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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1938)
) July 80, 1938 ' THE NEWS AND THE HERALD KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN ' LAKE RESERVE BUCK SHOOTING TH BE ALLOWED 1)0 Buck shooting on (ha I.nk oounly mulo deer refugo has boon determined upon by Ilia gnm oommlaalon nit ths Htilntlon In Hi fd shortage prohlnm Unit hm developod In tlm imilu territory soulh and aunt of hoio. That is tlio word from J.uliovliiw whore (ha subjuot linn hon wnrni ly dlsrusaoil for tlm pusl novum inonthn. The conimlniilon il -1 ) ! to open I hn season on bucks only on lulu rfugo, whereas, on Mur dan' crock In (Irani county, shoot ing or doos and rnwm will permitted. Ovor-grnilng prolilnnm, purlieu Inrly on tho range soulh or Ilia inula door rfuii In Mmliia conn ty, havo been buforo I ho pulill (or lb pan row yenni, Thoio tiu been aouio disagreement aa to til method of solving tho problem tha shoollng of dona being favored by 101110 sportauion who liuv Studied (ho qiioallou. roresi aorvico iiiitna omriius ro eantly warned thut a bard wlntar would moan a heavy Ion or door and augguatad Hint measures ho takon lo meet lliu problem Ix foro mat dliiuator occurs. BRAKEMAN ELUDES DEATH IN FALL UNDER TRAIN SPOKANE, Wash., July 30 (AP) Cut, hrulsud and bleed Inf, Olon Schuorniyer, 26. Mil aoula, Mont., told doctora In em ergancy hoapllnl ot hla burrowing escape from denlh Ihla morning under wheels of a Northern I'n clfle freight tmlii near liislunan ucnuormyor, who anld ho win an oiit-nfanrvlco lirnknuinu foi tha Nnrthorn I'ai'lflr, related ho waa riding lo Kpoknnn on a gon dola of rorka when a Irnp door opened, pitching hi in undnr tho trnln. "I don t know how I did It I grabbed tha roda al tho aide of tha car and awung myaolf eioar. Tnat a all I remember. nrhitermyer atunihled to the highway whnro hn wiia picked up and ruahod to tho hospitul. MERRILL BRIEFS MEnniM, Mr. and Mra. S. A McOllvray. nremerton. Washing ton, wero menl guests of MrOllv. ray'a alaier, Mra. Lelnnd I'npe, ahd family. Mr. and Mra. Paul Lawla plan to leave tha tlrat of next week for Ban Francisco whero Ihey will buy atock during mnrkol week. Wllllnmaon river grungo. visit Ing Iho Merrill grnngo Momlny avonlng brought Iho travollng gavel for proaentatlon lo the Mor rill grango and presonlod a ver aatlle prngrnm of musical nurn hen, readings, folks dnncoo and a clavor aklt, "Tell a Womiin." Mra. Ada Drown, lecturor or Wllllamaon rlvor graugo and paal maater, directed, the program which waa well received by the larger thnn uaunl number of grnngora nroaont, Among a number of Merrill roal- denta and local Odd Kollows who attended funoral aorvlcoa In Red ding Tuoadny for Jack Wolfo, former Morrill rcaldont, worn l,o- land Popo, Warren Krulls. Molvln Ilowmnn, U. II. Anderson anil lien Faua. Wolfo, whoao death followod long lllncaa rosultlng from an Injury waa aaaoclittod with H. II. Anderson in a atoro bora many years ago. For tha Paul several months beforo hla pnsslng ho hnd boon parnlyxod, Ho leaves a wlfo and two grown sons. Mra. Louis Mooro onlortalnod Wednesday aflornoon for mom bara of tha Missionary aocloty of tha Prcabytorinn church. Mra. Hubert Rodgora rovlowod Iho book, "All in tho Dny'a Work," by Godfrey Phillips. Tho next moot ing will bo bold at tho homo of Mra. J, L. Fotherlnghnra. Thoao In attendnnco nt Mra. Mooro'a woro Moadntnea Fothorlnxhnm, Wont brook, I.ulhor llanklns, Harold Wilson, Paul Lowls, Huhort ltod gera, Dillon Mooro, Karl Poulaon, Minnie Dlllard Davla, Molvln Bow man, Colvln, Doorlng, W, V. Jin nette and Mlaa Alloon Colvln, Tha AiiRuat Oth meeting of Iho Lost River Garden club scheduled to hare boon hold at tho home of Mra. W. C. Bnlloy will moot In- Completes 25 Years of Service ill mm '.'it Muy King picture M. I), Robinson, Industrial salesman for tha Union Oil company In tha Klamath