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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1938)
THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON July 23, 1038 Lakes and Streams Call Visitors Who Bask in Weekend Sunshine at Playgrounds PAGE SIX All-College Dance Plan Reames Country Club To Be Scene Of Sat urday Night Party. The gala affair at great Inter cut to members of the younger aet la the dancing party which la being planned by college atudenta to be held Saturday evening, July the thirtieth at Reamea Golf and Country club. The dance la a aeml-tormal affair which meana that the lovely little lassies will be swishing about In long summer frocka and the boya will turn out In their best blba and tuck era to look aa cool as possible. The hosts for the evening af fair will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holmes Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Mahr Reymers. All college students, former students and "alums," high school students and their guests and members of Reamea are bidden to the affair and it is under the direction of college atudenta. A number of Informal partlea are being planned before the dance which will be the high light of summer acttvitiea for the younger group. Herb Cochran's band haa been retained for the party. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the committee appointed to make arrange ments for the dance including Don Kirkpatrlck, chairman. University of Oregon; Tom Watters, Oregon State college; Jollene Woodruff, University of Oregon; Gordon Benson, Uni versity "of Oregon; Chuck O'Connor, Klamath high school; Mary Margaret Scott, Klamath high school; Margaret DeBolt, Klamath high achool; Jean Hauger, Reed college; Betty Hauger, Reed college; Chuck Bailey, University of Oregon and Stella Shuck, Ore gon State college. ANNIVERSARY OF COUPLE IS OBSERVED HERE Two beloved Klamath county ploneera have been honored during the past week, the occa sion being their forty-sixth wed ding anniversary. They are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Folsom of the Spring Lake dis trict " whose anniversary - fell Tuesday, July the twenty-sixth. On Thursday afternoon mem bers of the Neighbora of Wood craft motored to the Folsom ranch home where they sur prised Mr; and Mrs. Folsom, the latter being a member of the group. They brought re- (reshmenta and enjoyed . the afternoon hours. Members of the Midland grange were planning to have an all-day picnic at Spencer creek on Sunday In honor of the pioneer residents of the Spring Lake district. All members of the grange and their familiea planned to take part. Mr. and Mra. Folsom were married In Klamath Falls forty alx years ago. Mrs. Folsom waa born in Nevada and Mr. Folsom In California.. They have five living children, Mra. Agnes Dolan and Mrs. James McFar land of Klamath Falls, Mrs. Ervln Parker of Spring Lake, Mr. Ernest Folsom of Klamath Falls and Mr. Andrew Folsom of Sacramento. With the ex ception of their son in Califor nia, all members of the family will be together Sunday. IDAHO GUEST IS COMPLIMENTED WITH DINNER Mrs. Frank B. Robinson of Moscow, Idaho, was compli mented by members of her fam ily and relatives at a birthday dinner Friday evening at Rocky point which was her birthplace. Mrs. Robinson will be remem bered as Miss Pearl Leavitt and is a member of a prominent Klamath pioneer family. Dr. and Mrs. Robinson and their two children, Florence and Alfred, are spending several weeks visiting in this city with the Howard Barnhlsels and at Rocky Point with the Arthur Leavltts. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Loosley of Manzanlta street have aa their guest their granddaugh ter, Miss Barbara Loosley, who arrived Friday for a lengthy visit. Miss Loosley, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Loosley of Lancaster, California, came to this city, from Sacramento where she has been visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Joe Zwyer. Miss Loosley has numerous friends here where she has often spent her vacations. