PAGE SEVEN July 27, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I'OHTI.AND, July 27 AI') Fed oi nl JikIko (Untitle Mi'Oolloch denied the untltlon of Kllilu and MnrRitrnl Chlloquln, Klnmatli In diana, Momhiy. for thn cunlody of lliolr f on i- ilillilrcii, iiK'd 0 lo 14. Circuit JudKO II. Aali unt uf Klumutli county lumlKixid tho cuatuily to II. J.' CuurtwrlKhl, rMorvntlon luporlntonilont, whun tho pnrxnti obtained n dlvorco. Tho Chllonuliis hum alnro ronuir iled. JmUa Mi'Ciilliich ruluil I ho int ents ohotild oxliuunt statu ourt remedial boforo uskliiK fiidnrul .Jurisdiction. Ilu aald tlioy hud tho rlxhl In nupi'll to the atuta uprntno cutirl. F. R. VISITS INHABITED ISLAND OF GALAPAGOS AllOAHD U.8.B. HOUSTON, In ArchipuliiKO, July 27 (API diaries Inland, Ihu ono tltno refugo of llnronoas Klolao Welirborn and hor "court" wui tho inclinruio parly today of tho crulaor Iloimton mid Its presi dential puny. It was tho first Inhubltod Island ut tho (lulnpuxoi Kroup wlilil. thn Houston hull Visited since Hi arrival auioiiK tho lalnndi Imt Kundiiy. I'resldunt Hoonuvell did not ito ashore, hut ' mnmbora of hln purty Ml Iho hip limn aftur Its urrlvnl lo 'X nin. il.n IhIhuH unit ttikn itlftH from tho proaldunl to tho Will- mer family. Gifts wore sent lo Hdns Wltt mer, hln wlfn. Miiuarvl, and tbolr thrco children. VITAL STATISTICS DAW Horn at lllllslilo hospital July 25, 1838 to Mr. and Mrs. T. II. l)aw of AlKoina, a hoy. WolBht: t poumli 10 ounri'S. SMITH Born at Klamath Val ley boapllal July 2. 1938 to Mr. and Mra. Uoo W. Hmliu, box 102 Tlonesta cainn. boy. WolKht: pounda 4 ounces. IMCKAIIAIK HOME SOUTHAMPTON. Unitluml. July 17 (API Tho Urltlab pickaback aeaplane Morcury arrived hero at 8:20 D. m. ill: in p. in. rail tonlKht from Msbon on tho mtxt to tho lul Ics, of her douhln crossing of tho Atluntlc. Shu la to fly horo to hur baao at i oynoa, Ireland, where hor aurvey flight to Now York and roiurn . bogun July 10. OI.ll HTOItV PORTLAND, July 27 (AD John C. Ilofcdor'i ancient auto mobile reonactod a econo yestor day common In the dnya when the xasollne busKy wo young. It auddonly came lo llfn whon ho turned the crank. Tho, car knocked him down, broko hie Irg and rattled Into Johnson, crook. " At Creerrnt Ijike Mrs. Coth erlna Kulton la spundtiis: a wook'e vacation at Crescent lake. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HORSE FOIl SAI.K 8nd(!io horse thoroughly irnlnod for pleasure or work. Cnn ho seen and mod . horo. Call ownor. Phono 1821 R 7-28 APT. KOM TWO Attractive com . fortahlo 248 Uroad 7-29 Sale! Compare $32.50 Valuel 12 One of the greatest axmlnster bargains we've ever offered! The deep textured ALL WOOL pile is woven SEAM LESS with a firm, heavy back that means long wearl Choose from a fine assortment of Tex tures, Moderns,. Hooked de signs and Oriental patterns! Salt. 9x1 2 Waffle Haltlop Rug CuiMon. A heavy, retlllenl pad that Increaiei the life of your rugt. FAKE BOMBING PROVES COSTLY BUT GREAT FUN a tnVa homhlnc In the roar i. ...ima unfit tfitvn nun county uiuployo u n'uro and provod ox- ponalvo fun for inotnor lueauuy nftornoon, ' jHimM-MOOMI wont tno car oi ii..ih Mf.rnf.ini- rouutv luvenlle officer,' whon alio stepped on tho .irinl. Mian McCnrtor loal no time In oltln( out of the nia- chlno. The Juvonlle officer found that .,.,., ,,n hml Mtnchcd a IHllKOt to ono of tho spark pluga Hint wua supposed lo bo noisy uui nurin- ii,...r mhnii It wai further dlacovorod that damugo had been done to the radiator, Deputy Sher iff Vernon Wllaon offored to pay for the repairs. Tho offor waa accepted by Ml"" Mcuarter, E (Continued from Page One) duetlon la by no inoana gcnoral. The recession in