district, has conv plolnd 25 years of aorvico with Iho company, and at a dinner given at tho Wlllard In hla honor thla week waa presented with a 25-year aorvico emblem. II. II. Itnmsny, division sales manager for Ore gon, la shown presenting dm emblem lo Robinson teenier) while J. F. Wntlnco of Medford, district Miles imiiiUKi'r. (nt Iloblnson'a right) looks on admiringly. K. It. Clark (front row rlgbtl and Ito land (,'ofor (front row lofti), both of Klamath Fnlls, also look on smilingly at the presentation. The dinner was attonded by members of tho Union Oil company stuff In this territory. Invites Bigwigs to Legion Party Would you accept an Invitation from lovely Evelyn Kcyea of the movies? American Legion odlcloli dgurcd moil people would. Thnfa why they selected Mlta Keyea to make an air tour of the nation and Invite the secretory and undersecretary of war and govornora and mayora of large citiea to the national legion convention In Lot An geles In September, Mist Keyea la pictured holding an Invitation. atond with Mra. E. W. Staunton, tho prosldonl. Mra. Staunton and her family plan lo he nwny later on Iho dnlo which originally was allowed hor. The mooting on August 23 will ba bold with Mra. llnllcy. Mombora will gathor at tho Staunton home, going litter to ho blologlcnl headquarters nur ao,ry an Iho west oldo of the lnkc for n tour of Iho grounds. Mom bcra are also asked to bring plants or shrubs sultahlo for edging tho walks of tho Morrill high school grounda being put In lawn and nndsenped this Bummer. The Morrill high achool grounds are unusually attractive In a acttlng ot rod rock. Mr, and Mra. Luther Hasklna nd family will vacation In the next fow days at Odoll lake. Dnlo Weat and Louie Lyona, flailing In Crntor Inke Wednesday brought home a fine catch of trout. A party of Presbyterian young people and a few frlenda onjoyod awlm Tuoadny evening nt the niitntorltim in Klnmnth Falls fol lowod by a wlenor roust. Thoso attending Included Mr. and Mra. Itilmrt Rorigora, Mr. and Mra. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR' SALE Transportation Portland. Phone 21 MR. TONIGHT MIDNIGHT OWL DOORS OPEN 11:30 P.M. SHOW Woody Rouff, Mra. Dillon Moore, Mra. Harold Wilson, Oaraldlno and I, o u I a o Fothnrlnghnm, Klulno Plorco, Vernon KHpulrlck, Floyd. Dulo and lloklo Moore, Jack Lulrd and Don and Dale Kodgera. Mra. E. E. Kllpatrlck and daughter Metty who havo been spending several days at Ashland are expected homo tho lusl of tho woek. .Mr. and Mrs. Klrkpntrlck und family arrived In Morrill nboul a month ago to mako their home. Kllpatrlck auccooda Harold J. Hnndrlckson aa superintendent of Morrill achoola. diatrlct during woek period. the past three Camp Fire News The aocond session for Camp Flra girls ul tho girls' camp al Lake o' the Wooda closed with an Inspiring coromonlnl held In the lovely outdoor sotting chosen for council flrea. Glrla during both aesslons cleared ths grounds and carrlod rocks for a lining for the fire pit. Loga lined the outsldo cir cle which wero used na aonta (llrla or tho canipi rall clans made tha trull loading lo Ilia cere monial ring. In addition to thla trail, aeverul othor trails woro made and olhors were outlined with rocka. The coromonlnl opened with Iho Woholo call given by Betty lou Itlley, on tho bugle, and anawored each timo by tho girls. Ulrle In gowns gave the flro llghtlng ceremony for Work, Health and Lovo, and responses, "Flnmo or Work," wero sung by a special chorus. The prayer for Ciimp Flro girls, written by llano Wright, wua sung by Murthu Cof- foy. Special naturo honora were pre sented glrla of Iho nature loro class, aa woro honora In camp- craft, handcraft and swimming. The special Camp Knyollsl honor wna oarnod by Mnxine Llskcy, Helen Howry, Mary Louiao Lan dry. Dorothy lilgga and Nancy Bcnnott. Tho rank of Trail Sookor (first rank In Camp Flro) wno con ferred upon Nancy nonnott