The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 06, 1938, Page 2, Image 2

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    AliRUflt 6, 1038
Late Summer Gardens Bring
Month of
August In
' Last Few Weeks of
Summer Sees Gar
' dens in Great Beauty
When Monday morning wa
ushered In, ao also was the
month ot August, the last
month of tummer in the Klam
ath basin. But those who have
lived here for a good many
years welcome the fall months
because they are, to many, the
most beautiful season of all.
It Is then, If ever, that we have
Indian summer days and the
pleasure of late gardens la un
limited... ' One of our friends Is poring
. over seed catalogues for next
spring which really makes us
feel that spring Is not "far be
hind." And she has grown
delphinium from seed, excep
tionally gorgeous columbine,
English daisies and the love
liest of Iceland poppies. In
fact many things that garden
era in the Klamath county have
given up as a Job that just can't
be done In this part of Oregon.
Well, they're wrong, because
we've seen the results!
Speaking of gardens, those
who motored to Mrs. Almo New
ton's home near Tulelake last
Sunday said that they fell they
were In another part of the
atate. Mrs. Newton has made
some remarkable - discoveries
about this country, the kind of
llowers and shrubs and trees
which It will grow.
We're awfully fond of flow
ers, but there Is something
about a vegetable garden that
gets right under our skin.
And the vegetable garden that
the Newtons have produced
sounds well, like when you
turn the leaves of one of those
flossy vegetable catalogues
that you get in the spring. All.
aorts of melons, peppers, fruit
laden shrubs, tomatoes and .
root vegetables.
Which reminds us. we were
at the L. O. Arena garden one
Sunday and Ruby Arena has a.
row of egg pUnt which she
started from seed. And over a
couple of rowa are the most
fascinating little green pep
pers. All these things make
our row of nasturtiums look
rather amateurish, but it's
given ua lota of pleasure to
know that we could even plant
a seed, any kind ot a seed, and
make it grow!
Several hundred pioneers and
old tlmera mingled together in
. Moore park on Sunday after
noon, July the thirty-first, and
held the first annual picnic
sponsored by the Klamath Pio
neer association of which Mr.
E. W. Vannice is president.
Picnic baskets were unpacked
shortly after one o'clock and
over the festive boards were
told many old tales of early
Klamath days.
It was a day of great happi
ness and festivity for it gave
old friends an opportunity of
renewing friendships which
have been Interrupted for a
good many years as many fam
ilies have moved to other parts
ot the county and even to other
parts ot the state.
It was with a vow that they
would return another year that
those who took part In the pic
nic separated, pioneers, old
timers, and newcomers alike.
Mrs. Earl Weimar enter
tained tor a group of play
mates ot her young grand
daughter, Miss Ann Weimar,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Weimar, with a bonfire party '
and wiener roast at the Weimar
home on Conger avenue.
. Those bidden to tbe affair
; were Miss Sally Barnhlsel,
' Miss June Bosworth, Miss Mar
garet Red key, Miss Clara Red
key, Masters Fred and John
Fletcher, Harlan and Robert
Bosworth and tbe young host
ess, Miss Ann Weimar.
Mrs. Lola Swisher entertain
ed the Young Ladles Social
club at her home on Reclama
tion street on Wednesday after
noon. Various plans were dis
cussed for activities for the fall.
Each member brought a hand
kerchief for Mrs. Gertrude
. Prultt, who recently moved to
Refreshments were served by
the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Eva
Those present were Mrs.
Nora Shepard, Mrs. Anna Vaun
Holland, Mrs. June Doege, Mrs,
McKIm, Mrs. Virginia West,
Mrs. Helen Keller, Mrs. Meda
Harney, Mrs. Anna Nicholson,
Mrs. Eva Prather, Mra. Lois
Swisher, Mrs. Ollle Sanford and
Mrs. Marie Comer.