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Bogue of Merrill have as their house guests this week Mrs. Bogue'a cousin, Mrs. Charles Trost and daughter. Miss Joan Trost of San Francisco and Mrs. Trost'i nephew, Mr. Alexander Spoto rono, also of San Francisco. The visitors were honored at dinner Sunday at the Bogue ranch home. , Mr. and Mrs. Arlo 0. Samson " of Medford, who spent the past week In Klamath Falls, return ed to their home In the valley Friday morning. They plan to spend the weekend fishing at Mill creek falls In the mountains. GARDEN GROUP. TO HOLD JULY MEETING MONDAY. When members of the gar den study group of the Klam ath Falls Woman's Library club meet for the July session on Monday, July the twenty fifth, at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Carreton W. Hornibrook on Sixth and Lin coln streets, they will discuss mid-summer gardens. And they will also discuss garden peats "which have reared their ugly heads" this summer. Methods of dispos ing of the pests will be dis cussed and anyone attending the meeting is asked to come prepared and to present gar den problems of this nature. - Mrs. Hornibrook announced that a report of the annual meeting of the Oregon Federa tion of Garden clubs held In Marshfield June second and third, would be read ami dis cussed. The women will also make plans for a Joint meeting with the garden clubs of the valley which will be held in the lovely garden at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . Almo H. New ton near Malln on Sunday afternoon, July the thirty-first. BIRTHDAY IS OBSERVED AT MOORE PARK The ninth birthday anniver sary of Miss Yvette Lee Sweet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sweet, 1340 Wllford atreet was observed on Saturday, July the alxteenth, when a group of young friends enjoyed a party at the Sweet home. Following games the tradi tional birthday cake, gaily deco rated, was cut by the young hostess. Those who enjoyed the affair Included Miss Betty Jean Fowler, Miss Helen Brisco, Miss Ruth Brisco, Miss Shirley Kon- . nle. Miss Billle Jean Jackson, Miss Vantce Vauptl, Miss Lucille Keady, Miss Barbara Martin, Miss Sylvia Keady, Misa Nona Zackaris, Miss Marjorie Jean Burkhard, Miss Patty Lon Myers and Earl Zackaris, Cal vin Addklson, Malcoin Van Meter, Billle Long, Junior Spits, Carroll Holmes, Fred Holmes, Jimmle Pearson, Bob- . by Pearson, Jackie Falrchlld, Bobby Meredith, Bernard Baker, Rodney Inman, Billle Sweet and the grown-up guests, Mrs. A. Keady, Mrs. Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Sweet. . DINNER DANCE COMPLIMENTS EUGENE GUEST In compliment to her house guest, Mrs. Floyd Brown of Eugene, and her husband, Mr. George Hall, Mrs. Hall enter ' talned on Wednesday evening with a dinner dance at Cal-Ore tavern for a group of friends. Mr. Hall was given a birthday remembrance when the guests presented him with an attrac tive electric clock. Guests at dinner Included Mrs. Floyd Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph R. Proebstel, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Elliot, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beane, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ostendorf, Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Glascoe, Mrs. Clara Shaw, Mrs. Ruth Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Langslet, Dr. D. R. Haylor, Dr. S. G. Noles and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. George Hall. SHOWER HONORS RECENT BRIDE JULY FIFTEENTH Mrs. Melvin Pyles, the former Miss Beverly Beck, was honored Friday afternoon, July the fif teenth, when Mrs. Ben Trippett entertained wtb a miscellaneous shower at her home on North Third street. ' Games were played during the afternoon after which the guest was presented with many Interesting gifts. Those honoring Mrs. Pyles were Mrs. Donna Wicklander, Mrs. Robert Anderson, Mrs. Dorothy Lemire, Mrs. Leatha Brumble, Miss Julia Brake, Miss Cora Ray Hallett, Mrs. Leo L. Beck and the hostess, Mrs. Trippett. . Visitors From East Entertained Hera Among the summer visitors who were being entertained this past week were Mrs. Caryl C. Carson and two children, John and Marjorie Ann, of Hartford, Connecticut, who were guests at the George Barth home on Mon Claire street. The mother of Mrs. Carson and Mrs. Barth, Mrs. John