of Wlnoma group, and Wood Cnth orer (socond rank) waa given Dorothy Rigga and Mnry Louise Lanury, aiso or. winema group. The Camp Flro glrla of Klum-1 nth Falls (errltory expressed their doopfclt appreciation at tho coro- monlal to those who helped in nuy way mako possible their lire at the glrla' camp at Lake o' tho Wooda. Evory girl contributed aome bit of labor and love for the camp during her "lay thore. After tho flro extinguishing cere mony the glrla Bang "The Call of the Fire" and "Lay Me to Sleop In Sheltering Flnmo," softly leav ing tho coromonlnl ring to the strains of beautiful iiuihIc. Wodncadny morning wna a lit tle and; for all glrla had had a grand time and hated to leave, knowing a whole year would go by before they could all be to gether again. Tho director, Lulno Knoll Hoer- loln, with mombora of the camp committee and tho local council, wished to express tholr grntoful nesa to tho women who gave their time, energy and abilities to the glrla of tho Klnmnth Falls NOHTIIKKN LIGHTS BEND, July 30 UYi A brilliant display of northern lights here Inst night caused many persons to rear that the huge Warm Springs flro had ugnln binned out of con trol. The lights flushed until mid night. About 11 p. m. an unusual dlsplny of colored curtains ap peared. FARLKY SALUTED SEATTLE, July 30 (AP) A luiluto or 111 guna waa given Poat master Ceueral James A. Farley as be sailed today aboard the U H. Coast Guard Cutter Halda fqr Victoria, B. C, to deliver a "good neighbor" addrcaa. HIT IJV LIOIIT.MXU HEI'PNER. July 30 (AP) A bolt of lightning, striking the Tamarack lookout station, knock ed Max Buschke, the keeper, un conscious and the electrical dis play, continued over the Hep- puer district, act flvo forest fires Thuraday. HUGHES WINGS HOME CHICAGO, July 30 (AP) Howard Hughes took oft for Houston, Tex.. In his 'round the world plane at 7:&2 a. m. (CST) today planning to fly nonstop to his Tcxaa home town. He ex pected to reach Houston about 1 p. m. (CST). WOMEN TO DIE MOSCOW, July 30 (F) Two women were sentenced to death today for embezilcment of work- era' funds. They were K. A. Sor- oklna and M. I. Tlchonova, book keeper and cashier respectively of a workers' house trust at Gorky. Charge Filed Charles H. Smith waa charged In a complaint Saturday with angling In Loat river without a atale license. Tho world'a chief source of aa beatoa la found In the vicinity of Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada. Tho population of India la esti mated at more than 353,000,000. Ilnvo road. 1'eyton oil your dusty T TULELAKE Legion poat No. IM and auxiliary elected officers Tueaday ovenlng with Joint Inatal Intlon planned for the evening of August 2.1. Between now and that data meetings of both organiza tions will bo In order with the Legion meeting in the evening on Auguat S and the auxiliary In the afternoon at the Legion hall on tho same date. Clark Fcnalor waa unanlmoualy elected aa commander of the post, M. J. Brown will serve aa first vice president; Jack Carlisle, aecond vice president; Samuel Phillips, adjutant; Harry Wochaler, fi nance officer; George Yoet chap lain. Polo Bergeman, aergoant at arms. Tho auxiliary placed Mrs. Ar lene Campbell aa president, Mra. Francea Yoat, first vice; Mra. Florence McElroy, aecond vice; Mra. Margurlte Dayton, aecretary; Mra. Alice Wilkinson, treasurer; Mra. Kelchna Phillips, chaplain; Mra. Mabel McOinloy, historian; Mra. Merle Hooper, aergeant at aarna and Mra. Agnca Miller, the outgoing president, executive wo man. Appointive offices will be filled by the Incoming beads of the or ganizations. LARGER STAFF FOR LOCAL HEALTH UNIT DISCUSSED (Continued from Page One) the meeting, and later Dudley dis cussed relief problems with the unit membera. It waa decided to retain Dr. J. Martin Adams aa bait time phy sician doing indigent work until other changes ahould be made. Un der thla arrangement