The ladles' auxiliary to the
, Brotherhood of Railroad Train
men will meet Thursday eve
ning, August eleventh, at eight
o'clock at the KC hall. Follow
ing the business meeting re
freshments will be served.
Miss Alice I.yle entertained
. for a group of friends before
the college dance at Reames
Golf and Country club Satur
day night at the home ot her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. P.
Lyle, 319 Pacific Terrace.
The rooms ot the Lyle home
were attractive with bowls of
summer flowers and the garden
was bright with colored flood
lights. Blue and white lawn
furniture was placed about the
garden and music waa provided
during the evening.
Guests later motored to
Reames for dancing. Those bid
den to the Lyle home were
Miss Peggy Rnkestraw, Mlsa
Dawn Everitt, Miss Louise Mc
Donald, Miss Dorothy Sansburg
ot Pittsburgh, Pa., Miss Helen
Lois Wlnningham, Miss Marte
lyn Stearns, Miss Helen Moore,
Miss Estelltne Bell, Miss Mar
jorle Kempter, Miss Carol Col
vert, formerly ot Klamath Falls
and now returned here from
Boise, Idaho, and Joe Voye,
Verne Swanson. John Fosket,
Jack Propst, Floyd Klrkpat
rick, Bert Smith, Bob John
son. Bob Dchlinger. Fred Pet
erson, Romy de Plttard and
Jlmmie Lyle.
Plans for a winter's study
course in writing under the di
rection of the University of
; Oregon extension division will
. be discussed at a meeting of
the Klamath-Lake chapter of
the Writer's League next
Thursday evening. August elev
enth, at the chamber ot com
merce, according to an an
nouncement by the chapter
president, Mrs. E. P. Livings
ton. Non-members who are Inter
ested in enrolling tor the
writing course are invited to
attend the meeting.
During the length ot the
course. Professor Thatcher who
la with the university's ex
tension division will probably
be here for at least three
meetings to give personal as
sistance. Those who enroll may
take their choice of story
writing. magazine writing,
prose manuscript or advanced
abort story. Writers of Juve
nile fiction are requested to
register under advanced abort
Other Interesting writing
phases will also be discussed
during the program hour at
the Thursday night meeting.
Mrs. Arthur Moore, entertain
ed at ber home Friday evening
In honor of Mrs. Leonard Gib
son with a prettily appointed
party and shower.
Games were played during the
evening and at a late hour
dessert waa served.
Those who complimented
Mrs. Gibson were Mrs. Fred
Goeller, Mrs. Innis Roberts,
Mrs. Lawrence Clocksin, Mrs.
David Goehring, Mrs. William
Terwilliger, Mrs. Howard Gra
ham, Mrs. George May, Mrs.
Donald Holloway, Miss Muriel
Moore and the hostess, Mrs,
Arthur Moore.
Mrs. Moore, the hostess, will
he remembered as Miss Claudia
Alexander,' her wedding an
vent of Portland In early June.
Miss Gerene Tipton, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Tip
ton, 11S Ewauna street, enter
tained for a group of friends
in honor -of Miss Jane Bowne
whose birthday anniversary oc
curred on Tuesday evening.
Cards were played during
the evening with high score
held by Miss Murnlce Tiller
and many birthday gifts pre
sented to Miss Bowne.
Those who honored Miss
Bowne at the surprise affair
Included Mrs. Ardeth Bowne,
Mrs. Wanda Elliott, Miss Stella
Bowne, Miss Mickey Pearson,
Miss Juen Palmer and Miss
Pearl Jean Wilson.
Son ii Born to
David Vandenbergi
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Van
denberg ot Washington street
are receiving the felicitations
ot their many friends over the
birth of a son at Hillside hos
pital on Thursday evening,
August the fourth.
The little fellow has been
named John Henry for his
grandfathers, the late Mr. John
McCawley of Portland and the
late Mr. Henry Vandenberg,
also ot Portland.
