"AviRUflt 5, 1038 : THE NEWS AMD THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREEl CQRRIGAN0ET5 ill MANHATTAN NKW YOIIK, Auk. 5 fP) Cool ml lirtiah, young Douglas Corrl ii n n rods triumphantly up lowor llrondwny, today, grinning nil t Ho toinpnriitiiro roao unil awiiltorlnlt )i in hii n l h (ilii'nri'il lila proxi'i'MH, 1 ml I rft'i on t to (ho oppinsaivu limit. All the onthualiiam for his mad nolo fllKht from Now York to Dub lin win Iqt loons III it con 1 1 mi oiik ronr Hint dliiiioil upon h lit onra from llin bnttury to oily Imll, llrokorii timl hualiiiiaanion, bunk era mid b I onojt i npliorn, olmka unil oi her offlco workora'woron't alow, ail down n hit by tlio humidity nml dm heat of the swarming aldnwnlka. Tlio tuna of lorn paper mid tick or tnpo full! Ilio perspiring crowda yollod mid alioved, mid t;orrlgnn krlnniid, alttliiic on tlio back of nn open rnr with JiimcN M. MoOurrln, cliiilriiiiiii of Mnyor l.n U mint I us rncoptlon coniinltloo mid I ho may or'a socrotiuy, Hlmiloy IIowo, In tlio aucoud cur rodo Ciiirl II a n'i brothor, Hurry, of llalil inoro, mid lila wife, Anita. In th noxt car woro Wnltor and tttovo llolch, frlonda who holpod Corrl Kan snrvlco lila plnno at Itooaavolt field In tlio work Howard lint! lion wiib iiinkliiii lila round-the-world HUM. Tlio Imperturbable. Corrlgnn grinned, Juat aa ho had grinned narllor In hie hotel aulto wlion ho Inalatod auuw ho had iiiudo an' lioiifMi mlatnka In flyliiK to Ire land Inaluud of to Cullfornla. Ho grinned and tlio crowda roar od, trying to plcturo hhu alono, thinking thouKhta In Iho dark mlal llin 1 1 mo lila old crate waa thun dering throiiKh tlio crowda to aoar aljovo thoahoroa whoro Iho gulluya of iho Lochluiina, pruwa bloody rod, bonchod In quoat of prey. Or oroaalng tlio glndua of Tho mond, tho dark watura of tlio Hlinu non, aooliiK women bolow filling tholr croula with turf aa ho apod toward Unldouiiull. Ho might havo boon, to all tho Irlah In tho crowd, another Cor. tnao Mao Art of Connauahl mak lug lila way ucroaa tho plulna to meat, a rod buckler with atnra and anlmitla of gold and fnalonlnxa of allvor upon him and a crlmaon clonk with procloua alonoa. For tho lrlali woro In hlKh gloo today and woro claiming tho lioro aa thulr own, Toiaa birth not Willi- ainndliig. ilul Corrlgnii, to tho onea wnu woru not irlah, waa (ho tlmplo mvchuiilo who flow Iho wrong way and lnjocted tho vital ity of groat udvoiiiuro Into many a humdrum vxlelonco. From iho nmniont ho waa oa cortod from lila hotel by pollcoaud dulucllvoa who mada thomaolvoa a flying wodgo llirouKb tho Jammed lobby and aldownlk tho roura of tho crowda woro In Corrlgan'a oara. Around tho Hotol McAlpIn In tho Uroadway mldtown aroa thoro wi.ro thouimmla. They puckod tho wlndowa of tho hotel and nunrby buildings. Thoy waved lilah flnga, handkorchlora or anything olio thai wna handy, Bomo of the mon In tho crowd wavod tholr nocktloa and tholr coma. Tho crowd wna ao donee Corrlguii wna virtually llftod by the pollco and placed In tho automobllo for Uio rldo down tho woat aldo Kxproiia highway to tho battory and tho atari of tho pnrndo. 8uch crowda, alien bolatoroua Alice, a Very Special Dead Cat, Foils Feminine Thief TAOOM A, Aug, 5 (p)-Thla la Iho ouo-aylluhlo atury of a vory apodal cut liiunod Alice. Allco lived a long and happy llfo with a Tncoiun mlatroaa, and wlion alio dlnd alio wna mourned. llnciiiiHo of neighborhood objoc llona, Iho lady had no place near hor own homo to bury Allco, Bo alio put Alice In a ahoo box mid tied a blue ribbon around It, be cause Allco wna a apodal cat. Then tho lady put Ilia box In hor auto niolillo and alnrtnd ncroaa town to a place atilluhlo for tho burial of a vnry ulco kitty, On the way, ahe atopped bor automobile near a department atore and did noma ahopplng. The box with Alice In It waa on lbs back anal of tho automobile whim tho lady alarled ahopplng. When alio returned, Allco and hnr box woro iiilnlng. Tho borenvod lady grieved. To aeveral