T. Collins of Salem, was another gueat at the Barth home. Mrs. Carson and chil dren are spending most of the Summer In the west and be fore coming here ' visited in Salem, Frame Guests Ara Visitor, in Klamath Mrs. W. H. Tradewell and her young daughter, Jane Louise, spent Tuesday and Wed nesday as the guesta of Mr. and Mrs. DeLos Mills In Pine Drove. Mrs. Tradewell . now makes her home In Fresno and Is the former Miss Margaret Macken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Macken of Klamath Falls. t 1 i ss v:. I if DINNER GIVEN IN HONOR OF ANNIVERSARY Mrs. Fred Hellbronner pre sided as hostess at a prettily appointed dinner party last Saturday evening when she en tertained at her home on Fre mont street in honor of Mr. Heilbronner's birthday. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Rea of Cor vallls, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rueck and son Buddy of Bon anza, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hellbronner and children. Following the dinner hour, an informal evening was en Joyed when other guests call ed, Including Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Robinson and son, Willard, Mr. and Mra. C. C. Volght, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis, Miss Roxle Lewis, Miss Evelyn Deal and Mr. Harry Welch man. SEWING CLUB ENJOYS PICNIC IN MOORE PARK Members of the Thursday Sewing club of Mt. Lakl met for a picnic at Moore park on Thursday, July the fourteenth. The next meeting of the group will be held at the home of Mrs. Gladys Cheyne, July, the twenty eighth. Those who enjoyed the pic nic were Mrs. Lois Hill, Mrs. Gladys Cheyne, Mrs. Leona Quails, Mrs. Doris Smith, Mrs. Dorothy Jackson, Mrs. Wln neta Brannon, Mrs. Leona Hayes, Mrs. Florence DeLap, Mrs. Freida Enman, Mrs. Jean nette Jackson, Mrs. Olive Mar shall, Mrs. Mamie Brandejsky, Miss Amy Johnson and Miss Ida May Kandra. Past Matrons Plan Picnic in Park Members of the Past Ma trons club. Order of Eastern Star, will meet at Moore park Wednesday, July twenty seventh, where they will en Joy a no-hostess picnic lunch at one o'clock. Mrs. E. H. Balslger is chair man in charge of the general arrangements; Mrs. H. G. Wortley and Mrs. Wilbur Jones are in charge of the en tertainment. 4 Mrs. Johnson Is Hostess At La Ice Mrs. 0- J- Johnson entertain ed a group of friends at her cabin at Lake of the Woods Wednesday with an all-day picnic and bridge party. Mr. and Mrs. William May hew Jr., mIbs June Maybew and Miss Luana Johnson will be guests at the Johnson summer home Sunday. Party Is Given For Summer Guests ' For the pleasure of two charming Klamath Falls sum mer visitors, Mrs. Floyd Brown of Eugene, the bouse guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Hall of North Third street, and Mrs. Clyde Bonnruff or Paisley, Mrs. John Holzgang invited a few friends to a swimming party and luncheon at her home, 830 Cali fornia avenue, on Thursday, Proebstels Will Lease Ferguson Horn Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph R. Proebstel, who have made their home at 2022 Main street, have taken the Guy Ferguson home on Jefferson which they have leased. The Fergusons will make'thelr home in Reno, Ne vada, ji WIBIWM.' '" - 1 rr r. V LYLE AND MARSHA LOIS This charming little brother and sister ara the son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DeLos Mills of Pino Grove. On Tuesday, July the nineteenth, Marsha Lois helped cut her. first birthday calte at a family dinner party. Lyle and Marsha Lois are the grand children of Mr. end Mrs. L. O. Mills, prominent Klamath residents. Kennell-Ellis Picture. Miss Stanley Recent Bride Popular Members of Younger Set Wed Saturday. One of the prettiest of the July brides was Miss Helen Stanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stanley of 1130 Lincoln street, who became the bride of Mr. James L. Crapo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon' Crapo of Klamath Falls, at an eight o'clock ceremony at the Stanley home Saturday eve- : nlng. .J Rev. J. C. Orr of the Im . manuel ' Baptist church read the ring ceremony In the pres ence of a group of friends and members of tbe family. The bride wore a summer suit of shell