The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 25, 1938, Page 5, Image 5

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    July 25, 1938
Leave I'lttsliuruli n t t
(,'rawfoiil, iIiiiikIiIiii' of Mr, an
Mm. A. I.. Crawford, 111) Wash
1 ii K ( ii sirnal. li'fi Mimiliiy morn
In liy I in I n fur Iho west count
Mini Crawford nun noon ntlanilln
llin national convention or Kappa
Alpha 'riliilu In HprlliK Lake, N. J
Kllll rilllUWllIK III" tX'MHlllII . lit
which Minn Crawford ri'iui'iii'iilii
lliu University of Uri'Kii i-liu pier
ho lull fur 1'lltslinrKh, I'll., wlmr
ho was (ho idlest of hnr father
sister, Mil. I.oo Lord Cliaiidli'i
Tho ('hiinilliir iiinliirijil wllh Miss
Crawford lo WiinhliiKlon, 11. C
WllllunishiirK, Annapolis u n il
other ilnla of Interest on Ihu oust
ooitiil. MIkii Crawford will vi"U
Lou Angnlea n nil Hiicrnmonto on
ronlo to Kluniiith Kitlln. Hhn la ox
pool 9d to nrrlvn hero tho liittar
purl of next week.
KmtIpI Hero Mniniirnt Hoot
tchon of Arthur, N. II., m ox
nnotoil to arrlvo by train Man
day night from tho mith whoro
ho li boon vIiIIIiik. Miss
llonttrhon will ponil several day
on hnr uncle a in lull visiting 111
N. II. Homes of Morrill. Hh
will continue tho inldillo of tho
work lo Htmtllo to visit nnothnr
u ix' lo mill rvtiirn homo by wa
of Canadian points. MlM Hoot
tchon I teacher In tho Arthn
. (inrilni (.roup Member of tho
(ardon study (roup of tho Klam
th Kiill Womnn'a l.llirnry club
mot lit I o'clock Monday after
noon at tho homo of Mr. fori
oton W. llornlbriiok lit Hlxth nil
Lincoln lroot for tho rogula
July montliiK of tho cIiim. Anion
tho problema discussed w that
of onion pests which ro dnin
ronaldornhlo damage to Klamath
Knlln (nrdoiia at thla tlmn of tho
year. Methods of oradlcalloi
wore dlacuaaod and garden plan
for tho year mado.
ftrniiKo Mooting Tho AHa
mont Kinnjtn will hold Ita rnRiila
ontortnlnmont mooting Turadny at
S p. ni. at tho Hum mora achool
Jorry Soylor. mualrnl dlroctor of
tho atato itrnnito, la eipooted to
Itond. "Safely Flral" will bo
nodal fontiiro of Iho proitrnm
Tho committee In charge Invllod
all graniiers and ihoir frlonda to
bo present, llofroahmenta will be
Island V'laltor Winona Dyer,
who has been Iho homo guest of
Mra. Kllenor I'orry for Iho paat
week, planned to loavo tho early
part of tho week for tho llawnl
Ian lalanda, whoro aha hna taught
In tho school for tho paat anvnn
yoara. Mlaa Dyer haa boon visit
Ini with nor family In Aatorla
during ber aummer holiday.
Visit Coaat Mra. Scott Mc
Kendreo of Morrill and Mra
Itahlon llaallnica of Klamath
Kalla left over tho weekend to
pond aovoral daya In and around
Crescent City.
Itay City Guest" Mr. and Mra
Hana Ommia have at their guosl
for (evoral daya Mr. and Mra. 11
Hoist of Ran Francisco, who aro
en route to their homo In tho bay
city after spending tho paat three
wceka In Portland. Sunday Mr.
and Mra. 0 minis took their visitors
on ft motor trip to Cralor and Dlft'
mond lakca. Tho Omnusos, who
aro owners of tho Quality Klsh
market, recently relumed from a
motor trip to Seattle.