California Guest
Now in Klamath Fallt
One of the visitors being en
tertained In the city this week
la Mrs. L. O. Van Bellen of
Whlttier, California, who ar
rived the fore part of the week
in company with Mrs. Charles
Moore who has been spending
some time in Pasadena.
Mrs. Van Bellen lived In
Klamath Falls a number of
years ago and has many friends
here who are honoring her at
numerous Informal affairs.
Iff r - 4A& 4- s-rMYi i3l Vr ,
Show Planned
AAUW Will Present
New Styles in Annual
Tea October I
Summer suns may still be
shining, and summer breezes
still may blow, but a group
ot Klamath Falls maids and
matrons are making prepar
ations for an event which will
. usher in the Into fall season
aa far as furs and fashions
are concerned.-
- Announcement was made thla
week by Mrs. J. Truman Run
yan, president of the Klamath
Falls branch of the American
Association of University Wo
men that the fourth annual tea
and faBbion show would be
held In the Willard hotel on
: Saturday - afternoon, October
the first. ;
Mrs. Mahr Rcymers is gen
eral chairman ot tbe tea which
promises to surpass other af
fairs of this nature which the
association has sponsored. As
sisting Mrs. Reymera on the
general committee are Mrs.
James Busch, Mrs. E. D. Lamb,
Mrs. Charles Hovey, Mrs. D.
L. McLucas, Mrs. Percy Mur
ray and Mrs. Sam Lockwood.
Proceeds from the tea go to
ward the scholarship loan fund
which the association main
tains and which, in the past.
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Great Pleasure to Klamath Falls Garden Enthusiasts
Many residents of Klamath Falls motored to Tulolala on Sunday, July tha thirty
first, to enjoy the gardens at tha homo of Mr. and Mrs. Almo Nowton. Momborj
of tha six garden clubs in the county were guests of tha Newtons during tha day.
Hprald-N'ows picture
A group of riders, who have
enjoyed many Interesting ex
cursions in and around Klam
ath Falls this summer, rode to
Crystal Springs near Olene on
Sunday afternoon and spent
several hours swimming and
picnicking at the spot.
In the party were Mr. and
Mrs. George Hillis, Mr. and
.Mrs. Louis Serruys, Mr: and
Mrs. Webb Kennett, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugeno H. Laraen. Mrs.
Holland Ground of Marshfleld
and Mr. Louis Htllis.
Mrs. F. W. Bertram Is en
Joying a summer vacation at
Plnecrest near California's
Yosemlte park where she is
visiting with her . brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Strouse. She is expect
ed to return to her home here
the latter part of August. Mrs.
Bertram is president of the re
cently organized Klamath Fails
Soroptimist club.
has greatly aided a number of
Klamath county students.
Various stores In the city
will cooperate with the com
mittee in presenting what is
new and smart for milady to
wear this fall.
Names of those who will as
sist on committees will be an
nounced . later, according to
Mrs. Reymers.
Miss Sally Barnhlsel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barn
hlsel, observed her sixth birthday anniversary on Tuesday, August
the second, when she entertained a groJp of playmates with a
lawn party at the family home on Conger avenue.
Herald-News picture
A host of friends will gather
on Monday afternoon In St.
Francis park to honor Mrs.
Harry F. Wood on the occasion
of her seventy-fifth birthday an
niversary. Mrs. wood's two daughters,
Mrs. John Yaden of Klamath
Falls and Mrs. Freeman Schultz
of Algoma, have Invited friends
of their mother to open house
from two o'clock until five
o'clock. Assisting will be .Miss
Ardelle Yadon. '' ""
A number of Mrs. Vbod's
friends will be asked to preside
at the tea table and also assist
about the rooms.
David Reginald Is
Name of Infant Son
Mr. and Mrs. Rr-glnald E
Thomas of Langcll Valley are
being congratulated upon the
birth of a son, David Reglnnld,
born on July tbe thirty-first
at Hillside hospital. The child
Is the grandson of Rev. and
Mrs. J. Henry Thomas of Berk
eley, California, who have been
visitors In Klamath Falls for
the past month. .