Dr. Adama will receive a salary of S150 a month, It waa learned. Through Government It la underatood that the hiring of a full time pbyaiclan for thla practice would come through the federal government, and would, In turn, give Dr. Kozendal full time to devote to health aervlcs and health Instruction throughout the county. At the present time Dr. Rozendal must devote at leaat three-fourths ot hla time to the practice of indigent medicine, with little time left for health service, it waa eald. According to Dudley, there will be a meeting of the relief board early In Auguat, and at that time the idea of hiring a full time phy sician tor Indigent work will be brought up. TULELAKE BRIEFS TULELAKE Jack Dood, dis trict forester of Portland, atopped briefly at the ranger elation in the lava beda on the 28th. Hie vlalt waa cut abort with Mr. and Mra. Don Fisher due to a call to a serloua fire in the Port Angelea region. Charlca K. Wolse will spend Friday at Ashland and Medford on business. Mr. and Mrs. C. Alex Clements and family are vacationing for a couple of weeks In coast cities. Cloments Is manager ot the Tule- New Manager Wl Ji. in uginiminiim ,.in in a William Hanson arrived In Klamath Falls during the past week to assume hla new duties as aupervlaor of Safeway markets in tbe Klamath diatrlct. He suc ceeds Fred Frlnk, who haa Just been promoted to tbe poaltion of supervisor of Portland markets. Hanson s family will arrive soon. lake branch of the Bank of Am erica. Tuesday, August 2, chairman of committees of the Tulelake Gard en club will meet at tbe home of Mrs. Jensen to make final prep arations for the second annual flower show to be sponsored br the club. The last regular meet ing of the club was held on July 22 at tbe home ot Mra. Jensen. The next meeting Is scheduled for August 12 and the place will be announced later. Miss Evelyn Ensign, graduate of Cbico Teachers' college has ac cepted a position to teach In tbe Tulelake grade school this year. Mlsa Ensign comes from Yuba California, and Is proficient in both music and dramatics. She will serre as musical director In the elementary school. Work la being rushed on con struction of the two big stone monuments that will mark the en trance to Tulelake on the highway. Foundationa are In the work on laying ot atone began Monday. The monumenta will be unveiled dur ing the big political rally, Auguat 8. MODOC FIELD TURF ALMOST READY FOR USE (Continued from Page One) water as the canal circles the field on three sides. Athletic officials from both tbe University and Oregon State have seen the field and pro nounced It the beat they have seen. . A turf expert from Mas sachusetts also praised the Held highly. Two high school boys, Lee Mayfleld and Wayne Smith, are working on the field all day keeping It watered, mowed and so on. A large amount of turf has been planted around tbe edge ot the field to be used in replacing divots. The new turf will be dedicated at the first football game ot the year which will be played with Hill Military academy. A sche dule of nine games has been lined up, assuring the new field plenty ot use. TODAY ONLY BILL BOYD-"BAR 20 JUSTICE" laAYAj GENE AUTRY "The Old Corral" SHOW STARTS -12 O'CLOCK . HAVE FUN IN THE KffiTH 0' THE NITE Featuring "The Marines Are Here" GORDON OLIVER O JUNE TRAVIS TOMORROW YESTERDAY Shot mel TODAY number ) Rock'! ALCATRAZ ISLAND Ann SHERIDAN John LITEL it it MircaI it . m w- i ir . l Ml Il.jkl ol Crl IT. Mir STALKS THE KILLER A POWERFUL STORY OF LAW OUTSIDE THE LAW ! EXTRA! ADDEDI MUSICALETTE! "CARNIVAL SHOW" ' ' I f LEON ERROL "Th Jitters" ' p y "HOLLYWOOD ON PARADE" 1A , OSWALD CARTOON Ys! LATEST NEWS FLASHES sUaiWll'l DISCOVERY HINTS MISSING CLIPPER , MAY HAVE SUNK . (Conlnued from page One) ' said he did not expect much to be accomplished before daylight. The Melga said the coating of Deavy oil was about 1600 feet In circumference, which