Make ltrlef Visit Mr. and Mra,
Melvln tingle of .Aahland, accom
panted by Mra. Rose Powell, via-
Ited briefly In Klamath ran wnn
friends Sunday en routo to Crater
Inko, whoro Ihey apont sovern
hours, returning homo via Mod'
ford. EnKle, who Is affiliated with
tho Aahland, branch of tho First
National batik of Portland, for
merly lived here and wna affll!
a i od with tho bnnk'i Klamath
Falls branch.
Ike V'laltor Among tho
Klamath Falla people at Crater
lako Sunday wore Mr. and Mr
Fred Ooollor and Mra. tlooller'a
brother, Al Carlson, who Just re
cently roturnod to hla former
home In Klamath Falla after
ponding tho winter In Washing
ton, Carlson la employed by tho
Woyorhnousor Timber company.
Trainmen to Meet Lodge No
667 of Iho Brotherhood of Rail
road Trainmen will meet Thurs
day, Vuly 28, at 7 P. m. at tho
KO hall.,
Return North Mr. and Mra
Tom Estnbrqok have returned to
their homo In Portland after
apondlng sovttal weeks horo, dur
ing which they wore guests at tho
Caacndo. Eilahrook Is a frequent
business vlaltor tin tho city, and
they plan to retnrn In about six
wooka. J
Rot lira Krom toko Mra, How
ard Purnoll, Allci Hall and Ben
in h Etoll have returned from a
week's vacation slpent at Lako o'
tho Wooda.
ex. "Tho Friendly Drug Htoro"
' Mill nnd Mnln Phono HI)
Oiioata of IVyloiia Mra. Krnnk
I, sudor ii nil daughter, Allcnn, o
t ni'lni'vllle, III., aro gliosis fm
several day of Mr, and Mia. Wll
iiulu street and of Mr. and Mra,
Oscar Peyton of North Ninth
a t r o o t. They plnn lo leave
Wmluiiailay In coiillniiii a lour n
tho went licfoid roturiilug In 1 1 1 1
mils. Hilliilliy Mm Ptiylona inn!
I lie I r gnosis enjoyed a trip In
I. nil or luka, whoro they picnicked
and spent Iho day.
Weekend Hero Mr. and Mrs,
Flunk W, Humphrey mid young
duughtor, Union Mury, worn week'
end visitors In Kliuniiili Knlln from
their homo In Mod ford. They visit
oil with Mr. und Mrs. II, W, ltyiin
Tho Humphreys are former i 'mi
ll on la of Klamulh Fulls und now
mnko their homo In the vnlloy
whoro Humphrey la In churgo of
an automobile agency.
IOii Ituuio Noilli Mr. and Mrs
lOllon C. Mooney and young son
Frank, vlnlted for a brief tl mo In
Klamath Falla en route to tholr
homo In Prlnevllle. They wore
called to Orovlllo by Iho death of
Mooney s father, who died sudden
ly at tho family home.
Picnic plnmird An all-day
picnic la planned for Wednesday
July 27, by menibera of tho Past
Matrons club of Aloha chapter,
OKH, to bo held In Monro park. At
1 o clock luncheon will bo served
It was announced by thoao making
Women of Mimne Tho regular
meeting of tho Women of the
Mooso will be held In tno KC nan
Tueaday, July 26, at 8 p. in. Hon
lor Itogent Annotto Hall will pre
aide. Initiation will bo held, and ft
potluck lunchoon will bo aorved
following the mooting. The aenlor
regent's aacorla aro asked to wear
their old uniforms.
Knlulits of Columbus A regit
Inr mooting of th Knighta of Co
lumbia will bo held In tho Knighta
of Columbus hall. Loomla build
Ing, at 8 p. m., Wednesday, July
27. There will ho an Insinuation
of officers followed by rcfresh-
monta and enlortalnmont.
Vftrationlala Hero Among tho
out-of-town visitors vacationing In
Klamath this week and reglatored
at the Cascade apartment hotel
aro Mr. and Mra. D. W. Bwiinaon
of St. Paul, Minn., Mr. and Mra.