byatandora In turn, alio Inqulrod: "llaa anybody noon my alios box with a hluo ribbon on It?" Nobody bad. Tim box wna stolen, Juat then, out of the department atore a clerk ruahod. "Call (he ambulance," ahe called, "Homebody Juat fainted In the ladles' roat room," The bornnved lady wont In, A( police officer wont In. Thoro on the floor waa a ahoo box with a blue ribbon near It. There on tho floor waa Alice, . There on the floor, falntod dead away, a young woman who certainly had really not Intended to steal a box with a (lend cat In It, onthualnam had been unaeen In Now York for yoara, porhnpa not alnco the fronalod tribute to Col onel Miidborgh, And on lowor Ilroiidwny It waa Iho name (romondoua thlnx, a mul titude of ahoutlng, acreninlng mon, and women, bent on expending the enemy atorod up (hroiiKh all of yesterday's wnlt while Ilia Man hattan, bearing their hern back from Europe, moved a I o w 1 y through a fog to a late arrival, RECREATIONAL COMMITTEE TO REPORT MONDAY (Conlnuod from page One) clpllnta another llvoly dlacuaalon of tho question at the meeting of tho council, which liaa dovoted aeveral toaalona already to the laaue. ' Another mutter that haa come to the fore In the paat fow dnya la the (mention whether Modoc field, tho hlKh achool athletic grounds, can be used more ex tensively In connection with the recreation program. Parry Murray, chnlrmnn of the high aehonl board, ald In red pon no to a query that (he board had novor acted on tho TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT B-room modern nn furnlahed houae. Phone 1980M. 8-8 THREE-ROOM furnlahod apnrt mont. 033 HlKh. 3052-tt NURHINO CR HOUSEWORK Ilollublo, .''liono 1781. 8-8 quoatlon whether aofthal! would bo permitted on the newly turfed football field, One of the argu menta offored in bohnlf of the Induatrlal addition alto la the aoflboll field there, which haa been devoloped tbia year. Turf ing tho IiIkIi achool field thla auinmor haa made uae of that placo for lofthall linpoaalble, Purchase rrlrate Pool Opinion aeema at variance over the nffoct of aoftball playing on tho amooth now turf. Experience elsewhere will probably bo atud lod In tbla connection. Some cltlxena are contending that a awlmmlng pool might alao bo dovoloped at Modoc field, and one man auggoated Friday the poaalblllty of acquiring the pri vate swimming pool in operation In that vicinity, Council member! favoring the Induatrlal addition alte point to the fact that it la all In one ownorahlp, that It haa a central location, la large enough, for all diamonds, iwimmlhg pool, ten nla courta, etc. The alte be longa to the Klamath Develop ment company, and Councilman Elinor Hoaklng, who reprcaenta tho company, atated that the price naked la the amount of tho truat deed, plua taxea, and doca not Involve any profit. Much of the opposition to the Induatrlal site purchaae ia that it ia being undertaken before there la time to canvas all the possibilities for ' an economical, offectlve development of the re creation program. They cite the Modoo field possibilities aa one of the laauea that might well be aottled before any definite action la taken on acquisition of large grounda. Four-H News ALTAMONT Monday, Auguat 1, the Alta mont Cacklors' 4-II Poultry .club entertained tho Junior Cacklera and aeveral gueata with a picnic and awlmmlng party at Cryatal springs. Ws loft Altamont late In the afternoon and enjoyod an hour's awl in at tho aprlnga before eating our lunch. The members fur nished salad, sandwiches and cake, and watermolon was pur chased from the club treasury. After eating our picnic lunch, we built a bonfire and spent the rest of the evening singing songs around the fire. The Altamont Cacklera who en tertained were: Dean Jones, John Burgoyne, Stanley Sexton, Van Landrum, Lowell Lundell, El wood Lewis, Ray Jones, Dexter Bexton, Margaret Lewis and John Lunn, the leader. Our guests Included the Junior Cacklera: James Warren, Junior Eayrs, Darold Dlehl and Betty