Mrs. C. C. Kelley and daugh
ter, Kathcryn, who are spend
ing the summer at their Lake
o' the Woods cottage were vis
itors In the city Friday.
Sally Barnhisel Has
Sixth Birthday On
August the Second
It was a perfect day for
Sally Uarnhlsel's sixth birth
day pnrty when a group of
Utile friends were Invited to
her homo on Conger avonue
to observe hor annlveritary on
Tuesday, August the second.
Hours were from three until'
five o'clock and Sally received
her guests on the lawn with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. How
ard llarnhlsol.
The guests were given favors
drawn from a largo flower In
the center of a prettily decor
ated table. Games were played
on tlio lawn, tho older ones
taking Interest In a gamo of
croquet, tho youngor ones find
ing much fun on the swings
and In tbe playhouse.
Sally cut a birthday cake on
which were burning six yellow
candles In little crystal holders.
Assisting Mrs. Barnhlsol
during the aftornoon waa Mrs.
Georgo Ulrlch, Mrs. E. A.
Geary and Mrs. Henry Oerber.
Playmates invited to the
party Included Miss Juno non
worth, Miss Dale Smith, Miss
Margaret Rodkey, Miss Clara
Redkey, Miss Sara Stewart,
Miss Holon Bertram, Miss
Anna Weimar, Miss Alice
Geary, Miss Sylvia Gerber,
' Miss Margaret and Marilyn
Gerber, Miss Clarissa Mason,
Miss Jean Henderson, Miss
Anne Henderson, Miss Ann
Stevenson, Miss Emma Smith,
Miss Dewey Lambert and Miss
Elizabeth Mersercau.
Masters Ilarlcn, Robert and
David Bosworth, Russell Smith,
Scott Reed, Jack Holmes, An
gus Stewart, "Busty" Mason,
George Stovonson, Alfred Leav
Itt, Bobby Loavitt, John and
Fred Flotchor.
In honor of two visitors who
spent Wodnomlay In Klamath
Falls, Mrs, Elizabeth Sanders
and Mrs. Ida Grimes entertained
with a potluck luncheon at the ,
Sanders ranch homo., on. . tha .:.
Lakevlow highway.
Guests ot honor were ' Miss
Eunice Vandenburg of Cottage '
Grove and Miss Mary Walker
of Ashland, both former reel-
dents of this city...
Covers at lunch wore - laid' Y:
for .' Mlm' Vandonbiirg,' Miss1',;
Walker, Mrs. Ada Brown of
Williamson River, Mrs. Ger
trude Cox of Barclay Springs, '
Mrs..-Ivy 1 Propst, Mrs. June
Grimes. Mrs.- Ida OrimeS and
Mrs. Elizabeth Sanders.
Mrs. Jones Will
Make Home in North
Friends regret to loam that
Mrs. Norval H. Jones plans to
leave with Mr. Jones on Sun
day morning for Salem and
Jefferson. Mrs. Jones has been
In 111 health for the past year
and she will remain In tha
north, Inking an apartment In
Salem for tho winter, In the
hopes of Improving, Mr. Jonea
will return here after visiting
In the north for a week. They
have been living In the Linda
Vista apartments until recently.
Enjoy Party
Home of Newtons In
Tulelake Scene of In
teresting Affair
TUI.BLAKK Against tha
myriad colon of a garden In
inlri-suniuivr beauty, tins hun
dred fifty flower enthuslnsU
ot Klainnlh and Hlnklyuu coun
ties gathered Sunday afternoon
at tho attractive country hnina
of Mr. and Mrs. Almo Newton
on tho state line for an In
formal "giii-nctiuatuti'd" morn
ing, Itopronontutlvps were In
attendance from nil six clulm of
thn bantu, liirluillng Klitmnth
Falls, Merrill, Tuloluka, Mulln,
Altiiiuont and llonantn.