11. E. Hon (I of Oukland. Calif., Mr,
and Mra. II. Weirs and family of
Han Francisco, Mrs. J. Dueikowskl
of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Young of Falls City. N'ob., and L
F. Drlgbtman of Portland.
ttoutn fVirna ftloola A meeting
of tno r.agiea arum corps was an
nounced for Monday oventng. July
tl mt tit vtiv hull nn Main atroflt.
Officers urged all members to he
preaont aa Important bualncsa was
to bo discussed.
Attend Market Mr. and Mrs
Marvin K. Luroa of Pacific Tor
race aro apondlng several days In
San Francisco, whoro they are at
tending a buyers' week and pur-
rhaelng now atock for tho Lucas
Furniture company.
Visit Ili-other Mrs. F. L. Freech
and Irene Shelley of Portland
have been visiting In the city for
novornl daya with their brother
Bill Shelley, who Uvea at tho CaS'
cado apartments.
Motor to Ikc Mr, and Mra.
M. P. Evans. Mra. F. M. Lucas and
Mra. Sally Stoln. ft slater of Mrs.
Lucaa, who Is visiting hero from
Sovory, Knna., were among tho
many visitors spending tho day on
tho rim of Crater lako Sunday.
Trainmen's Auxiliary Tho aux
iliary to the Brotherhood of
Itnllroad Trainmen will meet in
tho KC hall Thursday. July 28,
at 1 p. m. Initiation will bo held
and auxiliary otricer urged all
members to attend.
Visit at Crater Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Kuykendnll and two aona
were among tho Klamath visitors
at Crater Inko Sundny. Kuyken
dnll, who Is employed at the Shaw-
Bej'trnm Lumber compnny at Tlon-
catn, Calif., wn spending Iho
woekend In Klamath Falls with
hla family.
Mcdford Vlaltor Connie Cor-
mnny arrived Sunday from her
home at Medford and will spend
a week here visit Ing with friends.
She la a guest at the Sydney Evans
ranch home.
Idy Basics Club Tho Lady
Eagles club will moot Thursdny at
tho homo of Edna Keolor. Cars
will bo at tho Knglea hull at 12:15
m. to take those who wish trans
portation to tho Keller homo.
Flnochlo Tarty Tho Englos
auxiliary will sponsor a pinochle
party Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. m.
in the Eagles hall. Tho publlo la
cordially Invited,
From tho Fort Jack McAullffo
ot Fort Klamath was among tho
out-of-town visitors In Klamath
Falla Monday morning.
Mild olcctrlo treatments,
replacing o I d mothods.
Non-confining, nonsurgi
cal and utter. RESULTS
tart with 1 1 r t treatment-
Write tor FREE
Caaael Bros. Chlroproctlo
228 No. Ttb Phone 420
Itotiirns Homo Mr. Albert
Liiillnnr and daughter, Lnllnsnn,
returned In Kliuniiili Fulls Sun
day nf lor lion ill ll K anvernl wooka
visiting along tho Orrgnn roast
und In Portland.
Honing rlrolo Tho Flower
sowing circle will moot at the
homo of Mrs, Ongiiiiiii, 22tr, Itnd
rlirfo avenue, Tuosduy evening,
July 2, Fi'luud woio Invited.
Ladles Aid Mooting Tho Mt.
Laid Lndlon Aid will mont Wed
nesday, July 27, lit 2 p. in. In the
li'imn of Mrs. K. K. McCliiy of
Car Taken When John Penney
of tho Amnio hotel tried to push
Ills car to town from El Nldu tav
ern, he found It a groutor Job limn
ho hud anticipated and ho return
ed to tho El Nldu for help. When
ho roturnod, shortly ufter mid
night on Hnturduy he found his
cur, a 10211 Ford, hud been taken
to town by someone else. Police
woro asked to locato tho machine.