pink sIlJc with white accessories. Her shoulder corsage was of rosebuds and gardenias. Mrs. Russell Brackman, her attendant, wore a sheer navy frock with white accessories and also wore a shoulder corsage of rosebuds and gar denias. Mr. Russell Brackman was best man. Following the ceremony a buffet supper was served by tbe bride's mother assisted by Miss Marion Stanley, sister of the bride. Miss Stanley wore a navy blue sheer frock of chiffon with white. The bride cut a prettily dec orated three-tiered wedding cake. Guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Crapo, Rev. Orr, Miss Doris Rogers, and members Of the wedding party. Mr. and Mrs. Crapo, popular members of the younger set, will make their home on-North Eleventh street. ii ,4 f, ji ' LEAVING KLAMATH Miss Fonita Ferguson, attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ferguson, has been complimented with many affairs prior to her departure for Reno where she will make her home with her parents. Miss Ferguson is a popular member of the younger set and active in affairs here. Konnoll-Ellis Piclurs. . vSf -I I x , LAKE O' WOODS SUMMER HOME IS SCENE OF PARTY No more beautiful lake In the west exists than Lake o' the Woods, fairly at Klamath Falls' front door and those who have cabins at tho lako are fully aware of their good fortune (o have such a charming spot in which to spend the warm sum mer days. At tho C. H. Daggett summer home this week Miss Marljane Daggett and Miss Carolyn Dag gett have entertained a group of the younger set Including Miss Edna Mao Thomas, Miss Helen I.ols Wlnnlngham, Miss Mary Lou Montgomery and Miss Botty Lou Drake. Tbe group spent this week there and will return this weekend from the resort. . MARGARET DYCHE CHOOSES DATE OF WEDDING Of Interest to members of the younger set Is the early fall wedding of Miss Margaret Dyche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Dyche, 634 North Eleventh street, whose be trothal to Mr. Bernard F. Du Fresne was told In mid-June. Miss Dyche has chosen Sep tember the tenth as the date of ber wedding. Mr. DuFresne is a son of Mrs. A. F. Du Fresne of Portland. Both are popular members of the younger set. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Weimar bavo as a guest at their home on Conger avenue, Mrs. Walter Clark of Fresno, Cali fornia. Mrs. Clark 'Is en rout home after visiting In Baker and other Oregon cities and stopped hero for several days. She expects to continue her trip Sunday evening. - 1 Riding Popular Warm Evenings Are Enjoyed by Group This Summer. Warm nights, with halmy bi cries Mowing from the moun tain peaks and off the slightly lurried lakes sounds nioro like a chamber of commerce book let than the description of the past two weeks which Klamath Falls has enjoyed. Those who have been riding this summer liavo been taking advuutaiio of the evenings and on Sunday took their horses over over the hills In back of the city and rode out to Lako ihoro Inn whore they had din ner and danced, returning to town with tholr mounts by the light of a late, silver moon. This Is the first time those who have been riding have en Joyed such an affair but plans for additional ones later In the summer aro being mado. Those In tho party wore Mr. and Mrs. Louis Serruys, Mr. anil Mrs. Rudolph R. 1'roobstel, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kvnna, Mr. and Mrs. Robert nurlelRli, Mr. and Mrs. Webb Kennott, Mr. and Mrs. Kugene Larsen, Mrs. F. Cecil Adams. Mrs. Mabel Bishop, Mrs. Otto Langslet, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. O'Neill and Mr. Charley Read. MRS. HANVILLE HONORED GUEST AT LUNCHEON Honoring Mra. Howard Han vllle, whose birthday occurred Monday of this weok, Mrs. Ben Pcrnlgottt Invited guests for an afternoon of cards and ten at her home, 2135 Eberllne street, on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Hnnvllle received many birthday gifts on the occasion of her anniversary. Bridge was played with high score hold by Mrs. L. F. Costel, second high by Mrs. Edward II. Kllever and low to Mrs. George Clark, Jr. Bowls of pink sweelpeas with baby's breath was used about the rooms of the 1'ornlgottl home. Those bidden to the af fair