prices, wium hH. kit lh IntlilatrV hadly In re- cont montha, haa halted, however, and that la ono couao tor o feeling, even though average prices are till aald to be bolow tho coat of production. tiimm ! iiii liicklnn- any ovl- donce of any groat Increaae In conaumptlon, but It la hoped that the tine of lumner win nogin to ahow gnlna rofloctlng an awak ened building program In tho country. Itolallora throughout the coun try, It li ald, have been playing ffnmn nnrmlttlnK their tocka to fall to a low ebb rather thnn buy on a railing muraoi. Htoiles are told of liny ordera placed apparently to fill Individual calla on rolallera. Indicating they ware completoly out of certain llnoa and were aa yet unwilling to buy any further than neceiaary to moot Immediate demand. " J alao believed there la conalderable apeculatlvo buying at the current low prlcea. Hlluatlon t'ncertnln In abort, the altuallon la un cortnln, but there la a baala for hoping for a change from the dlamal gloom that naa prov. The Woatorn Pine baromotor howe moro demand for pine In the lat two weeka than aj. any other time thla aummer. O. A. Kratiae. vice prealdent and manngor of the Klamath Lumber and nox company, aald: "Wo aro running full capacity with a crow of 176 men. The eawmlll la operating a day and night ahlft of eight houra each and haa been for the pant three montha. and all equipment la huay. In the box factory we are very buay with ovortlme for the flrnt time In quite a period." Krauae ataled Wedneeday, how ever, that due to the low fruit market In tho ent that box ehook production waa not tip to lnt yoar'a flguroa but that an Incroaao In tho fruit market could atop up tho demand for box thook where by the demand would meet the 1037 figure. Tho bulk of Oregon box ehook goca Into the California market, Krauao aald, and right now Ore gon box la In demand by the pear growera. All l 1l ra - - h Vlim. ath Lumber' and Box company la mshed! MrdokumRm Axmiiisters Down Payment, concerned, machlnory and mon aro going full Hnio )n both the auw m 1 1 1 and Iho box factory. Tbore will bo no cnangoa In either the plant or the wooda aa far aa the Kwauna Box company ta concernen, nut mere la n:niuu- ly a honor "rooting- in tno lum ber market on thn weat count Hum thoro won 00 dnya uo, nccorillng lo I), N. Clomona, aocrotary of Ewanna Box company, . "It lonka much better on the woat coaat than In the onm. At Iho proaent time Iho eualorn mar ket la not opllmlallc, hut In view of Iho fact thut thoro la between 20 and 00 daya difference. It muy moan a "woal-to-eaat" wavo of proaperlty Inntoud of tho tiaunl "eaat-to-weat" ua fur na the luin bor market la concerned," Clemens anld. A chock wltn tho box company revealed that preaont bualnoaa did nni iiiMttrv nn Inrrenao In pro duction, but when It la corlaln (but bualnoaa Improvement la on a permanent bnala and not a "mo mentary flurry," thoro will bo an Imtnodlate Increaae. KANSAS PICNIC SET FOR ASHLAND The Houthorn Oregon Knnaaa aaaoclallon will hold Ite third an nual picnic on Sunday, Auguat 7, In Lllhlu park, Aahland, It wua announced by C. O. Hunt, accro- Tho Knnaua aaaoclallon eni- bracea Juckaon, Joanpnino ami Kluuiulh countlea. A larger turn mii ihiin evor bofora la oxpoctcd for thla yoar'a picnic. According lo Hunt nn ulionuanco oi over i U nvnnetnfl lo turn out. All cx-Kunaua rcaldenta of aouthern Orogon and all thoeo from that atale who aro vlaltlng In thla area are Invited, fcacn fnmllv la to furnlah lla own lunch. Lemonade and other refreahmeiita will bo furnlahed by Ibo naaoclu tlon. Thoro will bo a program of Bporta, gamea, contcata ana taiai Recovera Purae Mrs. Carl Orubb of routo 2, who lot her nu no