- HlBhllKhllng the afternoon
worn the pioKriim numliors
proHontcd by four of tho organ
isations with Mra. Tom N'
lun, bostons, announcing the
IiuiuIhtb. Mrs. Nowton alio
wroto words for the "tiarden"
song, opening number on the
program sung by Iho gutnts
and led by .Mrs. l.ollta Murray
and Mrs. Mexrhko. Mrs. A 1 1 o
Johnson of Iho Mulln tiarden
club pt'OHi'iitKd a reading. "Har
den llrnuty," tolltiwod by Mrs.
Murray of tho Tulolnke club,
presenting character Imperson
ations otan Irlnhman. a Mlnu
enota Swodo lumberjack, a
dudo gentlemnn, and a flve-year-olc!
miss roudlng "The
Charge of the Light Brigade."
Winsome In tip-toe length
gowns, big hats and nosegays ot
garden flowers, soren young
women of the llonania club
sang "An Old Fashioned Gar
den" with lithe Marllee Ulvens
presenting a tumbling act dur
ing the chorus. Among the
vocalists were Gloria Hartley,
Marie Louise llelloll, Elta
Hartley, Marlon Turner, Norma
Dnvls, June Brown and Lois
Mrs. Bond ot the Merrill
Lost Ulver club added a bit of
humor to close the program
with a reading. "The Woman's
Club Tea and Reception." Due
to summer activities numbers
from other. clubs were omitted.
Refreshments were served by
a bevy of young women In for
mal gowns as the guests en
Joyed the wealth ot beauty
about the grounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton, both
pioneers of the Klamath basin,
planted tha first trees and
lawn of the garden In 1990
and nop-by-mop have added
hundreds ot bulbs, roots,
trees and seeds to bring Into
bloom one ot the most attrac
tive gardens In the entlre)basln.
Both are ardent gardeners and
have recontly opened to the
public a nursory from wblcb
may be drawn varieties of
shrubs and trees particularly
adapted to tbe rigors of this
climate. Years of study and
experiment have proven that
most types may be grown here.
At the closo of the afternoon,
Mis. K. D. Lamb, Klamath
Falls authority on flower cul
ture and arrangement, who con
ducted during the spring
months a flower class for
women of Merrill, Malln and
Tulelake, was presented with
a tokon of appreciation from
them, a set of rases and taper
holdors, by Mrs. Tom Nowton.
Ground work was laid at the
meeting for a second annual
affair to be held at some other
garden spot In the vnlley next
A group of former school
mates complimented Miss Ly
dla von Bertholsdorf who was
a Visitor hnrn frnm Cint.n
California, en route to New
York City to sail for a yoar'a
stay In Germany, whon they
mot for a picnic at Moora
park last Saturday aftornoon.
July tha thirtieth.
Those enjoying the affair be
sldea the guest of honor wore
Mrs. Fred Goeller, Mrs. Wal
lace Uorllngs, Mrs. James Hall,
Mrs. Lawrence Rolph and Miss
Muriel Moore.
After sevornl hours In tha
park, tho group adjourned to
the W. T. Compton home on
Melrose stroet for an hour of
conversation and music, when
they wore Joinod by soveral
othor friends of Miss von
On Monday evening, Mr. and
Mra. II. E. Roskamp onlor
tallied at dlnnor at their home
In tbe Roosevelt apartments In
courtesy to Miss von Borthels
dorf and Mrs. Annely Uchlda,
, also ot Stockton, who will ac
company her to Europo.
' ' 4 4 4
-': Mr. and Mrs. Hai ry Richard
son of South Riverside street
and Mrs. M. p. Evans expect
to lenve Sunday by motor on a
vacation trip to coast beaches.
They will bo awoy about two
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Miss Delia Cleorgo, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. George,
was the Inspiration for a pretty
garden party given In honor of
hor rli'vmilh birthday annivers
ary bv Miss Charlotte rter,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J.
