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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1938)
PAGE SIXTEEN TUB NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON July 88, IMS Interest In the Pro-America plcnio at Moore park, Sunday af ternoon, August 7, seams to bave become general throughout the oounty, committee members said Thursday, A. Kalina, Malln merchant, has advised that there will be a large representation from that community, and the lunch baskets will be laden with the choicest of viands from the fruitful farms of that section of Klumulh basin. Next Wednesday evening there will be a meeting of the various committees, at which time It is expected reports will be received on the final arrangements and completion of the program of the day. The afternoon hours for the gathering, between the hours of 1 and 6 o'clock, were fixed In order that there might be no In terference with the usual Sun day morning church attendance. Mrs. Qulncy Scott, of Port land, president of the Oregon chapter of Pro-America, Is ex pected to attend the plcnio and may be accompanied by other of the state officers of the women's organisation. Mrs. Scott has rec ently completed a tour of Ore gon, visiting local chapters of Pro-America In many of the prin cipal cities and communities, and when in Klamath Falls was the honored guest at a largely at' tended dinner at the Wtllard ho tel. Zunk! And a Swimmer Is 'Launched' FIFTY ATTEND OREGON RECOVERY CLUB MEETING More than 60 persons at tended the Oregon Slate Recov ery Plan club No. 1 meeting held Tuesday night In the circuit courtroom. The meeting was call ed to order by the vice president, Mrs. Porter, and several short talks were given by members and friends during the evening. The next meeting of the group will be held Tuesday, August 2. at the home of Cheater Esgate on . Shasta way, at which time there will be a lawn party fol lowing the meeting with refresh' ments served. A truck will leave the corner of Sixth and Main streets and also from Balsiger's garage at 7 o'clock Tuesday night to accom modate those wbo bave no trans portation to the Esgate home. Boats get launched by having a bottle of bubbly clashed over tneir facades. So why not long-distance swimmers? At least these Venice, Calif., bathing beauties thought it a good Idea, and here one of them bops the brow of Paul Chotteau with a flagon of giggle water as be trains to break his own mark of 44 miles In 33 hours. When he gets over the shock he'll swim 56 miles from Santa Barbara Island to Venice. Oh, yes! Left to iiijiit are Margaret Thornburh, Cleo Hughes, Chotteau, Pat Perry and Pat Gergen. Stewart-Lenox STEWART - LENOX The 8. and L. club picnic beld last Wednesday at Moore park was attended by Mesdames Fred ricks, Colson, Seines, Burg, Lewis, Condit and children. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tucker and son of San Jose, Calif, spent Saturday night and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. B. Freer. Mr. Ad Mrs. H. A. Wenzel bave as guests their grand children, Patricia Ann and Lee Ben Wenzel of Los Angeles. Mrs. H. A. Wenzel entertained her bridge club Tuesday after noon, honors going to Mrs. Otto Mikkelsen and Mrs. C. R. Wenzel. Herman LIndow, Theodore and Edward Gustavus, Bernice Gus- tavus, Mr. and Mrs. William 0& bert and Mr, and Mrs. Henry Fredricks spent the weekend at Grants Pass. Mrs. Gladys Condit entertained Thursday evening at bridge the following: A d e 1 1 Fredricks, Frances Miller, Agnes Sharon, Carrie Uhrine. Bertha Gabert, Claudine Seines and Madge Wil kins. A new use hss been found tor an obsolete airplane by a fruit farmer In Painesville, Ohio. The wingless plane is mounted on a 40-foot tower; when the temper ature falls, a bonfire Is lighted, sending up heated air which Is blown over the orchard by the propeller. It Is reported that the new huge flying fortresses of the U. S. army are capable of carrying