north ot Southampton Island, to Igloolk. As soon as the plane Is fuellod It will be full speed ahead, to save a life. Tl E Chesterfield Inlet lies on the western shore of Hudson bay. about 360 miles north of Churchill, Man., which also lies on the bay. The radiogram from Arctio Bay, which Is 1000 miles north ot Churchill, was rolayed from Not tingham island. In Hudson bay. E CHICAGO, Aug. 10 (TP) Wheat climbed 11c a bushel here late to day, responsive to larger export purchases from North America and to uneasiness over persistent Russo-Japanese hostilities. Upwards of 400,000 bushels ot Canadian and United Stntos wheat were estimated to have been bought for shipment to Europe. Price upturns were In the face of big receipts at Duluth, 600 cars today, the heaviest move ment ot the year. At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures were le to lie above- Tues day's finish, September 64-c, December 66-c: com c oft to c up, September 51-lc, Decem ber Hit, and oats I-lc advanced, C, D. Long, business ronro spiitnllvo ot tho Klmimth Kill In building trades council, filed n list of wanes prevalent lu Mils district with luonihein ot I ho city council, In answer to ii re quest that applicants fur l'WA nsslstnnco bo Informed of the present scnlo. The request was made In nu tlulpittlou of work mi ciiiisl ruc tion of tho Mulii Ht root under pass. Following Is the Benin: nslins tos workers, SI. 26 per hour; bricklayers, 81.60; carpenters, 11.20; comoiit riiilnhnrs, $1.25; elect rlclniis, SI. 25; lathers, 11.25; innsnii tenders, .76; lab orers, . a H Vii ; glnxlers, 1. 131-4; painters. 11.11!): plumbers, (1.25; plnstorers, SI. 50; hod carriers, SI: roofers, SI; sheet motnl workers, SI. 25; truck drivers, .05 ty. Truck drivers' schedule apply to local work nud short hnul, I.nng nilvlsed Hie council, the Southern Pacific company, lllg Basin Lumber com pany and tho Oregon slnlo high way commission. C. I. CLUB PLANS SEPTEMBER BAZAAR AT FORT KLAMATH FORT KLAMATH Mesdiunes Jerry Hlsomnrs nud Will lain .uiii lirunii were hoslesses Friday after noon lo mombera of Ilia Clrlo Im provement ulub nt the regulnr mnelliig of the oiKimUiinon In the clubhouse, Mrs. tlert (liny, presi dent, was In Ihn ehnlr, anil a gnoil Mltoiidnnt'o of members was pres ent, During the short business ses sion, full her plans were discussed for tint basilar lo bn sponsored hy the chili next month. At Iho next meeting of Dm club, n dnln will he set for holding I he ovont. Following Iho mooting, a vol unteer program was held, with mem hers prosout relating soino In teresting experience, . Present wero: Mesdnmes Frank Edwards, linrt (irny, Itoy Kinlili, Stownrt Nicholson, William Nich olson, Huy Loosloy, Kay Fergus on, L. 8. Smith nt Sand Creek, Jnck Thomas, Itny Taylor, William Page, Florence Wllium, Mordncnl Hess, A. M. Robertson, Misses Kthelvn and Joan Loosley, Ijllirn Ferguson, Robertson, Lawrence n,l l.i,wi.n,wn nml T.lnvil Ulilllll. niul Ilia hostesses, Mosdiimcs Slso. more and Zitmhrunii. llV,,W',liJ niruovin Ilyroii (1. lliilileniiiciiiK, , known Kliiuwilli nieieliiiut, was iutA poi liid III much bettor comlltluli to. day after having been niliutttnri lo n hiiilliil In n erlllnil eomlllliiii, ANN J U LONG DISTANCE CAN SERVE YOU By arranging accommodations, By arranging to meet friends. Dy obtaining road, fishing, weather and other Information quickly. By taking your voice home to loved ones. eBy relieving anxiety. 3t II SitV ... ... . -TTa: I II '"-y. -- i IC- Z' 7i4flVS UN.OM o,i commv l v '"i"") "T"' r " m" 1 h" '"t'"' 1 ' 11 "" "-"" irw WOTHS Don't just "stun" flies, mosquitoes, tuts and moths-use Dif. Tests prove Its stainless mist mcins sure nd quick death to household pests. Yet for all its ef fectiveness, it Is harm less to pets and hu mans, Because It is mildly scented it is pleasant to use. Because it his extra "killing power", it is economi cal. Get s an of Dif, today, from your neat est dealer. Klamath Falls' Family Shoe Store Selling SDqs One Day Only Thursday, r August 11 HUND1EDS o PAIRS Women's Seasonal High Grade Summer Novelties . Sold at Only $ 1 00 One Bay Only Thursday, August 11 Open Daily Till 6 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. M. We Carry a Complete Line of Shoes Cor the Entire Family KABUL 812 Main St Mt. Hood Stages Phone 000 Oregon Equipment Co. 127 So. nth Vhonn 20B7