containing $100 aovcriil daya - ago, reported Wednesday that tho purae bad (won found and returned to her. Mra. Orubb paid the finder 130. Get your 110 Dreaa for 11.95, 12.86. at Toglcr'a Sat. only. Diamond Lake Resort Cool and Shady , has f fTaV ' Wi ji 'f"1 At the Foot of Mt. S Klamath Falls 88 $5 a Month Carrying Charge. n5" 427 The Fishermen s Mecca Lodge - Cabins - Meals At Popular Prices Geo. L. Howard, Mgr. Diamond Lake, Ore. MELANCHOLY YOUTH LEAPS OFF LEDGE TO DEATH (Continued from Page One) bulliM of cameraman flarod llko tli'tif lli'H fur Ixllciw. In ull thut tliuo ho had kept thouannda waiting In morbid aunuenao, thouaanda who watched him from tho atroet, from bua lopa, from wlndowa and tho) roofa of noarby bulldlnga a tiny hit of a man In n white ablrt, who drank Incredible quuiitltlca of water -through the long aummer afternoon whllo police cajoled him, In vuln attempt to (llaniindo him from thoughla of aulcldo. I'ulo lllur With tho coming of night ho had becomo a pulo blur aa durk noas crept up tho llmeatone wulla of the Hotel Cothum, Fifth uvonuo and G Dth at runt, a blur aomollmea I'oat in tho gloom. Homollmca fnlnlly picked up by tho apark of a froahly lighted clguretto. Obacure In llfo, Wardo, became porhupu the blggeat human focal point In Iho city for a day. Tho pollco tried now inoutia of Hiivlng him holatlng up a cargo net they had borrowed from a ahlp und then John Wurde made hla dcclalon. , Tho palo blur detached Itaelf from the gloom high anove. A horrified gaan. thon a aercuni from the crowd, and Wurde Plunged to hla death. All the dcvlcea tho police and fire department could think of had fulled. Tho nppeala of hla mother and- hla elater, the per aunalvo worda of a pricat and aev- erul paychlutriala had gone for nothing. Police Work Hard The police and firemen and everybody else who tried to dis suade Wardo from Jumping didn't spare themselves. Police stood for hours on duty. Firemen waited with a safoty net, which nobody expected to save Wardo. Wardo, the Southampton po lice records show, tried to ond hla llfo on July 11, .1937, by cutting hla throat with a knife. Ho recovered and was sent to tho alate hospital at' Centrul Is 11 p. Long Island. Released In Novenibor, he was glvon employ ment by Valentine, travel agency head. A week ago last Monday Warde Thiolson, 85 Miles From Near Crater Lake. V I ?1 a ii a 1 Jumped from a bridge at Hamp ton Bays, Long Island, and was roscuod, from the water by police. Between Two Wlndowa It waa about noon yesterday whon Warde scrambled through the window of hia room, edged klong the 18-Inch shelf of atone and took a stand midway be tween two windows at a point where he could lean against a rough curved projection. Than began one of the most nervous and protracted watches New York ever haa known. . The word Wardo, apparently bent on suicide, was getting ready to plunge waa flaahed to pollco headquarters. Four radio squad cars sped to 66th street. A fire truck followed. Behind It camo a rescuo squad wagon. A crowd quickly gathered. Sidewalks were Jammed on both sides of the street. Crowds censed swarming in Fifth avenue and stood motionless, waiting lo dreadful anticipation. People appeared on roofa of nearby buildings. Men and wo men stood against the brown gothlc walls of the Fifth avenue Presbyterian church, waiting. . After Dinner Crowds Appear High above the street Wards', toes on the edge of the ledge, looked down. Women glanced up and away. Many hurried on, fearful of the end they thought would come In a few minutes. The after dinner crowds be gan appearing. Dusk slowly en veloped Warde, He apoke once or twice on a handset telephone given blm by the