August 6, 1033 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN Many Evidences of Building Urge in Klamath I IT RIP E FOR GAINS IN CONSTRUCTION Strong Inloroat In ImiIMImk prn ralla In Klamath Kulla, giving rlae lo thn boiler (lint the current iipilli so In thn oi'onoiiili! sttuu tlon li going (o result In mi In cr.aaed construction program In nit near this rommunliy, Evidences of n IiiiIIiIIiik urns have been cited liy thn clly build ing Inspector, nmlerliils cloiilnin. financial Iniilltiiiliiii officers, nml II who comn In ciiiiliii i wllh par nni Interested In properly devel opment. Henry Schortgen, city building Inspector, n I (I Unit ha bus re ceived largo Yiihiinu nf liuiulr ll tilts yoMr concerning IiiiIIiIIiik requirements, anil ninny putentlni builders have outlined plans to him. While I hd year o fnr linn seen a fairly steady bulldum. volume, It Is believed th. pofenlliililles of III situation have not yet been touched, particularly aa regards raaldoutlul conatructlon, In lh paat fortnight tho fool Ing of tho community, in wnll na the entlrn country, linn been de scribed ii definitely "hotter." At tho an mo Hum, I lie government authorities bar been promoting lnt.rosl In a conatructlon pro gram aa in assistance to recov ery, and thouiihia of people everywhere are dlrerted to build ing projecta. Tho llernld and News recently hare piibllahed a series or house plana from the Western llomi's foundation, Tbo newspaper hna received roporta of much Interest In those pinna, and It la believed any number of renders hnvo clipped and kopt them fur refer one purpoaei, Thla la one little evidence of tho Incroaalm In toroat In building development. IN FIGHTING HEAT Cheat tho heat two ways at oticol It can b dona by combining, heat-resisting materials with "cold" color", advlso Interior dec oratora. Good Insulntlon wilt atop tho sun's raya, and prnpor coloring will make a room fool oven cool er than It really la. Forest-cool shades nf aky hluo and appl it roe n. Impregnated In tho new "colorkoto" Inauliitlon panela Introduced by Flr-Tex, aro proving popular for aummcr host control. Other things you enn do to make your horn look nioro In vltlnat In aummer aro to take down heavy hangings; put cnol-to-thn-toiicn allpcovora on uphnl atarod furniture: and 'thin out' the rooma a bit. A slightly 'baro' look, eappclnlly underfoot -and around win dew a nml dnnra, makes a room acorn cooler thun when crowdod. In a capitalistic civilisation auch aa oura, there can bo no prosperity without an tncrnnao In debt. Secretary of Agrlcul ttire Wallace. See Us About & Lot Ask Us About an Equitable Loan Chllcote U Smith Since lDOft No. nth I'honn 00 Here's the New High School Addition i 1 . i J 1 I t I 'i , , iJ r-' si .'f ' ' ' ' ,i 1 ' 1 I Striking vlow of tho new addition to Klamath Union lilKh achool. High School Addition Found Interesting Improvement Ily JKNKINH W1IKN the Klnmath Falla alu (Inula ao back to hlxh'achoul Ibla fall they will find a Rood many chamea waiting for them. No longer w I I I they have to crowd Into a amall aeat aoctlon to wnlch the bnakntball anlnns. A xront deal of thn mudillnnaa of tho uiilfornia on tho loot Im 1 1 play er will be eliminated from tho anmo. You will be able to tell your team from the othor. New olaanronma will be thrown open to line, The dean nf men and the dean of women will have new offlcca for their work. The of fice ataft will be much better tnken care of than before. In many wnya It will bo a blgfcr and hotter place to atend, Tho moat imnortnnt Improve ment, both to atudenta and teach era la tho new cym. One of tho flneat on the coaal and with all the facilities a well run lym oiiKht to have. It should be a pleasure lo work In. A high dome roof with several large aky lights aaauroa plenty of light ant) ventilation. At one end la a blank brick wall with no obstruc tlona. At tho othor la a acreenod oft hand etand, high above tho level nf the floor. In tho paat the mind hna lined up qullo a bit of the aonlliiR spars for the atu denta. Now It Is In a private apot. Bflvcrnl tiers of aeata as sure tho hand of a good view of all thnt la going on In tho floor. A ateel grill covers the front of It nnd assures tho bandsmen pro tection from basketballs. OTf both aldo of this stand ro amnll In dividual practice rooms. The floor la large and spacious and assures ample opportunity and sparo for every Indoor sport. Hullt high nlong tho aides of tho room aro tho aoals. Hullt like I hone In tho old auditorium they have a planned seating capacity of firtoon hundred with the prob ability of cramming In two thous and or more for big games. Tho liimkois aro hullt out from the wnll on atool hrnc-ea and thus do not Interfore with the floor work. On the canal aide of the build ing are the ahower rooms and the dressing rooms. There aro ample rooms to s nu re both teams of enough spuce. to ho comfortable. A corridor runs around the aides of tho gym which connects the dossing rooms with the main hall. The auto mechanics shop Is a large, airy room nt Iho bnck of tho building with lots of win dows