more bombs at one time than were dropped on the city of London during the entire World War. A new English "Ughtplane" has been, recently developed. The single-seater ship weighs only 400 pounds and It Is reported that It can travel 75 miles an hour, using two gallons of gas. The ship also nas ioiaing wings, so that it can easily be stored In a garage. It is estimated that parking lots in me united states do an an nual business of almost 119,000,-000. Body Lice On Chickens ind Birds Simply sprinkle the chickens with BUHACH. sifting the powder through luru- irauere as mucn as you can. xuc iice yiduq as quica as a flash! Sprinkle this magic protective powder w jgur coops ana oen nouses, it s guar anteed safe but sure death to lice I In Handy Sifter Cans 25c op at Drag, Grocery. Seed Stores and Pet Shops. PRONOUNCED BIT HACK Sold at Murphey's Seed Store 422 Main Phone 87 '5 DOWN holds your choice until October 15 1 Wards Sensational August FIJI SALE Newest Styles! Bigger Values! Better Savings! 'r ' VJ m 9 Seal-Dyed Coney ' 5 less than last year! NOW I Buy the fur coat you've been wanting! NO W ! When you get more-than-ever savings t NOW1 Because these are first-catch skins, fa mous for their beauty and long wear I Rich, silky pelts in fitted Princess, reefer and boxy types! With advance-fall shoulder, sleeve and collar treatments! Sizes 12 to 46. $10 less than last year! New Fur Coats Imperial Seals (dyed buck coney), fine Lapins (dyed coney), Caraculs 1 12 to 46. B8 IT GIVE PENCILS SALEM, Ore.. Judy 18 (VP) Attorney liencrnl 1. H. VnnWInkle said a political candidate would violate the corrupt practices act If he gave awny pencils bearing his name or other words In solici tation of votes. Hardin lllackmer, Klamath county district attorney, requested the opinion. On Vacation Alice llarvoy and Jean Harvey, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. I,. Harvey of Lincoln street, left a few days ago for a va cation trip to rortluml. Scuttle and as far north as Victoria, 11. C. Alice Harvey Is on a vacation from her dutiea as assistant ltbrarlnn at the city library. Jean is a stu dent at Oregon State college. Thoy were accompanied as tar as Port land by Mrs. Fred Ellis and daugh ter, and upon their roturn from Canada, Jcnn will accompany them to the const for the romnimlcr of the summer. The drunkomoter, now In use In some police courts, Is used to determine by means of the sus pects breath whether or not he Is Intoxicated. Approximately four out of five people In the world who purchase cars buy American-made automo biles. Youth About Town lly 1111.1, JKXK1X8 TT looks as It the day of the old Jallopy was gone forever. No more are the streets cluttered up with tha wreckage of what used to bo cars. A few of us still have nerve enough to drive a oar that Is seven or eight years old lint very few of tha youth even drive them that long. It Is a slinme to see the day go when almost any time, you looked down th street you could sou somo one fixing a flat or trying to put hia enr back togother. The day of the new car for youth la hero with a Imng. Darn It all. I really mourn for the passing of the old tin llistn. She was a grand old bus while she lasted. What this town needs Is a good place to swim. Tho only two places that are anywhere within reason to go are to Lake o' the Woods and out to the gravel pits. Lake o'. the Woods Is more or less a bad spot because of bad roads, and the gravel pit costs you a fortune before you got out, not to speak of having to clear out at 10 p. m., which Is tho. time all good evening swims should take placo. Maybe what we need Is for someone to open a big outdoor swimming pool. Dig future In It and all that, so soma nmhltlnua person Just tear out anil gat going, A number of phone calls have boon received by this writer wanting to know why In he husn't ns yet told the youth of Klnmnlh falls what they should wear to the dance Satur day