AiiRimt 4, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FTVR GOUNGILMEETS FRIDAY 10 VIEW PASS QUESTION Discussion (if III proposed chniign on I ho ICaulunndn iindnr pass will n R n I n ha brought up lit a mooting of Ihn council mi a whole Frliliiy aflnrnoon at 3 o'clock In Ihn oily linll, and wlintli or nr not (tin cvnlor glrdnr support will he removed or rnmnln will nlsn ho a point to bo UrouKht up Whether tlio editor support should roiualn aa a snfoly lino or " wholhor I ho support should bo removed In nlau n mi lit of din ciiaalnn, and It was observed by Mayor Clifton Hlrhmoud Thura' dny I hut tha now Itoddlng umlor- paaa dun bava such a glrdor which la considered by engineers to b necessary for the prevention of ac cidents. Tho mayor and City Engineer K. A. Thomus mot with Unorge Taylor, goulhorn Pacific dlvlalon englnner of Dunamulr, Thuraday morning and discussed tontatlre plana which will ha brought be fore tlio council Friday. It waa out that tha city hope, to obtain additional fundi through I'WA to widon tha alraot. Tha voters placed thalr atamp of approval on a 110,000 bond laauo lint November with tha Idea of widening lOaplnnndo alreot at tho undorpuss and Improving tha approaches. Tho possibility of deepening tha road bed io that truck can travel between tho two aecllona of tha city will alio be brought up. It waa obaerved that Irucka havo had tlio topa re moved while panning through tho undorpuss and that at the lime tho undorpate waa built It waa not constructed for modern traffic. Tha underpass, It Is undorstood, was built In 1V0V and from that tlmn until January 1, 1038, two acrloua accldonla occurred. With in the apace of that lime, 11,(00,' 000 muvviuvnla havo boeu record' ed and tho sinnll number of accl dents Is considered remarkable. The original deed filed by tho Klamitih Duvolopmunl company eels forth i hut tho underpass will serve Alnmoda, Ksplnnade and Pa clflo Terrace and with no permits Isstiod tor heavy wagon trucks, freight wagons or any other ve hicles usod (or heavy hauling on "said streets or drives." In other words the undurpaaa waa original ly to aervo light horse buggies and wagons. Mayor Richmond ob served. It la now proposed tlther to llinlnnto tho coutor girder eup port with a a a or 40-toot road' way or to havo tho two road boda on elthor sldo of the girder wklon id to at least 20 foot for vohlcla traffic and with proposed five- foot sidewalks. At tho preaent time the driving widths are only li feel wide, It waa learned, with 10 feet left on eltber aide for side walks. JACKIE COOGAN'S TRIAL DATE SET HOLLYWOOD. Aug. 4 (UP) Trial of Jack la Coogan'a suit against his mother and stepfather for an accounting of his once rast mnvlo fortune today was set for next Novembor 13 without a Jury. Judge Ruben 8. Schmidt of calendar court denied a motion of attorneys for "The Kid" for a Jury trial, ruling that Issuos of equity as well as law were at alnko, JI HTICK OF TRACK SALEM, Aug. 4 (API Rich ard fihepnrd of Lakevlew today waa appointed Justice of tho peace (hero to auccoed F. M. Duke who haa resigned. The ap pointment waa announced by Governor Charles H. Martin. "HO HAPPY" NEW YORK. Aug. 4 (P) Cilndys Swnrthout, Metropolian Opera soprnnn, snld today she bad never soon "such a happy, perfectly delightful couple" as the Duko and Duchess of Windsor. . nitOWNH IN SANDY i PORTLAND, Aug. 4 (JV) A girl Identified as Kathleen Van andn, 13, drowned Inst night near Viking piirk while swimming or wading In tlio Snndy river. A depuly sheriff snld tho drowning was tho fifth of tho season on that section of the stream. TAKES HOMESTEAD GRANTS PASS. Aug. 4 (P) Worries of office no longer will Irk County Commissioner fleorge Thrasher. Ho submitted hla res ignation Wednesday, and an . nounccd ho would become a Tula lake homesteader, Protect Your Roses ; From Plant Lice I IWt let your lovely reefs be ! spoiled by lice when It Is so essy snd rhenn Simply sprinkle the niiahre .with IUIIIAC1I snd your rears will be safe. Money hack If you don t sra tthat millAfll! Is tha beat protection against Inaeet pealeyou have aver tried. In Handy Sifter Cans arte up at Drug, - . .1 .1 til . ...1 .. Bhniu tirnrerr rtrwi niwnn ...... . PRONOUHCIP lU'HACK Hold at Murphey's Seed Store CITY BRIEFS To Visit Hero Mr. and Mrs Clarence illnes of l'endloton wore oj peeled to arrive In Kluiuath Falls Thursday night to visit with Mrs. illnes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. V, O. Small, They will remain for several weeks, and will spend a short time camping at Diamond Inks and Crator luko with the Smalls, illnes Is principal of the Pendleton high school, and has recently attended tho summer school session at the University