were Mrs. Hnnvllle, Mrs. L. Stephens, Mrs. George Clark, Jr., Mrs. William Van Dunkirk, Mrs. John Salts. Mrs. L. F. Cos tel, Mrs. Kdward 11. Kllever and Mrs. H. J. Ellis. MRS. SANFORD IS HOSTESS TO CLUB WEDNESDAY Mrs. Ollle Sanford enter tained the Young Ladles Social club at nor home on Shasta Way Wednesday afternoon of this week. A business meeting was held and plans were made for an all day picnic at Lake o' the Woods on July, the thirty first. Those present were Mrs. Ruth Brltton. Mrs. June Docge, Mrs. Mary Hayden, Mrs. Anna Vaun Holland, Mrs. Helen Keller, Mrs. Bertha McKIm, Mrs. Anna Nicholson Mrs. Eva Prat her, Mrs. Lois Swisher, Mrs. Virginia West and Mrs. Nora Shepard. Refreshments were served late In tbe afternoon by Mrs. San ford assisted by Mrs. McKIm. MRS. JESCHKE HONOR GUEST ON THURSDAY. Mrs. R. E. Jeschka was hon ored by a group of friends at a miscellaneous shower Thurs day afternoon, July twenty first, at her home at 1501 Lowell street. Mrs. Lloyd Lit tlefleld was hostess. Guosts bidden to tbe shower were: Mrs. Nettle Bell, Mrs. Rita Morris, Mrs. Gertrude Wil liams, Mrs. Rhoda Arnott, Mrs, R. B. Grey, Mrs. Ida Rowe, Mrs. Beth Griggs and Mrs. Charles M. Reynolds, Mrs. Jeschke received many lovoly gifts. The afternoon was spent In sewing, after which delicious refreshments were sorved by the hostess, Mr. and Mra. V. J. Josephson have had as their house guests during the past week Mr. Joa ephson's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Atkinson and two chil dren, Sharlene and Bobby, of Whlttler, California. Mrs. Ells worth Magnusson of Whlttler was also a member of the party, The Josephsons motored with their guests to Crater lake where they spent one day and also visited other scenic spots In Klamath county. - When You've Tried It You'll Want To Tell Your Neighbor! Remove Htnlns Hoftens the Skin CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS "Tho Friendly Drug Store" Dth and Main Phone HO 501 & $1 J SEATTLE SHOWER IS GIVEN KLAMATH BRIDE RECENTLY One of tho nicest gestures have hoard about for a long lime was made by a group nf relatives and Intimate friends who jtnthorod In Seattle and had a shower party for a rocont Klnmnth Falls bride. Tho bride Is Mra. Kred Cum mins, tho former Miss llonltn Durni'ha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Dtiracha, 633 Kldor ado, and the early pnrt of the weok the postman brought sev eral large bones containing bridal gifts from the north. The shower was hold at the home of tho brldo's mint, Mrs, A. P. Aloxandor, 1528 Thirty Second avonuo In Seattle. PARTY HONORS MRS. GARDNER MONDAY NIGHT Mrs. Enrl Gardner, who will he romemborod as Mrs. Loda Park er, was complimented with one nf tho nlcost parties of tho (lim ine i- when Mra. A. U. linckos, Mrs. Hurry Balhlany and Mrs. Martha MrCollum entertained a group of friends who called at Mrs. Gardner's home In the Hunt apartments Monday eve ning. Lovely arrangements of lilies and gladioli were used about the rooms. Games were played with prises going to Miss Cath erine Oaylord, Mrs. Maude MeU ton and Mrs. H. D. Park. Mrs. Gardner waa presented with a floor lamp as a wedding gift from the group. Guosts who complimented Mrs. Gardner Included Mrs. Wil liam I.orcni, Mrs. Henri Cod radl, Mrs. Charles Garcolon, Mrs. Ellsworth Allen, Mrs. Joseph Enrloy, Mrs. Myrtle Helm, Mrs. Grace Klntgen, Mrs. Arthur Porter, Mrs. Maude Mel ton, Mrs. Clara Shaw, Mrs. John Kenoffol, Mrs. Bessie Wilkin, Mrs. II. D. Park. Mrs. Josophlne 1'enrod, Mrs. Gertrude Moore, Mrs, Gwendolyn Wright, Mrs. Charles Eaton, Mrs. Stephen Sabo, Mrs. C. E. Dentils, Mrs. Harney Brunk, Mrs. Jean llohe, Miss Aubrey Holloway, Mrs. A. A. Ward, Mrs. Sarah Brooks, Miss Catherine Gaylord, and the hostesses. BIRTHDAY IS OBSERVED THIS WEEK BY HOSTESS Little Robert Van Vector, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton K. Van Vector, observed his fourth birthday on Monday, July the eighteenth. A group of playmates playsd on the grass at Moore park dur ing the aftornoon and Robert cut a birthday cake later In the day. Thoso who shared In the cake were Jean and Barton Adams, Sylvia Hlllla, Robert Bosworth, Roger Klahn. Connie Hunt. Sara and Angus