At Crescent City Police Judge
Otto Lnngslot returned to Klam
ath Fulls Sunday night from Cres
cent City, where ho drove his fam
ily who will slay thoro for a week
or two. Mrs. Lungelot and- the
two children, Hubby and Mary,
have taken ft place al tho coaat
until early In August,
Fresno Visitor Mra. Virginia
C'urtnr ot Freano, Calif., was a
weekend visitor at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wciinnr. Mra.
Carter la a sister of Bill Whitney,
formerly assistonl managor of
Montgomery Ward and company
here and now manager of the
linker store.
KxpiTtril Hero Mury Jane Ray,
daughter of Mr. Itutb Turner of
Klnmnlh Falls, was expected to
arrive in till city Monday night
from Portland to spend several
days with her mother and her
grandmother, .Mrs. Clara Shaw.
.Mliis liny Is a stewardess on the
Portland Huso, crack Union Pa
cific train which runs botween
Portland and Cheyenne.
Heturn Homo Mr. and Mrs.
Keith K. Ambrose, Mr. and ,Mrs.
Dale Mutloou, Mr. and Mrs. O.
Muttoon, Jcanotto Fltzpatrlck and
Shirley Frances Muttoon, return
ed Sundny from Ocean Purk,
Home From Trip Mr. and M
"Bud'' llrodlo returned over the
woekend from a two weeks' vaca
tion which took them to coast re
sort. Mrs. Brodla resumed her
position as chief operator for the
Pacific Telephone and' Telegraph
company and Brodla was buck on
duly as manager of Shaw Station
ery company.
Return Smith Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Peterson and daughter, Mar
Jorlo Hall, and her guest, Roberta
White, all ot San Jose, returned
to their homes over tho weekend
aftar spending a wook as guests at
Iho Ilnraco Ilrldgeford cabin at
Lake o' tho Woods.
In North Carolina Ernest Mol
lis, manager of tho Klamath Falls
offlco of tho Southern Oregon Una
corporation, Is In Charlotte, N. C,
whore ha was called last week by
tho Illness of his mothor. Mull!
Is expected to return August 1 II
his mother's condition show im
From Clilco Marl McMillan,
who la spending tho summer In
Chlco, Cullf., with her sisters aud
n locos, drove north to Klamath
Falls the early part of the week
to look after her business Inter
est here,
Visitor Zada Cash ot Central
Point spent Thursday and Friday
in Klamath Falls as the house
guest ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Le-
incn of East Mnln Btreet.
Camping at Lake Bob Nlco-
domus and Earl Johnson are
spending two wok camping at
Luke o the Woods.
On Vacation Mrs. Bllllo Bell
1 on vacation from her dutle at
LaPolnte's, and while she I gone
Mr. Pearl Franey 1 assisting in
her placo.
At Odd! Lake Mr. and Mr.
Qua Andorson and Mr. and Mrs.
Russell McCollum spent the week
ond nt McCollum cabin at Odcll
Wash., where they have ipent the
past two weeks. They reported
oxcellont catcho ot clams, crabs
and fish and snld the water was
Called South Mr. A. J. Mc
Donald was called south tho lat
ter part of last week by tho Ill
ness of hor mothor, who lives In
Nnpa, Calif.
1 Double Load .. $ 3.00 "
10 Double Loads . . Z5.00
These Slabs are "Mill Run" and Contain All
Edgings and Slabs Mixed. This is the BEST DEAL
you will find in wood this year.
915 Market
Return Homo Mr. and Mrs.
L. Oith Slsoiuoro returned to
Klnmnlh Falls by train Sundny
morning after an fileimlvo east
ern trip which took them to At
lantic City, N. J., whore Slscmore,
who Is oiallor ruler of tho Klum
nth Full Elks ludgo, attended the
iiiilloiuil I'M k s convention, Thoy
a lno visited In New Orleans en
routo homo and enjoyed many In
teresting stops on their trip. Mrs.