Ilnrdln Carter, at the Carter
home on I'nclflo Terrace Satur
day, July the thirtieth.
Games wore played during
thn afternoon with honors go
ing to Mliui llrltta Mon, Miss
Donna Hui ka and Miss Mari
anne I. Ion.
The prettily appointed lunch
eon lahln waa placed under one
of thn garden trees with bal
loon ami clover Utile gum
drop carl as favors. The rninly
favors were inailn by Mis far.
tor's grandmother, Mrs. Char
lotte Martin.
A gay hli-tliilay rake with
miniature red cats and ca ml lot
was cut by the honor guest.
Mlm Carter' ut who
roiiiplhiieiited Miss lioorgo were
Mist Marianne I. Ion. Mlm llrlt
ta I. loo. Miss l.ola Millie Wills,
eiuiiit. Ml Donna lliirkn, Mix
l'eRy JohllHDII, MlfiK .limit
llauger. Mis Miulelon A'ller,
,Mr H. I. lieorgo ami .Mrs.
J. Ilurillu Carter.
One of tbe loveliest parties
of the teamin was that hold on
the lan of tho homo of Mrs.
Addle Walker on the afternoon
of .Monday, July the twenty
fifth. The affair wa given
by the sorlal club of Crtpcr
tty Itebekah lode In honor of
Mrs. Kthel lloaglutid. prenlilenl
of the club, who la leaving for
an Indefinite stay.
The party also honored the
birthday annlvemorlei of the
following member, Mr. Dee
vee Htlnton, Mr. Marguerite
WUrd, Mr. Mytlo Klnley. Mr.
I.urllle )l-lfrr. Mr. Maude
Shuey. Mrs. flora IMiler, .Mr.
Mary (ilntbacb and Mr. Effl
A no-hoatea pot luck lunch
eon w nerved on the lawn
and the prettily dncoratod
table was centered with a large
birthday cake, baked by Mr.
lloalnd. After luncheon Mrs.
Honflsnd was presented with a
going away gift and tho
whose birthday were observed
were given a handkerchief
Tho next meeting of th club
will b held on August th
seventeenth t the bom of
Mr. Myrtle McCullough on 1
Conger avenue when a water
melon feast will b enjoyed
by th member.
Gueita at the Walker horn
on Monday sifttrnoon war
Mr. Ethel Hoagland. Mr. Dee
ve Htlnton. Mr. Marguerite
Wlard. Mrs. Lucille Heifer,
Mrs. Monde Bhuey, Mrs. Flora
Holder. Mrs. Mary Glnsbach,
Mrs. Kffle Kedkey, Mrs. Ku
Morrison, Mr. Charmlon John
ton, Mr. Mary Towniend. Mr.
Alice Lawrence, Mr. Ivy
I'ropet. Mrs. Etta Joy, Mr.
I.ula Hill, Mrs. Nellie Walton
burg, Mrs. Addle Walker, Mr.
Laura L'erllngs. Mrs. Margaret
Blden, Mr. Sadie Mary Rand,
Mr. Elltaheth Sander, Mr.
Minnie Froman. Mr. Myrtle
McCullough. Mr. Alice Z.
Goeller, Mrs. Anna lhn,
Mr. Ida Grimes. Mrs. Kath
erlne Ess, Mrs. Katherln
Home, Mrs. Nina Ileek. Mrs.
Kthryn Hogue and Mr. Hax
lett Estea.
What promise lo be one of
the most gala affair of the
weekend Is tho horn dance to
e given by Mr. and Mr.
Charles Hnyder at their horn
on the Morrill highway for a
group of tha younger married
Dancing will be enjnyod un
til midnight when a no-host
buffet supper will be aervod.
"Tho Friendly Drue Htoro"
Olli and .Main Phono 00
. . . wtih MriunJ Um to tupply Itw yW
man mektur. raqutnd by skint sun-dry !
wind-dry li0nm-4Vy I 1 1 V
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