and enough floor spuce for many cars lo be In tho shop nt once. An Improvement over the old shop will be had in that they have a floor pit in tho now ono. Crawling under a car la no run but with a pit It Is a cinch to get the work done much nioro quickly and easily. Wldo and apaclous steps have been built on the front of the now addition and wldo doora will allmlnato tho crowding at tho beginning nnd closo of each gnmo. A largo lobby occupies tho front of tho hall with tho (Mors to tbe gym leading off it. A passage way baa been built to connect tho main building with tho gym to eliminate sloppy going In win ter. All the rooma have been cleanod and prepared for nvxt year. The doaka are all pouanca and ready to have more Initial scratched on thorn. Tbo bulla have been put In ahapo and tho base board cleaned. Hoverul of the rooma have been enlarged and more seining apaco provided for. The largo doors at tbo main entrance have been widened and cleared out to allow for more apace here. Tho. cafeteria and all manual arta rooma have been gone over and put Into first class shape. An added safety feature of the school are large fire doors to block oft the doors leading from tho orchestra stand to tho main hull of tho gym. Those doors, mndo of heavy motnl, slide down and shut oft the passagoway thus lessoning the danger of fire spreading through the building. All the rooma In tho now addi tion aro especially nice because of the number of windows In then). Walls In the rooma seomed to be literally lined with glass and lota of air and light are thus provided for. Bathroom Plans Speeded By Modern Methods, Materials There Is no room In the house which can ba changed from drab ness to beauty, from cheorlossness to envlnble charm, and from prosnlc utility to Inviting useful ness, with such ease, satisfaction, and at such a roaaonable coat, as the bathroom, according to 0. C. Motley, plumbing contractor, Roplncemont work has been speoded up and the entire Job can be accomplished with little or no Inconvenience to family routine. Improved piping materials and fix tures especially adapted for mod. ernlzntton work, as well as more efficient methods of Installation Modern Bathroom Beauty G. C. MOTLEY PLUMBING 812 Klamath Phone 2054 all aid In speeding up the work and reducing the cost. The entire cost ot tbe handsome and colorful new bathroom may then be financed on the eauy monthly payment plan offered by TH lo I of tho National Housing Act. Available for the bathroom to be rojuvonatcd are new and more beautiful and colorful plumbing fixtures In tastefully matched seta; Improved showers, faucets, mid vnlvos; quiet water closets; handsome medicine cabinets and accessories; new lighting fittings that provide shadowless Illumin ation; and a wealth of new and Improved matorlala for the walls and floor. Yot with all Its glamour, bath room beauty today la mora than skin deep. Shower valves, lava tory faucets, closet fittings, drains, and controls all these working parts of tho plumbing system have been Improved and refined to provlda positive, noiseless, and troublo-froe operation. JUL! BIGGEST MONTH SING E GRID COULEE BKATTM?, Aug. t (AP) The Pacific Iluilder and Engineer, published hew, will announce figures tomorrow indicating en gineering and material awards made July tile best construction month In the Pacific northwest since tho Grand Coulee dam pro ject was lot. It will list projecta aggregat ing $8,25,625 fnr the past month more than double June's 13,703,844 and nearly double tbe $4,270,222 of July, 1037. In addition, the periodical will cito that 170 non-federal PWA projects, of more than 133,000, 000 total conatructlon costs, have boon offered granta or grants and loans since the new program was launched the latter part of June. All must be under way by Janu ary 1. New PWA applications for work totalling $21,611,061 have been filed from Oregon, Washing ton, Montana, Idaho and Alaska, The publication will say It be lieves many of these will be un der way before the January dead line. One ot the largest contracta of the past month was awarded Morrlson-Knudsen company ot Boise, Ida., for relocating the Union Pacific rail line near Bonneville, on a $1,500,000 ton dor. Washington's largest Jobs In cluded the Puget Island bridge construction, awarded Parker- Schram company, Portland, for CITYIWIPROVEIVIENTS LAKEV1EW. Aug. The Lakevlew city council has applied for a WPA grant for the. pur pose ot improving tbe city water system through tbe Installation of a larger transmission line from tbe springs In the hills back of tho clly to tho resorvoir. Tho council has also filed ail application for a grant of at least $8000 to be used In Improv ing the proposed municipal air port. The government is quite anxious that I.nkevlow acquire a publicly owned landing field. The city council and the cham ber ot commerce are determined to find a way to acquire the necessary property providing the government will guarantee that Improvement funds will be forth coming. NOX-8PLASIC A non-splash faucet has been developed tor use on kitchen sinks, says the plumbing and heating Industries bureau. The stream ot water Issuing from the faucet spreads on the sink bottom evenly without splashing or spat tering. 