of Cullfornls. In Police Court Ray O. Mus- toe. 2061 Vina avenuo, waa ar reeled by city police for falling to stop at a stop sign and having no operator a license. Mustoo for- felted t ball on tha first count and $2 ball on tho second In po lice court Thursday morning. On "van," two charged with being drunk and disorderly and two drunks appeared before I'ullcu Judge Otto Langalet. Ilreaka Arm Iva Lea Dahna four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dahna, waa brought to Klamath Valloy hospital Thura day afternoon for medlcnl trout mnt. Tha little girl fell aa she waa running and broke her arm. 6ba returned to ber home shortly after lbs arm was sat. On the Coast Mr. and Mrs. lieu Heed are spending this week on the Oregon coaat visiting at the resorts, They plan to return to Klamath Falls Baturaay. Mrs Reed, who Is employed by the liluo lilrd, will resume bor posi llou Huuduy, During ber abuvueo Mrs. Frulau Myera (Ruby Biullhj la assisting ut the luuo llliu. Cannae In llloom An especially beautiful aud prollflo bed of cau naa aro In bloom at tho lieorgo C. Uirlch properly on Conger avenue. ana those who have aeon the cuu- uas report thorn aa largo aa any flowers of tbla type tuuy have evor seen. Homo or tho stuiks are eight fool tall, It waa reported. Addition Maalo The front of the Waggoner Drug company building is being reuovalod lu or der to make audltlonal room for tho Interior of tho atore. A new window arraiigeinonl la being built which will give a modern, new display for tue front ut the storo. On Vacation Mrs. Myrtle Helm and Knola Hawkins, city librarian, left Thursday morning by train for a 10-day visit In San Fran cisco and other polnta around tho bay area. Mrs. Helm la principal of Conger school. Meeting Called A regular meot Ing of Ileta Sigma Phi sorority Is called for Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the homo of Mrs. Jo seph Lemen on East Mnln atroet. Plana for tha fall will be made at thla meeting. Son Named Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Llttlefleld have named their In fant son, born at Klamath Valley hospital Wednesday, Lloyd, Jr. Mrs. Llttlefleld Is the former Mar. Jorla Arnett. Potlurk Supper Tho Carpen ters union and auxiliary are giv ing a polluck supper at Moore park Friday, August 5, at 4:30 p. m. All those attending are asked to bring their own knives and forks. Theft Reported Harry Steuart of tha Baldwin hotel reported to city police Thursday the theft of a new spare tire and a tan colored nuto robe from hla car parked Wednesday night near tho hotel. Larceny Told Billy Canton, 717 North Ninth atreet, told po lice Thursday morning that prowl ers had removed a tire and wheel from hla car parked near the fam ily residence Wednesday night. Name Daughter Mr. and Mra. Rudolph Jescbke have named their daughter, born at Hillside hos pital thla week, Sharon Ann Alice. Hornptlmlst Cluh There waa to be a business meeting of tho Sorop tlmlst club Thursday at 7:30 p. m. at the chamber of commerce. Hoard Meeting A city elemen tary achool board meeting has been called for Friday evening at 7:30. TOURD F MULE DEER GROUNDS SETAUGUST 14 A (our of tha mule deer winter feeding grounds will bn made Sunday, August 14, under spon sorshlp of the Klamath Sports men a association. It waa an nounced Thursday by Paul Mat- thewa, presldont. Matthews said the event Is onen to all persons who are In toreated In tho mnln door grating problem, regardless of member ship In the association. Tha caravan will leava the Elks tempi at a a. m. Sunday morning and will spend the day on tho tour. At noon there will be a "chuck wagon lunch" In charge of Glenn Roselle. Those fearful of anakea were advised to bring their own heavy boola and rattlesnake antidotes Tha sportsmen's president urged that those attending make reservations for the in formation of tba "chuck wagon' orew. Reservations can be made with the Newa-Herald office, Tel ford's, Southern Oregon Hard warn company, (iun Store, l)r. 8. F. Scott, Matthews at Loreni company and Guy Pirucclnl at Cblloquln. E PAYMENTS DECLINE SALEM, Oro Aug. 4 Another 13 per cent reduction In dis bursement of benefits under tba stnto unemployment compensa tion law wan noted In the com mission's report for July, of ficials reported. Total for the atate during the month waa I47S.870, bringing tho cumulative total alnco Jan uary to 14,313.676 distributed over 43.341 checka. The July payinenta of Jobleas Insurance wero 36 per cent loss than In May. Klamath Falls, claim center for Klamath and Lake counties, ac counted for $29,317 or (.6 per cont of the alato total. One-third of tbe 66.609 de termined eligible claims have been paid out of sero balance, tha report