Stewart and Dick and David Dlackmer. Ltnd-a-Hand Circle Picnics In Ashland On Thursday, July the four teenth, twenty one members of the Lend-A-Hand Circle drove from Klamath Falls to Llthla park in Ashland, for a plcnlo lunch. There were several , visitors from the valley. Includ ing Mrs. Will W. Wood of the Community hospital of Ashland. A very enjoyable occasion was reported, despite tbe warm weather, Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin, who has been spending the past several weeks with her family at tholr summer cottage at Lake o' the Woods, has left for Portland, where she will visit over the weekend. Upon hor return Mrs. Martin expects to remain In the city until the latter part of the week when she will roturn to the lake. "LET GEORGE DO IT" SWISS WATCH REPAIR SPECIALIST I A COMPLETE LINE "H OF JEWELRY GEO. METZ 837 Main Watchmaker and Jeweler NOW. . . Enjoy Records Thru WITH AMAZING RECORD PLAYER I DERBY'S JIT Ho. 7lh Birthday Observed R. E. Wattenburg Is Honored Willi Parly Thursday Night, Honoring the hlrlhdny an niversary of Mr. II. K. Wat lenhiirg, pioneer resilient of Klamath Falls, Mrs. Wultvn burg asked a Iuiko number of friends to their lioinn on l'lue street Thursday evening. During the early hours Mrs. K. I), Lamb showed smno vary Interesting colored lunvla films of her visit to Washington, l. C and thoso taken throiiKli the national parka which the Lambs havo vlsltod. Mrs. Mnrlon Hunks, on be half of mom horn of Hie Art Neeilla Work club of which Mrs. Walteiilnii'g has long been a member, presonted Mr. Waltonbiirg with a hassock as a token of tholr frleinlxlilp. Supper was sorved at a late hour to the guests by Mis. Waltonbiirg. The host rut his birthday cake mndo by Mrs. M. H. Illdon. M ambers of ANW club and tholr husbands who attonded the party were Mr. and Mrs. ' L. O. Mills, Dr. and Mrs. J. Calvin Hunt, Dr. and Mrs. U L. Truss, Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. George Chutaln, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Martin, Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. llrown. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall, Mr. and Mrs. Wll. bur Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Parker, Mrs. Rufus Moore, Mrs. Marlon Hanks, Mrs. J. F, Goeller, Mrs. W. P. McMillan, Mrs. George llurn, and Mrs, Goorge Wlrts. Other old friends who were Invited for (he evening were Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Collier, ' Mr. and Mrs. 0. Murdoch, Mra. E. D. Lamb, Mrs. Thomas Hampton, Mrs. Lula Hill, Mrs. Myrtle Helm, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mud, Mrs. Mary Me nu re, Miss Mary Stewart, and Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Olden. PIONEER PICNIC OF INTEREST TO KLAMATH COUNTY Plans for the first annual pioneer plcnlo which Is being sponsored by the Klamath Pi oneer association, are rapidly being comploled and thoso In chargo claim that It will bo one of the most Interesting affairs of the year. , Old timers and pioneers wilt "swap" yarns of early Kliimntli county days and the men and women who figured In early history are eipocled to come from far and near to ronow old friendships. Mr. B. W. Vannlre Is chair man of the picnic which will be -an all-day affair and plannod for Sunday, July the thirty first in Moore park, A basket lunch will bo sorved at noon and those planning to attend are asked to bring tholr lunches and table service. There will be coffee and lomonsde served. Readers Announce Birth of Son Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Reeder of Pacific Terrace are recolvlng felicitations of their many friends over the birth of son, their first child, horn on Tues day, July the nineteenth at Klamath Valloy hospital. Mrs. Reeder Is the former Miss Aagodt Frlgaard. The little fellow has been named David Dalmer, Mr, and Mrs. William Serruys and their daughter, Miss Mary Alice, are spending this month at San Luis Oblspe. They will visit for a time with -Mr, and . Mra. Samuel J. Coull and son. Tommy, formorly of Klamath rmin and uui. ivmuing in tuw south. " .' tK.II- J n ... ..UI. I ,kA Your Radio NEW Attached easily, quickly list Price $14.95! MUSIC CO. Phono flTO 748 A