88-IXCH SINK A new two-compartment cab- Inot aink recently Introduced Is only 38 Inches long, says the plumbing nnd heating Industries bureau. Each compartment is 8 Inches deep. The entire unit is made In one piece of porcelain enamel fused on rigid cast Iron. Although the African curiosity, Wehvltschla MlrnbillB, is a tree, It never reaches a height of more than one foot. h Step Ahead WITH THIS PROFITABLE SAVINGS PLAN! 4 Paid on Accounts It's up to you. If you want to step out in, front with your saving, program make the most progress get "full value" return there is no better way than through our regular sav ings plan. Small amounts invested regularly (or lump sums any time) put you ahead finan cially. Let savings earn extra money for.youl First Federal Savings and Loan Association (ert oi,i.s OF KLAMATH FALLS 111 No. Oth Street ' Phone ATA Members of Federal Savings and Loan tnsuranco Corporation 4 The Home Decorator Storage Space How good a string saver are you? Do you save It neatly? And how about the rest of the bottles, boxes, sacks and bags stored away around the house-is it all neat and in order? Can you, at a mo ment's notice, lay hand on that pretty box you aaved for Cousin Mamie's birthday present? And aside from any briefs we might hold for tidiness, there's a little matter of fire hazard. H'a really dangerous to let odds and ends accumulate haphazardly in storage space. Oil rags in the broom closet, for Instance. Ba sure they're hanging on a hook and In their proper place, not wadded up in a ball on the floor. The same thing goes for the shoe cleaning equipment . . . and for painting equipment . . . for Sum mer toys in the Winter, and vice versa ... for all those items which are not used every day. Why not start with the broom closet? Clear out all the stuff and pile it on newspapers on the floor. Then prepare to paint it from stem to stern. Sweep the cob webs off shelves, walla and floors. While you're about it, take off any remaining dirt with soap and water, because you might aa well do a thorough job. Then, give the entire closet a coat of washable gloss enamel in a light color white, ivory or cream-so it will be easier to see what you want. Before you start putting back, take stock. Toss out empty cans, boxes and bottles-unless they're really useful as permanent con tainers, and line up the remain ing prorations neatly. Exactly the same procedure should hold true for the cluttered closets in attic, bedrooms, halls and cellar. Give them a coat of good, washable enamel ... It dries quickly, so you can have everything back In place in no time. It's an awfully comfortable feeling to know that the hidden places in the house are as neat as the front halt 1102,244. and $187,234 grading projecta In Douglas. Grant, Okan ogan and Snohomish counties. Pacific northwest July con tracta Included 18 grading awards totalling 11.459,243; 18 paving jobs. 1269,830; 13 oiling projecta. $634,524; 10 bridges and culverts, $500,268, and six reclamation projects for 157,696 NEW FAUCET An innovation In self-dosing faucets la a new us:; which can be adjusted so aa to retard or hasten tbe closing of the faucet, snys tho plumbing and heating Industries bureau. After the metal push-button on top of the faucet baa been depressed, the faucet closes slowly to deliver a mensured quantity ot water, vary ing from a momentary spurt to U gallons, depending on the set ting of a controlling atop previ ously Installed In the supply line. All parts subject to wear are re newable. Schools have taken over most of the duties ot character de velopment that rightfully belong in the home. Sanford Bates, ex ecutive secretary, Boys Club ot America. How You Can Own Your Own Home And Not Put Out Any Money let DRAKE LUMBER CO. Explain How You Can Own Your Own Home In 15 Tear - By Paying Rent to Younelf We have plan rxoks, and welcome you to call and look thee over . Fre Information Just Ask For It DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY 910 Spring St. ' Phone 1097 msB&n&Uzti macs GcnzniriiTt? -aa V AUTOMATIC Ivlyt. OVEN-HEAT IT CJ I V SiP CONTROL 1 fy J J I fe VERY EASY : 1H ly I OTGB ISP"!? If you've ever longed for all the advantages of. cooking electri cally . . . the amazingly low-' priced Westinghouse Cardinal is just what you want. Cleanli ness, coolness, time-saving, econ omy these and more can now be yours because of the revolts tionary new features built into this sensational new full-size electric range. You really must see it demonstrated to appre ciate fully what marvels West inghouse engineers have achieved to lighten the burden of prepar ing three meals a day.. Let explam . . . come in today SEE THIS AMAZING NEW RANGE DEMONSTRATED East Side Electric Co. Oregon Equipment Co. Uhlig Electric Store Roberts & Peak Hardware Go. ) Klamath Falls, Ore. ' And Tulelake Electric Co. Dobbins Furniture Co. Tulolako, Calif. The California Oregon Power Company