night. That, my children, Is a question that Is In your hands ulune. Your Into rests with you. Tha dance la advortlsod as being semi-formal, but you can charge out l hero wourlng anything you duslre. I fould not advise sack cloth and ashes as they are not fitting to tho occasion, but out sldo of this and hobnailed boots, tliuie Is very llttlo you cannot wear, , Wo are running a dunce for the youth of Klnmnlh Kails. It Is to be run as a real all-collogu dunce should bo. Whon you come we want to make you foal at home and above all we want you, tho patrons, lo have a good time. It the girls want to wear short dresses that Is all right with overybady. The boys can also wenr anything Ihoy want. As far as I know, no woman cares what a boy wears, so what tha heck, ' A girl can sit for hours with a dreamy look In her eyes and Just muse on how she will show all the rest of the girls up a Hint dance. They consldor thalr whole wardrobe and then go nut and buy something new In the end anyway. Not so the boy. He has what he Is going to wear, and he wears it In spltn of disapproval bitting at him from all sides. So lako that and think It over, boys and girls, Wear anything you want and we won't emu. Tha nan unofficial Amorlcnn airplane record was recently set In Toxin. A (lorman stillplnnn flown by a native Texan flow 110 miles. ly i (if) A ivas Issued yes. .Jf irlnnok, 80, Ma. ItKNO I.ICHNHK rtlONO. N"V., Jill)1 J8 (!') iiiim'tnim llcmisn was Inn nv In John Fiiln i lln, Ore., and Lnrona Adillnmnn, 18, Tululnko, Calif, Nows and Herald Want-Ad gel rosulls. FALL PRICES WILL BE HIGHER Aiiff iVoic in Wards AnnudV Wards "Miracle Value ' August Buy Now! Pay 6 less than you would after August 12th! . . . Famous Fur Fabrics ! H& II Hudson Plush! Silky Persian Type is 1875 19 1875 Wit Save 25 Now! Copies of advance-style, Imported fur coats! Processed to look amazingly like real fur! Princess, reefer and boxy types! Silk or Mohair pile for rich beauty, cotton backed for wear! Every one warmly interlined. Sizes 12 to 46. Up to $3 Savings Over Last Year! Self Trimmed Pitted styles, reefers, cas ual and boxy types I Sport or dress I Sites 12 to 52, 908 $3 to $5 Less Than Last Year Smart Coats 14" TtnrrmA w n n I ttmmm suedes, tweeds, bouclesi Self-trimmed plaid backs! Sizes 12 to 52. 1.98 w'l- IJ 2 lh 4!J VAIOII First Quality 5 Wool Pairs 70'xttO'! pair FULL SIZE Regularly $1,981 Last yoar's sale price was $1.97 1 Top-grade China cot ton and wool combined! Pastel plaids. Sateen bound. ri lbs. Sale! 25 Wool Pairs Rgularly 3.49 "down 2J Save 52c on every pair! Warm, serviceable. 70"80". Sale! 7Ox0 Fleecyduwiis hold! ny until Nov. blanket 1t BV Regularly 54c 47c now III be hljh'' American cotton best for strength. Psste! plaids. 70"xl0". ap onro fliEifl uHiidl1 Hot-wtather special. Salt of 15c Turkish Towels 12c Popular slie for summer, 18"x38". Medium weight, absorbent, easy to launder. 8ve 24c on six. Pastels. So.. Sz 1S"x30" lOc Turkish Towels Sale-priced I They cost little more than a wush cloth. Whits with rainbow borders. Imagine only 84c a doiea 8c Regularly 69c a Pair'. Sav Now at Wards Men's or Hoys' Skips Wards famous tennis shoes of quality duck with corrugated rubber soles; re inforced toe csps. Slsss 6-11) 2',-6. 47c eaw Wards Regular Low Prlco Rtducd Men's Shirts, Shorts BtpcK up and save at Wards bsrgaln I price I Fast color cotton shorts, new nat. I f terns. Swiss rib shirts. , I 4j So v One- Third In Wards July So. floys' Shirts, Shorts An amsilmt low price for this quality! FAST COLOR shorts, full-cutl Plenty of colorful patterns. So.. Full Length or Below-tho-Kntt 40c Chiffon Hosiery First quality, full fashioned! Pure silk, llils reinforcements, Bright colors. 13c 39 "A A I MNTGMEIRY WAH 22! MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 384 MONTGOMERY WARD 221 MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 384 221 MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 384