disclosed. Gradual cleanup of accounta of claimants whose rights have been exhausted for the current year and better employment conditions are cred ited by offi-lala for tha reduced disbursements. The Portland metropolitan area again accounted for 4 6 per cent of tha total. MEXICO FINDS PRECEDENT FOR DELAYING PAYMENT ON SEIZED OIL PROPERTIES MEXICO CITY, Aug. 4 (AP) The Mexican government ap peared today to have established a procodont for delaying payment of Indemnity In tha expropriation of 1400.000.000 of American and British-owned oil properties. Dealing with seizure of Amor-Ican-ownod farms sine August 30, 1927, tbe government re plied last night to a United States proposal for arbitration on Indemnities. Tha reply rofused arbitration; suggested discussion to determine value of the farm land; acknow ledged tha debt but held there was no legal obligation to make prompt or even deferred payment; said Indemnification would be under Moxlcan law on the basts of the nation's ability to pay; Insisted Inability to pay could not be accepted as a valid rea son for delaying the program of social roform by which land la being turned back to the peas antry; snld flatly these rotorms would be continued. Tho effect of this thesis upon tha 17 foreign oil firms taken over by the govornment March 18 waa a mnttor for speculation. but well Informed persons be Moved that it would apply equal ly well to that question, with little revision. YOUTH PROBLEMS DISCUSSED AT KIWANIS LUNCH Problems of the growing boy were discussed before members of the Klwanls club Thursday noon by Joseph Hill, head of the Hill Military academy of Port land. Hill auggested measures to guide parents confronted with the problem of directing a youth through his adolescent years. Sid Elliot waa chairman of tho day. Further announcement. waa made of the aorthall game to ho played between the Klwanls Wildcats and the Lions on Cook field next Wednesday night. D. B. Van Vaclor, a Lion, offered sug gestions to the Klwanls team, and said ho hoped tho Wildcats would develop enough ability to give tha Lions at least fair competition. 1ST I OUT Opposition to opening tha mule deer reserve In soutnnrn Oregon and northern California la voiced In a petition which baa appeared on tha atreeta her tbla week. Recently tha game commission announced that shooting bucks In the reserve would be permitted aa a method o( solving tha prob lem of alleged overgraslng In tbe deer feeding grounds. The petition, addressed to the commission, follows: . "The undersigned aportsmen living In southern Oregon and northern California respectfully urge that you do not open the mule deer reserve In Klamath and Lake countlea. We feel that tbe maintenance of thla reserve la tha only thing that will per petuate the doer In that section of the state. It la a compara tively open country and hundreds of hunters are annually coming Into It from all of the pacific coast states. Each year the num ber of hunters Is greatly Increas ing. Furthermore when it Is learned that the reserve Is to be opened there will be a far great er Influx of hunters come In to take advantage of tbe opening. "Owing to the great number of hunters and to the fact that these deer are hunted while they are migrating tha bucka are being rapidly killed off aa It la and will ba reduced to forked horns only In a very abort time. "For the above reasons we feel that It would ba a very grave mistake to open tbe re serve. If tbe order haa already oeen made opening tho reserve wa respectfully urge that you re consider tha matter and revoke tba order." lECK INTERVENES TO PREVENT TIE-UP OF OAKLAND STORES OAKLAND, Cat., Aug. 4 (UP) Dave Beck, powerful leader of Weat Coast Teamsters, Inter vened at almost tbe laat minute last night to avert a general tleup of Oakland and Berkeley depart ment stores in a dispute started by tbe American Federation of Labor Retail Clerka union. Acting on Instructions from Beck, tha Oakland local - of tbe toamatera announced It would re sume trucking to and from tbe Whltthorne and Swan department atore despite the presence of strike pickets around the estab lishment. Tha Retail Merchants associa tion of Oakland, representing 44 major atorea, had given the team sters until 6 p. m. to decide whether they would deliver goods to the struck store. The alterna tive was a shutdown, on all de liveries to and from tha 44 stores of the association. Less than an hour before the ultimatum deadline, Charles Real, aecretary of the Oakland team sters, announced the union driv en would go through tha picket line. Watch Taken Tha nif Rwnn ahop reported to city police the inert of an Elgin wrist watch from the shop on August 4. CONFLICT AREA WOULD BECOME