experts said waa "quite large" for a plane the site of tbe clipper. . No Other Kxplanatlon ' But marine men were unable to suggest any other source for the slick, an oil coating such aa a plane leaves on the surface of the water when sinking. . The slick was found directly on the course ot the 28-ton fly ing boat. It was sighted approx imately 60' miles west by aouth west of the last position reported by the clipper at 8:09 d, m. Thursday, Pacific standard time. This . would mean that. If the slick were caused by oil from the Hawaiian clipper, tbe flying boat remained in the air for about 20 minutes after her last radio message. "Anchor" Oil Carried- ....... They said the clipper carried heavy "anchor" oil to calm the seas In just such an event. Pan American men here said they did not Know aoout any "anchor" oil but suggested the clipper might have dumped oil to lessen her load preparatory to alighting. Neither explanation accounted for the failure of the clipper to radio an emergency landing waa necessary or to report later by her wireless which was capable of communicating while the fly ing ooat armed on the sea. . The lifeboats from the Males collected samples of oil from tbe surface to help determine wheth er It was from the flying boat. Deep Water .- . . -If the Hawaii clipper sank there, little hope waa held of finding the wreckage: for the slick may lay over deep waters, ranging to a depth of 6362 fath oms. These waters, about 400 miles due east of San Bernardino strait, are among the deepest around the Philippines. Fan American Airways head quarters In San Francisco held hope the oil was dumped on the surface by the flying boat for emergency landing and the ellp per cam down safely,' subse quently drifting out to sea faster than the oil. ' BALTIMOrtlO. Julv ! IAP dlenn U. Martin, builder of the missing . Hawaiian clipper, said today he hoped the army trans port Meigs would grapple for frngmonts ot 'the plane on the ocean bottom near where the ship found an area of floating oil. ' Unleas fragments are recover ed, Martin said, "there Is no way of even conjecturing what ' might have cauaed ths clipper to go down." . . , Major Howard French, on of the alx paaaengera missing aboard the Hawaiian clipper, Is well known to local fliers. ' An officer In the army reserve corps with headquarters at Van couver, Waah., h has flown army -planes Into the local air port a number of times. BEER CURFEW ! ASTORIA. July 80 (AP) As toria's beer drinkers shut down last night at 10 p. m. as a newly-enacted- city ordinance went Into effoct cutting the closing hour of beer parlors from 1 a. m. to 10 p. m. The city council voted tbe ordinance after five whole sale distributors and several re tail dispensers had refused to pay occupational tsxes. FEAST DAYS ESTACADA. July 30 (API Squaw mountain mosquitoes faca lush days August 8 and 7 when the Hesperian society's camp at the base of tbe peak will witness tbe second annual Pacifle coast regional conference of the Amer ican Sunbathing association. Two hundred nudists are expected to attepd. ' CARD OF THANKS - We wish to express our thanks to our many friends for the beautiful flowers and for calling during the illnea.- ot Mrs. Charles Card. -. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Card, Merrill, Ore. NOW PLAYING! 'Onuutct ft A 1 --srt r i ,' Love versus tsuueis M and a million souls LAST DAY "WHIRLWIND HORSEMAN" II A V "WHEN G-MEN STEP IN" V U A TOMORROW FLEET WEEK IN PORTLAND But The HflniNES Are HERE! Oh, mm... tioje men are here agan And they've got a riot fun for you wh they go looking fights and dames! of , jf0: 'Trj- I TvnnD(gS ai?e TffTeirG" A MONOGRAM PICTURE writ GORDON OLIVER -JUNE TRAVIS GUINN (BIG BOY) WILLIAMS RAY WALKER 111 wx I mmlmmmmmmmmnmnmmajmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMa RAINBOW a- r LATEST NEWS . JUJ J-K 'f. I COMEDY I SIS Ul SPORT i'Oi'TS