Hlsemoro resumed hnr position In
tho office of Klamath county
clininber of commerce .Monday
morning, but Hlsniuuro wus con
fined lo the family homo with ft
severe summer cold which ho con
tributed to the cool air condition
ed building In tho east and tho
quick chungo lo extreme heat con
ditions out of doors.
Hhci'p claimed Thanks to
story In Tho lleruld and News the
sheriff, Lloyd L. Low, was able
to locato the owner ot seven
sheep which hud made him step
Into the rolo ot nursemaid over
tho weekend. According to Sheriff
Low tho shoop bolong to Con
Murphy, who bus been III, and
more than 33 sheep are said to
huve wundored away from the
camp on "tho other side of Pell
can City." When Murphy suw tho
story about Low and the sheep in
the paper he Immediately claimed
his flock.
Accident Reported W. A.
Luihlo. salesman for Bulslger Mo
tor company, reported s minor ac
cident near Altamont bridge July
23 to tho sheriff oftlce. Hay F,
Smiley also reported ft minor acci
dent on the Greensprlugs highway
according to the sheriff's office.
Smiley Is employed by the state
highway department as a truck
driver. A third Occident was re
ported by A. M. Curllss, contrac
tor, 14 2 East Main street, who
told officer that cows and horses
woro on tho highway near Modoc
Point. There woro no Injuries re
ported in tho three accidents.
Out of Hospital Wesley Olson,
who suffered a broken right arm
when ho fell from a horse during
lha lull rrr nn IV nit flhln tn loaVO
Klamaih Valley hospital last week ,
after receiving treatment tor his
Injury. '
Gray Arrested Forrest Valdo j
Gray, transient, was arrested by
state police on a charge oi vag
runcy and received a six months 1
suspended sentence when be ap- j
peared Monday morning before
Justice of the Peace W. B. Barnes, i
Gray Is to leave town immediately, j
Sock George Dolnn Members
of the Klamath Falls city police !
department were asked to locate j
George Dolan, 63, formerly of Jef- i
fcrson, la., who is heir to 815,000 ;
left him In a will made by his
father. Dolan is thought to be In ,
this vicinity. He Is described as j
being 6 feet 8 Inches tall and I
weighing 176 pounds. He ha also !
been located In tho past few years
at Baker and other Oregon points.
Ixisos .Money Mrs. Carl Grubb, ,
route 2, box 1065, reported to city ;
police tho loss of her purse con-;
mining 8100 In bills and 83 in all-;
vcr and a Degree of Honor rate 1
book. According to Mr. Grubb,
she waa en route home to Klamaih
Falls from Mcdford and made but j
one slop, al the Klamath Falls
Pacific lilghway junction. j
Drunk Driver Charles Snow
Edison was In the county Jail
Monday afternoon charged with
driving while drunk In ft com
plaint signed by city police. Edi
son was arraigned before Justice
of the Peace W. B. Barnes Mon
day morning and asked for time
to plead.
Visit In Lakevlcw Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Grimes and Jim ,
Grimes, Mr. Elizabeth Sanders I
and daughter, Jane, (pent the i
u'Mtnnrf In T.nkavlew on n com- '
blued business and pleasure trip.
Thoy reported extremely warm
weather In Lakevlow during their
stay there.
Visit at Jke Mr. and Mrs. T.
B. Wntters. Margaret Ann Wattore
and Roy Whltlatch and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Elliott motored to
Lako o' tho Woods Saturday.
where they spent tho weekend at
the Walter' cabin and Joined the
Farnham Wntters family spend
ing several weeks at the lake.
Specialise In Steer and Baby
Quality Always Guaranteed
Free Delivery
Louis Eschlo, Proprietor
Phone 53S
Bog of Candy Earl C. Reyn
olds, secretary of Klamath county
chamber of commerce, was
munching on a yard-long box of
candy Monday which waa sent to
him from New Orleans by Mr. and
Mra. L, Orth Hlsemoro who stop
ped In the historic old southern
city en route to Klamath Falls
from a visit on the oast coast.