EU I RAL ZONE (Continued from Page One) cow of the terms Immediately. It was understood they were represented aa terms which would be acceptable to both sides with out loss of prestige. Tho Russians sent four bat talions against Chnngkufeng and Shachofnng laat night but lost 200 'men when Japanese repelled them, a Japanese army com munique announced today, after "thousanda of flares" exposed their ranka In a thick fog. Tha Soviets were said to have abandoned 16 tanka and 25 can non. Their unlforma showed soma of them to be members of tho 118th Novoklevsk Infantry, reported to be a unit of the far eastern red army. Flnea of $60 each were Im posed on Charles and Henry Ely of Round Lake road when they went Into Justice court Thurs day afternoon on cbargea of cruelty to a dog. A group of representatives of the humane aociety attended tbe hearing. When they failed to pay the fine, the Ely brothers were placed in the county Jail, They protested vigorously against tbe aevere punishment and engaged In an exchange of worda with District Attorney narinn u. Biackmer. Tha brothers stated that "whore they came from" It waa accepted practice to kill a both ersome dog. Biackmer replied that the brothers are now living In Klamath county and will have to abide by the laws prevailing here. Tha Ely brothers are alleged to have maltreated and mutilated a male rat-tall dog which went on the place where they live. SHIRLEY TEMPLE CATCHES FINGERS IN CAR DOOR BOSTON. Aug. 4 (AP) Shir ley Temple, 9-year-old motion picture atar, abed a few tears to day when three of her fingers were squeezed In the door of a limousine. Her physician, Dr. Leo Madson. said the tnfurv was nnt serious and smiles soon replaced tne tears. Tbe accident occurred at the Boston navy yard, at the con clusion of a Visit to the hlntnrlo frigate Constitution. A Planned Way to Save PROFITABLY Tt baellot tt ouod Mtlnis pr cram and t ittidtly trowing urinn mt Rim pict of mlm). With our it- Irariirt rttt pn tut mtkt taunts pt9f (tonst Olrlsaaf) First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls 111 Hi. St. ram J7 SUM st hM (Matt saS Lms laumjaca Car. Reed Tobaooo Co.j Lo Angelas . v-a. Rlohmond, Va. ... for 22 but in Dominos I have found .;"? ygatMtl.fl... not only i , I- ii AtMaTT mil n i. J out 2b in Ihree months. HinriTiTMtitfi 3f mm America's Blggott Cigarette Buy Made of fine Turkish and Domestic tobaccos, heat-treated to unuaual mild neas, and firmly rolled in genuine Cham pagne cigarette paper, DOMINO saves you money. Us low price ten cents for twenty U set both on the principle of volume production snd because we concentrate on this cigarette make no higher priced brand. Say DOMINO to your dealer today. Get more smoking pleasure and at ill save up to $36. per year enough for new tires for the car, or a vacation. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY SALE ESSENTIALS TO LOVELINESS BEAUTY KIT Regular $5.85 Value CONTAINS Ardena Cleansing Cream Ardena Skin Tonic Ardena Velva Cream Ardena Cream Mask June Geranium Soap Cloth Per fume Lille de France Face Powder Royal Rouge Royal Eye Sha-Do $)95 CP 1 r'""fimLXMlti:'i'f-,lttn)p f te av f-rj ST) THE ENTIRE i LINE OF $1.98 DOIIIIA-LEE Bir esses Sizes To 50 The Manufacturers of DONNA-LEE FROCKS "Exclusive With Moe's" Offer this season-end drastic clearance to malt room for new fall styles. Every type, fabric and style is represented in this smart line. The very newest modes are represented, many of them were just unpacked. This is a sale that only a large volume manufacturer could offerl They're going fast HURRYI HURRYI HURRYI THIS WEEK ONLY! August Odd Sale of S u s a n d E nds mmer Wear Ladies9 Silk Underwear Gowns, Slips, Panties In silk crepe and satins. Tailored and lacy types. Good Assortment of sizes $1.95 and $2.93 Values i3; All Wool and Corduroy ROBES A lot of $5.95 and $6.95 Values Most all sites. Striped and plain, with contrasting trims. 4f Ladies' RAYON KIUOIIOS Reg. $2.25 and $2.50 Black and Red with Oriental embroider ed designs. WHILE THEY LAST V Ladies9 SILK BLOUSES Values to $2.98 Values to $4.95 $3.39 $239 ALL STYLES TO SELECT FROM TAILORED AND DRESSY AUGUST ART DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Bucilla Handy Pacs Pictures, pillows, baby apparel etc. Complete with thread and In structions. . CHOICE 3 OFF August Yarn Clean-Up Angel crepe, zephyrs, cobble crepe and others. 880 to OSo Values. Choice KNITTING BAGS $ New Fall shipment Special at 11 FREE INSTRUCTIONS IN KNITTING BY AN EXPERT. CALL AT THIS STORE AND MAKE APPOINTMENT OR PHONE 133 ZEE t WOMAN'S NOTICE . . . V1 KNITTERS KINDLY VISIT OUR ART DEPT. AND CHECK UP ON YOUR lAY-A-WAYS" DUE TO TIME LIMIT OF 60 DAYS 423 Mnln riiono S7