Ann Oreen, and Mrs. John Lunn and Mrs. J. J. Lowls, TWO DROWN OREGON CITY, Ore., Aug. 5 ilPir Two men were drowned and four others swam to safety laat night In tbo Willamette river near Can by ferry alip when the out board motorboat in which they were riding struck a snag. The victims were Albert Shaver and John Artllllan, Wllsonvllle, Ore. Artllllan was an Indian. $50,000 FIRE DESTROYS INDUSTRIAL OPERATION PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 5 (P) A spectacular fire visible for miles last night destroyed the Pacific Cooperage plant and several small adjoining buildings in a nortboaat Portland Induatrlal district. The blaze caused damage ten tatively estimated at 150,000. Two firemen, J, F. Scott and M. E. Llndloff, suffered minor Injuries while fighting it. Poles near the flaming structures took fire and current in a high voltage line bad to be cut off. The top of a parked automobile was burn ed off, and several otber mach ines were slightly damaged. Courthouse Records (THURSDAY) ' Divorce Bait Filed Charles O. Barker versus Anna Ethel Barker. Charge, cruel and Inhuman treatment. Couple mar ried December 31, 1928, in St. Anthony, Idaho. Plaintiff asks custody of two minor children. Don F. Hamlin, attorney for plaintiff. Complaints Filed State Industrial Accident com mission vorsue Harold C. Halght. Plaintiff aeeks Judgment on sum of 830.22 alleged owing under workman's compensation act, to gether with Interest. Lester A, Stark, attorney tor plaintiff, State Industrial Accident com mission versus Charles A. Wil liams. Plaintiff aeeka Judgment on sum of 825.70 alleged owing under workman's compensation act, together with Interest. Lea- Scoop, Sensational Otter Only One Hour 2 P. M. to 3 P. M. Good Monday Only August 8 S15 HAMILTON Do Luxo Electric (Only Fitly to He Hold at This One-Hour Hale) On Sale Only SHAVER Hnlc) $29 By arrangement with the manufacturer of thla 816.00 nationally advortlaod dry shaver we are positively limited to 50 only.' GET YOUR IMMEDIATELY! Women, too, will wel come thla Ideal aid to personal daintiness. Chrome-Plated HEAD, I'las kon Case, Including now Precision Motor. It you can't attend sale, leave money lie fore sale and shaver will be held for you. You'll got tho thrill of your life when you uae -the Now Hnmlllon Dry Shaver. Juat plug in a aocket and above no water no blade no soap no bruah. Will pay for itaelf In reasonable time. Nothing else to buy. Unconditional (iumnnlee, hy the Manufacturer' No Catrb to Thla Just Pay 3.l0 and It's Yours SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT LIMIT ONE! TO EACH CUSTOM Ell Whitman Drug Company 030 Main St. Mull Orders ' Add ISc for Postage PALACE GROCERY AND MARKET We. Deliver Closed Sunday and Evenings A Home-Owned Store Phone 64 76 Specials tor Saturday and Monday ILAJttUA lkt,e ISC Waxed p 150 French' Extract - Root Beer 9c Peas Meco.... 6 Cans 49c , - 3 No. BQ8 Cans : 28 1 Porter's ., Sniff FnMets 'X.20c Tomato Juice Sc KelloKg's Rice Ice Cream Krispies - - 2 13c Junket Mix 3 , 23c Schilling's O. H. B. CoSSee 2 S3c Sweet Pickles 21 I 20c Tasly Milan!' Egg Salad Dressing TlSc Noodle Dinner , 19c VEGETABLE SPECIALS MEAT SPECIALS Saturday Only Saturday Only jiffSL SO 42c Bonoes Beef Stew, New Cabbaged u. 3c Rib Boil Lb. 10c Bell Peppers - Ideal for Stuffing X Iba. 13C Pot R03St... . ..Lb. 12Ca14C Cauliflower,, . 13c sho. Beef Steak Lb. 15c Lemons L 19c Sho Veal Roast Lbi7c Grapes Seedless 3 lbs. 17c Sho. Veal Steak Lb. 19c Everlasting Natural Waves Cut Into Your Straight Hair -Konnoll-Ellls Before and After , The . Konnoll-Ellls CHRISTY NATURAL WAVE Boware of Imitations Method Patentee by U. S. Patent No. 2,070,356; other patenti pending. You read about it in LIFE ... It sounds like magic and it isl . . . Not a hair style . . . not a hair-set that vanishes after a time, ' BUT a HAIRCUT that cuts natural, LAST ING WAVES INTO. YOUR HAIR scien- ' tificallyl . . . You come back a sufficient number of times for "push-ups" . . . you'll see how it grows deeper, and lovelier with time and care . . . Mr. Murphy and Fon taine, both CHRISTY trained operators, will gladly consult with you about this mir aculous method. FONTAINE of Hollywood bring us tmportant stylo details, gathered through wide experience In catering to'th smart laaies ot the film colo ilony. MURPHY'S BEAUTY SALON 5 1 1 Main Streot Evening Appointments Available Phone 1786 GAS this Summer -with Don't weltr over an old-faihloned or the hoi wmmer itys. Cook th modern wajr with GAS. With ihe mw, identifidlylMiiUred gas ranges, oo heM esctpes to ctuj. discomfort. Sealing In the hut not only assures kitchen comfort but also saves gas-no hut Is wasted. Speed! Gas Is the -1 fuel Am reaches full heat InstinUr. Economical, too. at present low rat Controll.ble-you "tune-In" any desired temperature. Minimises kchen labor. Gives better results. Enjoy these exclusive advantages NOW. Reasonable prlces . - it., ra.c. far water heating: and terms lO SUIl your putav- w - house heating too . . . obtain slill lower rates 4nd greater savings.) M0DfNIZE-fC0N0MIM WITH (gee rririJi:fiiii.j ter A. Stark, attorney for plain tiff. . Divorce Decree , Edna Torrlll versus Olcn L. Torrlll. Decree by default. Mnrrlnge Application WH1TB-CADY Rolla C. White, palntor, 34, native of Nurdon, Okla., resident of Klamath Kails. Mae Lucille Cady, 26, housewife, native of Indiana, resident of Klamath Tails. NELSON PLEADS INNOCENT TO MURDER INDICTMENT TOLEDO, Ore., Aug. 5 (JF) Henry Nelson, Portland salesman, pleaded Innocent yesterday to a murder Indictment accusing him of shooting Richard C. Earle, Depoe bay pleasure boat oper ator. His attorney filed notice the defense would be based upon an Insanity plea. The trial will be bold September 14, Circuit Judge C. F. Sklpworth of Eugene presided and offered to re-hear Nolson's motion for an insanity hearing, previously de nied. Motion for a re-bearing, however, was not made. OME.V PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 5 (JPy His family kneeled before blessed candles In their home to pray Nicholas Falcone, 8, might recov er after having been scalded. The candles flickered, then went out. The parents said they telephoned the hospital and learned Nicholas had died. HOXEYMOONERS TOKYO, Aug. 5 (JP) Prince Louis Ferdinand, grandson of the former German kaiser, and bis bride, the former Grand Duchess Klra of Russia, arrived here todny an tholr round-the-world honey moon. FIRE LINES CUT GRANTS PASS, Aug. t (.TV Desplto a high wind proventlng complete control, tho Ohotco fire linos In the Siskiyou national for est have boon out from 80 inllei to loss than ton, Supervisor O. B. Mitchell anld tdony. Two thousand acres moro were burned, bring Ing the total to 30,000. In New Location Moelf er's Klamath Flower Shop Near Hotel Elk Adjoining Lake Hotel 1211 Main Street Phone 100 OUR OWN NEW BUILDING SMASHING! KIE ATTENTION LADIES! Take advantage of. these sensational shoe values. Only once in a blue moon do we take such a grand 'selection of shoes from our regular stock and reprice them at such an outstanding saving for you. See for yourself what a saving is in store for you in Penney's Downstairs Store 1 DON'T MISS THIS ONE! LADIES' SPORT AND DBESS SHOES Oxfords I StepinsI Straps! TiesI Pumps! All Sizes AH Colors Including Whites A grand assortment of ladies shoes Including sum mer styles and others which ' may be worn any season. In calfs, gabardines and ' suedes all sizes up to 9 represented in this group.'; The season's smartest nura- i i. nn ni.fli.. rrr n Grev and Novel colors. All I 1 ' one price and reduced to DOWNSTAIRS STORE $1S7 AMAZING VALUES ! Come Early They Won't Last Long! LADIES' DRESS SHOES Reduced Many Styles! Many Colors! Shoes which ordinarily soil for much morel Including pumps, . straps, ties and sandals. A fnw pntcnts and novelties. Have on these, All sizes up to H Itrgroup. ed to sell at DTo n pair. DOWNSTAIRS STORE - - l ( li