Reynolds generously shared tho
candy with newspaper people and
other visitor to hi office Mon
day morning.
On Vacation Mrs. Esther
Lnwlor, stenographer In the dis
trict attorney's offices, left over
Iho weekond on a two weeks' va
cation which will take her to Los
Angeles and other points In south
ern California. Mrs. Lawler was
accompanied by her sister.
I'lnhernian Arrested Robert
L'OHtollo of Klamath Fall was ar
rested Sunday by state police and
charged with angling without ft
license on Recreation creek. Cos
tollo wa slated to appear before
Justice ot the Peace W. B. Barnes
at 2 p. m July 28,
The revival service of tho
Sigle Evangelistic party will con
tinue through this week at the
tabernacle on East Mala and
Reclamation streets.
A new feature has been added
this week In the children' work
known aa the Booster band held
at 10 . m. each day. These
Booster service began Monday
with a very encouraging number
of children present.
Slglo Is well known for his
work among children In Klam
ath Falls. Ho was formerly
pastor for five years hero In the
local First Baptlat church.
An overflow crowd listened to
Rev. Siglc's sermon Sunday at
the tabernacle.
Completely Installed in Your
A Special Range! A Special Order! A Big Saving to
You! A Range for LESS THAN ONE-THIRD the
Price You Would Pay for the Average Range!
East Side
Uhlig Electric Store
The California Oregon Power Company
City police wero busy over the
woekend chocking careless motor
ists and other violators who en
dangered the peace of the com
munity. Joe James Posplsil, 723 North
Eleventh street, arrested between
Third and Fourth streets on Main
street on Sunday, paid ft fine of
810 In answer to a charge of
reckless driving.
Reed Warren Hruska of Ros
coe, Calif., charged with viola
tion of the basic rule and ar
rested by city police at Oregon
avenue and Biehn streets, forfeit
ed S ball In Police Judge Otto
Langslet's court Monday morn
ing. Charles Kerning Cuthbertson,
91S Klamath avenue, arrested at
Sixth and Commercial streets by
city police and charged with vio
We wish to thank the more
500 Customers
who made purchases In oar
market during our opening
day on Saturday.
The New Deal
615 So. 01b
m mil
A Mew AMtomaffiic
Electric Co.
Electric Co.
lating tho baslo rule, paid ft 8
fine In court.
Wellington 0. Brower, 208
Martin street, charged with vio
lation of tbo baslo rule when he
was arrested at East Main and
Main street Saturday, paid ft
fine ot 5 In police court.
Four In the front seat wa th
charge filed against John Kaiser
ot Klamath Fulls, who was ar
rested near the Midway Inn by
city police Saturday. Kaiser for
feited 6 bull.
Charleo W. Murray, 1401 Di
vision street, faced ft similar
charge and also a no operator'
license count. He paid 85 on
each of the two count In police
court. Murray was arrested at
Sixth and Commercial streets.
Violation of the basic rule wa
the charge lodged against John
733 Main St.
Oregon Equipment Co.
Roberts & Peak Hardware Co.
Klamath Falls, Ore.
Dobbins Furniture Co
Ronald Mitchell of Modoo Point
when he was arrested at Sixth
and Walnut Sunday. Mitchell for
feited IS ball.
Herman Lofdahl, 17, 211
Spring street, charged with reck
less driving when arrested at Oak
and Commercial Sunday, wa aisl
ed to appear before Police Judgo
Langslot at 4:16 o'clock Monday
In addition thrso drunk and
one "vag" appeared In pollco
court Monday morning.
Accident Reported E. W.
Krnmer, 723 Klamath avenue,
told member ot th sheriff of
fice that hi car and another
whose driver's nam waa not
learned, aldeswlped each other on
tho highway near Klamath Agency
Sunday. There were no Injuries.
Lightest Weight
A mer two oanct of
fiao felt bold all tho com
fort and good look a
man could ask.
Th "Plsf ..,$
11: J