police, Hia mother called him from South ampton. He hung up. Every body In the atreot was certain he Hey Free And Find Out How Easily You Can Get That BICYCLE You Have Been Wanting FREE You'll Have to HurryThe Supply Is Limited NO PHONE CALLS East Side Electric 625 Klamath Ave. $1.0 Moire Altar Other Sizes Reduced: 6x9 7y2x9 wouldn't jump. He'd lost his nerve, they said. Net Htarta Up Darkness brought fresh activity from the police. Reports of many plans to save Warde went the rounds. Then the big cargo not arrived and after a great deal of trouble started Its upward flight. "It won't be long now," every body aald. "They'll get that baby." They were still saying It when Warde Jumped, his body crashed against the glass of the marquee, splattering police, and toppled over slowly Into the gutter. CAFE OPERATOR KILLED BY PARTNER S WIFE IN : QUARREL OVER HUSBAND ; PLACERVILLB, Calif., July 27 (AP) Mrs. Sadie Bunton, 30, one of the operators of a Shingle Springs cafe near here waa killed Instantly today by a charge fired from shotgun at her through a kitchen screen of the place. She was struck In the chest. - Dlst. Atty. Henry S. Lyon said Mrs. Ora M o r o g n a, wife fit Charles Morogna, the other oper ator of the cafe, confessed to fir ing the fatal shot, Lyon said Mrs. Morogna told him she bad lain in wait behind the cafe for some time before Mrs. Bunton came Into the kitchen. She accnaed ber hus band of Intimacies with Mrs. Bun ton. She alao Informed the dis trict attorney ahe overheard Mra. Bunton tell her husband ahe had Kids! Bike! Rush to East Side Electric Formerly $5,951 Regularly $5.25 and NOW at a sensational LOW price for Wards August Sale onlyl Imagine getting famous 9x12 bordered Wardoleum rugs at such a drastically cut pricel Choose from an outstanding assortment of to day's newest and best-selling patterns! Buy a rug for any room in your home the tough enamel surface of ' Wardoleum " is waterproof, stainproof a quick wipe . with a damp mop keeps the gay colored pattern spotlessl L:i..2.97 9xl0'2 Wardoleum by the Yard. 6 and 9 ft. sq. yd. .. I ...... : taktn $11 from the cash register. "I would kill her Just like a rattlesnake, ''.Lyon aald the wom an told her. An adopted 4-year-old son of Mra. Bunton waa aaleop In an adjoining room when the shoot ing occurred, Lyon said.' Morogna was In the front of the place. The district attorney also waa Informed Mrs. Bunion's estranged husband Is In St. Louis general hospital Buffering from a bullet wound. ., . I- , , . i ' Tools Taken Vorn Schortgen, Look only AlllhsObar mm r n IV JI 1L pas mm for that famous flavor -' ' ' ' . . ' : Schhtz is perfectly brewed to the modern taste. A wondrously pale beer, as lumi nous and clear as the. honey made from mountain flowers, yet it is not sweet . . nor is it bitter. Schlitz ii affably smooth, appetizingly dry with just enough of the tang of the finest hops to give it zest And it hu that distinguished' flavot1 which has delighted lovert of real beer for almost a century a flavor that bthngi to Schlitz and Schlitz aione. A truly great beerl C.f,tl,i lOJt, JOl. SCBL1TX tlnns 2.24 .3.97 widths . . . 33t ttMimpiaa) 1718 Crescent avenue, reported to city police the theft of quantity of tools which he had left lying lose la the bottom of hit Mr. which was parked In front of hit home. Violates Rale Freddie William Wolfe, 23, route I, box 43, waa ar rested on South Blith street bf city officers on a charge of viola tion of the baale rule. Wolfe pa! a fine of f s when he appeared be fore Police Judge Otto Langilet Wednesday morning. n msmss to lalWIHO COMPAJIT.miWAOglS.WIB. 221 MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 384